THE MERCHAJ\I T, :FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1871. SELL I N G GREA'f OFF! SALI~ ClARl). HARD TO BELIEVE, i lli Sul1:;i,;1 ilie1., i.H rc tul'n in~ t ha.nks t u tlw i1ili::~bi t anta of \ Vei:;t D nrh :lJn , for t he li bernl sn p p or t whiul 1 Lhey 11:1vc given h iu1, b eg::. to in- / ur1n a ll t hol'e who a r e in ·w ant of a AT r-_r H E --·-- ======::.. _ ~= --- _·--- - - -_-,- -- T ----· I r-1-iR UE I Jacob Neads MAKES THE BEST Cloths_,md _Hc,tdy Ma<l.e C lothin g, Shirt. C0Ua t',-. ; 1Nec.;k 1J.1jes, '-\::c.,&c. FIRST CLASS ST OVE t h<J,t tht'y CJ.ll 'Le nu p1;lic(l hy l1irri ;1') cl 1 l~<tJ) ;.i,:~ Ver y C:nnd Cooki ng lfa ic;c 1 1,, on ly Hm... j N l()WEll TJ! E RJl Y other· house in the track . lie has tLlso for sale , tl1e c,;cl d Jr;.i.t cJ cent s n p un nd, and 8t ill ch eotpcr by .RE1 l~ c \·) . rrE· ~1\, .ll ' . " JlU TTi!iN" HOT Al!! STOVE, BAHGA.l NS will Le "lv en fo r I f.CO ·wllld1 ii; uow iu nse a t :t'/1 th e princip~"I r:t.ilw~t..Y ~ t ati01rn in (fan~da. I t ji; j ui:;t t he t hiug fo r , Cl1 1 tn.Jll:'~, H :ill s, and pu bl ic builtlingt->. If.; is afoo \ll [Ln11 fi1cttu·ia;.t th t: SUMMER DRY GOODS A'f COST. Col.L ou itlJ(l \V uulen Good,s am ad 1·-a,Jtci ng , but y ou c«11 lrny th e11 t n.t E llio t L's fu r " sho rt t ime, >et t h e olcl p1 ·ices. N ow i· the time to sccurc w httt you need . C.LOT HlNG.- Gentlemcll ill w nnt of tt goocl fitti11g ';uiL tJ w uld call em-ly a t E lliott'. s F a.shiouable T ailori11 g E st nl>lishmen t . th~ Ci t J o F TTn.m il ton, n.n tl wish es t u all l1is old friends befoni J c~tv ing . a.1:1 t he :Pro1Jriet1 JL ' is >thout. leaving BEST HOT AIR DRUM in Ca.nudil. ' Something long wanted by [ Everybody- Everybody his or · her own Painter. T he Pm·u1Ji an Syntp , a P r o tected Solutfo n n f th e l't'otoxid l'J of I ron.. , 'i S so co1nbir1,ed a s to have the cha.1·acte1· oi a ri a lirnc-n,t, as easily <.l'i.Ut3 storl a n d a'i11illatc(l with the blo o d a s the s i mplest fou <l. I t inc>'ensc.< the q n antity of Natiwe's Oum 'V'itnU z·iny 13U01{ EYE. Sel f - Ra ke. P lows, Stra'v Cu tters, CJnn·ns, AGR I CU L T U RA L B01n·1Al\ VIL LE, June l 3th , 1871. Sewing· .Ai.; ei tL Ior t ho Y./ li0elcr & . \ \Tilson , t he J:I u\1l ' 1 :UlLl th e U::i !Jor ne S ewiug }1ncbine8 . DAVID FORBES. t All rrn ts ta.udiug A ccoun tB must be ""l;tlcd at c11 1l·e, L o s,· wc all trou l>l e. :B owrn ~L 1 1 vi llu , Ai.1g . l . QUICK. 3, 1117] . n1 '1 N[cLl~OD' S HO US E & VILLA PAINTS .Prepared for irn etl ia te u se, n.ud nothing bn t th e po rest materials used , and requiring no fu r t her m ixture of Oils, T u rp en tine, >eo<l. D ry er s. 'J'J1eil' eornposi tiou co nsitSh1 !'lolcly of 1·ep<t i 'r l n.f J fla1n,nyes an.<l 11va.ste,, Age 11,t, I1·on, 'i n. the blood, a n,rl cu,1·cs ~ ~a tlt ou s a" nd 'l l l-'l ," s i11i1>ly by To11,-lny 1.tJJ, I.1iv i yo1 ·atin,.y l Vitalizing th e S ystmn. The en 1·iched a.nil vit<ilizeil uloo.