April 14, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 53 WESTMOOR TRAIL IN WINNETKA An entirely new layout for West- moor Trail has been made possible by the addition of the 175 feet on the South, thus placing under one control this beautiful property at the foot of Westmoor Road extending from Hib- bard Road west to the Community Golf Course. The artist's sketch shown on this page is by Arthur Dean, drawn to scale from plans by Windes & Marsh, Village Engineers, who have just com- pleted plans for improvements to go in early this summer, in time for this season's building. Everything possible has been done not only to preserve the beauty, but add to it. Parkways for example, in the center, thus protecting the row of beautiful trees on the dividing line, in the middle of the roadway. No unsightly telephone poles or electric lines--everything is to be un- derground. The roadway is to be of reinforced concrete 18 feet in width, except where the parkways are located, in which case there will be 9 feet provided on either side, giving a beautiful contour instead of straight lines. All improvements are to be put in under one operation, provision being made for Sanitary Sewer, storm water drainage, gas, electric light and power and telephone conduits, paving and 3 foot sidewalk on the South Side of the drive, contiguous to it. This drive will continue to the East line of the two lots on the West end where a turn-a-round is provided inasmuch as this will be a dead-end roadway, the Community Golf Course and Village Park adjoining the property on the West. High and Dry This is one of the few available localities in Winnetka overlooking the beautiful Skokie Valley, remaihing high and dry. The recent high water demonstrated this most conclusively. Water does seek the low spots. With a large portion of Skokie playfield under water--water over the roadway on Hibbard between Elm and Spruce --and Elm and Oak Street--while at Westmoor high and dry--a difference in elevation of approximately 8 or 10 feet. The two lots on the extreme West end of Westmoor, approximately fifty feet on the extreme West end, had a few inches, of water which will be taken care of by fill from a pool to be constructed there to beautify the two end lots. There will be more heavy rains this spring--don't fool yourself by looking from your car parked on Hibbard Road. Get out and walk clear down to the end and satisfy yourself, be- cause from the roadway you will see water to the West on Skokie Play- field, to the South and a little patch to the North. Looking from the road- way unless you know definitely where the West line is, you may erroneously conclude that a part of Westmoor Trail may be under-water. Walk down and satisfy yourself. If you are look- ing for a beautiful home-site, don't deprive yourself of the beauty of this location by a 'bug-a-boo' that doesn't exist. Restrictions Assure High-Class Homes Size of Plots One of the first things necessary to assure a desirable home-site is the size of the plots to be built upon. This has already been provided. The two lots on the West end, overlooking the Golf Course or Village Park, front 208 feet on Westmoor, the one on the North having a depth of 165 feet and the one on the South having a depth Verio TE BARD ROAD ET ne aie C TIVYL HOOWLSIM of 175 feet. Immediately adjoining lots on the East have a frontage of 150 feet, and the remainder continuing East having a frontage of 125 feet each, except for the two lots on Hib- bard Road, which have a frontage on Westmoor of 175 feet each. Homes shall be built not nearer than 30 feet from the East and West divid- ing lines, assuring at least 60 feet be- tween houses, yet giving ample space for the construction of beautiful homes of any desired type. No de- tached garages or outbuildings--each home to be one harmonious whole. Homes restricted to cost not less than $20,000.00. Everything will be new-- landscaping to beautify and not to ob- scure. Advantages of Location Here you have the advantages of the country plus all of the con- veniences of the Village; off the main thoroughfare; no through traffic to endanger your children or disturb your peace of mind; freedom from dust and smoke and dirt. Quiet--peaceful--serene--and beauti- ful. Where nature is working con- tinuously to keep you duly appreciative of her grandeur--painting beautiful pictures--ever changing--to fit all moods. Schools Nearby Primary school a quarter mile, Skokie Junior High a half mile, makes easy walking distance for your chil- dren. Less than a mile to the Hubbard Woods Station, a little more to the Elm Street Station. A Community Golf Course at your door, a round before breakfast and still make your regular train, or a round after the daily grind and home for dinner. A playfield for your chil- dren. Can anything offer more? Will you be satisfied with anything less? At Reasonable Prices The plots already sold have been purchased by Winnetka residents who have looked for years for more desir- able Winnetka locations -- men who know values--who appreciate its ad- vantages. Call me up and make an appoint- ment to see Westmoor Trail. If it is worth considering at all, it is worth having all its advantages pointed out which may not be apparent by casually driving by. Get all the facts, consider all the advantages, find out who your neighbors will be, what the plan of de- velopment is, then decide. There are so few tracts available-- and, once gone--always GONE. The price won't deter you because it is much less than anything coin- parable. GLEN C. BULL 500 Maple Avenue Phone Winnetka 1016