Venice, at this time of the year, is the mecca of 'tourists. The trains that come into Santa, Lucia station from all parts of Europe, the motor cars and busses that drive up to Piazzale Roma after crossing the large, two-mile long cement Littoria bridge which connects the island city with the mainland, the ships from all parts of the globe which anchor in Bacino San Marco, in front of the Ducal Palace or near the Dogana, are now pouring their streams of happy travellers into this city of sunshine and color, marble and sea, LVIIKMEIIIEEIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIEEEEEWEI B, . CANADIAN GRAND OPERA Association Prezzi: ase, e soc, h' "rat-am-gall-aa-III-tIm-gt-aI-ttttttati" "900$QGOQGO 669 060% O " "0990099". *909099990990969009990 §EOVE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO09960990 VIIMEEIEI 36606066660"OOOOOOOOOOOGOW"GNOOOO '5"A'6066006 REI 'moo t 0A66466660""0" umuuooooooo¢.¢oooooo m $0 n, B0L1am"NNO lTALOJIANADESE tttto-ttttoo-ttH..-"""'-, . 6 l """00""00000t-0-t-t-ttttooou tNlllllllllllMllM.con i piii grandi vapori del mondo FORTE RIDUZIONE ' SUI BIGLIETTI DI ANDATA E RITORNO Tutte le pratiche necessarie per fare un buon viaggio in Italia ed un facilitato ritorno in Canada Pagamenti effettuati per Pasta e Telegramma nel minore tempo possibile. 1.1.0 as: w ' . ftliliillit n ta 1a. - "IIS - Can i niii trrandi vannri deimmnd 287 CLAREMONT Sr. TEL. LL. 0101 "TORONTO, "NWAlrtlr0 M. DIISSORI lk CODIE'ANY Perfetti Electric Co. 402 College St. 'l'orouio Tel Uff. e Res. 4-1215 42:5 E. WYANDOTTE ST. - WENDSGR per impianti elettrici di qualsiasi specie. Ripara- zioni di luce, motori, IF tensili elettrici, em. Agente Navigazione - Rimesse hll'Estero MEQONI BROS, CO. NOTES FROM A CANADIAN IN ITALY James Flucker Mary Ospreay Randolph Crowe Burke Callaghan Tel. MI. 3424 - Di sera e giorni festivi LO. 3823 mm FIANLAN'S POINT can... ITALIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 12 191111 Street Se ne avete la opportunita', alla prossima occasions, ricordatevi che la nostra Ditta pu6 fornirvi qualsiasi lavoro, sia per privati, che per soeieta', negoiianti, pro- fessionisti, manifatturieri, eee. I Nostri Prezzi Non, Sono Superiori, Ed I Nostri La- vori Sono Soddisfacenti. CESSI, eee. CON TRATTORI Membro della Consolidated Dealers Limited. PARTECIPAZIONI DI MATRIMONIO, FESTE NOTAIO PUBBLICO - UFFICIO _POSTALE SUB. 4. SEGRETARIO LEGIONE ITALIANA RIMESSE DI DENARO IN ITALIA Interprete Ufficiale ali'Uffieio Polizia MARTEDI, 28 LUGLIO, 8.20 P. M. €A§2MEN ODE GLADE GABRIELE SIMEONI Luigi Meconi art and history. The echoing sounds of a thousand shuffling feet are in- creasing as the most cosmopolitan swarm of tourists mingle with the Venetians along the narrow, paved "ealli" which form the fortuous tho... roughfares of the semi-kissed, sea- bathed city of the Doges. The gol- den Basilica, that priceless gem of 800 years of art and untiring work, is still the most frequented centre of Venice. At all hours of the day, par- ties of tourists may be seen craning their necks and gazing in astonish- ment at the golden mosaics that elettrici per case, uffici, renali ed abbellimento a la vostra abitazione. Massifna Garanzia Servizio Eccellente. 