Angelo Principe' Italian Canadian Digital Newspaper Collection

Il Bollettino Italo-Canadese, 16 Nov 1934, p. 8

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Club Stag November 19 Bridge - Tresette This coming Monday the Circolo Colombo anticipates a goodly gather- ing of club members and their fri.. ends at the elub's stag. The evening will prove highly entertaining in as much as bridge and tresette are se- lected as the official card games for the night. The choice of these games, will offer a field of enjoyment for young and old alike. Prizes are to be awarded to the persons turning in the highest score in each game. Ad- mission to the stag will be only twenty-five cents. We hope that each and every one of the members and their friends will be present to rega- le in the company and good will of the Circolo Colombo. Remember- this Monday - November 19. Come early! Mixed Bowling The initial mixed bowling social of the seasorrwhieh was held at the Circolo last Saturday night proved itself most disconcerting in the eyes of the writer. Why so? Well, it is an easy matter to relate but I warn you that in what I am going to say, I am not at all biased. Were it not for the Question Marks and their, respective gentlemen-fri. ends, the affair would not have been. That is the truth! Granted that it was held on a Saturday night! No doubt a very inopportune time to stage such a social! So what? Surely there were many more bowling en- thusiasts in our midst who could ha- ve spared the evening. What is the use! Mernher's Corner The bowling group, comprised of ten couples, was aided by the presen- i1 BOLLETTINU rrALO-CANADESE LA FABBRICA. __ La fabbrica é una delle migliori e moderne fra le fabbriche di bir- ra nell'0ntario, con una capacita' di circa 50,000 barili annui. Pra.. ticamente tutta a prova di fuoco e costruita per ottenere efficienza e operazione economica. JOCKEY CLUB BREWING CORP. LTO. a $1.00 per azione LA SOCIETA' Jockey Club Brewing Corporation Limited, si é costituita reeente.. mente per premiere a se gli affari e il capitale .della Jockey Club Brewery Limited, che succede all'azienda di Sleemans Spring-Bank Brewery a'Guelph, Ontario. La Corporazione fabbrica e distribuisce "Spring-Bank" Products.. Sparkling Ale, English Style Stock Ale e X xx Double Stout. Essi sono molto favorevolmente conosciuti dai venditori e dal pubblico per la loro'purezza e la loro forza, essendo prodotti dal migliore Malto e Luppolo e dalla Speciale Aequa Sorgiva, propriamente la... vorati e portati'al giusto grade col tempo necessario. Sono esclusivi prodotti per il loro aroma, sapore e maturita'. Con 1e nuove leggi si prevede un maggiore consume di birra. Joe.. key Club Brewing Corporation sa che il pubblico domanda una bir- ra migliore e perei6 1a Soeieta' garentisce che 1a qualita' assicura un continuo aumento di richiesta , aumentando gli affari sul mer- cato col relativo buon profitto. Offerta di 100,000 azioni COME SI PROSPETTA. VANTAGGI. La Soeieta' gode molti vantaggi, quali la scelta della localita per la fabbricazione e distribuzione, 1e tasse basse, I'eeeellente fabbricato e arredamento, la buona direzione e l'ottima lavorazione, tutte cose che assicurano un rilevante dividendo alla normale eapaeita' di produzione. SICUREZZA. C, :" a La Societa' ha attivita' sufficienti per proteggere gli azionisti; que- sto fattore di sicurezza, assieme a1 reddito dell'azienda e la non esi- stenza di azioni preferenziali, danno a eiaseuno degli azionisti eg'ua- [is privilegio nella distribuzione delle entrate e dei profitti. Ci6 do- vrebbe essere un appello per quegli investitori conservatori che de- siderano accoppiare 1a sicurezza al prospetto di un giusto profitto. L'investitore ha 1a sicurezza di sapere che il suo denaro va nella Tesoreria della Soeieta' giacché lo Statuto limita al 15% il paga- mento della commissione per la vendita delle sue azioni. SCOPO DELLA PRESENTE EMISSIONS. Questa emissione serve a provvedere i fondi per la estensione della fabbriea, per aumentare la sua capaeita' produttiva; inoltre 1a fab... briea e la distribuzione dei prodotti della Soeieta' debbono servire a liquidate gli acconti esistenti e una piccola ipoteca di $20,000 ora e- sistente contro il terreno e la fabbriea. Appena questa sistemazione sara' completata, la proprieta' sara' libera e purgata di tutti i pesi. La Soeieta' confida nel migliore successo e sollecita Ia vostra par- tecipazione. L'offerta é limitata a 100,000 azioni di $1.00 ciascuna e la Societa' si riserva il diritto di rifiutare o limitare, in tutto 0 in parte, l'ac- quisto, per qualsiasi richiesta delle azioni. y UFFICO DI TORONTO 502..3 LUMSDEN BUILDING Tel. w. "m BEE WE RY mm 186 Edinboro Road '"""dHg, UNT- Scrivere o telefonare all'ufficio di Toronto per altri particolari che saranno inviati per posta l? il nostro Agente verra' a tro- varvi a vostra