\ ¢ " 8 40 ~ WINNETKA TALK October 27, 1928 October 27, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 41 NY. ay ANN J | ' wh -- Ae ' R= = : » » oA 3 And Again, for the third year-- OA > FOVNIAIN SQVARE EVANSTON FOVNTAIN SQVARE, EVANSTON GREENLEAF 7000 WILMETTE 3700 GREENLEAF 7000 WILMETTE 3700 impelled by the inany inquiries of spas vals interested patrons, we announce that $1.65 Buys Gordon For Your Chiffon Stockings 3 Living Room-- C h aroe C us i OITEers M a --pure silk clear to the top O Ir § e n } a | R u g S g i] Y Gordon How! Beery thread pure silk. Clear-woven and » Lee In these good Gordon shades: Meteor, Cinderella, Tunis, u 1 n & Daphne, Beige d'Or, Marron, Gunmetal: a shade for every po Ta type of costume, for costumes of every shade! Three handsome, colorful rugs, quite large enough to caver Wool Jauntees the entire floor of a medium-sized room! : a n d | = Persian Mousuls SI 95 A -- average size 5-6x3-6. Their heavy silky nap makes them . f | luxurious and durable--their rich colorings give brightness 2 : C H A RG FE : . | i and life to a room. ¥ » ps ; Pure wool long spats with an elastic strap that ¥ : D | ' slips on under the foot. You may buy on the - i) a § il a il u a I 4 IT . Cream, tan, blue combinations--with turn- | | 3 Budget Plan if you wish. : : ; over cuffs: | gees 3 : Convenient because they can be taken off when i Lord's--Rugs--Second Floor : We welcome as d you get indoors--and they afford excellent pro- | | ARE & It is our practical way of suggesting early Christmas shopping, to extend charge customers 3? tection against cold while. you're out. : A . . . . « . "s--Fi Fl S i ! k S h a wl S the Christmas season over twice its usual peric#! It means delightful, | persons who are Send Seal iean Rion | Si shopping Se with 8 nies Suired drinction that comes financially responsi- | . rom having something accomplished sati ri 1 ! ; ; embroidered all over ; 2 p sfactotily and in good.season ble. Our Credit Burgundy Wine It leaves you those enchanted last weeks before Christmas to observe and 1 i . : : : D ill re- ish Brown | i m chrysanthemum design enjoy -- instead of having to rush about frantically for your gifts. €partment will fe : Spanish | i w Sale celve. your. applics- BN Neptune Blue g hd AY | o = L4 Py And, needless to say, those who shop in November, shop from complete, tion, and accord you \ 3 Black i | ; ¥ fresh Christmas stocks. every courtesy in | | Snow - white, exquisitely i WV. '& - onsitloring it embroidered . in blended 3 . 2 oppy red, in monotone The usual bill will be rendered on December 1st, so you may 4 fect. Yell , with - 1 2 . red: ce--Secon oor ant at L rd S 3 vert oa is ey : yel- review your November purchases. You 8 J then pay it Credit Oice--Second. WwW 0 il January 1st. It's real shoe economy to get just the shoe you want-- smart in color, line, and leather. It means a great deal to choose from the season's most complete collection at a price as moderate as ours. wholly or in part, or defer payment entirely embroidery. A nid. red fr with delicate opal tints--. ; ~ exotic and alluring effect. ,, Done on heavy crepe one fie hod ss and u = wit bi | | Ni The Privilege Granted Above Represents Only One of xX $7.50 hy nian = png es: ry ---- : N 10m ; : i (2/] i Rajah Lizards + Fortunate, indeed; to get such shawls to sell at $18--just at [3 the Advantages of Having a Charge Account at Lord's -- ph Suedes - Kids - Velvets .the opening of the season of formal events. : 2 SN 4 ope J J SE gl 2 ane *" Lord's--First Floor = BS : = { AN ; - ----t fits - i cw «28 » g - ' 1 ; : : : suri naobbuye 4 Csi [ = a wigs id +. i Pa - O affiee 2: wis ' : fol en HTH mont bis ba ---- EE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I ----------------------------------------------------------_-- a. §