'l'uronlu, ( hut. Fate I Vostri lilyori di Stampa? APPARATI Mary La Sota Hazel Bell Jack Anderson Basil McGillivray IIHIIMWYA 1.r1t'LlL:1LgS the leading motion-picture eompani- es of the world, is an event of inter... national fame. It is understood that the Hollywood film colony will be well represented as there are rumo- urs that Elissa Landi, Clark Gable and many others will be in Venice for the Exhibition. ne too reliable exponenis of the evils and weaknesses of Fascism, now that the Italian nation has giv- Neat little steamboats constantly ply the waters between Venice and the Lido, laden with holidayers bo.. und for sunshine and a dip in the Adriatic. Little motor launches churn up the placid waters of the lagoon as they race out around the island of San Michele towards Nu- rano where glass-working is an art which only the glass-workers of Nu.. rano possess, and at nights now, the Canal Grande is the magic, soul in- spiring, street of water where gon- dolas pass by ever so quietly. And here we must inveigh against those poor, demented, prosaic persons who go so far as to say that motor-boats were not being used in Venice beea- use of the cost of gasoline. The fact is motor-boats have been con... stantly used for public services, while gondolas are the only logical, possible means of communication in Venice, but then, no 'motor-boat of the finest construction, could give the thrill and pleasure of a gondola ride. Ca' Rezzonico and the Cinematogra.. phic Exhibition. These were all or- ganized during the sanctions and are proving very successful. The Cine- matographic Exhibition, which takes place at the Lido with open-air pre- sentations of the films presented by Speaking of sanctions, I remem- her reading in a Canadian paper some months ago that the Italians would soon tire of meatless days and revolt against Mussolini mm, m some months ago that the Italians would soon tire of meatless days and revolt against Mussolini. Here in Italy such talk is so ridiculous as not to be taken seriously. Sanctions were not felt by the ordinary man in the street at all. As a mat- ter of fact, it was impossible to find someone who complained about them. Of course, they may have ca- used some inconveniences but they were not at all evident. And now that sanctions have been buried af- ter having failed so miserably, now that the Abyssinian campaign has been brought to a conclusion not al- together as prophesied by the no. Despite all the adverse publicity given Italy by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Cdeil, in England, the C. C. F. and othersrof the same clique in Canada, it seems that the power of attraction of il Duee's land remains undiminished and its beauty untarnished. This fact is merely established for the use of those who like to imagine that the country of Dante has blighted its character by the events of this last year, and that people will now Te.. fuse to come to Italy. Italy has al.. ways been the land of art ind sun- shine but Mussolini's government has enhanced this reputation and made of Italy a land worth while visiting for even the most fastidious traveller whether in search of art or comfort. It may be said of Italy that it is the best organized country in the world from a tourist point of View. As a matter of fact, there is always some attraction, some impotu. tant exhibition, some magnificent fair, in progress. Here in Venice this year, three major exhibitions which are drawing thousands of visi- tors are the 20th Modern Art Exhi- bition, the 17th