Italy's hopes were shattered in the mid:week . when Tom Saetta and Fioravanti Baggio were forced to retire from the race due to injuries. $ Saetta's injury was incurred about eleven o'clock on Tuesday evening. He and Baggio had just jumped the field for a lap and--were out in front to gain another, and incidentally $20. offered by an admiring fan, when he went over the fence on the west bank at dazzling speed and was knocked unconscious, sustaining a dislocated shoulder and internal injuries, which ne-- cessitated his withdrawal from the race. In about thirty--six hours To-- ronto's fifth international six-- day bicycle race will end. Tor-- chy Peden and Jules Audy, To-- ronto Maple. Leaf team, are holding on grimly to a slight lead over the star--spangle team of Charlie Winter and Frank Bartell, who are forcing the le-- aders all the way. EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice--Pres. Rocco Polito Secretary } Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer John Longo It was a disappointed crowd of Italian fans who saw Tom Saetta carried off the floor on Tuesday. They were delighted at the brilliant showing the Ita-- lians made in the sprints earlier in the evening and all shouted words of encouragement to Baggio to carry on. Baggio then joined forces with Henry Lepage of the Red Devil--team, who was left part-- nerless when Letourner met with an accident on Monday. Early Wednesday morning, in the last lap of the final sprint before settling down for the night, Baggio rode right into a pile of seven fallen riders and was badly cut--about the face. He hung on until -- Wednesday noon but was finally compelled to give in. Thè number "thirteen" cer-- tainly spelled disaster to the wearer. Letourner and Baggio both wore it and crashed. Van Slambrouck is the present we-- arer. i The Italian colorbearers we-- re the recipient of a beautiful basket of flowers from Mesda-- mes Conti and Cavarini, ardent six--day 'bike fans. PEDEN AND AUDY LEAD BIKE RACE FIORAVANTI BAGGIO AND TOM SAETTA the first all--Ita-- lian team to compete in a six--day bike race in Toronto, were forced to abandon the race at the Arena Gardens in the mid-- week due to injuries. il BOLLETTINU rrALO--CANADESE FORCED TO RETIRE WOODBINE OPENS MAY 19 It won't be long now until the thrilling blast of a bugle will 'be heard, announcing the com-- ing of the horses on the track at Woodbine park . -- e Every morning a huge crowd gathers at the beautiful park to see the gee--gees train. Several of the boys, who are addicts to the sport of kings, can be seen nightly perusing the daily rac-- ing forms and in just two we-- eks' time they will be waiting tensely in the huge crowd at Woodbine for the barrier to be sprung, when some twenty tho-- usand people will shout in uni-- son, "FThey'te off!". Who will be the winner of the King's Plate? That's the. talk of the town to--day. The opening day ceremonies are over. Chev. Vic. Gianelli certainly put on a fine show, al-- though the Toronto ball team spoiled the afternoon 'for the fans by losing a close game to the Albany club. It was a good game, full of sparkling plays and tense moments. Toronto put up a game fight after spot-- ting their opponents three runs in the third inning. They mana-- ged to score twice but did not have the final punch. Tke Boone's 'team are going to be very popular. Their infield com-- pares favorably with any in the league while their outfield al-- though not so good defensively can certainly boast a dynamite offensive. They are all power-- ful hitters, liable to break up a game at anytime. 7 There were over thirteen tho-- usand fans there to support the home team. It was a perfect setting, warm sunshine, neat newly painted grandstand and bleachers, bands, bunting, fire-- works, flags, speeches, and above all a good ball game, with one sore spot, as mentioned before -- the final outcome of the game. i Chev. Gianelli once again de-- monstrated his artistry as a master of ceremonies. He had the boys rehearsed in their marching, making intricate pat-- terns, etc. The street parade with a civic reception at the ci-- ty hall was well organized. He was congratulated by all for his fine work.-- But it is nothing new for the genial Chevalier to PLAY BALL! I "ÈÎÉ RCO MBQL . L dtk _A --A --a 4 BA 1 --A_ -- l ' l i V: After sojourning in Hamilton for the past two years, Dr. Do-- nato Sansone has re--opened his practice in Toronto at his for-- mer residence, 592 Spadina Av-- enue. ; DR. DONATO SANSONE RE--OPENS PRACTICE HERK Dr. Sansone has created a favorable impression . by his professional skill and gentle-- manly deportment and is once again at the service of all his former patients. i REV. FR. SALZA TO SPEAK AT CLUB make a success of any under-- taking he assumes. Under the auspices of the Circolo Colombo, the Reverend Father Salza, C. S. S. R. will ad-- dress the members of the Cir-- colo Colombo and their friends on Sunday, May 6th, at 8 o'clock in the club--rooms. The whole Italian colony is invited to at-- tend. Chevalier Ambrosi, vice-- consul, will act as chairman for this special occasion . Last Saturday the amateur ball teams got under way in the local sandlots. It was noticeable that in the reports of the ga-- mes, many Italian boys were prominent. 