Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 Jun 1928, p. 69

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68 WINNETKA TALK June 9, 1928 Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 67) kil FOR SALE--HOUSES WINNETKA A new 6 rm. frame with 3 bedrms., very large living rm.; lav. on 1st fl.; gar. in basement. Deep lot, beaut. shrubs. $16,500--$1,000 cash. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 460 Winnetka Ave. Tel. Winn. 1800 TTLTN37-1te Speci pecial AN ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOUSE with ten rooms. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, sewing room and extra lavatory. Situ- ated in a good neighborhood. Grounds well landscaped, lot is 125x150. H. W. heat, attached garage, window screened and weather stripped. Near schools and transportation. Priced at $35,000. For further information phone Win- netka 88. TTL TN37-1te SURPRISING VALUES rm. stucco in choicest northeast sec.; H. W. ht.; garage; $18,000. room brick on 1-3 acre, beautifully ous grounds; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; W. heat; 2-car garage; $27,000. HEINSEN BEALTY CO. Exclusive Agents 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 TTLTN37-1tc FOR SALE MODEST ATTRACTIVE CONVENIENT- ly located 7 rm. house in Winnetka. Can actually be purchased for $14,000. $2,500 cash sufficient. Screened porch, slp. porch, modern bath, new hot air furnace. Lot 50x187. DUDLEY BRADSTREET 522 Center St. Ph. Winn. 806-875 77T14-1tc "THE, THREE GABLES" CHARMING ENGLISH HOME IN HUB- broad Woods. Broad lawn and large oaks. Arched doorway. 6 spacious rooms, 2 tiled baths. 2 open porches. Oil heat. Att. Garage. Price $22,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Exclusive Agents 714 Elm Street 'Winnetka 2198 0 =a 7TT14-1te HUBBARD WOODS NEW BRICK COLONIAL WITH heated garage. Two baths, Frigidaire, stove, H. W. heat, lav. on 1st. Four sleeping rooms, living room 15x22, sun room. Beautiful lot with plenty of trees and shrubs. Only $2,000 cash required. PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 FOR SALE BY OWNER Must sell 6 room house, sun and sleep- ing porches, extra lav. 1st fl. Good location in Winnetka. H. W. ht., 2-car gar. Make offer. Winn. 1430 or 2300. T7TLTN37-1te OWNER MUST SELL 5 RM. DUTCH Col.; real fireplace, hot water heat, 2-car gar.; 100 ft. lot newly land- scaped. $15,000. Ph. Wilmette 1326 evenings. TTLTN37-1tp FOR SALE -- AT BIG SACRIFICE, MY 8 rm. stucco home in Skokie heights. 5 bedrms. ; 3 baths, 2-car gar. 992 East- wood Rd., Ph. Glencoe 1343. 7TTNL14-1tc FOR BEAUTIFUL HOME ON NORTH Shore call Mabel T. Harney, Kenil- worth 1576 or address Box 363, Kenil- worth. TILTN37-1te FOR SALE--6 RM. FRAME HOUSE under construction in choice part of Deerfield. For information call Winnetka 2643. TTLTN37-3te AT REASONABLE PRICE--ATT. 5 RM. bungalow; H. W. heat, lodated at Northbrook. Tel. Winn. 1160. 77T14-1tp FOR SALE--8-ROOM HOUSE, DOUBLE gar., modern imp. Box No. 293, Glen- coe, TIL TTTNL14-1tc 78 FOR SALE--VACANT 98 WTD. TO BUY--USED CARS 102 FOR SALE--MISC. WINNETKA ACREAGE ESTATE, VERY EXCLUSIVE, ADJOINS EQUAL- ly beautiful estates. Artistically land- scaped, wonderful gardens of shrubs and flowers and an abundance of trees. Really a natural park. Beautiful spa- cious home having 5 baths and separate servants' quarters. You can sell 2 or 3 estates and retain the original home at practically no cost. This is a safe investment and a de- lightful place to live while it is grow- ing into money. Liberal terms can be arranged. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 TSLTN37-1tc VACANT BARGAINS Choice 50 ft. lot on Scott Avenue, east of Greenwood--$125 per ft. Choice 72 foot lot on beautiful Walden Road--$11,000. Choice 50 ft. lot on Asbury Avenue, east of Vernon--$130 per ft. 1 acre lot at Indian Hill Estates; nothing like it anywhere--=$9,000. 