Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Jun 1871, p. 1

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, THE 11ERCIIAN'I AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C1rcula.tes largely 1n the rownsh ps of Da ling ton Clarke and Cm t vnght It :::i a co nmon platfo 'ID t WEST DURHAM Steam Job I'ri:nti:ng Office, I\.rna Sim r1 BoW)f ANVILLE o sm to t1 e f ee di.: Cl ss on of all quos h 1 t1 c gene nl 1 blic a e couce11 cd o~n ~EB,:.\IS Seventy five cents per annum in ad vance The :Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 R\..TES OF AD J'. U column Half do e.nn u AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. \OLl:ME II R R LOSCOMBE llU hTER IT LATf SOL10!1 OR JN OH 1 ~ ' I l POSTERS PAMPHLETS ClltCULA.RS BILL HEADS CiiEQUES 1\ OTES lIANDBJJI~ L!\.BE l ~ CARDS I1CKE1S BOWMAN"\IIIE ON11RIO FRT DAJ' JUNE J 1871 _ _ _J _ _ NUMBER XXXV l EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE &c &c &e · .f FTILij SlJPPLY. sllEl\DlD S~ l l llHJN S of rm WEEKLY GLOBE 1871 POETRY - - -- - Ode to the Stars UFl roi:: -0 er ?\1cClun0 s Store iln. uc H i.t as J ~1 Br1maco nl s Dental Ro1:tlJ ~ Bo roai 1llc Oct 27th 18U8 JAMES BIGHAM, &c li'a.ll a.nd 'W1nter Goods, AI " 1·0"Well~ ] J.i' & Mc Gee. R, tle E D \V _NICLJ~OD S, BARRISTERS ::;ollc1tors Conveyancers Notaries Publlc 0.F E CI,!J 1' GENERAL STORE, fi.XC(' rl gl d CL\l try !::)~to o J.30 ! A 0 e 01: CE U:J!l l r ;;t Joo uo th of LL l' ost OflicC-1 1'-fouey to loau ~t Jo v- at es of urt.w FOR CASH RELI ANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society J " I ~ IJL ISHED I840 C.\. A E 1 mrnL I l U B Mo J il ES ltt.:1 EDGE B \_ " 13 u :t All orrlerr; fu Bo vu an ille D ec l tl 18G9 BowmanVIlle Veterinary Surgery A J MARTIN RM 1' S GB t 10 Taillorin.g PROMPTLY EXECUTED CHIEF OF!' OKB ffice on K ne. Stre cast of Hen ]c -sous O Hotel Res denc Sc og lload o ne of ':Vell n gton Stieet Bo vn anvil e C 11.H / tua.Uy .attended to V ctenuiny rncd c es a Witij s on 1 and 1) bp n 20 o 8 131 SI JAMESS1REETMONT1UlAL l'c) \\.ALI.ER DJ R EC10RS SH '!..~Lt Esq 1.!i I Cl:.\ u w Alfi.a Agie-n Lfot tl e ell k1 o~ n LITERATURE CHILD OF THE WRECK THE SAILORS ORPHAN Not\\-J.thatn d ng t} e g eat cul ti c t :i. d 1mp1ovement of the ' ' eclcly Globe that ha t recently been mad~ l the s bse1 Qt on v 11 co tn etobe only 1WODOIIAI\S PER !1.N NU:J!.i pa~able ::tlV\aJ s J adva.J co n l the foll01"lng will be the lodl IA.1 ooje and to~ s1 e(.t no ton0 ue s tl e g cat Ir rognt i; e of nnocence an ex c npt on granted only to n ar1able ' l t e But guilt has al ays its terror a.nd solicitude nnd to make t yet mo c sl ameful a d det est able it s <l 01ned often to stand in awe of tl ose to vho n oth ng co 11 give nfl t-:nce or e ght but the puwe of bet tty g Jo N~O~ T DR DAVIDSON G Dur;c.1..N M cDoi:; 1 .Iii.sq MAJOR 1 I CaMPBELL<flo B St H1lanc ') u Ho ui; '1..BLE Jon'N tl..