54 WINNETKA TALK May 26, 1928 5%% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 RETURNS TO PULPIT Rev. and Mrs. E. Ashley Gerhard re- turned to Winnetka this week after spending several weeks in California. Mr. Gerhard, who is rector of Christ church, will resume his pulpit tomor- row, preaching on the theme, "Reli- gion of the Spirit." DRIVEWAYS Built and Refinished Estimates Free Established 1918 Frany Krenn LANDSCAPE (GARDENER TELEPHONE 2435 WINNETKA With our knowledge and experience--we can help nature in the care 0 ; A top-dressing of Black Soil, Fertilizer and Lime, properly applied, will make a great improvement. of your lawn and garden. us--we know how. EVERGREENS--SHRUBS--BLACK SOIL--VIGORO FERTILUVIA--LIME LANDSCAPING and Grading Done by Experts Phone Five High Schools Join in Presenting Musical Festival Five high schools of the Chicago and north shore area, including New Trier High school, joined yesterday afternoon and evening in the presenta- tion of a musical festival at the John Sterling Morton High school in Cicero. The combined Glee clubs of New Trier High school, under the direc- tion of Mrs. Marian Cotton, musical director at New Trier, participated in the afternoon program while the Boys' club took a major part in the eve- ning's entertainment. The festival was held for the pur- pose of fostering closer friendly re- lations between the schools and to promote an even keener interest in musical work. The schools that par- ticipated are Lyons Township High school, Deerfield Shields High school, J. Sterling Morton High school, Oak Park-Riverside High school and New Trier High school. Eighty counties in Illinois are wholly or partially underlain with coal inquiries. CHICAGO PHONE BRIARGATE 5000 LET US SUPPLY THE FUNDS FOR YOUR HOME Don't put off building your home because you feel you haven't the necessary funds. many homes. Let us help with yours. Or if funds for refinancing are worrying you, come in and talk with us. We have money to loan for construction or on improved Evanston and North Shore property at 575% and 6% on first mortgages. Prompt attention is given to all personal and telephone REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT A. K. SCHEIDENHELM, Manager STATE BANK and TRUST COMPANY Orrington at Davis Evanston, Illinois EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 5000 We have helped build WILMETTE PHONE WILMETTE 3100 SUMMON INDIAN HILL TO URGENT MEETING (Continued from Page 3) meeting, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) from the active membership, which Committee shall present recom- mendations to the annual meeting for the four (4) retiring members whose terms expire annually. Other nomina- tions may be made upon signed peti- tion of any ten (10) active members if such names are filed with the Secretary in time to permit of their inclusion in the regular notice of the annual meet- ing. All action of the Executive Com- mittee shall be by majority of vote of its members. Meetings of the Committee shall be held monthly on the first regular Monday of the month except during June, July and August. Section 2. The Executive Committee shall elect their own officers, which of- ficers shall also serve as officers of the Association. Article VII Officers and Duties Section 1. The officers of the Associa- tion shall consist of a President, a Vice- President and a Secretary-Treasurer. They shall be elected at the initial meet- ing of the Committee and shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. All officers shall be resident owners in the membership district. Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and the Association when present, and shall Dero M the other ordinary duties of such office. Section 3. The Vice-President shall per- form all the duties of the President in his absence; and in the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-Presi- done shall assume the duties of that of- ce. Section 4. The Secretary shall keep proper records .of the meetings and all formal occasions of the Association and minutes of the Executive Committee. He shall have the custody of all the Associa- tion records and papers and the seal. He shall issue notices of meetings, as hereinafter provided. Section 5. The Treasurer shall have the custody of and receive and disburse all funds of the Association subject to the supervision of the Executive Com- mittee. He shall give such bond as the Executive Committee may require, the premium on said bond to be paid by the Association. The books and accounts of the Association shall be audited at the end of each fiscal year by an auditing committee of three, appointed by the President. Article VIII Amendments, ete. Section 1. When not at variance with these by-laws, Roberts' Revised Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Association and Committees. Section 2. These by-laws may be re- pealed, amended or suspended by two- thirds (2-3) vote of the members present at any meeting of the Association, duly called and regularly held, provided ten days' notice of such proposed action has been sent in writing to the active mem- bers. Lamp Source of Fire in Spiegel Residence A fire at the residence of Mrs. Joseph Spiegel, 411 Sheridan road, Wednesday afternoon at 1:55 o'clock, resulted in damage estimated at more than $1,000. The fire originated on the third floor, from an electric lamp, and is thought to have resulted from defective wir- ing. The Fire department also had two other calls, earlier in the week, one Sunday morning at 12:45 o'clock, to the residence of S. M. Goble, 511 Ash street, and the other, Tuesday morn- ing, on Hill road, in front of No. 707. The damage was slight at both fires. Ashes with live coals in them, placed just outside the house, resulted in the fire at the Gobel residence and a defective muffler in an Evanston De- livery company truck caused the little blaze on Hill road. WITHOUT L 0 A N S COMMISSION On Desirable Homes and Apartment Bulldings John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- ance Company A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent 112 W. Adams St., Chicago