Angelo Principe' Italian Canadian Digital Newspaper Collection

Il Bollettino Italo-Canadese, 2 Feb 1934, p. 12

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Next Monday will see the inaugural bridge and scopa par- ty of the season get under way at the Circolo Colombo at 8.30 o'clock in the evening. For so- me time past many of our mePr bers and friends have compla- ined of there being no social functions for the non-dancers, and in answer to repeated re- quests we are holding a series of card parties, the first of which will be held in the club rooms on Monday next, Feb. 5th as mentioned above. To Help a Good Cause Not only will those taking part in these card games enjoy themselves but they will at the same time be contributing to a Very worthy cause - a fund for the establishment of a li- brary. Thir library will im- prove the intellectual status and widen the knowledge of our members and visitors and hen- ce should be supported in every way possible. It is also another) reason why the men of the Co-' lony should join the Circolo Co-. lombo to partake of the social, The members of the Circolo C o l om b o who attended our monthly meeting were elated at seeing a valuable volume of the exploits of our patron, Chris- topher Colombo, which was a gift of the Italian government, through the efforts of our Con- sul General, Comm. Petrucci and our Vice-Consul Cav. Am.. brosi. Many thanks. . . I It is understood that further volumes are to follow which deal with various phases of dif- ferept topics, the same being both in Italian and English. Preparations are already un- der way to construct a library case which will adorn our plub- rooms. A committee composed of Jos. Garbarino, Nick Sean- diffio, W. Sansone and R. Poli- to are busily engaged promot- ing a Bridge and Scopa, the proceeds of which will help de- fray expenses for building our new library. _ A library board has been ap- pointed to take care of our Li- brary. It consists of Bros. Jo- seph Garbarino, Nick Scandif- fio and T. Mari. A match bowling contest was held last Saturday evening bet- ween Itheinhardt's and a few members of the Big Eight. 'Needless to say the Big Eight were the winners. A sweet re- Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice-Pres. Rocco Polito Secretary Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer G. B. Garbarino il BOLLETTINO ITALO-CANADESE EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Acquistate La Migliore Oualita' In Aid of Library Fund CLUB NOTES "SAMBA" BRIDGE AND SCOPA PARTY Bridge and Scopa AT CIRCOLO COLOMBO MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 8.30 p.m. 'rizes Monday, February 5th Gid De Spirt Joe Piccininni Rocco Polite Jas. Simone "Freseo dai Giardini' IN AID OF LIBRARY FUND There will be four prizes for the card games: first for La- dies and Gents for bridge and the same for the Scopa game. Players at each table will pivot after each game. As many players as possible are kindly requested to bring their own cards. The subscription is only 25 cents per person so that this should be no handicap to those wishing to spend a very plea asant evening in card playing and contributing to the success of the library fund. We hope that our friends will turn out in large numbers to give a good send off to this, the first affair of I(its kind this season at the old . Book Gifts Welcome If any of our readers have books they have no use for at their home, we would be very pleased to accept same for in- clusion in our library. A tele- phone call to the Circolo Colom- bo -r-.- AD. 2995 will result in books being called for prompt- lv. Lou Cassullo has launched in a new line of endeavour. It is reported that he is contemplat- ing entering the manicuring business. He was seen practic- ing his would be profession with a nail file in our Club for the past few days. Our old friend, Art Fattori, put in an appearance in the Club this week after a long ab.. sence. We sincerely hope that Art will be with us more often from now on. past was later held at the home of John De Rose, Dundas West. Jos. Arrigo has been enrolled in the membership of our Club. We wish to take this opportu- nity to welcome our new mem- ber and hope that he will be- come an active one. Our monthly meeting last Sunday was well attended and many matters of importance were thoroughly discussed and passed upon. T Incidentally our regular me- etings will again revert to the third Sunday of the month as previously. At the general meeting last Sunday a vote of thanks was made for the good work of our New Year's ball committee. Bob Polite responded with sincere thanks for the full co-operation he received from the members in general. spiritual and intellectual bene.. fits which are to be derived therefrom. The Xmas tree for the chil- dren of the members was re- Subscription 250 '" m C,"),);.":"",')")')',',") i ll. C. WINS FOURTH GAME ported a great success and fa- vourable comments were in or- der. It was suggested that this innovation be again followed next year. We have had many illustri- ous Italians visit us durimg the past, but no one made as