richiesta. (Eguale Valore Nominale-AzioniComuni) Monthly Communion Here is another suggestion that is in a strange locale. Something sho- uld or must (whichever suits your frame of mind) be done about it! Of course, it will necessitate strong or- ganization and heaps of eo-operation'. It has been attempted in the past but, (Be I the one to say so) has never accomplished the proper re- sults. Well, here it is! The idea is very simple! The dit.. ficulty lies in its fulfillment. Why does not the Circolo set aside one Sunday in each month so as the members can assemble and receive monthly communion? Surely it is not asking too much of a Catholic or- ganization to live up to the stan- dards of Catholicism! The writer's aim is not to reform anyone. I want to point out to you just how such an {action will benefit us in more than one way. If we were to follow this isuggestion, we would undoubtedly elevate the standards and ideals of the club. That in turn would benefit the quality and quantity of p'NSpec- tive members. Now Pm sure that does not far-fetched. ce of three rabid bowling fans name- ly, George Bernard, John Longo and E. De Battista. Each one took unto themselves a pretty partner and then the enjoyment began. The pri- ze money was awarded to Miss R. Yanuziello and John Longo who fin- ished ahead of George Bernard and Adele Altilia by a single pin. We are certain that everyone en- joyed themselves thoroughly. The Circolo wishes to express its grati- tude to these young folk whose in- tention it was to stir up some ex- citement about the club rooms and keep things moving. They succeeded very nicely. What more can we say? There you have the germ of what Tel. WAverley 2442 might be something fine and whole.. some. It cannot fail if you give it your support as a loyal Catholic. Extra.' Extra" For the convenience of its mem- bers and their guest-friends, the Cir, colo has opened a complete lunch' room on the second floor of the pre- mises. Service begins on Saturday with full.ueourse meals. The project is, bound to be successful for there are countless members who have a yen for a cup of coffee and a piece of pie along about the sixth or seventh bridge game of the night. We wish the chef good fortune! Random Shots Pin-boy Lundy has at last met his What a hectic week! Merrimenb-- tragedy - more merriment, more tragedy! We are thankful that these incidents are passe, for one led direc- tly to the other. I shall not endeavor to resurrect ancient history by ex- plaining the tragic strain of this so- called hectic week. I shall leave that to your better judgment. You all know wherein lies the tragedy. Let me leave this discussion behind! I feel morbid enough! Why court a second helping? Dr. and Mrs. F'. J. Masiello of Rochester, N. Y. paid one of their periodical visits to Toronto last week-end due to the fact that Armis- tice Day is celebrated as a legal ho- liday in the States. Accompanying them on their trip was Dr. L. Ram- pulla, Varsity dental graduate and former Fratellanza president, who at present is located in Rochester. The Doctor and Mrs. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Piccininni last Sunday evening. We are certain the couple made good use of their short sojo, They did it once more! Who? What, a ridiculous question to ask! I refer to none other than the Children of Mary Sodality girls. I have menti- oned on previous occasions that the.. ir socials are ever worthy of your at.. tendance and mine. Well, sir, if the gods of fortune did not smile upon them on Wednesday night, then you can truly have me related to Mr. and Mrs. Simian. True to form, the yo- ung ladies staged the affair with the ever-present air of refined gusto that is symbolic of their every soci- al. We wish them more success for future occasions. Last Sunday Paul Grieco enterta- ined a group of very dashing coloni- alites at his home on Beverly Street. The event served to honor Dr. L. Rampulla who was fortunate to be present in Toronto over the week- end. Grieco's qualities as a host we.. re most admirably respected. Need.. less to say, the entire assemblage re- velled in his hospitality. The real high-spot of the' occasion was Ab Pellettier's vaudevillian aspirations. You all know Ab as bowling scribe 'for the paper. His rendition of that 'Spanish ditty, "Wop't Someone Buy My Violets" was unique. Moreover, his classic tangoing was something to marvel at. (Can it be that Mar- jory Lobraico has given him a lesson or two? She's a clever little dancer, you know!) However, the crowd co- uld not begrudge Mr. Pellettier a he- arty laugh---or even a casual giggle. The Ladies' Bowling League is now in full progress. The teams comprising the league seem to be somewhat evenly matched. This in.. dicates a last minute struggle for league honors at the end of the se- ason. One must not overlook Kay Mazza's group of stellar bowlers. They have what is commonly known as punch-a much needed quality when a team is in a pinch. They demonstrated this quality last Friday night against the Seven Sisters te.. am, powerful group of bowlers. Kay's team might have lost more points were it not for this do-or-die quality. The Seven Sisters team is _comprised of Mr. and Mrs. Mastran- 'ite.'