42 WINNETKA TALK April 28, 1928 LAST WEEK OF BARRY'S REMOVAL SALE After May lst, we will move to our new store, 806-810 Grove Street. BUY FLOOR COVERING NOW This is a real removal sale, where QUALITY and PRICE mean much to the buyer. DAVID G. BARRY Cleaning and Rrepairing 514 DAVIS STREET UNIVERSITY 5712 ACE OF CLUBS HOSTESS Miss Margaret Stults, gqaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stults, 418 Sheri- dan road, Winnetka is entertaining the Ace of Clubs today. Plans will be completed for the coming house party for the week-end of May 4, when Mrs. Neil H. Gates of 435 Willow road, Winnetka will entertain the club in honor of her daughter, at "Terra Cotta," the Gates' summer home. The Current Topics club will meet at the home of Mrs. William Morse, 433 Provident avenue, May 4, at 2 o'clock. ORRINGTON DISPLAY Many Interesting Titles Included in Current Exhibit by Art League The following paintings comprise the first Evanston exhibit of the North Shore Art league, now hung at the Orrington hotel under auspices of the University guild and the Evanston Art commission : "Spring Awakening," Wilfrid C. Bar- ton; "September on the Skokie," Wilfrid C. Barton; 'Natalie," Sara Crosby Buck; "A Corner of the Courtyard," Grace P. Brion; "Portrait Sketch," Anita West Bills; 'Flower Study," Anita Willets Burnham; "Decoration," Anita Willets Burnham; "Slumber," Carol Lou Burn- ham; "The Old Chestnut on Long Island," A. F. Brooks; '"Autumn," A. F. Brooks; 'Nancy and Elizabeth," Eliza- beth Boldenweck; '"Canoe-land," R. Fayerweather Babcock; "Still Life,' Francis T. Bowman; "The Spanish Girl," Harold Clark; 'The Fresias," Harold Clark; "At the Ford," Edna Rogerson Cook; "On Lincoln Street," Edna Roger- son Cook; "Portrait, Dorothy Dickinson," Cora Gould Davies; 'Portrait Study," Cora Gould Davies; "Mary Lee," Pauline Graf Davis; "The Circus," Pauline Graf Davis; "The Parrot and the Wooley Worm," Jeannelle Dennis; 'January Snow, Burnham Woods," Jeannelle Dennis; "The Lure of the Road," B. L. Davis; "The Lighthouse," Robert L. Elliott; 'Kawartha Shore," Robert L. Elliott; "Dawn, Riviera," Percy B. Eck- hart; two etchings entered by Eliza- beth Engelhard; "Russian Peasant," Hazel Ewell; "Portrait, Mrs. Heyda," Hazel Ewell; '"Archer," James Cady Ewell; "Bust of Albert G. Lane," James Cady Ewell; "The Harbor--Gloucester," Bertha Walker Glass; 'White Sails," Bertha Walker Glass; "Yellow House," Eleanor B. Hatch; '"Provincetown"-- Sketch Class, Eleanor B. Hatch; "Spring Offering," Grace H. Haskins; "Landscape," Rudolph Ingerle; "Land- scape," Rudolph TIngerle; "Departure of the Fleet," Alice Mae Jackson; "Gypsy Wanderings," Alice Mae Jackson; "Skokie," Jane Johnson; "Romanse," Helena Chase Johnson; "Milk Street," Helena, Chase Johnson; "Practice," Edna May Johansen; "A Dunes Trail," W. T. Jones; "Near Tremont," W. T. Jones; "Portrait," Irma Keehn; 'Skokie Valley," Irma Keehn; "Illumination," Julia Ricketts King; 'Acacia and Other Things," Rene Lavenant; "Portrait," Mrs. Elizabeth Millard; "Mrs. E. W. J. Holden," Francis Buell Mullen; 'Miss Merryweather," Francis Buell Mullen; "Girl in Furs," Leslie Raymond Nash; "Sketch of H. Wulf," Leslie Raymond Nash; "Last Leaves," Frank Peyraud; "Tulips," Elizabeth Krysher Peyraud; "Child's Head," Elizabeth Peyraud; "The Pines," Allen Philbrick; "View from Thunder Mountain," Hazel Bell Risk; "Skokie Marsh," Lionel Robertson; "Sun- shine in the Woods," Mitah K. Shippen; "Autumn Comes to the Country," Mar- guerite C. Taylor; 'Afternoon Sunshine-- Gloucester," Marguerite Calkins Taylor; "Road at Rockyneck," Helen J. Taylor; "At the Dock, Gloucester," Helen Tay- lor; "Winter Evening--Sweden," Hugo Von Hofgten; "Poppies, California," Hugo Von Hofsten; '"A Break in the Cloud," F. M. Wheeler; "Maine Coast," F. F. Wheeler; "A Corner in the Rosen- wald Garden," Winifred Wilson; 'White Bowl," Winifred Wilson. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Demski, 1059 Chatfield road, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Vera, to Edward Whitcomb, son of Mrs. Minnie Whitcomb of Deerfield. The wedding will take place early in June. BLOOMAID Is a complete fertilizer with ex- ceptionally high analysis, scien- tifically prepared and manu- factured by one of the largest and most reliable manufacturers in the United States. BLOOMAID will assist you in a finer lawn and better garden. 100 pound bag ....... $5.00 25 pound bag ...... -$1.75 For Sale by Frank Borovicka FLORIST AND LANDSCAPE GARDENER 748 Center Street Winnetka, Illinois Telephone Winnetka 283