<l perm ecites every Jlltrt of' t h e b ody, s eti1·ch i1iy out 1no1·bitl s ecretio1is, <.trul l eavin.g · n otll.:in,y f"oio cl, i sease to f eed u,z>on,. IMPLE MENT S . - -- - o- - ltlA CJUNltR Y A N ]) UAS1'.I N C:S 01" E VERY JJK SUH Tl 'Tl !JN. 8:1t.i;- ; fi t.c tion g na.1 ·n.JJ Leed 1u all r easo11;t.lJle 1-l.a 1uptu n, }... ngust 2nd, 187 1. ea:1e~. D. F. HENE Y L LLW1 '1', J 11r. - - - - - - - - -- - B0 w1nn. 1Lvill e, :\_ugw;t 17th, 11:!71. - - -- ---==== pltii·rit , DJ·op sy , Clt1·on:lc Din1·- 7'h is 'i s the sec1·et of tll e won <lc1·fnl success of' tlds 1'e11w tly ·in cu1·ing D y BJ> e.11si.a, I..tfve11 Coni- STOVES!! /' nre Colm', P1ue Wldte Leud, P iwe s'1~0 -vJ~s ! r[lfrT:: SU£SUJl1 Ulfl{ bc:;..:;o t o iu for111 t he itt- h~bitaut~ of Bow nianvill e :u 1d s 111To uudi u g (·01111 ti y , tha.t h e hll..s t1 H 'l BEST SEu:uTlOC\ OF STOYE;:i ever offe red in tlte T owu, co1111Jt:isi11 g- of Ne-iv L ayer and Val- ! ec:crcfully ;,m l s1o iontificall y combi11ed . entia l{aisins, at in·iccs lower Oaan The co1ts11 mer caa lmve an v desire1 ! slt;icl c or color n e.ctly p1~t up in Cans, and all he reqttires to buy ever sold for n1 ]3o-\vuutnvi Ho w it h th e P aint j , n Bn1sh, 'w the whole C<tll be rl on e lJy himself, or by before. an y rnoml>er of his h ouseh old . 1 1 lVkilc Zinc , .T>insecd Oil, Sp fr ,il8 l~/ '.l 'nY1 H~ n-tirio, ,e· Drye1 ·s 1·hax i ,B0Us , Nei'Voics A ffect'ions, Chi lls <t1ttl F e·v t" 'r s, IIu,111io1·s, l ~ os s of Co11... :;titut io· n,al V lgor, Diseases of t he .K idne y s an<l 1Jla<ld e1·, 11 ~e 1 nule Cun11Jla.'in.ts, 1 MAY. ·- --o- - - .N Jt 'fV a1i<l a ll d iseases 01 ·l yin(t t ing in S U 1~f J lf It R - - - o- - - GO < >JJS a Tmrl state of th~ 71loot!, or accoinp a.n'ierl b!J d ebility 01· <t low state of the systeJ1i . B einy fr ee f ?·o1n A l cohol, 'i n a.:ny fO r , 1 n, i ts en ery lzin(J effe cts a · 1 ·e n ot fol lou;ed by coF t'CSJ>ond in..g ?'eactio n , bu t ri1·e }Je1·1nnn en t , 'J..1ifusi'ny sl1·en,(flh , r i yo 1·, a.1i(l ·ru~uJ life i nto ttll 1uo ·ts of t he sy8f;cm, stitii t-io n. T ltou.sct n ll.s have been, chan,y ed by the n se oj'thi., 1·em erly, f,.om iveak, sickly , suff e1·l11.y c1·e a - S TOCKS COMPLETE AT 'l'HJ,; cin<l biciltliny np an I ,.on Con- Couk&ng, F m·io1 ·, cmd Coul Stu~·es, 4 the (al e"l 1mUe1 ·ns, a nil ~t' the Best. W'o ,.ku w.n ~h'iJJ , i-"La c:lw ap :t:! in a n y JJo. ~, BEA 'O'TIFUL T. DARLINGTON, N EW SCOTCH A N D ENGLISH GRAN ITE WARE. MILLI NERY. tn1'cs , to stron.y , h ecilthy , a11Al wh.icl 1 ] h i will $d l 1f ;_w·ket i u PU RE WHITE LEAD, A. b rg c s tock jus t recc ;i vecl, for ;wt,. u1 1111 lui111>Y 11i en, lt n l 11vo1nen, ; rtruZ 'i1iva l'i d s can not r er,tsoritz.bly lies - I-I-1-\... TS, DONNJ.IJTS, FLO-VVEI~, S , the D 0111 ll1ion. A lso Agen t for t he i ta.t e t o gi·v e it a tr ial . See tlmt each bottle h a s PERU· VIAN SYRUP b lown in the alass. P n .JT· l ">ll.l e.t s Free. Celebrated L~;iU American Ra,isins, Currant:s, Figs, GLASS \VARE, 1 LA~IPS, &c., &c. pa.inti iig, irn ported direct DA SE I!URNHJI A ND Jl lt.A TE B an d 1.:xa111inc Sto \' e;-; o\ntl prices before p u r ch asi np d suwhtire. Dates, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peelfl, N UTS I~ .TliE CJJEAPEST TN B O W1 l1ANVZLLE. from the E u g-lish Manufacturers1in cll~ding