s ei g We propose to repiy to all the passwords which fascist propaganda -- is spreading among Itallian:--Canadians. To answer them signifies -- not only exposing the lies of the fascist war propaganda and destroying its sophisms; it also means giving to all an-- tifascists the weapons for their daily word--of--mouth counter--propaganda _ with-- out which it is impossible to conduct an efficacious strug= gle against the Axis agents charged with sabotaging the Canadian war effort: We are not aione. A con-- sideravie nuuuper of ltalian-- Uanadians see eye--to--eye with us; they know, as we know, nat suriering rascism has brought to the worid. senind us are thousands: of men, and women who hate fascism; They are in need of being informed of the imme-- diate and distant conseqen-- ces of the criminal policies of Mussolint's . government. They are in need of being guided so as to be . better able to express their adver-- sion to fascism. We feel that our activity in this sense has up to 1. been unsatisfactory because it has not been sufficiently tied up with an extensive network of Committees aim-- ing at the-- realization of unity _ of Italian--Canadians for victory of the United Nations. -- We propose to agitate: in favor oi the war effort of the United Nations and to incite Italian--Canadians to cooperate with all their en-- ergy towards increasing war production. At a time when the destiny of mankind -- is at stake, every organization, every individual --must not only seriously buckle down, and help the war effort of th'é' Canadian people and of all the other peoples fight-- ingî the oppression of the Axis, but must also feel the impelling duty of subjecting his or its work to the test of thé most severe _ autocritic-- ism. i n We must, therefore, speak to the Italian--Canadians and tel]l them that the war Mus-- solini wanted and prepared for is leading the . Italian people to shame and cata-- strophe. -- Italian--Canadians will see ever more clearly that the road leading to the liberation of the --Italian people is that of liberty and democracy, of victory of the United Nations. In Canada, too, we-- are taking our place alongside the popular Italian move-- ments which have sprung up in' other countries of the American continent, so that we may contribute with all our efforts in the defeat of the Rome--Berlin axis --and in forcing the Mussolini go-- vernment to withdraw from ses. V e wiit noid iirmiy and hign the panner or unity in tne Tignt against provoca-- teurs. We propose to conti-- nue the unitarian _ activity iaunched by Rev. Bersani so that our weekly will truly become the paper of the Ita-- nans residing in Canada. We theretore appeal to all our friends to help us strengthen the ties of the paper with the Italian--Canadian mas-- vv e taxe up wWuere he left o11, witn the consent. and support oL ail. antllasclsts, wilie the struggie on the vat tietiesas oi murope reacnes its cumax. 'Lhnis weekly wil go into the Itanan--Canadian communities as an appeal in iavor of the war effort and of the antifascist struggle. Begining with this!' issue, this weekiy wiil: be . the spokesman oi tne italian-- Canadian Unity. Committee 1or Victory oi the United inatlons. Kev. A. persani, to whom goes credit Ior having 1ounueu Tne paper, -- Wiii conlumue to glve us nIs Va-- iuavie cooperation. Pag. 4 A Change Italian--Canadian Unity Our English Section AHW Editorial The reasons for its broad cha-- racter' may be found in the fact that during.the 26 montsthat the Italian people have found them-- selves under 'the high command of Hitlerite Germany, the war has taken on so much the aspect of assuring the hegemony of Germa-- uy in asurope tiat 1ew -- peopie in itaiy today nurture the same il-- iusions wnith tney nad n the be-- ginnings At the tuume ._ the" Axjs pact ~was signed in ©1939, it did not arouse enthusiastic --support, except in certain fascist circles and the entry of Itaiy into war on June . 