Angelo Principe' Italian Canadian Digital Newspaper Collection

Il Bollettino Italo-Canadese, 19 Oct 1934, p. 10

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Bridge, the game of games, as is played in our club, would most certainly force Ely Cul-- bertson and Hal Sims to shed buckets upon buckets of tears. Not that the members are poor players, mind you. No, not that. But--and a very big «one at that--each player is gifted with original methods. Again I say but--with that originality comes a great deal of reckless-- ness. Slipshod bidding and reckless bravado in the playing of one's hand are the outstand-- ing features of the Circolo ga-- me. Believe you me, begging Ted Husing's grace, that is most defiant towards the rules of the game. Why so, say so-- me? What are rules to me so long as I fulfill my contract, win my . game? Ah, ha! I see you have missed the point. Relax, please; prepare thine ears. The committee is comprised of Frank Abate, Bob Gorassi, Vincent Pellettier and some other bridge players of renown. Frank Abate, one of our old time members, is back in the fold again and in harness too. Frank has formed a committee to take charge of the series of bridge and scopa parties to be held by the club. The first will take place on Wednesday even-- ing, October 31st. Incidentally, the night of our opening card party happens to be Hallowe'en night, so let's get behind Frank and his com-- mittee to make the night a real The consensus of opinio n amongst the world's greatest card analysts is that -- bridge tends to improve a player's foresight; enables one to defend himself; -- encourages -- offensi-- veness; makes a player careful and sure of every move; enlar-- ges one's gambling instinets and cunning by use of the fines-- se. This, they believe, makes one better prepared to meet the daily hazards which prop up in our lives. That is true to a cer-- tain extent. I am perfectly jus-- tified in limiting--my beliefs in such statements because, at the present time, I am discussing: blrigge--as is played by our club. success . The point is this. How has this popular pastime, (or should I say business?) affected the characters of the Circolo play-- ers? Let us apply all these afo-- rementioned qualities to the average member--player. Yes; it has developed his foresight immensely. And how! Whenever he wishes to locate the King of Spades he proceeds thusly. He first glances at the dummy's cards then proceeds to do some valiant neck--craning to see what his opponents' hands disclose. That is four--sight. The annual Columbus Day concert certainly lived up to all our expectations. If you were absent, then you have no one to blame but yourself or per-- haps your girl friend. Never-- theless, the affair was properly staged and had many enterta-- ining highlights. Prof. Michael Angelo, need-- less to say, conducted music befitting the taste of the most discriminating student of this finer art. He is to be highly commended, and his orchestra too, for some <~very pleasant symphonic renditionk. Bridge and Scopa PARTY The long line of celebrities scheduled to appear did not pro-- ve disappointing. Willie De-- Laurentis, as second spot on the bill, did plenty with his saxo-- phone to carry away a few ex-- tra rounds of applause and two encores. Romanelli and Curry did likewise. They, too, brought the house down with piano--fid-- dle arrangements of "Love in Bloom" and "Speak to Me of Love" -- or something. At this point, speeches by the Royal Vice Consul Giorgio Tiberi, and Dr. O'Leary of the i1 BOLLETTINu 1rALO--CANADESE Columbus Night Successfull BRIDGE Most -- certainly ' it has encour-- aged his defensive and offensi ve ability. Yes; it prepares him to receive the "dirty digs" from his partner and to «return the compliments. The game has made the average club player careful and sure of his every move. Sure. As soon as he has won a couple of games, he re-- tires. You. know. It's the old excuse. "My wife has the din-- ner on the table and I don't want to aggravate her". As far as gambling instinets and cun-- ning are concerned, I'm positi-- vely certain that he possesses those virtues in carloads. You have often heard of how seriously bridge should be sonsidered. Fear not, readers: it shall never come to pass at the Cireolo. Why _ so? Then, perhaps, it would be most wise for me to bear out my point. To do that, I must very reluctantly set forth a few of our faults. I do not exclude any one player from this candid criticism. No, not even myself. e Past Pres. Jos. Piccininni President Angelo Teolis Vice--Pres. Art. Fattori Secretary Vincent Piccininni Treasurer -- N. F. A. Scandiffio Primarily, we do not appreci--. ate the fact that a dummy is supposed to be a dummy _ and nothing else. He should not be allowed to lay his hands on the cards nor should he