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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 13 Oct 1871, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIHAY, OCTOBER 13, 1871. ===============~-=-= ,~ - - ·---· -.- - - - - - - - - - - -·-----====· · ==== - ===========o==========-=-= ~ ==-===-=-===============;:;;;=-==============r===============--=-p-=~=========================== WANTED J 1\-IORRIS is in '.Vant of a. fiL·st class Cutter · buildc1·. .A.pply immediat ely. . Lt ..._-:!._ OARD. in the t SCHOOL SECTION No. 8 DarliugFOR ton. ..:\.pplicnnt must llold a Second 'hird Cl"'s Certificate . Aprly, if by leltec, to HJL S ubscriber, returuing thanks to inhabitallts of \J./ cl:lt Durh:;im, fo1· the liberal support \Vhich tlu~y h~v& giYm1 him, hcgs to inorm all t hol'c who arc in want of T I Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tira. :ara.d.y and Mike Fl"IM'J.:!l] .J ma A,...1:' Oct. T I-IE ··s··P! ·uo1soa 'SNOS 'll :!l'I.M.O.;r '.M. Hl:!lS .:UI U:!lllVd'B.Ud ·/Ju~SV'lp.J.nd' 'iJ,J,Ofeq n.1111/~.J.V;I J.g(fd'V-"1t rHJ' H&f _ -1.lliDX:fI 'fitl01JV'J~W.J asvq a.1,v 9.lJrHf~o UV 11"NO.I. HARD TO BEbIEVE, ·Anu.roatill SJ3JY~Q PU'e siti!2~n.ta A<t ftT09 PUV 18 71. 1871. TRUE NEVEI~TI-IELESS ! Ve1~y 01· JAMES UOURTICE, Bowmanville P. 0 . 3in-bp.o-10-m2 /~.. - I " illiTTAH" HOT AIR STOV!:, -_ l U i::o oue WORDS PEH MINUTE achieved in is now iu use u.t till the principal r::t.ilw:ty month's, by the NE'\' LIG.l:il'NW(i~·l d: S~nd two 3 c~nt P?Bhtge stamv.s fo1· descnptivc cncnl111 ', tcstm1on1als 11ndfull 1nforma· L~G :rt-IETROD, Prono1u1ced by all \vho see it, to be the o n~y simple and efficient systu1n in t he SHORT-HAND "\VRITING. that they can be su pplied by him a~ cheap :i.s any other house in the trade. He h"'6 allio for sale, tho celebrnt«l Fl RP.T QLA~~ STOVE -'-" 1 st,ations in Ciinnda. It iis j 11st the thin p; for Churches, Hri.lls, ·u.ud puhlic buildings. He is also manufncturill" the "' tion, to P . 0 . Box 484T - PROV'. GHA.Y. Ne\\' York, U . S. BEST HOT AIR DRUM in Canada. of ])urham,nea.r the ! own of Bowma.nv1lle. A.pplici:i.tion to u~ made to J. S. BATES, Propdctor. . Bo\v1nanville, Oct. 3rd., 1871. bp-t f ------ ---- -· FOR __ ~A:tiE. . Sewing Ma.chines. SPLEXT>ID li'n.rm!<~r Lhc Coupty IAgent for t11 e \V11celer & .'\Y ilwn, ~he H1.nvc, A and the Osborne Sew ing Machines. · L l!I . .t'\ U I ~ cK . J3owmanvillc, FOB 8ALE. to Bred Durham Bull, three yf' A 'l'horough olr.l ; a full pedigree c1tn be gi von . Apply a, 1~71. 11 1144 -~---------·- ------ TIM.- "Good morning, Miko, shure aml its early out, ye Me. Might I be Lould to uxe what started yeos this morning." )llIKE.