Jnn1csi Genui n e, and t ho Cel ebrated J . P . D.TNSMORE, I.' 1·op r ieto,., No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Soltl l>y Dru ggist s geu e rftlly. R I BBON S , & O. - - o--- G R E AT VARIETY. :fia1 'llvvare of all kill.ds. Paints, Oils, P utty, Glass, &c., &c. AT T . Em SIMSON'S. r r . J~ . S l ill SO~, ·Bo wi.n::u1v ill C:' 1 } S i lvI SO.N BUOS., O sh ~rw a, G c11eral Grocers. llOOSl'E ll B R A NIJ, - - o-- Beautii"ull Cant'lies, wiLh a n tt·o201-tmuut o f ~I' I N VV ..L-\... R E 1 A LSO ELEGANT DRESSES and COSTUMES, made to order. C1ILL A n !ls11orlmt: n/. of T·inwarc. Ji'.11,Js·Ui and )n .Stove Pipes, fiallu1uo Corii1non lr· I l:ves, JJunib Stoves, J·c., &c., kept on h i1.11d CHOICE BISCUITS. J)a rli ug t ou l 11tA c~g11in eccei vco.l a11\)ther l ot oi t hoos c ele br:~Le d Buwm:mv ille, A ugu:;L 1Gth , l8/1. a.ll ut;u1clal'll cr,lors, oils va u isltcs, a nd pi1intcr:i' 1m1terial.s. 1 E uti rcly ne w desig ns. 8.ICf.: A}fD 1'/iHM. PURE :LE AF TEAS, Qna.lily is th e 1' of Clwupnes!-J. Hut A ir Dnm1s made to orcler. 1112-tf Bowmanvilk, Dec. 22nd, 1870. Ho t Air lt' unmces fitte<l 11p on the most i mproved plr111s. FOR LIVI:RPOOL & QUEE NSTOWN __ : -=:=======:c======== =====-=-============-=- I C:dl :wd sec l10w ch e:tp n. h ou se c;'lll he pitiutecl nutl cl ecorat cd ; for all t h ese goods will lJesoltl :it R cdmcetl ./l{]'WI 'CS. 1<'ul' the new est, clt e:tpcs L , a,nd m ost F a.s hiouahle g oods, go L11 1Vur/.·m1 m.ship 8econd lu the Dom·i1i-& u11. J.11 k iud ~ ·JlU'llC ·u1, ·r N"\'f 1\ N LI::fE of R oyal i\111i l S t e:l.n-11.:r.s wulin;.; fron1 New York, overy Satunla y ;.w d ve ry T h u1 'Mlhiy. r_rickct :. so1(1 t n a ntl fr01n l~ngland, I rcb.utl, ttnrl t he Contin ent, at as low r~ite,; a.s br ~1u y otlte1 · l i ne. . r_ri_IlE PUBLIC 1'n!wi1 1 .'.-; 1'empta o/' fi'asli£u11 . n ~1~-l - l y I I r 2000 Gallon s of o[ J oblJi ng dune on th e S h or tc::: t Notic1:, ::i.n(l o,t r c:J..SOlt<\.ble prices. YELLO\l'LEES & QlTIOK, Agc'1 ls, D i·o a ~lway : W ALTER WIGG & I l>J r cturniuf; SON, OlL of < l iffo re11t k ind s. Th resh ers aml nll p arties r e,1uiring such oil. < specinlly inv ited to inspect the vm·ious q na.liLies, th e pr ices b ei11g fa1 · b el ow n11y tlti ng ever offer er! in t h is mark et. JVIUI{DOCH :BROS.SPRING ·S r f OCJ{ J:,· EW SPl'tINil STOCK of F A SH:ION~LE .EDWIN HORSEY· 1;nwm:1.1nill e, ..'.~.u gu~ t 1.Uth, 1871. no \Y J';1~in v i1 \c, ,Tnl 111 C+. ])nk, lG New ·Yo rk. tf-:; G D owm a, 11v i1lc, J une !Jth , 1371. JUsrr· O PENEl), I T I-IE FOR SALE. N th ~ l i;t ron f)f c~~rtw l'ihJ 1 t 1 31) :w1·es of gor.1 (1 _ H anl wooll, g'L'U\~ i ng nu lallcl liel(] l'll h! ~l"~:, of ' i) a r li n~ tnattlrn to t h e U· n m-ouro ns C n i-i t orn e r s , nu d the P ubli0 i;..: u.e1 ·ally: for past fo,vo 1 ·s, w1 Jtil il r~:,. p ectfull y invite thcfr a,t t entiou t o our p1 ·cseut i::to ek ~f F nrt11t u re, w e hu ve httel.}:, aJ.dct1 th ereto , t htt t WC Jnay t h er::i by be Ull <~IJJ i :il to fl tqipl y ~~ll p iirtJCS }\:h o lll!LY pl8.'