50 ft. lot on Rosewood--$140 per ft. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 T8LTN37-1te AN UNUSUAL OFFER 75 FOOT BUSINESS FRONTAGE ON Main St., Wilmette, one block from depot at $175 per foot. Will divide. F. Coleman Burroughs & Co. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 640 TSLTN37-1tc WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPON- sible party in Deerfield, lot 60x136, 3 blocks to transp. Write Wilmette Life A-16. 7T8LTN12-tfc tn FOR SALE--ACREAGE 2 FOR SALE--2 ACRES BEAUTIFUL wooded land, abundant natural shrub- bery. 1% mi. west of Glencoe, near Sunset Ridge Country Club. A real buy for the right party. Write Wil- mette Life A-30. T9TN14-1tc 82 SUMMER RESORTS Summer Property Saugatuck, Michigan For Rent and for Sale Spacious summer home, furnished, house- cleaned ready for immediate occupancy. Location quiet outskirts of Saugatuck on banks of Kalamazoo River near its outlet at Lake Michigan. River front- age, private docks. 2 acres extend to adjoining fruit farm ; beautiful scenery ; large trees. Facilities for swimming, boating, hik- ing, golf. House has electric light, wood stove with fuel, plumbing in kitchen, bathroom, lavatories in 4 bed- rooms. Large screened porch and other outdoor screened accommodations, 2-car garage and wind mill Rental for season, $600. For further information phone Glencoe 970. 82LTN37-1te 84 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 799 Elm St., Winnetka Meyers Bank Bldg. Phone 162 84T14-1tc HOUSES BY RESPONSIBLE COUPLE FOR SUM- mer or longer. Longbeach 9060. Frese. 90TNL14-1tp 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. -- 91 WANTED TO RENT--GARAGES WANTED--PRIV. GARAGE; SPACE 1 car, near Rosewood and Dinsmore. Tel. Winn. 360. 91T14-1te 99 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES HOOKED RUGS JUST RECEIVED CHOICE COLLEC- tion of antique hooked rugs. Fine and floral and geometrical patterns. Good range of soft color. Antique mirrors, glass, small maple and walnut tables, lamps, etc. Reas. prices. 383 Brierwood Pl, Ravinia, Ill. Ph. Highland Park 2847. 99LTN37-1te WANTED--USED CAR IN GOOD CON- dition. Ph. Wilmette 3970. 9SLTN37-1tc FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. AT YOUR OWN PRICE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, INCLUDING child's blue enamelled bedrm. set; blue & white porcelain gas range; also Re- liable range & laundry stove; chairs; day bed; life size baby doll; largest size doll buggy; Mason jars; Oliver typewriter; flat top desk; also several dinner & aft. dresses, size 16. 850 Sheridan Rd. Ph. Glencoe 440 100LTN37-1te 100 FRENCH GREY BREAKFAST SET & 4 chairs to match, $18; 3 gold curtains, new, $20 value for $7; blue velour drapes, $2.50; 1 Singer portable elect, exc. cond., $30; T7-piece rose bed set, $21 value, $8.50, new; small rugs. Tel. Winn. 3169. 100LTN37-1te STEINWAY GRAND PIANO, PIANO scarf and pillow to match. 1 antique desk and chair, orchid taffeta bed- spreads, twin size, 1 exquisite rose bed spread and pillow, chaise lounge cover, ete. Ph. Edgewater 3522. 100LTN37-1tp WILL SELL CHEAP, COMPLETE Scholle solid mahog. bedroom suite ; double bed, with box spring $75; dress- er $45; dressing table $35; man's high- boy $45; chairs $5. Call Sat. 4-6 only, 558 Arbor Vitae Rd. 100T14-1tc $150 VICTROLA WITH $40 WORTH OF records for $15. Also green and white canvas porch swing with stand and canopy, $10. Tel. Glencoe 637. 100TN14-1te FOR SALE--GOOD DINING RM. LIV. rm., and bedrm. furn. Books, Scott and Victor Hugo, DeLux editions. Misc. articles. Ph. Highland Park 1130. 100LTN37-1tp FOR SALE--CHICKERING PIANO, UP- right, smallest size, in dark mah. case, only 5 yrs. old and in excellent condi- tion. 798 Cherry St., Winnetka. 100TN14-1tc MUST SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL MA- son and Hamlin Grand Piano. Used only a short time. Write Wilmette Life A-20. 