-"Jist be >eiscy, Jim, >md I'll tell ye in a .iifty. Ye see, I was tould, yisterclay, that Jifisthor Gray, av Tyrone, had got home an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man; o,ncl it;, meself could lmrcUy slape a wink, all night, thinking >W the Something long wanted by the chape goods. And shure enuff, its the full store he baspilos aud piles 1w the natest patterns; a.nrl he'd give ye the Everybody---Everybody makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five his or her own Oints; T"'y for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." Painter. TI M. - "An shure its funning me ye a1·e, Mike; wouldn't the man l·e ttfthcr brea.king dowr1." MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Shure he knows a th rick wurth two av that. I'lljist tell you what it is, Tim, if yon want to git a grate name :when youre ded, anJ be called a fiilantrofoecl, filos, ifer, fLDd a public binifactbor, jist tell ail youre nabonrs,and the rist tw mar1kinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll dci more HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS for the good tw you connthry, than iver St. Pati-ick did for ould Irehmcl, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it Prepared for imediate use, and nothing but the pm~est materials used, that niver Wall in it." TIM.- "I'm much oblag-ed to ye, for the bit uv <L.lvic0, nild wva'~ dc- and req Lliring no farther mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. fain yo; there'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss so'me bargains. The top >LY t,he morning to ye."--'l'im 0ff to 'l'h~i1· composition eonei::;ti! solely of '!ltlJJO[ "!d JO) "111'1! '!S ·01n·a ' "'ll'O '"0 :sou 'SNOS .P ~' "Ai -s:naµe')tlUOj) YJ;MSn 's.i-0'/.a,...a avifo amvu.1n1uz.u£a1u 1)Uti ,,'S.LJ,fl fl ·r" Jo a,1,n11Jub"13 · ;nn ~;:id'!lo..l.fTt 9p~sino 'iJ'lf.~ tto ct11i tmnzvu s,"'v's~,&1 frupnwiJ 'iJ?f'/. 1v11J ~aqwaw.<iJ JO ::>JUMGU: Gi·oceries Oltetip. Good Cooking Raisens only .5 cents a pound, a.nd still cheaper by the Box. 'SOJ'l -1nom1p JJotn ~M.OlfaJ A1snoa1u11uu}snr puu A1pn -~o;:m~ IHM t{OJl[.M KOT.1, Ji..'lKO 91l'J. s1qi puy IUA\ 'Stl' J'Ui'.10.\ atn JO OSJ;'.>JOXO 1unsn -an UU SO JJn'ba.t tIOJllldllO:JO OB01{A\ OBOlJl ll'C pmi SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. ... 'SlIS:fJ.NIS 'SlI:u.M. V'l 'Nil''IO puv 11uosoo1 .,..,. inq ' ismu 11nai eNDa ~111 ~'J- in> 'pttt11aq fl~1ivo inn fla»a1 puv '11Duoo v ctn fl.1-v 1ou S'1'0p s~11uvr>1<> ·~u1v2llufOO 91/} Jo asnvo> a1n Du1.aowo.f Ei'n1n 'Ytonvn ,i.i'} sfl:nnv pnv 1s/Jun1 flt/'l- McL}j~OD'S . C?tton and W o~len Goods are :tdvancing, but you c:m buy them at Ellwtt s for tt short tnne, at the old prices. Now is the time to secure what you need. . CL.O'l'H.!NG.--Gentlemen in want of a good fitti1w suit shonld cttll early at Elliott's :Fashio1 mble T>tiloring Estabtishment."' S:<tisfaction guaranteed in all reasonable cases. HENRY ELLIOTT, J'ttr. Rumptou, .AngUBt 2nd, 1871. bp-o32-m45 · /,HHlHO 011M ~O W\1S1VB S.HlllSIM 'HO pO.AlOVO.I S[lJ !UOtuUSJ~ JO ·eJoio1.1dold am Aq spa.ipun11.Aq pa.&.o.ul SJ SH 1Ap3\Ut:l.t pJUpU1Jt1:1 tlfq'l O:j.~.lOS<l..C £1own 11.Aq 03U03 38 NV3 NOlldWOSND3 ·ow ·inI111dmoa Ja.\J'I 'sll!mr1 aqi itl :iuwaarn ·ap1s pn11 isaq() aqi u1 .ro snJll,I ·ssan ·asJUOH ·11l!no() l!u1dooq.c1.