WINNETKA "TALK May 19, 1928 TO SPEND SUMMER AWAY Several of the Winnetka residents who already have arranged their summer plans are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pea- body Butler of Private road, who are going to Nantucket, Mrs. William Browne Hale of 900 Willow road who plans to spend her summer at Martha's Vineyard, and the Rev. James Austin Richards and family of 729 Lincoln avenue who will go to their summer home near Bridgeton, Maine. Mrs. Richards, her daughter, Laura, and her son, James, will leave the last week in June and Mr. Richards will leave later in July. Ld --Radio-- Sets Repairs--Accessories o --Movies-- Cameras Projectors--Films --Records-- Releases Thrice Monthly Radio Service Shop 2 Carlton Bldg. Winnetka 1840 INSURANCE! All Its Branches IS YOUR PROPERTY FULLY INSURED? Now, before it's too late, you'd {| better check up on your insurance. Whether it's your Home, Furniture or Automobile--I write it-- --also-- Loans--Financing CLARK T. NORTHRUP Rm. 4, Franklin Bldg. Phone 1467 Winn. Haessler Dancers to Give "Sleeping Beauty" May 26 Children and grownups who saw the dance pantomime of Cinderella at Ravinia Park last summer will be in- terested to know that "The Sleeping Beauty" has been worked up by the same dancers under the direction of Mildred Haessler to be given at the Ravinia Village House Saturday, May 26, at 7:45 o'clock. A children's matinee will be given the preceding Friday at 4 o'clock. Both perform- ances are for the benefit of the fur- nishings fund of the new Ravinia auditorium, in which they are to be given. Just as in the Ravinia Park produc- tion, all the fairy glamor has been preserved while the interpretation of the action in the dance heightens the romantic effects. The costumes and sets are designed by Mrs. James Cady Ewell of tht North Shore Art league. Several of the Haessler dancers ap- peared in numbers in Winnetka last fall before the North Shore Art league. Mrs. Eza R. Martin, who lives with her son, Albert B. Martin, at 997 Vine street, left Wednesday for a visit of several weeks in Galesburg, IIL PALACE MEAT MARKET Formerly Vollman's Market 796 ELM STREET WINNETKA PHONES 4 and 333 COME TO THE PALACE Better Meats Headquarters for Cleaner Meats PEACOCK HAMS AND BACON "The Finest in the Land"' Special Rib Roast Ib. Boneless Beef 29s¢ 6to 8 1b. Fancy LEG of LAMB aver., Ib. 33@ Wapsie Valley Butter 46c¢ Extra Qual- ity, Ib. Fresh Little Pig Hams 6 to rh, av., 17 ¢ Tender, Juicy Sirloin Steaks b. 45¢ We carry a full line of fresh and smoked fish every Thursday and Friday Swift's Premium Ham (whole) 2215 € Boneless Leg of Lamb b. 32¢ Choice Cut of Pot Roast Ib. 191,@ to 26¢ We sell the Famous Wapsie Valley Poultry Village Manager Woolhiser Makes Report for Year The annual report of Village Mana- ger H. I. Woolhiser was presented to the Village council Tuesday evening, reviewing the work of the several Village departments for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1928 and outlining a program of activity for the year ahead. ; It was a most thorough and compre- hensive work, on which President H. F. Tenney and other members of the council took occasion to express highly complimentary appreciation. The report, in its complete form will be printed in WINNETKA TALK, the first installment of which appears on anoth- er page this week. Village Manager Woolhiser also transmitted to the Council, annual reports of the Fire department, Health department and Street department, which also will be published in subse- quent issues of WINNETKA TALK. Following adjournment, the Council met as a committee of the whole, to consider details of the corporate budget for 1928-29. REMODEL OLD HOME The old Klotz residence at Humbolt and Prospect, purchased some time ago by Dr. Ralph C. Brown, of Evanston, has been completely remodeled by Con- tractor L. G. Vincent, according to plans by Architect C. H. Walcott, both of Winnetka. The house is of the old frame colonial type, comprising twelve rooms, four bathrooms and three fire places, and is located on a large tract of heavily wooded ground. Miss Florence Taylor and Miss Jane Gillespie are entertaining at a luncheon and bridge today at 1 o'clock at the home of Miss Taylor, 508 Cherry street. Summer Demands a Fresh Appearance UITE as important as your Q new summer wardrobe is your Hair treatments, shampoos, bobs and hair dressing summer toilette. are given with pleasing artistry by beauty experts. Realistic and Eugene Permanent Waves Marinello Beauty Shop 733 Elm St. Ph. Winn, 822