Fe. November 10, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Police Chief Twice Captures Trophy in Gun Club Rivalry W. M. Peterson, chief of the Win- netka Police department, at the an- nual shoot of the Winnetka Rifle and Revolver club, has again won the coveted trophy, posted a few years ago by J. M. Dickinson, Jr., of 1100 Pelham road and president of 'the club. This gives Chief Peterson two legs to the award, permanent ownership of which will depend upon his achieving | a similar victory at the annual shoot next year. The shoot, Sunday, was held at Fort Sheridan. A handicap in the form of a strong wind prevented scores equal to those recorded by the con- testants last year, Chief Peterson win- ning with a 43, followed by Kenneth Beall, a former holder of the cup for one year, who scored a 41. The win- ning score last year was 44. The shoot was over a range of 200 yards, off hand, in ten string shots. The Winnetka Rifle and Revolver club is preparing to hold a series of indoor rifle and revolver matches, at the range in the Village yards this fall and winter. At these events there will be used a variety of rifles and re- volvers equipped with various kinds of sights. The original purpose of the club was to provide an opportunity for members to improve their marksmanship and for the ultimate provision of a target range for the police department of the village. The range is now a reality and regu- lar practice shoots are held weekly by the police, whose target records are not only a source of pride to the officers themselves, but whose effici- ency, as marksmen, proves an added asset to their qualification as guardians of the village. Each month the officer recording Before Winter Have Your Furniture Upholstered More entertaining and more time at home necessitates "the best look- ing furniture.""--Now you should consider the reconditioning of all shabby looking furniture. Antique Furniture Repairing a Specialty CURTAINS AND DRAPES Hi-grade Refinishing & Painting J. A. ODH 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Winnetka 235 the highest score, receives a sterling silver spoon, donated by J. M. Dick- inson, Jr., president of the Winnetka Rifle and Revolver club. "Hit ud Run" Motorist Is Smacked With a Fine A three-car combination accident which occurred on Sheridan road Fri- day evening of last week, resulted in Harry Bengston, 975 Oak street, Win- netka, being assessed a fine of $10 and costs by Justice of the Peace R. E. Sinsheimer on a disorderly conduct charge. Bengston, according to Ser- geant Ed Cummings and Patrolman Harold Lewis, was driving on the wrong side of the street, and follow- ing the crash attempted to drive away but was pursued and captured by G. A. Booth, of 1339 Walnut avenue, Wau- kegan, and W. P. White, of 190 Fuller lane, Winnetka, drivers of the other cars involved. Mrs. John Stuart, 900 Sheridan road, and her daughter, Miss Ellen, are leav- ing for the East on Monday. Mr. Stuart will join them the latter part of next week and they will attend the Yale-Princeton game. PIANO INSTRUCTION EARLE B. ARMIL of the American Conservatory Chicago Announces the opening of a Winnetka Studio Wednesdays. 787 Foxdale Avenue Dela. 9762 Winn. 2366 FINEST QUALITY at LOWEST PRICES FREE DELIVERY SAVINGS RE sure--and satisfaction is guaranteed if you take ad- vantage of our special offerings. Get the habit of trading at the Palace markets. MEAT MARKET 796 Elm Street--Winnetka Telephone orders are given care- ful attention by experi- enced butch- ers. {| SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Wapsie Valley we =; He | = 53 Fresh Little Pig Hams 2 1 1 Genuine 1928 | | LEG-LAMB 35- Fresh Dressed Spring CHICKENS 9% J Boneless RIB ROAST of Beef 45¢ Boneless VEAL ROAST 36- Lean Young PORK LOIN 7% 1928 Spring Boneless Leg Lamb 39- Loin LAMB CHOPS 35 Best Sliced BACON 3 Ibs. Fresh Long Island DUCKS 38: Swift's Premium or Peacock 291)¢ The Best Cut to 34c POT ROAST 28° 6-7 Ib. av. Cc Winnetka's Exclusive WAPSIE VALLEY DISTRIBUTORS Telephones: WINNETKA a PALACE MEAT MARKET We Deliver Most of the Best for the Least 796 Elm Street Telephones: WINNETKA 4 and 333 We Deliver