1Uth, 1940, left the. people absolutely cold. The most'enlight-- ened elements among the people at that time did not spare their criticism of Mussolini. The opposition to the Axis war policy in Italy is distinctive in that 'it embraces all sections of the people: the working masses, the <inteligensia--and the _ upper classes. ; Wireless to Inter--Continent News Italian--Canadians -- must' keep in mind and assimilaté the lessons:--of provocationt in Europe, in the US. and, recently, in Brazil. We will understand all the _ --more, then, that it is our duty to' defend--Canadian institutions: and the war effort against the possibility of action by fascist saboteurs: The Significance of the Fascist opposition in Italy Thus matters stood at the be" ginning. Subsequently the rift be= tween the war aims of the fascists and the=aspirations~of the people and the widening gulf between the Mussolinites who sold out to Ger-- mansand the legal bourgeoig op-- position =-- the higher Catholic hierarchies, a part of the monarch-- ists and the industrialists -- grew larger in proportion to the mili-- tary revenses in Greece and Africa. The hegemony of the Germans was exposed before everyone, On several occasions, it will be recalled, even the fascist press con-- fessed that thez% was a lack of popular enthusiasm for the waw and revealed the decided opposi-- tion among left circles and thé hostility towards the Axis display> ed ' in ' Catholic ' and. _ monarchist circles. We should .not be _ surp-- rised if one who fights against:Great Britain, _ the United Ctates and Soviet U-- -- It would be a fatal error to think that after the ini-- tial measures taken by the feéderal authorities the dan-- ger of sabotage ang terror-- ism in Canada has disap-- peared. We know that under the cloak of "loyal citizens" Mussolini's agents are. lei-- surely carrying on their work.. We will show that the "loyal" attitude of some Italian--Canadians, unfortu-- nately still in positions of responsibility and -- favored with the confidence of high personages, is only formal. in fact, under the mask of "loyalty" these men are car-- rying on a vigorous cam-- paign in support -- of the Axis, and by their words and! actions are helping=to --keep! important sections of Itaz lians directly or indirectly! under--the-- influence of ille:: gal fascist organizations. _ We wull--ralse our : voice against the underhand act-- ivity of the fifth--column. 'Those who believe that the ilith--column among itallan-- Uanadlans nas been elimi-- mated by the internment of a Tew rascist are gravely mistaken. We have reason to appeal to all antifascists to Keep an incessant watch for these disrupters. : une war and sign a seperate peace wun'tne;;%ffilted Na-- uons. 1148 WoUiu save Ue itailan~ peopie-- trom ---- (1S-- wonour-- and neip--secure tor cthem une rignt. to decide rreeiy tneir own destiny. Purthermore the fascist opposi--' tion has greatly increased in these' last few months in view of the} bankrupt balance sheet of the Mus--° solinigovernment. and 'this oppo-- ',;s-ition' is not to be disregarded in 'the struggle against the war. On' \ the contrary, the fascist oppositionl is an extremely important factor which must not be neglected for the very fact that it is legal and' itg=forces=are=inthe--heart> of--the party in control and, the organi-- zations of the-- fascist--masse. This opposition is still inarticu-- late. We know that in large mea-- sure it is even opposed'to the de-- mocratic tendencies. of the anti-- fascist-- opposition.--But it demands a change in policy both in foreign affairs and in social and economic plans and in this sense it helps considerably t5 weaken Mussoli-- ni's position. Not to be aware of this is to close one's eye to the disillusionment experienced by the masses .of the fascists since the beginning of the war. The false dreams--of fascist empire have to a large extent vanished since the loss. of Italian East Africa and the appeal to the German troops to defend Lybia. S The adventurist program of Mus-- solini in regard to France has dis-- appeared from the political hori-- zon, for it is clear what Hitler is doîng in regard to Vichy policy, while Italian imperialism pays, the cost. This is also true' in regard to the marvelous® castles in Spain which were to have been--Italy's on the sham pretense» that they were vital--for Italian "living space". In subjecting -- the economy of the occupied countriés _ to their Our responsibility is great. It demands of us the accomplishment of arduous tasks. The world watches us,. the Italian. ' antifascists. There are people who think that Italian--Canadians are unable to divorce themselves from a situation created by twenty years of fascist pro-- paganda. Let us prove to them that we are capable, through unity, of returning to the glorious: Garibaldi traditions of our forefathers and--of--taking= --our-- place alongside peoples §trugg1ing for their: right to dife,. to democracy, to freedom and to' national independence. OPPOSIFRON--GROWS WITHIN-- FASCIST PARTY MUSSOLINI=PAYS>COST OF VICHY , POLICY This is the medium which will enable us--to enlist the support of the Italian--Cana-- dians for the cause of the United Nations 'and for the freedom of the Italian pe-- ople from fascist slavery. We are of the opinion that