Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Jul 1928, p. 40

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ET ,,S . ation ' I -- " oh A Poi HE» July 21, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 39 63 BOARD AND ROOM 67 FOR RENT---APARTMENTS td FOR SALE--HOUSES "7 FOR SALE--HOUSES RESPONSIBLE GOUPLE WOULD LIKE to room and board child. Good home and best of care, at reas. price. Write LIVE IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING Wilmette Life, A-70. 63LTN43-1te 2-3-4-5-room apts. in the Lindencrest Bldg. In-a-door rolods; Hie baths, R r ediate occu- EXCELLENT RM. AND BOARD FOR| Showers. Ready for fmm i man. 545 Provident Ave., Winn. 2795. ssT19-2tp | QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. - -- -- | 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS 6TLTN40-tfe LARGE FRONT BEDRM. WITH FIRE- | FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE place and 3 windows. Also bedrm. aparoment, Spam Jay, 2diter Service; with large sleeping porch. 910 Elm near transportation. a mette St. Tel. Winn. 2336. 66T20-1tc | 1800. 67LTN33-tfc 5 RM. MODERN APT.; LIGHT; GAR- FURNISHED RM. FOR RENT WITH don JODER SPT rent. Call 325 mother & daughter, nr. transp., for lady Washington Ave., Glencoe. or couple. Kitch. priv. Tel. Winn. 1167 g # 67LTN43-1te or 278. 66TN20-1te " "FOR RENT -- 3 RM. APT. NEAR WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- transp. Ph. Winnetka 3026. keeping and sleeping room. % block 6TLTN43-1te to all transportation and stores. Phone 66TN46-tfe ' 4 pM. APT. WITH GARAGE. ALL mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. FURNISHED ROOM, % BLK. TO 67TLTN43-1tp transportation, 574 Lincoln Ave. 66TN20-1tp | 4 ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT. PLEASANT FRONT BEDROOM FOR 2 gentlemen or couple. Hot water ht. Phone Winn. 3141. 66T20-1tc VERY ATTRACTIVE ROOM FOR RENT, with bath, well located in exc. section nr. transp. Tel. Winn. 1877. 66T20-1tc COOL, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, 12x13, 3 windows, 1g. closet; 3 blks. west of station. Tel. Winn. 415. 66T20-1tc FOR RENT----3 ROOMS FURNISHED. Call Winnetka 112. 66T19-2tc FOR RENT--FURN ROOM, PRIVATE fam. Gentleman pfd. Tel. Winn. 1686. 66T16-tfe FOR RENT--LIGHT, AIRY ROOM IN Tower Court, Hubbard Woods. 894 Linden Ave. See Janitor. 66T20-1te FOR RENT, ROOM, LIGHT HOUSE- keeping if desired. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 661. TN43-1te FOR RENT--2 DESIRABLE ROOMS in east side home. Single or suite. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 66LTN43-1tc FURNISHED ROOM. PRIV. BATH, gar., near lake and transp. Ph. Win- netka 1543. 66LTN43-1tc FOR RENT--LOVELY ROOM CONV. TO transp. Ph. Winnetka 1582. 66T20-1tc SINGLE OR DOUBLE RM. FOR RENT. Tel. Glencoe 1328. 66 TN20-2tc -- ---- 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS Michigan-Lee Apts. New and Distinctive COMFORTABLE APT. HOMES, LO- cated in the quiet charm of Evans- ton's unsurpassed residential section, surrounded by beautiful gardens and homes of high character. This ideal location is on the southwest corner of Michigan Avenue, and Lee 'Street, convenient to the Lake and Park; easily accessible to schools, "churches, shopping and transportation. The dignity and beauty of the Georgian French Colonial architecture is en- hanced by its garden court and pri- vate driveway. The homelike atmosphere of the inter- ior, with its old fashioned comforts, and its modern appointments, is pleas- ing in its symmetry and decorative richness; and in the welcome of the real log-burning fireplace in each of these attractive apartments. Electrical refrigeration is supplied from a central plant, assuring quietness to the tenant. This service and the gas is furnished without charge. The apartments are of 4-5-6 and 7 room sizes, with one to three baths. Separate maid's rooms are available, and garages on premises. Your inspection is invited. Our repre- sentative will be at the building. South- west corner of Michigan Avenue, and Lee Street, Evanston. Baird& Warner, Inc. 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 67TLTN43-1tc FOR RENT -- FINE 4 AND 5 ROOM modern apt. Roll-away bed, Frigidaire, near transp. Low rent. Franklin Bldg., 526 ter St. Ph. Winn. 382. 