favor.. able an impression as H. E. Pa- rini. The Circolo Colombo had the pleasure of a personal visit to their clubarooms and exten- ded to Gen. Parini a sincere and hearty welcome. The Circolo An old time party was held at the home of Jos. Barone last Sunday evening with many members of the Spow cottage renewing old feuds. "Fat" Bat- taglia and Pio Elia were very conspicuous during the treset- te games. Following the games Mrs. Barone served a dainty luncheon for the boys. LIGHTWEIGHT WRESTLERS SHOW MORE SPEED Orth Again Features _ Speed, more speed and thril- ling action was the consensus of the seven thousand odd fans that attended the first wrest- ling card featuring lightweight and light heavyweight wtres- tlers held by the Arena Gar- dens Club three weeks ago. It was an experiment and officials of the Arena Gardens are to be congratulated for introducing this form of sport to Toronto. Next Thursday night another card of "lighter-than-heavies" will be offered. Paul Orth "Tar- zan of the mat" who caused quite a sensation on his first appearance here has been mat- ched with Jack Sampson who is considered champion of his class. The item of dues, which is of vital importance to the exis- tance of our Club, is receiving Orth was a combination of Zaharias, "Gentleman" Jack "I come, I see, I conquer". This phrase translated from the latin motto of Caesar des- cribes the visit of H. E. Piero Parini who came, saw and con- quered the hearts of the Ita- lians of Toronto. The Circolo Colombo have set up an enviable record with four straight wins in as many starts. Last Monday evening they registered their third shutout of the season against the Sioux at Willowdale by the score of 3-0. Although the weather was extremely cold a great ma- ny Cireolo rooters were in at- tendance including Dr. Scandif- fio who happened to return to town from where he is station- ed at Guelph and enjoyed see- ing some of his old teammates perform in stellar fashion. The first period resulted in many uncalled for penalties on the part of the referee and in- cidentally there was no score. During the intermission Lou Spalla was unanimously elected captain of the team and when the boys took to the ice he sig- nalized his appearance by scor- ing the first goal of the game on a beautiful solo effort. Un- der his able direction on the ice the team became organized and began functioning like a well oiled machine. The third period opened with some very fast play on both si- des. The Circolo boys began clicking with their combination plays and on a pass by Bernar- do, Dossey scored the second goal. A few minutes later Lou Spalla served up the game by WELCOMES H.131. PARINI BOLLETTINO George F. Sansone, R.O., Editor Circolo Colombo much attention by the members of late and, approximately, we have one hundred "paid up" members. Your visit will be a memor- able one to all the members of the Circolo Colombo. You can rest assured that our motto. "God and Country" will al- ways be our guide and stan- Dr. Michael Scandiffio who is now stationed at Guelph paid us a flying visit and incidental- ly while here took in the Cir- colo Hockey game at Willow- dale Arena. Dr. Anthony Vince, one of our prominent dentists and a member of our Club, paid us a visit last Wednesday evening where he renewed many old ac- quaintances. As usual he had a good story to tell. Washburn, Garibaldi and Ray Steele, in his last bout. He showed the Showmanship of the former two and the clever- ness of the latter. He has al- ready become the arch villain of the lightweights. In the se- mi-final "Red" Simmes and ,Bobby Jackson have been re- matched by popular demand. These two grapplers "stole the show" on their first appearan- ce and Matchmaker Tom McLu- re not onlp provided for a re- turn match but arranged that it be a forty-five minute bout with the best two out of three falls to decide the winner. Dan- ny McDonald, Toronto middle- weight who did so well in the Olympics, will also appear on the card. If you want to see speed, thrills and action attend t h e s e "lighter-than-heaviest" shows. Colombo is always ready to greet and take irito their fold, representatives of the Italian Government as a mark of their respect and patriotism for the motherland. Welcome, Minister Parini, a true patriot, statesman and gentleman! --- - scoring his second goal on a double pass - King to Scandif- fio to Spalla. The boys played well and are improving with every appearance. _ _ On Thursday night the Cir- colos held the highly touted Westwards to a l-l tie at Royal Rink. . There was no score in the first period but in the second frame the Westwards sank in a goal as a result of bad clearing 0;: the part of the Circolos, the first scored against them in a league game *this season.' A They pressed hard in the tia nal period and Vic Bernardo's goal in practically the last rush of the game tied the score. Lou Spalla anipat Zone stood ogt tji, the defence and Bernardo and Scandiffio were the best of tlit forwards. The line-up: Goal, Chrysdale; defence, Fratteroli, Spalla; for- wards, Scandiffio, l. w., Ber- nardo, c., Gismondi, r. w.; subs: King, Dossey, Zona, Townsend. Standing February 2, 1934 Columbus Coal .. 