.l..'i e t u r:~ vO l' 11:; ,, i ~L <L c<tl l. Gre::i.t i 11d ucc1n c u ts held ou t to those purcli:t81 11g a t ou t 1 1, sta.blish ~ cllt. l 1 .ct tues, ued to orcl~r, ~w d i.u ever y sytle. Sa n~ pl c f of thed1ffL'1·c 11 t J:t1n d s of L ooking G l a ::;sus, &e., Ira1 ~·1 o ukli n 6-s ..:an be seeu . 'l.t lhc '\V11r c-roo1n . 'Ve won ld nhlo b eg t o 1uforn 1 you , tha t, h:~v 1n15 p nreha~cd a CJOODS. l':JPLENDI D NE\iV H EARSE, 1 t on. \vh id l t wd ve- ycnrb h ~vc yet t o nm . 00 a 1; 1'1.' S of }~tlld , 011 ] ,ot 1:1, !) CUll Of we sha ll Jw n·t'.iJy ut :ill t i1nes, to a ttenll }' uui:: n d ,,, on ~hm-t no tit:e, aud n'H8 0ll: ~lJlLJ tcr111~ . N . B. Co lij1 1 i; ke11t ou h.n. 11d, Rlltl 1nndc to ol'd c1·, n.t th e NEW A BOOT AND SHOE STORE, A I ·- :>r.B.- 'l 'he woutl Ht:cy be lJUl'chase<l ~ e p :i rale fron1 the la.nd. Appl~c nti ou to the S ubst:1·ib cr, on. T,ot l tl , G i.;01 1 o f l htr lington. J.JSO :thout 44 [ti.: r Cfl , i11 t11c S . \V. half of] .o t ~O 7 cou of Darli u.gton ; 30 acres of wh.i ch i:; cove{·ell with g·ooll Cc~la 1· a w l ll.:w:d woo d. r r11 1 ~ l-t)l S :- (}uod tiw1 ·~ gi.vc1 11 if t cq1Ured 1 r1 uhC < \P for e ns1i. NEW DUJJ1 1.NIO N RE'l'LlIL FUR N I'l. URE WA RN-.IWOU. King Street Ea3t, Oshawa. Opposite J . W. Fowke's Store. SOO Cook, Parlor, Hall, and Box Stoves, a l'riv i11g» a,ull llll\V un ox hiUi t.iuJ 1 ,L he l arges t :iml d 1e:i['etJt stuck uf The Most Select Styles at Extremely 1\-loderate Rates . 1s.u. STEPHEN COTTON. ·i-Otf CHJERAl D a rli ng ton ,J llly Gtlt, 1871. TlIE CHEAPEST AltE '.l'JIOSE SOLD ll Y Tlm H A!l D W ARE, C ARRIAGE G OODS , AND TINWARE FOR S AL :!!-: . 10 CA SES BOOr1~ s '-\Z; S PLl tN]Jl.D ~t;1; 1J 1 11l l 1 :t~ ul ], ja uo l i'o1tu, <tt n. har~a111, 7 o ct a,\ie, u·on fra m t', o ve1· llt nmg 4 1 ·011 ull co r11u1'l", Rrnmwoorl ca se. Can he scc'n nt J . 1\L TiltlfrIACO~iB'S l) r.-u1t..a R omHs. ll\ tf. D own1r..nvlllc , I Jec. 1 0th , 1870. T E 1-\ S ! lll the C01rn ty of D ud1;,im. J OHN McLEOD, W ellington Bu ilcl ings. Buwnmnvi llc, Aug 8th, 18 71. TORO NT O TEA COMPANY, Or th cil' r\.g ent:;. A Ri11 gLc trial nnd com 1~ :11 i t:> Oll with a.n v ot her ten.s , <tt t h e stw tu: pr1cesi will p r ov..: thi::i. Our 50c. '!'ca will h o found equal t o an,y at li(lc, ; 0111· GO e. eq ua l t o an y at 70c. ; u1 n· 80e. equal t o uny u.t $ 1. ; a n d our $1 green eq ual t o :1ny, ho we ver hii;h t he pr ice charged . Our B~nck 'l' en.s s ell f r mn 50c. to $1. J 01pn.n {nll u u eolo retl) [i0i.;. to SOt:, All uu r ~l 'e ;i" a re sold for ca sh, itt w h olesale prices, iu half pound, p onnd 1 and 5 pouud va ckagel'l . p H ~ r.D. ... D RE SS G OODS : A very fargc Stock of E NGLI SH AND FR ENUH VRl NT~. ENULLi::/JI ANIJ /!'RENCH JJJ USLJNS. BLACK AN'D COLOHED S'I LKS. l 'Ol'LLNS, I lOl S Jf}B Y, P .A R A SUL S, SII()ES. If or 1 f'.llAN UNt SHAMSIUPS. h ivmpool, Lonrlon, wlll Gfas!fuW, Ti ckets, or i.J 1Co n 11a LioJ1, :i p pJy t u \ \' . ..t\_. NJ~i\.1)8 , A geid. Bovn nan ville, ,J une ~) th , 1371. [,f.;{f ; ALSO EXCELSIOR. No · War with Russia, A QUANTITY OF Sf'1UNG AND SU.l\JM ER Doors, G1,nd :Slincl.s, II AJl VES'P .bII'1 S, Sash, Uit NISl:CED by H . L . Fa.dt:yt the pr inAT ue ;~.r - - :o :- - F ci\)le of .,,.