THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, :NOVEMBER 10, 1S71 POETRY. Hymn of the Present DGER~LD }f aUhng the operAtor to throw the tc.1p1:1 &11 one way, so tho.t they rnay be gathereid and bound in bundles, or they ma::; be cut \Yith a co1nrnon co1 u cutte1 by hand Every person "ho raises corn fm.ld~r or feeds lt to cattle, should iemember that \\hen perfectly cured, so as to ih sweet fla~ 01 and green color, 1t is one of the beiit k1nds of fo"d that cattle ca.n In e on , "h1le 1f allowed to be coroe1\et, mo·lldy,d1acolored ru1d diuk b10\\ll or black, it is little better tha.n po1aon It 18 liy fe~<l1ng such unwholesome, badly dried, t hat some carelefls fa.rmeni have coJne to tbe conclus1on that corn !odder is pool food !ot 1uu 1 mall! IIeuce the tmportanGe of perfect CUt'lnlii -Count1 y TEMPERANCE. Importance of Female Inftuence. J· B. Gou<m's ADDRESS 10 Mimstenal Modesty. At a late ortl1nat1o n, 1n New H<i1npslure Ba1on Stowe, D D, of Bostou, p1t!uchedi Lh e se rn1 on fion1 ~-\.eta xx 19 Al ter i::tat1ng some six or seven rt'aso ns 101 t he cult1 vaL1on of n11n I:i:te11 a1 lnnntl·ty, his eighth " as a 1casonahle ,ldmon1t1ori to rionic "ho 111 tke th tn1seh:es ll1Ju<l1mouslr proni1n ent, nnd Loa·t ahnost w1tliout knoy.1ng it, of how u1ud1 they lia'c u.ccornplishe<l 111 th en fitld:J of lahor He said a hunt!J!C ~p1 11t would llOt Jeacl a n11111st.eJ tu 1epo1t .t 1ev1v· al thus 'I c,).tne lo th1s p lacP, and fo 1111d thing .. in a bttJ. sta te , hut I rnllt ecl to the d urd1, e"tctl1l1~h c-d µr ,\ Yt! mt:ettngs, 1e01~ur11zcd the St11 day SL'.hool, the COHf..rC- I g:i.t1on h,_15 grea tly 11lCH!9."eil, tl1c cl1n1 c h 1s enl:nged and lJecou!l~ tl hc1 e11t, 1uy labors l>"'e u<'en \CIY o,1ccc·s,lul , I have buptISed hf!;, a1nnu,.;: \\hozn are ~on1e o! tlit' n10 0 t pro1n1 ne .it c1tlz·· n~' Tile l.u1guage of h 1nnhty would 11e snq1etlqn a lik e tlt1s 1 I I\\ ,\;\ p._nntttrd to cn t c1 th1fflcld, as i:.1c~cr; ~01 of a pious 1 n11n,,tl.:r, untl gutliu 111 .son11.: of the f1u 1ts uf Ltl:I l uho1~ '"'lhe La!d h a.s been plet\('eJ to revn~ llm \101), 1 tli ~ p1n.y t!rS of Ins people hit\ P bt en answt:rt.!d I h u\G: haptlsetl hit)'\ 1u,\,q of who1n sp<1ke co~1111;llo ol n1y p 1e1le ct'i.:riur 'l~a (Jotl bl 1tll Coffee f =====o=:~ \SSnY Not onl) in old da1s He bo\'.;ed 1 h1:1 hea; ens v..nd came do·\ n , V{ '!, too, wete aba.doVi ed by the cloud. . .ind sn.w the glot y shown 1 'rhe natwns sce111ed dead ha"i o felt His comin.; th1ongh them thrill Out God ts living still 1 I-Ie who ui ~ce 1 et beats the StJh, Interprets every ter.r, IIi~th 11,htcneJ on ns fion1 on lngh, IYin/le l~nO \\ n His presence 11ca1 1 r1 he \V ortl t:l.ku~ :fle::.h, the Sp11:J t fouu, J:I1s pul'pose to fulfil , 11\ c0111es 1u µenmn of the &tor1uO u God who g1>\er11r:. st1ll' '\Vt: ~rn. - 1~11 of us sa.W' - 1 O\\ He Dle N" swoid u.nJ. flttnck t11e blO\\, .A ud up and f1~ through thnr Red Sea, L·nn s FRIDA.Y, APRIL 28TH, 1854, IN' 'VILLIS S ROOMS, LONDON', J?all ctnd Winter, 1871 ctnd 1782. Large Su:pplie$ :New Seasonable ctoods. ----0---- of the \ ory best lnncl t and TEA JUST as GOOD, and cheap as at nny sto1e in C uiada., o. out of 1t, at (Continued ) · IIe let the ca.pt1vesi go Yea, we have seen H1n1, dca~ly-sel:lll I!un \\Oil'- the n1uacle \V',j kuo" , -..