80 WINNETKA TALK October 27, 1928 Cream of Bowman Players Defeat Triangle Club The indoor base ball team of the Winnetka Triangle club lost its first game of the season Wednesday even- ing by a score of 9 to 3, when the choicest aggregation of the Bowman Dairy players came to Winnetka to meet the husky Triangle bunch. "But what could you expect" "Spar- key" wants to know, "when they send the cream of their players against ours, which are only beginners?" The Triangles are proud of their score of 3 and promise to make a far better showing a little later in the season. The club also has four bowling teams which are said to be rapidly shaping into championship form. The card party which the club an- nounced it would hold at Community House Thursday evening, October 25, has been postponed until November 7. Charles Liddle's Mother Dies at New Orleans, La. Word has reached here of the death of Mrs. Anna F. Liddle, mother of Charles A. Liddle, of 235 Linden ave- nue, at New Orleans, La. Mr. Liddle went to New Orleans this week to attend the funeral, which was to be held there on Wednesday. Besides her son, Mrs. Liddle is survived by a daughter, Sarah Liddle, of Lake For- est, and a sister, Mrs. Sarah Allen, of Chicago. Burial will be at New Orleans. TO WINTER IN WINNETKA Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting of 830 Mt. Pleasant court whll 'remain in Winnetka this winter, contrary to their usual custom of going into the city at this time of the year. Their son, Victor Elting, Jr., who was graduated from Princeton university recently, will be with them this winter. WINNETKA BOY SCOUTS HOLD RALLY, ORGANIZE (Continued from page 1) and to witness a scout ceremonial to be staged for their benefit by the five Community House troops. This note is being sent to fathers of Boy Scouts: Next Thursday evening, November 1, we want you to come to Community House at 7:30 when your Scout goes to his weekly meeting. Scouting in Winnetka has been or- gafiized on a new basis (see WINNETKA TALK of this week). We want to tell vou about it. We want to have you meet the new Winnetka Scout committee, and its officers. We want to talk about scout- ing plans for the future, including the new facilities which include the Cabin- in-the-Woods, the new Izaak Walton League cabin, west of Highland Park, especially for Winnetka Scouts, and the new campsite near Rhinelander, Wis, especially for North Shore Area Scouts. The meeting will be called to order by Henry F. Tenney, president of the village, and honorary chairman, Boy Scouts of Winnetka. It will not take over an hour. At 8:45 we will all go into the gym to witness the dismissal ceremony of the five Community House troops, conducted by Chief Davies. We are counting on you to come--T7:30 sharp. Chester F. Sargent F. A. dePeyster Clarence B. Randall John R. Montgomery, Jr. Rev. R. Malcolm Ward Robert F. Doepel S. Bowles King, Chairman Organization Committee. School Pupils Visit New Sewage Disposal Plant Several children from the social problems classes of Miss Harriet Og- den and Miss Louise Mohr at the Sko- kie school accompanied by their teach- ers, made a trip to the new sewage disposal plant at Howard street and McCormick boulevard, Chicago, Wed- nesday of this week to study that as- pect of city government problems. outstanding silent, clean, sootless, dependable Automatic oil burner See for yourself at Evanston Showroom, 1620 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 700 Mrs. R. Floyd Clinch has returned recently from Washington, D. C, and Virginia Hot Springs to her home on Glenwood avenue. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huzagh of 609 Sheridan road have returned from a duck hunting trip on the Illinois river. 54% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 DOVENMUEHLE, Inc. rd CELEX 1 Safety "105 South Dearborn, Chicago Ample funds at Phone Central 6393 yy interest for loans on homes 5, 10 and 15 year plans, straight or with pre-payment privileges Our loans are purchased by UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE €O. cf Cincinnati BANKERS LIFE €O. of Des Moines Combined Assets $330,000,000 multiplied. estrian. Insurance. office. property. 1617 Sherman Ave. Evanston, Illinois When Winter Comes A LL the dangers that you must guard against are Overheated boilers and fur- naces imperil your property. Icy streets and pavements endanger motorist and ped- There is one safeguard-- Every form of Insurance protection is written in our Here you may be assured of competent service to protect you and your JOHN F. HAHN, Inc. ESTABLISHED 1899 Real Estate--Investments--Insurance Greenleaf 2700 Rogers Park 5115