\.'lllLTO!i' H.1 ka burg 0 t HJ l:\IDEN'l SECRE1ARY -J"A>rns GR~~' HADU ATE of the Royal College of JJI y scans of En fa. d andUmveratyofV c SPECIAL FEATURES tor a. College Cobourg lJnd ~raduate an 1 I UH; EttT. El .KOFlTS belong to an l are d ,. , l p_!n;ema,n of the Un1vers Ly 0£ 'loronto and U nl ere ty of Q een a Collobe IGngaton ::\fem ed llJl ongst the Pol y l ol.ders 1Jer of the College of Phys cans and SI ,.eons Lrvxs DEC Ll~.ED nY O'T'HEll Co~1 r r;1.1::s or on <Qf Ontario Surgery and :f:,es denc on Kmg h ch an ext1 a Premi1 n. 'l ~v,ld be eq ti cd cat St eet seco i l loo cast of M1 J\-fay1 a be assu ed at t e ordinary ra-tes of thia SOCJ.ety II tel Bowrua ville Dec J5tl 18 0 nll in&o under a speckd ar ange nent FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SEWINC MACH1NE, · Enm·k·llim No ·t - MANUFACIUHES PRICES 24th 18 0 1 8 If OLUB RATES FOR 1871 oye& T H SWEETMAN, OVE"R ]'fl: l'EEN l E ~RS TE.ACHI:R li'i DA:R l\O'ION SrECil.L ~ON FORJ!'EITABLE POLICE:'! Hued DRUGS AND MEDICINES .\T TO E do lo Oommrns1one1 rn the Oourt of Oommon PleM Conveyancer &c &c De ds ~Io:rta~cs Leases Ag eemcnt ilia w th ace ra; \i an l lcspntch \VRITJ::;io A~D &c nder bioh only 10 15 or 20 A nual Pay ncnts are req ured ea®..,payment secur ng n. Pol cy fo1 n sum assured propo1t1onate to the nurnber of p cnuuma pad an l f eej & tut e JOO 17 00 32 00 4 00 t } ll'ty .:it 01 e Co o] lel R X.X:L -i:.tU~ DRl ~ Bowmanville Drug Store J HIGGINBOTHAM, pa mer t of pre n, ums ~ioD RA'.IE I RE:liIID.MS Ill l IUOBL lib e al CO i .BOOKKEEPING 'I \.UGHT M'ERCH!l.NTS BOOKS POSlED Of\ cc S ;\ ANGLE Lot No 14 '-' Con lyLJO Darl ngton BEAUIIFUL TEETH J I r.i: BRIMACOMBE L D S - d t1ona. Prospect .:iea l oposal ] onn,~ & s Pl li d on a.ppli at on at ti e H cad Umce or MlY of the Agenc C6 JAMESGJ ANl \GENJ 1' OR DO \~ MAN I' ITT E C B\RKEI\ OLse er Office King St - Res S !ta y 23-ly Bo vm uvillc Ju ~ ~4t1 n be of he Dental Aeeoc io t on of O Ilooms o e !t-JcCl m 0 Bros Rto Uo vu 3. ville Oct 1st 18 0 1 l ch :u e ~ure to g ve tl e "best sn.t sfru::t o Imperial Fire Insurance Co 01 LONDON A ell sclectc ] rstock of 1 Q] Ma~1ei. 1 stand J ;talllisl e l 1803 liE o UFf u - 1 0 1 B o I St I all !>.foll Loudou. F YOU RE \Ll Y \VAN'l "goo I Joint of \ r,1 c~ to meat fit to 1 l'1CC b fo ) o fr en fa c :.l l t :1Iont1oal c A <Ml :No 1 1\f r1 et B l ng!'! I Mn d !Otl 70 93ly E. Cawli:0r~ s DRUG'l C1:fl llJ CALS P IJ E~1 11f1DIC J~Et:! BRU[)HES CQMB"< cJ bHOUJJJ.EBBRICE':i !::JUPl'OBTEBS J I k vt o fSt tlJ oul a PE ... 