May 19, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 61 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 67 FOR RENT--APTS. 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES WHITE MAID, EXP. FOR GEN. HSWK. or cooking and downstairs work. Ref- erence. Tel. Glencoe 1450. 56LTN34-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Ph. Wilmette 2637. 56LTN34-1tc WANTED--EXP. NURSE FOR INFANT 9 mos. and girl 5 yrs. Ref. req. Tel. 'Winn. 384. 56 LTN34-1tc 57 HELP WANTED--MALE EXPERIENCED GARDNER, MUST BE able to look after cars and drive in emergency. Modern living quarters, prefer adult family with help of woman available if required. Ph. Wilmette 2683. 57LT34-1tc WANTED--A HIGH CLASS REAL ES- tate salesman to sell Wilmette, Ken- ilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe prop- erty. Must have car. Plenty of leads and co-operation given. Write Wil- mette Life A-13. 5TLTN34-1tc 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE FORMER CHAUFFEUR OF OURS wants position as chauffeur and gar- dener, very reliable, hard worker, over 10 years in our employ. For informa- tion phone G. H. Dovenmuehle, Win- netka 1903. 61LTN34-1tc EXP. YOUNG GARDENER DESIRES perm. pos. in A-1 private home or greenhouse. Good ref. Will take part time work at present. Write Wilmette Life A-14. 61TN11-1tp HANDY MAN AROUND HSE. DE- sires work. Fences, screens and win- dows painted and repaired. Tel. Winn. 1468. 61LT34-1tp EXPERIENCED WHITE CHAUFFEUR desires position. Good ref. Write Wil- mette Life A-12. 61LTN34-1tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Win. 2864. 61LTN34-tfc EXP. WHITE CHAUFFEUR. GOOD ref. Ph. Glenview 28-M-1. 61LTN34-1tp HAVE DESIRABLE POS. WAITING. Must have A-1 ref. Lindgren Employ- ment Agency. 799 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1047. 58T8-4tc 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home, will call for and deliver, also rough dry. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1391. ' 60T10-2tp COMPETENT MAIDS, COOKS, GOV- ernesses for the summer may be had by writing President William M. Hud- son, Blackburn College, Carlinville, Illinois. 60T10-2tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS laundry work and cleaning by day. Al- so serving. Phone Winn. 3026. 60TN10-2tp WANTED--TO TAKE LAUNDRY HOMH, also blankets & curtains. Will call for and deliver. Tel. Winn. 3160. 60T11-1tc RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN WISHES position as cook where 2nd girl is kept or general housework for 2 people. Ph. Winnetka 898. 60T11-1tp WANTED--BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. 60LTN34-tfc EXP. WHITE GIRL WISHES WORK by day. Good ref. Exec. cook, serving, cleaning. Address Talk A-2. 60LT33-2tp EXPERIENCED NURSE DESIRES position caring for children; best ref. Ph. Wilmette 3711. 60L/TN34-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO TAKE home. Ph. Winnetka 2764. 60LT34-1tc EXP. WHITE WOMAN FOR LAUNDRY and cleaning. 2 days a wk. Ref. Ph. Wil. 3724. 60L/TN34-1ts LAUNDRY, CLEANING AND EXTRA meals. Ph. University 5569. 60LTIN34-1tp SIT. WTD.--TAKING CARE OF CHIL- dren or mother's helper. Ph. Wil 911-J. 60L/TN34-1tp HOME OF PERL-LANK FORD METH- od of dusting rugs. Ask for George. Ph. University 6666. 61TL11-1tp WANTED--LAWNS TO CUT, PRICED . by job. Ph. Winnetka 604-J. 61TN11-1tc GARDENER WANTS WORK BY DAY, or around house. Tel. Glencoe 1161. 61TN11-1tp EXPERIENCED BUTLER, BEST N. S. reference. Tel. University 5271. 61TN11-1tp 62 SIT. WANTED--MALE & FEMALE MAN AND WIFE, WHITE, WOULD like to take care of home for sum- mer months. North Shore ref. Ph. Longbeach 9060, rm. 303. 62LTN34-1tp RELIABLE COL. COUPLE WITH N. S. ref. desire place in priv. family as hse- man., gard., lic. chauff. and good cook. Tel. Kenwood 9555. 