The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 1, 1978 i NEW DINING LOUNGE COFFEE SIIOP 1/2 Mile North of Kirby on HWy. 115and 35 Phone 983-5560 Cable Cast Listings Here 's Who Will Obtain Wintari*o Money in Durham, Grants totalling $37,126 have been approved for 16 projects ifl the Regional Municipality of Durham from the proceeds of the Ontario Lttery. The amounts range from $12,766 to $220. Le Club Canadien-Francais d'Oshawa is to receive a grant up to $12,766 to share in the costs of developing a commun- ity playground complete with a bahl field, tennis courts, a horseshoe pitch and lighting. A grant of $6,104 is to be made to the Oshawa Junior Pipe Band to share in the purchase of uniforms and instruments. The Town Hall 1873 Inc. Cultural Centre in Port Perry is to receive a grant of $4,309 to aid in the purchase of portable arts equipment. Culture and Recreation Minister Robert Welch said today's grants are part of the ongoing Share Wintario pro- gram for the support of cultural and recreational f acilities. To date in 1978, the ministry has allotted $1.4 million to more than 125 groups and facilities across the province. A grant of $3,515 is to go to the Simcoe Hall Eastview Boys and Girl s Club in Oshawa to share in the puchase of, a vehicle. The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is to'receive a grant up to $1,750 to assist with the costs of constructing an additional change room in the Don Beer Sports Arena. A grant up to $1,676 will be made to the Town Hall 1873 Inc. .Cultural Centre in Port Perry to share in the costs of constructing permanent stage facilities comâplete with fire safety improvements. The Orono Tennis Club is to receive a grant of $1,396 to share in the costs of widening and resurfacing two tennis courts. A grant of $1,500 is to be made to the Knocker Paving Oldtimers Hockey Club in Oshawa for travel assistance to attend an invitational tournament in Victoria, B.C. The Community Centre in Tyrone is to receivýe a grant of $945 to defray the costs of celebrations in honor of the Queen's Silver Jubilee. Fairport Beach Homne and School in Pickering is to receive a grant of $912 to share in the purchase of cultural and recreational equipmient for pre-schoolers programs. The Oshawa Church Hockey League is to receive a grant of $909 to assist with the pur- chase of hockey and referee equipment for 31 teams. A grant of $390 is to be made to the Brock Township Public Library Board to assist with the purchase of shelving, furniture anid equipment. The Whitby Merchants Senior Basebaîl Team is to receive a grant of $270 for travel assistance to attend the Invitational Ontario Provin- cial Championships in Renfrew. 1A grant of $242 is to go to the Ontario Smallbore Federation in Oshawa to defray the costs of travel for a running target competitor to attend the Invitational Championships of the Americas in Mexico City. The Baker Memorial Park Community Centre in Oshawa is to receive a grant of $222 to share in the purchase of softball and T-Bail equipment. A grant of $220 will be made to the Dunbarton High School Senior Soccer Team in Picker- ing to assist with the costs of transportation to attend: an invitational soccer champion- ships in Windsor. Tre ntway Tours W HEELUNG WEEKEND 1STAR MERL HAGGARD Ma rch 3 - 5, 1978 For deta ils contact BOWMANVI LLE IRA VEL 47 King St. W. 623-3182 Canadian Poets Presenied Ottawa poet Joy Kogawa read selections from her writings to a small group of people at the Bowmanville Public Library last week. Reading from her first two books, the poet was the second speaker in a series sponsored by the League of Canadian Poets to publicize the works of native writers. The final presentation will feature another Canadian talent, Mike Doyle, on March 9 at the Newcastle village library. Course for Aduits with Respiratory Diseases A Phiysical Conditioning Course for adults sufferinz emphysema, chronic bron- chitis or severe asthma will begin at the Regional Health Unit, Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Wednes- day March 8th at 7:30 p.m. This 'free course will be funded and operated by Durham Region Lung Association, (l6al affiliate of the nation- wide Christmas Seal Organiz- ation), and during the seven weekly sessions participants yill be taught relaxation Guitar Stylings by ... Dexter Drakeà WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY FEB. 1-2-3-4 8.;00 p.m. - Closing FRIDAY SPECIAL POACHED TURBOT vegetable, bread basket $ é àY andisoupdcu jour. SATURDAY - SUNDAY COQ au VIN vegetable, bread basket$ .0 and soup du jour. PIANO BAR with Complimentary Appetizer Table Monday thru Friday 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ONLY MOTOR INN Liberty St. S. at 401 Bowmanville PHON E 623-3373d RES TA URANT MONDAY-THURSDAY 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. F RI1DAY - SATU RDAY 6 a.m. - 1 am. SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. SERVING DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKE-OUT ORDERS A SPECIALTY Free'Delivery inBowma nvilXle' on all1Orders of $ 10.00 or More Full Course Meals in a Home- Like Atmosphere 9 King St. W. 623-5412 techniques and Ïdkrance exercises designed to improve, or assist, their lung capacity. All procedures will be under the guidance of a licensed physiotherapsit and a registered nurse and interest- ed 'persons should contact, Durham Region Lung Assoc- iation. at 723-3151. Wednesday, February 1 2:30 Where It's Happening with Host: Dan Statham 3:00 Counterpoint with Guest: Mr. Bill Fry 3:30 Middle Eastern Dance 4:00 Durham Dialogue 4:30 Soleil with the French Canadian Club of Oshawa 5:00 McLaughlin Art Gallery Presents: 5:30 Evening Report 6:00 Let's Find Out with Topic, "Child Abuse" 6:30 Expression with Metaphysics 7: 00 Whitby Then & Now with Brian Winter & Jim Quail 7:30 Education Scene with George Pearce 8:00 To Be Announced 9:00 Rescue with Topical 1Guests 10:00 Sign Off Thursday, February 2 2:30 The 3R's with Separate 3:0School Activities 3:0Let's Find Out 3:30 Rescue 4:00 What can Govt. do for Business 4:30 Expression with Metaphysics 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Evening Report 6:00 Expression with C.N.I.B. 6:30 Counterpoint 7:00 Soleil 7:30 Conception with Local Guests 8:00 Motor City Bowling Championships 9: 00 "The Camp X Proposal" 10: 00 Sign Off Friday, February 3 2:00 Motor City Bowling Championships 3:00 Federal-Provincial Report 3:,30 Conception 4:00 What Does the Bible 1Say? 4:30 Whitby Then & Now 5:00 Vita Italiana 6: 00 Whitby Report with Mike Burgess & Steve P~orter 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off Monday, February 6 4:00 Expression with a discussion ,about C.N.I.B. 4:30 Wintario Talent Night Highlights 5:30 Evening Report with Bill Jeahes, Dave Stewart and Canada Manpower Report 6:00 Federal-Provincial Report with M.P.P. George Ashe 6:30 Middle Eastern Dance with Bob Kirkland 7:30 Exhibition Basketball- Durham Lords vs. Hollywood Rejects 10:00 Sign Off Tuesday, February 7 2:00 Newcastle Council Meeting Coverage 4:30 Expression with C.N.I.B. 5:00 To Be Announced 5:30 Evening Report 6:00 McLaughlifl Art Gallery Presents: i 6:30 Vita Italiana with Ercole Foresta 7:30 Expression with a Variety of Topies 8: 00 Durham Dialogue with 1Host: Jim Kirkconnell 8:30 Oshawa Chamber of Commerce &,Kiwanis Club of Oshawa Present: Dr. Cotting- ham, Pres. of G.M.I. 9: 00 Sign Off NOTE: All programis are subject to change without notice. Special Programming Note: Pineridge Cable T.V. is pleased to announce to it's subscribers that we will be carrying House of Commons "Question Period Highlights" from Ottawa twice daily at 3:00, p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Visucomm, Channel H on our convertor service. King's Garden, Restaurant and Tavern 73 King St. E. Bowmanvi lie Take-Out Service Telephone 623-4255 Famous Chinese and Canadian Food SPECIAL MENU FOR LUNCH N ORMANSENTERTAU'4MENT Zenith SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO MODU LARS RECORDS and TAPES, Bowmanville Mail Oshawa 623-4535 1218 Simcoe N., 579-2411 Hours: Mon. - Fri.9 -9 Saturday 9 -6 "We're Not Big .. . Just the Best" EN!TERTA INMENT Country and Western Music Fri. - Sat. Nîqht 9 pm i.ý1a.m. with BEV-MARIE and Friends ~ COACH & FOUR Restaurant & Tavern PRIVATE ROOM fora* LARGE GROUP VOUR HOSTS SEN and LISA x1tBtarat mono£er Bowmanville Mail - 623-3023 for Businessmen's Lunches Oaiiy PiIlI Course Dinners Party and Banquet Faclitfies Available Mon. -Tues. -Wed., 9a. m.to10 p. M. Thurs.- Fri. -Sat.,9a.m. to 1a.m. Sunday 12.Noon until 10 p.m.: .46.1, â..à.,j6 à..à. à. -J. à. &..j6,À6 .16 àgàâ-#ý