pass any unsavory remarks about any play while the game is pro-- gressing. Secondly our game is altogether too noisy and unne-- cessarily so. There should be no "playing to the grandstand" whatsoever. There are too ma-- ny people gabbing about the ga-- me on the "siGelines". This sho-- uld be avoided for. nine times out of ten, it distracts the play-- ers, terribly. Thirdly, and most important of all, we are subject to spells of hot--headedness. It has been my unfortunate ex-- perience to witness a player go berserk in a game, simply beca-- use his partner ' had, in the preceding hand, been set down a few tricks. By berserk I mean, that on the following hand, this particular player undertook his bidding very foolishly and wild-- ly, 'thereby adding insult to injury . Over and above all that, strange as it may seem, the club has quite a few members who are quite proficient in the game. I cannot help but think how much more successful their game would be if they were to obey the few conventions re-- garding the pastime. Let us correct these serious faults. It will make for a better game of bridge as well as an enjoyable and profitable one. But, and I am back to where I started from, (vhat should prove that the earth is round) I must not betray myself. My sincere apo-- logies to you and your wife, Mr. Culbertson; and you, Mr. Sims. Knights of Columbus were ren-- dered. We must agree with Dr. O'Leary--our R. V. C. is truly the romantic, dashing young type of Italian. The brevity of the speeches made them more palatable. We must thank the K. of C. for their gracious ges-- ture in the form of "Doc" .O'Le-- ary. We trust that the Circolo Colombo, as well as the remain-- der of the Italian colony, will be able to repay the Knights who so generously . joined with the Italians in celebrating this oc-- »EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB The second half of the musi-- cal program disclosed many fe-- atured entertainers. The Graf-- stein sisters in accordion--Saxo-- phone duets "clicked" rather nicely. The headliner of the Ìevenìng, Mr. Sid Lorraine, prov-- ed highly amusing with sleight-- of--hand ~ antics. The audience quickly responded to his rapid-- fire gags and witticisms. He really went over big. That goes for all his tricks too. These are but a few of the highlights of the evening. In fact, sufficient to remind those who were absent, what a good time they missed. _ In conclusion, -- a word of thanks to the Circolo enterta-- inment committee and one big word of thanks to the enterta-- iners in general. Not that we want credit for our efforts nor any other form of remuneration but we do hope that you enjoy reading '"il Bol-- lettino" now, more than ever. All we ask is that you be broad-- minded _ when perusing the co-- lumns. It would grieve us very much to know that any one in particular has been offended. We are a colonial publication and, as such, we cannot afford to be offensive to any of our subscribers. Bear that in mind. Incidentally, if you haven't re-- newed' your. subscription to the paper now is the time to do so. Now for a little "say--sos" . Word has come to me that Sal Cira, of the Yonge Street Ciras, is reported engaged to be married. However, we have no official confirmation on that as yet, and, until Sal gives me au-- thority to print such a state-- ment, then what I heard is "no go". By the way, Sal, my con-- grats to you upon having such an organization of baseball players. Many of our -- fellow club members and friends were 'plugging for you to win and win hard. Your boys made a great showing and we appreciated their efforts. Better luck next \year. BOLLETTINO f i i ~& é CIRCOLO COLOMBOÈ: The young ladies sent to Ita-- ly as guests of the Italian gov-- ernment have found it extreme-- ly hard to enjoy one hour of so-- litude and relaxation since their return. They are besieged with inquiries from their many fri-- ends. Questions are asked them concerning the grandeur of Ro-- me and its imposing edifices; the romantic touch of a ride in a Venetian gondola; the glory of the majestic Alps. These and countless 'others form a very interesting questionnaire. Al-- low me to set forth what I beli-- eve every one of those girls thinks, of Italy, Italian person-- ages and Italian customs. To them, Italy is a beautiful, romantic, charming place in A general meeting of the Club members will be held on this coming Sunday, October 21. It will be a meeting of maj-- or . importance in as much as plans for the ensuing season will be thoroughly discussed. Suggestions : are requested to be submitted by members in order that the organization may profit thusly to an unli-- mited degree. We trust each and every member will be pre-- sent to participate in this in-- augural meeting. Your co--oper-- ation in this matter is earnesly solicited. We