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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Jun 1871, p. 3

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THE MEltCHANT, FRIDAY, J U:'fF, 9, 1871. ====:c;;,~.-:: -======o=========-· SPECI1lL NEWS THE Public are hereby iuforme<l that nt ELLIOTT'S STORE, THE A NEW EX CEI1S I0R.' 1871. .LY E 1V No War: with Russia, l;T n. sucCf'.ssful raid is daily looked for on the MAY. ·---o,--- 1871. GOODS. 8 U 1tI J.lI E R ---o-- - INDIA TEA, B ARRIVALS FROlVI CALCUTTA. STOCKS COMPLETE AT THE HAMPTON, 1nay be found a grand t1isplay of WATCH Ef.JLalJlisl.itn~lLL..; f\11AKING, I :BEATJ'TIFTJ'L MILLINERY. I JEWELRY t;nd :FANCY GOODS, f1>r -which tlw Subst:i'ibcr ha 1n ·1dc extensive prcpa.ration, ~tntl is r rc..:par ed to ~lww the Lest CHOICE NEW GOODS, at greatly HATS, BO_ NNBTS, REDUCED PRICES. SELECTION OF GOODS, New Cloths and Tweeds, ~ ew J. MCLEOD IMPORTER OF A New nrticle of Ten, grown in India, fresh, and the first in this part of Camida. Very fine in flavol', and extra stl'ength. ' OF ENGLISH QROWTII. TRY rrE1l Also a fine assortment of China Teas, consisting of Y 0\rng Hyson, Gunpowder, and Black, of all prices. Such as Watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Elccto Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands;. Spoons, and Forks, vutlery direct frmn Ute C debr·a.~c\l ~lAOJIINE VVoRI{S, &C. ESTABLISIIED 1851. · FL0\7VERS, RIBBONS -·o--- Dress Goods. .MESS/IS. JWJJGHRS AND SON'S, SiiJt'.li'.ft'f},) L D, vf the greatest in11gnit udc, Th is l'i to ck iB the llh)ot umn]Jletc in C}nflility, nncl vn.rkty, and is allowt.:cl by the ber>t of authority, t:i s~11m.::!.:< all uthcr I-louses betwe en ::\f011 b:t:al mid 'lo:rc,nto. a guod a;:;~t"}rtmcut 0£ New linens. N r,w Carpet;,. New S!teetings. Hardware, Iron, Paints, Oils, New Prints. Window Glass, and ElectroNew Factory Cottons. Plated Silver Ware. MANUF ACTUREll of all kinds of srr~YLISH ~IANTLES. --o-- l'lenty of that favorite 50 Cent Tea, T .. E. SIM. SO)!, Bowmnnville,} SIMSON DBOS., Oobawa, General Gtot:el'~. THE JOSEPH HALL T·INW ARE! and DEffiL'ER. in of AT T. E. SIMSON'Sa I S I L VER ~tl:;o S :P 0 0 N S, Stouk of ELEGANT DRESSES and. COSTUMES, made to order. UALL Manufacturing ComJ?a.ny PROPRIETORS. Entirely new designs. 1'HEM. a be~tntifnl AND SEE N cw supphe~ STOVES, Bowmanvillc, J\me 1st, 1871. Wedding Rings, Etc., .A. A.110.::f :BUCIZT..J:r;u., 'Bow1nnnv i1l e, Ko\·. 28th, 1870. For the newest, cheapest , and most Fashionable goods, go to Trewin's Temple of Fashion. Oshawa, ]\fay 7th, 1871. n.53-1 y \Ve desire to call attmition to om GROCERIES, Ha.rd.ware, :Sent of tht: ve1-y best desuription. Stu:ff, Spokes and. Hubs. None bettet' in t11e!1nark(:t. .JUST JjEUEIVED TO T_HE PUBLIC ' ' WALTER WIGG & SON, · · 1871 · A COMl'LETE ASSOEL'I'MEN'I' OF U ;o No. One and 'Two Buckeye Coin binedReaper and .111ower, with Jo/mson's SeifRak@i111prm1ed f or 1871. 