\hut.e'i.:11nay111Wr i 11 e, Ou1Uod1s w1th u. still .ll11>ill Vil ~ic .t.t~ .lll The next day, I \\·ag stuy1ng ut a hou:;r in th1.:: town, when t\\ eDtJ-sevcn h1e1u·s CJ.lll l"' to ste n1e I ac;~nue you I '\ as so nH!"Lat sti:i.rLled, fo1 I bud not bee11 uiled to n1t-e t1n!.: ~u1,;h a, and ,dtho 1 1gh I bi.v e bcen beio1e people for the l<tst ele\·t~n years I haven degree of wh at } OU 1no.) c1ll d1lhdence that I n e\cr can ge t O\t:l , uud, inTHE HOUSEHOLD. deed,iather tl1a11 have corne hc1e..tL1> a_[rer - -- - - -- - -___ __ ____ noon, if I had not behev<.:d l t my dut\ , I \vould have run the ganat li.:t Uet\\ eeH t\ o Dres:--·Its Intluence upon the Nervous rows of 1nc11, w1th knottcn haudke1..::h1cf,., System. i1ght ac1oss fro1n hr.1 .., to VVt"tn t1nstc1 .Uul I hdt 1t u1v duty, au :l I ca1 11e hC!rc ahn1:.rng (1"ro1n Good He~lth and~treu1h1P1g Ucfor-.; )OU ..i:ind ~heu tliese }fany a pe1son has bet'n wntten down an ruis t \\en ty sc,en ladies can1e in, 11 they h!lli r. rnpl) becauso of entcrtain1ng practical com· uot sa1d an) tb1ug tt) 1 ne,I tli111k t l1cy 1111.;ht mo1i scn8c views upon some certain subJcct, -1 lia\e LP-en th1::1 c till no\\', .. nd I should t1ot lia\e S(L1d .u 1 }th111g to thBn1 \Vl'.:11, ~f1 of 2n1p1e"~Jon~ :riclt\cd ho111 the f1u 1}dul Iued1· al, sc1enhfic, or otherwise Young An1er1 MILLI1YER Y. - o- I.1 this clep tr"nlf.:Jlt a. f:L on cl drnpb.y 18 Rho\\ Il Of tbc lUOSt beautJfu} des1°ns 01 :;1natm,; 1u Pani'! London an(l New Ym k un !er the able ·em~nt of .I\I1fl .M J R.1!: 1 n-.1..1..N (late Mms Thomo.s..) "' I SUBSCRIBE I 1' JOHN SIG MCMURTRY'S OP l'HE GOLlUJJN LZON ]{1ng :::)tter.t, Bowruan\1lle --o- .MANTLES ! MANTLES o- 1 gut t P c:quc ~sly fot o 1 o \ll ti.tde Ouston1e1s cr~n rely on gettn1g n ~~0<1ll fJt, o·l1:11~ant Htyle, and bt1ant1fullv ti 1mnied 1XTRERE DO YOU BUY YOUll fl GROCERIES? being th e q11est10n, J .\l would te!ipm tfullv gl\ ea. hint to tl1ose HL pe1 plex1t,,:, th it hQ ke~t is ( onstautly 011 l111"d i In it da,~;.: Hlock ol i FOR THE I 1 DHE.:iS GO ODS DEPARTMEN'l. _\. la"'go $l".oct of the n1ost i:1tyhsh nn 1 ser\l'lcea.ble goods imported In L h1s connection l~ 8hU\\ n a f~ll va1 wty 0f t11mm1ng", buttons, &c , t o ma.ten, ni all colors Dr·cs~-rwtking done to 01 de1· in fi1·st-~lasv s(ijle 1'5l:l.t; J lleced~ the old hu11.zon w11lhi ca, rnd Old ~'\.Ine11c.:i. to(), sometunos, dehgbta rn pl(;11ounc1ng those \vho:osc recom1nt!nd~t1ons or Eug~ <.'Shon:::. uncongcrual (bec.i.use in ad vr.ucc of notions held by themseh es), p 1.:1 £ect lui.::3."Ic"-' Jt 1s quite a study thoroughly to 11 1J}tt1.tnine' ri. ' "e 1 dre"-setl" person, espcc1ally a ladyl Yet\ c o.r" obh~cd to hunt our.:ielves altnost "boll,:- tot hccxtein:tlr4when\\e do so A nd ,ft.he" outs1tlo" ptescntsaomnchelabor atwn, ho\ n-1.t1f!h m.u~t rem::un "hidden" upon wh1i.:b wear) p er~on;\]. toilh:ui }dso been cxpcnde<l' 'rlio t.e1rn "in::i.te up " 1a often u:Jed vheu I >ll)c1 og: tif a.:n actoi as ho appears JU ·1 ch~iad11,. 