will see you the-- re! What do you think of your newly decorated washroom, fel-- lows? Real smart to say the le-- ast. You have Mr. G. _ B. Gar-- barino to thank once 'again. Ever willing to do something for the club, Mr. Garbarino had this work done at his own ex-- pense. / General Meeting SUNDAY, October 21 Social Highlights What do you think of your| It is with regret that we|reward. He is really outstand-- | snooker--after playing a "red wly decorated washroom, fel--|learn that Captain John Rossi ino in one respect. Perhaps mo-- | hot" season in boccie. … Pre-- vs? Real smart to say the le-- | of the Columbus Coal team is ill |desty is to blame. He never ac-- | sident Teolis predicts a success-- t. You have Mr. G. B. Gar-- | in bed. We know that he feels|cepts the limelight. Always|ful year. Judging by the spirit rino to thank once again. | keenly his inability to be at the | willing to credit others with the | and co--operation already dis-- rer willing to do something | opening bowling game of the |success. , This hard worker---- |played by the members, he r the club, Mr. Garbarino had | season, but it is confidently ex-- |this loyal worker, is Jce Garba--|must be justified in saying so is work done at his own ex--|pected he will be in fit conditi-- | rino! Who can deny him this|....Andy, club steward, pro-- nse. '_{on to lead his team next week. |tribute? mises a warm winter. God wil-- e e a He is suffering from a strained ee * $ ling and patience lasting..... The club is very pleased to l back. Are you interested in aviati-- | And that's all! PD0000000009000000090000 80 8000000000008 000000008 0000008 D0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600000000 CLUB NOTES ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE COMBATTENTI ITALIANI BALLO DELLA VITTORIA KING EDWARD HOTEL LUNEDI, 5 NOVEMBRE 1934 Italy is as modern as our Ca-- nada and in the larger cities much more so. Both men and women are the ~wearers of clothes that simply frenzy poor Parisian designers. Women go stockingless and are very adept in the use of cosmetiecs. Those are just a few items. All in all, they adored Italy and thought it a grand place. There was one, and only one, thing that the girls unanimously objected to--women -- walking along the streets 'smoking cigarettes. Is that so unusual? One can wit-- ness similar incidents on New York's Park Avenue and To-- ronto's Rosedale. That, girls, is just a conclusive proof of Ita-- ly's modern ways. which to live. Scenes that exist in Italy are unsurpassable in any other part of the globe. They were much disappointed in Mussolini's stature but cla-- imed him to be most pleasant and domineering despite his fi-- ve feet and odd inches. Prince Humbert is "cute" and so good looking. Many of the girls re-- gretted the fact that he was married. I understand the Children of Mary are sponsoring a big af-- fair this year at one of the, town's bigger hotels. That's ve-- ry nice to hear. Glad to know your organization is a success. If you girls would like to ex-- press some wish through the medium of this column,consider yourselves welcome. That applies to the D. O. S. S also. We hope that we shall be of some assistance to your club. Keep in touch with us. I am positive that many young Ita-- lian girls who are not members of these various girl clubs wo-- uld be very interested in their activities. In that way, the D.-- O. S. S., Children of Mary Soda-- lity and Fascio Femminile, are in line for prospective member-- ships. have the Question Marks starti off their bowling season with such succeess, and only hopes that the other various girls' or-- canizations will follow isuit. That is all for this week. Tf you have any items you would like to\ have mentioned, just mail them in. They shall all receive «proper attention. The Jockey Club Bowling te-- am is entered in the Knights of Columbus League, and is com-- posed of a , number of Circolo Colombo -- members, -- including Captain G. De Spirt, Nick Pe-- rugini, Joe Grittani, John Grie-- co and Sam Costabile. ' Nick Perugini made a very auspicious star last Wednesday when he bowled a high three game score of 840, which score will take .some beating before the season comes to a close next Spring. We wish this team suc-- sess in their quest for honors in the Sherbourne St. Club. JACK ROSSI INDISPOSED The 1934--1935 bowling league started last Monday and com-- mencing with the first night the scores were of mid--season calibre. The team captained by President Angelo Teolis was gi-- ven the honor of starting off the new season against Tony Battaglia's strong Eaton team with the latter taking three po-- ints. Tuesday saw the new en-- try from Tip Tops under the di-- rection of Manuel, De Battista and they certainly showed eno-- ugh to indicate that they will be strong contenders