1bt£E, 1 \ILOil Gentlemen s & Boys Ga1ruen ts \JH;NTY: .NE\\E~r SIYI~S .Do ri::tn e J l "'7 18<H'l P 111.T 1R...\1HSE S COLORS Insr ccto ( e Ageuts Mottcal nncl JVJ[[Jj LEAD R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent at tl e J lo ,t 1uc , Horses and Cattle Med1cmes Oll i:'> CHARLES TOD, DitEAD AND ~:tSCUIT I B~~KER. \JtAJI 10~1 I \l MONTHE \J PA.PED B-"'-GS PRICE:::; 'JlFlCl leu lo BOWMANVILLE ct al y \.tt Mont cnJ.P cei; I lerape i;o£ tle best~.1a.l it31 a d vc gua,1an tee that 1 one of th BagJJ st ck togetl e '1 he follo ng s the "lln HA v} NO>\ \. COMI'LE~ l us o 't l'f ment of P pe Bti...:,""8 ' l 1cl e ill sell at PRICE LIST PER !OOC J. Fletcher, GENERAL GROCER, No i 2 N STREE1 BOW1lANVILLE :EXr door -west of Dunstan e Fancy Store U you 1cqm e goo t and cl ea.1 goo ls g c hem ~ call 13owmo.n' lle 0 t 15t 1869 n3 Kl l'i'& 3 4 S 7.C by 7 51 8, 7 9 Sj lC 0 8~ 1\f:tniJJa. 95 " 6 hhJ Y 1' LANN EIS At S :E 'llLL S 7 10 14 20 9ij 8 AUCTIONEERS For the Tow iship of Da l gton 1' THE :HOI.I:OAYS. 30 Nu 8, JO 10 11 ll 12 13 14 14 14 JI UA 131 l!'i 15 1 17 H 1 PHILLIPS HAMP'lON p ompt attent on g c to anlo.., &c o a.ble te 111s en<J.On Bo vn aJJ.ville Dec 11-J 18 19 21 23 WHII E rEA l \GS 5~ 1 30 2 00 2 30 280 330 3o 4 9.._, 5 20 80 6GO 710 9 80 11 90 11 00 ~l B -o v 90 J 20 160 · 20 2 55 80 3 30 3 7o I 35 4 95 5 60 6 60 115Ri!S POU 18 l 8 ·· 10 00 1150 0 l:tnct ac1y tho cl b m I C BARKER J870 WlU. Barton, El:.JHSKILLE1V Sl\le1:1 promptly atteude l to on easonable t e -me. PROSPEarus 01 JHE 7 9 2 JO 9 "o St 10 2 8i 11 3 25 Sole Agent bet veen Port Hope and Io o N Il F lo r Sacks 1u Stock C BARKER ~------ ~ Size by 8j · FlHESIDE FRIE.ND A ~1ontbly I enod cal !or the Home Cu cle Devoted to L Wrature S01en..:e Health Amu~e ment and Useful I1 form ation Gontammg Forty e ght three column pa0 es to KING ~T BOVi MANVILLE EGS to announce to the p lbl c that she is the numbe filled m b. cl o ce sto1ies Bketcbes nd poems from the pene of best Wl'ltc1s 1n no v openu g a cho ce select on of Ai e ca l\.rt1cle!! on Sc cntific subJects health }1011 1VETS JfATS a d reform RlBBOl\D~ FLOWERS A depa tn ent fo1 the cl il lre filled 'v th FEATHERS VBLTJTS n Lr ct ve and <1i UBlJ'Jg articles A ~faso:o. c depa tment contm 1 1g val a.Lie nd 'J1LLTNER1 fo1mat1ou to the members of tl e b. aterruty n ...,elle al vh1 h v 11 be sold at tl e lo est l os leropcro.nce del :li tmcnt in hich Wlll bo ad !'able p ce vacated those prrnc ples without l cl tl e '6 canbenola.Jpj homeso r uemorala }3 iJ I 111 t Sc aps and D o,mol <l~ of Ibougl t ga.the ed from correspo dents anl otl f: BOU -ces S lk Velvet o Stia.w Bon eta clean l &c and rurangcd with ca -e :nak tg