.,? I C I st')' 1Q RCOLO omMiQ$ ,-sii'gaiiai- : " Social Highlights Glad to See You What A Week.' Ladies' Bowling Sodality Social Surprise ll BOLLETTENO nemesis. George Bernard simply worries him to death. When they en- gage in a game of checkers, Lundy is usually the loser. When George is bowling, Lundy prays that George will ease up on his fast ball. Georu gie is my pal from now on. . .. Fav- orite bridge sayings as we hear them.... "What a pitnit!" - Fat Battaglia. . . . . "One more trip"- Guess who?. . .. "Come on, Mr. Mora phy" -- Tony Ricco. . .. "Pass"-. Nick Perugini. I have seen Nick play bridge many times and not once has he held a hand that could show any game possibilities... . Johnny Grieco and J. Garbarino are taking their hunting very seriously. . . . gelo's daughters. Chris seems to be a consistently good bowler. As for' other stellar bowlers, Val Perill, Le.. na Costabile, Eva Romanelli and Ann Lobraico do not do too badly. If the ladies continue knocking off high single scores, then I fear that Sam Costabile's high single game of 374 will be cast into oblivion! Frank Abate, chairman of the card committee is confined to his sielched" with a few minor complications. We wish Frank a speedy recovery.... Will Tommy Scandiffio care to ex- plain what his west-end attraction was on Saturday night, bringing him home so early on a Sunday morn- ing?.... Miss Mildred Bernard, po- pular Sodality member and promi- nent colonialite, is very steadily re.. cuperating from a sinus operation... Ditto for Flavio Busca-BeIfanti who has returned from the hospital.... "Fat" Battaglia is considered the of- ficial spaghetti tester at home. Not one pot of "maes" is served unless he puts the final o. K. on it. He co- uld make a swell tie-up with Ange- Ws. "Fat" is very ceremonious abo- ut his job. . .. We have yet to hear from the D. O. S. S. What can the trouble be? Are they no longer in circulation? Let's hear from you, girls.... Did you notice the new Hudson sedan Sal Bernard drove to mass with last Sunday?.... Credit one of our well-known colonialites good and proper for being part and parcel of Toronto's latest and most exclusive social rendezvous. We un- derstand it to be one of the smartest 'eabarets in town. His name? Cori Miceli.... Somehow or other the cigar craze has taken its toll upon J. "Jazz-Age" Pellettier. What a pity!. . .. Dropped in on Phil Pizzola recently. Said he spent a marvellous honeymoon and wished you were there. True to my prediction, the seeond) card social of the season was a hu-' ge success. The committee was ple- ased to note such an increase in the attendance on Monday night and ho- pes that it will continue for the re.. mainder of the season. The prized awarded for the evening were once again received with great enthusi- asm. In bridge, Mrs. E. De Rose walked off with ladies' first to be rewarded with a beautiful silver pie plate. The same article was awarded Mrs. M. Dinorcia who finished ahead of the rest in scopa. The draw prize for the women went to Mrs. Leo Ro.. manelli. In the men's bridge, Eddie Pellet- tier finished first and received a smart ash tray. Tony Battaglia, winner of the men's scopa, received a prize of similar nature. "Fat" Battaglia very cheerfully stepped to the fore to be presented with a nov.. elty cigarette lighter as winner of the men's draw. After the distribution of prizes and even when the games were still in progress, the customary refresh- ments were served. Incidentally, the guests were well pleased with the decided change in the quality of the coffee. As a farewell thought, the committee hopes to have the pleasure of your support at their next social which will be held on Monday No... vember 26th. Remember the date! We have had a snooker tournament and a bowling tournament to find the champion of the Club so now we should have a bridge tournament to find a worthy team of "Culbertsons" It could be run on the same principle as the bowling tournament by having Bridge and Scopl Odds and Ends A SUGGESTION DEL Things are gradually whipping in- to shape in the bowling league and we find the three favorites once aga- in at the top of the league. The Jockey Clubs have kept a steady pa- ce but T. H. and B. and John Longo have not reached their bowling of last season. The former has his mind on bridge too much and while about to roll the ball he is trying to figure out if he could have made a game on the last hand at the bridge table. Columbus Coal do not seem to be as powerful as last year and for once they do not