Angelo Principe' Italian Canadian Digital Newspaper Collection

Il Bollettino Italo-Canadese, 30 Nov 1934, p. 3

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io H That same night while the boys were -- enjoying themselves at Villa Missori's -- Charlie -- Racioppa and Frank Capalbo were called upon by two visitants, Pearl and Katie Chair-- monte. "Chief Sleeping Guest" was none other than that celebrated "so-- und improver" Frank Natale. Like the two Chiarmonte girls, Frank's hobby is caring for fruits, and all three are up to their ankles in this work. Now our two trouble finders intend returning the visit in the near future. i et Last week the drammatic commit-- tee held a meeting at Tony Rico's home and arrangement was made for the different plays and skits for our forthcoming concert. Vic. Bagnato, a veteran in drammatics, joined the committee. a You'll hear more about this later. a a o Last Sunday night several mem-- pers gathered at Villa Missori's ho. ime, where they played 'donkey', "De-- partment Store" and other games, and whiled away a very pleasant evening. That was until Vince No-- vaco, the Mountaineer Boy, sat down at the piano, then it was every man cor himself. In the meantime, our members ha-- ve been making brave attempts to learn something about the game. One of the boys has undertaken the task of defining the why and where-- fore of the sport. He thinks the word was originally derived from the ex-- Unfortunately, the sports commit-- tee have not yet been able to arrange the bowling teams, but they promise to have them ready for publication in the next issue of "il Bollettino". up. But alas, we could find very little to argue about and what we did find was done peacefully. 3 » ® 9 A new member was introduced at our meeting last Sunday--Frank Ca-- palbo. Like all new members, he was a little shy but, gosh, he's certainly ; iadies' 'man and I know the girls will 'all want to meet him. _ _Our members all felt peppy last Sunday. They came ready to argue for or against everything brought % vo -- o o o o o o o --o o o o -- o -- -- P ----E 5 D v. "'…ÒÒÒ""ÒÒÒ…Ò"ÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒ….' i BOLLETTINO ITALO--CANADESE ©00900000909000000990000000004800000000000000000000000 Tast President-- Frank Scandiffic President-- Henry Barone CABOT MACARONI Co. Per Gustare UN BUON PIATTO DI MACCHERONI SPEAKING OF SPORT VANGUARD NEWS Caboto : HAMILTON, ONTARIO Insistete per la Marca There's a certain young lady who is forever mentioning Don. Now I wouldn't say for sure whether she is ga--ga about him or not. But this' old snooper is not very doubtful. ® ® @ What's the big attraction in Ha-- milton which is keeping "Don" away from our meetings ? The rest of his definition is as follows: The game is played on a long, smooth, glossy plane. At one end are the wooden pins while at the other -- stand . the semi--wooden players. The pins, which stand up-- right at one end of the alley, are to be knocked off the alley by dark, he-- avy, round balls, which have an in-- tense liking for ruts, purposely built pression bow--legs. I wonder why ? on each side of the alley to anger the player and amuse the pins. The-- se supposedly round balls, being al-- lied with the beautiful, carvea ruts, each further teases the players by continuously detouring from the ori-- ginal course it has been set on. Bowling has, but one set rule, which limits the number of bails rol-- led down at the pins, even tho' the pins do mockingly remain upright after the third ball has been zigzag-- ged down the alley. Now the conse-- quences of . such a game can be numbered as two--a sore arm and a sprained back, which after a bottle of Molson's liniment brings the player back to normal and sets him wonder-- ing as to why the Vanguards, out of all the branches of sports, had to pick out bowling. Last Wednesday at Elm Grove a couple of girls showed Phil and this snooper how to bowl. Now I can't bowl well. ' What I mean is that I never had any practice in bowling, but for a gent like Phil who bowls every day it certainly is bad. I think he can't bowl when the women are around. Bill would make a good pin boy, only he falls asleep too much. Well, we're going roller skating, but not yet. Vie says we should go on a Monday night so we can have a whole week in which to recuperate from our bruises. Not bad, Vic. Vanguard News VANGUARD CHATTER It looks as if Johnny Altilia can't think up anymore excuses. He has not been to a meeting for two weeks. Jim Saccoccio is a pretty good spokesman. If he didn't repeat what tne other members have already gaid, he would make a good orator. Amos, Que.