1 te, upon t he stago Tins exple!;siou 1 ~ a Gouu;b, the\. ~a1J, you toh1 ue; last nir{ht to do ao1netl1111J l if \\ C only kne\\ ~hat wt~ ~on kl do. \\ e a1ew1ll to do so1netl11 nb \V\ 11 I sa1 d, 1t's ia.ther a st1'auge ques~1 on to asJ... n1 e. H,i.,.r. yon a socteLy of vh1lcticn l1e1e 'l the p1t11i::e '-Ohu·r;hman ) fr'.;' sh breathn1J sp.w" , A id n.ll, hl) 1tft their tYC& i.1 ~.J letb n · It is ct1r l; ~ttbe1 s \Hll, This\ odd tn flif'1 sh111l f1eel,1 tmn, A \\ondo( hei:do1n st1Jl 1 -Good nrords 1 o gt ve We call thetn 111 tlie U 1iitt:'d St;ites, ...cold \V,tter at nne~ N ), W(;. have uQt, ~.utl the 1 Uod do2'l U!:! no 'iol~nce fT e UF.;l'S us lad1ei:: Thl·Jl ~11d I tl1e1e a1e enough of j ou tluough the\ t:Iy natu1~ \\Jiu Ji He gn-i.:e to nt.:.i and t111ouvh uur 1a:C·\\lll 0 Con pl a in not oi t he sho1 tnC'(.8 of life. lJut eninl oy thnt tJIT'C usetullv r · I I :l>RY GOODS. Herivy English Wool Brnvms, ancl Fancy U1 e1·coetlvngs 'l'weeds, Sh i 1la, D1'CtvJwr·s, flats ctnd Ccips, Colla1s ' and Fi,idings TrJ//kSl1 y, Wool, Union, Jle11ip ' 1 0 I o.nJ ti II (J"C \\hu bu\ florn they 11'111 tll 11 ...,i,;u lo:ie1et ei, "' that aru tblt: to 1118 Ibny from Joh11 r,IcI\!!111 tL'Y" UATJ.1.fA"AL , COJ,'ll11/ItAL, .A.l{D CRACKIW !flJJ:A 'l' 'J\fERCHANT' P'LUUR, THE FARM H~rvest1I!g Turnips gooG t one-full of en1pl1 :t.8Is a.nd meaning We \\Ouk (Frointhe C21o11adu.Fe.rn1er\ not for the woikl &pperu nngn.11 ant, utl Thc wr1tc1 hn,e grown tln1nps for many ~ -.n.ta , strikes us as 1nstthe '"ord to use when spe<'\ktng of a "dre!:!~ed tJl)" I)~ay (One of D 1cken'a both in ]~ng laTid enu Cl\llad.i an~l t\fte1 t1;. u1g all the planll recommended l Ol h n,rvelit111g IIns cha.1:.icters, you iemember, en.Us it "the host· l come t o theoonclu ~1on t Il:l.t t J1e11;i 1 nc111e so goo d g1ocmed "on1an in the stud "I Mn1<l you, we 'l'her~ lf:I not a <l :vi. are , ery fonU of the la.d1cA 01 avaJ.ta.ule aB to take:. sha1 p hoe, &ronn )a.rticle of cyn~cuim 1 n our nlil.ture toY. Bl-<la ~ho.rp a,0; a. cht1'5el, a nd" ,r,h lt to :!!Lc:e off tl.t e l them \Ve o.du1 e thern . But we al~o pity g1een clo1~ to the J'(!-b-t, ur nearly no, and Wlh.: n tl1c11e been t emo' e<l, 01 co11~un1 od b,y c~t It has often and truly Leen remarked that if tle on the lot1id,"1th 1:mffic1ent1'<:'1 ~ 1it, l eisons were compelled tu endnie, as a. puni!li· an 1n, 1:1rtecl hv.11 ow, 1.1.nd by drabgwg it over tho tni;nt »ome things wluch self imposod, the field to pllJl out tbe tuunps horn the en1th voice of the co1nmunity \\ould be lon<ll) heard Some ma} be left, but 1f the tnrn1ps are w~ll denouric1n~ the cruelty f.rO\\ll, ~~lmost r.ll \\Ill be so ent.uely extracted theie lS much chscomfo1t exp"Iie11ced that the laboi of get ting 111 , the remainder will b) \\on1cu in councot1on with their ·· drcr:is1ng," ,,. h "'lu11es no mgumi':nt It \\111 be conceded by MOHW\(r; .IL be gre itlv lessent d .r ~u(l · i1 1 in...o all \\lthott di;bate. .li.. nd \\hen we take int1 ] 1 c of the i g-ht iistructurc, \\ en you pass a ct L accot nt :t.lao tlie cxpeus:1 and wa.ste of time, we L~un du1tnni.:e, by ra1 i!u1~ it a. little t he tn1lllp$ 1 feel obhgcd to beheve that thG d.n.ughto1s of \\ill be depmuted in ro-..vR, mo1e 01 less close to Eve h:n e n. " shock1nrt hard tuue " of 1t (IIn11· gether, ncc01d1ng to U1e crop, the sb.~pe and t'! f ~ ficiercy of the hauu v.r,and the skill of the \\ Ol k bands a.nt1 fathers t.hnik, too, thnt they ha.,e.) in:.m I ha\ e 1.1£t.en thou~l.t tl·n.t a rev oh 111g '[bus far \H: ! have confined ourselves to an rake, 01 f!Ct'lt:s of bai:s, lOnet1uctcd somewhtit seitiunmaiul:y, Letu.,now look into the matLt.e::. r e\ol v1ng t tke, \V{iuld be found a mn-.;t te1 a hi.tie cleepe1-nan10ly: it;i effect upou tho L'seful nnplemcnt Notluu.; ill ~f':.-:i1st filling health, patticulady the ner\·oue: 5~11.teu1, ID the tui mps into t be \\ a:.,ri:.;on eqt1:\l to a th! 1 u 1naintr.n11n,; the quiotnoss of 'vh1ch RO much llf pioup,ed, lo l3' h(W.dled, pitclnng fmk, by \\hluh ha.p1hness dependa A tidgetty, ner..,ous per~ son cannot fe el truly h·P!)Y Unsteady, chs oftc.n tlnee tu1n1p:<1 cs.u be pick4:d up atoni.:o u11d Pu.:t nc1 '>'C S arc an101 1g the most d.st1ess1ng q b depoi-;itcd n\t!, tht edge ufthe "AllJgon nxi fl ll<l 1 11~ that hmnnnlt) endure~ Thc1eby di~est1on that, too, Vi ttho lt Jour hands bein g hn,lf froz un I" c kran ..rcu, t11e in1nd Ler..:luuded, n.nd " hurnpil ·· ~\. httle tHlm1t f(li "' 111 snow) 01 sleety w~ather romulgn.teJ All u~i~, lei tri.tnly and n i:,>Tea ,t I i1geuu1ty 1sJu3tali\D.1u1iLloon \fa1ni aa n1a ,1 nnll,, ught s or mechtnH.:'o shup, 111fa..,t,I 1 H.:v c1 deal ·norc "hi ch may not be p uUhclv discu:ssc T 1 .a~\ the time t hat it \\as nut ustrnl 'I nc1c nic, In ,,,; of the intiu?.tH.:~ of "dress,' we }u;iwe"e1 , s0111e dt1nderbc \.d:; \.\ho nevc1 thh1k htv\! Jt.:f <-nee in our i eroark:> to e\:er::. portwn f)it'lcinselv<s n.ndconJe1nt otl i-e1R\'l'o thluJ... o;:tl.c:r:o-1m::i, m<l,[\,sth~body l&st~npon tlfe for tliem, n,n I i<u these peopl~ !Jttl n J l!j) tLh ie..,t, \\I \1111 tu 1 ~t: n.. pe'='p ,i.t theio \Vhat pen nip-i Vi itli or e h nrl. cliopiJin0 tlH· l~' euIH " 1t h (], 1 o..: ' \\ 1te t h B to1 tu u endu1ed by tho~rn t\\ o 11nkn f~ ,, 1t li the othel, i~llo\\nlg tl c tuu 1 ps to J 1 01ttut 19w1nb ... 11:1' V{l-,en the t1ghtly_.jttty.; he JU 8 t whPre they fell 01 gl ev.r, ~co.ttci ed t.11 boot 13 la.c ... d or bu~toned, .tnrl the l t'ly s-weep·1to 1 lmo 1110 ly pa~sc ~ o 1t upon t11e p lVC , flequently tne 0 er the fiel:.l, a aui t o be p c.