THE MEHCHANT, FIUDAY, I\lAY HJ, l871. ~::::::=::=:---=---=-----------....._ PLANTS FOR SALE. HOT BED AND COLD BED PLANTS. OABBAGE. THE EXCELSIOR. a f)UCCeSSful raid is clfl.ily looked fol' Bu·r t·lte Oll _ _ - ----· l)n;mium 1Flat Dutch, American impro\'Ctl S:.i.voy !{ed Dr\lmhead, large fur pickling. My' Cabba"'es took th.! :First Prize at; ~hi;, l~st l'l'ovincial !1'air. E Drumhead Robin:!:lon's Champion Prize O.d1a1·t, OAULIFLOWER. A11.LY YORK, Sl.lld '\Vinuing:statlt, Late ~Ia.1·b lehend; Ma.mmoth, Stone }iin5oll, 'EARLY -Half Parit<or Deniidttr. Lnte,. La No~oud Short Stemmed. L11e Itaj,ia.n Gi<lont, t.b.e Autumnal G ·ant. WATCH NiAKING, The Most Select Styles at Extremely Moderate Rates TOMATOES. the Great Chihuahua Urangefiel(l. !rfam m')nth Cluster, l{ey'1:1 Prolific~ tbt1 Ci-1ok's Favorite, El·rly Y m·k. Dwarf Scotch, Ln.rge R.ed, Bo~ton Market, the Ccl:c!bratl!d Tropl1y. _ Also:.~ JEWELRY nnd PANOY GOODS, the Alger, THE Gener::i.l G1·n.nt. the Plants. l!~cgee, vn.rhty of Uelery, Pt:pper, a.nd .lil;yw~r '!'hes~ plants will all be ready in their N e'\v l?igs, at 10 cts. pe1· lb., J . ·, Establishments fo1· whicl1 the Subscriber ha, n1'lde oxtenf:ll\'e prepal':"ttion, and ii:! prepnre<l to show the best SELECTION OF GOODS. Such a,s Watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Pla,ted Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands,,, Spoons, an cl :Forks, uutlery direct fro1n the Celebrated ":j_~~'t;0 Iu.d at Hig~inbotham's, some of tbti lea.din~ Grocery St·Jres, and at the Subscriber's Residcnoo. MOL]jli'..jOl.·) urrOR1'ER OF j\ifAOHINE WORKS, DRESS GOODS: OSHAWA, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1851. A very large Stock of · tf-n31 HARVEY DRAPER SPECIAL NEWS TIE Public are hereby informed tli.'l.t at MESSRS. RODGERS AND SON'S, SHEFFIELD, of the greatest :maguitude. T·his ~tock is the most complete iu quality, and variety, and is ~llo-..vcd by the best of authority, t.1 au11)ass all other llotte(:S llt!tween l\.fontrcal and Toronto. :i.- good assottment of ENGLISH AND FRENCH PRINTS. Hardware, Iron, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, and ElectroPlated Silver Ware. :.\!ANUFACTUREH of ·ll kind' of ENGLISH AND FRENCH MUSLINS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. .. THE JOSEPH HALL ELLIOTT'S STORE, TIN'V ARE and DEA.LER in A full assort1nent of Cross& IUack·well's Sauces, A 'l, SIJVlfSON'S. also a heautifn1 St-ock of POPLINS, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, l\l.Ca,nufa.oturing_ Com:pa.ny PROPRIETORS. Wedding Rings, Etc., AAlWN BUCKLEB, n6-tf Eowma.nville, Nov. 28th, 1870. UMBRELLAS, in Silk, Zanella, Gingham and Alpaca. GLOVES, LINEN SETS, &c., &c. HAMPTON, may be found a gt·and diaplay of -o--We desire to call attention to our CHOICE NEvV GOODS, at gren.tly REDUCED PRICES. New Cloths and Tweeds, New Dress Goods. Carri1ge Hardware, :Bent Stuff, S:pokes a.:n.d Hubs. ,JUST RE<.rnIVED TO I PUBLIC No. One and 1ivo Buckeye Combine.clR eape1· and ]dower, with Johnson's SeifRake hnpr011ecl for 1871. BR0'3. have made extensive