Rev. Father Auad, our chap- lain, makes a special appeal to all the Italian men and boys to make a sacrifice in honor of the Holy Name of Jesus, and attend this rally. As in previous years, all will meet at the Club when- ce thev will march to their pla- ce in Queen's Park. Ever since its inception, our men have ma- de a brilliant showing. Let us one again live up to our reputa- tion. ' Once again the day on which all the Catholic men of this ei.. ty will have the opportunity of acknowledging their Faith, the day of the annual Holy Name Parade, takes place on Sunday, June 24th. As usual Mount Carmel church, through its Club, the Circolo Colombo, will take a leading part in this so- lemn demonstration of our Fa- ith. L'Ingegnere Vincent De Mar- chi ei ha lasciati per qualehe tempo: egli trovasi a Camper- down, nel Nord Ontario per ra- gioni di lavoro e si tratterré in quella sezione per diversi mesi. Flavio, il nostro socio "sport", si é fatta ~1a sua automobile per peter piu' facilmente risponde- re alle numerose chiamate. . . .. gentili. I membri del Circolo Colom bo, riuniti ieri sera in seduta speciale per l'approvazione del resoconto revisori di conti, ha deliberato di aderire alla stessa EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice-Pres. Rocco Polito Secretary Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer Johh Longo Italians of Toronto AND SUBURBS! MR. JAMES FRANCESCHINI INVITES ALL THE ITALIANS OF TORONTO AND SU- BURBS TO A GRAND PICNIC WHICH WILL BE HELD ON HIS PROPERTY "DUFFERIN STOCK FARM" (Three miles north of St. Clair Avenue on Dufferin Street). ll BOLLETTINU 1'1'ALO-CANADESE Those who have no means of transportation may board the T. T. C. Busses at Dufferin St. and St. Clair Avenue whence they will be conveyed to the grounds from 1 to 2.30 P. M. and returned to that point from 7.30 to 9 P. M. free of charge. SLPttUJLl'itttllllE 1 T-ret Grand Picnic Valuable prizes donated by Mr. Franceschini will be awarded the winners of the races and other events. . Refreshment tickets for men, women and children will be distributed at the admission gate. EACH PICNICKER MUST BRING HIS OWN LUNCH BASKET. 55:: Mr. Frimceslchitni expliinted to thte heags of the local Associations, this picnic was promi- se 0 our co ony as PUT,. 11 owing 0 un ortunate circumstances, it wa.f. not h 1d. T - Mr. Franceschini fulfills his promise. s e o day Everyone is invited-Men, Women and Children of any religion and creed. HOLY NAME PARADE SUNDAY, JUNE 24th 5 years and under 5 years and under 10 66 " " 10 " " " 15 " " " 15 (I " " 20 " " " 20 " " " FAT LADIES' RACE FAT MENS RACE HORSE SHOW FOOTBALL GAME ..... Cup BASEBALL GAME . . . . . Cup TUG-OF-WAR CONTEST Cup LAWN BOWLING DANCING DONKEY RIDE FOR CHILDREN PONY RIDES FOR CHILDREN. PROGRAMME This is your invitation to a GIRLS George F. Sansone, opened his branch office in Markham yes- terday, and he reports that it was a successful day. We have received several in... quiries regarding Mr. Sansone's office. It seems that a lot of the people think that he has opened an office in Markham permanently, but this is not true. He will only be in Mark- ham every Thursday, the balan- ce of the week he will be at his own office at 2 College Street, Toronto. Dr. Michael Seandiffio was a visitor in the city last week. Mr. Charles Befrene Ill It is with deep regret that we have learned of the serious ill- ness of Mr. Charles Befrene, father of the popular Befrene girls. We wish Mr. Befrene a speedy recovery. ll telefono del Circolo da qual- che giorno funziona troppo spesso, specialmente la sera. Nove volte su dieci si sente chiamare: "Landy"? Chi é que- sto nuovo arrivato che ha sosti- tuito John, Jimmy, ecc.? John Grieco e la sua signora, Lina, sono tornati a Toronto do-. po il viaggio di nozze negli Sta- ti Uniti e fra giorni andranno a stabilirsi nella nuova residen- za: 519 Parkside Dr. e possibilmente avere la banda Fu subito aperta una sottoscri- zione con $25 dal Signor G. B. per conto della sezione italiana. Garbarino. Races "%tfk.'