\ y o 11n g LIVJ~ t 1e E ast elld of "\Vellingto11 Str eet. n Hi.U '~m1 t cd a:nd LE~r l~n L VE. Shop ~J:)-tf 1 8'7 1 THE BEST TEAS Company ;tre '"1u1r ru1t ee1l p u r e as imported frorn Ch ina and Ja.]Jt\11. For !i!trengt h a nd fi110 flavor, t l.H1 y cD1111ul be cx ccllc rl ..t\.11 test ed b efore b~ tng sold , an d comprise the fuw st 'l'cas whicl1 are impo .. t ed. t o lea rll t h e b 11si uetii= . The 'l'eafJ of th e T oro nt o ~!'c a AND A Bowrnanv ille, ·) ·Ju · h ~ CENTS co. 46 ]'or fnr- JJ0-.v1nrnn·lllc, J1{11y .!Sth , l87 1. BTJ'l' a. successf ul rai d il.l da.i l.Y lookcJ. f or on U1e P A.ID . A u~ "-l ~t --:o:- .A lett le Ithyme c:~. 11 1e j uf>t i t~ t in1c, ..t\.nd itll aho u t t he h~st of J ,11nr.:. 1.inie from t he "\Y est of the ve1y b<.'$t, Not lw;.~ t iu ~~ll.Y 1pnu'Le 1· ; ] .in1e thnt w ill ·~lw<<ys stand t h,; test , \ Vh en u 1akj 11 ;_,:- i1d o llmrtnr. I ,vill try and k eep : ~good t:i u11l' ly, 'For it iRa.]wA,ys >v01n ted , 'J.'h,tt wh cu yo n :i ll co m e i 1t Lu b uy, Y 0 11· 1.1 l t(i L \J i.; (Usa 11poi Hted. Y ou will < L l ways Ji ud il l1r y an d .fn;Bh , tliat iti ~0 1ne tliiHg- h mrnit: , So co me a.long a n 1 l tr.v this Lime, ~'i._nd WAT CH Eti t t~hl i. .,l n.'1ent:; MAKI NG, ANDERSON & 17t h, 1871. SP RING AND SUMMER HATS, BQ V·I MJ.\f\j\j I LLE " The 'l'b ,it llw Tc :l ~ B est P r ooli U1c lll cHicy 0 z 0 · rn U:MBR ELL1\. S, in Silk, Zauelln, Gingham and A lpac;1 . GJ, OVES, LINEN SE'l'S, ,~c ., &c. - - - o- -- l\ /[UHD OCH BROS. hnvc rnnde extensive .lY ses this season , tond JitLell u p < t brgc . > tltera L ioim ill thei ,. p rem J EWELRY and I'ANCY GOODS, for · w hich t h e Snb sc riLe1· }1a. rn ·1d e e11:t tJHt>i \.' t:: p 1cp a1·n tion, 11.n tl h p r e1mrc d t o d ww th u best o( 1.11 c 'l'oronto Tea C ompan y give sati'5 f ttc.:tion is the i1Hrrir:11se trade w e :tre FO R :1, S A LE . n o \\' <loiug ]{Al\11!1'.l'O N, l{ on:=ic }IJHl Lot . I Nthcr pr.n·ticuhia·s, ttppl y t o l k11111i:1,·1vitlc, J'nl y ~ l ilt , HAT and CAP STORE. I ~~;~~~~~ ~et a n y such teas ! 01· .AJnoug the kcvling Styles, w ill be found t he i11 lh t: m. Fn.m.iliet:i who tr i ~d thc tn on ee, now g et thmn r egul c~Tly 1 a ;o; t he y fin d t hey dse- SELECTION OF G O ODS, Such as Wat ches, Clocks, Gold J ewelry, Plat ed do, Get do, Electo Plated Goods, Tea Set s, Bnscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands,,. Spoons, an ti Forks, vut lery whi ch i~ nucler tlie .111a1mgcmen t <if M iN.5 fllcT nvish . T J)is < lep <ir Lm eat wi ll b e fom1d unusally attm cti ve, a nd repl e t e with the - -:o:- - JOH:t\. l' U:lW Jl . 1871. · 1'2-3m. i 11I 1I HQUL:J OF LORN, TRY BEFO HE YO U BU Y I n. towu s wher e we h avt:1 ag-ent s , p :u· tic ~ are in vit ed to huy ;t small q u::i.n ti ty to ,o.: l!e l mw t h ey like t li eu1. .Afte1 :wn.rds t h ey ca.n buy more. 111 di at r icts w1i ci·c w0 h :l.VO no ngen t f-1 , per so11 s c i1n tvrite to u s for sa.mplcs of 'l'crts of any kin d , a.t 11 y price, a n d we wi ll SL'nd then~ by m ;:i_,i l fr ee. "\V e seud 20 lbs . or u1 01·c to any l{mlroad D epot i11 O n, freig h t va.h1, awl collect t hrough E xpress A gent. P u t u p in ha.If ponnd , p on nd, mnl 5 po u nd p ackages. A dd res8 :~11 or det'l:I to th e TUlt ONT O TEA C O . , 18() Yo u n g St reet , ;:i, STRAYED. .N 'l'O t li c prt!m ir;e,o:; Qf t h e S11bi;cyibcr, ~n Lot N u. 2:?, Gth Gou . ])tu·hn!