alteration~ M URDOCH ses this season, and fitted up a lai·g~ in their premi- WALTER WIQQ . N i·cturning thanks to their nu1n1?rous Customers, n.nd the Public generally, for pnst fu.vors, would i·cspectfuUy invite t.beil' atten tion to our tH·csent stouk of Furnitut·e, a~ we have h't<.:ly added theruto, tli~t we may thcr~by be ena.bled to i.:upply all partie~ whn may plcai.:e: tu fr~vor us ,\'ith a. call GJeat -inducen1ents held out to tho:!e pllrc.:haaiug at onr ]~stabli rsli m ent. Pi<.:turcs. Looking Gla!!Be~, &c., fra1necl to orde"t, and in every sytlc. S.a.mplef of thcdi!Te1·et1t kir:.ds of )fouldings can he Reen a t lhe ¥/a.r e·roo1n. 'Vo would also beg to infonn you, tluit1 having1111rchased n. 1~<\. hrgo Assol'tment of 1 which is u~der tho management of Miss Mc'I'avish. This department will be found nnusally :ittractive, and replet~ with the SP ADE,$-Uarden, D;·cti.nfag, and Ditching, CORNISH SHOVBLS, New Factory Cottons. RAKBS, SOY1'11ES. New Linens. . FORKS, cincl c;ll kinds oj New Prints. 'Vi.! believe this inachine, as '\\~o now bu i!d it to he th~ most p erf<.-"ot ltJ::.\PEn au<l Mowrn e\·er yet olfured to th e pnblic of Cnnn.fln,. Among its many ::i,tlvantt'ge::i , ·we cMl attention to thu fol luwl ng : TT U.\.S NO GEAllS ON THE DRtVlNU 'VHEEM3, SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, which have been produced. Tbe Show Room is now open, and the ladies will do well to call aud ·examine . ,.,..e shall be rea.dy at time~, to attend l:'un£i1·a.b: on shoi't notice, and reasonable N. B. Coft'ins kept 11 on hand, and made to order, at the to~·m~. New Carpets. GARDEN AND FARMING TOOLS. NEW D01lflNION RBTAIL FURNI'lURE W.AR£'.R00Jlf. King Street :East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. :Fowke's Store. 48-tf. Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. T. DARLINGTON, HAVE Just recci\'Cd ~ New SltBetings. Enal>ling it to pass over UHL.l'shy or sandy ground 1vithout~clogging up the gearrng, thereby rendering it lcsc; lia.ble to breakage. It is furnii;hed with four kni vcs, two for n1owing a.nd two foi· reo..piug, one of which has a sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grahl 1 the other n. smooth edge for cutting grtiin in which there is grass or ::iee(l clover. ~ It has malleable guards both on the. ?-.fowcr --o-They have also enlarged their BUILDING TRADE. Special attention to this line. Nails, Locks, Hinges, Gla.~s, Sash, Putty, Paints, Oils, Yarnish os, Eave-troughs,Wiuclow,and Pictme Cords, ttncl Tassels, and evel'ything else required ; thus pl'escnting grcfl.t1;1r inducementi:s to buyors ~han any other house in the tr~de, which of it~ ~elf, is 110 ~mall ad v:iutage. Ohoic1J lot o[ New isupphes of GROCERIES, of thi: very best descriptiol1.. Stubborn Factso FACT NO. l. NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Bnr and R.eaper Ti~ble, ,\·ith the best cast l'Jteel Ledger Pl.ates. It is also furni!:lhed with our new PATENT TILTI~G TABLE fo1:_picking up lodged grain. This is the only rei.l.-lly vn.luable Tilt· ing Table offered on any <.;mnbined Reti.per and and l\Iower. 