FÂITII IS FOR1WÂRB LOOKINUq It Is Confidence That Life IIoIds Botter- Things Farther On 'The just shahl live by faith. "- lil!e's onwart pressing in u fal as- 1tomans i. 17.. samance Vint tleme e a geai, tînt There can le ne faitî witîont, tic uninerse teoes net mccl us, Vint Îreedom. IV le noV faitl Vo attempt 1the îepes anti aspirations Vînt humn or pretendtot beieve Vie tVilgs iwitiin are but reflections anti pub- which y ou are Vlti yen muet le- saions e!f Vie inw cf tic fahines loeve. Even Vo cool Vo ccmply is c f lite that mus Vîrougi l Vie t< prove your fear ratIer Vlan crention.» yje-ar faitI, your apprelieusicu o! île faitI Vînt tîerci was e la0 sonme tircad ecusogquence attendant 1.erfect man is an empty Ving u- ou failare to conform. To gay "I les iV becomes Vie power tint pue1- believe," lest a catastrophe attend es me ou Vo yet nober perfections; tIe loneet denial of sudehie is auboes e efacte cf Vie pasV lecemee to play tIe lunr andthVe cownrti fer me VIe proipîecy o! VIe future. IV were btter Vo lave ne faith mAil VIe istery c! tic seul bas ait all an wenkly Vo sulmit o Vie -value oiiiy ns iVIiiicates Vhe soul'e doctrine tînt VIe universe lies m' direction owrt its premiseti dean- the lande o! a creature go unjust try. I believe tice past wienever as o nrbitmariiy deere car eternal 'tVIe past slows VIe race coming lun- damnation uniese we enîscribe Vo te Vie faller prescrnt, risiug f rom sitatomeuts we canet intense, or loiwHier leveis. bintiiy te insist on VIe historie ac- Tle formai statemieuits whici men cumacy -o! incidents whicl we wcnlti eau faitis are cc>omonly but VIe dIccredt in luny tier relation. teat sîhls tînt ocecoutaincti île -,reai tiffi.culty lun meigior for igiowing 1f e; VIey are 111e photo- tIc- average man, Iewever, lies noV graphe cof n sanset; Vie forim le il, Vhe credibîiity o! VIe historic, tbere, lut VIe glew, Vie celer, VIe ttatements o! Vie faiths, net lu Vie ife las gene from i I 'i~c o! tleir sylloegisms ; le. is oven Ï illing,>Vo tale mauy sncb tîings EACR ÂGE RAS 11!S VISION; for.irantd;th iffalam vaie osenfacing Vhe future, ooking forwamt soeig ayprtiula vale o us wih hghbopos, iV secs thc prýom- lu sudh articles of creeti anti lis- Jiret laut; tIen corne VIe cartegra- iVry - ho caunuot cee wîy their ac-,,piers, wîe came noling-,about Vhe, cepVance shonit l-e regurdeti as Vheie inutse long as they make its mape. mneet- vital tiglnl! - Iile-ra-w lnsanti- lay on cel-er-s ; AV heurt every man wîoE lves 1 ttey describe, preseibe, baund, above tIe brute le religicus-Vt ýanti imit tint whici tieir feilows ïb, le tesires to realize lu some j.ii c ii-n. . .-ad bo-, oha*vese cupfni ol imiik, Vlree- oggc -benten- sepamate'iy, a iitVie sait, nutmeg for fiavouring, anti iaetby hree table- spoonfals o! melted butter. Atit fleur Vo'make a stiff dengl into whicb five tabiespocufuis o! baking powder lave been sifted. Tlese dongînuts are diffeeut, abserb les fat andi koep more meist Vian VIe asual kind.v Snowball Dougnunts.-Two cup- fuis cf cagar, Vwo eggs, Vwo cup- fuIs o! sweet milk, tlree easpoon- fuis of bnking pcwder, five cuefuis e! flour anti more Vo make stiff lat- ter, one-lal! easpoonful cf sait, nntmeg V o aste. Drcp !rom spocu into lot lard and !ry ile any etier tougînut. Tiey 'ailil e perfectly round, tender, anti easy Vo make. It le weli Vo keep tic lard fairiy ful with Vie frying cakes. Wlen cobti, rollin upulverizeti sugar. One-haif o! Vie quantities givon onu le uset if ne more tuian two dozen are neet- cd at once, anti wiil oniy take a few minutes. STEAK~. To Cook Round Steak.