THURDAY MACH 2, 942THECANDIANSTAESMN, OWMNVILEONTRIOPAGE FIVE Social and Personal Phone 40rl6 sn~ed Mrs.M. Harrison have ntpat of Mrs. W. Cob- bldckshos, vacated by Mrs. Hall. Mr. Farrow visited his sister, Mrs. I. Wmnter. Mr:. and Mrs. Charles Shaw, Mrs. H. Mercer and Mrs. James Moffatt were guests at Mr. G. Keith's, Toronto. The Scouts held an interesting meeting March 4th, with two im- portant guests present (as well as about 20 Scouts), namely, Mr. Jones, Provincial Organizer, and Sgt. Pilot Ron Patterson, the lat- ter helping in the investiture of two new scouts, Hartley Dent and Albert Mitchell. Mr. Jones spoke briefly, complimenting the boys on their work. The salvage collection, Feb. 28th, resulted in twa truck loads being collected and the Scouts are grateful ta BROKEN RESI 'Up time and again because cf kde and bladder weakness? Gin Pille, the reliable, well known kidney remedy, belp soothe and tone up the kidneys. Money back if not catisfied. Bscuar iS% 40 Pilla (la hUS. .ik àfor *"Gifla PlUs) MEN'S Orono Coal and Lumber Ca. and Messrs. C. Wood, Stainton and Cornish and any others who help- ed in the work. Girl Guide leaders met Thurs- day afternaon and made plans for the enrolîment cf new guides. O.C.S. pageant was nat given in Newtanvillc awing ta, weather conditions. It will likcly be given later. Amberson Gerry visited rela- tives here. One couldn't truly sing "Old Folks at Home" Friday night for they, along with yaung folks, were at Orono town hall. The Red Cross had planned an old time skating party as well as dance and cards, but the weatherman said 'no". However, a goodly number played cards, ate Irish stew, bot tea biscuits and apples, and drank coffec, and then danc- cd till the wee sma' hours ta mu- sic provided hy Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery and Charles Cooper with Bill Rutherford call- ing off for the square dances. Af- ter a few dances, W. E. Davey presented prizes in 500 as follows: Lady, bighest score, Mns. C. Wood; 2nd, Mrs. Harold Dean; gent, highest score, Martin Linton; 2nd, Don Goode. Araund $45.00 was netted. Oronoites will be interested in the following write-up in Satur- day's Star beneatb the picture cf the bride and groom, as the for- mer is well known bere. A wed- ding of interest ta Oronoites took place Saturday when Miss Helen Jean Gamsby and Sergt.-Pilot S. R. Bolick, R.C.A.F., were married in Westmoreland United Chumcb, Toronto. Miss Gamsby is daugh- ter of Mrs. M. E. Gamsby, Tweeds- muir Ave. Hem fiance, wbo gra- duated from Hagesville Flying School a week ago, is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bolick, Lowell, North Caroina. John Keane visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mr. C. Jones was the third Oronoite ta shoot a fox this win- ter. Pat Grady, Hamilton, visited relatives bere. Mr. Art Bell, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Cryderman, Bow m a n vie, were in the village Sunday. At Park St. Chumch an Sunday morning Misses Audrey Billings and Muriel Tennant took sala parts, and in the evening Mr. R. E. Logan favored with a vocal solo. Orona I.O.O.F. were invited ta Port Hape last night. The picture show Saturday was not very well attended but prov- cd very instructive. The war pic- turcs showed actual figbting, and training in ail branches, and the wark in war factomies. At Sunday Schoal Sunday Mrs. Drummond gave a talk on the de- velopment cf the brain. The pri- mary class rendcred a chorus and was banner class for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Cowan and babe, Toronto, visited his parents. No sooner had skating finisbed than the young people started roller skating down the highway. Mrs. W. H. Rowe visited Mrs. J. Awde, Newcastle. SoUIs . .. hold their ýsmart tailored lines and wear longer ... when