3 This is indeed a great change since the time when the writer used to play. In those days the n am es of Freddie Genian, Adams Casciato, Bob Abate, Geo. Sansone and probably one or two others were the only Ita-- lian names to adorn the box scores, but . nowadays Carmen Bush, Lou Spalla, Ronny Ron-- cetti, Galimberti, Vince Laman-- tia and a host of others are right up with the leaders. Of course, . these are in the senior leagues; the number playing in the minors is great and in the not too distant future it would not be surprising if a complete team of Italian players organi-- zed to play senior ball. Lion's Club Show Next Monday night the Lion's Club annual boxing show will take place at Mutual St. Arena. Matchmaker Charles Ring has lined up a card which includes several young Italian boys from various points in Ontario. The-- se boys and all other partici-- pants are donating their servi-- ces free of charge. The Lion's club is a service club, working in the interests of underprivileged _ boys who will be able to spend happy ho-- urs at some summer camp thro-- ugh the proceeds of this show. It is a worthy cause which me-- rits the support of all. The show is well worth the money as all the outstanding amateur boxers in Ontario will take part. At-- tend this splendid show, enjoy a night of . thrille and --action, and at the 'Same time help a worthy cause along. The pastor of this church has worked ardently to make things go, but owing to present condi-- tions it_ is a hard struggle. It is fortunate that a group of West Toronto ladies have inte-- rested themselves in this pro-- iect. They have arranged a first class 'dance with a floor show and made the price of ad-- mission so low that everyone can well afford to attend--25 cents. Amongst the numerous women on the committee the Misses Befrene are taking an active interest. They will be on hand to greet the Italian guests. A group of prominent West Toronto ladies are holding a dance in St. Patrick's audito-- rium on McCaul street next Monday night in aid of the new Maltese Catholie church, St. John the Apostle. s DANCE IN AID OF MALTESE CHURCH ON THE SANDLOT SPORT BRIEFS BOLLHETTINO George F., Sansone, R.O., Editor DEL Congratulations are in order to the following who celebrate their birthday during the com-- ing week: May 6th-- Miss Marie Piccinin-- ni, daughter of our well known ex--president and se-- cretary, Jimmy Piccininni. May 10th-- President Joe Pic-- cininni (More about this af-- ter the party) . May 11th-- Mrs. Eda Rufran (nee De Laurentis) of Niaga-- ra. Falls, N. Y. To the above we extend our best wishes for many happy returns of the day. Many happy returns of the day Stella from Marie. PADRE SALZA ALLA CHIE-- SA DI MONTE CARMELO Funzione delle Quarant'ore Venerdi 4, la mattina alle 8, Messa Cantata e Processione. La sera, alle 7.30, funzione e predica del Rev. Padre Salza. Sabato 5, la mattina alle ore 8, Messa. La sera alle 7.30, funzione. Padre Salza predicatore. Domenica 6, la mattina alle 9, Messa celebrata da Padre Sal-- za con predica. La sera, alle 7, chiusura, con predica di Padre Salza e pro-- cessione. NELLA TRINACRIA Mercoledi prossimo,, 9 mag-- gio, nel Banquet Hall del Roal York Hotel, ci sarà il ballo del-- la società Trinacria, che avreb-- be dovuto aver luogo il primo di questo mese. Prezzo del bi-- glietto $1.50. LA FORTUNA AD ALTILIA Il bellissimo premio offerto dal signor Serafino Nobile, pa-- sticciere della Coles' Ltd., nella festa in onore del console Cav. Ambrosi, é toccato alla signori-- na Altilia, figliuola di Nick, col N.370. "SURPRISE PARTY" Giovedi sera, nelle sale del Circolo Colombo, ci é stato un "Surprise Party" a favore della signorina Lina Calarco, che il 24 corrente andra sposa a John Grieco . Registriamo -- il cambiamento d'indirizzo di due membri: Lui-- gi Grittani, da 86 Annette St. a 306 Pacific Ave.; Joe Barone, da Yonge St. a 695A St. Clair Ave. W. U TA PROSSIMA VOLTA E' FEMMIN A Domenica sera un gruppo di amici, reduci di una riunione ed una bicchierata, si radunarono a casa di Joe Piccininni per il consueto caffé (per modo di di-- re). Strana combinazione, ap-- pena arrivati a casa, un vicino gli offre una porzione di dolce con attaccato il ditalino: segno di femmina; entrati in casa, si veggono bambole e bambolette in tutti gli angoli: segno di fem-- mina; si iniziano i discorsi: si si parla solo di bimbe e ragaz-- ze. Buon segno. Auguri. 