-Take twe peude o! round steak, cnt laVe pieces barge enough Vo serve oe person, score weib with cinmp kuife, pince in a roasting pan or ekllet, seasen. anti tretige wîth fleur; add a few bits of lutter, suice an onlon or Vwo over VIhe mont, .New 'noarIy cover witl wa- er. Place lu Vie uven andi inke sbowiy for au leur, or until terider. Tbis makes round steak gooti andi pal1atahie. Ranci Steak-.-GeV a ticI round steak and gasl lboti sites. Rul lu al VIe fleur yen eau, (Use Vie lot- tom cf a toaenp Vo force iV lu.) Brown lu lot bacon fat. "Sasc anti spmiînlle-withi o o tre ot, ncýeetieticli peppe-rs., Cover wiVl lot water anti stew, sboxvy. Can le LYOUNG ON TILlE OLO WHAIRF. For a boy wio ives meet o! tIc year nway from Vhe cea, Vie ittle town o! Enyleat isl a fine place Vo spendthVe summer. Thero le always sometling Vo d co tieroe. When it le piensaut, yeun u iîg clame or go erabhing, onrfehoff VIa eud of tie oit wharf. Wheu iV nains, ye i can go np into Captulu Billy'e en'II Loft anti watcIhlm ei ew wiVI a fan- "y big Vîlmb.e lith Ve palm cof bis haut-; or yen eaun sit in Cap tain Beuny's boa-iop antiscehlm buibti tories whle ho toles stenies., To Walter Mauly Vie ainy daYc§ wema almeest as happy as the plea&- saut eues, for le lileti both Cal.- tain Bilby anti CapVain Beuny, andi unes aiwayc glat Vo lewiVi Vîcru Tle two oit mou werO brothens. Loti lad boen salions ail their livas, anti for mauy years bat hante-t w bjaies ln Vie snisene a. CapVain Bibiy lad only oeue beg, anti lu tot use a -cutel when le waiked., Walter lut wontiered a good mnauy imes iow Cajptain Biliy us.d icet hislseg, but o!, course le titi noV ile Vo nel iim~. But lnowing that le anti CapV 'ain Beuny we 'reý brotîers, ho fleit Viat ho migit ask CapVain Benny. Se eue rainy day, wi7eu le anti Tiomuton llatiey were ai th enot-sîop, le put VIe quei- ien.1 "How titi CapVain Bibiy lose lis ieg? t"hVe captain1ý repeatet after LWaiter. -"Why> Vive bigît-cfa ropej V-ool iV -off.'> "Tie bite cf a nope!1" cniet Wat- er. "Row conit a nope bite ai in the bigît o! your fs-ln and- your fiel pubblet yen off your feet. lI iV lad boen a whnle, we sbouiti noV have gçeVyen soeaesiiy. NexV time yen musV le more careful wiVh youm ine."-YonVl's Companien. LAIE ROBT. MOMENT. A Leading Ciizen Paseed Away. By VIe teatî cf Robert Moment, wicl came eutdenly ou Wednesday evening, July 28th, Orono blsec n foremeet citizen, eue whc las boen iargeiy lteutified lu everymv- ,mien£ lu Vie lest interests cf our people an4l village for over a quair- ter of 'a century. As, Postnster for about 25 years, Secretary-TrLea- curer o! VIe Clarke Agracutural Society for a like perioi, -andi con- tncting an extensive couveyancing business ho was brongit lu touch withn great mauy people f romal parts cf Vhe country, but is lest work, aud tînt for whici le lad particalar fituess was Vhe Snntay Scîcol, andti th IL, work leotievot- cci mach time anti ail VIe energy le couit command. About a yeam ago, owing Vo !aiiing healtl, le was compehbedti o relnuish VIe womk cf mauy years service ns Superin- tendent, andti ils may le sait c! hlm, tint le endenret Iim- eh! gre tVL by te tic, hearts cf Vie cliltiren and Young people, inany of w4onm lu distant parts wîbb cberîsl bis mem- -ory as having inspiredti Vem Vo a botter life anti trop a sympathetie Vtear te lis memery. Hol was ýaise, Secretnmy for soîne years o! VIe Town.ship Snnday Scîcol Asýsocia- tion, In VIe MeVIotiiet dard lhe oc- cupiet many important officiai po- sitins u wîchho erved- Vte duircI faitîfulby anti well. As n local preacler for mny years le way those soul and charaeter idealB s a living