\'11znan· ·UI 'SllJl(OllOJ!I 'dnOd() 'sp{O() 'sql!nt() 1m)Sl!US U[ o:i. W. II. Jia1npt.on, Septe1nber 26, 1870. EI~FOUD. (.frn,y's. 1152-1\\'. LOST. N the Post Office or on the Stroct, a small I.eath8r l'tu-sc, cont<tining 8 Dollars and 2G cents the property of a. \Vidow. 'l'he finder will 0U lige by lcn.ving it at the OBSERVE R Office. Bowman ville~ Oi::t. 5th, 1871 I J@ .GRAY, Ty1~011e~ l'iire Gol01', Pv,1·e White Lead, P m·e White Zinu, L-inseed Oil, Spfrits of Tiirpentine, &; Dryers, cc11refully :encl scientifically combined. JO aJno Apaade u .'}'JOlJO o; SffllJ wopz-1 p o·1.1osui u rit {AI.. }Hm ' i u vo.f. .Aµoj .JaAo 10 ovnv1.wdxa 011~ Aq polilon:iuus ':inqud Otj:J. Ol pOJ<ij}O si .hpot.n&.1 UAiOU)J-1104\ 6!ll.L Noted for Cheap Goods. n11 'S.tNIV1cIKOO flN.D.'I JO :;:nrno put: d1£I'I:!l'U .,ll~ .roJ paonpo:ini .JOA:l UO!'lllJlldOJ,J O lQU!J a'}I t he Subscriber's preinises, I.ot 35, 10th I NTO Con of Dltirke, on V\i 2itl1 ult, a ~dnesday, J·acob Neads MAK ES THE BEST .~9.Y ~fare, ::;upposctl bu btl a.bou t 8 yea rs old. T h e O'\Ynet· is r equested to prove property, pay chnrgcs, n,ncl tak l;l her &1vay. .i<J.F.X. TROMPSOK. The consumer c:i,n have 1.tny desired sl1:cclo of color neatly put up in C<rns, and all he requires t o buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can Le done uy himself: or by nny mcrnl.1cr of his household . ioiiaiiisioo I· Mo,r ,laamnr .tva::m :nu isom oq:J, oq o:i. Stt'lJI~ l Oct. ~tl1, 187! . tM Cl DER. PEllSQ)i' wanting ll.lritle ca.n g1tt A NY it done un Lot. 17, 4th Concession of Dar· Hngtur1. Any pers<in frmn n. distance ca.n get t heir cider awv.y with tl)eru the satne d::i:y. T. lW llBINS, Sunr. 52. September 20th, 1870. ci<l~r T. DARLINGTON, MOWER T11.E llEAPER WOOD'S PURE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just received, for ant un»n paint·in_p, i:11portccl ~irect from 1.lrn English Manufactnrcrn,iuclrnling J,imes' Oc1111inn, a11d t he Celebrated l 1\IURDOOfI have received and opened out a BUCKEYE. 11\/I :'JEN SE ! :Oa.tes, Lemon, Orange l~hn·VS, Try it for Yourselves. and Citron :Peels, NUTS Tho~c -------- ----- -- --- Raisins, Currants, :r~igs, CHOICE ASSORT ENT OF ROOSTER ALSO a11d all kinds of RBALVD, guamnteed pwre. all standartl colors, oils varnish es, and painters' materials. Call and see how che"'p a house ctm be painted a,nd decornted; for all these goods will besold 1 1tReducecl figvA·es. 2000 Gallons of IN GREAT A..lso Barr~ls V A.RIETY. tha,t have tried, are convinced tha,t S. F . HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than than any one else ·in Town! and Boxes of AGRICULTU RAL BoWMANYILLE, IMPLEMENTS. Benu:tihl Candies, with nn af!sortmcnt of · - - - -,O'----,lfAGHINERY AND OAS1'INGS Oil EVERY DESOB11'1'10N. rFALL AND WINTER GOODS, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS . CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington has a.gain thoas celebrated rel~eivC'd June 13th, 1871. auother lot of A Jarge stock of C'loths, Dress Goocls,Str-ipecl, Gheckecl, cmd plain Shawls, W1:nceys, PUEE LE.AF TEAS, Qv..alitv is th~ :rest of Cheapness. 