'l'he Table can be very easily rai$ed or lowered by the Dri\·er iu his seat without l:itopping his Team. '.l'his is one of the most il11portant improvements eif~cted in n.ny 1\-fachinc during- the pu1:1t two year~. Any one or n.11 of the A.nns of the Roal cm1 be to a<.:t aa Rake;; at the option of the Dri\' el\ by a Level' readily opor::i.tcd by his foot. The cutting a.ppa1·atus is irt§·outof the Machine, and the1·efore \\'hetbcr or l\fowing, the entire \York of the Machine iKuudel' the eye of the Driver whili: guiding his tcan1. 1rl'he ;fable is so constructed ns to gather the Grain into a Bundle btifort.l i~ ka\'C8 the Ta.ble,. and depoait it in a n1oro compact foi·m than other Iteel GROCERY DEP ART1\iENT, and will be found, as usual, well supplied. TEA. None better in tho market. J. GRAY Has by far the lurgest Stoek Tyrone, FACT NO. 2. ~f Goods in :Oates, Lemon, Orange a.nd. Citroi1 Feels, NUTS A la~ge imported Stock of I:< GREAT VAlUETY. Also Bo.rrds ttnd DoZ? of FRESH FIELD, AND GARDk.:N SEEDS Just received. Bowmanville, April 20th, 1811. nlvl chanic~ to Is 'it l'lght foi· e;-ood:looking Fa:rmers and MeIT? shlLbbily dressed, wb_en, at a yer~· lnllf pric e, tnl'Y can buy a neat fitting su1t at Elliott's? 'I'ht: La:l'iel'I an >WCk', No . Th<!n le~H·e your ordera in Hampton, 1tiay l, 1871. tim~. N".13.-FEATHERS FOR SALE. Has by far the grctttest Variety and t,he be8t ·Selected goods in Tyrone. FACT NO. 3. with nn nssortnicut of , ELLIOTT, Jr. :\.gent for Way & Downing's Patent Mangle. . JORN" McI,EOD '3owmanville, April 13. '71. · CHOICE BISCUITS. t h'l;)S J. GRAY Has by far the Clieape3t Goodg in Tyrone, quality being th0 test of clietipness. QUERY. How can these things be 1 ANSWER. Darlingtou baa again. l'Cceived al\other lot of celebrated l'U~E LE.AF TlilAS, n12-tf (. TO BE FOUND AT THE Quality is the 1'est of C1te"P""'· Bown:ian,,·ille, Dec, 22nd, 1870. '.1.'he 'fable is a.tta.chc<l to the l\ia.chine hoth in front :i.ud rear of the Drivi11g \Vhecl, which en· ables it to pass ove1· rough g round with 1nuch ¥;eater ease nnd les11 injnry to the Table. The Grain V\.7 heel Axle i>i 011 a line with the axle of the Drive VVhcel, '\'luQh ennblei;: it to turn the corners reaU.ily. The l{akes are drivon by Gearing instead of Chuins, anci, therefore, have a atc~cly, uniform motion; making them much less ha.hie to brea.k' in re· a3e on uneven groun<l, a.nd mol'e tegula1 moviug the The G earing is very simple, 1871 · A CjMPLETE .ASSORTMENT OF Tutsey Nene Wawwany Mecannis Ca Qu Oconiba. strong and dur11bk. v,.·ith 'l'ht! Eoxes are :\ll linP.d BABBIT METAL. NEVV SPRING (JO()])S AT THE BOWMAN VILLE J. GRAY · CLOTHING STORE. the Nowest Styles in Selects his own St.oak, buys h the best markets, huys largely for Cash, conducts his own business with less expense, has had neal'ly 20 years experience in Tyrone, knows exactly what the people want, and has just the Goods fo supply thofr wants, has very few unsaleable Goods. Tweeds and Coa.ti:ngs, suitable for J GRAY Reque~ts an early inspection to convince tlH' most h1credulous that the above are "STUB· BORN FACTS" which cannot be denied. J. GRAY, Regrets that a few plain Facts shoui\l h11,·e proved sc nauseous to an extremely sensitive lleighl.or. (.:iGloc folks hate fact,.) Spring and Summer Wear, which wi:l be made up in tho SIGN OF iRE :BIG · TllE CHEAPEST ARE THOSE SOLD BY 'f}rn '11 ~EA S MOST fASHIONABLE STYLE~. TORONTO TEA COMPANY, ,..