5 Pellettieri ..... Spows .......... Friuli .......... Lucky Strikes... Columbia ....... Eatons ....'.... 'uDUUm ....... ttieri ......'... Strikes........ ia ............ ... 45 42 27 25 24 23 22 The Columbus Coal increased their lead over the 5 Pellettiers when they took three points off them in the last game of last week. Turnbridge led his team with 790 for three. They main- tained this lead when they took four points by default from the Hookers. Joe Garbarino was the big noise in this affair with 296-731. Apparently the others were taking it easy as there were no other creditable scores. Eatons continued their drive to the top by taking four points from the Lucky Strikes with Mallen providing all the action with 305-801. Wilson has been improving each week and has proved to be a decided asset to his team in their success. G. Bernardo was the best on his team with 686. Conti was con- spicuous by his absence. Garbarino .............. 863 High Game For Team Columbia.............. 1287 High 3 Games For Team 5 Pellettiers ........... 3401 3 Games 700 or over E. Pellettieri ........'. . .. 814 Garbarino .............. 731 Mallen ............'.... 801 On Wednesday evening the 5 Pellettiers took four points from the strong Columbia beam and kept at the heels of the Columbus Coal. E. Pellettier was the best on either team and also the highest for the week with 814. Ernie's bowling has bordered on the sensational the last few weeks and it was lar- gely due to this that the Colum- bus Coal have not been able to lengthen their lead. Pieeininni was the best for the Columbia team with 679 but Borsa's sin- gle effort of 295 in the last ga- me was the highlight of the evening and almost was the cause of the 5 Pellettiers losing a point. - 7 Next week the third and fi- nal lap begins and the fight will be in earnest for the playoff positions. However it is. a fore- gone conclusion that the two leading teams have clinched a playoff position and the fight rests with the next five teams RECORDS FOR THE MONTH Jan. 16 - Feb. 15 High Score for Team 5 Pellettieri .q.......... 3371 RECORDS FOR THE SEASON High Single Game Turnbridge ............. 360 - StsS8ga?att"s --- FF . I (132). ,5 " L a; JgXlJiray a I" [st Monday February 5 ... Tuesday February 6 . . . ' Wednesday February 7 . Thursday February 8 ... 'isigggaTggrasriiaagagiWgLaWfi- M'tWrSigafftTfl; Hookers Toledo, "The Tarzan of the Ma t" Omaha, Nebrask; Best Two out of Three Falls 60 Minute Li Paul Jack ORTH vs. SAMPSO 'Red' Simmes vs. Bobby Jackso Thursday, Feb. 8th, 8.30 p. m. STAR PR ELIDIINABIE! " "'s, /////l\\\\l High 3 Games Wrestling BOWLING NEWS SEMI - FINAL Two out of Three Falls 45 minute Limit MUTUAL STREET ARENA (By Albert Pellettieri) KI 7142 NEW PRICES ARENA GARDENS A. C. EXHIBITIONS MAIN BOUT . . . . .Columbia vs. Columbus Cog . . . . . Spows vs Eater . . . . . Lucky Strikes vs Frill} . . . . .5 Pellettiers vs The Hockey This week we find the Stri es and Blows much the best/ taking two games from the II and Misses. Led by their " Chrissie Mastrangelo who led 376 for two, the fonmer am overwhelmed their less f tunate adversaries. As us Rose Cairo led her team wit' 307 but it wasn't enough. I looking over the sheet, I notie that there has been a great de of improvement all down tl line. Whether this is due to t presence of a coach or wheth it is the result of the new vog in bowling introduced by th Friday Nighters, namely i using four balls instead three, we do not know. idea if adopted by the C. B. will, we feel sure in saying, r volutionize the bowling work Even at that, however, I dou if Ann Lobraico or Helen Gri tani will reach the' 100 m , However this pair hi . to be charming host es :many occasions which will p ase the men much more thi their bowling ability. F",NrlCl'n'WE' OF THE CLU Manager Joe Gritt: Chairnrm H. C. W. A. Sanso Councillors: M. Tassiello, Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, N. F. Scandiffio. Father Auad Clu Chaplain. It is getting to be a habit mention the fact that Rosa ll' leads the girls in the bowlii scores so since she did that v ry thing again this week won't say a word about it. R Yanuziello (I got it right t time) tried to put a fast over when she put the na ELISA on the League Sed Sheet but we all know that s means Babe (Jan , ayno Palange. Louise had ' ce si gle game of 170 for er fir effort but in the second encou ter she faltered and barely h over 100. Rose Lobraico con nues to roll a steady game a since she is endowed with t wit of her two uhtlesraii?i' over-blessed with the greate of all womanly virtues, nam charm, her presence at the el is always looked forward t Little women, all, but wil hearts of gold. Once again the vultures h their fill and the writer wish to extend a compliment to t baker of the delicious Da cakes. Bob Polito's amour liv, East of C)ssington. for the three remaining place May the best team win. l FRIDAY NIGHTERS QUESTION MARKS 60 Minute Limit Jack 2 Febbraio, 1 Chicago

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