1 a it ~haDics0to go shnbhily <lressed, wh.en. at n _ very r io];t for e,'Ooll:loo1d.n~ 1\_ ))1J:n1c1"'? aw.1 l\'[e- ... l· ·tr, :\.. ·t c:\.Lt:>C .L l:)~Ul inen , t f O ' ' N 1etmning to tlieit HlJlll8l'OU1:$ and the rublic·,gen_crally, f.,r past favOl t;, would iespot:tfully invite their atteut10n to our present stock o,f :E urn1tuni, itl3 we lia"e J,1,,L1Jy II ad~led the1·e1.o, thi1t ,.,-e may therJby be enabled to ~upply ~!l 1>::1.1trn1:1v.;ho1n~y please to f!1vor tiu~nk s ou~to1Jlerii, le.a' price, they can buy i~ n c;i,t f1ttuig 1;1u1t at )1lliott:s ? rrhe I~adies n.ns>ver, No. 'l'hen lea Yo your ordel'.;i :' n time . .lL 1~;LLI 011'1', Jr. r:3P ~1DES-Gcircle?l Draining aiid lJi.tching, CORNISH SHOVELS, RAKES, SCY'l'HES, FORKS, and all Tcinds of GARDEN AND FARMING TOOLS· . . v,ith a call. Great inducementfl held out to those pm·chas1ng a.~ our EstaLli13luuent. P1;.:tu 11.:l;l , L01.>kiug Glasses, &c., f1amed to order, a.nd it~ every sytle, Sa.~11lef of thed1ffc1 c11~ k1 ucb of 1 1\-Iouldings can be seen at lbe "\Vare-1 oon1 Y\ e wuidd ;;i.l~n heg to infonn you, that, having J lUL· chased a ' N]jJW Sl)RING G·OODS AT THE SPLENDID NE"\V HEARSE, \.\t"e believe this inn.chine, 3.:'l 'wc JJ/> w bui:d it to he the most perfl:'ct. l~EAPRR and Movi' Ell ever yet offered to the i111blic of Oanacla. .A1n01lg jts ·n<i.11 .f a.dvauta.ges, we cn.ll ~ittcu tion to th!:\ following : IT HAS i.~o GE.ARB 0 ?>-THE DnTVJ ~C \VHE l<~J.$ , (}OLDEN T. DARLINGTON, 4Hf. Harnpton, l\iay 1, 187J. PLANTS FOR SALE. HOT BED AND GOLD BED PLANTS. . )Ia.r"lilel11~a.(l; 1\fammoth, 8tonc I\fason, 'IJ r·utuhcad 1 llobi11so11'J:\ Gham11ion Pl'izc Oxh_t1 ;rt, :Prentium }'la.t lh1kh, ..A,1nerican improved Sa.vov lted Dru1nhentl, la.Tge f (ll" pic1{1iug. ~fj·) Ca.bba:.;es took th"2 l!'irst rrize a,t the lae;t Provincial Fair. we i;;hall be reu.dy at a.ll tin1es, to attend Funerals, on short notice, a.nJ reasonable te1·ms. N. B , Coffins k_cpt ' on hand, and made to order, a.t the · NEW D011UNION RE1'AlL FURNI'l.URE WARE-lWOAf. King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. ·E 1 ..:\_'f\.LY- CABBAGE. YOill{, and \\Tinningstadt, Lt~Le BUILDING TRADE .. Special attention to this line. Nails, Locks, Hinges, Glass, Sash, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Eave-tl'oughs,Window,and Picture Cords, and Tassels, and everything else required ; thus presenting ~'Teater indncemtints to buyers tha.n :i.ny other how:it' ht the trade, which of it~~lf, is no small a\lvn.ntage. Osha.wa, Aug. 2Gth, 18·70. CAULIFLOWER. Stubborn Facts. NEW FRUITS, FACT NO. 1. Raisins, Currants, Fig-s, A.RLY.