1112-ti TO T_HE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & \VOttltl 1 Flannels, Blankets,Lfoens, TVool Goods, H oiscry, G!oves,ancl Trirnrnings. all bought be.foro the advance i~ BowtnanviUe, Dec. 22nd, 1870. ----------~ --- --- SON, " · 01L of different kimls. Threshers and ttll pttrties requiring such oil, :1re specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being far below anything ever offered in this market. FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN 1J1·icei1. NMA'N LIN'E of_ n.oyD..l rrtnil SteRn1ers ~a1 l ing from N e'v " Yod(, evel'y Saturday and very 'l'hn.ri!dav. Tickets sold to o.nd from England, Irelai'.i<l, and tlui Conti.neut, at as low rates as by ~\ny other liiw. t nanks to their n un-1crous Customers, and the Public gene1·a.lly for paEt fa.vora, I N returning respectfully'invite their at tention to our preaent st.ock of l.,un1iture, as we have lately added t hereto, tlHl.t we may therzby be en~iblecl to supply all p arties who nui.y please to favor n:i \~ith a call Great iudnceu1enti:; held out to those purchasing nt Our Establishment. Pict1u·es, L·ookin{;' Gl~Si'.!ee., &c., framed to order, a.ncl in every sytle. Samplef of thediffercn t kinds of ].{oi.tlding:s ca.n be seen o.t lhe '\Tarc-roo1n. W c would n.h!o beg to inform you, that, ha,ving pur~ cl1a.scd a ·- - o - - - I A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than 1ast year YELLOWLEJ:;S & QUICK, Agent;, SPLENDID NK\V HEARSE, reaaon~blo 600 Clock, Parlor, Hall, and :Box Stoves, arriving, and now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of open to-day. Bowrnanville, John G. Dale, 15 Bro~dway, Ne\v York. Bow1nnttvi.llo, June Otb , 1871. tf·3G \\'C shall be ready 11t cl! t imes, to attend Funerals, on shor t notice, and N. D. Coffins kept Qri, ha.n d, and 1nade to qrder, at the tcrn1s. A lot lv,st Season's Tweeds at 20 per ce11t. 'belo"Vr Cost. FOR SALE. ·J N. th e 1st con of Cartwright, 20 n.cTes of ;£OVd Ha.rdwoo(l , growjng on la.n d h eld on loa.'le, of \Yhich t"'·~lve h .1ove yet to run. 00 acres of la,nd, on J.ot 1:~, 9 con of Darlini; ton. l,SO ahont 44 acre::1, in the S . Vl. hn.lf of J:..ot · 20, 7 con of Du.rEngton ; ;;o aci·el'l of \vhich s covei-o<l "'ith good Cedar n.nrl 1-laI·d,vood. ER:J..IS :-Coocl t:imc given, if required, or ch eap for N .B.-'l'he wood mrty be purcha.sed RP-par:it<: fro1n the land. Appl!cation t~1 the Subscriber, 011 J..iot 10, 6 cen <if D::i.rlingtou. NEW D011f1NION RE'l'A IL FURNI1URE W.ARl!:-ROOM. King Street :East, Oshawa. Oslu:1:-wa., Ang . 26th, 1870. Oppo~ite J. W. Fowke's Store. 48-tf. - - Gent's suits made by the best workmeu. EYery G:i,rment made to fi t , The best Black Teas· in Town T)le best Green Teas in Town B1dtei-, Eggs, Mittens, Socks, and Yew n, taken as Ga;sh fo·,. Goods. S F HILL 1 A T GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIACE GOODS, AND TINWARE in the County of Durham. JOHN l'dcLEOD, l THE CllE.A:P:E:ST TO. Wellington Buildings. Bowman ville, Aug 8th, 1871. - - - - - -- --- -- - - --- Dow1na.11 \·ille, Oct 5th, 1871. AUE THOSE SOLD BY THE ~EAS - ..._, . GROCERY DEPARTMENT will be found, as usual, well supplied. A large imported Stock of ~ DR. CARSON'S E.?f' 'I"U~ Qn1CAT£S'r rUBLIC IlENEl'IT Oli' . ·rliE._ :i\:G E. ! A NE-VV h'.1.v ·n; i:i.t~·:d :~ STEPHEN COTTON, Darlin.gton,July GLh , 1871. ft-·10 :l?ICT'CTitE G-ALLEil.Y! informs the puLT.HI:c, -.:.l i;1:.,r C.J\;r.ri ": ni up t.hc Xlj·,v A !