<\Jl \Vork warranted, .and a aure fit. CHEAP. CHEAP. CHEAP. ..A.. f~w job lots in lteady.made Clothlng, fl.t less than half-price . ·- SPRING AND SUMMER. Or tlleir Agents. A single trial n.n<l compari· son with any other t cu.s, at the sarue prices, will prove thii:i. Our .?Oc. 'l'ea. will be found cquJ.l to nny at 6Jc. ; our UOc;. eriual to any · at 70c. ; our 80c. eqnal to any nt ~1. ; and onr $l 1-5recn equal to any, however hi~h the price clu11·gelL Our T eas sell from 50c. to SI. Jtipa.n {all un. colored) 50c. to 80c. All our Teas are sold for C&"lh, at wholeaale prices, iu half pound, pounU, and 5 pound packages. ' · malleable ci~stingf-1, \Vhcro they subj~ct to muc11 strain, luv;e been twice ~tnnealed, thereby rendering theo1 both tough anJ strung. Our Johnson l~llke is so constructed ~ts to ra.ise the Cain l:lO far above tho Grain Table that the does not interfc:re with the machinery of can be seen by calling- n.t the Shoo Store of the Rakes or Reels. Wt~ make tl1e abo\'c )1a· chine iu t"'O sizes-:t\' o. One, large size fur Farm· ers who havoa large tunonnt to reap-No. Two, rncdium irize for 1":'trti1~ra having morc ·use for !\ .l\f·)\\ter than for a l~eapcr. "\Vith the exceµ of diffc1·cnce in size, these ~lacll i nl}l{ a.1·e aimilar in every respect. Our No. 2 l\iachine supplies u. want heretofore unfilled, viz; i\. tncd ium bet he improved tween the Jnr. :tw-lo-i.vel' a.nd large combined M:\chiue, botll in size and price. VV e sha.ll dintl'ih· UNIVERSAL SHUTTLE SEWING ute onr sample mauhines in :tw-Ia.rch mnong our Agont..s t.hnt intending Purcl1asel'5 n1a.y lif!;ve .an MAOHINE. early 01;1mrtuuity of examining their n1crits,and we ·~uara.ntee that all Thlaohines shipptiil tltia sea;on shall be equal in quality ru1d finiHh to tlu; 1'.:C fl.l1ufactucrs challeuge Lhe \\7urld fol' the isa.inples exhibited by our Ago11ts.. 'V c in3000 dollarf! to produce a vite the public to withhold gi vin_g their_ orders w1til they lrn."·e had an opp01·tuu1ty of inspect· -.. . . ing our .!\'tachines,as we believe they are unsurpassed by any other tnachines ever yet offr;red that "till accompli~h wlu~t the on this continent. Vii' o also otl'!;!r a·mong ou\· othet Machines :- The part!'! are all numbcrC'd, so that tho l'C· pairs can be ordered by telegi·aph or otherwiae, by simply giving the numl~1·of the p::wt-wantcd. The1·e is nu side Draught in either rt>aping or mowing. n.nd the l\facbine is so pe1-fcctly balanced that there ia no prcsstu·e on tho Horse~' necka cithel' ·when or n1owing. All OUl' GOLDEN SEWING MACHINE S. :e. :B:aiADSlIAW, SEWING MACHINE l UNIVERSALNLWTIINE WILL - -:o: - - A lnil'ge Stock of THE BEST TEAS! It is const.l'ucto<l ou a new µrindpaJ, which renders it hy far the best :rt1:achine ever offered to the Public, it i~ Sin1p1e, Reliable, Durable, and Chenp. :J<;ach l\1-nchinc is \\".A.l'l"entcrl for five y1;1:1.r1;1, Johns41n's Self-raking Reaper, w. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, PARASOLS, Millinery. An assol'tment of Ha.ts, Bonnets, Te:ithers, &c., not to be excollecl in the Dominion, for Style, Quality and Price. A }t'i.1·st O/a~s Milline1· always in cdtM;da11ce. LOW EST PHlOES. \Veekly arrirnJ:; of NEW GOODS, Bownmnville, April 13 th , 1871. S. ll. BHAD8HAW, Agent. L:{AS NOW OPENED out n large portion of his Sprug Stock of Dry impl'oved for 1871, with two J.: Goods, of which he w~u l d call spenia l attention to ·the following knives, smooth and sickle edge, lines : and malleablo g<uucls. NECK-TIES & COLLARS. 1871 AI\-D SEE CALL Stock of the N cw and Splendid of the Toronto TeL~ Courpany n-re guaranteed pure M imported frotn China and The .Jap.nn. Fnr strength and fine flavor, they cannot btt excelled. All tested hefore being sold, and comprise the finest Tens which imported. '£e~.a Wood's Patent Self-Raking Reape1'. BOOTS AND SHOES if every <l~Bcription, n1ade to ordel', Sowed a.nd Pegged, warranted to fit, 01· no sotlo, the best of worluncn kept. ALSO, l\fen's and '\Vo1ncn'&, :E'clt-ovcti>, plain and }i'a.ncy. Also Slw1:Hn\.ke1·~ Findings, n. con1plete Stock a.lw::i.ys on hnn<l. u8-tf Bowmanville, Nov. 24th. 1870. BUCKEYE REAPER NO I, (with John son's Self-Rake.) DAVID FORBES. l3owma.11ville 1 l\{n.y 3,.1871, n2-tf --:o:-That tbc 'l'l.'aa of the 'l'oron to Tea Company give sa.ti.sfo.ction is the immen se trade \Ve are uow doin~ in then1. Farr1 ilit!s who tried them once, now get them reguln.rly, n.s they £nd they cannot get any sn-.;h ttm.s fo1· the inoney else. where. The Dest P1·oo:f BUCKEYE REAPER NO 2, (with Johnson's Self~lfake.) SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, j uat opened at the BOWMANVILLE DIVIDEND NO. 28. OTICE is hereby given, t11a.t a dividend of Fonr pe1· cent upon the Capita.I stock of thh Jnstitntion, fol' tho current hn.lf yeat', h a.s thi ~ <ln.y been declared, and that the sumc will bt payable at thti Bank a.nd its Braiichca on an· after TIIURHDAY, the tirst of JUNE next 'l'hc tran::;fer books will be closed from the 16tt tot!ie:.:H-:; t d3'yof )fay, both days inc1111>ive. :\otice is also gh·cn, that the Annuti.l Gener:t1 nie..:tin:; of tlie Rtf.1ck holders, for the Election o: Directora will Lti held at theil· Banking I-Iou~t in Bowm:un.·iilo on IvlONDAY, the FIFTH DAY tll? JUNE NEX'I', commt::ncing at tht: hour of 12 o'clock. unon, precistily. Notici'! i" further JJiving, that at fmch G-cner- N :a:A.'I' and. CA.l' STOitE. A1uong th e le:tdi11g Styles, will be fonnd t he --:o:- - 0. BOUNSALL, Ohio com'bined. Hand :Rak· ing Bea.per and. Mower. Oayuga Chief Jr., Mower. Buckeye Mower No. l· Buckeye 111ower NO· 2· Ball's Ohio Mower No. 1. Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake· Farmers' Favol'ite Gi·ain Drill. Ohampion Hay Tedder. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY invited to buy a small qua.ntity to 1871. NEW 1'11ft - 1 ~r ,~ ·yT . TIU~ Jl.'J.A RQ UJi..) Q)J' LORl,r; 1 I I MPOll'l'Elt, MAN lJ l·'ACT lJRE:R, a.r.d DEAT,EH. iu ~l the \'iwie-ties of ·- - - o - - - 1871. GOQDS. In to,vns where we have a·-('ent8, parties ru:e f.:CC how tlicy KING '\V ILLIAM GA l ike them. Afterwar<b they can buy more. In district.c:i where wr~ have no aJentl'.! 1 per~ons cnn \Yritc to us for samples of Teas of auy kind, at I a>;y price, and we will send them b~· mail, free. ' \'e send 20 lhs . or more tonny Rallroad D epot 'ID!oJll!li ft>'lr' .Ji, "1l'.c>.;f"'t..,,.. in Ontario, freight pniu,, and coll.ct through ..ill:>' Q·&T.lf.~£"\l""~"Sk, Exprcs.'i Agent., P ut up in half pQund, pouu<l 'J'Tr A and 5 pound pn.clrn,,~ea. 1\ddres8 all 01'tlers to J.~JBE /1, t'te 'l'U lll>N'l'U 'l'EA CO., 18G Yonug Street, f'oronto. GORTSCHAKOFF ., Italian & American Marble. A largt! choice selection of S U lll .ZJ.f E R - --o- - STOCKS CO.;\IPLETE AT l MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, always on h:.-,.nt1, of 8npcrior v.·orkn1a.uship, n.nd ut lowes t ]Jricei:!. Wl'oiight 01· Gast ]J'o.i f?,·11c'1',< AND OUR UELEBIUlTED ti.l An.uual ~Ieeting the propriet.y of incren.sinp the Capital stock: of t..he Rank, under the ityof the ..:\c.:t passed at the: last Session of th ~ Cambridge, &c., &c. In fa ct, Hnts to suit all. from 10 rents, up . Fo all can be suited. AGENTS m ~ ~ "!lP"'llo~..,.1"'"' BOW~ANVILLE, o. for enolo8iag bmJ"ln g lutR. Dom ini(lll P:wl iamout. intituletl ··An AcL l'P lating to B:iud:; & Danking,' will be taking into conf:!ideration . By order of t.lw Roa.I'd, VY'l#hi ~ ~ ~=\:#~ I'\,~,.;,.,-, Fttrniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on htiud, i.:.r wtought to ::irder. re~p1.:1.:tiu1l y Tcquestf'1l (\,t the work~. Hall Thresher and Separato1, I I ___ Call early, and get bargains· Jiigh(!st pric.:e paid for raw fuu>. '· D. FISHER, · MARKUS MAYER· \.Vho keep on hand ini.ckagcs of half pound, pound, o.n<l 5 pound c..vldie~. of all kind;;. l3owmanvillo. Oct. Z7th, 1870. n3-ly · J(i11g Octol)cr, 1st, 1869. Gretrtlv jrnproved for 1871 , with Street, Bownianville. either Pitt's, l'e'.ton, Planet,Woodtf-1 bury, or Hall's 8 or 10 horsepo'v~r. .J\ : call is j :aEAU'I'IFUL HATS, BONNl"1!1TS, FI..10\tVEl~S, Cashier. 01'T~RIO BANK Jiowmm1vil!e, 22 April, 1870. I l m·n30·4w. DON'T TO CALL AT FOR SALE. ll.A.RE CH.ANOE. l "'!uur lulildiug l,ots for Sale, on Centre Street.. Chc~p on tnne, or a liberal discount for Cash. Good titl e8 gi ven. For furthru· particul:u·a 1 apply to Bown1anville, !\{arch 22nd, 1871. A will be innde by the of BcJ\Vlll0tnville, th~ Province of Ontado, at its next Session, for au Act al1thorisi11g tho construction of a Railway from the waters of Lake Ontru·io, in the '!'own oi J3ow1nan \ ille, in the County of Durham, throu~h some parts oftl1e Townships of :pal'ling· ton, dlal'ke, Ca.rt wright, and !v!anvers, in . the "S! Connty of Durham, and _ tbe Town of Lind· s::i.y, and 'l'own~hips of Ops, Emily,Fencl.on and Ver·1law. to the Village of Boboaygeon, in the County of Vu:toria, thonco to the Goverumeut la11ds, and land~ of the· English LandC01upany, in the Conntie!:! of Victoria and Peterboro, and to amalgrunate or make arrangeinents with other Railways. OTICE is hor6by gh·eri, that application N Corporation the Town nf t.o the Legi$lature of NOTICE. '\Ve oh:.dl a.lso ofi\:1· fol' tho Fall Ln:.