62T9-4tp 65 WANTED--BOARD & ROOM YOUNG WOMAN EMPLOYED WANTS New Building THE, CHAUMONT APTS. EVANSTON N. E. COR. GROVE ST. AND CHICAGO AVE. Facing Raymond Park 3 & 4 RMS. WITH 1 & 2 CHAMBERS You will appreciate the large, airy rooms that characterize this unusual building which is approximately a copy of a structure erected centuries ago in old Blois in the heart of the Chateau district of central France. Spacious living rooms and chambers with com- plete dinette and kitchenette equipment. The decorative appointments are de- cidedly out-of-the-ordinary, and will appeal to those who wish cheerfulness and the real luxury of a home. Bath- rooms are of generous proportions with colored tile and showers, lighting fix- tures are all specially designed, a liberal number of base plugs provided. The living rooms are equipped with wood- burning fireplaces and have wall beds for that extra guest. Electrical re- frigeration included in the attractive rentals. Inspect these apartments to- day--agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square University 2600 67TLTN34-1tc Linden Crest Apts. WILMETTE CORNER FIFTH & LINDEN Beautiful 3, 4 & 5 room apartments, out- side rooms. Ready for immediate oc- cupancy. Agent on premises. OUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 67L34-1tc FOR RENT--3 AND 5 RM. MODERN apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best location, reas. rent. Inquire at FRANKLIN BLDG. 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 67TLTN28-tfc FOR RENT--AT A SACRIFICE RATE, home-like kitchenette apartment in Or- rington Hotel. 3 large closets, plete hotel service. West exposure. Ap- com- WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TIN46-tfc TO RENT--A PLEASANT ROOM. H. W. heat. Conv. to transp. Tel. Winn. 502-M. 66T11-1tc NICELY FURNISHED RM. % BLK. from transp. Tel. Winn. 2103. 66TNL11-1tp FOR RENT--1 OR 2 RMS. WITH OR without light housekeeping ; near transp. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66L TN 34-1tc PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT. Gentleman preferred. Near transp. 836 Oak St. Ph. Winnetka 1559. 66T11-1tc FURN. ROOM CLOSE TO TRANSP. Suitable for 1 or 2. Tel. Winn. 1921. 66TN11-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. 882 Pine St. Ph. Winnetka 1549. SETTLED WOMAN DESIRES POSI- 66T11-1tc tion, general housework. Colored. Ph. University 6374. 60LTN34-1tp | DOUBLE OR SINGLE RM. NR. TRANS. Tel. Winn. 1632. 66 TN34-1tp WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING. Will call for and deliver. Ph. Wil- | ROOM FOR RENT AT 840 SPRUCE ST. mette 210. 60LTN32-3tc 66LT34-tfc LAUNDRY WORK OR CLEANING BY |FOR RENT--2 ROOMS; 1 SINGLE, 1 the day. Tel. Hollycourt 0543. double. Tel. Glencoe 1328. 66TN11-3tp 60TN11-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 893 YOUNG GIRL WISHES UPSTAIRS Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 1719. 66T11-1tc work. Call Winnetka 2373. 60T11-1tc 67 FOR RENT--APTS. EXP. AY, LAUNDRESS TAKES in washing. all for & deliver. Tel. 1141 Winn. 186. 60T11-1tc New Building EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS FOR SHERMAN MANOR Mondays, good ref. Greenleaf 1142. 5 : Tee GOLTN34 1c APARTMENTS EXP. LAUNDRESS WISHES DAY WK. EVANSTON Good N. S. ref. Call evenings. Ken- wood 2236. 60L'TN34-1tp 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE MARRIED WHITE MAN WANTS work by the day or hour; lawns and gardens cared for, screens painted and mended, porches painted, cars and windows washed. All-around handy and careful man. Joseph Monahan. Ph. Univ. 3973-R. 61T11-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN., etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc N. E. COR. SHERMAN AVE. & MAIN Here in South Evanston's most con- venient location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments of 3 rooms--consist- ing of a large living room with roll- away bed, chamber, dinette and kitch- enette. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches and shopping facili- ties within immediate access. Electric- al refrigeration included in moderate rentals. See these apartments today. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 67TLTN34-1tc to board 18 mo. baby in trustworthy | ply hotel, University 8700 or tenant home. Ph. Winnetka 1308. 65T11-1tc evenings, Greenleaf 4660. 67LTN30-tfp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67TLTN33-tfc DESIRABLE LARGE 4 ROOM. H. W. heat. 2nd floor, rear deck porch, rent reas. Near transportation. 840 Center St. Phone Winn. 265. 67TLTN30-tfc ATT. 2-RM. APT. NEAR LAKE AND transp. All or part of summer. Ph. Wilmette 4040 before 8 A. M. 67TLT34-1tc FOR RENT--4 ROOM APT., HEATED, janitor service. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67TLTN27-tfc FOR RENT--SMALL APT. WITH sleeping porch. Ph. Winnetka 1230. 