~ !'.5 c.ll :crl li~1.· re~pec::nlly ~:u EVERY PERSON I TORON'fO TEA COMPANY, Or their .A.gents. .A. single W·ial t~ud comparison ·with any other t ens, at the same pricef'.!, will pl'ove this. . Our 50c. Tea ·will b e foun d equal to u.,uy ~~t 60c. : our 60c. esnaJ. to any at 70c. ; our soc. equal to any .at, ~ l. ; and our Sl green equal to any, however high the i)rice 1,;ha.rged. Our B~ack T ea!:! sell frun.i 50c. to $1. J:tpn.u (all nu. colol'e<l) 50c. to SOc. ~1\..11 our Teai:1 ~l.l"e :-:;olJ. for ca!3h, at wholesale prices, in bn.lf l)Otu1d, pow1tl, and 5 pound packages. MEDICINES. FOR SALE I'icture. JllUDERX IllJPROVEAJENTS, Sl1LENDIJ) E!cconcl hand l.,orte, a t a, 7, iron franH', over strung, 4 ro uu'a corncrH, U.osc\vood case. Can be seen at J. ~1. BRIM.ACOMB'S Denta. I i VV'OUJ..d) ·yo·lr TIE Sl..TRJ'H.TSED TO ICNOV.l TR.AT,,~~ or.\ili£1riiUl.t.1'\:/i:!.::i~J R.oo rn s. A '1-,'j"F<'i'i'l"' ell'\J'.l'i' UV ~ 1"40 \J · u<l fo1· which, notic6 the many rrest!.,monial!! (ri. fe\\-- of then1 i:::ncloscd in 'i\'Tappers a.round each bottle,) with a. uun1erons list of persons' names, who testify to the sup e1'1or qualities of his va.rious Compounds, viz: Lung Syrup, Conr.itipation IHtters, L i \'"t:tr CornpUu1Hl 1 Cf1ugh ])raps, \\lorn1, Reliever, &c. ~ 'I'he nbovc .i\>f edici.nes can be obtained from D. St ott, Bo\\'manville ; It. Fothergill, New castle; JJ. A . Gumsby 1 Orono, Ang. ~5th 1811. m4i-ly A " ' FRESH FIELD, AND GARDEN SEEDS Just received. lJry-,i:.ugrn ville, Sept. 21st, 18'/l. J1e ig 1 )1'eparcd t o take Life-like Likenesses, in e.vcry t1ty1e of the PhotOJ:o '1.'arihic Art. An i1rnpection of specimens is invited Live~!ool, For ! Icketti, 4 Bm;~:~1;;··:i;~E1.~~1SHiPS:o-t£ I BOOTSar~;rnSHOES. London: aml Glasgow, ! 01· 1 r 1 ly --:<.> :- - l ~ ~------ '" diea»"" i.: ever. n,11. Eu.trance opposite the entrant:e to the 'l'own information, v.l)ply to . \V. A. NB..A.DS, Agent. Bowmn.nvilie, J unc 9th, 1871. ti-:56 THE BEST TEAS ! OtU' Stn(:k.i>i nov;.· c01nvlcte, a ncl of t he best that can he had in the ~farket. '\Vould it su1·prjse you to know we arc prcpan:d to ~11 a..11 orders on the t L. \V. SEXTON· 187~. llO\}".ID.anvillo. Sept. 27th, Sash. :Doors, a.nd. Blinds, near the East end of Wellington St1·ee t. A young 1nan wanted t o learn t he .Quf!ii1css. Ilowmanville, May 18th, 1871. 33-tf I Sl1ED bJ.· H. L . 1'!wlcy, on the iwinFURN ciple of LIVJ!: and LE'l' LIV.E. Shop shortest notice. Iimported. '!'ho '!'ea.