o a a Sunday night found the club mem.. bers fairly well scattered. A few were seen on Bay St. where they en- joyed themselves thoroughly. The meeting held last Sunday al... most turned out to be a riot. The boys are planning a hard time or baby party which will be held in the near future. As usual, some mem- bers wanted to walk out before the dues were collected. But a key did the trick. The funniest thing about the collecting of dues is that some pay more than 3 weeks in advance. This is another reason why the de- pression is over. Our Past Pres. Frank Scandiffio introduced "slapping on the fore.. head". This kept up even at the table during the serving of refreshments. Many thanks to the three Raeioppa girls for the enjoyable evening. Other members were spotted go- ing into Renee's house where they indulged in the game of donkey and the winner proved to be Eleonora with Bill running a close second. Amy was spied walking into the Ruf.. fino residence. I wonder if Amy was hooked in as a donkey? Louis Fre- derico must have been the silent one. The affair started off with a few "morra" games. While Ida called her numbers in English, the boys "alled them in Italian. So much for that. The masquerade held last Tuesday turned out to be a success. Costumes for hoboes, prizefighters, cabelleros, clowns, cow-girls, Italian peasants and of the gay nineties were es.. tablished by the crowd. As you all know, Mr. Magi donated two prizes-- to the best dressed boy and girl. The winner of the girl's section was Pearl Racioppa who tried to disguise her- self as a ten-year old girl. Vince Novaco fought his way to victory with the aid of his manager Vie Bagnato. Vince received a beautiful cigarette stand. He posed as Joe Palooka and Vic as Knobby Walsh. The boys have been exhorting me for the past few months to have our col. in "il Bollettino" headed by the names of the officers. Well, here it is for the first time and if possible we will have it in every week. A group of Vanguards attended the dance at the King Edward last Monday. Johnnie Altilia seemed to have forgotten the sucker song. The affair was a success though many people found that the floor was a little shaky. A few of the members will be quite interested in knowing that EL mo Corsini of Hamilkn, an old fri- end to some, is staying in Toronto. e a . Wanted: New Members! Since the inauguration of the fall season, the Circolo Colombo has pro- fited a great deal by a much needed increase in the membership files. We hope this condition continues to exist and that it will enjoy unprecedented success. We urge every club mem- her to be on the lookout for any prospective member. This reminder is meant for those who truly have the most profound faith in the club. The Circolo will, in very short order, have many other attractions to offer its club members other than playing cards, pool and bowling. There will What is the trouble? Is there a reason for it? I doubt it. One fails to understand why the club rooms look so deserted on a Saturday af.. ternoon. No one is ever there to keep Andy company. Why wait for the cold weather to arrive before you decide to drop around on a Saturday afternoon? Right now you could shoot a cannon off and not hit any- one on a Saturday. Let's take a lit.. tle time out to enliven the place up a bit. See you there on Saturday afternoon! a big night. Secure your tickets ear- 1y from any "nember of the house committee. The admission is very reasonable. Only twentydive cents for a night of real enjoyment. Get yours now! Member's Corner be held in the club rooms on Monday November 19th. There will be valu- able prizes given to the winning players at the game of tresette and bridge. We are going to make this Club Stag, Nov. 19th Attention, members! A stag for club members and their friends will _ so. And what do you do on Saturday? tl BOLLETTINU 1'1'ALO-CANADESE Past Presidenb- Frank Scandiffio President-- Henry Barone Social Column ? Is there a it. One fails club rooms Saturday af.. there to keep wait for the (yy if you or I should slip (Who will bear our shame? 