Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 27 Oct 1928, p. 79

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EW = WINNETKA TALK October 27, 1928 regular GLE COE NEWS. Average of five words to the line the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 0 black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. ; H Classified advertisements will be Deadline for Insertions-- Class HR a BP BR be charged only : Classified advertisements will General N. otice - ~ to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or 26 cents a line in any two papers. papers; Thursday 6 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 FOR SALE--AUTOS 17 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, FURS REMODELED, SPECIAL by day or shop. Ph. Wilmette 3464. Fall Clearance _-- " an Sale 25 INSTRUCTION PRICED RIGHT 1928 Master Six sedan, only run 5,500 miles, $425 down payment. Gold Seal. 1927 Nash Six, 4 dr. sedan, very clean, $250 down payment. 1927 5 pass. Buick Sedan. $370 down. 1927 Studebaker Big Six, 5 pass. Sedan, $280 down. Cadillac 63, 2 door sedan, interior per- fect, good looking car, can be bought for $270 down. WILL ACCEPT OLD CAR AS CASH TOWARD DOWN PAYMENT North Shore Buick Co. 1027 Davis St. Univ. 5961-2 4LTN5-1te PRICE! ASSORTMENT! CONDITION! Everything in the Buyer's Favor '25 Oakland Coach, new tires ...... $295 '26 Dodge Sedan, driven little ...... $425 '26 Studebaker Sedan, big six ...... $625 26 Oakland Sedan-:.................. $485 '26 Oakland Coach, like new ...... $425 '25 Studebaker Sedan .............. $285 '24 Nash Sedan, 7 pass. ............ $235 21 Ford Coupe .. ...... 5.05... ... $200 Ford Credit, immediate delivery Lake Shore Auto Sales 1010 Chicago Ave. Univ. 59 4LTN5-1te GOOD USED CARS Chandler Sedan :................ $ 65.00 Buick: Sedan i... 000000 75.00 Ford Touring. ..oi oi... 00 .%.. 95.00 e A TARR 4 i A) CR 375.00 Oldsmobile Roadster ............. 395.00 Eoaenaker Roadster 50. 0.00 300.00 Dodge AE TPA SAE © ST 450.00 Packard Sedan .................0 600.00 e Sedan". 2. 50 Nl ...... 795.00 Buick. Roadster... cosas: 835.00 C. M. McDONALD Dodge Motor Cars 1019 Davis St. Evanston Univ, 224 4LTN5-1te FOR SALE--VARIOUS REPOSSESSED automobiles at prices 25% less than elsewhere; down payment $25 to $50, balance in semi-monthly payments, Mo- tor Acceptance Co., Ph. University 1204. 4LTN4-tfc 1926 DODGE COUPE; EXC. COND. new tires, heater. Tel. Winn. 17. 4TNL34-1tc f-------------- -- 17 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING GOWNS AND COATS A SPECIALTY. Remodeling. Curtains and drapes. Children's clothes. Also fur coats re- modeled. Tel. Winn. 1687. Mrs. Sig- rid Bengston. 385 Rosewood Ave. 17T34-1tc DRESSMAKING ; CHILDREN'S clothes; all kinds of embroidery a spe- cialty. Call Miss Westerberg. Winn. 2574. 17T31-tfe TUTORING JANE TRIGGS, B. A. WELLESLEY. Tutoring in grammar and high school subjects. Ph. Wilmette 3588. 25L.T4-2tc 25 INSTRUCTION A FORMER COLLEGE TEACHER WILL tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, Geometry, English, French and Ger- man. William R. Morrow, 5530 Win- 56 HELP WTD.--FEMALE - 60 SIT. WI'D.--~FEMALE REFINED CAPABLE WHITE GIRL; gen. hswk., must be good plain cook, fond of children. Tel. Glencoe 859. 56TN34-1tc COMPT. WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. and help care of 1 child; sm. hse., nr. Ind. Hill. Tel. Winn. 1268. 56TN34-1tc WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN. hswk.; cooking not necessary. $15. Tel. Winn. 2797. 56T34-1tc EXP. WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. 3 in fam., good wages, refs. req. Tel. Winn. 317 on Monday. 