677. TN28-tfc BE Eckhart's Hardware Store. 67TN19-2tp é8 FOR RENT--FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT--AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice and electricity free. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) Cis tenant eve- nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. SSL TNS -tfp 70 FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSES Owner Going to Europe FOR RENT--FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE, east side Hubbard Woods, 3 baths, sunporches, large wooded lot, gar, Oil- hot water heat. Will consider any period of rental up to a yr. lease, very attractive home at reas. rent. Avail- able at any time. Days call Winnetka 2400. Evenings call Winnetka 2542. TOLTN42-tfe FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED 6 rm. house, screened porch. Close to transp. and lake. Reas. rent. Ph. Winn, 1028. TOLTN43-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE, newly decorated. Screened porches, fenced in yard. Close to transp. and lake. Ph. Winnetka 1028. TOLTN43-1tc FOR RENT---5 RM. HSE. FURNISHED, garage, to small party for mo. of Aug. Ph. Winnetka 630. TOLTN43-1tc 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES INTERESTING BUYS 6 sunny rooms ; hot water oil heat; large enclosed sleeping and break- fast porches; 2 car garage ; beau- tiful elm and oak trees. All for $13,000 Wonderful value in brand new brick; 3 large master bedrooms and maid's room, 3 baths, 2nd floor; toi-lav., Ist; gar. attached $23,500 True American Brick Colonial; 5 bedrooms ; 3 tile baths; toi-lav.; sun rm.; spacious thruout; tile roof ; steel constr.; metal lath- ing ; copper gutters, ete.; choice east sec.; 2 car gar. Adjoining Indian Hill Club ; attr. 8 rm. brick; almost new ; 6 bed- rooms, 3 baths, 2nd fir.; toi-lav., 1st; immense liv. rm.; beauti- ful Ilge. so. peh.; heated 2 car gar. ; abt. acre lot; only .... $55,000 HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Bim St, Winnetka Ph, Winnetka 254 TTLTN43-1te WINNETKA EAST LOCATION 2 BLOCKS TO LAKE, LARGE WOODED lot, 8 room English tapestry brick, un- usually large living and dining rooms, breakfast nook, butler's pantry, lava- tory; large screened porch with awn- ing. House beautifully decorated on canvassed walls; imported fixtures and hardware ; oil burner, Frigidaire, 2-car heated garage. This is a beautiful home in a lovely location at $41,000. Terms can be arranged. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. OT 2032 TTTN20-1te FOR SALE---IN NORTHBROOK, MOD- ern 8 rm. house. 1 acre, 2-car garage, 35,000 $11,500. Cash $2,500. No brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. TTTN20-1te Eee Overlooking Golf Club SPLENDID VIEW OF INDIAN HILL Club. English type of stone stucco and timber construction. Floor plan de- signed to meet modernistic trend. Liv- ing room with beamed and planked ceil- ing, connecting with dining room by large open tile porch. Breakfast nook, kitchen with electric refrigeration ; lava- tory and toilet. moderate sized chambers with large closets and 2 baths, one mural painted. "Ye Olde Tavern" lounge room with na- tural fireplace. 2 car attached garage, oil heat, lot 50x140. Remarkably priced at $29,500. Reasonable terms. Unique and modern detailing. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 TTLTN43-1tc HUBBARD WOODS NEAR LAKE AND TRANSP. NEARLY new 8 rm. brick Colonial on beautiful grounds 75x210 with choice pine and maple trees, unusual shrubbery. At- tached 3 car brick garage, beautiful tile sun and breakfast rooms. Huge liv- ing and dining rooms. Colonial stair- case, 4 sleeping rms., 2 baths. Com- missary room. Oil heat, metal weather strips and awnings throughout. Ex- quisite fixtures and finish. Colonial throughout. This choice property is a real home; nothing in this section can equal it at $36,000. Financed to suit. Shown by appointment only. PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. Exclusive Agent 418 Linden Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wil. 698 TTLTN43-1te 'S FOR SALE FOR $18,000.00 A GENTLEMAN'S CHARMING LITTLE COUNTRY PLACE. 3 MILES SOUTH- WEST OF DEERFIELD STATION ON COUNTY LINE ROAD. NEAR MIS- SION HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. 8 acres with over 700 feet frontage on road. Very attractive re-modeled farm house. 