-Ha1f :Paris or Dcmidur. Late.'La. N o'rmm,i<l Short Stt·m1w-x1. J,he Italian Giant, the Autu1nnaJ G-iant. E TOMATOES. · IIE a ene.ral Gra.ut, the Fegcc, the Alger, T the Great Chihuahua Orange:field, D.fam· xuonth Cluster, l{ey's Ptolific, the Cook's B'a.vorite , Early York, Dwa.rfScutch, Large 11.ed, ]3o.r;t on !tlarket, the Cclchrn.ted Trophy. Alr;o a varit:ty of Cele~y, l'epper, and .:E'lowi:x Plants. rrhe 5e plants \nil a.11 be ren.tly u1 tbeU" ~ t·:.t!;;Oll . ')'o be ha.d ;a.t :Nlr. fligginbotham'a, sorn.e tif t he. lea~ln~ C:·rocery Stores, and u.t the Subscnber s l"es1dence. tf·n3.l HAR.VEY DRAP~rn. 1 J. GRAY Has by far the largest Stock ,.f Goods rn Tyrone, ]'ACT NO. 2. :Oates, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, NUTS IN CRl,A'l' J\1llo B arrels nutl VARIET Y. of J · GRAY J. GRAY' Dnx~$ K.B.-]'EATHERS FOR SALE. !Ins by far the greatesL Vrtriety nnd the best Selected goods in Tyrone. FACT NO. 3. Has by far the ·Cheapest Goods m 'ryronc, quality being the test of chetipness. QUERY. Bea-u:tif·ul Candies§ wilh nn it~!:i<ir tmcnt of Agent for Way & Downing's Patent Mangle. JOHN MuLEOD 13ow1n;~.uvi.1le, CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington h:i.:! 1·c1.:ci n ·tl ;\U u~her lnL of th<Jes -\IV. H ~ic IVIURTRY April 13. '71. PURE LEAF TEAS, (JuaUt?J 'h lhc Te;;t (if Clu!apnc.~ .~ - AS NOW OPENED out a large portion of his :Stock of Dry Goods, of which he wwld call special attention to the following lines : 'fO BE ~'OlJND How ca.n tliese things be 1 ANSWER DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, PARASOLS, Millinery. An assortment of Hats, Bonnets, :Feathers, &c., not to be excelled in the Dominion, for Style, Quality and Price. A P·i.n t Olas8 Miliine1' o,lwaya in attendance. LO.WJ£S'I' I'RlCES. Weekly tuTivnls of NEW GOODS. Bowmanville, April 18th, 1871. { Huwrn:lnville, Dec. 22nd, J870. AT THE J. GRAY J GRAY BOWIVIANVILLE CLOrt1FlING STORE. the ~ r;wci:!t Selects his own Stuck, buys in the best markets, buys largely for, conducts his own business with less expense, l1as had nercrl y 20 years experience in Tyrone, knows exactly wh>tt the people want, and ha.s JUSt the Goods to supply their wants, !ms very few unsaleable Goods. Tutsey Nene Wawwany Mecannis C<t Qu Oconiba. E!J11bling it t<: pasa o-rer mar&hy nt fia.ndy grouud w1t~ou~ up the gea.riug, thereby rendering it le&'> lutblo to break~e. Tt fo furnish· ed with four kniv es, two f01· mowing and h-..·o for reaping, one of \vhicb has a sickle edr>e for cutting ripe, clean g-rain, the other n. s':nooth edg-e for cutting- gniin in which thei·e ie gras~ or !>eed clover. It has nialleable g nards both on th!) :i\fowcr Bar and Reaper Table, with the best ea$l 1> Ltid~er Pla.tcs. It is also furnished with our new PA'IEKT "1111 TING T .na.E for plcki1~g lll) lo11t:-e<l grain. This is t he only really valuable ~tiil"t i;lg Table offe1·~d u~, any con1bincd R ea.rer ai.11 and ~fower. '!he ] a,hle o:in ]Jt;J very ca.51ly nns· ed or lowered by the Driver in his sent without stopping his Team. 