6 Maggio -- Adunata Coloniale al Circolo Colombo per la con-- ferenza di Padre Salza. 9 Maggio -- Ballo della Trina-- cria, al Royal York Hotel. 23 Maggio -- Ballo e "Social" delle Daukhters of Savoia, al Columbus Hall. 1. Luglio-- Pellegrinaggio ad Hamilton _ della Italian Aid Protective Society. À A Luigi Casullo e John Lon-- go é spettato l'onore della prima partita delle bocecie nel Circolo, domenica scorsa, con una gior-- nata che invitava all'aperto. La stagione si é iniziata con forte patrocinio. Tony Ricco ha dimenticato tutti gli altri giuochi di carte da quando ha iniziato quello del Bridge, per il quale é già dive-- nuto un maestro. CAMBIAMENTO Calendario Coleniale B I R T H D A Y S D'INDIRIZZO McDONALD, PANTHER FE-- ATURE ARENA SHOW who will meet ;the ' Black. Pan-- ther in the main bout of the Arena A C. wrestling show next Thursday night. This pic-- ture was taken in Los Angeles during the Olympic games. -- Mercurio on Card By virtue of his win over Young Angelo, the "Sicilian flash", the Black Panther has earned the right to meet Dan-- ny McDonald, Toronto's Olym-- pÎc --cflàmpion'in the main bout of next Thursday's Arena A.C. "lighter than heavies" §h9w. This bout should be featured by clean, fast wrestling as both men prefer scientific tactics to the more roughhouse methods. Red Simmes, the Hamilton highlander, will return in the semi--final to take on Walter Stratton, Chicago, a light heavy of no mean repute. Nick Mercurio, well known local Italian wrestler and foot-- ball player, will match tackles with Walter Underhill of Co-- lumbia University. The opener promises to be in keeping with the other three bouts. Promoter -- Tommy McLure has announced that the new sensational prices are now in effect: 55c, $1.10 tax included. The ladies tickets is twenty--fi-- ve cents. ky WY n V vo o -- fi DANNY MoDONALD -- FOUR ALL STAR BOUTS Danny McDonald vs. Sensational New Prices: »5c and $1.10 tax included -- Ladies 25¢ Red Simmes vs. Walter Stratton Nick Mercurio vs-- Walter Underhill THURSDAY, MAY 10th S EXHIBITIONS Mutual Sit. Arena The Hamilton Highlander WRESTLING Toronto Italian $s > \"' '\:'È se è-- . . o9 B L 95 Toronto 815 E°.M. ARENA GARDENS A. C. The Black Panther Manager Joe Grittani Chairmon H. C. W. A. Sansone Counciliors: M. | Tassiello, V. Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, N. F. A. Scandiffio. Father Auad Club Chaplain. PROSSIMA PUBBLICAZIONE -- Nei nostri uffici si sta prepa-- rando un nuovo volumetto che sarà molto utile, non solo alle autorità, ma al pubblico in ge-- nerale. Si tratta di un annua-- rio per tutte le Associazioni ed Enti Italiani esistenti nel Cana-- Il matrimonio della signorina Natale Belvedere, figliuola di Joseph, 230 ,Bellwoods Ave. con Joseph Ponesse, ha avuto luogo Mercoledi scorso, nella chiesa di St. Agnese, ufficiante il Rev. Padre Balé. La sposa é stata accompagnata all'altî' dal padre e la cugina Giusep na Chiappetta é stata la "maid of Honor". Joe Ponesse, fratel-- lo dello sposo, é stato il "best \man". da. Se qualche Associazione non fosse sicura di essere stata inclusa nella nostra lista, sia a Toronto che fuori, da un estre-- mo all'altro del Dominio, si com-- piaccia farci pervenire i dati necessaril, cioé: Nome della so-- cieta, indirizzo, nome e cogno-- me degli ufficiali principali. Per le istituzioni religiose il no-- me e il parroco o ministro o al-- tro capo, con indirizzo. Tutte le informazioni dovran-- no pervenirci non piu' tardi del 20 maggio corrente. Italian Information Bureau 12 Elm Street, Toronto Dalla fotografia pubblicata nel "Telegram" del 27 aprile u. s., diciamo subito che merita lo studio del Lombroso. Non lo crediamo. Però riteniamo che é molto leggero in affermazioni come quelle pubblicate dal gior-- nale in occasione del furto cui é stato vittima. Esso, senza base alcuna, afferma che i due indi-- vidui che lo hanno derubato gli sembrano due italiani. Ques'to! tutto. Noi diciamo, invece, ch dal modo come il furto é stato consumato, la cosa non ci eem-- bra troppo chiara. Non voglia-- mo fare insinuazioni, ma non accettiamo che si facciano insi-- nuazioni. Dopo un breve ricevimento privato in casa della sposa, la coppia é partita per il suo viag-- gio di nozze in Bermuda ed al suo ritorno si stabilirà a Toron-- to. IL REX ALL'ESPOSIZIONE Il locale ufficio della Italian Line ha assicurato che nella sezione italiana della prossima Esposizione di Toronto, verra esibito al pubblico una perfetta riproduzione -- del mastodontico vapore di lusso italiano "REX". EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB N 0 Z Z E PONESSE -- BELVEDERE CHI E' A. G. TURNER? m)_ 7 Am i E@L!%& J a': i ) : i'b = u' Harlam M e P È; eZ S | & \ '\3\// ',)\, ; _#9/ | M C# (@ : Panther % Stratton | Chicago -- Underhillè ia University nas"0 d s È?' e 4 Maggio, 1934 %