~ of the Toronto 1.'ea Compa.ny a re: g_uara.ntced pure as itnported from China and J apn.n . For strength and fine £avo1·, they cannot bo excelled. A..11 tested before boing Bold, and comprise the finest Teas which a re - -- -- -------- T.AXE NOTICE. those inJl::lbte d to A chnn t rrailor, tle at once. The Book8 are LL DAVID l~onnrs, - -:o:-- ·EXCELSIOR. !IEW No War -with Russia., ~IAY. - --o- - - will please seti:i th e hauds of ~Iarku'i> ){fnver, ,,vhose recc: pt will be g()ocl. A.11 A(,;counts filust be settled without delay, to f.H.tvt1 cost:::i,._ DAVID FORBES . Hamilton, Sept. 20th , 1871. Bowmanvill~ . :Mer· best workmen in the Province, I SUJYllYIER ---o--- GOODS . A few only of those splendid Mi·. J. Glynn, (late of,) pa1·ticular i:i. tti:ntion w"ill be given to Geut'is fine Hewed 1vnre. The Best Proof T -W E E D S H I R T S at S. lt'. RILL'S. FOR SALE l"oi· hu·. N H .AhfPTO N, a I-louse and Lot. I _ thcr particulars, apply to BowmanYillo, Jn1y ~la t , STOVES! STOYJ1~S i! Warranted to fit, or no Sa.le. It will JJe to your tWvantagt:: to give u s a call, ~ore purdHtsing el sewhere, '!'Lat the 'l'eas of t he ·roronto Tea. Co1npauy give sa.tiafaction is the iIWUense trade \\-'e now doing in them. Families wh o tried thont once, no\V get them regularly, as they fin d they cannot get any sucL t eas for 1..h i;, 1non cy eL:ie\Vhflre, STOCKS CO}[PLETE A'l' 'l'HE - -:o:- - BU'l' the .'.1 suce:eSf:'f ul l'aid is daily looked for on Temple ~ Fashion, Oshctwa :SEA'C'T:CJi'trL J.OHK PIEHUE. 1871. 42 -31n. STOVES! T FIE SUBSCRIBER bogs to infol'm the in h~bitants WATCH TRY BEFORE YOU BUY to buy a small quantity to see ho>v t hey like thom. Aftcr'.vards they can buy 1nore. ln districts where w~ no agents, persons can 'Wl'ite to us for samPl P.~ of 'J'eas of a.ny kind, l~t any price. auJ. \\"C will iiend thmn by mnilbfeee. '\Ve ~end 20 lb;;. or more to a,ny Ra.ilroa.d opot in Ontario, freight, and collt:ct througl1 Express A gen t. Put up in half pound, pow1d, n.nd 5 p(lttnd 1· Jacka9es. Address all orders to the TO RON' ,0 TE.A . CO., 186 Young Street, l'oronto. i~n·ited MAKING, No t1wu,ble to sheiu Goods. .A Fcdr Tl'ial -solicited. JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, Eflta.blishments for '\Vhich t h(; Snb3criber lia m<Jde ext ensive preparation, and fa prepared to B h o'v the hc~t .ANDERSON & Bown1 nn·:Hle, Sevt. lSth, 1871 . co. 50. lu to\vn s where \Ye have ngcn ts, partiel! 1u:e HATS, BONNETS, of Bow1nan villo and :1urrounding couut.ry, that h ~ has t he SELECTION OF GOODS. Such as ..Watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Bnscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands.I. Spoons, and :Forks, uutlery direct ft·o1n the Celebrated BEs·r SELEOTIOK OF STOVES over oITered in the '!'owil, comprfai11g FOR SALE 1 FLOVVERS, RIBBONS --o- - Uooking, Pco-lo1·, Bo.v, and Coal Stoves, of the tate8t pattm··ns, . cmd of t/w Best Worlcma.n rateful to a genet·ou!:I public, for pa.~t libera.1 patronage, begs most respeetfully t o annOl'Uce that ou i:we@unt of il1cteusing busine5s, he now occupies fli1'i'Y ~<\CR,ES of good l11nd, being ,1>a11; of I,r,t No. 4, In the 8th Gon. 0£ Dndin~cm. :Jfj a.e1·es cleared-- 14 ucres good Jlardwooa. tim· bet· t hl.lreou. A srri:1ll Creek nurning thruu:;h the promises, n.nd a goofl Frame House1 Barn F &C. ·ncl Stable ou the premi>cs . ]'or purtlculurs, AGENTS T - -;o:- - G ship, which he "'ill r:!