'J'hi8 is on e of the n1ost in1 (~)·taut iw provtnnents effected in anv lvLwhine during tho pnst two yeai-s. " A u y oue or all of tl1e Arms of the Reel cn.u be to act M Rakes at the option of tbtl Driver, by a Level' l-eadily npera.tetl by his foot. The cutting n.p1)anit us is in front of tho b-Ia.chino, and therefore whether R eaping or 1fowincr the entire work of the 'rvlachine is undcl' the e),'e of the lh·iver while g uiding his L~u. 1n: The Table is so constructed i~l'.I to gather the Grain into t\. Bundle before it loaves the 'l'iible, and depo~it it in n. 1nore co1npact form. than auy other Red Rake. The Table iis attached to t hi:: ].f aehine both in front a.nd rear of th~ Dri\·ing ~Vheel, whiuh t:lD· ables it to ·pMs over rough g1·0 1n1 ll with inuch greater case and le1>s injury tu the Table. Th e Grain "Vhed .Axle i.1i on a line with the nxle of t he T>l'i ,1e \.Yhed, which enable::: it to turn the corners reovlil,y. The ll1~kc:-1 are driven by Gearing instead uI Chains, and, therefore, '-" steady, uniforn1 motion; rnakiug thtim tnnch Jer.s li<J.,bie to break· age on t1ncven grou nd, and n101·e regular in removing the Gra.iu. 'J'he G-e:nir1g i::.: very simplt-, .Htrong and (hirah lc. '!'he Boxes are all lin ~d with BABBIT METAL. Styk.s iu Tweeds and Coatings, suit;.i.Ule (01' Hcquests an early inspection lo convince tho most, incl'edulous that the 1 1bove are "STUBBORN FACTS" which cnnnot be denied. J. GHAT, RegreLs that a f:,~ plai.n l<acts shoukl. lmvc pro_vcd su nauseous to im ex tremely eens1hvc ne1ghbol'. (Some folks hate lade.) ==================~- SEWING MACHINE e<HL 1VIURDOUH BROS. SPRINGSTOCK J:~ EW SPRING STOCK of F ASHION:SLE 0-00DS. Loe SCGll by calling- at the :)ho..: St.un : of Spring and Summer Wear, \vhid1 will be up in tl1e SIG-N OF THE :BIO- 'I'IlE CHEAFEST ;\HE THOSE SOLD BY THE TE _LL\_ S ! Ll 1 1J irnprovt~rl MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. .All ,vork warrn.J1tu<l, awl ;.l,. TORONTO TEA COMPANY, Or their- Age·nts. A sing-le t_ ri<tl a.utl comparison with any other tens, u.t the same iirict>tS, will p1·ove this, Our 50c. Tea. will be found c~al to any at 60c. · our 60c. equal to any at 1 Oc. ; our SOe, eq1.rn.i to any a.t $1. ; and our $1 green eciual to a.n.v, ho,vever high the 1irice i:;hu.rged. Our B~nck rt'eafi Hell froro liOc. tv $1. J11!no.n (:-:i.JJ 11 )J· colo1·ed) 50c. to 80c. .All our Tca.s are soltl for CA."lh, a.t \Vhole~ a.Je pri CeH 1 in }rnlf p O lllld, f·Oll WJ, and 5 polllld pat!kages. UNIVERSAL SHU'rTLE SEWING MACHINE. th<J Xiim~u f rtct11crn The Most Select Styles at Extremely Moderate Rates 1$Ul'O Gt. chrtllenge the \ ·V-01'11.l fu r JOOO dollnr:o to ,pl'otluec a SEWING MACHIN:E that v:ill itecum plish whilt tlw CHEAP. CHEAP. CHEAP. .A. few j ob lots in l~,e1uly.n1a~le Clothing, at losf:! thnn h[~lf-pnce. UNIVERSAL MACffINE WILL It is cour-;Lr11t.:k!l on u. 111: 11' 11riucip11.l, "\Yh i_ cl1 renderr; it h~y far the best }1nebinc ~ver offered to the I'uL lic, it is t:)imple, ilt·lialile: Dur·ablu, anti Chen.p. Eth:h li'L~chin e is warrcntcd for tive year ~ . S. TI. BDADSTTA.