Angelo Principe' Italian Canadian Digital Newspaper Collection

Il Bollettino Italo-Canadese, 26 Oct 1934, p. 8

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V on. Have you ever pictured a scenic mountain climb, with a guide, an ex- pert one, to lead Jrou and a sun over- head that would melt the torch out of the Statue of Liberty's hands? Then do not bother. It has no con- nection with the following sentences whatsoever. As a matter of fact, it is the direct antithesis of such a si- tuation. Here it is. If you can judge the facial expressions of those led by that mighty monarch of clod..hop_ ping, Bob Abate, on a recent hiking jaunt, then, patient reader, you are selected to act as chairman of the judging committee at our next horse show. Why so? Well, "Bobbing" Bob got his directions' criss-crossed. As a result, the group was lost. Darkness was fast approaching. Pandemonium 'reigned supreme. (Is that dramatic enough?). They were lost and that's all there was to it. But the story has a queer twist in it, in as much as the party was lost in the wooded glens of Sunnybrook Farm. I bet that if I had said in Rocky Mountain wastes you would have believed me! Now that this column has become a permanent fixture, we can dispense with the customary prefaces, hosan- nas, whatnots and settle down to rapid-fire news slinging. Here are a few items of importance that will make you shift your vocal glands in- to high gear. All set? Then, listen! ined the ranks of that swelling ar- my-matrimony. Climaxing a re. mance that had been in progress for quite some time, Phil led his lovely bride-to-be, Norma, down the aisle of St. Agnes Church. Needless to say, the bride and groom were hand- somely attired. Hosts of friends and reiatives crowded the church to see this popular couple wedded. We trust that their happiness will be long! l l . I . Amid much gaiety and celebration Phil Pizzola, on Wednesday last, io- ined the ranks of that swelling ar- On Sunday last, the Fascio Fem- minile organized a rather unique we- iner roast which had, as its locale, the region adjoining the Old Mill on the Humber. The occasion was some- what dampened by old man weather but the girls refused to be denied the fun and frivolty that the occasion presented (I would suggest to the girls that they establish a date bure. au and officially appoint J. Ponesse as secretary). The girls and their es- corts were entertained by that char- ming Italian songstress, Miss Valen- tine Sannella. I have heard Val sing at other affairs and, believe you me, she has a voice. The girls had a smart time. As if anything else mat- tered. . The U. of T. Fratellanza, frater- nity for Italian students at Varsity, last week held their inaugural me- eting, at which election of officers' became the main issue. Paul Grieco assumes the president's chair for the ensuing year (Incidentally, this 'is Paul's final year at S. P. S.). The "frat" boasts of a fine membership and hopes to have their much anti- cipated initiations soon under way. The boys have also outlined one no- vel feature for the year. Prominent men in the social, professional and economic walks of life have been asked to appear at the lectures whielf the club is sponsoring this year. We wish this group of Italian students every success. What is it that makes the Children of Mary socials so popular and so generously attended? I believe I ha- ve the solution. These girls are just naturally hard-workers. They have always worked hard to, bring the young ladies of the colony together. If they cannot induce them to become members of the Sodality, then they succeed in acquiring their friend- ship by means of the Sunday night socials. That is a splendid gesture. I am sure that everyone present on Sunday last had a good time. As yet I have received no comments to the contrary. Much more can be said. Suffice it to say that they me- rit every ounce of success they achi- eve. ? That just about finishes this week's findings. So, until more news reaches my ears, PII say. - So long! II BOLLETTINU rtALO-CANADESE Sample humor: The phone rang Someone wanted the Greek. Nick Perugini replied: "There is no Greek here, this is an Italian club". . a a If you want your kitchen re-duco- ed, just get in touch with Joe Picci. ninni. Social Highlights 8'. st 1 The committee in charge of the Bridge