Century Exhibit at not: Articoli di varieta', ma copertina 'ions',a eolori, fotografie di uomini e di man eventi, un esteso notiziario iziteras. tnat-'zionalts, una bellissima novella, una find pagina umoristica, eritiehe lettera- o u t'rie, teatrali e politiche, formano que- ca- i sto nuovo numero de LA SETTIMA. they NA che é nel suo secondo anno di now ', vitae che ha trovato un pesto affet- af- Pyyo e gradito nella immense. fami- now glia italiana d'Ameriea. has} La rivista si pubwa in New t al- York: 626 Fifth Avenue - Palazzo no. d'Italia. I lettori desiderosi di leg- the 'germ, possono chiedere ana copia di :15m,|saggio che sara' inviata del tutto giv. gratis. f I en to the world an irrefutable proof of its devotion and faith in the Re- gime under which it has been living happily for fourteen years, it would be advisable for the Canadian de- ltractors of Fascist Italy to clear ltheir befogged, biased mind and if they wish to continue to discuss and comment on Fascist policies and doctrines, to show a little less ill- faith and blatant dishonesty. This policy would, moreover, save them from appearing as ridiculous as they; have shown themselves to be in their) conduct during the colonial war. Thel press comments and editorials of' Haife's sympathisers which appeared during the military operations in Africa; provided a good deal of mirth for the Italians and the humor 'papers and magazines had a boom (season while the war lasted by me.. _rely publishing the drivel Addis Ababa correspondents wrote for Itheir gullible anti-fascist readers. It is, of course, the privilege of the Efree press 'partisans to be as non- Isensical as they wish, but such free.. (dom of the press which endangers the peace of the world, is to be de- precated. In any case, the fact re- mains that certain Canadian news- 'papers who claim to be exponents of (the truth, carried write-ups concern- ling Italy and the East African war Iwhich proved that the authors were liar,',", qualified to write comic strips !or fairy tales. La rivista conterra' pure 1m arti- colo dell'tht. Corsi sulle attivita' a- grieole dei nostri eonnazionali Che han saputo create nella eampagna del New Jersey - fuggendo dalla arida e dannata vita delle eitta' - un lembo pittoresco della Patria lou. Seritto espressamente per LA SETTIMANA, questo articolo che certo avra' vaste ripercussioni poli. tiche, é di particolare interesse per tutti i lettori e 1e eormmita' italoa. mericane sparse negli Stati Uniti. But all that is over and Canada also has abolished sanctions. As for Italy, it can be truly said that the Italian people are as ready to bury the hatchet and forgive her ex-al- lies as she was, and is, ready to take up arms against anyone who tries to menace her vital interests. The whole world should thank Mussolini for having built such a united nati.. on and such a powerful war-machine which enabled him to get justice for Italy in Africa while maintaining peace in Europe, for had Italy been militarily weak, Geneva would have wrought her injustice'and Europe would have had her war. Il prossimo numero de LA SETTI- MANA - rivista fondata a New York dalI'On. Edward Corsi - con- tiene un importantissimo articolo d1 William R. Castle, Sottosegretario di Stato nel Gabinetto di Hoover, sull'atteggiamento di Roosevelt du- rante i1 conflitto etiopico: atteggia- mento che l'illustre diplomatico