-- I principi comunisti non saranno tollerati in questo di-- stretto o in altre parti del Canada, ha detto il giudice Romeo Langlais di Quebec a 16 lavoratori _ stranieri accusati e trovati , colpevoli di aver partecipato a movimenti rivoluziona-- rii nelle miniere di Noranda la pri-- mavera scorsa. A 16 degli accusati il giudice ha dato una condanna di due anni, con la deportazione dopo scontata la sentenza. Il accu-- sato, essendo stato raccomandato al-- la clemenza della corte, sara' depor-- tato dopo avere scontato sei mesi di prigione. ; La corte ha fatto rilevare ai pri-- gionieri che le unioni hanno fatto loro un cattivo servizio per. quello che concerne la loro partecipazione allo sciopero nelle miniere. "I citta-- dini qui sono pacifici e non credono alle teorie comuniste -- ha detto il giudice Langlais, "Noi diamo il ben-- venuto agli_ stranieri in questa na-- zione, diamo loro lavoro e gli accor-- diamo buona paga. Invece di esserci grati voi tentate di dare fastidio in una regione che é destinata a grande futuro. Voi intendete mettere tutto in fermento, per la qual cosa sare-- te molto dispiaciuti". Bill Bagnato is a regular night owl. Imagine him going to a dance two nights in succession! It was midnight in Toronto and not a street car was in sight. 17 DEPORTATI IN SEGUITO AD UNA SOMMOSSA Henry and Johnny were waiting for a street car, but they finally de cided to walk. And walk they did! These boys would like to thank Miss Elo for a very enjoyable even. ing at her home. ' Look, boys, I'm right on the job. i Leonard doesn"t have to phone the girls. They phone him. Il secolo scorso proclkamo6 l'egua-- glianza dei cittadini davanti alla leg-- ge, e fu una conquista di portata formidabile; il secolo fascista man-- tiene, anzi consolida questo principio, ma ve ne aggiunge un altro non me-- nò fondamentale: la eguaglianza de-- gli uomini dinanzi al lavoro inteso» come dovere e come diritto, come gio-- ia creatrice che deve 'dilatare e nobi-- litare l'esistenza, non mortificarla o deprimerla. Tale eguaglianza di Ba-- se, non esclude anzi esige la differen-- ziazione -- nettissima delle gerarchie dal punto di vista delle funzioni, del merito delle responsabilita'. Il ritorno del Sovrano al campo con il trofeo di caccia é stato saluta-- to con vivissimi applausi dai compo-- nenti la carovana. IL RE A CACCIA S.M. il Re si é recato ieri alla caccia dell'elefante in localita' Gelib. La caccia del Sovrano si é svolta in una zona di boscaglia ad alto fusto ove erano stati «segnalati gruppi di elefanti. Con il Re era soltanto il Governatore della Somalia, con tre cacciatori. [ Dopo tre ore di automobile S. M. iniziò la marcia di avvicinamento durata pure tre ore ed al terfnine della quale, con un tiro di grande precisione, riusciva ad abbattere un bellissimo maschio isolato. PER LA PACE, NEL MONDO Un gruppo di cento delegati dalle chiese e dalle scuole, si sono adunati nella Perth Avenue United -- Church, per sentire il discorso del poeta ca-- nadese, per la pace, W. E. Dyer, le cui poesie sul soggetto sono state stampate su centinaia di giornali e riviste. Fra coloro che hanno parlato nel-- l'occasione si trova anche il giovane studente Angelo Fidele. L'organizza-- zione si ripromette di inviare un mi-- lione di bandiere in tutti i centri del mondo. con cartelli stampati in 25 differenti lingue. e Harold Pellettieri accusato di aver preso della merce che apparteneva ad' altri, ha promesso al giudice che sara' buono almeno per un anno, al-- trimenti paghera' la pena che gli spetta. Vice President-- Vic Bagnato Secretary-- Charles Raccioppa Treasurer-- Amy Ercoli DELL'ELEFANTE Modun, 16 Mussolini A few days ago, the Italian: radio service transmitted a declaration on the position of the Jews in Italy which, as is generally assumed, was inspired by Benito Mussolini in per-- son. -- The declaration, which also directly xefers to the attitude of the Duce towards the Jewish problem and to the treatment of the Jews in Germany, reads as follows: The Jews in ., Italy enjoy equal rights with 'all other -- citizens and therefore they also share the same duties as all Italians. Italy had not known any anti--Semitism, and evéen today it knows no prejudice against the Jews. On the contrary, the Jews have proven loyal and reliable Italian citizens; they fought bravely in the War at the side of their Italian com-- rades. Therefore, the Jews, like all other _ citizens are given the highest positions in the' administration of the'state and the army. The Jews in Italy are granted highest honors; so, for example, they also are members of the Italian Academy. The, Italian Jews are very patriotic and they are loyal adherents to, Fascism -- which nows no racial discrimination. -- The declaration also refers to the situation of the Jews in Germany. It says: Germany has always,consider-- ed the Jewish minority ?'sponsible for all misfortunes, and the Jews ha-- ve always been made the scape--go-- ats. For this purpose, even a racial theory was established, according to which the "Aryans" are far superior to the Jews,. although