56T34-1te WTD.,, WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK. 2 in family; 6 rms.; no washing. Ref. Ph. Glencoe 735. 56TN34-1tc ENGLISH GOVERNESS-SECRETARY, 31, desires position as governess, sec- retary or house manager. Thoroughly capable and trustworthy. Five years with previous employer. Finest ref, Ph. Wilmette 3478. 60LTN5-1tp GERMAN WOMAN FOR COOKING, housework and laundry by the day. Mrs. Rock, Ph. Ardmore 1347. 60LT3-3tp WHITE COOK WANTS POSITION IN priv. fam., $20. N. S. refs. Tel. Drexel 55647. 4940 Indiana Ave., Chicago. 60T34-1tp A REFINED LADY WITH DAUGHTER in high school, wishes a position as companion to lady. 804 Central Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2065. 60LT5-1tp NEAT, WHITE GIRL, GENERAL housework. Ph. Winnetka 2149. 56TN34-1tc WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. 3 adults; refs. req. Tel. Winn. 1178. 56TN34-1tc MAID (WHITE), EXPERIENCED, general housework, good cook, small family. Ph. Winnetka 58. 56TN34-1tc EXP. WHITE MAID FOR GEN. WORK. Refs.; good wages; no washing. Tel. Winn. 2564. 56TN34-1tc MAID, GEN. HSWK., UNDER 30, thoroughly competent, clean. Refs. ; fam. 3 adults, chldrn, 6 and 10 yrs. Tel. Winn. 1383. 56T34-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. GD. wages, no washing. Tel. Glencoe 573. 56TN34-1tc throp Ave. Chicago. Ph. Longbeach 3900. 25L TN4-2tp 27 INTERIOR DECORATING PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL- ways react to the appeal of beauty. A room is attractive when its lamps and shades are in perfect harmony. We study your home and carefully analyze YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St. Greenleaf 816 27TLTN5-1te HOME SERVICE, ALLOW ME TO REARRANGE YOUR furniture, giving the charming and balanced effect you have often wished for. Fee most moderate. Ph. Glen- view 203. Myrtle Warren. 27LTN3-4tc F. S. BRASOR ART STORE Picture Framing 1312 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON, Univ. 9179. 27TLTN4-16tp 30 LOANS COMPT. WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Must be good cook. Refs. Tel. Glencoe 79. 56TN34-1tc GIRL, EXP.,, WHT, . PROT. GEN. hswk., like children, fam. 4. Winn. 492. 56LTN5-1tc WHITE GIRL, FOR GEN. HSWK. Refs. req. Tel. Winn. 2872. 56LTN5-1tc MAID, NEAT, RESPONSIBLE. GEN- eral hsewk. and assist with care of 2 children. 933 Tower Rd. Ph. Winn. 1394. 56LTNb1te WTD. WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework or mothers' helper. 4 in family. Ph. Wilmette 1798. 56LTN5-1tc WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. Small family. Tel. Winn. 2138. 56LTN5-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. SM. hse. and fam. Tel. Winn. 2119. 56LTN5-1te MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES; NO COMMIS- sion. " WINNETKA BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. 716 Elm St., Winnetka 30LTN4-3tc AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE rates, immediate service. Motor Accep- tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. 30LTN4-tfc 38 PAINTING AND DECORATING WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE- work, family of 3. Wilmette 1129. 56LTN5-1tp EXP. WHITE MAID; GEN. HSWK. 4 | adults. Tel. Winn. 2030. 56LTN5-1tp WANTED -- GIRL FOR 3% DAYS BY the week for gen. hswk. Tel. Winn. 3267. 56LTN5-1te WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work or to assist. Wil. 1472, 56LTN5-1tc LET BRANDT DO YOUR PAINTING & decorating. Tel. Winn. 185 or Palisade 10481. 38TN34-tfe 14 SERVICE BUREAU GREENLEAF 6130 We furnish male and female help The most reliable and oldest employment agency on the North Shore. PROMPT SERVICE N. S. Employment Agency 1618 Sherman Ave., Evanston 441 TN5-1te 5 LOST AND FOUND LOST--PAIR OF CHILD'S TORTOISE rimmed spectacles, near Cherry and Glendale. Please phone Winn. 2085 and receive reward. 