April 21, 1928 WINNETKA TALK "13 New Trier Debate Team Prepared for Extensive Schedule Under the supervision of Coach Chester MacLean, the New Trier de- baters are ready to face their oppon- ents. A heavy schedule has been ar- ranged, which promises to keep them busy. The question to be debated is: "Resolved, that the essential features of the McNary-Haugen bill should be enacted into federal law." Representing New Trier on the affirmative side are: Rollin Simmonds (captain); Robert Forester, Duncan Clarke, Fred Fielding, and Jeanne Baumgartl (alternate), while on the negative side are: Frank Gilchrist (captain) ; David Schmid, Park Cham- berlain, Peggy Galagher, and Alfred Romig (alternate). Coach MacLean is confident of suc- cess from this selected group. A tentative schedule of meets is pre- sented herewith: Urbana, Ill, April 20; Austin, Ill, May 11; South Bend, Ind, May 17; Cleveland, Ohio, May 18. The team plans to present its case before a group of farmers at Union Grove, Wis.,, some time this spring. It appeared before the Wilmette Ro- tary club Wednesday of this week. North Tenth Street Improvement is Made The unpaved section of Tenth street between Chestnut street and Sheridan road; "No Man's Land," has been temporarily conditioned for travel by the addition of a coating of gravel. The work was done by Township Highway Commissioner J. A. Williams, who announces he will continue to maintain it in a passable condition until permanent improvement Kenilworth Makes Muzzle Ordinance Part of Code An ordinance making it compulsory to muzzle all dogs running at large in the Village of Kenilworth and pre- scribing conditions and penalties in connection therewith, was made a part of the Village code by the Village board at its meeting on Thursday of last week. The ordinance was passed, it was explained, because it was considered absolutely necessary as a matter of protection to the life and health of residents of the Village. Due to the unusual prevalence of rabies in the Chicago area, as disclosed by the re- port of the State and City boards of health, and the lack of co-operation on the part of Village residents in ob- servation of proclamations of the past, it was considered necessary to make it a regular part of the ordinance, mandatory upon all citizens. The ordinance follows closely the provisions of a similar ordinance passed by the City of Evanston and among other provisions provides for the impounding of dogs without muz- zles and, providing they are not claimed after notification of the own- er, the killing of them. ALUMNAE ENTERTAIN The Smith College alumnae of the north shore are to give a party on April 24, at the home of Mrs. Phil Barber, 159 Lake avenue, Glencoe. All who have attended the college are asked to attend. Reservations are to be made with Mrs. F. L. Chapman, Winnetka 1797. There will be bridge at 2 and tea at 4:30, and guests may attend either or both. Mrs. J. C. Carpenter of Essex road. Kenilworth entertained informally for Mrs. Lloyd Crossett, mother of Mrs. George Kingsley, and for Miss Mary Olmsted, aunt of Mrs. Bently McCloud, on Saturday of last week. is ordered. I With golf and tennis days just 'round the corner sports clothes assume paramount im- portance. Whether you like a turn on the links, or the more leisurely pleasure of a hand at bridge on the club veranda, you will find among our new SPORTS COSTUMES-- --the correctly smart outfit for country club wear! Knitted costumes in two and three-piece effects feature the modish boucle and other novelty weaves . . . while colors are as daring or discreet as you wish. Priced from 316.75 up Also, gay sweaters and slimly pleated skirts. 565 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka BENEFIT BRIDGE A SUCCESS The bridge party given by the Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae association last Wednesday afternoon at the Evanston Country club was a success from the standpoint of the guests who were de- lightfully entertained and of the va- rious committees who felt well repaid for their strenuous work. There were about eight hundred present and the money raised will make a substantial contribution to the house fund. Pi Beta Phi founder's day will be celebrated by a luncheon at the North Shore hotel Saturday, April 21. EXPERT LAUNDRESS will do your woolen blankets, curtains, and wash silk dresses. Call for and deliver. Winnetka 1687 Winnetka Co --FUEL OIL-- The exact grade for each and every burner Immediate Delivery Telephone Winnetka 734-5-6 al-Lumber Co. Packed in 100, 50, 25 and 5 Ib. bags. THOMAS Tree A properly balanced, concentrated plant food mixture for grass, flowers, trees, shrubs and vegetables. JIrmours Lawn and Garden Grower No offensive cdor No weed seed Easy to apply Results quick and positive Complete instructions for application en every bag, For Sale by J. LYNCH Surgeon E. C. WEISSENBERG Building Material Telephones 12 and 1294 Winnetka