Two items: 1) Cover Page and 2) Table of Contents. 1) The cover page for a report on the Miskito case between 1981 and 1984. 2) The Table of Contents lists the ten parts of the report: 1) Preface; 2)
Two items: 1) Cover Page and 2) Table of Contents. 1) The …
Two items: 1) Cover Page and 2) Table of Contents. 1) The cover page of a report on the relocation of Miskito Indigenous people in light of US intervention on the Atlantic Coast. 2) The table of cont
Two items: 1) Cover Page and 2) Table of Contents. 1) The …
Three items: 1) A cover page; 2) an article; and 3) another article. 1) "Mujer: también de sudor": A cover page of the periodical "Quehaceres", published by the Centro de Investigación para la Acción
Three items: 1) A cover page; 2) an article; and 3) another …
An article on the erosion of women's rights following the U.S. invasion of Grenada in 1983, written by Sue Goodwin. The author assesses setbacks through the words of Canadian poet Dionne Brand during
An article on the erosion of women's rights following the U.S. invasion …
Two items: 1) Cover Page and 2) Introduction. 1) The Cover Page identifies the theme: the war in Nicaragua and the Miskito Indigenous people. 2) The Introduction discusses the effects of the US cover
Two items: 1) Cover Page and 2) Introduction. 1) The Cover Page …