.te, Uit, whom COLOMBQI§§ 5 years and under 10 " " " 15 (I " " 20 " " " FAT MENS RACE BOYS Vi sara' una conferenza data a tutti gl'italiani in questa cir- costanza e la Loggia Ontario prepara un ricevimento in ono- re del Capo della grande tami- glisr dell'Ordine. , Domenica, alyassemblea della Loggia Ontario Ordine Figli d'Italia, fu dato l'annuncio Che il Supremo Venerabile dell'Or.. dine, Giovanni De Silvestro, sa- ra' a Toronto, di passaggio gio- vedil 28 giugno, diretto a Sault Ste. Marie, ove il primo e il 2 Luglio avra' luogo la Grande Convenzione dell'Ordine stesso per la provincia d'Optario. " Daremo prossimamente ulte- riori partipolyri sql fgtto. Inoltre la Loggia Ontario ha deciso d'inviare quale suo dele- gato a la Convenzione di Sault Ste. Marie il fratello Tommasc Mari. Notevole, a questo pro- sito, é la rinuneia spontanea del sig. Salvatore Tammaro a dele- gato, avendo il Grande Concilio deciso di avere un solo delegato per economia di spese, malgra- do lo statutome preveda dye.. E' stato altresi' deeiso che la Loggia Ontario contribuisca a la biblioteca "Elisabetta De Sil- vestro" con qualehe libro dono dei fratelli di Toronto, quelli di Sault Ste. Marie. De Silvestro A Toronto Una Gentile Lettera di Parini BOLLETTINO George F. Sansone, R.O., Editor DEL La Loggia Ontario terra' que- st'anno un picnic famigliare; per esso agira' il comitato ballo in onore di S. E. il Ministro Pie- ro Parini, Che ha inviato la se- guente 'lettera al Venerabile, in risposta ai ringraziamenti ri- voltigli per aver accettato la fe- sta dell'Ordine in suo onore. "Roma- 7 Maggio 1934- XII. Caro Zambri, ebbi la Sua genti- le lettera del 24 marzo u. s. Ricambio il cordiale salute della Loggia Ontario Che ha rin- novato in me il ricordo delle o- re di vibrante italianita' passa- te a Toronto. Con viva cordiali- ta'. Parini." Infine la Loggia Ontario ha deciso di sospendere le sedute per i mesi estivi, luglio, agosto e settembre. I pagamenti men. sili debbono esser fatti al sig. Marco Missori, 287 Claremont St. Tutti gli altri servizi fun- zioneranno come sempre. Il segreario del comitato Pie- nie della Societ2 Fratellanza ci informa al telefono che esso a- vr2 luogo il giorno di lunedi, 6 Agosto, nel reeinto del Grand Stand dell'Esposizione. Ci pro- mette ulteriori particolari in se- guito non avendo per ora altre informazioni. Nella seddta di domenica del- la Loggia Ontario s'é discusso inoltre la partecipazione della stessa al rinnovato Fondo Uni- co Mortuario e la maggioranza dei soci é sembrata favorevole a la partecipazione, giacché pa- re siano stati eliminati gl'ineon- venienti che ve l'avevano fatta ritirare. GL1 SPOSI SI RITIRANO AL NIDO A commento di questa attiva seduta della Loggia Ontario, si pu6 fare 1'osservazione che or- mai sembra la Loggia stes- sa avviarsi verso un'era di fat- tivo lavoro costruttivo. Giovedi della scorsa settima- na-la coppia De Stasi--Puma si é ritirata nel proprio nido, a Henderson street, e un gruppo di amiei gli ha improvvisata u- na Serenata che é durata fino alle 6 del mattino. Fra i suona- tori hanno fatto sfoggio della propria speeialihi il nostro Ciampolillo col suo violino e Francesco Leone col clarino. Va senza dire ohe gli sposi, aiutati dalla famiglia, intrattennero l'allegra comitiva e la trattaro- no come si conviene a distuiba.. tori della quiete di famiglia. La punizione é stata fatta a base di biscotti, vino, soda, ecc. PICNIC DELLA Nella rubrica dei ricami, que- sto numero di Fili illustra inte- ressanti esempi di lavori su or- gandi e lino, e di trine a fuselli eseguite nelle migliori scuole i- taliane. ' Vediamo inoltre originali mo- delli per lenzuola, tovaglie, to- vagliette, tovagliolini, tendine, trine ad ago, biancheria perso- nale e copertine da culla. In par- ticolar modo é stata curata 1a presentazione di vestiti da bam- bini per i cortei nuziali. Le signore che pensano pas- sare 1e vacanze al mare avran- no, qui, grande scelta di model- Ii di vestiti da spiaggia, istru- zioni per la confezione a maglia di costumi da bagno, materassino da spiaggia, zocco- letti, guanti estivi, scatole pie- ghevoli per viaggio e mille altri consigli utili per sé e per la ca- sa. t Al faseicolo é acclusa una grande tavola che riporta a grandezza naturale interessan- ti disegni e modelli. E' in Nendita in tutta l'Italia al prezzo di L..5.