\-V, Agent. DRESS GOODS A very large Stock of Tho parts aro all numbcrl.'d, so tlrnt th1;; pairs can be orderod by telegraph or otherwi$e by sin1ply bri ving the nuriiher of the p::i.rt wan te 1t'. 'l~hcre ii:$ no side Dl'aught i11 either l't' apin"' 01 n1owing, and the l\1:achinc i1:1 so perfectlv 0 bi:tla.nccd that there if~ no pressure on U1e J-for~es' necks eithe1· when reaping or mowing. ..01.ll our rnaHe.a.blc castings wherr. they a.:ro i:;ubject t1) much sti·ain, have been tvdcti anuealecl, thereby rendorill'~ them 'both tough and strong. Ori1· Johnson :n..ake is so cou stnwted a.s to 1-aise the Can1 80 fa!" a.Love the Grain 1':ible that th e Grain does not intel'fC r(! wi th the lU.f~chinery of the Rakes or Reels. 'Ve make the n.bov e ~!\in. chine in two sizes-);ro, One, large size for li'a1:n1. el's ,..,.ho have a la.rgc un1onnt to i·oa.p- N:'o . '1'wo · mcdiu1n size £01· :11'1.Lnners hu.ving 1nore use for ~ l\fo~\'~r than ~or~ ]leaper. \Vit!1 the exc ~·ption of thHerence 111 81zo, these l\.fachuws are R1mihw in every r~spect. 0 1n· No. 2 M.-1.c:hine snpplie~ a want heretofore unfillecl, vfa: .A. medium llt:· twetln tl1e Jnr. Mower :~ncll.'.l,,rge norubined :i\fn,. uhine, both in size and price. "\V~c shall cHstributc our sample lll:\uhines in 1'i!a.rch a1non"' onr Agents, tbat intending Purchasers 1n11y ha~e an early opp01tunity of examining t}J ei r u1e1·its,antl we guarantee that all l\:ladllnes ~hirped this season shall be. e9ual in q uality mid finish to the samples exh1b1tcd by oul' Age1lt.<.1. \'{e invite the public tu withhold giving their order~ until they luLvc had an opportu1tity o ( j111:$p~<.:t · ing our 1\-Ia.uLines,as '"'e bdieve they ~re unsurpassed by any other n1achiues ever yet offered 011 thi!:i uontinent. "\Ve 11.lS<t offer [<filoncr ou1· 0 other )fuchincs :- UJ. ... Johnson's Self-raking Reaper, improved for · 1871, with two knives, smooth nnd sickle edge, and malleable guard>. Wood's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. SPRING AND SUMMER. --:o:-- -."'i... laroc Stock of NECK-TIES & COLLA~S . H THE BEST TEASI ENGLISH AND FRENCH PRINTS. ENGLISH AND FRENCJI 1"J!fUSLINS. DAVID FORBES. 130'.vtnanvllle, fi.