Ryder, Jacob H.
- Full Text
He Had Many Friends.
Referring to the death of Mr. Jacob H. Ryder, whose remains were brought here last week for interment, the Sarnia Observer says:- The news of his death was heard of with regret by his friends in Sarnia of whom he had many. Although only a resident of Sarnia for a little over two years, his kindly nature won friends for him by the score and many are the feelings of regret expressed at his early demise. The deceased suffered much during his late illness and had been confined to his room for about two weeks. He was conscious up to the time of his sudden taking off, and talked cheerfully to his brother William, of Sarnia, and his sister, Mrs. Pollard, of Petrolea, and other friends who were at his bedside, expressing his hope of a better life beyond.- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Genealogical Resource
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 8 Jul 1897
- Last Name(s)
- Local identifier
- Halton.BMD.48221
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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