~ll as cheap as in any l\{arket in I t h e Do111i.nion . Also Agent for the appl'v to xnnnvillc. DANIEL SM11'H, Leskard.P. O. Or to R lt. LOSCO.l\IBE,Barrist er, .tu., BowJ I"T "' llfP BOW l , ,a, e lOWleeS &; QU1Ck ' MA., ILLE, "TV MESSRS. RODGERS "AND S ON'S, SHEFFIELD, of the greatest n1ngnitude. T:t1is ~tock is the nlost complete in (]Ultlity and variety, and is allowed by the best 'of antl1ority, t ::> :~ll other .H ouses between 'J!tmtreal a nd 'l'oi·onto. n good fl.S!30rtment of srrYLISH JVIJ-\.NTLES. --o-- A J,~O fol' salt! a. good rrhresbll1i; and a goo Sa.Wlng Machu1e, both 11endyt1e1v. lOw.15 Vi,: 110 keep on hand packag(.'S of hn.lf J)Ound pound, 5 pound ca<lrlics, of all kind~ . Bo,vmanville~ Oct. 27th, 1870. n3-ly THJ.: IYilOLE OF HIS OLD STAND, and has filled ELEGANT DRESSES and COSTUMES, mnde to order. Entirely new design~. TilEM. Celebrated American 1tnd all :\bout the best. of L irne. I~ime fiom ~he West of the very b est , Nut beat 1n tiny quarter; J.im_o that will ahvays stau<l tho test, ' '" hen malnng into mortar. I ,vill try and keep a good supply, For it is always ,,.-anted, That ·..vheu you 1111 come in to buy, y-ou'IL not ·be disappoiut'e<l. . Yun \vill al\Ya.ys find it dry and fresh, Aud that is something bonnie, So com e along and try this Lin1e, But don't forget the monev. Jiourfl of tlelive!'f £1·orn Nine a.1D.. to Four p.m. , <Jorner of (~neen an<l Ontario Stret. BowmailYille. M arch, 1114187l. no every Shelf, Hole and Corner, ·with an BASE BURNiJ,.Jl AND HEA1'EB Cn.U and exa.mlne Stoves ;i.nd prices befol'l;l purchasing t:tlscwbere. It~:~!me~1~Tj~tiu~=~E. j' DON'T FAIL $ J; L VE :R Sp 0 0 NS, TO C.ALL .A. T also a beautiful Stock of , - - ------- GALL AND BEE For the newest, chcapc8t, ttucl most Fashionable goods, go to ~~-~xceeninglychoiceassortmentofGoods Ha,rdware of all kinds. comprising Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, &c., &c. 1 ~1: A S 0 N . S Wedding Rings, Etc., AARON BUCKLEil, Uowamnville, N ov,28th, 1870. · Trewin' s Teinpte oj' Fasld on. Hats, Gaps, Ftirs, B~Oalo Robes Pc1pe1· C'ollars, 1Yeclc T ies, An Assortrnent of Tinware. R1u;ci(~ an fl Gent's Ftirnishings, &:c. 1 Comrinon Iron Sto1;e l-1 :pcsi GrtlltJn'B 'I'hc '\thole of the Stock having been well bought TINYVARE Pipes, Dunil· Sto·ves, ([;c,, cf:c., kept on hand For Harness, Saddles, 0. BOUNS,_i\.11, MA:HfFAC 'l'URETI , I MPOI\'l'Eli, DE.A.LER iu all th e varieties of an Oshawa, May 7th, 1871. n53-l y BARGAINS WILL RE GIVEN lf you »'ant a nice sett of Furs, for Rot Air Drnrns made to order. Hot Air Furnaces fitted up on your lady, call on M. Mayers. the most improved plans. A ll kinda of Fnr-s alte1·ecl cmd 1·eWo'thnanshi)I ' econcl io none wi pavrecl. the Dominion. Highest price paid for Raw Furs A.11 kintls of J ubl:ing done on tho Shorte~t Notice, aud at i·easonab~e prices. THUS. IlOWDEN. 