'Only we can suffer the blame With humble and closed lip. Members! You are all good fellows, So why then worry about troubles; Now let us forget all that I say And let it rest for another day. a o o Did you hear the latest? Well he- re 'tis. Pat is practising on his Pia- no, and in comes "Handsome" Car- men (lil' Abner) and in his high rich contralto voice says: "All you need now, Pat, is a tin can and a monkey. Pat turns about smiling and ans- wers: "PII bring the tin can but you be the. . . . Henry Barone, our new Pres., says: "There is no reason why we shouldn't be confident of a success- ful year. Charles, our secretary, s ay St "Don't worry, the club will be a sua- cess". (If it doesn't fall into a mess). o o . Amy, our saxophone sec., loves only to hear the coins tinkle, but don't worry, boys, it's safe-I hope. . . . Our Wee President is the little kid, Vicy But look out for your snooper's glances, Members dare not bring shame To the Vanguard elub's name, Which might spoil the fame Of a club so just and sane. You may hold parties and dances, You may have your moments and chances. He is here to study Dentistry at Varsity, and of course, will be in To. ronto until May. He was at the King Edward last Monday and believes it to be a wonderful place. He claims that he enjoyed himself. . . . As the members were not satisfied with Walnut WindshieWs work, four others were chosen to write the "Keyhole" col. Good luck, boys. I don't think you'll find it such an easy job. VANGUARD CHATTER Our publicity tom toms beat their incessant ballyhoo, concerning Van- guards and their red hot scandal. Club members are pleased to note that "Doe" Sansone once again has shown up in the club rooms and trust that he will soon become one of the boys. Incidentally, "Doe" and Dr. M. Scandiffio are at present collabor. ating on a book which deals with women and their ways. It promises to be a very interesting article and we hope that the boys will favor us with the first installment very short.. ly. I am positive that it is going to be a literary treat. . .. Members, we have got to do away with the audien- ces that are congregated about the card tables while the game of bridge is in progress. I have mentioned be.. fore that it does more harm to the game than good. We are satisfied to see that bridge has so many "side line" fans but it behooves us deeply to know that this self-same group is causing the game to suffer oblivion... We have often wondered why Jimmy Motta never plays bridge in the club. He knows the game well enough but why doesn't he p1ay?. ., The Circoio was pleased to have Gav. Tiberi, the Italian Vice Consul as its honored guest last week and hopes that he will again honor the club with his presence. Incidentally, the R. V. C. plays a good hand of bridge. no. I noticed Joe dancing with a pret- ty petite blonde at our Ha1lowe'en social. He was going along so drs amily that I eouldn't resist asking him what he was thinking about. Hrs answered.. You can have your attractive Crawfords You can have your alluring Bright Sayings - the Executive be enjoyment and relaxation for yo- ung and old, alike. With your undi.. vided fedelity, we can make it a big project. How about it? B. C. Adds We are very pleased to mention that John Maroni and Bob Polito are also members of the new house com- mittee. Judging by the interest shown at Joe Garbarino'g home on Friday last, this enthusiastic group of workers are safely predicting a more prosperous season for the Cir- eolo than ever before. q . . Who to the girls is quite tricky But to us is only COLOSSAL. Vanguard News Random shots. . . . VANGUARDS .0. Harlow: g Snooper: "So, what did you do?" Don: "I shot the bull". By the way, Don is our Shylock. o o o The executive has decided to in- troduce a new rule forbidding any member to sleep during meetings. They whistle and honk so loud that the executive hasn't a chance (to sleep themselves). It that fair, boys? . o . We're getting organized. Every member is something - maybe you didn't know it but they are. What I mean is that we've got about a dozen committees such as sports, enterta.. inment, publicity, dramatics, and last but not least, the house committee, whose task is to wash dishes, etc. . . . Added Attraction: In orderto Pla.. ce a few remaining members on a committee, Charlie suggested a com- mittee of bouncers, but this was re- jected, overruled, thrown out and forgotten by all members except those not present. Woe is me. I . . Lui Frederico cut in on Jimmie Saccoccio while he was happily waltzing with a certain Sodality girl. 