{tnn , lll A p n l last , 1 Ewe, L S h ca.r (j ng , :11i t l l Lam h. r:l.'b e owner i:-1 1·1' ri11 cstcd t o p rove pevper ty, pny d ui.rt;l!'i 31 u,i ul t. , ~~(e GORTSCHAKOFF, KING \VILLTAM, BISE¥1Al1CK~ UA liiJJE'l"L'A , But do n'\; furget the l noncy . II01u·~; T fn iru Nb.10 0..1 Four p .H1 ., ( !orneL' of Qncen aud Ont ::5tre(,!t. of deli vc:~:.f 'l'H0S. J30WDEK. Bow1uanv ille: Mrt, r ch , ·11 Ll 1 ) 871. u o I t ln.: 111 ;~111:1y. 24 . Lf. D: ~rlington, \ V . \VJ~S '. l'J, AJCJi: , July 17th, 1871. A few ouly of tho"e splcnc l id Cambridge, &c., &c. I ll f nc L, Jl:~ t!:I T WEED SH I RTS to ~u.i t The Public and Higll Schools, 1 B O W~Jl A N V! LLE, all c:rn be suib~ll. all. frolu J O c,;e11t.':I, u p . :-:io nf t~1 c gr eate st n1agn1tude ; . 'l'hi" ,>0toe k 1s tl10 m o~t com p l e t e 1u qu aliLy, (l,rnl va1~ety, ·~ ULl iti <.tllo,vc< l by t he hc.<;t of n.nt h orit y, t ;) ::;urpa.-;s a ll Qthcr J::[ou1-> L 'I:! l iet wecn ~ft11 ltrcal ciutl Toronto. ct g-()od a~ o; o rtmunt of ' SREl1'Jj'JE /_, /) · .' P-t wh ieh h ave uee11 protl11 cetl. T ho Sh ow l~o uu1 i>J uow open, a.ud th e laclie.s will do uxa1111 n o. 11·0Jl l.o ca ll n11 d - -o - They hn .vc abo c11 hrged th eir l'orouto. at S. F. HlLL'S . Call early, and get l·argains. Ilig lw1::1t p ric~ p.i,id fo r i·a·w f ur8. - -:o:- AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE, S I L VER S :ti 0 0 N S, also a bea.ntiful Stock of n3·l y I> u p ilr; ln obt;tiniug ~1 s ou nd E ug li sh f!.l1rl Corn. :l! Ct·c ial Etlucution . Sreci:1,l :~tten tion w i ll lJL: g iv ell i ll 1.lm.~ L' ]'l'C1J<'.l'i11'.,. for th e .Prnfc stiion o f ' L'eH.chin g , and to 0 t h ose JYL.itric u lat in g iu t h e fa i.;ultiet; of L~Lw, ' 1 ~T IL L TIE -OPE N , on VVedn esday , .A ugust MARKUS MAYER· Dowmi.-: 11 vjlit', .A ptil 27th, 1870. Yellowlees & Quick, V Vh o kee p ou h and 1nwk;:1ges of h a.I[ pou u d v ouu d, 5 p ound c::uldi ci:;, of all 1 ... iu ds. GitOC]j~RY a nd will l>e fottud, as us tutl, well s uppl ied. 1'1 1 e IIigh S chool affords e-very a d to V H:ith 1 BvwllHtn ville , Oct. 27t11, 1870. Vl edding Rings, Etc., ...i .A.ROK D· ll\'arnn vilh: , Nov.:!Sth, J ~lTC J{ L t(L: , TO C.A.LJ.1 A.'l ' :N-1.P_._soN'E) F or Harness, Sadd les, .lYl edicine, aud Art s, T he classes i11 l.'ronch. G ctni:m ,]!}11,..('lish ]· uan·c Litc n~t \ll'e, a.nd H isto1·y, wi ll Le fm·mcd i 11 ° iVh cha.cltnas an d H il ary 'l'en nti . Thcsu Cla.%es will b e fou n d i11·:~ctical 1 tn d :t!,1a·ar;i.i\·c , l' ees, 60 ccil t s p01· ui ontli.: p ~~~· 01ble i.n :.tth;anct'.- ~ (;ood Board ca n bG hMl 111 .I ow1 :, 1rmu 2 t o .J , tl· 1ll a;i·~ p ~ r week . .!.\ ppl y to the Princi p J.l, I 'r ru 11k1; 1 1 J'1:1 CJ·: i::; hen 1 1 Jy gi\·e11,, thc~t :.~1 1 vli~~tilm l. w1 l1 be 1natl e by the Cor pon1.t1011 of th e ' l 'O\\'ll of 'f~O\\' lU<lJ.l ville, to the L eg i8lattll'O of t11u J:'rov i11c,;e vf 011tario, ::it it;; next 8 e!i.'iiou , f01· an .L\.ct <Hith orising th e . c011st 1 1.tcti?n < .