Gobineau him« self, to which the racial fanatics. te-- fer, 'stated that the Jews 'are the purest race. The chief of the gov-- ernment, Mussolini, has repeatedly pointed out that the German Jews are being done the greatest injustice. Finally, the declaration rejects the National Socialist racial illusion as unjust, _ unscientific,' / and_ absurd. Such conceptions are termed unwor-- thy of the Italians. This , declaration is the more, re-- markable since Mussolini is regarded as the prototype and the teacher of a great number of statesmen and po-- liticians of various countries. Mussolini Stigmatizes Anti--Semitism Mussolini was . the first one who put the principle of autocratic gov-- ernment into practice. It is reassur-- ing to see the objectivity of Italian Fascism with regard to the Jews, as it was manifested a few days ago by the Italian radio broadcast. ui At the same time, the Italian radio speech must be looked upon as a severe eriticism on the part of Mus-- solini of his followers, and it is de-- lightful to hear how poorly the Ger-- man pupil fares. This, the more so, because the teacher had probably set his greatest hopes on the German pupil--and was then bitterly disappo-- inted. A dictator, who like Hitler does not use his power to frustrate the pernicious instincts of the mas-- ses, but helps these instincts to vic-- tory at the expense of -- culture and civilization, is not a star pupil of Mussolini's, but a miserable bungler. That is already clearly shown by the method. which led both "leaders" to victory. Mussolini's march to Rome at the head of his Black Shirts was a coup, full .of ingenuity and force; Hitler's start from the Munich béer cellar in 1923 was a caricature which at. that time did not end; tragically, for the only reason that those in power did not take the "Putschists" seriously . _ > Mussolini's _ statesmanlike -- career remains free from such, tragicomic, illborn attempts. Since he became convinced of the harmfulness of de-- mocracy, he never used ' democratic methods, but eradicated them from Italian politics. The nasty comedy of making referenda and the instituting a campaign of terror against those who voted "no" is essentially foreign to Italian Fascism. Mussolini des-- pises all sham. He gained power as a "strong man of Italy" and today he is looked upon as the "strong man of Europe". But he did not acquire the prestige of being the strong man through grim gestures against the weak. ; -- Likewise, the "Christian" -- press which is enthusiastic about Musso-- lini, ought to take an example of This is also a hint to those pupils of Mussolini's who theoretically affirm the quality of the Jews in their coun-- tries,but in practice remove the Jew-- ish physicians from the hospitals,and the Jewish civil servants from their positions. _ Mussolini's system con-- sists of the beautiful harmony of 'theory and practice, of word and de-- ed. Since this harmony strictly fol-- lows the New Testament, it should also be an example to those states-- men who proclaim themselves cham-- pions of Christianity. how to appreciate . publicly Jewish|"!" ~YP!0M OVLCCIONONS SGObpCOME achievements. In Austria, this press | Use no Jewish violator of the law has to learn very much in this res-- | °2" be found, the imagination of the pect, if not everything. When recen. | readers does the rest. i e ee tly the tombstones on the graves of Th; Ìminwgalnoztt É}}ÌÎÌSÎPlnt liotlllg Jewish heroes in the Wiener Zentral-- î;eînìrî d f\Îl ;gtîlat roo friedhof" (the main \ cemetery of i Vienna) were consecrated, the pub-- es on lic had an opportunity to see that | è B CULLE Jews, too, sacrificed their lives for IN FIORE the Fatherland, but the Christian-- Q--'" Socialist papers passed this solemn -- oo event over in silence. Their readers | I coniugi Maria nata Divono e were' not allowed to learn that | Antonio Gatto, il 19 corrente hanno Jewish heroes fought shoulder to |avuto un bambino. La signora é sta-- shoulder with their Christian com-- |ta assistita nel St. Mary's Hospital rades in the trenches for the sake of fed ora gode ottima salute assieme al Austria, as well as for her honor and |neonato. Ì MMWW… è LATTE PURO e è LATTE FRESCO 6 2090900099000000 0000000090 9 NOI VI FORNIAMO Kingsdale 6151 MOLTA SOSTANZA BUON NUTRIMENTO NOI VI ASSICURIAMO SEMPRE welfare. But every Jewish--sounding name from the daily police reports is printed (in heavy type) for the edification of the readers. And when this system occasionally fails, beca. use no . Jewish violator of the law can be found, the imagination of the readers does the rest. I coniugi Maria nata Divono e Antonio Gatto, il 19 corrente hanno avuto un bambino. La signora é sta-- ta assistita nel St. Mary's Hospital ed ora gode ottima salute assieme al neonato. 30 Novembre 1934

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