{r-i.y 3, 1871. n2·tf p 18'7'1 The Teas of the Toronto 'l1eo. Omnpo.ny arc g_uaranteed pure as irnputted frotn China and Japan. For strength and fiue flavor, th ey cannot be excelled. .All tested before being sold, t1ind comprise the finest rrcn.s which lll'L: itnpu1·ted. BOOTS AND SHOES if every rlcscription, to onter, Sow ed nrnl P egged, wa r1 ·i~ uLc(l t u llL) or 1w flalc, the lie::it of w'orkn1cn kept. ALSO l\f~tt'8 and \>Yo1uen'I!, l1'dt-ovcrs, p}t\in anci F1.H1cy. .Alflo Shocma.kcrf> }'jnt1ingl:$ 1 a cornplete Sto..:k a.l \;,'n.ys ua J1and . J3own1a.n vi Uc, )l'o~·. ~-tth . JS70. BLACK AND COJ.OltED SILKS. POPLTNS, IIOSlRRY, PL1RASOLS, BUCKE:YE REAPER NO I, (with Johnson's SeH~Rake.) Na.viga.tio:n Co. 10lt Toronto. lln-mllton, Cuhonrg, IGngston, 1 ~ Gan::iuoque Hrockvillo, J'n~s<:ott,C01·nw:J.ll, D..iauho.rnoi~, '~fontreu.l, direct, without 'l'ran~ f>hip1nent. This magnificent Line is co1npoii1~d of th_e fol1owin" ]'iL·&t·\'·1aas Stt!ilU/.crs, c;,ud will, nnt1l furtlwr t~otil';e, <4~ uude1· :Coreican, 0;;.p t. ]'ai.l'grieve, ~ioutl:'Ly ' " Sirnlf:lon, '.r u(-S. a [.:1,g11et·, "l:"XT 1 Coriutbian, " ·Dull OJl, Y~ el· Spiu·t 1t11, " l{elly, 'rhur. P assport, Sinclair, F riday .King8t011, l"a.ri·ell, Bat. Leu.viug Port DarUngto11 \\rh<tl'f every evening. a t 3 o'ulv0k 1 (f?un<l [\,ys exccpt~d)_ fur Montn:nl n.ntl i uter:n\etliatt~_ Pn1 ·t.o;, µas~1n15 throug_ h nil UH: lt11p:ds of the . St. Lawrence a.nd Thou l"fLn d Ish1ud ~ , b v dayligl1 t. F or 'l' oronto,~and l{111nilton,le av~ every mo1·11ing at 3 o'drn;k, ('l'ue~da.y ~xccpted) 'For ll'rci"ht i~n~l 'l'wkets, n,ppJ_x to " ' Tl:lOMi\.S CHRISTIE. .Ayent. Hn\\"Tua11.ville, lvin.y 12tb, 1871 . r\ P ir.:>t-cl:t"i,j 01\,rriage. n. ca.reful UJ?.vcr, will lens11 lI~nder;,on's IIotd, in the_1uor~nn.~ B, at 2::30, rt111! 1~veniugs at 4:::10 I"u.rt10H .wish~ng - to be called for, wi.ll plea.o;e to leave nc.:~~oo w1tb th o.! ~'\gent. 3... ·tf . 0 0 ~ z P-t · CALL ..:\ND Stock of SEJ~ the New ;i.nd Splendid - - :o:- That the Teas of the 'l'oxonto Tea. Company give s:itisfactiou is the innnensc trado \Ve are now doing in them. Fan1iliea who tried the1n onc:e, now J{l;lt th~m reguln.rly, a-9 they find they c11,nnot get a11y i:iuch tea.~ fm· the Jru )JJr.y cbewbAre. SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, ju5t opened !tt the Best Proof UMBHELL.AS, in Silk, Zanella, Gingham and Alpaca. GLOVES, LiliEN SETS, &:c., &:c. BUCKEYE REAPER NO 2 (with J ;ilmson's Self~R;i,ke.) BOWMANVILLE ~.\.mong Jl8·tf HA 'I' and CAI' STOBE. THY the leading Styles, will be found the MLJRQUid OP LORN, - -:o:- - BEFORE YOU BUY C. M ,\N17F ACTURI:R, and I MI.'01\T}:R. DE.1.\.LER in all the vati··tie'3 of ---o--.lV.1. ses thi s sen.~on, and fitted tip o. large Ohio combined. Ha.ncl. liaki:ng :Rea.per and. Mower. Cayuga Chief Jr., Mower. Buckeye Mower No. l· Buckeye Mower No. 2. Ball's Ohio Mower No. I. Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmers' Favorite Grain Drill. . Champion Hay Tedder. GORTSCHAKOFF, KING vVILLIAJYI, DISXABCK~ GAJ111JETTA, Ca~bridge, all can be suited. In towni:J where \Ve have a.gents, po.rtics are i~~ited to buy a small quantity to ::;eo how th~y hke thorn. .Aitcrwfl.rds they can bny more. ln dfatrict1:J wher"t:: w~ 1nwe IJO agents, pen!ons cru1 write to us for samples of Teas of any kind, at n.ny 1n·ice, we will !:\end tlwui by Ina.ii, fret-1. We send 20 lbs. or more to any Rallroad Depot in Ontario, freight paid, and collect through Expr_ess _<\.gent. Put up in half pound, pound, and 5 pound pack'!ffes, Address all orders to the rl'Ol~ON'J'O T1·;A. CO., 180 ) '.01mg Str·P.t;t, l\ ;fURDOCH BHOS. have made extensive nltemtiong in their prem- Italian & American Marble. A hrge n.ud choice selection nf MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES, always on haud, of: ~mpcr.irn· 'Yorkrunnllliip, m1 <l f'ot lo1v est prices. l'oronto. Wrongld &c., &c. - - :o:- - 01· Cast fron Fences for fmcl o::in.g hurying k·tf.(. ....'\. call is which is nnder the nH1nagement of Miss McTavish. This d~partmcnt wi 11. be found unusally >tttrnctive, nnd repleLe ·with the .AND OUR CHLEBRA1'ED AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE, In fact, Hats to suit all. fro1n 10 cents, up. So Yellowlees & Quick, \Vho keep on 11and packages of half pound, pound, nnd 5 pound caddies, of all kinds. . . Bownmnvillo, Oc..t. 27th, 1870. n3-ly Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on band, 0r wrough t to order. respectfully requested n.t the worl :9, Hall Thresher and Separato1, which have been produced. Tr e Show Room is now open, ttnd the bdi es will do well to call. and exu.n1in e. --o-'l'liey have also enlnrged their Gre11tly improved for 1871, with either Pitt'~, Pelton, Plu,net,Woodbury, Ol' Hall's 8 or 10 1>0rsepow~r. Call early, and get bargains. Higheist price for· l'fl,W furs. J({n_q 6tn;i:t-, lJot!nnati1n:Ue October, l f!·I., 186'.J. tf-1 MARKUS MAYER· Dowmanville, April 27th, 1870. FOR SALE. TO UALL A'l' c~~e. o_~ei· FOR SALE t o the LegiRlu~urc :Province of Ontario, a.t its ue~t 8ess10J1_ , ~nr an .A ut a.uthorfaing the construut11;in ~f a J{a;i~w~y from the ·water~ of Lake Outarrn, in the lo-wu nf J~uwman · ille, in the CountJ'. of _J)urh~1n, thron.!'h some pa.its of the TU\\'nah1 psv1 D~rlin ;::· t ··!l, (.'!arkt", Cartwright, and 1\il~~ve1-s, 11_1 .the b.-~ l Vonnty of ll u rha1u, a,nd th~ lo~vn of Lindsay, and 'l \ 1 wnsh-ips of Ops, ;Etruly,l:! e11 elo_n and Vc111-la.m . to the. Village of Bobc..:ayvenn, in the Uot.."ltty of V 11,;toria. th~~rne ~c, the Governm~nt lJinLlri ~nd lands of the Englil:$h Land Company, in th~ Couuties of \'ictoria and reterboru, and to or make running arrningeruents with othct R~~ilw;.i,ys. given, that NO'l'ICE will Jnadc hy th e Corpor:.ttiun of tht.! Town of Bowmunville, of the b~ is h en1hy NOTICE. npplica.tion . PLENDID second hanll Piano Forte, A Sat a bargain, 7 oota.vo, iron franlE>, strun,.,. 4 round coxneri:\, H.