<lc, n new Clover 'l'b1·csber and J{nller, VC'ry much supr;ri· or to any other h('retofQ rc introduced. A 8truug, 4 1:nund SPl~ENDID &econd hand Pia,no Forte, at a barga.i n, 7 octave, iron fram(", over corner,.;, llosewoo<I ca.Fm. Cnn 10-tf. lV.IASON'f:J .rAMEs ~iurn, he ·een nt J. M. BRIMACO!IIB!S Denta R.ooms. Bowmauvllle, Dec. 10th, 1870. FOR SALE Bible Christian Church, BoYV1llall· a, for any pa.ity large enough furtwo Two·story tenementr-1. For p!trticultu·s,en· guire at the OBS.ERV.,...ER Office, l(ing Street, HE Old T ville. This is cha.nee \vanting a first-class ]:c"rame. B01l'l'.L.BnYille. m-n25. 11. CUBIT'!\ Aia.yo?-. l:i. VllNJ) ,.<\.'J~'I\ 'l'ow;i Clerk. :'2nll, 187l. FARMERS, READ THIS I W All'l' ED in Dal'4000 ?SPHING l'IGS 1871. lington, for your How Ctul Wf~ For Harness, --Saddles, Trunks, l !i being vuhli\;!hc<l, and will be ready for i:ia..1.'ly Valises, diatri but1on, free to all applieaut~. Whips, All our }fachiues warranted Preserve your sight l>y u;ing LAZARUS Bells, &c., & JHOltRIS' perfected Spr..ctncles am! Eye t.o oive satisfaction, and purchaSers which for style, durability and che;i,p· Glasses. I n1n tho.: .10Ie ageu t here will have aJl opportunity of tcstiog ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity o wing and Reaping, for then1, and find th ey gi,·e: nniversn.1 f'a t· them both in M. before they will ]Je required to finalisfo.ctivn. I believe thenl very eupe1·ior, To tho:ie in A.RllliAl{S, 1w wonld sa.y and advi"~ all wlio wa.nt spectacles or t:yc ly conclude the purchabe. A NEW AND COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED I GATALOCUE OF ALL OUR I MACHINES RIBBONS, --o--- &C. STYLISH m'do to order. ~IANTLES. Entirely new designs. THEM. - -o-- . ELEGANT :DRESSES and COSTUMES, CALL AND SEE .nov,:manvilli;, ~:larch YOU MUST PAY UP! S. MASON. l30·,,.,nA.11 villt1, D f.! j: ;3rd. lS<m. nlO gla..'>81'~ t. h at will :..,t rc11 gthc11 their eytW, and Fm· jwl"ilwr i.n/01·mcdio1,, adcl1·es8 -The ~ERCHANT" is the best [ .Jtclvei-LisingmeJium i11 WestDurlmm. , , h ..,,, I " Den:;r it, '\Y o can ~ J 1 best l'ho~1 get tben1 An~ .· bl'in~ SO\~lS to V\o'~. '\VERB.Y'S Gth Con., IMPP,OVED BIRKSHIUE BOAP.. eigh . the~ wbr. nhflru-ly kfltt li:d, will :,->ltla.<;e .:i,c. ccpt our lH'a.rty th::mks. ai t11 e .~: uui;; time 110 f;a~y und Ji1(~asnnt t.o For the newest, cl1eapest, n,1cl moc;t Fnshionu.ble goods, go to teen mouths ol<l, on Lot. 27th, iu wear, to givt; tJ;csca tl'iul. AAU.ON BUCT\:LE R, flgt> nL for Ba'lw111nr1vilic nud virinity. j u1.o.32.19.4w, F. Vl. GLEN, PRESIDENT, OSHA.WA, 01\TAHTO. Tl'awin's Temple of Fashion. Osha.wa, M:iy 7t.h. 1Sil. n53-l y of Dru:lin&tvn. t ont·l7-30 -