WINNETKA TALK October 27, 1928 Public Forum Editor, WINNETKA TALK: I am for Smith because his record as governor of New York for four terms and his speeches since his nom- ination indicate that he will carry on policies such as I believe will mean a better life for the whole body of citizens rather than the prosperity of any particular group, with a whole- some and much needed change in tone and standards of public service from that which has characterized the last two Republican administrations. Among the conspicuous accomplish- ments of his years as governor are the reorganization of the state govern- ment--proving his ability as an admin- istrator--the most humane labor code to be found in any state of the Union, and many laws favorable to women and children to public education and health. He has consistently advocated ownership and control by the state of water-power resources and has pre- vented raids by private interests on state power. His record on free speech, at the height of the stupid and cowardly reaction against foreigners To Save vals. Come in and get account! Hubbard Woods Trust & Savings Bank 952 Linden Avenue Much-- Save Regularly! F a Savings Account is a matter of 1 satisfaction, a growing Savings Account is necessarily a matter of "Increasing satisfaction." A Savings Account cannot grow - steadily unless you set out to add something to it regularly. It's better to decide upon a given sum, no matter how moderate, and add to it on a definite schedule, rather than to put away some larger sum at widely separated and haphazard inter- your Savings Pass Book now -- cultivate a growing Hubbard Woods and radicals after the war, is magni- ficent, and in all this time his ap- pointments have been made for merit and fitness for the job in hand, into which party and religious prejudice did not enter. In technical matters such as the farm question and Prohibition I think that his utterances have shown a frankness and independence superior to the Republican candidate's, To the farmer he seems to me to offer a fairer deal than the party in power with its long record of discrimination always in favor of the manufacturer. In regard to Prohibition I think a dis- cussion in Congress and throughout the country of Smith's suggestions as to amendment and state control cof liquor would be wholesome in the face of the hyprocisy and disregard of law that accompanies enforcement as we have it. In regard to foreign affairs we have his record, his statements of future policy and his character only to guide us. We know that in his twenty-five years of public life Smith has shown a disposition and ability to inform him- self through experts and specialists on every new subject that has come into his province. That he has evaded no issue because it was new to his ex- perience, but with honesty, courage, a mastering of the most complicated facts, and a profound comprehension of the springs of human conduct, has set himself to understand it, to inter- pret it to the people of the state, and to take action or to bring about action by legislatures predominately Republi- can, In particular he has condemned interference in the internal affairs of Latin-America, and promised in the event of his election to make outlawry of war effective, not by a larger navy "to make us respected" as the Quaker candidate says, but by the removal of the causes of war. However this may sound like campaign generalities, it strikes at the economic imperialism of the present administration and is so far insignificant. The preparation for directing our foreign policy gained by an engineer engaged in promoting the interests of American business in an economically backward country, and his work as food dictator in wartime, does not seem to me as sound for the leader of a nation which has not yet re- nounced a great democratic experi- ment, as the training Al Smith has had. In his twenty-five years in public life Gov. Smith has grown steadily in power and a high conception of con- structive statesmanship. That his roots lie deep in the environment of poor and common people from which he rose makes it possible for him to in- terpret to the average man the prob- lems of government here and abroad whose solving by the executive and legislative ends of our government need, in a Republic, public under- standing, sympathy, and support. He has gotten his education by every ex- perience and contact along his way and is still gaining in wisdom and power. I want, not a dictator, even the wisest. I want for president the man of whom Owen Young said, "No political leader in the world today-- as far as I know--and I know most of them--has such capacity for mass leadership as he." --Ruth W. Porter Hubbard Woods Faculty Plans Hallowe'en Party The faculty of the Hubbard Woods school is planning a Hallowe'en party for all teachers of the Winnetka Pub- lic schools next Tuesday night, Octo- ber 30. This is the first of four fac- ulty parties to be given by the vari- ous schools of the village throughout the school year. The affair is to be held in the assembly room of the Hub- bard Woods building, and dancing will be on the program. 41\ States. of tables. days. noons. SANTA FE UNSPOILED HUNTING COUNTRY And Modern Comforts at Los Cerros = New Mexico is perhaps the last of the Fi real hunting country in the United Each year thousands of big bucks are bagged by hunters, savory wild turkey graces a multitude The season for deer and turkey opens November 10th and lasts ten days. the cozy modern comforts of Los Cerros, just two miles from Santa Fe and an easy run from Chi- cago, you can motor to the more accessible grounds or pack into the real back country. November in New Nexico does not mean bitter cold or cloudy It means sharp nights and clear sunshiny For a vacation new and different--free from the tourist crowds, in surroundings as fascin- ating as the climate--come to Los Cerros in No- vember and bag your buck and gobbler! HACIENDA DE LOS CERROS At The Mouth Of Santa Fe Canyon and From NEW MEXICO