-.eU. p 1 r l t I1ng ti iat l1.J-cps '· ket,a.1Hlhyhelpof ~see;<udmnnlticld 1 ntotl1~ 1 on) llel rotri 8crealli1no lid b l Wllul the to canv,1ss the\\ hole tO\\ n, n"d to ,;ct e\ l!) , l c bi ld 1 \\1t11t11parent5con::;ent-not \\ttlt out-to.:..idopt the p11nc1pll of t.ot,il <1b:st1n enc~ GeL c' uy cl11ld to s1311 Lhe pledge go to Lhc lTit Tll:-.let:::;' honse:s, to <l1nnka1J.~' houses, to ahst().lllf!.l»EI house::., ~o evc 1\ whcri' Get c' Pl)' chilJ. j OU can to si 0 u tht1 plldijet aud I shall l ea ve town after to night.'" lUl:!et ing, but '"'Ill retu1n on Satu1.:1 11y It · JOU 11 f get the chi 1.. ien, and it IS rne \\eat.her, \\ c cango 111totht>grove,and ha,c c:o n1 es1nginu and tal1,111g with th!' children and I be~ l1e"vc!ovd .,,111 he done The'\;' ~·.1.'J they Ca,1)(t1111g,b'/001 Cloths,Rwys,&c Cw tains 1 ] ' bl l Damri'" s, a ' ,' tm 8, Towel111g, Bla1iluts, Hone Co; e1·s, Plcnn and Fri> icy Flannels Fa1 cy '1Voolc·1,s, S haw ls, Nu b1,t>. Son tags, Lrtdics' nn<l Clnl<lren's vVool Umlm-clothmg lnfantile Olot,hing beautiful clesigns, nchly Emb101dcied ~ No11 e -i:mt Fiesh muvals of C1ocke1_) ctnd Glass\va1e (+ootl~ and General Advertiser. Oornpleto Stocks in <J<:11t to ~11 parts of tho 'J ow11 GR OCEIUES AND HOOTS AND SHOES fhot-cl,1s, haads employed in each depaitm011t, and all wo1k gur,·anteed MO'l"l'O,- Hest Gooclr, Low P1·ices, L ibe 1'1Jl 'l'ei'11is, LaJ'ge Business, and prompt pa" flllt satisfied tLn.t the th1ng would be done 'Ve went nt 1.ight to 1 do so, &nd I J ar l J pair of stairs , f or t h ey w-ou l c not et us b ave "10 ·} p j aoe o I "QtSb ip, \V]llC j l JS n sua 11 y granted to us Some one h owever "aid ' Hr.rk ! there 1s the bell n'i1g1ng,' U?;d ~tue enough tt was rr'he hell ot the pl!Ace of wot ~hip was 11ng1ug a way, and such a 11ng· ing I ne\'el heatd It dppeared that the b4sband of one of the laches had one ot the kcyQ, an<l she got It ,ind opened the <loot, and rnng the b1.:H as well ~e sl1t3 c11ul4,~b111k ing that \\hen \\'e ouee got. 1'1 1 th ey ·would \ not t nr n IH! out, and they did not Vle had I I l j l l J '· l no 1g its, JUt t 1e ac lCH Tht nt iu outa1ncl ll l ] j l l l so1ne can( e .. , s0 11at. \\ e iat qtn e lg-1" l ·) 1JPC t o f t en1 perance N ow enoug 1 op " ie su 1 nn~ flCJ!llq 1y'·d~·l: I II) Ip ·II " 1-rp 11, p! ya i I um not s"y 1n rr tfiat tl1 ' lo.tl1 so t l.iond c1;me to bl th' moi;;t 11f}u hie 1 1('; t- 1· rm l"\ er Elhould do this ~ T in,, "'~s 1n acconnt1y ,,~[1 1utrotluced for the Hl<~f l f l i~t C_. l·hof all l age, "here ii 11 coul . :1 IJe done \\1th pl'rll'Ct p 1opnetJ, whil e 111 till' Clt} 1t \\Ollid be an absurcltty But I only sbO\\ 1ng what the lad1es C..1.0 do if they plc,ir;e 1.'he nl!Xt 8atutday there "as a band of in U81C heard Ill tlic s ti ec ls, not n. \l:i'} good Ln-JJ¢1 Jt JS true , but Ithey n.1ust ercd .\~ n1 tny 1nst1u n1e11ts as t ll')' 1..:ould t o 111ake a nu1se, anJ. l I I I I ] inn.11.; lf'l np tie str\·el s wit 1 \ l 1ge Janne1, on winch wa~ ins;c1 illed, ' lhe Lai.lies ot B tt 10 I101 I T t t j l \ j ra OUJ 1- ... ~e o ,i oi iio uis hlno.. 1 ic l 1g1on our ~.dtgu a rd, ten1pe1.i11oe ou1 sh 1c1tl ,' nnd the} 111,uclied up\\ 1t h H, ,,.Jth 306 ch1 lc1rcn. into thegro\ c Sc· cl'.d nnn Jdteta \.