and Seopa party advise they are making special preparations to ensure the guests spending a very nappy evening on the evening of Jednesday, October 31st, at 8.15 o'eloek in the Circolo Colombo club rooms. The date in question is Hal- lowe'en and this gives the commit- tee enlarged scope to stage a pro- gram which will be interesting for those who attend. The same charge for admission as prevailed last Spring will again be in force this season __ that is, 25 cents per per- son. For the opening night Chair... man Frank Abate and his two ener- getie aides, Bob Grossi and Vincent Pellettier, have arranged for prizes that are unusually fine. Past Pres. Jos. Piccininni President Angelo Techs Vice-Pres. Art. Fattori Secretary V incont Piccininni Treasurer N. F. A, Scandiffio All our friends and all our readers' are cordially invited to take part in this opening social event of the club, and are asked to be present every other Wednesday evening thereafter until the season comes to a close next Spring. These card parties we.. re quite popular last spring and ma- ny of our friends have asked repe- atedly when they were to be started this season as they were anxious to again spend a few pleasant hours in pleasant surroundings and congenial 'company at the Circolo Colombo. Jlhere is every reason to believe the cards games will be even more po- ipular this season beeaustirof sever- ial reasons chief of which are the re- lputation created last season for good fellowship, fine prizes and tasty lun.. cheons periodically and also the fact that since the social season ended last May, the majority of the Club members have learned the game of "Do you solemnly swear to uphold, etc., etc.,". Solemn grave, serious, penetrating words. Each syllable commanding respect and attention. These are the words that comprised the oath administered unto the new, officially executed executive of the Circolo Colombo. Would that you could have all been there, my friends. There to be impressed by such order- ly and eererponious oath-taking. What joy each man must have felt as he steadily approached Fatlter Auad, who as club chaplain annually renders the oath, to say the immortal "I do". Alas, it is ended! The cere- mony is no more. Their offices and respective duties await them! The time has come for'them to merehan- dise their wares. We have a year in 'which to decide the qualities of their _ salesmanship! Memher's Corner Hal Fattori most distinctly dis.) likes moustaches. He explained his pet displeasure at the expense of J. Simone's embarassment. However, he did give in on, one point. He rather fancied the style worn in by- gone days during "H andle-Bar Hank's" time. You know the kind. The one that made Simon Legree such a villainous character. The kind that travels the entire length of a persor1's upper lip and tickles his cheeks till they flush. But Hal is a likeable fellow and Jimmy Simone, as well as myself, did not mind be- 'ing kidded by him in the least. Woe ibetide you, Harold; if we should ever spot your upper lip looking rather 'soiled! No excuses accepted. Such as, "I forgot to shave up there. I was in a hurry". EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Vice-president Fattori very duly informed the newly accepted mem- bers that they had been whole-hear- tedly accepted into the organization and warned them, as a fellow-mem- ber, to be present at the forthcoming meetings. Congratulations were Ile, aped upon the new members which helped to get the new boys in a get- 'together frame of mind. The members were very pleased to see Tom Borsa at the meeting. Tom had been absent from the club for a while and, strange as it seems, whenever an old face is missing everyone seems to notice it. Louie lJames was there also after a much belated absence. He certainly made Bridge and Scopa Card Party WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3lst Immediately following this very' important ritual, Fr. Auad took the opportunity to urge the members to imitate Christopher Columbus, after whom the Club was named. He stated that Columbus was a man of faith, of great faith and intelligence, and in order that we might be more like ;him we should do our utmost to live (up to our religion and to receive Ho.. 1y Communion as often as possible. We would like to pass on a sugires- tion to the members of the Holy Name Society of Mount Carmel Church and to the members of the Club who are not members of their respective parish Holy Name Soci- eties. Why not make it a point to receive Communion in a body on the second Sunday of each month at Mt. Carmel church at the eleven o'clock Mass? We feel sure that Fr, Auad would be very happy to have us do Ithis. 