100LTN36-4tc FOR SALE--WALNUT DINING ROOM table and 6 chairs, excellent condition, quick sale very reasonable. 1040 Pine St. Ph. Winnetka 752. 100 TN37-1te FOR SALE--FULL SIZED BED, BOX springs and mattress. Portieres, ruffle curtains. Ph. Wilmette 3736. 100LT37-1te COLBY DESK AND CHAIR; BLUE brocade davenport; Oriental hall run- ner; 6x9 blue Wilton velvet rug; odd tables. Tel. Glencoe 637. 100TN14-1tc ELEGANT TUXEDO STYLE DAVEN- port, taupe silk velour, down filled cushions $90, 100 1b. cap. refrigerator $20. 111 Linden Ave., Wil. 100TN14-1tp FOR SALE--2 WHITE METAL TWIN beds with new springs and mattresses $20 each, oak dresser $8. Ph. Glencoe 1267. 100TN14-1tc FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE, 7 chairs $15. Ph. Winnetka 2008. 100T14-1tc DAVENPORT, SEVERAL CHAIRS, carpet, 2 floor lamps, misc. furniture. Ph. Kenilworth 598. 100LTN37-1tp CHILD'S METAL CRIB & MATTRESS; Field's special; exc. cond. Tel. Winn. 100LTN37-1tc MODERN 8-PC. WALNUT DINING set, excellent condition. Bargain. Ph. Winnetka 3146. 100LTN37-1te 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St.,, Ev- anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc 102 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOTUS FOR SALE--REAS. PRICE. 1 BOHN Cyphon Refrigerator, almost new. Porcelain outside and in, 150 1b. ice capacity. Suitable for installing ice ma- chinery. Also 1 Scholle design solid mah. bookcase. 901 Ashland Ave. Ph. Wilmette 33. 102LT37-1tc FOR SALE -- BOOKS, CHILDREN'S & adults' at less than ¥% cost. Sets of Dickens, Alcott, Twin books, etc. 228 Sheridan Rd. Tel. Winn. 1459. 102LTN37-1tp FOR SALE--2 HAND PAINTED CARD tables, new, each $7.50. Ph. Wilmette 974-W., 102TN14-1te PAINTING--300 YEARS OLD, MADON- na and child by Italian artist. Address Winnetka Talk A-31. 102TN-1tc FOR SALE REMINGTON TYPE- writer, good condition. Bargain. Ph. Glencoe 1148. 102LTN35-tfp TWIN BABY CARRIAGE, GOOD CON- dition. Ph. Winnetka 2616. 102L'TN37-1te 103 WTD. TO BUY--MISC. WANTED--REFRIGERATOR IN GOOD condition, 75 to 100 1b. cap. Prefer- ably porcelain lined. Ph. Winnetka 1267. 103T14-1te Notice is hereby given that every property owner in New Trier Township is notified that Canada Thistles must be cut. Any person violating this law and allowing thistles to go to seed will be prosecuted and fined. JOHN BALMES, Thistle Commissioner. On Program for Columbia College Alumni Breakfast The annual Columbia breakfast at the Palmer House Tuesday was con- sidered a success. The affair was pre- sided over by the president of the as- sociation, Mrs. Frank Schadler of Wil- mette, and the speaker of the day was the lecturer, Dr. George L. Scherger. Lolita Bertling, talented young Wil- mette vocalist, sang several selections delightfully. In the evening the Columbia college of Expression and the Pustalozzi Froebel Teachers' college held joint commencement exercises at the Stev- ens hotel, with graduating classes of four hundred. Mrs. Schadler was one of speakers on the evening program. the AT WELLS COMMENCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ball and daugh- ter, Adelaide, of Indian Hill, Winnetka, left on Thursday of this week for Aurora, N. Y, to attend the com- mencement exercises at Wells college where Miss Paisley Ball is a member of the graduating class. Mrs. Ball is a member of the board of trustees of Wells college. Webster Ball, a student at Exeter, will join the family party in New York City the following week. The Temple Players of the North Shore Congregation Israel held a meet- ing last Sunday evening, June 3. Hn {SINCE 1855 RAHAT Funding 8 Construction LOANS on RESIDENCES APARTMENTS BUSINESS PROPERTIES DESIRABLE VACANT Satisfactory rates can always be arranged. Baird & Warner . 528 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1855 Briargate Anni

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