-0se\vood Can or a. ()H_;' _\..NCE. I'our Lots A lfor S;1.l1·, un Cic:n t.r·e Rt.revt. Che:1.p rm turw, jbcrn.l discount fo r Cash. Good title:; gi vcn. J{_A_H.]~ . lmil(lini; We shall n.lso ofiet for tho Fn.ll trade, a ne:fW Clover 'fhl'esJ1er and 1-Inller, very 1nnch sup el'i.or to any other heretofore intl'ndttcQd. bo ,.';,;, at J. M . BRD1AC011B-S Denta Rooms. . .. IO tf Bowrnnnvllle, Dec. 10th, 1810. · . For H11rness, Saddles, J\£ASON'S rrruuk:s, \raliscs, F or further p~~rlii.;ulars, apv ly to -lA.1\IES l\llTIH, no,vman\·ille, :.\I ar cli 22nd, 1871. FOR SALE t:!iu11g~l two 'Two-story te11~men'ts. } or pnirt.1cuhu s.enquire at the OBSERVER Office-, Ku1g Streeti Bo\\·n.a.nville. m·n25. GROCERY DEPARTMENT ~ml A NEW AND COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF ALL OUR MACHINES I~ b~ing published, a.nd will be re<1.dy for t'arly distnbution, free to :i.11 ap1Jiicnut~. HE Old Bible Christian Church, Bo··;·nna.n· T ville. Thi-;; is a. rare for any pa,rty wanting a :first-class Frame, .,large foi· ~ance ll'. CUBIT1\ Mapo1'. lt. \.VINJ).1.\1"1\ Town Clerk. - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - FARMERS, READ THIS I SPR.TNG J'IGS WANTED in Dar. 4000 lington, for 1871.. llow can we best get them ? ' i-r "'{l:TEill">"U'!S . .<\..nR., bring- youl' SO"\VS \.o -Vv. ~-~ · · ".L IMPHOVllD ll L.RKSI-IIRE BO All, e<gh· teen months old, on L ot, 27L1J, in the 6th Con., Whips, rreservc your r.ight by n si n~ LAZA.It1JS Bells, &c., & I\IORRIS' perfected 811ei.;tacles a.nc1 ,E~ve which for style, durability and cheap· Glaescs . I :u n the sole n.ge11t here ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity for thern, ai1J find t.hey giv e 11niYersu.l satTo those in ARRE.A.HS, ho would s:iy will be fonncl, as usuaJ, well slipplied. ~~~owmanville, "\f arch i"'2nd, . 1871~ YOU MUST PAY UP! Thof;e wl1() li: ~v e isfu;.; tiun . I bclie\·c t.hcnJ v~t'Y s· .t1Jel'i1n, and ndvhe all who waut speetowles or eye glaS8r'S il1 v, t will .'5tn:vgLheu Uicil' ryes, and A large imported Stock of FRESH FIELD, AND GARDEN SEEDS Just received. Bowmanville, April 20th, 1871, All our M1tchines are warra.nted to_. give satisfaction, and purchasers will liave a!1 oppo1~unity of te~ting them both m ~owmg ·and Reaping, before they will be required to finally conclude the purchase. . Foi· further ·infrmnation, address The ":YIER CHA"NT " i~ ~he best advei-lisingmed iumin W estDurh am. "Denv it' who can 1" 1 . I J uk t».lly ~e tLlecl, will cept our hen.i·ty t hnnk:i. ~>lea~1;1 :-i.~~ S. :YIASON. BowIDAnville, Dt:c 3rd. 1869. nlO of Darlington. · at the came 'time be eac;y nncl plea;;n.nt to wea.Ti to gb-e tlie2ea trhtl. .AA.RON BUCJl{. LEJt, ngtHtL for Bo\YUHt uville and vidn iLy. rn. o.32.1 0. 4w. F. W. GLEN, 1 Iv PRESIDEN1', OSHAWA, ONTARIO. om.17-30

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