- Item is a bulletin from the Archconfraternity of La Sainte-Agonie, published in July 1876 in Paris.Item is a bulletin from the Archconfraternity of La Sainte-Agonie, published in …
- Content of letter is Bishop Power instructing Rev. O'Dwyer on some parochial matters such as: dispensations for mixed marriages, payment for support of clergy, hearing confessions of women in his houContent of letter is Bishop Power instructing Rev. O'Dwyer on some parochial …
- Bishop Power replies to an earlier letter from one Patrick C. of Coole (near Mountrath in Ireland) concerning some property that his brother, the late Reverend J.C. possessed in Upper Canada. BishopBishop Power replies to an earlier letter from one Patrick C. of …
- Pastoral Letter from Bishop Power to the Brethren, regarding a Plenary Indulgence in the form of Jubilee, as proclaimed by Pope Pius IX.Pastoral Letter from Bishop Power to the Brethren, regarding a Plenary Indulgence …
- The items in this group contain letters received by Bishop Power from various people.The items in this group contain letters received by Bishop Power from …
- Letter to Michael Power at Ste. Martine, concerning a school teacher for the parish.Letter to Michael Power at Ste. Martine, concerning a school teacher for …
- Letter from Bishop Bourget to Michael Power, Cure of La Prairie, appointing Power Vicar General.Letter from Bishop Bourget to Michael Power, Cure of La Prairie, appointing …
- Item is a letter to the Reverend William McIntosh, informing him that he has received $4772 for the erection of a Catholic Church in or near Caledonia, the site of which Rev. McIntosh is directed toItem is a letter to the Reverend William McIntosh, informing him that …
- Item is a letter to the Reverend Mr. R. Mills, instructing him not to go to Brantford anymore and to refrain from corresponding with a certain Doyle family. His interference in their affairs was "impItem is a letter to the Reverend Mr. R. Mills, instructing him …
- Item is a letter from Bishop Power to an unidentified French Bishop regarding his proposed trip to Europe to recruit clerics. He goes on to make an account of all the clerics under his authority andItem is a letter from Bishop Power to an unidentified French Bishop …
- Letter to Rev. Angus Macdonell, in which the Bishop avails himself of Macdonell's offer of assistance by asking him to bring some questions to the attention of some members of Parliament. The first hLetter to Rev. Angus Macdonell, in which the Bishop avails himself of …
- This Ledger offers a unique glimpse into how St. Paul's functioned as a parish in it's earliest years. Along with the usual things one would expect to find in a ledger, the book also contains informaThis Ledger offers a unique glimpse into how St. Paul's functioned as …
- These images are from the Burial Register for St. Michael's Cemetery, Toronto, for the years 1890-1899.These images are from the Burial Register for St. Michael's Cemetery, Toronto, …
- In the Archdiocese of Toronto, original parish registers are not available to the public. Please DO NOT contact parishes for access to these registers. Other Resources Death and burials are not sacraIn the Archdiocese of Toronto, original parish registers are not available to …
- In the Archdiocese of Toronto, original parish registers are not available to the public. Please DO NOT contact parishes for access to these registers. Other Resources Death and burials are not sacraIn the Archdiocese of Toronto, original parish registers are not available to …