contacts of a permanent na-- ture between Canadian or-- ganizations and the above-- mentioned -- Italian--language Unity Committies . for . the purpose of collaborating in the war effort would--serve to strenghten --educational work --among the Italian--Ca-- nadianss -- They: would: also give rise to relations: which would honour: the' Italian communities. This is tne.work. we Ita-- lian--Canadians -- antifascists must do. We wilt carry. on till we have--_attained--unity of all Italian--Canadians,_re-- gardless of political or reli-- gious creed or social status. We extend our hand to all those who<are ready to do their share in helping era-- dicate fascism from the earth. S It is necessary that Unity Committees of Victory . of the United Nations be formed in all Italian--Cana-- dian _ communities, These Committees should be form-- ed of elements of--all ten-- dencies, with no--exclusions, and should establish agree-- ments . with Canadian orga-- nizations witha view -- to common action in support of the war effort. nion, but not against fascism: ends up by falling under the influence of fascist ideology and becomes a provocateur. "La Vittoria" 10 Ottobre, 1942 By: P. ALLARD Nazi Germany's control of the political and economit life of Italy is so complete that the secretary of fascist party, Vidussoni, a compa-- rative unknown in fascist circles, owes his post to his Berlin masters. Vidussoni, a German agent, replaced Se-- rena as secretary of the fa-- scist party during the shake-- ups which took place ab the time of the Greek campaign, and although, he was un-- known in Italy and in the fascist movement at that time, Mussolini was forced o give him this important post at the demand of Ge-- stapo chief Himmler. Himmler sent _ a certain doctor to frieste who soon became _ German _ Consul there. This agent was known simply.as '"Doctor Spy". A campaign developed in the fascist . press of-- Trieste against the operations of "Dr. Spy" as soon as the Au-- strian crisis developed. The accusations>against«"Doctor Spy" revealed that he had succeded in corrupting some Italian= -- fascist -- and:. that among them was Vidussoni who had turned over impor-- tant military _ plans to the German espionage service. If we lose sight of all this we cannot easily understand the pro-- found istirrings which are ravish-- ing--the fascist party today. But if the Italian progressive forces understand that the fascist op-- position represents an ally _ of inestimable value, -- which can orientate itself toward a conisistent struggle against the war, -- then Mussolini will find it difficult to regroup his forces around his poli-- cies. The struggle against the war and against German hegemony over Italy is the fundamental ba-- sis for leading the fascist oppo-- sition to take a great step for-- xacts on tue, pro--G erman acuyinmes of vViaussoni in re-- ceut years nave peen re-- veareu in a recent article Dy rierre » AMard whien' was' wirelesseq to -- Intercontinet inews here. . Allard traces the story or Vidussoni's rise to riches and power in the service of the nazi Gestapo. 'whne story dates back to nivier'ssrise to, power. in wermany in 1933. Une-- of tne nazi regime's tirst acts was--to spread a network of German.spies in, Italy. 'L'he German espionage centre in Italy was 'rrieste, which was chosen 'because of its stra-- tegic position for conduct-- ing intrigues in Austria, Yu-- goslavia and the Italian side of the Adriatic. own, the German imperialists do not worry about the--interests of the Italians. They pretend instead to 'oblige Italy by assigning her a most 'essential agricultural role in the Europe they want to erect. Italian Fascist Party Head A German Agent Case History of a Fascist Mussolini's capitulation to "DOCTOR -- SPY" Le illusioni di Hitler; La conquista; del'mondo Although he was now _ a rich man, Vidussoni's Berlin masters were not satisfied. He still needed" power'" to* be of greater service -- to them. -- Himmler®then took matters in his own hands and secured the removal--of Serena; who was an --old-- timer in the fascist move-- ment, the recipient of many fascist medals. Vidussoni, German espionage . agent since§933, replaced Serena and Hitler's control over the fascist party leadership is now complete. Then came the Spanish war. The Germans 'had Vi-- dussoni depart for Spain as a volunteer although taking good care that he should not expose himself too much. For this reason 'he was given a police job behing the lines thanks to which he was able to visit and search private houses, and institutions at all \hours, helping ' himself to any costly object that