\ eic the.t~, u1tl suuke 111 beb.1l1 ul tin· l"l1te1p11se l'be \ tltet i.;<l.llk Llo·n 1 into th~ ::ittel t.; <1J1.llll, a111 hnppc1.e l top 1.,,~ h) sonH· ;vuung ir1e11 who \\ ~ i e 1 n lt()ut of 011e of tlie t.1.\~111::--) onn6 in en of 6'.0()i\ I 11 J iiles, '\ho l:d.u <1utn1ug t o tlo bnt s Lnol1.e Clrj ,u s, lnn P'·:l ll p tilt SIL10l1.G tn ~lJll cl ! w I l"ll b:-; tiruun<l tn r i lw.ts Olle of tl.ctn ~1ud, 1J.1'l t~u t theu.:: H1;;u1ne t1 in::.i1-.: tn tl esLrel:'t4' 4 ..:.~. sa ...l fi.t1otbe1 1 tlH·y li1ne bee 11uustl1 ing .in a1 n1' ,I bllIJJ)O_.e, a11d thLJ pouli pooh cd ,ind snec1 e1..l nt tbl! 1nattl'1, o.s n1 \11} pc1 sons do 'vho don't know an) t11n6 about 1t At ]al:lt, one of LLern saal, i H<lllu ! \\ huL 1:i tli.1t 1 The lntues ol B1attlel>orourjh,-fl'C total 01 no hushl\nd; 'Vc11, tbats a goocl'uu' and the } OllDJ n1cn langhtd a·1d cliuck lc(1, and \\\:IC vel) 111e11y abont it, an<l thought lt a \Cl~ iL:;uul th11JM But bv a!ld by,on~ of the JOUng gcnth·1nen 1ounJ out th tt Lli ere l'.uS a Ctrtil.111 ~11::.s son1e one 111 t bat p1oct..:sion He looked aucl atu c cuougb there slie wa,,' a11d at on ce he bicg,\n to al· iangc h is dies ..., put l1is c1gu belund hi·IJ, buttvnul up his coat, anll luokud. ve1y de n1u1e No\\' the consequer.(e ot tlu."tt 111oveu.ent \\ ~this, th e t 01\n \\ at.:. one ot th~ 1n os~d1unkentowns 111Ve11nont , thc.)oung · n1cn ne1e going to cle:;ll ncti on by t.:.core:-;; thej Welt ~rovnng in \\JCJ...i:dne!)il: nn<l cl1ss1pat1ou , but betu1(j tbe suu weut <lo\\ n that f 1 l I 1 111g b t,1lt.) llllle) OlllJgn 1entuu~t1e J1 1.fe was 111 1844, und nov. ttit're Is not a asu 1 gle publ1e honsl!1n B11Ltt.lclJorouglJ,but there IS in~tead oue ot th e inost 8Jilei1d1il \\atet cure est.1hlt8hlnl:!ntq \Ve ha\ e in the pl tee ol n1eettng, tL lurgc roon1 up t\\ o 1- S. TREWIN, Oshawa, Oct 18th, 1871 CARRIAGE SHOP. ONLY } Co' ner K mg and Simcoe Sts {\'lost of tbe Ont,ir~o ly King Sheet, Bowman ville. A OOMPLETE ASSO~T:M:EN'r OF 1871 A'l' TRE · 'I'HE snbscube1 1s p1e1Jn.rocl to b1nld nncl i c· p:i,ir 75 CENTS per ANNGM, in ADVANCE NljJvV SPRING GOODS GO L I) E N Wagons, Buggies, and Ciitlers, of e'fe1y desc11ptio11, at sho1t notice, ando11 l eRsonabl.e tenns LUNG COitrI~LAil\ Carnages Pamted and Trimmed 'fhin "dl known l <'l'rlC'(I\ 1!l of~ lC'<l to the pnbl1!', smctiu 1r.d oy the cxp.. 11 Cl of u er forty yc~r~, mid '\ he n reimrt u l to rn ~( ~011 , icldom l dis to J:ffr.· . <.<t..n 5p"cdy e 11"' Dl Coqgl1,s,Cohlst Ci·ai'p/:: l~ roucht!ifL, In ~ ffucnza , \Vhooph!g 'o,i gh 7 a ". 1 ~ ~ · ness, Pa!ns or Sore~Je s H' t ~F' Chest and Sldc. lllr< <l""l (It A Blacksmith's Shop nn th e p1en n!:ic~. 1ve1e special a ttent.rnn is gneu to nll ft"ID1llH1i:il, !M Inn!