'You should have seen the sad look ion his face. A couple of the members took Don to a certain girl's home. First he turned pink, then red, then--(any color, boys). Anyhow, we haven't seen hide nor hair of him since. He even skipped our social. Thanks! Simply a word of thanks to the many Italian and, of course, Cana.. dian parishioners who attended the memorial services on Sunday last. It was a pleasure to witness such a large attendance. The club members, as usual, swelled the attending num- her considerably. Were it not for the fact that Father Auad had won.. derful competition from a couple of youngsters, I am certain the service would have been more solemn. This column is the result of a six- day bike race. P. S. I define it as that which ma- kes or breaks a lady's chances. Are you with me, boys? I knew you would be. Bill Bartello is a worried and puzzled fellow. Will some one kindly relieve his troubled mind by telling him who killed the Dead Sea. q o o Vince defines lipstick as that which gives a new flavor to an old pastime. o a . Plot: Snooper interviewing Don Sebastian at our Halloween social. 'sident Fattori about that...... o o o ( It's Mixed Bowling Saturday This Saturday night a mixed bow- ling social will be held at the Circo- lo Colombo. This affair is being sponsored by the members of the house committee who, with their res- pective lads-friends, will assemble at the club to bowl a game or two, then adjourn to the upper floor of the club for light refreshments, fol- lowed by dancing. To me, it seems a novel idea for whooping things up around the club on Saturdays. How- ever, do not be mistaken and let me caution you thusly. This mixed-bow- ling social is open to all club mem- bers and their friends. It is not con.. fined to the house committee alone. The idea is theirs. The enjoyment of the idea is yours. Now that this is settled, we trust that we shall wit.. ness a large representative body of colonialites. Ask President Teolis and Vice-Pre.. Vice Presidenb-- Vie ,Bagnato Secretary--- Charles Raccioppa Treasurer- Amy Ercoli And you can have your exotic Garbos, But Jisssie's the girl for me. (Snoopers, get a line on Jessie) ly Phew! Publicity Committee. BOLLETTINQ At the Dance Good time, you say? I'll say I said a good time! If you were at the Combattenti dance on Monday, No- 'vember 5th, you should know what I 'am alluding to. Suffice it to say that, as the inaugural ball of the social season, it was rewarded with splendid success. It seemed as tho.. ugh the entire colony had assembled at this wonderful affair. That, in it- self, sounds very encouraging and positively not farufetehed. True to my prediction, the dance floor was simply jammed with pretty damsels sporting milady's latest mode in evening wear. Enough said concern- ing the women. It is only fitting and proper that I rally to the defence of the male sex. I might mention that many of the boys have forsaken the informal blue serge suit for the more or less appropriate tuxedo. Still, as a point of contention, the tuxedo is not truly appropriate for evening wear. It was at one time. Now it is supplanted by tails. However, we are not all destined to be members of the Four Hundred and as a reassuring thought, I should like to say that I approve more of the tuxedo. So keep on wearing them, boys, for that is what I have to do. . q . Bridge and Scopa Monday The second bridge and scopa soci- al of the season will be held at the Circolo Colombo on Monday night, .November 12th. A large crowd is iexpected due to the fact that the iinitial card party is proving to be " wonderful press agent. In simpler expregsion, it is speaking for itself. The prizes will be of the same excel... lent and admirable quality as those presented the first winners. Every- one is invited to attend these socials in as much as they are priceless when one considers the amount of friendship and good will they sti- mulate amongst the many eolonial- ites. One item requiring emphasis is this, the committee desires that all who intend being present on Monday should be there early in order that play can commence at 9 P. M. sharp. This will help to shorten the evening considerably, thereby meeting with. great approval from the majority of players who, needless to say, require a good night's rest to fulfill their tasks, business or otherwise, the fol.. lowing day. U. of T. Frat Initiates and Bowl As I