t emu ently as usual s ted for the Home C rcle of e ery fa.m ly u thelrl no manvJlle Oct 1st ioon tf 1 1 'll ltMS-C \lSJ! IN ADV NCE lfJ1ylyar .OO 3oop· o OO 4copea 600 I~EiUl'D .B'i 5 co11es 1 1 one to 0 etter up 8 00 Soop es 12 00 11 t.:Dl CR l(i 00 9 0 00 14 cop es £.ov; manv1lle Doc 10 186~ YaluaQl p csCl ts g ve to the 0 ctte -s p of clubs at the iegular s bsc lphon price 2 00 per annu n 81 cc men co1 cs sent ! ee to any u.d EVERYTHING Mrs. C. :SOtTNSAt.L, lN 11 at t\1 s SEASON Ir/J B Jol n l\f ~1 ol l sta1 J B7\G BO!r ~IA\FILLE POBT HOPE LHDHY ~ BEAV/iJBrDN RICHARD MARTIN RA l L \\A Y l'ra na will ru 0 M follows M UL I tA N GO l\O 80 TH In\ tcs tl e atte i t10 of the I bl c t) t e fact Lon that he s pre pa o 1 lo f.iUI ph man fact le Arr i:..fte tl e n ost a.pi '0vcU taste L n hmy n.t at p 01 t Ho[ e MIXJIJD J 9lballl lQ [ llJ PIES lARTS Len. o L dsay Ar o ntPortFI re ML-XF.D ROBERT ARMOUR Al\D CONFECTIONERY I ca e In t lfopc a.t A c t l u 11-l ay at CASH FOR WOOL r111IE a HlG HES'l ash p ce w ll be prud lo an o nt of i\fe x:hai ta.ble ool t the letter11 rel t to d el:!~e l to tl c I bl i;;l e 1 88 '.\..ll J '\ '.A~ N \M E:B. sI CSi) of e e y pt1on vholesaJe & id retl\. I All PORT pe -so s vho req re ~oo l pwit y ~ill do ~ell to g1 e h1m it oo.lL J.WPE AND PETERl onouan 1010 a. m 12 35 µ m lAILWAY bl '.It be ;td R L II.. lLiON HIE BEST TEMPF.R..\J\Clt DR!NhS DURHAM lost Offi.ceTiox49o9 New York WOOLEN IJul ~iILLS lo Vick's Floral Guide for 1871 GENERAL GROOERlES Jn h e epa tment he cn.n prO'in:ptly meet tl e I ea. e Pete bmoa.t Arr ve at Port Ho1 van t~ of h fr en d.H: ~ 0 RONO. Roll Catdrn., Spmnmg Cloth Diessmg Cloth "1 uufact n 0 l o n1 tly ::it c <led to CRO="KHIIE ~ (rOI JJO )[ J ,ti 18 0 as ra ;1.t " l an 1 l xxv -~I l:IO E JJon t lo gel 11 e Jllu e 'iu ro ol l stnnd Bo onn v lle Ap ol 27th 1869 Sent Cents On'l~ Paper a c ~<lm J.lre La v bee \me a 'al tcd benefactres~ to the J 001 of l er ne gl bo1hoo l "nd y of t e 1 the l l ss ng of tl use rl o vere 1en ly to perish t:ame upo1 her Tl e t1 1 e tor her nea s and a genero s bea1 t '° tted to be tl c A few onl} of those splenc hcl BbSl I.N THE MARKEI hun<l Ct SELIU to ente1 college had r en ly i ved ~hen one J ay e t rn ng fron1 o. l de he su son1c ch ldren r unn1 g to ~aids cottn!"')e an] D \:"\ lDJ>ON b s em lle1:1 de e to K ng Sttt1~t ,l3uc;.1kl e1 J e elrv Hto e D l Rochester N Y TWEED SHIRTS at S :I!' HILL S I A g~od Stook o e -0ry fe'\\ daYH 1 fie h Plli s () BARKEU ec1ean ng great terro He 1 stru tlv sp tT l his horse to get bet~ ee1 thern and the object ot the r fear t hatever 1t 1u1ght be In a 1n1nute 01 t~o be ~aw a f :tl'IOUS l

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