· THE MERCHANT, FRiflAY, MAY 12, 1871. THE 1871. flEW -lVIAY. ---o--- 1871. EXCELSIOR. MURDOCHBROS.SPRI GsrrooK GOODS. No Wa.r 'With :Russia., NEW Sl'It:CNG- STOC~ of :r:' ASH:CON»LE GOO:OS, a successful raid js dc· .Uy looked for on BU'l' tlrn SUM.JIER - - - , o - -STOCKS COMPLETE A'l' 'l'HE Temple ~ Fash,ion, Osliawa :BEAUTIFUL The Joseph Hall WATCH MAKING, The Most Select StyleJ at Extremely oderate Rates f JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, Establishments for which the Sub£criber ha. ffi"ldtJ extensive preparation, and is prepared to show the btist HATS, BONNETS, FLO-W-ERS, RIBBONS, &C. IMPORTER OF Such as Watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands, Spoons, and Forks, Cutlery direct from the Colebrntc<l SELECTION OF GOODS, DRESS GOODS : A vei·y large Stock of --o-- EST AI3LISHED 1851. THE JOSEPH HALL Hardware, Iron, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, and ElectroPlated Silver Ware. MANUFACTURER of ·ll kinds of S11Y LISH MANTLES. -o-- MESSRS. RODGERS AND SON'S, l:JIIEFFIELD, of the greatest ma.guiLude. 11Us stock istbe most complete in quality, and val'it:ty, and fa allowed by the best of authority, t.> surptl.$5 nll other Rousts b1::1twt.e:1 b'lvntri;:al and Toronto. ENGLISH AND FRENCH PRINTS. ENGLISH AND ~FRENCH Ji,fUSLINS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. POPLINS, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, M1nuflotul"in.g Compa.ny PROPRIETORS. ELEGANT DRESSES and COSTUMES, made to order. GALL a good nsao:rtmt:n"t of Entirely new designs. S I L VE It, Sp 0 0 NS, also a bef!-utiful Stock of UMBRELLAS, in Silk, Zai_iella, Gingham and Alpaca. GLOVES, LINEN SETS, &:c,, &:c. AND SEE THEM. and DEALER in For the newest, cheapest, and most Fa8hionablc goods, go to Wedding Rings, Etc., AARON BUCKLER, Bowmanville. !;..To\·. 28th, 1870. n6.tf -o--- · W ~ desire fo ca'l attention to our STOVES, Treivin's Temple of Fashion. Osbawi1, 1foy 7th, 1871. n53-l y M URDOCH BRO"l. have made extensive alterations in their premises this sea.~on, and fitted up ~~ large 0 VVe believtJ thia rri:l.chine, ti'l' we now bui:d it tl") h;;: tho most p~rft-c > lti::APt;Lt and Mo,VER ever yet 1)ff~retl to t he pnbli<: c1f Caua.rla. ..\.m·in;; it-. ma.ny a.dv nnta;.;es, we call atten· tion to tho fullo1ring : IT UJ.S NO GE.a.RS OX THE DRIVI~G WHEEL~, EnJ~!,lin~ it t:1 (>:\S~ over ninl'shy or sandy ground · TO rr_HE PUBLIC WALTER I I I · which is UJ?-der the management of Miss McTavish. This department will be found unusally attmctive, nnd replete with the & SON, A large Assortn1ent of } witb,1ut clo.:;.;l11g uk' th~ gea.1·ing, thert>by nm d<:!l'ill ~ it h::H lLi.fe r.o breaka;e. lt is fui·nishe l with funi· knin~s, two foe mowing and two f,n· rea.pin ;, ont1 of wb:c~ has a. sickle e<lg:e for c.1ttin.;- ripe:, chrn.r1 ~'l·ai.n, the othei· a. sn1ooth GARDEN AND FARMING TOOLS. eJ ~tl for outtinQ g1·11in in which th!:l1·e is gra.ss oi· s'"'ol clovc1.. lt has w:tll0a.ble guard" both on the Mower Bar a.nJ Reapt.ir Table, with thij best cast steel L.: l; tH' Plaites. lt ifl a.l:oo fiunished with ou1· n~w PAT£:>1T TILTfNG tfABW: fnr picking- up lodg· t:tl :;rain. 'I' his is thij only' -rei:l..11,v v:i.1.uable Tilt· Special attention to this line. in,; 'l'.