'wa,'.? . k Lair?, flw--fim bridge and most of them now play it proficiently. We ask you, there... fore, to be present next Wednesday evening and judge for yourselves what fine entertainment will be pro- vided for a nominal fee. NEW OFFICERS SWORN IN AT CIRCOLO COLOMBO At a general meeting of the Club last Sunday, Rev. Father Auad swo- re in the newly elected officers for 1934-5. . his presence felt immediately. Upon, arriving he at once became engaged in his favorite club pastime,-bridge. Many of Lou's opponents at the ga- me heap scores of displeasures upon him because he very seldom allows them to bid-let alone hold it. How.. ever, that is a good indication in fa- vor of a bridge player. Watch this page for further an- nouncements . Say, Jimmie Motta, be frank now. Did you really walk into a puddle of pink dye with those shoes? "tes all over but the shouting" was the pet expression of the mehr- bers last Sunday as they descended the stairs into the lower part of the club, after a very much discussed and anticipated meeting. Smiles we- re broader and a general feeling of good will amongst the members once more came to satisfy the most skep- tical of skeptics. We were all over; joyed to see such a feeling exist once more and hope that it will con- tinue to remain for many a day. Random shots. . .. Lundy, world's undisputed champion of pin boys, is still stretching his chest to conquer newer and more unlimited fields. At present he is on the verge of giving some of our better tresette, players a few lessons in the playing of the game. I should say that Lundy's chest has expanded about two even inches. Is there anything the boy ean't do?.... Something tells me that Bob Polito has bought himself a new pencil. He claims he accidental. ly broke his last one while trying to write an article for'our page. We hope that Bob respects his new word- writer and will complete that article which he started to write. . .J. "Jazz... age" Pellettier, guest of our bowling league and member of the Pellettieri team, feels that there is no other section of the city finer than north of Bay and Bloor Sts. The question is simple enough. What is her na- me? Better yet, what are their na... mes?.... Members, meet the wri- ters already associated with the club page. J. Simone will write club events and club socials. Albert Pel- lettier, and who other than he is bet- ter qualified, will sponsor the bow- ling news. J. Garbarino serves as mentor while V. Piccininni and Art Fattori will handle editorial features. We trust that a few morehnembers will join the staff in order that the page will not suffer from one style of writing and thereby cause much disfavor amongst the readers. As part of the club, the page is open to criticism and suggestion. Let us ho- pe that the critic will be as just as he is frank and that the suggestions are many. EiyOLLJiiyrTlN(0 This week has served and 'Will con.. tinue to serve as a period of out.. standing colonial events until mid... night Sunday, October 28th. l This Sunday brings about the ce- lebration of another wedding anni- versary. Namely that of' Sadie Simo- ne, daughter off past-pres. Peter Simone, and Nick Castrueti. Our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Castrueei for a pleasant day spent in reminiscing. ' Sunday marks another milestone in the life of Dr. M. Scandiffio. By then he will have reached his, er-well (?) year.