caught his fancy. When he had piled up a great quanti-- ty of valuable goods ht ask-- ed to return to: Italy. He returned to Trieste by plane loaded down with booty stolen from Spanish citizens. Converted into: cash, . these valuables netted Vidussoni a not men fortune of ten mil-- lion lire. Soon: anti--German fascist were transferred to other posts, removed or simply ar-- rested.. In less than a year, nazism consolidated its po-- sition in Trieste circles with the 'active help'of Vidussoni.. The fascist organization of, Trieste became reliable tools' of Hitler. | It was at this time that Vidussoni's career as a full-- fledged German agent be-- gan. One of the first tasks assigned him by the German Espionage Bureau was the elimination of Trieste fascist cireclés hostile to Hitler. In spite of the bitter hostility nurtured by Trieste fascist against Hitler, -- the large funds paid out by the nazis began to tal;le effect among the fascist chiefs--and things looked bright for Vidussoni. SOURCE OF VIDUSSONIS RICHES » Hitler on the Austrian quest-- ion led to the suppression of the fascist press revelations, while "Doctor Spy" became an ecceptable person -- and his Italian agents -- escaped the _ punishment awaiting them in the military courts. E' aiutando gli sforzi di coloro che sfidando la Gestapo si ribel-- lano, che noi coopereremo ad ac-- cellerare la disfatta del nazismo. E, rassicuriamoci. Questi ribelli al nazismo infine vinceranno, perché sempre ed ovunque la ragione ha finito per avere ragione. Hitler puo' scalpitare, tendere il pugno, come il suo compare, minacciare il mondo! Le sue vane rodomonta-- te non arresteranno . un istante Finflessibile conso della storia e la rinascita di quello spirito di rivolta che inghiottira il nazi--fa-- Questo ammutinamento dimostra che nessun artificio, nessuna men-- zogna, puo' più nascgndere anche ai soldati tedeschi che quelli che hanno' aggredito i --popoli ' sono 'i nazisti. : Particolarmente significative so-- no le notizie giunte allinizio della settimana dalla Norvegia, via Stoc-- colma. -- Alcune migliaia ' di soldati te-- deschi -- dicono i dispacci -- di stanza 'nel nord della Norvegia si sono ammutinati; 47 soldati e 17 ufficiali sono istati condannati a morte. , + ""Le privazioni, la "miseria -- sono aumentaté e loppressione nazista é diventata anche per il soldato pempre più insopportabile. Questi ribelli sono il simbolo della vera Germania. Essi lavorano con una fede che nessuna forza spezzeré, alla liberazione della loro patria dalla schiavitù nazista. Per un Convegno Nazionale Italiano Il loro gesto, tendente a voler offrire una maggiore collaborazio-- ne allo sforzo di guerra del Cana-- da e delle Nazioni Unite, riscos-- se Tapprovazione delle pia impor-- tanti associazioni patriottiche del Canada. Mentre andiamo in macchina ap-- prendiamo che in seguito ad un ordine del Ministro della Giustizia, Tim Buck e gli altri dirigenti co-- munisti sono stati messi in liber-- TORONTO. -- Tim Buck e altri 16 dirigenti 'del Partito Comuni-- sta 'sui' quali: pesava da circa tre anni un'ordine di internamento 'si consegnarono volontariamente -- il 25 del mesei scorso alla polizia di Toronto. I soldati tedeschi si--rivoltano (Continuaz. da pagina 1.) Un cambiamento, in Italia, può a.venire prima, e avverrà prima -- con. ogni probabilita. Avverrài prima, perché il popolo italiano si leverà, prima ancora che la tra-- gedia sia giunta all'ultima scena e (molto più presto di quanti al-- cuni suppongono) metterà fine con le sue proprie rorze alla guerra, iottanuo per la pace, per il pane e per la libertà e mopilitando in questa lotta tutte le forze del pae-- se, dai monarchici ai repubblicani, dai cattolici ai comunisti.' Tim Buck e altri dirigenti comunisti liberati (Continuaz. da pagina Noi' veuiamo ; la 'situazione svi-- lupparsi su questa ' linea, -- perché sappiantò ' che' il "malcontento _ é proronao in' tutti gli strati sociah: néei circoli caitolic1, monarcaici, nel circoli muitari, industriaii, _ com-- merciaii del paeses, senza parlare delie larghe masse operaie e con-- tadine, che sono destinate a muo-- versi su di una base vasta e pro-- fonda, in un'ondata di fondo: in tutti, comungfte, é la volontà -- di porre fine ad ogni costo alla guer-- ra e di ottenere la pace. & Questo vasfo movimento popola-- re italiano contro la guerra creera nel paese le condizioni per la in-- staurazione di un Governo Nazio-- nale Provvisorio, il cui scopo prin-- cipale immediato sarà di conclu-- der la pace. : y Quali saranno gli uomini _ che comporranno questo governo? Evidentemente quelli che si di-- mostreranno più capaci