55T34-1te LOST--BOY'S LEATHER COAT. Please call Winn. 2144. 55T34-1te Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. 60 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS WISHES work first part of week. Ref. Ph. Uni- versity 3204-M. 60LTN4-1tp COMPETENT LAUNDRESS & CLEAN- er wants work by day. Tel. Winn. 1667. 60LTNG-1tc THOROUGHLY EXP. WHITE MAID with 5 yr. old boy wishes position as general maid; exc. cook, best refs. Will accept less wages. Tel. Winn, 1963. 60LTN5-1tc WTD. -- WASHING AND IRONING TO take home by experienced laundress. Will call for and deliver. Ph. Wil- mette 904. 60LT5-1tc EXP. COL. GIRL WISHES TO COOK]! and serve dinner. Good ref. Ph. Uni- versity 9658. 60LTN5-1tp WANTED BY LAUNDRESS TUES. & Fri. Ph. Buckingham 9874. 60LTN5-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK Mon. & Wed. Call eves. Univ. 8119. 60T34-1tp COMPANION OR PRACTICAL NURSE; middle aged. Address A-186. 60T34-1tp REL. GIRL AS MOTHER'S HELPER, care for children. Refs. Tel. Glencoe 179. 60TN34-1tc GENERAL OFFICE WORK. REFS. Tel. Winn. 719. 60T34-1tc NEAT COL. WOMAN WANTS PLACE cooking in home. N. 8. refs. Tel. Drexel 8025. 60T33-2tp DAY WORK, % DAYS, SERVING OR care of children. Tel. Glencoe 446. 60LTN5-1tc GOOD COMP. MAID WISHES WORK in private family. Ref. Ph. Highland Park 103. 60LTNS5-1tp HOME LAUNDRY. ALSO WET WASH, call for and deliver. Ph. University 5893. 60LTN5-1tp --_.--.-- 61 SITUATION WTD.--MALE MAN TO WASH CARS, CLEAN basements, ete. 1 hr. each morning, and 1%, day per week. Bederman. Winn. 2391. 61T34-1tc MAN WANTS WORK BY DAY; HSE- cleaning ; window washing; gardening. Tel. Winn. 2737. 61T34-1tp YOUNG, NEAT COLORED MAN TO serve dinner parties. A-1 refs. Tel Winn. 643. 61TN34-1tp REL. MAN WANTS FURNACES TO take care of. Tel. Winn. 1549. 61T34-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS; POLISH FURN.; wash cars; garden work. Tel. Winn. 1552. 61T34-1tp YOUNG MAN DESIRES PORTER AND janitor work. Ph. University 6637. 61LTN5-1tp EXP. ALL AROUND MAN. TEL. WINN. 2776. 61LTNG5-1tp SIT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED CHAUF- feur., Ref. Wm. Whitmore. Ph. Green- leaf 5523. 61LTN5-1tp EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER DE- sires full or part time work; days or evenings. Write Wilmette Life A-180. 61LTN5-1tp WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows. Serv- ing & waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT5-1tp CHAUFFEUR--COL., 10 YRS. EXP. A-1 ref. Wentworth 1604 or Univ. 1283. 61LTN5-1tp HOUSECLEANING, STORM WINDOWS, hedges trimmed, lawns cleaned, all around man. Ph, University 3204-M. 61LTN4-1tp et 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE COLORED COUPLE, EXPERIENCED chauffeur or house man, wife, cook or maid, good references. Call M. Butler, Univ. 5021. 62LTN5-1te COUPLE OR SINGLE, MAN CHAUF- feur, wife housework and cooking. Exp. Ph. Wilmette 694. 62T34-1tc ---------------------------------------------------------- 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS LAUNDRY WORK OR _ CLEANING NICE ROOM FOR RENT WITH OR ed., Thurs. and Fri. Maggie. Uni- without kitchen priv. Ph. Winnetka versity 5655. 60LTN5-1tp 1687. 5 66T34-1tc PART TIME HSWK. CLEANING,| ROOM FOR BUSINESS LADY HALF cooking and serving. Ph. Wilmette 964. 60LT5-1te a block from transportation. Ph. Winn. 2176. 66T34-1tc INFANTS' NURSE, GERMAN, HOS- Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 Lal training, desk ref. $25 a week. | rite Wilmette Life A-182. 60LTN5-1tc | FURN. RM. WITH PRIV. LAV. NEAR 66T32-tfe transp. Young woman pfd. Tel. Winn. 2791. H | ]

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