\_,, liiCl ,\:_,~ Onniage anJ Geueial Jobbtug .,o ~ t 'to t1 ,3 s tnnd11nl r enr>· y, a i ,pro~olhy h1.1.t.Hlrr<!v¢1 t(' 11rno1111 I 1<ttl\ <. 1 b~ ~ by 1 ti 11 "iy r 1c CONSUMPTION CAM BE propr1faO~ll. CU~ED D~ WISTARS BA184ii Of ~· 'd.! n ~- 1 , ~ All 1wrk done at this Estctblishmen ua1·1·cintcd . A. call is 1cs1H .:cLfully :;olic1ted ,T MORRIS j \\ iL_( n, whwh st tnds about t·\ e.1 ty) a.r ls 11 tv I \\ hat"peoplo 'WO .lld say \' ho ha h en l'!hnekr t ....,~ ! th' hu111p patch-I o;ay an:y old f Lflluone1l,dull I But it they '\\(.ne n.11 h o1!._est, sh onld sl1e \enL hcade<l. ploddtr 1 \\ ho pe1s1sts 1n t1us course,\\~ 11 her fuebnol'i, inany of theni \\ould JOin the dese1ves \dla.t he gets namely, slo'l" wo1k, h11Jf . . .hoius 1 Ct.:itun it 18 that thrn one e·nl caui!.-s f.ozsu li:i.nd~. anll dear t u1111ps wl en done innch u nhappiness ill health, nnd discontent O -~1nt,itJng the rrund to a greater or le!'ls de £tt!e Others \\r1tere, in alluding to this point, ha.vo confined the1nsclves to lamc11t1ng- its ef· Subso1lrng at Small Cost fcct::i npon tl.(-: "poetry of mot1ou," ~h1ch rn In t11e Gurduu:i s Ghron,ide, of Au.;u st l2, bad enough, bnt what H that in conipa.,,.1son to 1871, there 1,;; a. moat pu\Ct1c11.l and useful ai t.iclc lmpeding t h e na.tural healthy c1rculat1on of the cnt1tlecl 'rl'lnn ek1nncd lnnd," \\ell >w o1th .~ny bluod through t}ie ht:l.Hl and entiresvatcm 1 y , ]~ow11111n\1lle, Oct li:!l lSGO , ly n1 fM!",cm bo ti at t 71e ye111 /iaS OU · / BUT'JS,' 1 .Ec;.va1C1 o.: Ccndtt:li'el t. ?11e 11r-,M111 '1;; the O 's.,Z._ W H 11fi!I th e ~1!)110 (1 ,, 1 'i'HE OBSERVEH., (the 01 gan OJ the Bibl e Chi 1st111n Denomination, one of the best Family P>tpe1 s punteJ rn the Domm1011) cluhbeJ with the MERCHANT, fo1 Two Dolla1s pe1 >tnnmn, in advance lthc71n11f rl, r ~fl 1 {1; pr1.elors, "SFZ'TJ pr Ji'O WLl ni.e ( e · tnppo;:r er TO ~r" All dhc-~ ere U 1 e ~wn~ IJtforrJJl o tftt ·f I itc~11 11"J1r! r // t' S0 > 1 I <.I~ ~ ~1111 "'m J_ _ (_IAS NO\\' OPENED out a huge p01 t1011 of his Sp11Jlg Stock of D1y Goode, of which he w ,uld cal! specrnJ attcnt10n to tho followmg (}u9 ~olb1 a Dotti' ~It Bu tl SETH W. l!'OWLll & SONS, llostc~, JI!'", And Bold by Druggists nud D~al'-!rs gen:::n:Uy. 4~ :lEP\l ~ fr1 1 fl TIY F11c D db:~ lm es DRESS GOODS, PRIN'l'S, OLOTHS, PARASOLS, :rliillinery. Au 11,so1t mcnt of Hats, Bonnets, Fe>tthern, &c, not to be excelled in the Domrn10u, fr,1 i:lL)lC, Q1rnhty .\'Jd Puce ,1 F11·st Clcc<s J1f1llvnm cll<VCC!)a ;,i attendcmce LOWEST PlUCES Weekly auivals of NEW GOODS Bowmanvillc, Ap11! 13th, l871 one'i3 study111J 'J lie obser'\at101rn the~tl1n coin c1du most e11tir Ply \~ 1 th experteucc and I nm well conv1uct1tl th ~t th' ~ubso1lin,; th~re sp(iJ~cn of is a. moi;t ustlful n1ode of plouJhin,; 1 be cost 18 the great oliiJcetion, aJ; to a field a111o u1 ts 1n ri:ality to somctli ug- 1 no1 e than ploug-hing it No,., to as much as 110&-:;1 ble the sa.mi.: ber.efit, iand at the samu tune 1 \< t to evpend too 111nr.h time on the 1 -i. nd \, c l.H:e 11 only follow the plan often u~i,: l 111 a ceJ po.rt of Engl ind, called 0 ud.;c t' t<l fuuo 11';,,' \llr.t rbcn st1ildn.; u1tt1t:l hist 1u11ti r, r. lo"!r the plollgh to 2et111n n tlw sa1n<> on :.: Jn·t d1,\\\ ll, ancl hy s att1 n~ tl'e plough srnn~· 'lat deeprn, and b\ l:i.y1ng 1t' c 1l d(J\~n 011 tl ~ s1Je 1 a h1tih udgo will be funn ed anl 1 iut10\\ nL:h.