67TN11-1tc NICE LITTLE FLAT WITH 3 RMS. and bath, warm water and heat. 851 Spruce St., Winnetka. 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- SUMMER MONTHS, well-furnished studio apt. in attractive bungalow; 8 min. to transp. Ph. Win- netka 690. 68LTN33-2tp NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF 2 front rms. with connecting bath, vacant June 1st, near transp. and stores. Ph Wilmette 300. 68LTN34-1tc NICELY FURNISHED 4 LARGE RM. kitchenette apt. and bath, near transp. and stores. Garage space. Ph. Wil- mette 300. 68LTN34-1tc WINNETKA--JUNE 15-SEPT. 15. 5 RM. apt. ; piano; nr. transp., $80. Tel. Winn. 2162. 63T11-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES 7 RMS., 2 BATHS, HEATED GARAGE, strictly modern house in best locality. Immediate poss., $175 per month. 7 rms., 2 baths, garage, in S. W. Sec- tion. Choice lot. Poss. July 1st, $175 per month. P. W. Bradstreet, Owner Phone 162 799 Elm St. 69T11-1tc JULY 1--DESIRABLE UNFURN. 8 RM. hse. 4 blks. from station, nr. Com- munity church, schools, golf course. Mod. rent. 582 Provident. Winn. 1413. 69TN11-2tc FOR RENT----5 ROOM COTTAGE AND garage. 1 block from transp. 324 Lin- coln Ave. Ph. Glencoe 1055. 69TN11-1tc 69 67T11-1tp ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED 6 house; sleeping porch, sun porch; transp. and golf course. June 1 to Oct. or Nov. 1. 1267. RM. nr. Rent from Tel. Winn. T0TN11-1te ATTRACTIVE BRCK. HSE. FOR SUM- mer, 6 rms., sun and slpg. prches. 2- car gar. Choice location. Tel. Winn. 414. TOLTN34-1tp JUNE 15-SEPT. 15--6 ROOMS, SLEEP- ing & screened living porches; large yard, trees & flowers. References req. Tel. Winn. 1996. T0TN11-2tp 6 ROOM HOUSE, JUNE 1ST-SEPT. 15. Furn. Sun par. slpg. porch. Nice yard, gar. Tel. Winn. 1439 or Bucking- ham 4118. 70T11-1tp FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOM house, furnished. Sun porch and sleep. pch. Gar. Winn. 1781. 70T1-tfc 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES Choice Location FOR REFINED BEAUTY SHOP. MUST cater to phone appointments. Indian Hill section. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1800 7T3LTN34-1tc 500 SQ. FT. 2ND FLOOR FRANKLIN Building, S. W. corner Elm and Center, Winnetka. Corner suite, six windows, over Adams Pharmacy. Most promi-~ nent corner in town, lease to Jan. 1st or longer. Fred B. Thomas & Co. Ph. Winnetka 2850. T3LTN34-tfc FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. T3LTN8-tfe FOR RENT--2ND FL. OFFICE; CENT. loc. ; reasonable. Winn. 545. T3LT33-2tc 75 FOR SALE--APT. BUILDINGS SPECIAL ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND IN WIN- netka, 4 apartment building, brick, in residential district. Large lot, good investment. $25,000. Address P. O. Box 12, Hubbard Woods, Ill 75LTN34-1tc T FOR SALE--HOUSES EXCEPTIONAL VALUE NEW TAPESTRY ERICK, NOW ready; very high class section on well- wooded lot; 2 master bedrooms, with tile bath en suite; 2 additional spacious bedrooms and additional bath; large living room, dining room, breakfast room, large screened porch, well-ar- ranged kitchen with Frigidaire, extra lavatory, H. W. heat (oil fuel if pre- ferred) ; 2-car brick garage to match house; liberal terms. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phones Winnetka 2032-2033 TTLTN34-1te SPECIAL NEW BRICK HOME, TILE ROOF, UN- usually large living room, breakfast room; 4 large bedrooms, 2 colored tile baths, extra lavatory, large attached garage; oil burner, wooded lot, choice location near transportation. Liberal terms; immediate occupancy. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phones Winnetka 2032-2033 TTLTN34-1te GLENCOE Overlooking Skokie NINETY-EIGHT FOOT FRONTAGE improved with two small homes. This property is suitable for remodeling and is in the center of one of Glen- coe's exclusive sections. Price $22,500. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Phone Glencoe 702 TTLTN34-1tc NEW BRICK HOUSE WITH 5 BED- rooms and 3 baths (2 are colored tile), sun porch with slate roof, breakfast nook, lavatory, 2-car garage. $23,500. Make offer. FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Phone Winnetka 1300 TTLTN34-1te 5 RMS. AND SUNROOM, REAL FIRE- place, H. W. heat, 2 car gar.. 100 ft. frontage, newly landscaped, N. S. and N. Sta. and car line. Phone Wil- mette 1326 evenings. TTLTN34-1tp