- That question mark does not signify that the Doc is loathe to admit his age but I just plumb for.. got. I am sure that Doctor Scandif- fio will accept our sincerest felieita, tions for a happy birthday. On Tuesday, October 23rd, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grittani celebrated their fifteenth Wedding anniversary. It is our sincere wish that they sho- uld livea happy, contented and pros- perous life for a great many more years. We have just been advised that our good friend Stork paid a vigit to the Fattori home on Vaughan Road about _three weeks ago and left a darling baby girl to Mr. arid Mrs.' Harold Fattori. The new arrival and the mother are both doing fine. This is the second visit the stork paid to this popular couple-a fine boy being presented them on the last occasion. COSE CHE I JrnorBN DOVREB. BERO S'APERE , Se un socio si allontana da Toron- to e intend? esimersi dal pagamento della quota mensile, deve mettersi al corrente e notificare l'amministrazio- ne della sua intenziope. Altrimenti ' ttnuto a pagare aneluijer il periodo le sue quote mensili. Un socio assente pu6 essere anche proposto per candidato, per6 é ne- cessario che esso sia al corrente con rente con le sue quote mensili. Nessun Socio é eleggibile a qual- siasi Carica se non al corrente dei pagamenti mensili. "Se eletto potteb- be essere detronizzato. Prima di annyneiare alPassemblea il, nomis-di qualsiati ufficiale scelto é pratico che l'ufficiale sia notificato personalmente per assicurarsi Che ae- cetti. [ Jn un circolo ITALIANO g natura- le che la lingua italiana abbia la pre- ferenza su' tutte 1e altn. , , The drive is now on for this much .discussed project, "Casa d'Italia". To those who are unfamiliar with its intent, I should like to disclose the (following statements. This project is on the type of a local community ho- use. Better still, a brother to the Y. vM. C. A. It will serve as a place for Italian youth, A place in which to enjoy the benefits of athletics, etc., etc. Local Italian authorities are deeply engrossed in this project, judging by the amount of money aL. ready solicited. Toronto has a won- derful opportunity of seeing a dream become a reality. "He is acting maliciously and without faith", or "takes some story out of his chest" sono' frasi che non sf dovrebbero usare in ambienti ri... sioettabili e da persone rispettabili. TMh d'IThLlh' ST. AGNES SODALITY SOCIAL l ,CLUB CHOOSES OFFICERS ' At a meeting of the sf. Agnes So. dality .the followihg . officers were elected for their Social club for the poming year: Pres. - Beatrice Bprone; Vice- President, Marguerette Tenute; Se- cretary, Mary Claretto; Treasurer, Antoinette Barone. To the members of this club, Miss Barone extends her heartiest thanks for electing her to the presidency. Colonial Tid-Bits CONGRATULATIONS Move Begun DEL 1. League to be composed of 8 ta,- ams of 7 players each. 2. To play three series of 7 weeks each, and draw for 3 concluding we- eks. 3. All games to start at 9 P. M. sharp. Players coming late to rece- ive 15 pins per frame until fifth fra- me; after fifth a dummy score of 150 is inserted. 4. 'No player may bowl games ahe.. ad of time unless opposing captain is agreeable. Three Games, J. Pellettieri . . . . . Tumbridge I. . . . . . H. Fattori ...". . .. Rossi ........... Corin .. art.-', Single game, 250 or Mattacchione ............r Giuffré .b---,-...a.-e_i-r.. Russell.................. Abate ....-rw-i--ttitw--r J._Pellettieri ............. E. Pellettieri W. Grittani ................. Tisrnbridge .............. Rossi .e--_------_._..w... Garbarino ...............t Corin . . Costabile Perugini J.Pe11ettieri ...............' Turn 'dge ................... gig} Single Team Score High Single Game H. Fattori ................_ C High, Three Team Score Columbus Coal ..............l Mr. Frank Orsini, a big strapping young man from Winnipeg, is the latest to join our Club. Bob Grossi and Sam Masiello also joined at our meeting last Sunday. Columbus Coat MONDAY Oct. 29th. . . . . . . . .. TUESDAY Oct. 30th. . . . . . . . . WEDNESDAY Oct. 31st. . . . . . THURSDAY Nov. Ist. . . . . . . . The meeting last Sunday showed a better attendance. Some of our old members, Sam Sisto, Pat Busato and Bill Bartello were present. This was certainly a pleasant surprise. The names of those who wished to join/the club were brought before the members and those voted in are expected at the next meeting. Our V. P. Vie Bagnato had a fine chance to show his wares at the last meeting in the absence of the presi- dent. ' Although Vie is small, he is a man of big words, which he uses fre.. quently. "Colossal, gigantic, magni- fieent" are a few of them. Nice go- ing, Vic, Henry may be absent again in the future, knowing that you can handle the meeting so well. Several club members read the ar... ticle which someone forwarded to this paper to the effect that he or she would like to see a picture of the Avanguardisti from Italy. They think it refers to the Vanguard club. But if I am not mistaken, it means the boys who came from Italy this year and not our club. Vanguard Thru a Keyhole Well, here we are back again in the same corner of "il Bollettino" re- ady to dish out all the news. Talk about _ action! The meeting started off slap-bang with an argu- ment between Jim De Pede and W.