threaten to run away with the league. The big point winners of the week were the Pellettiers who took three from Angelo's Hotel and lost the fo- urth by a mere three pins. Hannah was the star for the winners with a three game total of 754 but was un- fortunate to receive a bad break in the last game which cost his team a defeat. Bernardo duplicated his SCO- re with a 754 also. J. Pellettier had a nice single game of 362. The Co- lumbus Coal team and Eatons split the points with the latter team aga. in profitting through the handicap. Neither team bowled exceptionally well though Nickolson rolled 713 for three. Jockey Club took three from Tip- Tops and poor bowling again predo- minated. Elia with 666 was the best on both teams. The Tip-Tops started out well but apparently have fallen on evil days. We feel sure, however, that they will soon return to form and make it interesting for all. The crying need of the alleys is some new bowls. The lack of Mequa- te bowls in the opinion of many is the cause of many poor scores. The revenue from the alleys in the last three years would warrant such an expenditure . We are pleased to have with us this year an entirely womens' league bowling at the club. Aside from the fact that they bring business to the club they also reap the benefit of a healthful indoor exercise which tends to reduce the waist line and give one that "Vim, Vigor and Vitality" feel.. ing. On looking over the sheets we notice that there are quite a few of the Friday nighters of last season but we notice too that the femmi- nine end of the famous bridge club have also joined this group. It would be appropriate at this time to extend a vote of thanks to these girls for their kind assistance and patronage at all the club affairs. MONDAY Nov. 19th. . . . . . . . . Pellettiecrs vs. Tip Tops TUESDAY Nov. 20th. . . . . . . . . Dizzy Johns vs. Jockey Club WEDNESDAY Nov. let. . . . . Batons vs. Angelo's Hotel THURSDAY Nov. 22nd . . . . . . Standards vs. Columbus Coal a certain number of teams formed and each team plays every other team either one, two or three times. Each time would be composed of four hands played. The games could be scheduled for a m Sunday afternoon and the regular as a fee of 15c an hour would be charged ber. BOWLING NEWS World's Championship JIM LONDOS JOE SAVOLDI WORLD'S CHAMPION F2'Tr? Than, Nov. 22nd, 8.30 p. Three Thrilling Preliminaries MAPLE LEAF GARDENS QUEENSBURY ATHLETIC CLUB GAMES WEEK OF NOV. 19 Jack Corcoran, Promoter VS. Due to the fact that the names of the girls are only their christian na.. mes we can't make much comment on their individual bowling. However as teams the Seven Sisters and Our Pals seem to be the more experien- ced. The Buzzers seem to have a sprinkling of talent and the Bridge Club are composed of newcomers in this sport. Our old friend Chrissy on the Mastrangelo team is up to her old tricks and again knocked off high single with 226. She also had the highest total with 445. Adele Pellet- itier had the dubious honor of being lthe lowest for the evening. It is our lintention to write a column weekly ' this bowling club and inscribe on the sands of time the deeds and mis.. deeds of one and every member. We will also publish a weekly standing using the point system as a basis and trust that a lively competition will ensue. To be a little different this year from last we will discard the name "Friday Nighters" and henceforth the league will be known as the "Wildeats Bowling Club". Standing To-Date Angelo's Hotel 9 Eatons 9 - Columbus Coal 13 Jockey Club 10 - High Three Team Score Columbus Coal.............. 3526 Single game, De Zorzi '"""b' Garbarino ....... Wilson.......... Nickolson ....... E. De Battista ... S. Costabile ..... Pio Elia ........q N. Perugini ..... M. Tassiello ..... G. Bernardo ..... J. Pellettier ..... J. Hannah....... Giufre .......... High Three Games H. Fattori m................... 875 High Single Team Score Columbus Coal............... 1411 Costabile Three Games, 700 G.Bernardo .......... J. Pellettier .......... J. Hannah........... Nickolson ............ for each table. The members could then put up a small amount each which would go into a pool for th winning team. To insure a fair-size crowd it could be arranged to allo a member to choose another memb as a partner or else get an non-me Seven Sisters Buzzers . . . . Our Pals . . . Bridge Club EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Past Pres. Jos. Piccininni President Angelo Teolis Vice-Pres. Art. Fattori Secretary Vincent Piccininni Freasurer N. F. A. Scandiffio High Single Game .e ..................... 374 ITALIAN CHAMPION Editor for this page SAM MASIELLO Standing Novembre 1934 250 .. Pellettieri 11 Dizzy Johna' - Standards Tip Tops 9 or over t or over 255 254 255 265 267 264 362 271 264 754 705 754 713 274

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