e scrittore considera come "an inutile ed ingiustifieato attacco contro 1,1123- lia." PECNHC Ab6tOdl)@t"yi9qiBe4llte) "e4ir6rqtBitt(trigttitt" ROOSEVELT E L'ITALIA 26 L0CU0 1936 nella Victoria Industrial School 1s'cCssi?ii'fas'lt.i,i,'iv', , Avra' Luogo Domenica MIMICO del BOLLETTINO I? 12 E A. Perilli, Editore QIRCOLO STELLA ALPINA 127 Beatrice St. Pres. P. Claretto; Vice Pres. C. Bolley; Seg. Corr. D. Colussi; Seg. di Fin. L. Galli; Tes. E. Olivero. CLUB ITALO-SPAGNOLO University of Toronto ELM GROVE ATHLETIC CLUB 1249 Queen St. W. 2.a Domeniea, casa propria. Frank Tenute, Pres.; John Kelly, V. Pres.; Patsy Fernieola, Tes. FAMEE FURLANE 10 Montrose Ave. 3.a Domenica a St. Agnese Pres. Dante Colussi; V. priano Tortola; Seg. Cm Cristofoli; Seg. Fin. Lui; villa; Tes. Luciano De Zo La Domenica. Pres. Mary Miceli, Vice Pres. Eva Altilia, See. Helen Altilia, Treas. Rose Ardito. MT. CARMEL. CHILDREN OF MARY SODALITY GRANDE LOGGIA ORDINE F. d'l. 287 Claremont St. Grande Venerabile Dr. Vittorio Sabetta; Ass. G. Ven.' Rev. Libero Sauro; G. Seg. Arch. Marco Mis. sori; G. S. Fin. Aurelio Del Piero; G. Tes. Luigi Gabrielli; G. Orat. Tommaso Mari. ITAL. SOCIAL & RECREATION CLUB. CARMELITE SISTERS 312 Ossington Avenue Asilo per i bambim' dai 3 ai 6 anni Orario dalle 7 a.m. alle 5 pm. ET. AGNESE CHILDREN OF MARY SODALITY. 22 Boon Ave seconda e terza domenica del mese. Miss Mary Cosentino, Pres.; Miss Lina Calderone, Vice Pres.; Miss Mary Di Pede, See.; Miss Anna Calderone Tres. HOLY NAME SOC. MT. CARMELO 194 St. Patrick St. Aw. Jos. A. Cosentino. HOLY NAME SOC. ST. AGNESE 15 Grace St. la seconda domeniea del mese. Presidente, Dick Turano, Vice Pre, sidente P. Leoni, Tesoriere Dome- nico Versace. OUR LADY of MOUNT CARMELO 196 St. Patrick Street. Rev. Stephan Awad. .5.T AGNESE CHURCH 938 Dundas Street West. Rev. Settimié Bald Rev. P. Crawly ST. CLEMENT CHURCH 1449 Dufferin Street. Marcellino Sargenti. SOC. FEMMINILE ST. AGNESE 2 Henderson Ave. 1.a Domenica, 15 Grace St. Pres. Giovannina Trauzzi; Vice P. 210 Beatrice St. 2.a Domenica, 15 Grace St. Pres. supremo Concilio D. A. G. Glionna J. P.; Vice Pres. E. Or- lands: Seg. Mrs. E. R.. Grossi; Tres, 2. G. Glionna. Loggia ii "Daughters of Italy". 238 Montrose Ave. - 2.a Domenica, St. Agnese Hall. Presrnente, E. R. Grossi; Vice Pre- sidente. A. D'Andrea; 2.0 Vice- Pres. 9.. DeAngelis; Seg. di Corr. Signnrma R. Befrene; Seg. di Fin. Signorma A. Lombard; Tes. Signo- m ll Riccio. cr, 153 Sherwood Ultima Domenica, sala St. Agnese. Fiduciaria, Sig.ra Etelviha Fredia- ni. ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE COMBATTENTI ITALIANI GRUPPO UNIV. "F1€ATELLANZA" 230 Claremont St. Pres. A. John Cozzi; Seg. T. Sean- diffio. ITALIAN AID PROTECTIVE SOC. 592 Spadina 3.o mercoledi a St. Agnese. Dr. Donato Sansone Commissario. CiRCOLO COLOMBO 202 St. Patrick St. 3.a domenica nei locali propri Presidente, Joseph Piccininni; Past President, Angelo Teolis; Vice Pre.. sidente, Avv. Nick Scandiffio; Se... gretario, Vincent Piccininni; Teso- Here, Roc,co Polito; Manager, Gid De Spirt; House Comm. John Ma- rone. ' ISTITUZIONI CATTOLICHE! M. J. Seg. T 1' ASCIO 160 Claremont St. Presidente, F'. Napolitano; Vice Pres. G. Femicola; See. F. Madot- ta; Treas. A. Petti. \SCH) Associazioni Coloniali " PRINCIPE UM! 153 Sherwood Domenica, sala St, Magi, Segretario; Annmmstrativo . FEMMINILE CON RELATIVI