glwn glr. hi co nicely in the hay cooker. rnan's leg offi I guess you ar_ý renctered most valuable service flot that grow within him and shine f--Mth iilosmns -urgodImanzfunfmecati. j oniy in the church at home, but was, before hlm.rur creeds, our descriptions .of yes- "No, no, my boy. It was the 1 requentl ca.e tehl thrc RI1S DEEPEST NEED, terday's faith. USEFUL flINTS. bight of a rope, but not the, kiat' cuits at Sunday School anniversari- eue often unconscious- and seldom Ta hhbsbencan neyer you are thinking of." es and other public occasions. te enough for that which is. Relig- White paint, if washed with mijk, wati makdheby, As a Trustoe and member of the fumuated, is te discover the agen- ion isa to cree aVd forms ofe boysr.ikad aewillo l u Official Board he always took a,, c'esand, strngheh hill reslveand s if is to work ond phymsoitogy new ad.ae, îllokl "A bight is a loop, and it is a iively interest in adi that tended to stregthn hs reolvs, nd a lie, s towors o phyiolgy ew-thing a sailor is aiways afraid of, the sueceess and woil being of the ~ecrethirreaiztin.and anatomy. Religion is the lomDse hthv em brown a R 1e will be satisfled with no faith <-) if e, the f aith in its fullnoss and from being left in1 the oven May beland ahlr espciaiy. churc h a supprtle r ail be tJ'at fails here or does less than ireR.ning; it ci-a find expression whitoned and cieanod by soaking And thon the captain tookarýcam ihaFea or n thir. H1e cannot sec how the per- cnly in ternis of life, in lifo coming iii borax wator for a short time. and showed them wbat hie meart. hand. His deatb is therofore gioat- tunctory equiesconce on his part into its rîchness; beauty, and use- To get comfortably fltting shoes -He, told them about the huntin1 g ecf iy f oit by the local church, and hie with the formai. stat.ements of t he fuln îess. buy them in the afternoon, wben 1whaies - how the smali boats leave has left the place vasant which in creswould aid teo this end. Sup- It is the heýightof folly te quarrol the exercise of the day has spread 1 the ship, and the mon row quietly many respects is bard to afill. poe ho throws asidp to osd over forms, descriptions, and ana- the muscles of the, foot Vo, their up to th-, whalo until they are ncai Probably few laymen of the Meth- e rations and acct othe Monsic lyses4 it hs but co(Wardico Vo listeu largest extent. enotigh for the man in thE5 bow t~odist church had a larger acquaint- co)smongry-what light wili that te tho, croaking veices that teli uis To Removo Fat f rom Stock.-If throw the harpoon into the whaie ance with lis brethren both minis- throw on the struggio in bis own we must subseribe te their forms, you wish to do this without wait- Il hwocl them a harpoon, which lteriai and lay or was more gener-1 seoul botween the dust and the di- must-soe through their myoptic eyes ing for the stock te cool, wring a is a short iron spear wîuu a long. aiiy respected. The great respect1 vinei Inl what waY wiIl that help o 1 ho forever doomied. It were bet- cloth out of cold wator and strain fine rope fastonee to it; and e, in which lie was heid was mnanifest- lmf to aîtruism?' ter te, bo doomed, for loyalty to the stock through it. The fat wiîî t-old thern how careful the, ioul od by the large attendance at the5 TLhe truth is that "the faiths" are truth than saved atthc price of« romain on VIe cioth. Must be Vo sec that the, rope, is funerai, which took place on Sat-i ùf yesteýrday, whilo faith is always compromise with our own s-ouls. If a lamp is upset, and the burn- ciled just right iii the tub at the urday the 31st uit. His pastor, cf Vo-day and Vo-mnorrow. >It is HENRY F. COPE. ing oil runs over do net throw water,1 bow cf the boat, bc_ause when the Rev. Wmn Limbert, conducted the on it, but throw on fleur, earth, whaie feels the harpeý n, hie usually service at the f amiiy residence, and -_____ or_ -ses -ln tfto h dives and goes dowýn se f, asttLu thatVe folleowing ministers froni a dis-t sadlreIeFigIVfrto the oeti iiakes the edge, tance took part, viz. : John Gar- ýY'X Tomate Toast.