- E. I think Jim led the field in this tussle. Columbus Coal E'atons ........ Tip Tops ...... Standards . . . . . Pellettieri . . . . . Jockey Glut ... Angelos' Hotel Dizzy Johns ... BOWLING NEWS Vanguard News High Three Games JilUlLC ................. ttieri '.r.c.r.r.r.. 271, attieri ..2Ne-e.---_-..... 'r................. 253, dge .............. 252, no .................... 263, _e ..................... Li ..-t.--t.wMw-wi....... Standing RULES 700 or over GAMES WEEK OF OCT. 29 over 3526 1411 250 309 280 266 306 260 266 265 303 281 262 261 255 774 762 725 730 725 346 774 762 Standards vs. Pellettiers Eatons vs. Dizzy Johns. Tip Tops vs. Columbus Coal Angelo's Hotel VS. Jockey Club ITALIAN GIRL HONORED Miss Helene Tammaro, a comely young Italian girl residing on Paei.. fie Ave., was elected President of the Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. Cece... lia's Parish last week. Miss Tamma- ro last no time in demonstrating why she was elected to such an important office for on Monday last she_ealled a meeting of the Sodality at ner ho- me and invited representatives of the junior Holy Name Society, and plans Prere made for a very active year. (The Tammaro hospitality was gre.. iatly appreciated by the guests. ' 5. Handicap will be based on full difference between player's average and 200. Limit to 50. Over 200, bowl from scratch. 6. No postponed games. 7. Bowlers are eligible for only one individual prize. 9. First five teams play off. First team gets a bye; second and third teams play off; fourth and fifth play off;winners play each other and win- ner plays team which finished first. 8. All players must attend 50% of all nights to be in play-offs and 75% of all nights to win individual prizes. Bro. Vincent Montreal where Italy next week Any member who wishes to receive "il Bollettino" for six months, may do so by sending $1.00 in advance. On Sunday, October 28th at 8 o'eloek the Universita' Fratellanza will hold the initiation of new mem- bers. On Thursday night the R. V. Con- sul Dr. Giorgio Tiberi paid a surprise visit to the club in company With a group of his friends. He and his party enjoyed a few games of bil.. liards. We were glad to see,the Con.. sul visit our club and trust he will find many opportunies during the next few months to favor us with a friendly visit. Some of the members' suggested having more girls than boys at our party. What's up, boys? Do you think that you can dance with more than one girl at a time? The large lounge chairs which TN re allowed to get in a dilapidated stad te are now being repaired and put in good condition. The lobby has been given a fresh coat of paint that has enhanced the appearance materially. Both of these jobs were done at the expense of Mr. G. B. Garbarino. By the way, Why was our genial president missing at the last meet- ing? Trying to discover who Wal... nut Windshield is, Henry? Did Almond keep his date with the two girls on Queen St. last Sun.. day night? a . . Well, well and well! Tony Rieo's rival, Sam Sisto (bananaman of re.. pute) blew into our club last Sunday. What's this! Well, of all things! Bill Bag. came to the meeting with his bow tie and shirt minus a SW6. ater. What happened? Did you sell your sweater, Bill. . a . Phil Magi, the little Big Noise, has promised to donate two prizes to the two best disguised persons at.. tending the party. Costumes of co- urse. Don't put on your new suit and say that the depression hit you. c o u I like to brag so I think PII win both prizes. Walnut Windshield spe- aking. . Something new in the line of sports: become a pin-boy. Our pre- sident did so for a night. How does your back affect, you, Henry? Incidentally, any club member marsubmit news items for the Van- guard Thru a Keyhole col. Sam Masiello, Editor 26 Ottobre 1934 De Marchi left for he will embark for Snoopfully yours,

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