7 rooms, modern bath, extra lavatory, electric light and range, furnace heat. 2 wells with automatic pump, septic sewerage. Large barn with accommodation for cows, horses Winnetka UNUSUAL 7 ROOM ENGLISH COT- tage, located midst trees and shrub- bery. H. W. heat with auxiliary Bryant gas heater, also Pittsburgh autc- - matic heater for domestic use. Moist air radiator covers, Chamberlin weather stripped. New York blue flag stone terrace and walks. Beautifully dee- orated throughout, best type of con- struction. Price $30,000. Hill & Stone Winnetka 1544 TTILTN43-1te Winnetka SMALL CASH PAYMENT WILL BUY comfortable 6 rm. home surrounded by large shade trees. Slp. pch., garage, oil heat. Conv. to everything. $18,000. Just substantially reduced. Splendid 9 rm. home with view of lake, 3 baths, 543 Lincoln Ave. slp. pch., oil heat, canvassed walls throughout. Large well-landscaped grounds. $44,000. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 1617 TILTN43-1tc Hubbard Woods FINE BRICK AND STUCCO RESID. Splendid condition, 9 rms., 3 baths, 2 slp. pch., oil heat, 75 ft. frontage. 3 blocks from transp. Priced very low at $32,500, on easy terms. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 1617 TTLTN43-1te In the Woods BEAUTIFUL NEW 5 RM. HOUSE WITH studio living rm. and 2 car garage. Grounds 75x175 with 68 trees. 2 blks. from transp. $13,000. Might consider e. Mrs, Fuller, Homes 522 Davis St.,, Evanston University 8240 TTLT43-1te and garage space. Chicken h . I. FLOYD CO. 110 South Dearborn St., Chicago TTTN20-1te Your Home in the Woods OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL ESTATE, very private and exclusive. Large grounds: close to schools and trans- portation; 5 large bedrooms and 2 sleeping rches; extra large living room and sun parlor each connecting by large arches providing wonderful entertaining space; 3 open fireplaces; library; butler"s pantry; Frigidaire. Offered at a real bargain with terms. If you are Soking a delightful home in a good section see Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTTN20-1tc 4 BED ROOMS 2 BATH ROOMS OIL HEAT SLEEPING PORCH 2-CAR GARAGE 'Where in Winnetka can you duplicate a home with the above features, located within 3% blocks of the Hubbard Woods School, for the price; this property has been reduced in order to make a quick sale? Price $15,500. Dudley Bradstreet REALTOR Ph. Winn. 806-875 77T20-1te White Colonial Home IN BEAUTIFUL HUBBARD WOODS, on a high wooded lot. 6 charming rooms, screened porch; extra toilet & lavatory, 3 airy bedrooms, living room 15x24. 2-car garage. H. W. heat. Must sell at once, will sacrifice for $19,000. Wants offer. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Rt) Elm St. Winnetka 2198 TTT20-1te 522 Center St. HUBBARD WOODS FOR SALE--ALMOST NEW 6 RM. house, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, lavatory, sun parlor, breakfast nook, kitchen & but- ler's pantry. H. W. heat with oil burn- er, Frigidaire. Hi is in derful condition. High, well wooded, land- scaped lot, 2-car garage. Price $18,500, which is less than cost. For inspection tel. Winn. 156. TILTN43-1te A DECIDED BARGAIN Hazel Ave., Glencoe 8 RM. HOUSE, VERY ATTRACTIVE living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 mod. baths, garage, beautiful grounds, $21,000. $7,- 000 cash. ERNEST M. KIMBALL 770 Bluff, Glencoe Ph. Glencoe 170 TTILTN43-1te FOR SALE--6-ROOM BRICK, H. W. HT. and bath, lav. first floor--being con- Sirteted. 3 Iniiutes to Northbrook Sta- on, minutes to steam transporta- tion, Glencoe. Finished to suit pur- chaser. $14,750--small down payment-- balance comfortable terms. Telephone Owner--Room 600, 30 North St. Franklin 6201. Winnetka Bungalow $13,000 sp CHARMING 7 ROOM BUNGALOW with huge living room and fireplace. H. W. heat, garage, 75 foot lot. Inquire at 877 Elm Street. Phone Winnetka 1689. TTLTN43-1te FOR SALE--7 RM. HOUSE ON NICELY wooded lot 75x182 ft. 2 baths, l-ecar garage. 16 blk. from Skokie Gout Club. Glen coe 790. TTN20-1te FOR S! LE-oY EDGE OF DEER- e rm. farm house, 1 acre, garage, $8,000. Cash, $2,000. No brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. TTTN20-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 40

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