INDIRIZZI DI CORRISPONDENZA 15 Grace St. e Colussi; V. Pres. cr.. rtolo; Seg. Corr. Celeste Sag. Fin. Luigi Mezzal Luciano De Zorzi. ITALO-CANADESE Elm St. re; T. Mari, D'irettore UMBERTO Di Toronto Agnese R. Bacci ITALIAN UNIVERSITY GRADUATES CLUB Riunioni una volta al mese. Pres. Prof. E. Goggio; V. Pres. Dott. R. Invidiata; Seg. Aw. N. Scandiffio; Tes. Dott M. Scandiffio, CHIESA EVANGELICA ITALIANA DI SAN PAOLO 88 Armstrong St. 2.a Domenica, Creber Hall. Pres. W. Schincariol; Vice Pres. Carlo Parisani; Seg. Corr. Eugenio Renzetti; Seg. Fin. Nazzareno To.. massoni; Tes. Bonaventura. Manti. m. SOCIETA' ITALO-CANADESE 410 College St. Rev. L. Sauro, Ministro. GIOVENTU' ITALICA SOCIETA' FEMMINILE "CRISTINA ROSSETTI" MONTREAL, QUE. FEDERAZIONE COMBATTENTI 819 St. Clarens Riunioni ogni martedi sera. Frank Andaloro, Pres.; Sam Con. ti, Vice Pres.; Maria Speziale, Bee. Treas. 266 Bellwoods Ave. ' Lo Lunedi al Veteran's Hall. Pres. Giacomo Altilia; Vice Pres. P. Della Rosa; Seg. Corr. A. G. Grimaldi; Seg. Fin. Napoleone Co.. starella; Tes. R. Ruffo. SOCIETA' ITALIANA VITESE 357 Church St. Riunioni primo venerdi d'ogni metre. Pres. C. Sauro; Vice Pres. Concet. ta Conforzi; Sec. Maria Patetta; Treas. Mrs. Dowse. 46 Birch Ave 3.o Giovedi, Victoria Hall Pres. Giuseppe LoPresti; Vice Pres. Giuseppe Longo; Tes. Gio- vanni Longo; Seg. di Fin. Giusep- pe Ameded; Seg. di Corr. Vincenzo Avola. connessa con la Chiesa St. Clemente e Chiesa di St. Agnese. 15 Grace St. Pres. F. Tenute; Vice Pres. N. P. A. Scandiffio; Tes. G. Femicola. YOUNG _ 192 Roxton Road "l.o lunedi, sala Oddfellow _ Ven. Signora Boley; Ass. Ven. si.. gnora Vistdrino; pratore signora Sauro; Seg. Arch. signers. Galas.. so; Seg. Finanza signora Man.. dolfino; Tes. signora Scotch. RETAIL FRUIT MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION. 1032 St. Clair Ave. w. Lo Mercol. Orange Hall, 55 Queen E. Pres. G. Simone; V. Pres. L. Cata. lane; Seg. Corr. G. Ditta; Seg. di Fin. S. Ponzo; Tes. A. Simone. MIMICO, ONT. SOC1ETA' "GIOVANNI CABOTO" N 374 Church St. Pres. Angelo De Luca; V. Pres. Antonio Riccio; Seg. Finanza Gio- vanni Riccio; Seg. Corr. Guido De Petrillo; Tes. Antonio De Pippo. ISTITUZION I PROTESTANTI SOC. FRATELLANZA ITALIAN A SOC. PATRONATO' ITALIANO ITA LIA N A POSTOLIC CH URCH 175 Drayton Ave. 2.a Domenica, Circolo Colombo. Ven. Teodoro Zambri; Ass. Von. Paolo Versace; Oratore Ulderico Torella; Segretarii Napoleone Co, starella e Rocco Mandolfino; Teso.. . riere Andrea De Santis. LOGGIA "REGINA ELENA" ORDINE FIGLI D'ITALIA Angelo Montrose e College Sts Rev. Ferdinando Zaffuto. CHIESA CRISTIANA ITALIANA 335 Euclid Avenue 819 St. Clarens Riunioni terzo giovedi d'ogni mesa. Pres. Tina Giovtuurntti; See. by 1272 Bloor W. Lo mercoledi, Circolo Colombo. Presidente, A. Gatto; Vice Pres. A. Delisi; Tes. C. Sansone; Seg. di Fin. Joe Zucchero; Seg. Corr. Dick Tu- rano. 65 Avenue Rd. La Domenica a 3 Cumberland St. Pres. Cesare Galasso; Vice Pres. Antonio Gallo; Seg. di Fin. J. An.. gellotti; Vice Seg. V. D'Ambrosio; Seg. di Corr. Corrado Vattolo; Vi- ce Seg. Umberto Chiarandini; Tea. G. Boaretti. SOCIETA' TRINACRIA SOCIETA St. VINCENZO DePAOLA ADVENT CHRISTIAN LOGGIA ONTARIO ORDINE F. d'l. 193 Montrose Avenue Rev. Libero Sauro. Antonia Spadaccino; Seg. Corr. Ca- terina Pillo; Seg. Fin. Anna D'A- gostino; Tes. Jennie Viola. 3537 Park Ave. LADIES' AUXILIARY 24 Luglio 1936