cleaned and pressed regularly Oshawa Laundry & Dry CIeaning Company, Limlted PHONE 419 Dont Lot Your Liver iMakeYouaun Invalici r alewha are off colour maY th.yre'rs "entan Pi, e P e 11=114,h ar their lver le badli Do.e vojt v briaw how serlous thie I - that It May FoIIy ta permanent 111 health - your wt îo rul whlesystempolson.dandbraklldowfl? and on'st1Po *Your liver is the largest oran in urbd such bad t.ead- and Most important ta bu ealhItsp p lies aches that 1 coul . er nia uscles, tîsuesad lnd.If hardiy do in 4~ithy, your body lacks ibis energy and lit eor es enfeebld-youtbful vini disappears. etarted Fruit-a-- an yaur laver pours out bile ta digest food, tivesiaad feit oee r rid of waste and allow gproper upourish-ent ftr et tfic.. A ahew aý.Ch yaur blood. Whe n yr lver gers cane cosipation lef t me ana 1 ot of order proper digestio n and nourishment fetlk.e anew wornan. stop-yau're jpoisoned wrîth- the waste that Msa J. Duplnt, Cornwall, Ont. ýdecomposes in your intestines. Nervous tro ubles and rheumnatic pains a, rise from thbis «' Fo_ Veat, New Fel ion. u become cansipated, stomnach and or.nd. fdlnys can't work properly. The whole 1i awas irrit. systei i affected and you fiel "ratten," head- able, ired, head- achy, backachy, dizzy, tired eut-a ready prey achy. 1 coulad fot for ickness and disease at orhad ery e Thousands of people are neyer sick, and havean lidvr won prompt relief front these maiseries with severe con=tpa "Ipoved Fruit.a-tives Liver Tablets." The Clan. Ater tyn lie stoned up, the other argans functionma>melne normnalUv and asting. gond health result. found "Fruit-a- Toda ' mprvedFrut-ativs ae CnaVtive". My head- Toay'Iprvd"ar Cnaas aches and consti- arest selling liver tablets. They mIusC be goodl pation have diaappeared and I1arn Tr hM yusefNO .Lt "Fruit-a.tives" neyer tlxed or irritable now. utouback an the road ta lastlng heahth- Mra. J. H aife feel like a new persan. 2 5c. 5 Oc. Mwontia*,pz: Mrs. S. Littlewaod visitcd Sun- derland frienda. Many aduits present at the show Saturday cvening cxpressed their dislike at the way the yaungsters in the front rows made such a racket that hearing was almast impossible. The sound cf- fects are not good in the town hall at any time and any undue noise makes things worsc. How about it, parents? The six weeks' cold weather is about over. Spring is around the corner. Robins have been seen and soon we'll be grumbling about the beat! Wbat would we do if we didn't have the weather ta grumble about? Sorry for the omission in the Commencement program at Or- onc when aur clever and admir- able young student, Miss Audrey Billings, was lef t eut of the pic- turc. She was pianist for the en- tire pageant cf 22 pieces in ail. Thanks Audrey, you did a swell job! Marlow Hanccck visited bis parents. Gardon Bruton, Toronto, visit- cd bis mother. Clifford Joncs visited here. Union meeting Monday even- ing was in, charge of the Fellow- ship convenors. The program consisted cf: Scripture, Lenora Wood; explanation and prayer, Myrtle Tamblyn; sacred vocal solo, Mns. E. Brown; topic, Kath- leen Smith, "How the Church Be- gan"; reading by Marjorie Mc- Laren; cantest conducted by Kathleen Smith. Plans have been -completed for taking part in the Presbytemy drama contest and the characters have started learning their parts. J. D. and Jas. T. Brown and Rass Allin motored to Guelph and attended the College Royal at the O.A.C. Major F. Lycett was home. Chamber cf Commerce met Monday. Replies ta letters re gasoline and war work taxis were not very satisfactory. Discussion regarding weckly Saturday nigbt band concerts was also held. Friends were pleased ta hear the voice of LeRoy G. Brown broadcasting over CFRB Thurs- day frcm the O.A.C., Guelph. Miss Elmira Alton, Lucknow, visited ber aunt, Mrs. W. W. Sher- win. Park