di com:-- prendere e di soddisfare l'aspira--. zione profonda della Nazione ad essere salvata dalla catastrofe e a concludere la pace. Di-- conseguenza, che scopi noi ci proponiamo quando noi parlia-- mo di un Comitato Nazionale Ita-- liano allestero? Che funzioni che compiti noi pensiamo debbano es-- sere affidati a questo Comitato Nazionale Italiano Noi credualtto nelia possivi.ità di questo movimento, noi crediamo neila' inevitabilità "di una rivoita popolare --di questo tipo in Itaha, alla quale già si preparano tutte id rorze sane' della Nazione. Per la vita, di questo set-- timanale contano soltanto i fatti concreti: gli abbona-- menti. E poiché, gli italo--ca-- nadesi sentono ormai Finsop-- primibile bisogno di avere questa bandiera, che ognuno: faccia il suo dovere inviando subito l'importo dell'abbona-- mento annuo, che per agevo-- lare i nostri lettori abbiamo ridotto a due dollari. Spedite al seguente indi-- rizzo: "La Vittoria" 274 Col--lege St. W. -- Room 9, Toronto, Ont. Con questi sentimenti noi dia-- mo in linea di principio Fadesio-- ne" al" movimefito unitario iniziato dall'alleanza Giuseppe Garibaldi, e, Ci prepariamo a convocare anche nel Canada una Conferenza nazio-- nale unitaria. L'appello lanciato _ dall'alleanza Giuseppe Garibaldi, per la creazio-- ne all'estero di un Comitato Na-- zionale Italiano ci trova piena-- mente consenzienti. Noi ci impe-- gniano in linea con la Giuseppe Garibaldi di intengificare' il lavoro di unità tra gli -- Italo--Canadesi. Sentiamo' profondamente che dob-- biamo fare di più per mantenere dei legami con le organizzazioni italiane del Continente americano, particolarmente con lalleanza Giu-- seppe Garibaldi che é alla direzio-- ne del movimento unitario italiano. _ Tutto per la vittoria delle Nazio-- ni Unite, niente che indebolisca il, fronte della lotta contro il fasci-- smo, e è Le masse. dell'emigrazione ita-- liana tutta intera -- dagli operai di sinistra ' sino agli elementi con-- servatori--devono sentire -- la so-- lenne gravita di questo momento, devono sentire che Fazione di tutti gli italiani all'estero é oggi neces-- saria per rinnovare la vita nazio-- nale del paese. 2 Su queste linee l'organizzazione e il funzionamento del Comitato Nazionale Italiano rappresentera un avvenimento politico di primis-- simo ordine per tutti gli italiani; sara un contributo reale, -- serio, concreto alla causa per cui lottano gli italiani in Italia e alla causa per cui lottano, oggi, in tutti i paesi del mondo i combattenti del-- la liberta. _ -- Noi pensiamo che un Comita-- to Nazionale . Italiano, appanto perché in Italia va matura.do una situazione quaie quella -- cescrtta, sopra, potra syolgere -- un'autivita sfraordinariamente.. _ impostante, non soltanto -- di raggruppantento degii itaniani--residentr -- ail'estero, ma di aluto agli italiani che 10tta-- no in Italia per salvare il paese dail'abisso. Tutte le forze nazionali italiane all'estero devono aderire ad esso, Fintera nazione italiana, _ attraver-- --_ so i suoi figli oltre frontiera, deve parlare attraverso di esso. Eiti __Ma un punto deve essere chia-- ro: il Comitato Nazionale Italia-- no allestero non puo essere, in nessun caso, Forganizzazione -- di un solo nomo né di un gruppo ri-- stretto di uomini, né di una sola corrente politica. 3 Noi dobbiamo riflettere su come contretare questa iniziativa e co-- me spingerla -- avanti. Per tutti gli italiani delle Americhe, questo de-- ve divenire uno dei problemi cen-- trali della loro politica e del loro lavoro. = Vi sono nelle Americhe, e in tut-- ti i paesi di emigrazione, migliaia e' mugliaia: di organizzazioni ita-- liane;: organuzzazioni politiche, mu-- tualistiche, paesane, frateine, co-- operative. Quale magnifica idea quella di legare insieme tutte queste o.ga-- nizzazionti,;' in' tutti i patsi -- aeliec Americhé, e di permearie di uno spirito di lotta per la liberaz_one dell'Italia dalla tirannia -- fascista, mobilitandolé, sulla base del loro sentimento nazionale, nella' guerra contro Hitler e contro Mussolini! Questo Comitato Nazionale do: vra essere, dunque, organizzato su basi unitarie--e sulle basi più lar-- ghe--escludendo dalle sue fila so«-- tanto la gente venduta ai fascismo, gli agenti di Mussolini. Verso -- questi compiti deve in-- dirizzarsi, a nostro avviso, il Co-- mitato Nazionale Italiano all'este-- ro. i Quale grande idea quella di riu-- scire, attraverso il lavoro di queste numerose organizzazioni, di riusci-- ce a trasformare tutti gli italiani che sono all'estero, dal primo sino allultimo, in' soldati della -- causa della liberta! j ATTENZIONE Anno I, N. 20. (N.. D; c ei: