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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Jun 1871, p. 4

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TH E AGRICULTURAL. MEH.CFL\NT, FIUD,,,.\.Y, JUNE 9, 1.S71. ._,.,.. ) bas hall experience with the pot nto con Rtitution; bard subst1111ccs hav e often slip: bug sin<:c 1805: n2sc1-ts tho.t , t hough dcstructi vc, ped in 1 and caused the necessity of p11inful, t here i'I by no means n,ny d anger of thc1r telitin:i · dang eru u~, and e x pct1 ~ivo opcrri.tions t o fish 1 or The Colorado Potato Bug. l.Y.:i.unibiln.tiug the crop. IIc say s : cut them out j third , t he -..~·ax i "! ruanufactcd by Ou r experience her e has been thn,t their fi r!:it nature to g uard th e entrance fro.rn d ust, iusccl:s (F rom tho JJ etroit F r ee P1:css.) unset is th~ worst nnd 1no::;t destructive. After and unmodifi ed cool airi and wll.;n it has suba DESClHPTTO.K OF THE Ilt:G. t hat they are not much dre11ded a1~d con· i:'crved its putpo;:e 1 it beco1n cs tlry, se;;iJy, light , Tho C(ilorado potato bi.~g , as t h e i r....eect is pop· t rolled wlth very little trouble. In 18!36 V.'e be· and in t h is condition is easily pushed outside by I ula.rly known, ·bas com1 uonced h is r a vas-cs in gan to think potato-growing ina r-it he aba;ndoncd new for n1a.ti01)>: of v:a.x 'vithiu. Occasionally I thifS region. It ia ll'1orc strictly n beetle, and in s.outhe111 Iowa. In 1870 '\VO ·had the wax m ay ha,r d-en n,nd \nay interfere \Yith t h e j known to JJ atur:.ilh ts as the Do i'1J phor(' deetm la.rgcr.; t crrip evei· gro\vn ; though the bu.._~s ; hu t tvbe11 this ii;> the case, it is the p art lineata, so called f1 ·01n t he fa.ct tha.t tLe win ga were · very abundunt . Last fall potatoes of wi ~ dou1 to cm1<11d t u ph ysician, n.nd k't h im cout~in ten black longit udin nl stripes. There were ver y abuuduut ; t;Old un the l:3tr~t:t!) <leterwine ·vhat i'l the n1:'1.t ter, r.,nd what thti fa an othel' iirnect nln1ost exactly tJirnilttr in (ol'n1 , at 2.)c to 30u p;;;r bu~hel for pead1blowa. iemedy ; if one cann ot be hitd~ t he on ly t:iafe coh1r, and size to t he bug, b ut t.:hiefiy :&Tr.\ '\~inter~'s stat c1ncnt, that these bugs £:at plan is to lut fall in to the ear, th ree or four found in th 1~ S ot~ thern StEt,t e~. where tl1cy feed toma to le a.ve3, agr ees with t ha.t of Dr. :E'itch, J.rop:; of tepid \1·at<: l', n igh t and morning ; t he upon potato es and egg·plc.nt.s. your State Ent o1nologist , but is a ltoget her con- srdiva i s still b t:ttet , fol" it i8 .f!nft er, and ntore b ·ary t o onr experience here. In 18136, aftel' penetrating , b ut gly1_;erin e is preferable t o eith~ S(!:\!I'.l'FTING OF ,\ T il ~\ vr::r.r;ro:n. The true Oulor bug orig1na.ted in the exterminat ing t he potato vinef:l , they attacked er; it is 0 1w of th (~ bl n,n (l f's ~ fl ni(l s in n~. t ure, and A VING assumed the business h~ tely canfod on u nder the n a me awl :tro.tcs the h:;.rdst \\'a.x , coOls ! l{ocky ~fo untains, and ha!! b een gradu:illy mo.k- tom ato stalka an d stripped them of their \' l'l'Y r ;:1,pidl y pen c ~J_ s tyle of " Consa u! '"" Co.," aml having h ad nearly gree11 b<i . . rk & C(ll'\ ~i tl ent. b le di~t iiuce, b ut nen:lr the l_)arts, :ind l'e~torc':i the111 to lHmhh~ ul c.on* I ing its \\.o·a-y ea~tward . It8 in·ogre£s in t his di· \Yhen JJOt " ilH!.5 i,.yere all ditio11. If in o. "'C{)k there iB uot ""dec1dcd 1n1rect ion h as been esthuat ed at t he r ate of fifty tou~lt ti J a lt!af, Jniler; a yE::ar. D r. YV;.i!Hh, of Iowa,. cnJ cul;.tted, gone, they swarrr1ed nll O\'l,ff the d wclli~gs, barn s, pro ven1cn t in the hearinis) !lJ·Jllic:tl ad vice ought 1 T\V.ENTY YEARS EXPEUI.ENCE IN in 1867, tli;.~t the b ug would relwh the ..-'\.tlantic ii,.nd outh uuses, in my.i1.ada. No one could st ep or t0 be h ad at oueei a b next to t h ·J ay e~, the ea,r is wi th < 111l j)le fa ci lities for Lh e Fea b: 1ri,t 1l iu 1880, b ut l:lt er oh~ erv a L i o n ::i l'J how ::iit down wit hout c.:rmiliing then1. \ Ve began t.o th e n1o&t delic1tt~ ori;~·n l'f Ui ·i l)ody,- -JiuU'11 t ha,t L11 ey tru.ven;e t he country a.t double t he thiuk !\ plague lik e tho:;e of Egypt had come ou J ou1·1lo.l of llea.lth. i-1pel:ld h<: fig ured on, if not nwre. TL.e proba· the l~u1d, but our f ~ar ,,; wcre lH;t r e<.t hzed. Our ground ~eenv; f ull of th em no w. This ir; in Liliti:; tire t hat. t he ad vance guacrd (,f t1 e ar my u: t hey e1 nerge of b ugs will 1·ea el1 \ Ve:-tern New York t hiH sum* the s ear:on to destroy the alt ult ::;, c r-,- C J\.N -~\.D .A . , i1l the Dni:rL<sH Allll~Ill C,\N nv·r. :'l.'"1'1 f' tl;q + frprn th:i.t -., ground early from the ground and com1nen ce coup Ung. This Goon 'l'EM I'LA H, dc,,-oted to 'l \:rnpe-r .:1..n ce, E dlie r1n.tters l1irnself Ll rnt he can offer }1..bly con l lL.:Xt Kp:-iri g. I n that cvac next season will find may be done Y.'ith 1~arig green ini:x ed wit b !Jlaf!.t- 11catiou, 11.ncl J{eli giou ~ 'Litcr <tture. duct~1d. Tssoeil 1nonthly. r. 1\~rrn:,, payalJle in t hem deva~t f1 ting the :fielde as far ns the ter nr a..<\hes or 1ncal. Car~· a.ncl vi gilance on the advance,2.:Jcts a yt::1r ; fi vo.:- uopic&$1.00 ; t>v1;:nty part of culti vators are all thnt ic; ncce;or:-ary to J.Ind30U. copies, $3.7~; Dfty c o vies, ~ tl. OJ .. Po8l age pre ~ k eep th is p est -..vithln boun d ~ , Fl l.CU l\DI'l' Y A)llJ B ;\JHT3 . p.i.iJ , Sp t: c:JJ (le11 :~ r t C:(', J-\d ~·c i-t 1 ~e u1m 1t :< , lOct H per lin c, Ag~nt ~ want ed , t~·ruu1 lib\:!'al. ..,'\_1 ]. 1 T hc egg.:, are deposited by t h e female to th ~ 1.8 '.L'HE lllJQ P 0 1SONOW:5 ? drc;,r:i nu mber of ~e \· cn hundr ed (according to Dr. ' ' BRI1'1SH .A.11.:ER!f.'AN G o o n TE~ l rL.'l.R: " Much has been said tthout the poisi.C!ns nature ITcnry Schirmer ) at inten'afo diJJ,:ing fort y rlayi;, Pt:t el'borough , Ont t l<e trade, west of t h e Ci L y of .i'lfontreal, and n1o·n321!:1-0 n\ of t he hug. It is a.d1 n itted thr.t ~~ bite fr o1n the on the lea'l'es of t he potat oes in r;omev·hat reguhe lv>pes 1 .hat by iusect may be y oisonous, 1.lndcr certain coudil arly n.rran:;ed clust i: i rrs. After the lapse of fl,b o11t tions. Th e best a nthoritic:) aJree tha.t JJ O ill ~;ix days tlw_y hatch into la.i' \'::e, which ft!ed u p · i effcctr3 foll ow fronl. cn11:; hiug thu bu t{S in t he on tlie foliage of t he }Jlant a.bou t SO\' O nt eon 1 _ . nnd fol' S<i.lo at tho OBSERVE R BOOK . J' lhiys. T hey then descend to t h e gi·ound, \vhore 111~nd. P eople--:--i.u1lesi:! the _tlesb is n1Jra,ded·- ST ORE, a sup;)ly of . c1tange tn · t o pupa: a t ti 1 f f tl ' n eed uol be afraul 0£ going tnt'> t he field and th ey e i:;ur a ce o · ie ! · · ., · h lie nnt,y rneri L lL fair .~ h a re c1f p ublic pa tronage. HOOK S , earth . The perfect beet le appears abou t t en , k1lhng B ,s inan y a.s t hey lJleasc. '\Vn~le t i:,y Howman ville, ) Jnrch 1 7, 1871. n 24-ly 1 jnc1 ndir:g F r ench, Greek, and L a.tin Cla11a t d f t tb · f · rmctl uia.v be picked off by hand with iinpun1t y, t h ay . t o tour ·cen ::tys 11 er e pnprr:: is o , 1 JO· , · · Book s, J'oln1 1.s of J<:ng'l<~nd, &1:. gins to pai1· in about acv cn da ys, and on the , need IK·t be cn18h e<l by th~· fing-er:S. C. J3 A.P~KER . four tccuth day cnn1u1cn ccs to deposit cggs1 t hrns SEND FOH THE r eq uiring nbou t fifty days from egg t o egg ag aiu . T h is period niny, huwc ver, var y some acco1 ·ding Ji,,t of the '°' STLYER TONGUE " to t he state of t he \Veath er~ and t ha abun tlanc~i About Our Shoes. or paucity of food '"hen in the la.rvoc titat e. : ORGANS :'rlLEODEONS From four to 6\'o broods ar e h:.i.tched out d ut·· T hat there are seriouB defect s in the n1ethod:o .ing the l:lea,son. 'fb c colol' of the eggs is IL dllVP I of ma.king sh oe,:i ,nnd in tho patt o1·ns 1 is p ainful iu orang e~; t!le l.?.l'Vtl'.: are cr ea1n colored, wi t]) ~ ly e'n forceJ upon ~u wh o have to ·ve:H' t hent. bl nck lH;a.d; the fh·~ t j (jint i$ light colo t"ed, But it is a n1a.tter of .a1mo;:;t equal difficulty to 1' . A . CT No. 1. etl ~;ed wi L h bl::i.01, , <tud along- tl1e .-id 1 .!$ i!; 1 1 . g-et shoes inade of a corr('Ct p attern, and to in· :Lntc Cttl'h al't & ~~ce dh n1n }) his own double )·ow of black epo te ; th.e Jegs rn:e bhv.:k . duc a the public to adopt thein wear them F A O'I.' N o 2. Tho Cvlori:: dn p 0tal:o-liug ccme.':I out of t.hc whc11 .n1ade. '\Ye have already quoted sensibk1 ground iu the ~ p1'io g when th e pot ato pl;.i.nt h t:- re1narks :in d pr~'l.ctica.l dir"tions by D1·. Dio Buys and sclb them in his own mune. l~ STA BLI$fiTW JN l 846. gins to develope its len-..·es. I t winters 01 ·c1· in "Lew is upon tJ1is subject. It is n iore el~bor:.i.tdy FAC~ ' Ko. 3. t he b ug :!itate und comeG 011t u o i m pr eP, 1 rn.t ~ d. conhldered in v., treatiso on the " Dre~ s nnd T he eggs, to the number of t weuty-fi ve or of t he ] 'eet, " -which has been published hy ~Ir. Don't on Commission, aud t hirty, are dcp o~ ited on t he under ~ i d c of the s ~muel lt W ells, of this city. In this work, Originators and Sole }la,nufacturors not to undersold. leaves. the strltcture of t he feet a.nd legs i.s considered N,\.T t'IlAL ENEMIES. anatomically,in detail. and practical ~uggestions There ara a. n1trnber of i 11 ~ect s i,.vJ1ich iwcy upon are offered to ward the shaping of shoes to meet of thP. t he potato hng. tb.e nee ds and not pr12vent the developmtont of tc1 sincere thanks, to the .A. rnong the~o arc t h o a fo.dy·bil'd1t," or t\:i t.hey a perfect foot. inhabitants of TY and surrounding country, for the are inore popular ly k nown . · " lady-bug. " The Th e concl usion is reached tho,t all our p1"tlscnt CELEB1lATED SII,\l ER TOl-iG-tTE eggs of lady.bir ds are ·very mnch lik e t h ose of habitll- and ways of clre:: ;s in£" t he feet tend, n:1o; c li benil I'a.tronage he has received since commencing bu siness, and now t he Colorado potat o.bug in color, bu t are s1nall- Ol' lese, dire ctly an d stron gly towa r1l distortion begs to say t hat he has on hand a SPL EKDID A SSORTMENT of er an<l r.ot eo H1D..1.l .Y' in a cluster. Care :':i hDuld of t h em ; · 11 t h at t he comm.on Bole, by being be taken not to tlcstr oy them, t1.s they t h e cur ved ,.,.here it should be ~trui ght - on it s inside n1ost · dc~trnct.iYe to ~he potato -bug of any of line-in evit ably d i·a\Y~ the gr eat t oe to onti sid~ , thdr int>eot en emies. The spined so ldi e r -bug~ antl all the toes too clofJely t ogether, p ushing E. P . NE EDH AM & SON t he browu sq na;sb ·buz, t he bordereil soldier.bug ou t the joint, cr e.~til'.l g co111s between and outnud the many ·bnuded r obber-b1 ;g all p rey upon siclr. the t oes, and l ame(leF.le or bunion . at the the lai·,·a-i of the Colorado p otat o-bug. 13csi<l cs joint itself; that this tendency is increa.<ied by Pl'll I, I SH t:11!f:: C, which ar e a.11 t n1e bngs H etcrO)Jteni, t here str aight c.nd n arron··toed soles ; th11t it is rn:::d 1.) :; !'. ix beetles-C'o!eopt1a-which , according to still \ \' Orse by high heels , wh ich pitch t he foot )fr. Glenn, nre kno' ':n to be t he. crinnibii.l foes fa.rfcu·wa:rd ; while the practic e of wcad.ugboot;; of the pest iferous pot ato·bug, Luth in tlie larvre and shoes that t.irc too short, m tkes yet another \ " THE SIL Y EH, TONGC'E" nn_d beetle st nte. TL cst> a~r e t ho \Tirginian t ig<;:r adcUtion toward th e protect ion of t he wl1ole bad t beetle, t h o strived < 1..n d a:sh-gray blisteL· b eetle, r~su lt. So also it is seen tltat t he ol<l* fashione d in fad, th e lal'gest m1d besb Msortm en t nf goods eve r offer ed rn Tyrone, tho fiery, t he elon.;:l.te and t be n1u rky ,trxou nd !->hqr t h eels, ~o hJng warn, ha Ye had an 'infitH·r.ce all of which he offers at b eetl e~. in pr oducing t he brok~n down arch of t he flat ) .a.ND J :J . ~0<:n1 i.;,:; AG ,U :-I S'I' T Lfl~ lJ> RAVA.GEE!. foot ; ·while other defects in t he con~trnction of 'I AST ONISIJIN (; LO TV PRICES POR CASH, 0 1· Jr'm ·m<Jn l'1·o,£1cce, · c11t· t hll foot 's C O\'crlng n1::i.nifest then1 selres hr cn.l" A great 1 nany prcpara tionr; b eon inv c d to d ei;il l'O)' t his lt1 araildci· 011 the pot o.toffolds. lo~it ier:i ~11 t he heel and instep , t he ~urning over which will he ta,ken in ex clmnge ""t the highest Market value. Oflt;A1VJS1'S I~lf Pf.:JiTUlt:V. The · 1 inc ipal iug1·edi0nt in all is th e powder ed to ono. s1de,and ~he pre~si.~~e, gqll~czn1g,and ii Jl,f 02IIIL Y 1 ·1 AG1ZlNE , ' J'. K also begs to say t lmt h ,;- has n ow prepared to furnish Gentl emaJl's · p p · I · f ' eral d1F.\eomfort m the fit . · · · · pa1nt know n r .i,:, l:tl'l:::l gi·eeu. t ~ poisonou. ':i e · 1 F or 0rgan·plaJ' CJ'5 11.·.nrl the u1usie-lovhlg clothing. in first-class st,yl e, by " firs t-ch~s tail or, nt a.scouishino- low f1>Ct opon th~ plant is obviated by t.hc adtnix\l'he clw.l-ge l$ 8.usta~ned §L!,; Ulnet .high heds, 8 t.m·r ·n~o.d-iug pllblic g~n<.·rully. figur e8, and W'1rranted a good fj t or n o sale. P , f t' · ·1· t 'l'J e Pftl'iil gre(·Ji IH' i t hat they ne c ess~nlv giv e an u nn.:tt nral c;harac,,n re n o 1 ;er ingl'el ten fl . t , · i ,. . ~ f d ll' .B.-Don't forget the place, J:.imP,s E ll iott's Cbc:.p Store, '.l'v rom'. cordiJl.i; to JJrice, is rnor e or less pure . l fnadul· 1 t~r Lo th~ f:! tep, because the h ee:_ of th e. oot , ocs Tyro ne, Od., 6th, H\70. nl ter nt.ed it F.hc~ild be mi x~d wi t h four, .fi\·o or six ~,ot i.:OU~~ nerir th e sur~a~!'.\ as !\ a.t~rl'.! lntenucd. J tiiucs tL.<.J q_lli:tl't ti t.y of ftoui·, 11,shcr., cuJ..;in~ll plaa- J he we 1t{ht of the b o ~) is thro1, ..o ~oo much O n l y 50 Centi; p o r Y c v,1· t~~ r anJ. liine. T he mor e i t. can be diluteil with · upon tl1 e forward pa.rt of the foot, which ·wonl~ nut di:Jsi;roying its efl;1c:1cy , 00 much the Jess ex· 1-1e i;:nl · ]Jk~ly to have. E:: oi:ie tend~ncy to-..vv.. rn Only 50 Cants per . Y~ax I p en si ve will it be, and tho lea~ i ujurioH~ to the b1·e~; n g i t dow n , 'vlulc it pre v ~nt.s . that v e~·y O n l y 50 Ce n t s poi· Ye a r ! -.,· jn~a, nnd the less dan gerous t o the op~rato r. . spr111g. npo~ th~ ball an<l toe~ w~ 1ch IS the ln ost f) .\ ;l. fP f, E (;01' 'f ) l ..!..11, U: Jl }~Jtl' :~,: ~' 1 · 0 ,\ N Y rrof. 0. ' ""· ltiley, St 2vt e Bntcnn ologil'lt. , of ef:~entiu.l tbtU,!{ lU gracef~ll \\' ~Wk1~1g. ' . 11.;DDH ES ..\, JYli :::;;oUii, .i;tates thore , is i:;ur.:h a deinn.ud for au ;I"..;.rdi:),,:ei·fl of ~ho es :Y rll fi nd 1uuts ~I valut: 111 an t idote t hat t;ev~ d parties in ' t hu.t an<l other· ~Pll n v.1 nG' olx~ i; : ," \' ri, t 10n"I: tl1~ (1uallty 1,l~e rl ed State~ hav e bc1;.n ptopnring different inixturt!f:l. 1 i '.Y.111 l lac:t:d, b nck ie<l, or l:n.1t toucd f.]i.oi.::s 1_~ cfo.s* · gn · :e11 , J1 ] t , .. ., ::; ~ 011 " .:i.r v· o f. · :i.11 (If !.:(;: \ y n..t t;h L.: 1 . " f.i, e tl )nug1, ,._ . · m1k k 1 r1r J.u~tcp, such a('j rn posP ans Se nd t.o the ofiice of J . P. JUCE tbeni. P refei·ence "'tH! given iO ilvur a...:i n. m;1. ,,., ::.:sed a t () JtC p1\j \; t tL.e rui kle- ?yth~ C o~gre5s. Bwwn SL., Bow mm1v ille, Solo t erial lo ntix ·w ith the green , a 6 t he bug)J W · Juld ' }~ ~·c at <.H1 ,' ~u 1 ~ :~:.:: wo uld be .ga111ed if t his el!ts· 1 . : \. gent, 0 1· to t.1--1 0 , .,. i· e~ c1 · 1 ,. ' [, Ji·,,! rec"mrrwn c kd it t1 c1tv couht L . · o '. "· ~<JI.l<le d do· w n (:)V ell t o th e Jall :I l:la~Jv inor e ..... 1 ~v . -· ~ ' v ._ . ~. · · · LIVO Vf) a.go. llti h:ttl also w . ietl c~n·h olic a cid 011 JO lnt.. Onld p\irposti uf it L':I t o.give fre~ pla.y 1 : u ge..' t it of :Jn ch strsngth t o t he 1n ust.:lW:1 of the leg and anldo , and ::I~ o .a.1- . soa,p: found it diffo: uH L th at woulU kiil \.)1" li LL(-!' , 1 i1l! .. 1..1 t. i 11 j nring the l~ 'v t he f~)ot. t o l1Dgthen aud . J;l)l't'tt d w1 L.J ~out 1 viiiu: 1 1 ( ~ ii ,d lict.n a 'l ~u·I J.,n.,. niuch flour lnndrance , as 1 tsa.rj~he s cxptu) d 1.1 ti cl ~r the w1_; tght j OF sl)oul;1 1 c ,1,.,,;! ·,·.: jt,l) · ":1,, ).l;r e'.;JJ. and he replied of t Le bu<ly i11 ' valkix1 g or stancli og ; aJ'l(l fLn oth· ) J n~n· 1 h ,n t ·i ~ w ul\·1 · ; , : Ht~ ~\>as best. If the)· er is to kl'1)11 t he upper closely dr awn over all J1:£d p 1; 1 e green t1J eJ' wou ld iu ix it -..v ith t·venty j part s of t he foot ankle or le_ g , -..~hen ~he i~r~lwE:. p.<t~ '°L d ,if fl our. i~.s f:!OO ll at:i t.he beetles or the f al' C contracted, antl the IUUsc.le::; l !l active, R,~ 111 a l:tn·;:e eat t he grc!;:' n , th(; wol·k is done. ' state of re1:1L ; both ~Lj~c L;:!-eft.':\<.l, tu t he foot, .- . . I an~1 u(~t~u ty uf G t- be11 1g ~ec111·e d l1 y the sr.t.nie . l~ \:c::y ~nc nnrnt ~~UOY>' t hat ~ana green. l iJ a : r.nea,n ~. fhtt:k k a1 1d bttl,tu11 g1.d.t.1~ 1 ·s fot ge ntle · 143, 115 & 117 EAST 23tl St. i1"aJ 1y pouion. I t is sold at different pt tces, ! ~11 l'ln 'f¥' th t.h is qnnli t)' snpr11icd nt t1 1c ankle by ' ·' d ~1 f tl y d.1d 1 ot care th ey '>V ould get a. , ' , l . . . . ' : · a .1 tc . . _ ·I a r1 a:rrnw goring l) ll one sidt:i of ir.i"'lnhJ the buek· very 1µf~r1or l'.tttcl~. S?~etimeS pcr3 0?S pu~ · ]t'.jl'J llJ' h11ttot1~{ tl.t'e on the otbe1' side, have be en t:has~ d the green, u nxe<l 1t Jn a prcpar1.1it~on1 a.ntl m::tde , The gored Oxfor d shoe .supplies t b.e :;aid lt did n~t su~cecd , . and t h::i.t Wll.') o~icau~e elasticity at t he i~istep. l"'erhaps t101JJ ti other t hey ha d an i.nfe:uox al..'°tlcle. · J l £ style co,n be invented that 'vill do a:: n1uch for T h crc --is 1 10 ?anger t o be ap~re.uon ec rmn th e ball, and transverse itrch , a.s t hese kinds th e n>io of Pans g1·cc11 u nless 1t 1s i!\V;~llowc cl. 1 . , .. A b t 1one f or t h e !J!H've . " . . tl lJ:tv~ c auoYe. ny oo or 1 ~b 1 ldre1l ;,,hould n~o'>~'cd : 0 P ~Y ~n. 1 : i;]!Oe with tl iia p ecnl ia,rlt y ia eupel'iot t o tht1 !wl(h'l ·.vher o t hey might inhale it . N o lllJ Ul'! sam e thing withon t it, I~1 con n e ctiou with t his of the- very bc~t kind ! l'e~JuL~H t o the tuber from s1111.nklii:g of Pu~·iti matter, strong elastic cords are ST.lf!gested. as The Prnmiserl ·News Mr. J . M ilne, ·r:..J HODBIS' CARRIAGE SHOP. (wost of the On tario 13n.nk. } SUBSCRIBE King Street, Bow man \'ille. T HE. Bub~cribcr is p N to buil~ and repair Wagons, Biiggies, an d Cutte1·s, of eYery del'.! cription, at shott notice, andon J"Ci\.~on able term~ . :FOH THE TH E TitA.DE, CarriageE Painted and Trimmed. THE CHEAPE ST TEMPHll\NCE PAPER Purchase of llllerclrnndise t he Cheapest Markets, A Blacksmith's Shop on tha premises, ,.,·ere sp ecial at-l euti{>ll is g1Ton I t o all · Carriage I NI) lJ c;EJ\1IEI'ITS work, a nd General Jobbin g. All work clone c d tliis 8 stablishmen warranted. A can irs n'lspoc tfully tso1icited. .T. MORRIS. and General Advertiser. .A .ttention , Proinptitnde and Courtesu S CHOOL E ow111a.n vill e, Oct. 1st, 1869 . ly-n l THE HOUSEHOL D. 1\Ta1·oleo11 is Defeatecl, l'Iote these Facts, goods. do b usiness be ONLY ARRIVAL I ARRIVAL! A)[D j E. P. Needham & Son, 0 A NEW SELECT, and CHEAP STOCK · J AS. ELLIOTT, Selects JAS. :El..LIC.VI1'r, CENTS per ANNUM, in A DVAN CE. J AS. ELLIOTT, is OF SPRING GO ODS arr iyed. return his J AS. ELLIOTT begs HONE StyUsl; Goods fo1· the Lcu:l?:es. GENTS' OOATS, PANTS, VESTS, and SHIRTS, made to order, and made to tit I Organs and Thielodeons, FALL &.,VINTEit DR. Y GOODS, GROCEliIES, CROCKEl{Y, SHOES, . &c., &o. I · LADIES' ii.A.OKS ready·made, anJ made to order, in the newest i;tyl('a. Good Grocerie8 ahnty~ on hand. I T m :: OT3SERV EH, (the (h'gns1 of BUTT.Ell A J Y fi B OG'S WA N 1'Efi. S. F. HILL. Bo wmanvillo, A pril. 20th 18G9. gen-1 the Bible Christian Denominat ion, ' on e of t he best F amily Pap e r~ ! prin ted in tho Domin ion) clubbed with the .ll:rnRCHAN'J', fo 1 · Two Dollars pe1· a.unn1n 1 i u Hll vu.nee. SUBSi:ll!!'TiON, ly AS USUi\L ---0 --- I 0 H ~ ~ r-f ADV E RTIS E © ~ I I I I I ca r.n " SILV ER TOtlGU E" CORNER AHEAD, IK TU E the P. Needham and Son, J rOUNDRY, 0 JYIERCHA Nrr J. NEA DS. A SUIT OF ....._ o dis· worthy of a tr1vl ia 13ahnor:u l and Poll~h booti!. g 1·ee11 \lpon t he leaves. 'l'he best tn~o t_ \;J"ilii.1\~o;:; the p repar.:i.,t ion is when the CtC\V 18 on . Shoes to coii.funu to t hi.: !<hap(; of th e foot~ P inch ing ofi the egg1:1, of couHse, i::! a spee dy way ;;:hould be w idr~r ;.tt t..he t oe t hat at t he ha1Lof dc$troying t hti Uuga, but this is i1 npr actibl e in J.lltll·od'i#. large fields. I T he $ltgg"08t.iotJ hn t-1 b.,; eu lU.' f~·on1 different ! Hints to Nigltt·watchcrs. f'i Ource to snbatitntc the co1n1non whit e arf3e~ic j fol' t he I'ntiR g1·eon 1 t he co!:lt of the for mer beu1g .A. person who is sick enough t0 need 11i gh ~· only a fotwth p~. rt a.s much <i~ t hat of t he latter. wntch ers needs rest and quiet, and 1.1..ll t.he un1t would be it.Ltered in3 ~v cxpethn ent wit h th ~ disti.irbcd rt:po~ e h.e can get, If one or n1ore t io·1, pv wlle r~ , ?J ir.le by :dde, and compare t he r e· pE\r sons ar e in t h f.l room' t ea.ding, talking, nr "r:.l tH. T!J.c ~~rcat nhjr.cti nn to these su~tan ces whispering, a s, is often the Citse, this is hnp ossi· ; \.'~ L i 1HlW unii' k nown, i s t h eir vfru len t ly ble. Ther e shou1cl be no light burning in the poir-;on;; us nat ure, a.n d, if tlv~y come int o com· r'oo1n unl ess it be a very dim one, so place d rus u ion UM.\, lh ~ pres umpt ion is that some pe:i:.;;on s to be .ont of ~igh t of the patien~. KtlrOS1;JH(1 vil will be coxelcs;i. and that some lives will be l ost. should nevor be Ust.!d iu the sicl~ n1om . 'l'he at · P. nt. < uce t here, iB da.rigcr in many ot her t hinsci ltin rlnt1t. shonld c1nietly !iit or liG in th e san)o 1i.:r111~ r ecl for C<"":>nstri.nt s..nd dP,il.V 11sc:, t11i3 should roon1. or, what is usually btter, in an acljoll111 ..t. lh·ter nuy one from employ ing E!UCb rctned· ing r~n111, so as to be v;i~hin call if anyt hing Ls j , · ~. ~\Ir. 'Vi ri~; h t , of D etroit, h as a prcpal'o.t ion nce· .lcd. ln cxtren1e casefl, the attendant cu.n 110 v, beiug cxp~ 11.mented wit h 1 which h e cousidfJ:oqneotly step quietly to the bedside t o ~ee if ors a epec:iftc. :i\1ich e1 J3ros. & Kern, of St. the patien t is doing 'vell, but' all noise aud light l ,ot; i5, an effcctin~ and Yer y ch eap c;pccifie, should be carefu lly exd uded. Ith a corr1mon r,ut, 11 pin a ::hfl pt: to fr~c llita.te distribu tion. I n to \Yitken patient8 OCCMiOn!l.11y, fo1· fear fr> cL, the l'CL"l ediea proposed are numcTous, an d they \1,.·ill sleep to ::iou11dly. This shorild ue\·er ev i;:ry far1ncr cc.n c01npoun d one fo1· himself. i l;ic don e. ~Heep is one of the gre atest needs of I ' g r cJWe t'8 ab011t .1.\.lbion in this Sta.t e as- ·1 ~ he sick, and ther e is n o dimger of t heir get ting 1;:;er t that cru1nrnn In.nd pla.':lter, although n ot to inncl1 of i t . All evacuations sh uuld be re!<peedy, i5 a sure cure for t heir ravageH. T his m.ovcd ~t oncei and tb!;l in t h e I'oom k.ept ~eta also as a fertilizer. \Vectk ll1ne spl'in klcd pure an d sweet by ven tilation.-He~ltk R~rci:d. oYer the phi 11l':~ btitween sundo·vn and dark is a. The Ear. good re1 :nedy- thc bugB being ma inly l\Octurn a l feed er$. l\-I uS<! t)VY ducks, Ohio fartnel'S say, 'Boxing the ears is a.n inexcusable brutnlity; en.rrerlvdl;!vonr the insects. .A_h&ndful of sul · ms;ny a child has been mad e deaf for li ~e by it, ph~U', bone4 iu two gallons of \vat cr, has o.lBa.. bec ause t he drulll of the ear is a. membrane af! pr oved <::.fficacious. J 'owdorcd hellebor e n.nd soot thin as paper, eitret ching like & eurtain just inhave sel'\'e<l P~'l destroying- a.gents. A. fa rmside the external entrance, not hing but air just e1' of much exp ed~nce , and withal au entou1olobehind it, and a. uoncµr.,:iion of a blow· on one ear, g ist recom1n~o d s m a.king one or more holes endangers splitting the drumtand thus t he hea.raro~n d the hill, with a stick: a.bout t wo inches ing be destroyed forever, because _ the sense of in diatneter , a nd shaking the bu gB into i t ; and h earing is ~n.u;;ed by the vibration~ of t h e drtun this beillg th e season when the oP.posite !;eX:Cr.! are at tra.cted toward each other, a. fc,v bugs in or tympan um. P icking the cars, is a most iuischie'>'OUs prao· a h ole form u. decoy by 'vbioh great n tunbers Rre tice ; an u nl ucky u1otiou, ltas, many a t.imt:1, collected togethe1-. The hole sl1ouhl be from lJie rccd the drutu, and it VJj useless as a eigh t to twelve inche s in dctith, which will pre· pierce d India. Rubber life prese1·ver; nol,J1ing vent t he.rr1 fn)m n1aki11g their esc.'