24,tf. Trunks, Valises, A CAUTION. Whips, Bells, &c., 'lll E learn that there are unprincipled persons · h tOr ~ t 1e, d urab 11 ·1·t y an d c h ~ap· \'l \Vh(), \vhen they canuuot palm off a worth· W]l!C Sy Sewing l\fa chine, on pr:rsons acquaiut~d ness, cannot be excelled in t his vicinity leBs with Lhe merit!! of the different )iachines, rep· rI'o tho;;e in AR.R.EARS, he ·would :iay Italian & .American Marble. A largt and ch oice selection of aJ.wa.yB on ho.nd, of tmperior ·w ork1nauship, and at lo'vYCfit pl'ice.~. I NO'l:ICE is~~~i~~::t "'lll be niade. the c · orpora.tion of __ · I am sole aa ent for LA" AR US & }{ORn MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES, Wro ught or C'ast hon Foiaes for onclo~iag CAUTION 4 ! OO'RN FOR SALE! -WHOLE, OR CRACKED. YOU MUST PAY UP! rhose wl10 nlrca.dy tiettlcd, will please ac. cept our he:irty tha.uks. · '-.. MARKUS J\'IAYERS · ·i.nvillc, Sept, 28th, 1871. EDWIN HORSEY. Bowmnnvilli::, Augustltith, 1871. 1.0ly· Bo~ n1:tnville, John McDougall. April 27th. n30·tf S. MASON. BoWTUii.l'lville D1.::c 3rd. lSGV. nlO ! esent themselves aa agente for ths c1:1lebrated Locktnan and O:.-bon1e .l\lacbinm1; and offer to grant 11·n.rrnnts for the ~a 1n e, ' vith i.nt ~nt to ·deceivt1. Vle bein g the only m1tho1ized agent for West Dnl'ha.rn, a re the ()ll ly rici"Sou.s who eJ.11 grant wa..rr anbi thereon; aud any per~ous not emplpyed by uo:, l'ep1-e::.cnting then1$ ·Ives <.lli ~tgents, or offer ing to grant warrn.nts, are in1. pn:.ters, and lialilB to be prosecuted fnr fraud. The puUlic arc hereby~ C<.\utio11cd against such . I 8e8. bui·yll1g lotf:l. " Th ey nevtjr S'.ll'l'l)T or en1plov anv . . ~ ~ others. Ho\vever specIOll S the pretence RIS' perfected Spevtacles a.nd Eve Glas- JL & H. O'HARA. l3owmrmvillc, Juno J.J:tb, 1S7J. hp Furniture Tops, Mantel Piec es, &c., niad ~ eb . Y_ t l'l em t l1 ~t they l~ave th~m, do nuL . l1clieYe i t, you w1ll he sw 1ncll ~ l 1f you do kept on hand, vr ·wrought to :irder. ... !\. call is .AARON 13UCI{LER a()'ent for Bu\v 1 u I·espectfully requc;;ted ttt the "~·orks, ~ Uu , King Street) ]Jowra~anville ville and vicinity. I. . ' apvlicntion by the To\v~ of Bowman~·1lle 1 to tbe Legislature of the Province of. c;>ntar10, at its next SeB.sion, for an .Act authorising the construction of a Bail way from ths wat~rs of .Lake Ontario, iu the '.l'o.,...·u of Bo1vman v1lle, in the County of through some P·rl· o~ the 'l'own,hips of D:uling'. to?, Clarke, Ca.i. twr1gbt , a.Jld bia..nv en~ lll t he said Cennty of Dw·ha1n, and the Town ~f Lind!la.y, a.ud 'l'o1n1shi'Va of 01)8 Emily Fe11°] 0 1 d : an ' 'crn1iloDl, 1~ th o . 1 ·u age of' Bobcaweon, ' ~ In the County of V ictorrn., then ce to th e Governinent ,.,.,nets and lands of the Enulish La.ud C ·· in ~~:~ Counti_es of v-ictoTia and Peterl-~~:a~i to. amal~amat;. or m1tk1; run nin{: a.rra 0·,·ement.s \\'1t h other Railways. ~ F 01TRil'1' .M. . R: \\rINDATT, ±::;n dtc1'k. Bowmanvill~, l\In.rch ~-.2nd 1 1871. -3m. Octobe.r 1 1st, 1809. .i.·tf m .o.43-39.4w , · - ·

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