-Make a. pint of ,foremost flames, and go onback Vo 1fo the, tub uo, Ift(?rpis bt ChrmnfteDsrct T «*weii s-easolned tomnate sauce,. Toast the place the flames started f rom. smtcoied e.s rIfit ithea tehi bu. (Chirmnofte itrc), a Mcrustless suices cf bread, butter, 1 This, will at once prevent tIe fiames ntoîe .utrgt Vmy ac .Jlfe Bowmanviiie; >A. M. and dip each toast into, hot saited'from spreading furtîer. whon iV runs eut, and the whole 2Irwin, B.A., B.D., Newcastle, and Smilk, thon put Vhe slices in a pud- Tender Chickens.-Whether tIe boat be dragged under the water. ýCharles, Adams of Newtonviiex I h O 1E . * ding :isti. PutVa spo:nful itomato chiclen b:old and teugh or young À or bis ma happeristo get his -R.ev. Mr, (4rbutt spok: ofthe saue oerit.Coerýandse inth edle itstad omefitee miuts, oad, r ieg ut off. advocacy f tIe great question of FOR THE COO0K. sueoe .Cvradseintceltitsadse ftnmnts, That w as wîat lad lappened te Teinperance and Moral Reform, oven ton minutes before sendinig Vo te alew the animal warmth te cool, Isio n Paring Fruit.-Grcase the first table.-î~ umreinavse fcl Captain Biily. A 1-areless salradthe paster spoke of his relation <~ finger and thuamb bafore paring fruit --water; be sure that every part is iad lot the ropo geV kinked, and a to the local chu rch, and of his large- and 'her wil beDo nder Puta wightove it n dloop had caugît ro)und Captain hearted and gonercus disposition.f or egtalea ad hee wiIbeneLITTLE HELPS. uno1Ptawih vri n Billy' s leg anad puiied him over. Mr. Moment was boru in 1837, beave some ton or Vwelve heurs, o ia rrd on on, 1,o.4,Crktn staîn on -hvas herid dor -wo o ccn lrr.te Wheal Using Double Boiler.-If To Stretel Curtains.-For one the-n remove, scald, pick off th 3on n iî ee aecreknw stedlrihfam n Y011 w&nt te rush the contents lu who bas ne curtain stretcher if you 1feathers, and trucs. TIc tougîest up if Captain Benny, who was iu received his education at the sixth1 VIe inner vessel c f yeur double will leave the polt in oe end cf chieken will be good and juiey after VIe samne beat,,lad net? grabbed a lino Scîcel; lis father was Ed- biler, add corne sait te tl'e water, curtain and pin tIc otber end flrm- thîs troatmient. batelet quîcely and ctit till ru2O ard Truman Moment, who camec one-hlf teacupful. te two quarts of ly te coVIes lino you will be sur- A littie arrowrcot enciosed in ' Captain Biliy rose te the top, cf the Vo Vhis country f romn Ruil, Eng.1 water. Baiing salty water geýnor- prised te find bow nicely curtains miîslin bag and placed in VIe water water at last, and tIc men got himi,13an rieMryCw , atsquickiy astrong het illo.inwihadkriesrebld into the boat; but bis leg was s0 a. native cf tIe north cf Ireiaud. Preparing Horseradis.-De noV To Purify Air in 'Sickroom.