October 6, 1928 WINNETKA TALK "CAMPAIGN POLITICS," MEETING THEME HERE Voters' Leagte Calls to "Eve- ning of Campaign Politics" Wednesday The Winnetka League of Women Voters is inviting residents of Win- netka and other north shore communi- ties to an "Evening of Campaign Poli- tics" to be held Wensday evening, Oct- ober 10, in Rudolph Matz hall, Com- munity House, at 8, o'clock. Issues and views of candidates of the two major political parties will be pre- sented at this meeting, the league having secured as speakers Mrs. James W. Morrison, for the Republican party, and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank for the Democratic party. No better speakers are to be found than these two out- standing leaders in political and charity activity, the league officers poin* out. Mrs. Morrison, a former president of the Illinois League of Women Voters, has just returned from Europe where, in Paris she witnessed the signing of the Multilateral treaty for the renun- ciation of war as a national policy. Among the women invited to attend there was only one representative of a national woman's organization in this country, Mrs. Morrison representing the National League of Women Voters. She is at the head of the Independent Women for Hoover organization in Illinois. Mrs, Fairbank has been an active worker in the Democratic party having only recently retired from the position of Democratic National Committee- woman of Illinois. She is a well known author and her charitable interests and civic activities are numerous. The speakers will be introduced by Miss Bertha Bidwell, president of the Illinois League of Women Voters. Mrs. A. M. Ferry will preside at the meeting. Name Lincoln C. Torrey Children's Aid Director Lincoln C. Torrey, of 1341 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, secretary-treasurer of the Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee railroad, and assistant secretary of the Chicago Rapid Transit company, was elected a director of the Illinois Chil- dren's Home and Aid society Thursday of last week at the regular meeting of the board of directors of that organiza- tion. Mr. Torrey will represent the Utility Employees chapter of the society. Miss Alice Jarrett of 534 Essex road, Kenilworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Herbert Jarrett, has returned to Bt Katharine's school at Davenport, owa. Open Orchestral Concert Program Season November 12 The season's schedule of concerts to be given by the Little Symphony orchestra, conductor, at The New Trier auditorium under auspices of the New Trier Orchestral as- sociation was an- nounced this week as follows: First concer t-- Monday, November 2 George Dasch, concert-- Monday, December 10; Marion Ander- son, contralto, solo- Second ist. George Dasch Third concert -- Monday, January 14; Ruth Breton, violinist, soloist. Fourth concert--Monday, February 18; (soloist not yet engaged.) Fifth concert--Monday, March 11; Gitta Gradova, pianist, soloist, The November concert will inaugur- ate the seventh season of the Or- chestral association concerts. Officers of the association for the current season are as follows: Roland D. Whitman, president; Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, vice-president; Mrs. K. Smith, secretary; Harry L. Street, treasurer. Town chairmen are Homer F. Horton, Glencoe; Mrs. Ronald D. Whitman, Winnetka; Miss Helen Sears, Kenilworth; Herbert B. Mulford, Wilmette. The concerts are made possible by the purchase of season tickets by resi- dents of the co-operating communities. "The Things That Matter," Sermon at Christ Church Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard will preach at the 11 o'clock service in Christ church Sunday morning on the sub- ject, "The Things That Matter." All departments of the Church school will meet at the church Sunday morning at 9:30 for their service. 9 PIANO INSTRUCTION EARLE B. ARMIL of the American Conservatory Chicago Announces the opening of a Winnetka Studio 787 Foxdale Avenue Telephone Winnetka 2366 808 Oak Street Highest Grade UPHOLSTERING Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order H. G. LINDWALL Highest Grade Upholstering Established 1895 ANTIQUES Ph. Winnetka 145 x Cosie THAL Colorful days call for colorful attire! The scene shifts to the autumn pageant . . . from the tennis courts to the football field . and sportwear captures the zest of the season in exciting new woolens that subscribe to the rich autumnal colorings. Our fall collection of sports costumes . . . Paris- inspired . . . includes swagger tweeds . . . sportive jerseys . . . and knitted apparel in the newest weaves and shades. Costumes to enhance the sparkle of autumn sport events! 565 LINCOLN AVENUE LAST DAY of our TEN DAY SALE Saturday, October 6th, will be your last chance to take advantage of the many specials we offer in Staple Groceries and Fresh Meats. Many housewives have already made purchases and realize that it isn't every day that they can purchase quality goods at the low prices we are offering. Mrs. Bernitt's Ice Cream Sold Here 986 LINDEN AVE., HUBBARD WOODS (BETWEEN SCOTT AVE. AND MERRILL ST.)