July 21, 1928 WINNETKA TALK DEFIANT MOSQUITOES STAGE LAST STAND Hordes of Little Pests Swarm as Rumbling Dynamite Blows Open Skokie Channels The defiant hordes of mosquitoes which have been pestering residents of the north shore for several days and the frequent rumbling blasts from the dynamite explosions over in the Skokie area, are all forceful reminders of the relentless warfare which is being waged throughout this area in the determina- tion to exterminate the little pest. The latter appears to be staging his last stand with renewed vengeance. He apparently realizes he is doomed to go, but is fighting every inch of the ground. The Chicago Sanitary district is plan- ning to go right ahead with its opera- tions, blasting out the remaining lat- erals, main ditches and final openings necessary to insure a quick and com- plete drainage of the Skokie area, with- out which Superintendent William Ed- wards, of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district, says it will be im- possible to rid the section of mosqui- toes. Area Is Large This requires time. The area is large, the work could not be started until late this spring, owing to the flooded Skokie area which prevented the men getting into the field to work, but in which much has already been ac- complished during the ten weeks or more they have been operating, The unusual rains of a week or so ago proved a further handicap and en- abled the mosquito tribe to stage another strong comeback. A. Meier, entimologist from Northwestern university is now working three days a week in the district, de- termining the actual source or breed- ing places of the mosquito. Charles Howe, of Kenilworth, has also joined the Mosquito Abatement district force, as "trouble man," so to speak, and as quickly as complaints come in or requests are received he renders immediate aid without it being necessary to take one of the regular foremen and trucks off of the sche- duled routes, . The mosquito abatement project, it 1s pointed out, has been discussed for ten years or more on the north shore, while actual organized work along that line has been under operation for only that many weeks: therefore, the men who are engaged in the fight feel that a little patience will be as essential up- on the part of the people, as the con- tinued and determined effort, which the Mosquito Abatement district is rendering, to bring about the final eli- mination of the foe. IN TENNIS MATCHES On Sunday, July 22, Indian Hill club will play the Winnetka Tennis club in the Triangle Tennis tournament. The matches will be played at Win- netka at 2:30. COAL Buy Your Lumpy Clinkerless Pocahontas Coal, Hard Coal, Coke, Etc., Direct from Mine for Cash; Save 35¢ to $1.00 a Ton. Delivered in 5 ton loads C. O. D., immedi- ately or as desired within 40 days at pres- ent prices, If ordered in 5 days. Prices advance each month 5 to 25c. All coal sold on approval. United Coal Buyers of Chicago, 19 So. La Salle Mine Representatives, Wholesale Distributors North Shore Branch, 510 Greenleaf Ave., Tel. Wilmette 944. Keep this ad, get credit $1.00 first load. COACH SCHOOL AUG. 13 21 States Represented Among Entries for N. U. Athletic Classes Twenty-one states are represented in the entries already received for the coaching school to be conducted by Northwestern univeristy Aug. 13 to 25. High school and college coaches from all over the country are being attracted to the two weeks session which has a number of the outstand- ing football mentors on the staff. Courses in football, basketball, track and athletic administration will be offered. Dick Hanley, head football coach at Northwestern, will have charge of the football course. Supple- mentary lectures will be given by such well known grid experts as Jess Hawley, head football coach at Dart- mouth; Arnold Horween, head foot- ball coach at Harvard; Judge Walter Steffen, head football coach at Car- negie Tech, and Duke Dunne, line coach at Harvard. Coach Arthur Lonborg, Northwest- ern's new basketball mentor, will con- duct the course in basketball and Frank Hill, head track coach at Northwestern, will have charge of the track classes. K. I. Wilson, athletic director at Northwestern, will return from the Olympics to give his popular course in athletic administration. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole and Miss Bernice Cole have returned to Kenilworth from a week's trip to Detroit where they attended the Na- tional Advertising convention, Mrs. Cole and Bernice took a trip by air- plane into Canada in one of the Ford trimotor monoplanes. The weather conditions were fine and they ascended to an altitude of 2500 feet. Dedication of Fiesta At Vista Del Lago Gay (Continued from page 1) Samuel Meyers, four; Walter Ander- son, eight; W. M. Sears, ten; Elmer E. Nilles, four; Fred Workman and Leroy Minor, four; Howard Van 8S. Tracey, four; R. Jarvis Gaudy, four; J. S. Kemper, four. Dinner Dance Tomorrow Executive secretary Louis C. Simmel announces that the first dinner dance of the season will be held at the club tomorrow evening. Tomorrow after- noon a children's party is to be held. You are invited to attend the exhibit of "WILKINSON QUILTS" at Glen Gables Tea Room 376 Park Ave., Glencoe Friday and Saturday, July 27th and 28th and junior misses. PATRICIA Gown and Bonnet Shop 507 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON FINAL SALE of Feminine Appare 102 19:5 - Values to $75 Offering reductions below actual cost on seasonable merchandise for women, misses, Well worth-while savings. 29:1