.tpe. In .t·his h eharper or a.rder t han th ~ end of the little 'vav iu1 mcn ~e num bors will be destroyed before fi uger, wit h the nail pared, ought e\·er to be 8 have been deposiWd, an d t h e ter rible t}Jeir e:ag . t d d . t th i, h · · 0 · ·rent ext ent abated. '£he l.'f'Jll · in r o ut.:e in o e ear, un1esg 1,.1! a p ys1c1a11. ntnsance, to a S . · ' . llersonl! <u·e oft en seen ettdeavor 1ng ~o remove ody i: ~.ctnB to ho a. snn ple ooo , an<l is ·wol'th test- ' " 'ax frotn t he ear with t11 e h ead of a pin. '!'hie _ . ough t nc vcl' t o b e done. F irst, because it ening. B~ckwheat ph~:1h~J betwee n t~~ e row s 18 also danger~ the cu.r by being p11sb.ed too far in; but all an v1<1ote, if not so far, it in ay grate o,gainst the <lru.n1, ex.NOT so E \ n 1 \$ 'l'H T Y ~ lt.R\ r · cite infJa.mmn.t ion, o.nd an ulcel' will Jin nlly e~tt A co1TC.!!pondent of- th li! JJr(ti 1 ·ie l·'1H'J/UI'~ -..vl10 j nll tbc pnrts nway, eep ecinlly in a scrofuloue and TEA JUST a.s GOOD, and cheap j.'j at ?cny store in Cnnada , it, a.t 0 1' out of J OHN l:;[Q MCMURT RY'S OF 1'HE GOLDEN liON King Str eet, J3ownia.nville. li'or $10.50. ... - 0GET YOUR 1XT HE R E Db YOT: BUY Y OU ll I l1V GROCERIES ? bei11g- the q11cstion, J. l\L -..vould r ei:;pecLfu ll y g ive 3. hint t o those in p~r· plcxity, that he lu~~vs constantly on hand a.first clasf) sto~k of CORNWALL BLANKETS SJ.'i.d those who bu-v from hlln will ne \7 er reoret that theY arc able to an1N:er, I "I buy from John McMurtry." FLOUR, OAXMEAL, COR.NJIEAL, AND CR A CJ{ED WHEAT THE GREAT FAVORITES. Fl'esh arrivals of Cr ock ery andJ Glassware. Goods July 6tl1. ~ ont t o allparts of the Town. SU BRI~fACOlVIBE a· 1 it.t The & RICE The Choicest Val'ietY,, AT THE would call special attention to their stock of A lettle Rhyme. ca1ne just in time, .cind all e..bout t he best. of Lim ~. L ime froni. the \Ve~t of the very best , Not boat iu any qn n1·tel· i Lime th:.1.t will ll.lways B hlpd th~ test , 'V hen making in to 1nortar. I Nill try a.nrl keep a good .sup1J ly , F or it iR ahvayB wanted , That when y0u u.U come in to buy 1 You'll uot be disappointed. 'Nill alw ays find it rl1 'Y and fre~h . A nd th at is somethiug bonnie, ~o conrn along B!Id t r y th:is Lhne , But don't forget t he money. l l ours of deliv e1·y fl·om N ine a.m. to_ li'oul' p .1n., Corn et nf Q nr~cu and O n t,ri.i·iu Streitt. Y~)U Melodeo,ns, the cheapest 0 I~1EROH AN~r OFFICE, I ~ (mam1foctured by E . P. Needham & Son, New York ,) j ustly designated the " Silver Tongue," Toned Instrument known. GOODS IN TOWN. I I I w '!'B US. llOW D~: JY. Bo·.vruanvill(;), )1a.rch, 11th 18i l . no24, tf. Don't fail to ca.11 an d examine quality and pri ce. :Second hand instn 1n1on t.s ta,k en i11 exc:ha.uge. Show room s at J . lVL Brima.combe's Dental Rooms, over ::lfoClung Bros Store~, BowmanviHe. J. :IL B Rn!ACOMJl E. J . P. R ICK Bow1n>tnville, Oct. 7t h, 1870. ul F. Y. COWLE. I Bowmanville, SejJ L 1870. tf-52 A ll work exec1tted in the r,,,. t~.~ t Styles, with K eat ness and Despatch, and at Lowest Hat es, · ·

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