-.. Tutti i nostri lettori possono chiedere una co- pia di saggio arretrata gratuita, direttamente alla Editoriale Do.. mus S. A. (Milano, Via de To. gni 23). _ "FILI" VI (Giugno 1934) FRATELLANZA and creeds. Under the guiding and honest hands of these men Canada grew and flourished. Why? Because these men had no ulterior motives. They work- ed and slaved in the interests of their fellowmen and their coun- try. After their regime of honest e n d e a v ours which naturally brought wealth to the country, politicians backed by money hordersf money lenders and vul- tures otherwise known as our Capitalists, stepped in to victi- mize the country. Love of co- untry, patriotism and goodwill towards fellowmen disappear- ed, avaricious greed, selfishness and the utter disregard of the welfare of the masses has run rampant. In no province more so than Ontario has this state of affairs existed under the pre- sent Conservative Government. DiscloSures are being made da- ily which are only surface scrat- ches compared with what will eventually get out if the Liber- al Party gains control. What are the true facts of the Abiti- bi Power Purchase, the Liquor Control Board "toll-gate" sean- dal, the padded pay sheets of the Highways Department, the $50,000 paid Jno. Aird Jr. in the Madawaska power deal, the JI y d r o-electric investigation, lthe "justice" meted out to the "toek brokers who stole milli- 'ons of dollars from the public and numerous other cases of maladministrat-ion of the pre- sent Conservative Government? As the "Shadow" of radio fame would say, "No one knows, but the Shadow"! which, in this ca- _se, is the Conservative machi- ne, and no one will know unless there is a change. We, everyone of us, no matter in what walks of life, have and are still suffering from the burdens of heavy tpxations. We have all had to lower our standards of living so much so that many of us are merely existing. It is true that the depression; is world wide, but it is also true' that England, Italy, . France and other European countries} have made far greater progress towards recovery than has Ca- nada. And why? There is just one answer for this, Statesmen have replaced the Politicians. Sane, intellectual and unbiased people marvel at the progress that Benito Mussolini has made in re-establishing Italy with a population of nearly 43,000,000 living in an area not nearly as large as Ontario, with no natur- al resources, land which has been worked (out through the icenturies, until at the present time it takes real hard toil to make it produce. What has brought this condition about? iHow was it possible for Musso- lini to raise Italy which was be- ing dragged into the mire and strangled to death by "Politiei- ans", tools of Capitalists? How was it possible for Mussolini to eradicate the horrible ravages of Anarchism and Socialism which was running rampant in Italy at the time when il Duce made his appearance? These questions are easy to answer'. Mussolini! And as we all know Mussolini in the eyes of the world to-day stands for Hones- ty, Integrity, Industry, Patri- otism, Love of his Country and his fellowmen. All these qua- lities rolled into one word will give you what Ontario' and Ca- nada needs badly at the present time "STATESMANSHIP". If Mussolini has been able with the meagre resources at his disposal to bring about pe- ace and order out of the turmo- il of starvation, ruin and revo- lutionary conditions which ex- isted in Italy, why have Messrs. Henry, Price, Finlayson, Mar- tin and Macaulay, with the re- sources at their disposal, that of governing the richest pro- vince in Canada, failed so mi- (Continued from first page) Time for a Change Manager Joe Grittani Chairman H. C. W. A. Sansone Councillors: M. Tassiello, v. Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, N. F. A. Scandiffio. Father Auad Club Chaplain. serably in making any effort to bring about better living con- ditions, peace and happiness which this province should be enjoying? There is only one answer for this and that is that they are "Politicians" backed by a self vaunted "great ma- chine". Fellow Italians, do we want to be governed by a ma- chine or do we want to be gov- erned by" intellectual human beings? _ l From the political platform, Messrs. Henry, Price, Finlayson and in fact all the Conservati- ves, are belittling Mitchell Hep- burn as being too young, radii. cal etc. etc. Can these same men say the same thing about Mussolini? In 1922 when Mus- solini made his famous march on Rome in the memorable and history making "Bloodless Re.. volution", he was of the exact age that Mitchell Hepburn is to-day. Was he too young, too radical? History proves that in these times youth will be ser- ved. We want and need men with fire and spirit to rouse us out of the lethargy in which the "Old" Conservative Party has through its inability, maladmi- nistration or what have you, put us. Ten years ago the Con- servative Party fought tooth and nail to oust the Farmer Party. They succeeded and what happened when they got into power we all know. They caused investigation upon in- vestigation so much so that s! veral of the Cabinet Ministd of the Farmer Party were sent to the penitentiary. The time is ripe for a change now. Let Mitchell Hepburn, a fearless fighter who has never had the finger of suspicion pointed aga- inst him in his short but mete- oric political career, take over the reins of power, let him del.. ve into the doings of the pre- sent government for the past ten years. This is the only way that we can find out whether or not the present government has conducted the affairs of this province in an honest and fair manner. Who knows but that the Liberals _ may be ab to unearth similar conditiz. existing in the Conservati e Government that existed in the Farmer Government. Vote Li.. beral. Hepburn and his party has selected men of character, integrity and honesty to carry the Liberal standard. These men have like you and I been going through the prevailing hardships. They have not had' "cushy" jobs with high salari- es like the government officials, and Conservative "Ward he- elers". They are men like you and I who have had to lower our standard of living. They know the human angle of pre- sent living conditions through experience. They will give us humane government, not ma- 'chine government. - If you want to get rid of the Henry government, a govern- ment that has crucified the workingman, by its extrava- gant expenditures so much so that nearly everything that is necessary in every-day life, is taxed to the hilt, vote for Hep- burn and Liberalism. It is you and I who have to pay, not the moneyed men of the calibre of Henry's politicians. Get 'behind the avalanche of public senti- ment. Vote for the official Li.. beral Candidates. See what new young blood can do to alleviate suffering humanity. Mussolini did it in Italy. Hepburn will do it in Orr. tario! - The folowing members cele- brate the anniversary of their birth during the week: June 16th-- Gus Cosentino and Hugo Costabile. - __ June 19th- John D'Ingillo Jupe T- Mrs. Luigi Cuccia. To these we extehd our best wishes for many happy returrj of the day. EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB BIRTHDAYS 15 Giugno, 1934