for the top position this season. They overwhelmed. the Dizzy Johns that Johnny Ponesse has under his care. -- taking [the four po-- ints for a clean sweep. Spows and Pellettiers came together on Wednesday with the former being much too strong for the Big Brother team, letting Jim-- mie Pellettier's Brother. team down with a single point. The tid bit of the week was the tilt between John Rossi's Columbus Coal team and Flavio Belfante's new Angelo's Hotel aggregati-- on -- every game being extre-- mely close and not decided un-- til the last frame. The bowlers showed up in good style, all teams having complete outfits and in some case two extra men, which sta-- te of affairs gladdened the he-- arts of the bowling committee. Many of last year's scratch bowlers are still unsigned but it is confidently expected they will catch on with some team before the season gets much ol-- der. John Longo, that grand old bowler of the club, is ang-- ling with a couple of teams but so far has not given a definite decision as to which roster he will join. Joseph Grittani, it is rumored, has thrown in his lot It is -- inspiring--very much so--to see so many old faces and friendships reunited in our organization once more. Fricti-- on is gradually fading away, s up planted by co--operation. That, in; itself, is truly inspir-- ational. While on the subject, we must not overlook the many new faces that have become fix-- tures in our institution. May I sound this note of welcome to our new comrades? We are glad to have you, gentlemen; make yourselves comfortable; get in with the boys. Member's Corner He's a hard worker--loyal, too. To impose upon the verna-- cular--"he's never too busy to say hello." Ever devoting his time and energy for one purpo-- se. Namely, the betterment of the Circolo Colombo's standards and ideals. No one can deny him ithis tribute. It is mis just reward. He is really outstand-- ino in one respect. Perhaps mo-- desty is to blame. He never ac-- cepts the limelight. Always willing to credit others with the suceess. ) This hard worker-- this loyal worker, is Joe Garba: rino! Who can deny him this tribute? Monday October 22.... Tutesday October 23 ... Wednesday October 24. Thursday October 25 .. BOWLING NEWS GAMES WEEK OF OCT. 22nd is [on? Do you crave the freedon® iof the heavens, the peaceful so-- \lemnity -- characteristic of an la-eroplane voyage? If you are, \then get in line with Gid De-- Spirt. Gid recently "planed" it Ìfrom Buffalo to Detroit--a me-- ire two--hour jaunt. -- Neverthe-- |less, he enjoyed it thoroughly, 'and related his experience to many awe--inspired members-- some of which are rabid enthu-- [ siasts of aviation. For example '--Jimmy Simone.. Didn't you know that Jimmy is really air-- minded? i with the Pellettier boys, but he failed to show up for the open-- ing game of the season. Tom Borsa is another stalwart as yet unsigned and any team in need of a strong bowler would be 'well advised to get after ge-- nial Tom without delay. The Bowling Committee again ap-- peal to the bowlers to show up on time on the nights scheduled and with full teams. There is no thing . more disconcerting than to see teams turn up with less than five men, so again we say let each bowler feel it his duty to turn out regularly with the team he is signed with and in this way contribute towards the making of a successful and happy league. Conti ci.o nto Garbarino …… MDe Zorzi, -- … . De Battista ... Marciano . ... J. Pellettieri -- . < Rlia: s e i a it I ACORbti; ". oo se High Three De Battista … :. J. Garbarino …… High Single Team Columbus' Coal … ,… High Three Team Angelo's Hotel ..... Standing : Jockey Club vs. Eatons Pellettieri vs. Columbus Coal Tip Tops vs. Standards Dizzy Johns vs. Angelo's Hotel Three Games, De Battista . .. Garbarino .... Plia E.} e Random shots...... Johnny Grieco has forsaken cigars for stogies and pipes.... Bob Po-- lito has a mania for "taxi--cabs" … .Vince Pellettier is marvel-- lously improving his bridge ga-- me.... The Tassiello boys, Mi-- ke and Nick, still "pop in" on the club at 6 P. M. every Sun-- day. Force of habit, you know .. .. N. Altilia is now back to snooker--adfter playing a "red hot" season in boccie.... Pre-- sident Teolis predicts a success-- ful year. Judging by the spirit and co--operation already dis-- played 'by the members, he must be justified in saying so ... . Andy, club steward, pro-- mises a warm winter. God wil-- ling and patience lasting..... And that's all! Tip Tops s. 1. … Fatons .;..l.. Jockey Club .. Standards:.}.\ Pellettieri :. … Columbus Coal Angelo's Hotel Single game, Sam Masiello, Editor High Single 19 Ottobre 1984 700 250 is 09, Game Games or over or over: Score Score 1119 3110 343 311 260 284 253 256 278 343 742 "@ 742 742 716 4

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