\ l; l;;i" off ~ rc r Oil ~ny com bined Rea.v.er and mil }{ 11\·er. Th e 'l'ahle can be very cn.::;1ly raist:.l <·r 1(1.vere·l br the Dri\·er in hiH~seaL without Nails, Locks, Ilinges, Glass, Sash, i.tu1,1.iing- hi:o Te.im. This i~ one o.f the most im· p ·tt;t.nt improvements etft.icted in i~uy Ma.chine Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ctu .inJ tho p.1.st two yeai'8. .:\.ny one ur all of tho ....,\rms of the Reel can Eave-troughs,'vVi n cl ow, and b1:1 m:.t. .It! to act as Hakes at the option of the D iv ~\r, Uy a Lever re<lodily operated~by hi!3 foot. Picture Cords, ruid The 1,;u~tln~ appan1tus iti iufrontof the Machine, anJ thl;jrefore whethe1· Reaping or Ivlowing, the Tassels, e1 1Lire WO!k of the )'.[ac11i11e i~ under thtt er..e of the Dri\·er whiliJ gTiiding his tean1. 'l'he l'ahle and everything else required ; is so C'rn1:1kuc;<!d a.s to gather the Grain into a .111~n d!e before it lt'aves thi.;: 'l'able, and dop?sit thus presenting gTeater inducements to buyers it ln a. inun1 C,lmtmvt fl)rDJ. than any other Reel than nny othe:r house in the trade, which of itl{~J.~<;~ T:~Ule ie attached to the Machine both in 1 Relf, ~s no small advn.ntaAe. fron~ ~~nd rea r of the1 D1·iving- \-Vhet:l, which tJll· N.B.-FEATHERS FOlt SA.LE. a,!)Li;i it to pa«~3 ovct· rou 0 h groun ( with inucli I gTea.':.1:n· t:1.\.S ;! i\fld 11:1s11 iujury to the Tttblc. rl'bt I A.gent for G-ra .n \'l"~b1:1el .-\xle ifl on a Jirrn with the axle rd j W & D · ' p t t M 1 thu U i·h·u \·"'hlold, whwll i::uablc~ it to tnl'n tht a.y OWlllDg 8 a en ang 0· C(}l"ntl~ rt1aJily. JOHN 1¥IoI.. EUD 'l'h..i R a.:(e.- a:-e driven by Gea1·in-z instcM. of !Jown1anville. April 13. Wjl_ Ch:..1.in~, anu, th~n:fore. hilivc a steady, uniform m,1tiun; imi.!dug them m 1 1ch Je!(S L iahltJ·to hrco.k. u tJ un untiveu ground, an'd ntnre re(fular in rt1 m iving the Gr:tln. 'l'ht:i Geal'ing is \'e:ry nimpl\:'. fit:·on,; aul d:11·ab'.e. Th(; 1Jo.x1::s arc 1t.ll linP- d with SP ADES-Gan/en, Draiwing, and Ditching, CORNISH SHOVELS, RAKES, SCYTHES, FORKS, and aU kind.s of N returning- tb1tnk" to their nu1X"1~rous Customers, ru1d the Public geuerallyt £or past favors, wonlJ rcspcct.ft<Uy invite t.heir ttUentiL1n to our pre ~ent stock of Furnitui·e, us \Ve have lately '\dded thereto, t.h11.t we ma.y t}wr~by be enabled to supply :.i.11 parties who may please to favor ua v.ith 11: call. G·reu.t in du c~1uon L::1 lwld out to those purchasing at 011r Eiitablishrnent. Pictures. Looking Gla"' Se~, &c., framed to order, and in every sy tle. Samplef of tbedifferent kin<ls of l\iottldbigs can be seen a.it lhe \Vare·room. \Ve would also beg to infonn you, that, h::i.\'ing purchased a MOST STYLISlj'. PATTEBNS which have been produced. The Show Room is now open, and the lndies will do well to call and examine. SPLENDID NKW HEARSE, '~re shall be ready a.t all times, to attend Fune:rale, on !$hort notice, a.nd rea1:1onable terms. N. B. Coffins kept .. on bnnd, and made to order, at the NEW DOMINION RETAIL PURNJ'IURE WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa, Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. T. DARLINGTON, --o-They have also enlarged their BU (L Q JN Q TR AD E. Opposite J, W. Fo\vkc's Store, {8-tf. HA \TE J µst recei W!d a Choice lot ~f FRUITS, GROCERY F act s. NEW .. . . . Ra1sms, Currants, Figs, FACT DEPARTMENT, and will be found, a.s usual, well 2upplied. NO. 1. J. GRAY J. GRAY J. GRAY' Has by far the largest Stock 0f Goods in Tyrone, NUTS FACT NO. 2. Has by far the greatest Variety and t.he best Selected goods in Ty1«me. :Oates, Lemon, Ora.:n.ge a.nd Citron ~eels, IN GREAT V ,A.RIETY. Allio Bartels and Boxes of A large impor ted Stock of FRESH FIELD, AND GARDBN SEEDS Just received. ~ Bowmanville, April 20th, 1811. Beau'tiful Ca:n.dies, with au """ortment of FACT NO. 3. Has by far the Cheapest Goods in Tyrone, quality beit1g the test of cheapness. QUERY. How can these things be 1 ANSWER. CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington hns again received another lot o! th·1;)8 celebrated nlvl :Ptl':RE li:EA:F TEAS, Q1mlity is the Test of Cheapness. Bowmanv"i11e, Dec. 22ntl, 1870, n12-tf 18 71. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF BABBIT METAL. Tutsey Nena Wawwany Mecannis Ca Qu Oconiba. NEW SPRING GOODS AT TBE The p:-1rt~ are all unmbl'red, so th::i.t the re· p:iin~ c.tn be ul'.leruJ by telot;raph or othenvlao, hJ simply giving tbe uumhor of the pnrt waoted. Th~re hi Jl· ) side Dra·.i;.(ht in eithtir reaping 01 rau~viiiq , nnd thu .M.-1.cL.ine i~ so perfectly ba.l· l\. rnJl that there i~ no prel3$ure on th~ Hnrses' n.:c!i::-i eitbt1r y.,-hen n.iapi:n:; or mowing. All our m\\lle tble c~st in;pi, where they art' ~ubjt"ct to m ·1ch strain, h ;~\·e beeu twice a.ur1cn.led, thereby r~n -11:ring- theiu both tongb and strong. Om J .. Uusnn [{.;~' u~ ia: soc mstruct.!d 3d to raise the C.un i;(1 fa~t· .fl.fJu\'tl the Grain Table that the l}ra:n J.o::3 nnt intorfore with the n1achiiHwy oi tli~ _tt;,ke'i or Reds. \Vtt make the above Mnchine in two ,:;.jz:'..i~--~o. One, la.1-g-{' size f~,r :Fartnors wh11 h,wea. la.rgc amrnrnt tt1reap-.No. 'l'wo, in~:lium siie fol' ~';, r.w.~1'8 ha.vin~ nioru use for a 1\1I l1wcr thiln for a lli::tlper. \· Vith thtj cXCE"ption of d1tfi;:reuce iii di~e) the~t: )1achinE~s are similar in evc1·.v n;i'\ po:ict. Our No. ~ b'lachine snpplit'I' fl, want horetofore unfilled, viz: .L'\.. m~dium t·.v1:J..:n Ll10 Jnr. M,>wer nnd largeccimbined l\!Inchine. both in size a111! pric~. \Ve shall di.stl·ib- 1 nte o tll" s:'1n pl o mrtt:hines in 1-Iarch ii.mong om A··tit~t~, that intendiu_; Pnrehri.scrs may h~ve an ea.~'ly oppm·tunity of examining their merits,and we ,.:1rnn1.ntt1e th::i.t ~n I\laehines shipped thii' s1;1 \S )ll !'hall be cqua-l in quality aud fini>1b to tlu sampl..:s ex.bib,t~d b.f uur Agents. \Ve io · v.te th ,.. pu bl c to withhold gl~·ing tht..lir orden ~1ntil t.hc_y hl\~'tl had an OlJP_ortunity of inspect111,; our b'lach1n e~, as we believe th~y are unsurpa··~i:d hy 1tny other 1nachines C\"er yet offered , on tbi~ contint:nt. V.lc als(} ofl't.1r among our I other M :.i.chiu.s :- Selects his own Stock, buys in the best markets, buys largely fo1· Cash, conducts his own business with less expense, has had nearly 20 years experience in Tyrone, knows exactly what the S011El'HING Kow in a people want, and has j list the Goods fo supply their wruits, has very few unsalellble Goods. Requests an early inspection to convince the ~ most incredulous that the above are "STUBBORN FACTS" which cannot be denied. J. GRAY, Regrets that a few plain Facts should have proved sc. 1 1nuscous to on extremely sensitive neighbor. (Some folks hate facts.) GOLDEN J r:R. RAY SEWING MACHINE can he ecen by calling n.t tho Shoe Store of bti-1 ! SIGN O:F TRE BIO THE CltEA:PEST ARE THOSE SOLD BY THE TEAS ! the irnp:tn\·ed UNIVERSAL SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. the ).fn.1tufactuers chnllcnge the VVorld for 3000 dollars to produce a. TORONTO TEA COMPANY, 01' their Agents. A singlo trial and comparison with any other teM, at tho same pTices, will ptove this. Ou1· .50o. 'l1ca will be found equal to nuy at OOc. ; our 60c. equal ti) any at 70c. ; our 80c. cqnal to any nt $1. ; and our $1 &'Teen equal to any, however high the pl'ico charged. Our Black Tea.a sell fa·om 50c. to $1. Japan (all un· colored) 50c. to 80c. All our Teas a.re so1d .for cash, at wholesali..