-Put will give Vhe latter .a f aint and hadiy dut that iV lad V-o be taken For come years Mr. Moment cou- buy borceradish by tIe glass. GeV absorbent cotton lu a pan, and agreeable seii wîeu ironed. If off Yutdagnrlsoe nOoo a farmer te cohi you a basket cf VIe cever the cotton 'aitî sugar,'thon borax is added te Vhe water in Botî Walte d 4 Thrt Iute a6 gneal storie in Sraho large lorseradish reots. Put tîem set the cotton on fire and, the emoke whicî they are fiually riused, Vley thougît they wouid reînember the xvightman, daugîter ef John A. tîrougî the food chopper, season will bo pleasant te VIe invalid, also 'will assuma tIe rigît degree of stiff - captain's story, but a week inter, and Janet, Renwich Gairduer. wî th sait and onion, and you will heaves a sweet odor lu the roçîfl. noss without being lard, as if 'ahen theY woro, flshiug from thIe Ail cf VIe me-mbers cf lis f amily lave a deligltfui relisî. Goed cooks know VIe ,valtî1e cf a If mîlk or anythiug coeking ou a eud cf VIe old ,wharf, sometîîug were present at the funerai, Mr. Cream. cf Asparagus Soup.-Take few drops cf glycorine added te the range bele ever, humes, and smokes, happeued tînt made them forget. Ailfred Moment, New York; *Rev. one plut cf Vhe bard rejected por- fle urliu cake-making, lu the proper- thVe 1disagreeable smeil can be Pro- They were flshing for fleunders John J. Moment and wife, Jersey t nso!asargu, uvr iicuail ie c aVaspoonfîi te a pou-îd cf vented from going- Vhrougl tIe -w- c ire h~hvsalVeCty, .J;M.FakMmn pint ef water or stock. Cook slow- fleur, Vis making VIe dougî liglV thVehoýuse by lifting the lid cf VIe ,epe ByaThcpti ad nd wîfe, NewYradMse ]yi er, badd put, cf mii a-ru lutý fuis f-eathory,-wi cfte fruit in- tirnge smekty-o- one- side -and- lot- leie thema-bait thoirhooks, and Malita and- Loua at-homoe- colpter ad in o mlkan pntf lswîtI every, pound offut-i igtesoedraw into VIe lire. was watchiug them, wleu Walter Numnerous landsome floral offer- c'f iuream mixed. Thieken wiVh a jam-making prevonts VIe fermenta- Shouid Vhe smneil cf burnt wood p-er- cuddoniy lad a groat tug on lis iîgsweopaced ou VIe casket, tablespoonful fleur, seaseîî witI tien. cf tIe sugar ewing Vo insuffi - mente VIe bouse, immediateiy put iies hard 1VItat lie nearly lest gserpweahfo kant and ppe.Stir weil until cient boiiing, and h'vite ail risk inPgar ou te bell an& VIe odeur bis bold on it. Wleu hoe puled, the Snda whehoci, audas mixtu're reaches tIe boiiing uont of VI atrcytaiig lbe cutrce.th e'o i ois viae os the th am uda whc as an wral fao latter ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to ofstlzig tecuthctd I e cfatr big , f ae Vo VIe wroath froina Or-oue Lodge A. O. U. thon add large tabiespoonful butter Coloring Ligît Globes.-When a -tocfI wer"0,îa1Si W. cf whicl deceased was n char-f and strain Vîrough a sieve; add celer scîeme le d'esired during a htiiV cedheby. ermre. pamcley before serviug. pryor entertainment VIe electric TIe Best Liver Pil.i h TIctio What sa dgiV " rîedVed besp Verar paeînber.we es iahty globes aa doglis 1', clouted VIe cap-aned toninar pal bearer were Mes- _____________________liî gceseu ie ecooed~ cf the hiver is eacîly dîsrrnngeohdicaG' .Log usiug wood aicohol, witb sîclîno, A sudden chli, undue expcue Vain.s bida lard, ow I lreh on ikay G . og S U W .-i u u-u .e and dyes. Discelve Ve dye en tohcVe eleme t, over-indulgenco in W alter ad een ying fat on Vhe Iralp I Stutt, Samuel Ralliday. mdI.E~ i a. cfeood i Pahl learers-A. J. Stapies, TIo- 1s"t W rt W iiHe abcoie1 and mix into italittie o(me favorite food, ecsindrink- wharf, but lu lis tagernees te land mac Smnith, Wmn. Armstroug, C. J. toe ray giS lfthchelinc, dip eacI gile in it, iug, are a few cf VIe causes. But lis big fiel lest.Pu.adstp t~ ~ 1 o cure yo reh ang te dry. IV le a gocd imi- wahatever may ho Vhe cause, Par- pedneamer Vhe edge, giving a bard iugîsonC.J TortMi, Ths ete tfs o o . o an O t tioe n of~ s Vroe hlave ie la a y le ' Vegetablo P is canle re- pull. This pull mnust have sunk the J. G. Houey. Thi letertele hw oe wrna co tîe yu w th clar ïe upon as VIe lest corrective book deeper in tIe fisl's moutî, riad of lver complaint, billlousnoagai- sha t hawove lcho tînt eau le V&ýen. Îh'ey are the for le, tee, gave a great Pull te geV The Quarterly Board'of the Mcthed- end terrible sick hesdache. globe lixi ora and ine lave neohi Home Made Water FilVr.