St. W. A. met Tuesday. Warsbip period was conducted by Mrs. N. F. Porter. Plans were completed for the social evening. Miss Davy repoted two cartons cf good used clothing sent ta Bowmanville far overseas distri- bution. Treasurem's report was given by Miss L. Allin; financial secretary's by Miss F. Cobbledick; and Corr. Sec'y. by Mrs. N. F. Porter. Miss M. Davy favored witb a readîng. Wedding Graham-White A quiet but pretty wcdding was solemnized at St. George's Angli- can Churcb, Newcastle, Friday cvening, Marcb 6th, by Rev. D. R. Dewdncy, when Doris Marguerite White, only daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. White, Orono, became the bride cf LAC R. Donald Gra- ham, R.C.A.F., St. Hubert's, Que- bec, son cf Mr. and Mns. W. Gra- ham, Orono. The bride looked charming in pale blue with cor- sage of sweetheart roses and bou- vardia. She was attended by Miss Mary Harris, Orono, aisa. attired in pale blue witb corsage cf maize roses and bouvardia. The groom was supparted by his brother Vernon, Orano. Following the ceremony the happy couple left by motar for a trip through Wes- tern Ontario. Obituary Mnr. David Moffat Aftem a short illness, Agnes B. Scott, Orano, widow cf the late David Moffat, passed to rest early Wednesday morning, February 25th. She was barn in Bawman- ville, hem father beîng miller at the McDaugall miil. Whcn she was quite young ber parents mcov- cd ta a farmn in Darlingtcn Town- ship, north cf Enfield, where she attended school. In 1889 she was united in marriage ta David Mof- fat, wha lived on'the fammn at Columbus now owned by Mm. Ray McLaughlin. Three years later they movcd ta Clarke Township and lived for ycars on the f ifth concession. In 1927 they moved ta the village cf Orono where Mm. Maffat died suddenly in 1930. Mrs. Moffat bad a cheerful dis- position and a ready smile for ail. She is survived by hem f amily Cowanville Mr. and Mmi. Walter Crane and infant visited at Mm. R. Hollingi- wortb's. Mm. and Mms. T. Stephens and Stanley at Mm. Erwin Farmow's, Garden Hill. Cowanville ladies are holding a dance in Newcastle Community Hall Mamcb 2Oitb. Geo. Hendersan and family at Mm. B. Crosley's. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News cf March 11, 1926 The resignation of W. L. Smith as Manager Editor cf the Farmers' Sun is annaunced. The Sun re- fers ta Mr. Smith as a man of ir- reproachable personal character and the highest integrity. Frank J. Hall had a narrow escape Tuesday when logging near Leskard. He was holding the tongue cf the sleigh, the horses being hitched ta the other end started farward when it came in contact with a low stump and threw Frank with great force against a tree, receiving painful bruises ta chest and body. Miss Frances Nickawa, Indian elacutianist, delighted a large audience in the Methodist Church Tuesday evening. Fred W. Bowen, M.P., is home from Ottawa. WE'VE BEEN QUOTED IN "SATURDAY NIGHT" Hurrah! We've been quoted in The Saturday Night, even-though in satire. Here is the write-up which appeared: 'Tram The Statesman: All per- sans wha pay their subscriptions before next Tuesday will have their names included in the cdi- tor's list cf friends. Advt.-We can cure your dandruff with three applications. A double induce- ment. Orano information: Don Graham was home. Gilbert Dent was home. Robert Keane was home. Elvin Blewctt was home. Detour: Mrs. Hooey is in Oshawa. Returning ta main hîghway: Lt.- Col. J. C. Gamey was hôme." RED CROSS MEETING Orono Red Cross met Thursday. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. H. Murray: Receipts: Balance Feb. 1 ---------$370.59 Dinner (hunter)--------- -76.15 Afternoon tea-------------- 7.55 Wamen's Institute-------- 18.00 Total $472.29 Expenses ------------------- $ 35.20 Balance $437.09 Correspondence included let- ters fromn George Carscadden, Gibraltar, thanking the society for parce]s sent him, and from the L.O.L. thanking the saciety for a donation for fuel. Rev. S. Littlewood, Mrs. C. Mc- Laren and Mrs. H. Murray were appointed delegates ta the, con- vention in Toronto March l2th and 13th. Reports were given as follaws: Civilian sewing committee-Mrs. McLaren; Inspection-Mrs. Mur- ray; Russian Relif-Rev. Little- wood; Knitting-Mrs. Dean; Fin- ancial-Mrs. Wm. Ar ms t r ong. Rev. Littlewaad also told of the special train he saw at Bowman- ville, mentianing the searchlight which was seen by some Orono- ites the night befare. Bills total- ling $226.90 were passed. The folUowing are gratefully acknowledged as Feb. donations: Kendal, 2 quilts and 1 blanket; Starkville, 7 quiîts; Kirby, 5 quilts, 1 blanket and 2 baby blan- kets; Cowanville, 4 quilts; Park St. Wamen's Association, 1 quilt. Several citizens also donated quilts and quiît tops. ORONO Road has been almost impaîs- able. For about 40 mcdi there is iiothing but watcr and ice. If it hiad not been for local men we doi iiot knaw what we would have donc. If there is a man suppased ta look aftem the roads why doesn't hie do it? The high wind Monday was liard on roofs. A number almost %vere blown off. Fred Hilî's barn, also Heber Saucb's, were among the number. Mrs. John Berry cntertained same neighbors ta dinner Satur- day evening. Mm. and Mrs. Harmy Bailey at- tended the skating camnival in To- onta Monday night, also Misses Eileen Souch and Cama Bailey, flarmony. Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Power, Catherine and James, visited bis mother in Oshawa. Mm. Trewin Scott, Toronto, was home aven the weekend. H. J. Soucb sold a valuable team cof horses ta Lawrence Hoaey cf Omono. Herb. Scott also sold a team. Our Home and School Club met February 27th. Convener Milford NEsws GIRL GUIDE ENROLLMENT Park St. S. S. was the scene cf an impressive cercmony Tuesday evening when 13 Orono Girl Guides were enralled by Mrs. Hobbs, Oshawa, namnely: Mar- janie McLaren, Enid Middleton, Mildred Richards, Betty Linton, Greta Mercer, Donna West, Carol Dent, Shirley Porter, Anna Sta- pies, June Goode, Jean Sycr, Nel- lie Wright and Dawn Moffatt, al getting Tenderfoot badges. There was also a spicndid pro- gram consisting of: games; drill; a f ew encouraging words from Mrs. Hobbs; exhibition cf first aid by Patrol No. i under leader Jean Forrester; Guide laws by Patrol No. 2 under leader Lenara Wood; pantomime by Patrol No. 3 under leader Carol Staples; and "How the Flag is Formed" by Patrol Na. 4 under leader Ruth Goode, with Dawn Moffatt, Anna Staples and Shirley Porter taking part; the "pow wow" which consisted cf questionaire by Mrs. W. Arm- strong, sing-song, and a few words by Mrs. Habbs. Regular closing ex er c ise s brought a delightful evening toaa close. Brown' s Brown's Red Cross met at Mrs. Wellington Farraw's for a quilt- ing. Next meeting at Mrs. Walter Farrow's March l8th. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Niddery, Bowmanville, on their marriage. Visitors: Mrs. H. Reichrath with ber sister, Miss Bessie Law, Osh- awa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hug- gins, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Gra- ham's . . . Mrs. Tam Wilson in Tweed . .. Mrs. Walter Farrow at Mr. R. Bone's, Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil and Phyllis, Osh- awa, Miss Wylma Farrow at Mr. Clarence Turner's. Newtonville Vistars: Mrs. Curry, Peterbora, at Mr. Raymond Bruce's. . . Pte. Edgar Milîson, Woodstock, at home . . . Miss Marion Bruce in Toronto .. . Misses Margaret and Mary Denault and Ronald Burley, R.C.A.F., at Mr. Bcrry's, Orono. ..Mr. and Mrs. Otto Coatham, Antioch, at Mr. Cecil Stapleton's. ...Mrs. R. J. Rawe with her daughter, Mrs. Leushner, Nia- gara. .. MacGregor Jones, Toron- ta, at home. . . Mrs. J. Wade is home from Lindsay. Norman Holman was a pur- chaser at the Shorthorn sale. Mr. F. McMullen and pupils were busy collecting salvage for war purposes Saturday. Lawrence and Floyd Milîson had a miraculous escape Friday evening while returning home from Orono. Another car side- swiped theirs causing it ta turn upside down in the ditch and smashing it beyond repair. The ýoys escaped with a severe shak- ing up. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waters (nec Isabel Bruce) who wcre married by Rev. J. McLachlan at the parsanage, Feb. l9th. Mr. M. J. Holman, who suffer- ed a strake about twa weeks aga, continues about the same. Starkville This section cf country is en- jaying same springlike weather, and the seeing and hearing cf crows makes us think spring is just araund the bend. Red Cross quilting was held at Mrs. Ross Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cooper have returned ta Parry Sound after visiting at Mr. A. Dobson's. Mrs. E. Joncs had a quiltîng Thursday. Ross and Sid Hallowell were in Port Ferry. Mr. Raymond Farrow, Laurence and Doreen Farrow, attended a hockey match in Toronto. Mms. Richard Hallowell enter- tained a few friends ta dinner on Saturday. Now the days cf horse and bug- gy travelling are about at hand, it is to, be hoped that tawns and villages will provide suitable places of shelter for horses while people do their shopping. Visitors: Mr. Raymond Farrw 'Vhitby, was home. . . Mrs: J Paeden, Wcsleyville. at Mr. Lamne Paeden's... Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob- son and Mary Lau at Mr. Ed . Ruthven's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mmi. Gea. Smith and Mrs. Sherwin took charge. Mr. R. E. Logan sang several solos, accam- panied by Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mr. E. A. Summers, agricultural re- presentative, showed moving pic- tures and talk on poultry. The speaker pointed out the different kinds of poultry, shawing different breeds and telling the good and poor points of each. He also de- monstrated different ways ta raise poultry, pointing out fceding rations and brooder houses. For raising turkeys he shawed a place completely made of wire, with the bottom, sides and top of wire, which he said, he thought worked very satisfactorily. He also de- monstrated the different sizes and shapes cf eggs, telling which would be the better for hatcha- bility. A vote cf thanks was mcv- ed by Everett Cain and seconded by Jas. Nixon ta those taking part on the program. Lunch was serv- ed. There was a good attendance. Lake Shore, Clarke Ralph Simpson leaves this week ta train in Peterboro. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldred on the birth cf a baby girl in Bowmanville Hos- pital Monday. Recent Visitors: Wm. Rowland, Oshawa, at H. Rowland's. . . Len Buckler, Bowmanvillc, at B. Jaynes'... Mr. and Mrs. B. Jaynes at Mr. H. Wade's, Part Granby... Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gartshore, Pickering, at Mrs. S. Powell's... Mr. and Mrs. Mult Brown, Osh- awa, at home ... Miss L. Beighton in Part Britain . .. Mrs. C. J. Mit- chell at J. Mitchell's, Newcastle. ..Mr. and Mrs. Art Bedwin at Earl Gilbank's. Lake Shore Junior Red Cross In the faîl the 13 pupils cf aur school again enrolled as mem- bers cf the Junior Red Cross. Meetings have been held every two weeks. Money received is $6.48, raiscd by variaus mcthods. Pupils designed and made naovel- ty pins. This year, the sale cf these amaunted ta $1.00. Instead cf buying the usual number of Valentines, each member drew the name of anc of his fellaw members ta whomn he gave a Val- entine. The money thus saved was donated ta Red Cross. This in- creased the amount $1.14. Feb. 18th, at Home & School Club, the pupils put on a pageant "Build- ers cf Canada." Aftcr the pro- gram a silver collection amounted ta $2.69. The rest cf the money came from collections taken at J.R.C. meetings. Juniars have sent $5.00 ta the head branch in Toronto for war purposes. Pupils have finished making a qujit top which they danated ta the Red Cross. Now the girls are busy knitting blocks for an afghan which they will send ta Britain. The boys made several toys which thcy sent ta the sick children in Toronto at Christmas. Nestieton Nestieton W. 1. met at Mrs. John Proutt's, March 4th, with meeting in charge cf Mrs. Geo. Johns' group. Program was in 1charge cf Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs. Ladies had the Victary quilt on display. Music was given by the Thompsan girls. There were 23 ladies and some children present. Next meeting in charge of Mrs. J. Williams' group. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous at- tended the funeral cf Carman Carlaw at Warkworth. Nestleton Young People wcre well entertained by Rev. D. M. Stinsan at the parsonage, Black- stock. Ncstleton church men had a successful woad bec on Saturday. Young People will meet at Mrs. Wilfred Bowles' this week. Farm Forum had a gaod meet- ing at Wîlford Jacksan's. Ncstleton W. A. will meet at Mrs. Gea. Bowers' March 19th. siCongratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Sd Staples, also Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton, wha celcbratcd their 25th wedding an- anniversary on Saturday. Forum meets at Nelson Mar- low's March 16th. Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry, Oshawa, at Mr. R. M. Has- kin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Mc- Kec and family with Mrs. Wm. Henry, Purple Hilli. . . Mrs. Wm. Steele in Toronto . .. Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, with Mr.C. H. Porteous. . . Misses Gwen and Eunice Wilson with Mrs. Herman Samelîs. . . Mrs. Geo. Bawers with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong who has been sick.. Mrs. Jas. Williamson and Mr. Arthur Jackman with her brother, Mr. Ben McGill, Janet- vill. .. rs. Gel. Johns in To-1 NIIIIIII m . .iu i0 o Fo uckRle DRYCLEANING IS THRIFTY! Crash YOUR property can be inaured against damage by falling aircraft. As flying in- creases, there is more exposiure to loss. this agency how you can get this pro- tection at very littie cost. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville FRfl' S RCOCOA FINE QUALITY UNCHANCED You'11 be glad to have "CHOCOLATE AROUND THE CLOCK," the new, illustrated book of latest recipes for maklng dozens of eoeoa and chocolate desserts and beverages. Send for your Free copy. Address, Fry-Cadbury Ltd., Montreal. Obituary Bowles, assisted by Rev. D. M. Left ta mourn the loss of a loy- Sarah Mabel Veale ing wife and miother are her hus- There passed suddenly to rest Jhndon agtrLi(Ms on February 14th, Sarah Mabel Jh Grieves), and one son John. Veale, wife of Cecil L. Veale, for- A daughter Grace predeceased merly of Nestieton. Mrs. Veale her 8 years. Two grandchildren, was born in Windsor, Ontario, Yvonne and James Grieves, sur- August 29th, 1888, daughter of the vive. late Mr. and Mrs. John Pettitt. Pallbearers were A. Badgerow, The greater part of her life was Oshawa, C. Harris, Port Ferry, spent around Nestieton. Although Wm. Taylor, Blackstock, Percy in poor health for a number of Philp, Les. Lansing and C. H. years, her passing camne very Porteous, Nestieton. The flowers suddenly. were beautiful and numerous in- Funeral service was held in cluding a wreath from the Pediar Nestieton United Church on Feb. Munitions and the gates ajar 16th, conducted by Rev. Dr. R. P. were worthy of mention. Full Strength Depenclable In the Airtight Wropper THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 a