\ prices, in half pound, pound 1 anJ. 5 pound packages. I SEWING MACHINE that will accomplish what the UNIVERSAL 111AGFIINE WILL renders it hy fnr the best M~wlnnc ever offorcc' to the· Public, it is Simple1 Rl·lia.blc, Durable and Cheap. Each ?.iu,ch1nc is warrcuted fo; five ycat5. S. B. BRADSHAW, _ <\.gent. Johnson's Self-raking Reaper, improved fu1· 1871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, i :1nd malleable g.;alds. Woo:l's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. It is coni3tructed on a new principal, which SPRING AND SUMMER. --:o:-- THE BEST TEASI Tho 'l'eas of the Turouto Tea Company are g.ua.rantee<l pu1·e a.a imported from China ~nd ,Japan. F1'r sitrength and fine flavor, they cnnnot be excelled. All tested before being sold, and co1upl'isc the fine8t Teas ·which are imported. NOW OPENED out n large portion of his Sprrng Stock of Dry H AS Goods, of which he "uld call speci,d attention to the following w -w. Mcl\iURTRY lines : DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, OLOTHS, PARASOLS, Millinery. An assortment of H.its, l~onnets, Teathers, &c., not to be excelled in the Dominion, for 8ty le, Qunlity ruid Price. A p;,,,·st Cla&s li1illine'1· always in attendance. LOWEST PRlCES. Weekly arrivals of NEW GOODS, Bowmanville, April 13th, 1871. BUCKEYE REAPER NO I, (with Johnson's Self-Rake.) BOOTS AND SHOES jf e.very description, nladc to orae1-. Sewed an<l Pegged, 1varra.nted to fit, or no sale, the best of worlouen kGpt. ALSO. 1Yfcn's and 'Vmnen'i:;, Felt-overs. plain nnd Fancy. Also Shoemakers l!~indiugs: a complete Stock always ou b;u1d. uS-tf Bmvmnuville, )lov. 24th. 1870. 1 BUCKEYE REAPER NO 2, (with Johnson's S.elf-Rake.) C ALL .AND SEE tl1c New and SplendiJ Stuck of · j 1rnt opentid :tt the --:o:-That the Tea3 of the 'I'oronto Tea Company e,-ive stttisfn-0tion is the immense trade we are now doing in the1n. Fan1jliee who tried them once, now get them i·egularly, as they find they cannotgotnnysuchtea8 for the lUoney clsewhere. The Best Proo:i ' Chi.o o :nn'b:n~d. :Hand :Rak· bl.g' Jl:e:ti:er and Mower. Ca7:1g~ SPRlNC AND SUMY.ER HATS, ANVILLE Bo "fVM V /""\ , Atnong the lt'ading Styles, will bo found the Chief Jr., Mower. Buckeye Mower No· lBi1ckeye Mower No- 2. Ball's Ohio Mower No. l. Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmers' Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder. HAT a.nd CAI' STO:RE . .TRY M.ARQlJJd OF LUBN, 0. BOUNSALL, IMPOR'l'ER, l>lANUFACTUitER, and DB.A.LEH in all tho varietie!i of BEFORE-YOU BUY N e'v Valentia Raisins, at 7 cts per lb. GORTSOHAKOFF, KING V\'ILLIAM, BIEMADCX, GAJ.lfBETTA, .il1VD OUR CELEBRATED Iu towns where "\VC ha,·e ageuts, pu.rties are invited to buy a rsuutll quantity to atie bow they hke them, Aftunvards they can bny more. In disfa·icts where \V~ haNe 110 agcntB, versons can write to us for srunples of Tea.a of any kind, at n,uy price, and we \Vill sentl thuin by 1n:tili....free. \V e :;end 20 lb8. or more to nny Railroad .uepot in Ontario, fi·eight paid, ~\nd colkct tlLroug:h Expre8li .A.gent., l"'nt 11p iu half pound, uouncl, und l'i pound };1'Di!lrn.ges. Addresl! all 01-.:Ters to tho 1J.'UR0 ~ '1 O 'l'E.1.\ CO., 186 Young Street, l'oronto. Italian & American Marble. ...