-Place Wedn aa.Valter stepped alead onie is hrhpassed the following Sickuesa 15 te some extent a habit, a wine cask on end, fit a faucet at superiome ameng sudh preparatiens. step more, witlouit seeing where ilesotution: This le especially true of bibionsness tIe bettom, and remove the lend. ---lie put lis foot. Thie next moment and constipation. SO long as You negleet In Vhis bore hles ail ever it with ÈAD ALL TUE SYMPTOMS. le f oit limef f aliag. Something Moed by Mm.' John IRicknby, sec- treatment, or Mereiy use Medicine to a email bit; pince four dlean bricks apuldhsrgt1,got om ne bGMLn, meve tie bowels, the obd trouble wili ntebttmo h cask, an n The lere oowsdispensing under lîm, and in aneter instant Rsl1vd revhs. as. i nteh SaandSm these rest VIe perfomatedl top. On knowledgo for Vhe benefit cf hic le- went wiVI a great spiasî ae Reovd Cjo., Ont., writes: 'Il have nsed'Dr. VhIs perferatod top put about four lccý enligîtentd companîcui. VIe water. Tînt we VIe memre o!Ve,! Cèase's Xidzey-Liver Pil for liv(er luches e! clarceal Iroken into bite " Have you ever boen bitton by The next lie knew lis hend was ficial Board of VIe MeVIcdisV complaint, bilionsness and terrible aickr Vhe cize cf peas and over VIs a îay- adogV b" e asked. Vhnsha a ndv teolder ws grîppîonge tingrch n Cicuid, desregte cx headaches and have fonn& tlem the er cf chen sand six luches dcep. "'Many's de time"ý repîied tie uisVav VIe waterd wsi somo CMurig Osmo d Circit, lu eb- Most effective treatmnent 1 ever used. Wnter pnýssing tîrougî VIs layer of un'enlightoued eue îim througl bis ýcictîce, ewenpoeordesneo!Vegreat boss They cleaDnse VIe system thorongbly, re- sadadVn fcaca ne t "Are yen net nfrnid o! lydriopbo- the cbouiders. It wyýas tIe captniîi'5 we have sustanued lu VIe denth cf move Vhe cause of pains and achies a.nd wîi itimuteseîd tbabboat-hýok, and byý VIe long_ý pe-le B3rothers Robert Wiater ani Roi- inake Yen1 feel fresth and stronmg agaiD wl lenve isiprte eidi Dr. CaE's Kdney-.Lîver Pilus are aiso anti rn tîrougî VIe faucet cîear "Nix ou de lydro."' which mrade Vhe ndbe, o! îV VIe emt Moment, twoý c)f Vhe loyal andý, tecet for stmc ruls" and sparkling. Once lu txvo or tîree "'Tis a curicus disense. ae a captain wns holding 'im u1p. Ned faitîful merubers c)f Vbis Beard. Dr. C e' Kidlley-Liver Pulis la ve menntis tIe filter cbonld le renew- person contracteh ydrophiobia VIne and Tbomuton rari dewn VIe stops We wouid recoýrd oulr very ligh a direct 711îdspecifjf ationl onl thle bixer ed. výery tîcugîlt of wnteýr makos hlmii and pusîed eut ii a lent, and i'n appreciation o! VIie unt*iig auid anid cil this accouint thoronýghly cuire -sicrk." 