mentioned in the last issue that I was invited to attend the U. of T. Fratellanza initiation, my best possible move at present is to des.. cribe the event in all its entirety, glory and what have you! The Cireolo Colombo Toms were used for this gruesome ordeal. (I say gruesome because it will enable you to widen the scope of your ho- rizon and that is exactly the narcel I'm after). The lights are dim-they usually are. The high potentates of some- thing or other are clustered about the main portals of this room so filled with surprises. They are on hand to usher each prospective mem.. ber to the other something or other for preliminary eross..examination. When this has been completed, well then the fun begins! First comes medical inspection which, in your language and mine, simply means that each poor lad was actually lit.. tered with three-inch adhesive Plas- Back again! Back, - yes; but with the hope that I do not have to rack my brains in order to give you a fair-sized column to read. If I fail to do so (for I know not what I am going to write) then it is due to the lack of events. (Gee, I hope they ac- cept that excuse!) However, bottoms up! Let's go! ' Congrats! We congratulate Tommy Scandif- fio, popular young colonialite and prominent amateur' athlete in local circles, for his newly acquired post. Tommy was elected vice-president for the second year art students at St. Miehael's College and is the ack- nowledged representative of the day scholars on the Student Council. Tommy is very much taken up with his work and, should he continue in the future as he has done in the past, we are due to expect many achieve.. ments of him. Social Highlights UN'ALTRA SCUOLA ITALIANA A TORONTO Il Rev. Libero Sauro, della locale chiesa Evangelical, ha preso accordi con il R. V. Console Cav. Dott. Gior.. gio Tiberi, per iniziare l'insegnamerr. to d'un corso d'italiano tra i suoi fe- deli. Il Console s'é compiaciuto della bella iniziativa. La Stock Exchange Gazette ha pubblicato una sua, serie di approfon- diti articoli sull'agricoltura italiana e sul sistema creditizio creato per favorirne lo sviluppo. Dopo aver parlato dell'importanza preponderan- te che essa ha come fattore dell'eeo- nomia nazionale, l'organo della City mette in rilievo il progetto di restau- razione della piccola proprieta', rad- doppiata nell'ultimo deeennio grazie alle previdenze governative per quel-. la che era state in passato la cene- tentola fra le grandi attivita' nazio- nali; richiama particolarmente i provvedimenti per le grandi bonifi.. che affidate all'Opera Nazionale Combattenti e si sofferma ad analiz- zare a fondo tutto i1 sistema di ere- dito agrario del Regno. Casi quale e... ra in passato e come viene a risults. re in seguito alle varie leggi coordi- L'AGRICOLTURA ITALIANA E IL SISTEMA CREDITIZI0 On Tuesday the Pellettiers taught the Eaton team on an "off" night and were fortunate in getting all four points. Bob (Culbertson) Gros- si was inserted in the first game and missed making 100 by a single pin. His handicap, however, won the po- int. Hannah won the last two games by bowling 357 and 221 respectively. In the latter he came from 111 in the 7th to 221 in the 10th. McMahon was che only one who bowled with any consistency for the losers. On Wednesday the Tip Tops bow- Belli 702; Hanna" 760; G. Bernardo ed to Angelo's Hotel after winning 710. the first game. Apparently G. Ber- Single game, 250 or Over nard and Co., were sore and went to Maroni 327; Clark 295; Hanna 357 ' town from there. He continued his Gismondi 303; Costabile 260; T. H.. marvelous bowling by totaling 710 B. 288. 'CU."".".'.."":'."."."'..:..'"'."'.'"."."'..".".'.'.".'."'.':...................., Gl'interessati prendano nota che 1e lezioni di lingua italiana per i ra.. gazzi hanno luogo come appresso: A Fattori took the lead in the' brother act by rolling 699 for three games. Next week his brother will carry on. Joe Garbarino was not far behind and seems to be headed for another great year. John Maro.. ni reached dizzy heights for his team when he rolled the magnificent score of 327 in the last game. The tail end teams took things in their own hands this week and theres by caused a decided change in the standing. On Monday the Dizzy Johns, minus a few of their stars and their most reliable captain, eked out a single point from Columbus Coal. _ T l