<\.. largl: .:tn.d choice selection of AT SIMSON'S. MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES, a.lwo.ys on hand, of 8uperior workmanship, and at lowest price!!. W1·01;,ght 01· Gast Iron Fences for euclosfog 1)urying lots. Hall Thresher and Separato1, Greatly improved for 1871, with · eit11~r Pitt's, Pe ton, Planet,Woodbciry, or Efa11's 8 or 10 J'Jon;epovv~1· . Cambridge, &c., &c. In fac t, Hats tn i:mit all. from 10 ce;nt;,, up. So all can ·t~ 1<nite<l. --:o:--· AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE, "\Vl\o keep on h::md pa.ckages of half pound, pound, and rJ powHl carldieB, of all kinds. B1Hvmanvillc, Oct, 27th, 1870. n3-ly Yellowlees & Quick, Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on 11a.ud, {Jr wrought to order, l'espcctfnlly i·eqner:ted at tllC works, A oa.U is "\V ~ shall al;;o ofiet· f11r the Fo.11 trnde, a new Clover 'l'hl't:sher and Hnller. ve1y much snperi· or to any other ht:n:tofuro iutl'odnced. A NEW Arn CCTMPLETE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF ALL OUR MACHINES Is being publi shed, and will. be ready for ed.rly tlistrillutwu, fref;j to all n.pphcn.nts. z 0 I ~ Call early, and get bargains. High;:ist pdce pr.,id for ra·v fur1:!. King Street, BawmamiUe. tf-1 October, 1.t, 1800. MARKUS MAYER· · Bo"tvmanville, April 27th, 1870. ·- ---·--- -------TO GALL AT Ne'v U'igs, at 10 cts. per lb., FOR ~rung SALE ~ DON'T Prcsel'\ e youl' sight by using LAZARUS & JvIORlUS' perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses. I n1n the sole agent here for tbe1n, and find they give unh·ersal satw isfa;;tion. I believe thmn ver:y superior, and advise aU ·wlto want spectacles or eye glassrs that will strengthen their eyes, and nt the sa1ne tin1e be easy and pleasant to wear, to give these a tri·l. AAROJ:< BUOKLER, ngcnt for Bowmanville and vicinity. ni.o.32. ID.4 w. 7 AT SIMSON'S. ,, ·ee'n at J; M. BRIMACO)IB'S Denta second h a.ud Pia.nu Forte: A SPJ,E:\l"DlD a.t a baNain, 7 octa.ve, iron fra.uu:', over 4 round Rosewood Can oornerH, c;.aRo. JYIASON'S For Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Bells, &c., which for style, durability al\d eheapness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity 1'o those in .-\.RH. E A.RS, be "°-ould say Rooms. Bowman\'llle, Dec. 10th, 1870. 10-tf. FOR SALE. HE Old Bibi~ Cbri$trnn Chui·ch, Bowmanville.. This is a rare chance for any pa.rty wanting a fi r~ t-class Frame. larr.;e enough for · twn Two-story tenenlents. For pa.rticularrs.e1111uire at th~ OBSERVER Office) King Street, BoWILanville. m-n25. All our Machines .are warranted to cti ve satisfaction, and purchasers will have >in opportunity of testing them both in ]';lowing and Reaping, before they will be required to finally conc'.nde the purchase. Fm· filrlhe1· iHjo·1·11rntion, adSres~ T A full assortn1ent ofC1·oss& Blacklvell's Sauces, · · AT SIMSON'S. FARMERS, READ THIS I 10()0 liugton, SPRIKG P IGS W AK'fED in Dai" fill" t8 i l. IIow Ct\n we b e~t l. FOR SALE. or liber11.l discow1t f(W c~iah. G oo<.l titlea given. li'or furthl!r p&rticuln.rr:, apply to :l. YOU MUST PAY UPI l'ho:-.A Wlin hu;\·~ alreMly si:tt1ed, will I)leastt cept our hcnrty thanks, M- F. W. GLEN, l' RESIDh:N1', oa.-li-30 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, t:t the1n? A nl'I., lwin'~ yo·.1r Q,Ov;:s tn \V. 'V'El~Irv : s 'MPHOVfm . BIH."{SHll E BOAR.. cigh1::en n1ontl1 !i·o1d, on I.1ot, 27t1. , in the Gth Con., 1 .Jf 1Ja.\'Ungt1..111 , A. JlAH.E. CHANCE.. Fcur liuildivg Lots .J..'-1. for Sn.It', on Centi·e Street. Cheaµ on time, ,fAMF:S MUIR, BownH\Jl\1lle, Miweb 22nd, 187 1. S. MASON. 'Jk>WT1rn.t1vil1 e 1 Dco 3rd, 186H. nlO ' l