8 f.0w minutes ladl hlmi onL b ýard, loyal devotion Vo ail VIe nrst bileseeand conýstipationi. Their ex- 1Is dat on ýde lovel b Yeuse a good den] frightened. cf V1Ie c1urcI, and VIe logandc Ceeptibnal mn1,Tt las made themi knwýn DOGNT.nut strîngin' ml" "Tbecre, my besaid Cap)taini faitlfub services Vbley lav-emodr iii~~~~~~~~~~~~ -enl evr oesdyneui-"Vi cientiflc f act." 1enuyý , wîen WalVer was safe o cd Vo_ VIs Ofca or;ndw ilecpd oià tIsi aslne On(, pIi aý "Bs xî"Duhît. i Don il 1 eV I've l1ad iV ah!i, eland agalu, "yo)u cee now wbat I would extend Voý Mmc. aine sd '4e,25 ctsa box, at ill delrr Vw ufi f o11se ptte l e n oe kuwed wo wasý dce meanit wheul I toidye Vott' hock eut MArs. Moetand thleir fanmilies daas;Bates 4s Qo., Toroiito. ) WiJî Vwo cpf4b1s cf sugar, adonle m'atter wid mue !" for VIe bigît cf a linol. Yen)1 stepped o)Ur sinicurebb and IeartLfelt sympqa- Vties lu thie leur o! Vîcir greati sorrow anti bereavement, and as- sure theni cf car earnest pmayersi 'tIat VIe ssaining gmace. o!, car T-Ieaveuiy Father may aboanti unto them.-Orono News. WHEN J. B. GETS ANXIOIJS. Naval Scarce Have Thrown John, îhe presont naval scare is netthVe cnly eune Vint las starteti John Bull eut o! Vie usuni 'state, cf pin- cit eqaim-ity le maintains lu me- gard tVo such matters. Indeeti, lis 1909 aaàcl e! tIe jumpe ns but a flea-bite ly corn- parleon with Viat of 1884, wlen, çcwiug tte eexposures e! a certain ex ening uewspapem, le becamne sud- deuly convincedtattis vauntet supremacy iu sîips anti guns existeti on paper cuiy. Ris alarn anti angor upon Vîntt occasion lnew ne baunds, -cuimin- atiug, some six menthe afteËwards," ln lis licling ont o! office Vie Goverumeut responsible, andthiIs notwitistanding VIe !act Vînt large anti important additions te, the N-avy lad been autiorizeti in Vihe meantimne. Preciseiy ton years laVer anotier simiinr reveintion led Vo the fount- ing o! VIe Navy League., Oneocf Vie eariest naval scaresý eccarreti in 1652, wIen Vhe Dut'ci Admiral Van Tromp sailed tirougi Vhe Stmaitse! Dovem witI a lroomn ai, bis miasVead, Vo denote Vînt ie1 lad cwvept VIe Euglish from thet sens. île rongl-an-reaty inso- lence, cf t' e prcceeding stirreti nien'-s biot, ant in a trice battle- ships. were building lu evcry suit- ale port anti inlet from Jobuo' Groat'e Vo Landi's Eut, vwbýiie n land fereat anti dcli rang ancens- ingly witi Vie, sounti o! innumer- able axes bing haidtoteieroots 0f Vie sturty cake tînt were Vo fumnisî timbor for Vie uew English Navy destineti preetly Vo testroy thnt Leionging te Rolland, anti its toc presumptucus commander aleng with iV. Anotier big naval scare, due toi car tIen crack battiesiip, Vhe Cap-1 tain, Iaving tueti turtie in Vie Bay cf Biscay, occurret in 1870. It resulted lu VIe introduction o! a new type c! vessai, VIe Monarci, wîose, reserve o! eqaillbrium wns 16 Vo 1 as comparet i wlh tIat of the CapVain dlace, Thie wns cvi- ousiy goîng te Vie etier exVreme. But sudh, nnfortunnteiy, is thc usual recuit of Viese popular panies. This oeegave ns slips clapet uice cbe-ese-bexes, as safo, as VIey wore slow, anti witha tremenuous "coal- esters." --Fomtanateiy for -ns-we- were, net- at war while Vley boidthVe sens.- Penreon's Weekiy. Lever Brothers;, Torputo, wiii coud yen froc a cake cf Vîcir famous Pl1anrt o toilet seap, Uf yen mention Vhis paper. WITCHIC'R.FT PREVAL ,ENT. Somerset Folk Said to Entertain Strange Beliefs. Remarlable stories o! the preva- lence o! witcIcraV lu Somerset, Eîigland, andi o! stmange metical belle! s.cemmen lu VIe county were t oldth VIeotier day at a meeting of f eacbers lu Bumy, neur Dalverton Dm. Sydeunm saidt tat herba- liste anti white witcies w-eme stihi- living among Viem, te sny uothiug et "TIc Doctor," cm seventh sou. île belle! was witieiy hld Vint whoeping-couigî couit le caret ly piaciug, Vie sufi femer on the grent lu a sbeepfoid; epilepsy by pro- cuming clver co)ins from frients anti Iaving them matde into aneeokIacýe or brac-elet tVo levwom)n lyhVe su!