April 21, 1928 ; WINNETKA TALK 37 comm ne EE EEL EE EEE EE css Ge Introducing "Finesse" A New Foundation Garment That Further Distinguishes Rosenberg's Corset Service Rosenberg's corset service identifies itself only with those foundation garments of widespread recognition. _ Corsetieres adept in the art of fitting these garments are always happy to consult with you, that you may have just the right garment for your type of figure. "Finesse" by Treo is really a marvelous garment. It has no hooks, no bones, no attachments of any kind. It is slipped on and off in a moment. It weighs less than eight ounces. It adjusts itself instantly to the figure. Its secret lies in its special mesh elastic. "'Finesse" warrants a visit just to see it. $8.50 $10 and $12 Corsets--West Room--Second Floor ROSENBERGS Davis Street ~ Downtown Evanston LEE EEE EET EEE ETE E--.,. eet eS Te CT YT TTT