·f f\ J\.D;i~w ay front l} 1 1; w<~te t~~ of L O ut:l.r10, ll l the 1O'A n of B owm a n vill c, .iu tl1e Co nn t y of ·n11d 1 ~illl, N NOTI CE. 1870 . nG -tf I A large iJnl'ul'tetl S tock o f PLANTS FOR SALE. HOT !!ED AND GOLD BED P LANTS. CABBAGE. 11.11 d '\\7i1u 1i 11gst.u lt, Lat u ~t01 1 e l\'Ta::ton , Dru1uhead, H obin:'lon'~ C h ~m 11 i ou P ri:i-;e Ox.h~tr t , l:'remi u m Flett Dut0h, A1n e1·ic u~ t ~ 111pH1v c d 8nvny 1 H eil Drum hoa.d, LarJe f ur p1ddn1g . ) fy l. ';;i,bba;:;;es took t}1c Firf(t l 'ri1;e a t t ho Lu,;t Prnv i 11 ci:L l }i\d r·. , ~ ~1 a l'bJ c hea d; 1ria.iumot11, FRESH FIELD, AND GARDI'!N SEEDS ;J 11"L reccj ve<.l. Va.J ibcb, L h roug h so1n 0 p ur ts of the Towu ::; hip~ of D a.rliHg'- T. M. MACIK'J' YRE, M.A. TI J \\'ll1u.nvi ll e, Aub. Hth , 1871. Whi po, J3cl! s, & ,c., tou, C 1Ia.rke, <i11rl\v1·igh t., nrnl !ll anH:l'tl , ill the :"aid C aun ty of Durham, a1 11.l the T own of 'Li ndsa.y, and 'l'ow n:--;h ips of Ops, E 11d ly, F cncl011 :.'l nd V c r11hi111. to t h e ·vj llage of 11olx:u.ygcon , in t h e Connl.y of V ictor ia, t hence t n th e Govc1 ·1n11 cu t 1 nn(l.S, a n d lan d o of t he Jo:Hg-lish L <U td C ompan y, in ..:>, C uH 11 of ' Victm i:.~ aml P eterbo ro, a n.I t o ,'.lJl la]g-a iriott e 01· i n n.kc n 1n n i ll g fl. rn1n gm J1 cu t8 i witl1 () L heL· l: ailwa y,;. ]~1. UlJB f'l 'T, 1llrt/J Or. 11. 'Vl .N llA'l'T , 'l.'uw11 L'le i·k. .l3 ownrn 1niJle, :l\J :~r~h :12ncl, 1871. 1} ...~ l tLY ·vor~K· , ;:w-<.l!I. I \Vhich for :.,t~lt;, clul'abili1;y and chcap1 uess, carn10t be excelled ill this vicinity U. BO UNSALL,, 1fI ., \ . XU l/.A.C 'l' U .H lj:R., :i,n ll I J\:fl?OH.'1 D E A.Lb .H. iu all Lhe \ nrititie1:1 1 0 .lfow rn;111 ville, A pril 20th , 1871. 1 ly I I THE CHEAPEST TEMPER AN CE P APER of A CAUTION. le8H St.\wiu~ 1\1aeh iu e, on l_)o:l'~1 1nH rtcq11 a1n t <.'d wit11the1ncritt> \)f t h e dlffcront )li~i.; hi u ~ ~ , r ep · t e~ent tlv;: mr-;eh·ee; <ti') tt" cuts fm· th e ccl cbr:'l.t ed 0 ],ocln uaH ;tn <l Oshorn e b.fnch iueb; ::.ud olfo r t u ~t :iiu t \.Vl\.lTan fai fo1· th~ ba.UJe , witl.1 i n t e n t t ·) d ot:e ive , ' Ve lieiug t he 011ly 11uthor1ze d f\~en ts f(ll' \Vest D u1·hanl, <.t re the 011l y persons \\·h o cm1 "1 ·;.w L wa rr:l n t:.I thi.;r eon; :\.ud a n y ve rr~ou s n ot ~mp l oyed b.v m;, repre::;enti.J1g Lhemsdvcs . as ageut;i;, ox otferi ug t o g r n.nt w ::i..rrri.nb,,., Ler:::, an d lia hlc to be p;:osecmtixt for fra u d . '.l'li·~ t h a t there are p cn> ·n11:; \IVt-i;wh.::Lr11 h o, wb<!'.n they emu mot p al m oil a w_orth 11np riJKj p}e ~l YOU MUST PAY UP ! 1.'ho,;c w h 4) e01 1t ; ~lrc:id y 0111' CAULIFLOWER. Italian & American Marble. MONUMENTS MID GRAVE STON E S, ul w :i..,y~ (.I ll ]1 a ndi of :,;upetiL ·l' workn 1 ~ttrn hi p 1 a.n d I ::f _ E i:;oLtled, will pka.i:::<.J neJI ~~t~d. Y i..h<tl! lui. A l{. L'Y,- lf lill Pa.Tisvr l)cmid1 u·. L <tLc , L i.t No1·1Hn11d 8 he1·t S t em111e(l 'l'he I t alim1 l~i:w 1 t, the A.utum1rn.l Giant. uc1ction, nn d f~ cligio1rn l~itcr.'l.t UrL'. ..t\.bly colt cli ictetl, Tssued 1nun thly. 