The initiation was conducted in a most orderly manner. It failed to invoke the ire of anyone. That is really a tribute. Secondly, the lads were quite' a congenial group. That was expected of them. They took their fire laughingly. Not one com- plaint from the boys whatsoever. Thirdly, they aroused my sentimen- tal nature. Very few people can do ter not to mention the sticky sensati- on when he ran his fingers under his arm-pits to discover a goodly supply of mucilage. But I could go on ad infinitum. I will say this, , GAMES WEEK OF NOV. 12 MONDAY Nov. 12th. . . . . . . . . Pellettiers VS. Angelo's Hotel TUESDAY Nov. 13th. . . . . . . . Eatons vs. Columbus Coal WEDNESDAY Nov. 14th. . . . . Tip Tops vs. Jockey Club THURSDAY Nov. 15th. . . . . . . Standards vs. Dizzy Johns in un approfondito studio della "Stock Hihrchange Gazette" Scuola di S. Francesco dalle 4 alle 6 Lunedi, gli alunni delle classi I ell. Mercoledi, gli alpnni della III. Venerdi, gli alunni della IV. Scuola di Dufferin dalle 4.30 alle 6.30 Martedi e Giovedi. Corso d'ltaliano BOWLING NEA/VE Nel consueto programme. di varie.. tft ei sarii Mario Campi, Rio Rita, la Signorina Castigliana, Adolfo Vinci; il duetto Romano-Smeralldo e la esi- larante farsa col Pascariello. La rivista si oeeu.pa quindi delle, banche popolari, delle quali appro- fondisce la eostituzione e il funziona.... mento. Passa, poi, ad un'analisi deli progresso delle casse rurali, che, a poco a poco e dentro sfera piu' Iimi- tata, hanno preso il posto delle ban... che popolari fra i contadini e anche in questo caso mette in rilievo 1'ope.. ra del Governo che ha coordinato e, riedificato. Malgrado non ei fosse il piano del., Ie altre settimane a causa del- la grande festa danzante della sera, precedente, martedi scorso la compa- gnia italiana Romano-Smerahio, ha. riportato un pieno successo colla rap- presentazione di "Tosca" alla gala dL St. Patrick, in McCaul St. Martedi, 20 Novembre, 1a stessan eompagnia dark 'Ammore'e Mamma" un emozionante dramma in due atti, che é state acclamatissimo in altri centri maggiori. natriei culminanti con quella del 1922. Accennando a1 grande sviluppo della cooperazione nelle sue varie forme, 1a rivista cita pareeehi dati. Inoltre, dice che il commercio é un solo atto dell'attivita' cooperativa, che dal suo inizio si avvi6 verso il. campo del risparmio e del credito.. Banche popolari e Casse rurali sonm una veneranda istituzione in Italia e: gia' alla fine del secolo scoso peter vano contarsi a eentinaia. Ma v'eras sfortunatamente, una mancanza di II-. nita' di indirizzo e spesso anche una aperta rivalita' determinata da motL vi politici e confessionali mentre per le prime si era venuto a determinare un graduale spostamento dello scope per cui erano sorte. Un Altro Successo Three Games, 700 or over: Belli 702; Hanna 760; G. Bernardo 710. Columbus Coal ...'........... 1411 High Three Team Score Columbus Coal.............. 3526 High Three Games H. Fattori .................... 875 High Single Team Score Columbus Coal ...'........... 1411 Columbus Coal 11 Angelo's Hotel 8 Gatons 7 - Dizzy Johns 7 Costabile for three games. Gismondi also had two nice games of 303 and 229. Waterfall was the best for the losers with a total of 692 but his mates we- re far behind. To insure a safe ending to the le... ague it is advisable to have the te.., ams well balanced so as to do away with any possibility of certain teams making a runaway of the league. With this in mind we should try ,to place good bowlers who are not signed up on a team which needs them the most. that! Good heavens! After what I saw, I marvel that I did not shed te- ars! The lads then assembled at Paul Grieco's residence for a few rounds of weiners, etc. etc. etc. Incidentally, most of the boys are oubud-towaers and are most explicit in their admir- ation for our city and the congenial-, ity which exists in the other fellow- It alian students. We anticipate much of their future 'admiration and assure them that our endeavor is to reciprocate accordingly. Past Pres. Jos. Piccininni President Angelo Teolis Vice-Pres. Art. Fattori Secretary Vincent Pieeirtimti Freasurer N. F. A. Scandiffio EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB High Single Game Editor for this page SAM MASIELLO Standing t 9 Novembre 1934 ......... 374 _ Tip Tops! Pellettieri Jockey Club 7 Standards 8