- foer; rant -,ionnînage anti lame lyý Vie cthantingocf a stmauge pmayer. A sict son, especiallyv if le wee esvnhsoun o!a seventl soni, wa s arch soulgit after in sorne parisies, as if le erea Har-- weeatteniet 41ou imnta îci-nîg FROM ERIt'XS GREEN ISLE NEWS B! RAIL FR031IRME. LÂNDIE SHIORES. Blappenings in the Enîerald Ilie 01 Interet te Irish- Cattie drivons are busy near Gai- way, liiewise the police. Join Tnmvey, a gandener, diet eattinlvatLimerink linrilois+1 yeam. For stenliug, a bion, a tramp named Do <eAcfQueen'e Couuty, was sentenced Vo two menths in p rison. David Porter, beiieved Voý be an absconding rate cobiectoir from Bel- fast,, las been dtie at Buenos Ayres. Whilct flsîing near Clo(ugh OugI- Vter Cactie, County Cavan, Joseph Connor caugît a pike weîghig 35 pounde. The touante recentiy evicted ai> Simaleen, County Mnyo, lave ahi boen restomed upon payment cfa hbaif-year's ent and-costs. AV a Kiimurry eviction, lu wvhicb 250 policemen drnwu, froni Dublin, Kerry and Limerick took-part, tIe autlorities weme sprayed xitî bell- îug tam. Investigations are being mad6 ai> Ardmnore, County Cerk, cf tVIe dis- used copper mines in VIenego- 'ood. The ore le said to, le rich in cliver. Michael Coyne, VIe enginoor in- jured on Vhe st-enmem Woodlumn wheu iV wnc flmed upon by tIe Rus- L ,'n warsli'p a.s arriývcd at lis lomo inBlyVh. l Duriug a thunderstorm at Feui- nom, Menth connty, five cattie le- longl.ug te a Parmer weme fennd dead under the trocs where tIey lad ceagît sheiter, Thîe County Court cof Galway awarded $3,500 damages Vo the fa- VIer cf Constable Gobdmlck, ahet dead wbiie potecting "emorgen- fcy mien" at Crauglwell. A carotaker at Killeevan Globe, Ceunty Monaglan, dug np a -cuLri- ons stone weigiing about Vwe po'unde, andi studded with spark- ling pebhes of varions'colore. A firkln cf butter was uueartled lu a bog near Cumamcoe, Mayo, ,Tle fiavor cf Vhe butter was dîs- tiuctiy preservedti tiughit iV le le iie'ved Vo bave been buried for 300i yenms. - A grnzing fnmm at Dromntrmasna, Limerick, las boen divided amonigst VIe principal occupiers and a nunn- be fsallcr tenants. it h-Jla ben a point in dispulte in tint district for yars. Advice on-VIe marringe question was gîven by thc Most Rev. Dr. Fogarty dnriug lis epiespal visit tcî Borrisokane. Iu bis diocese lu feunti olti Cathlic famnilles dyinq ont tîrougî tIcnu-eryrgdis- position o! Vhe peepi, hargehy causeti by Vhe oid custom o! "keep. ing VIe pince" for tIe- eldest sou. >11e rosult wac Vint tlese eldesi ,sons often couiti noV mrryý until Vhe ycuugest o! Vie fnmibly wce pro- videti fer. andi when Vhe cideet sont lad reacîed Vie ages o! 50 ocr 60. Hie Lordship suggest£d tVîntVhu ,rroper- way wne Vo provide for the cîldmen ns they came; fortunes foi theni ail at VIe preseut day wAotild require a maint o! mouey. 110 W PAPA__ ENCOURAGED-,. "W7iaV titi papa, cny, Geoýrgel"Î "osaid iV, wns tee lhot Vo talh nonseýnse." "Bat iti e knew you wante'ti Vo înnrry mel " I-tinl e did." "Anti diti't le encourag,1e yen "Yes, l ela leiVe door e-pen fur~ COOk'S Cotton Root CompouU& zt Tlie great Utrrirlc Tonte, and 'onl sal effctuiontblüa 10 idegree srogr e.3 Ifor epec1iicaesk5 per box, 2odb il drui , cr et eeal n ?coe,ýI t o price.. C~eiliOliE(z.TOQt1OOCT (erm'-~ Wndor A COZY CORNER or a ]OUflR1fl pIlaCe to be deigtuy rnI mi;st partatze ofthie orental in sçcme way. BRING YOUR WAHT3 TOU03. Our full Unes of new and op-to date fiirjitura are waiting for your ir- Sspeeltron. How about a new couch? We h&ve a line at 66 7~ '(that cannet be burpassed. Undertaking rnoeives prompt and personal attention day (tor nght and we du flot make any extra charge for distance. PHEONE !M, SALAN M.WILLIAMS, Phone 58 - BONVMANVILLE. i -AA