'l'er nis, payi-ilJlt! iu a.d \'_<t11 c~.l ~fie,!'s !\~year ; ~ v e ~op ie:s $1. 00 ; t wen ty cop 108, ;:i:.1 . 7iJ ; ti fty oop1es.!;ii9. 00. l 1 ostabe prepaid .. dr e:;:-; C,,.\_ l\~..t\.l>.A., iH tbe .B n.1 1'Jf:iH i\.M~1u< 1 ,\~ ( ~u n n 'l' E ) l PL .I 11, ~ r L'v u Le i.l t o 'J'cm p era JJ ci::, E d · S. 'MAS O.N . Ilowrn.·i 11 ville, :Due 3nL lbt:i!J. ulO FOR SALE £t; 01w1-.·tl 1 Ht he CAU'rION I a m sole agent for L A ZARUS & MO[\. p e.r hu e. S p ecll ue ns ffec. Adv c t·tise1n eHtt>, IUufa; A.gen t !> wa n ted, t er11 1 s liberal. .Ad· l'et 1;1r bor ough On t. TOl\IA TOES. Gra n t , the F egoe, t h'.:' A l ;;e r , {:1·eat CJ1ilJ 1utlnut 0 1·aJ1g-etiei<1, 1\f n.m1nou t.h Cl us t er, l{e:{s P rol i fi c , t he Cook'13 ~';:t v or itc, Efl r l.}~Yor k, D warf S cotch , J... 1 i 1·ge RcJ G:11J cry si tua.terl ove r Thi ns. l {lJfT Y A.CHES of gu n(\ lau d, beiug p t~rt of L ~ ,t ~v. ·1, in tltt! 8th Con. ni I larling tou . ·~cre~J at low t·l::lt p1ice:~. 0 1· B1u ·r 1::; H ..l1<1 EHH.:.1.N" Go on '1'.EM F L.\ t~ ," BJS' perfec.;let1 es and Eye GlatJ- o·n1n:321fl. ;hn dc< orcd - 14 ai.:res g nod II an l wood t i1nhcr tllet·r-oi1 , A suiall Cret.:k nwni ug t h11 :iug h the pten1iser;, n.nd a good l · 'rmue l[ouse, Bo.rn a n1l St[l,ble ou Lhe preuti~;e8. .F o r par Licu l:~r:-s, :30 l:tJ )ply to W .·onyht Cast Iron F'ence;; }1'ktdi cr':i Drc~.r; public are berdJy c.: :tutiouud ag::i.i11st. s11ch . It . & I r. O'H AHA . /\ 1L L ;ersouil tr~sp.'.1,.,qsi 1·;.J· 011 a.~ li'on ldcn 1'1 ill;1, wi U lie lJ1·0:-1ee11tcd. Bo w 1 nm1vill~, Juno t:th , tlH.: p1·opc~· 1. y- L l 1o w 11 .TOHN McDOC"(lA 1.1,. 187J. tf~36 I3ow rnn.nvillc, J une 1 4th, 1871. bp -Dill. DANI'l·:Ii S1fPl' IT, J,rn;kard.P.O. Or t o R . P. . ! . OOU01:t:l:\.EJ~ ~.,,tTi stt:! r, d ·c. , B o v: 1u ru1ville, ,\ LSO fo;.· srJc n. good rl'lwcsh lng and a good 1-l Sn.wiug- }1auLille, lx1t11 nearly u ew. lOw-45 'Jf:ik iJJg ~i n d Fashion E n 1vu1 i\l rn , ov posite 'J' ro· lev en 's ] ~oot fl,n d S hoe t::\torc , a ud J 'i r:,t d o1 ir c:~:-it of J3 o un ~all' s .A1arblu '\Vo t'k !:i. Bo.-;to11 I\L:1J:kct, t he Cclebe;\ tcd ' l11opl1y. A ll-1() a Vt~ri uty of Celery , repper , :i nd l< '! owce .PJ:in ts. 'l 'liei;e pl~~ni,,.; .,.,·ill all br.! ready in t lw iL· Re . 1'l:IOJI . (or cnclosiag burying l ot s. Furniture Tops, mantel Pieces, &c., kept 0J1 bo.11d, VT "\\>J'l)ught to 01·d cr . 1 ·e"1wctf u lly r eri.11er-< l e,.l nt tl1 c 'Nork s, ses. T ln·y never s 1pply or mn ploy auy oth crs. H o wcvcff specious t11e pre tence n1ad e Uy t hcn1 tha.t t hey li; Lv e thc1 n, do Hot 1 CORN FOR SALE! SIGN Ol' '.l'HE RED FLAG. Bow1no.11vi lle, June 7 th, ' 71. 'l'o boi 1111d at 11t._ ~orn e of t he le:iding G ;:occry E'.trire:,;, m ill a t th e- SuL, scrib er's Re~ itl Hc e. HigE~i11hotha 1n 1 s , . t!-31 lfAI:VJ·:Y DR.APER lJ ~l i e \'C it, j'Oll w.ill be SV1dndle J il' you do. \iVHOLE, OR CHACKED. .A1\ RON HUCf(LEB., agent for JJownHtnJ ohn McDougall. J(inu Street, Bo1 JJmanville vill e and ricinity. 111. o.43-39.4w. j Bowmnn vi lle, Ap1·il 27th. October, l ot, 1869. tf·l H30·tf i\ cmU is