> tb t will stn the sut soil ,~t ka.':it fon1 inc-he '! bt.: J iw onhnu.ry plough ga Je, l~a\ ~ng th1C :iubso1l ux 1)osed to the f1o"t «.n<l r.n ii.11 w111tc1 At the s::inie ttn1e the g1cut ,1, dv «nt ge, gi1ne 1 ,ue that the team reatlily plough tluee acres a day, n.nd the land ::iO 1lnui::li'"d1n the fall will ho dry thHl' \ ho i;:;niuc :ill the \\Into und \\l.ten ~p Jng cmnes '1 l bed~, i;:uough to gi.:t into at lc~t!:.t one \\ed.._ 1J1.11.ie1 t hau any la 1d plt>nglied m the 01d1n.lry tn:i.nue1 Any one" ho \Vlll take the 7'1ouble to du4-W u. l:!t:Ct1on of "udge and fui t 'will sf.le tba.t afte1 t\\O ot tlnee ) nt :iud1 t eatincnt of the la.ind a mo;it efficient s 1bs01lir1g '\lll be the 1esult) It 1;:; ti uc thc \~hole 0f th0 li-:.nd is not subsoiled the fh st J ear l111t the next will be su1c to do ncady all ~ pe< ,ally 1f the ridges of the second and t]u1 d J l!!ttt cross tho3e of the first, and iu the l:! pr1ng, whea the udges .~re split, the tea1n \\ 111 t.:a.a1l) .,,/J ove1 th1ce ncres n. day rl'hb, it will be iead ily seen, 1nust be quite un 01dina:t.) ~1ay s '-\ °'rk, .tnd be 1nuch lighter plouglung th.i.n "hen fir st dune 111 the fo.11 pi:euouE! If pota.tues or tu1 nips ...,1 ci going to be planted, ri..nJ. IUantu e used, 1 t can be spread on tlie hn10,\S, and being wEll buuod nht!n thi: ndJel:! are sp1lt, \ill all be Just t.uJe1 the gio\\1ng plant Pe1baps such manu1 Jng 1s better, lf done in thu f t.11, for the rovt c.ops f1 llow1ng in the spriHg but e\ eiy fa,11ner has uot tune to p1-epatt:' lus land fo1 the ioot c1ops in the autun1n pre,1ous to "'Ow~uf.l' 'l'he \al ue of this descnpt1on of fall plo11Jh1ng is furth1.<r seeu by mea«unng the lnrgc surface of subsoil that is thus exposed to the action of the u.11 and ho.:it It will be see!! that nc 1ily one th1rrl of the '\\hole field is thus sub<Joiled cach ye:ir, and th<:.: subF.1tatum underneath t ho subsoil that i/.mo\ed into the iidiea ~s of n.hnut the sa1ue quant1ty thorou"hly tbe1eby exposed to the "1.0~~~,n of th"" elements C 1 It\' ould not be a difficult matter to point ou1 manya1t1cles of :t ln.dy's toilet wluch:i{le Tl1e facts are so v.cll ca11s1ng hei d1~comfort 1 uo\\n , however, thRt w~ drop ~pec1al all11s1rn to thcm 'f .\ y p11nc1p:i.I .·i.11 1n t h1s pa-per 111 t o ~ h ~w tl.n.t' dte"s" is1nJt.nouetohealthnot~ d1~iss l\\ l11eh all k11r1\\), but by rea.son of tbe n1r.ny n1 oi bl cei:1 and w0 ::i1 a-'Ll --0~ ------- - -SEND FOR THE hst of the" SILVER TONGUE" un~.'.\t1ons 1t p1oduce3-t'he t' t ~1 011genllf.IJP.d, fi1i;t in selecting, tnon1natt\'l!.. 1~ "fi ~ tuig" thcnumurous ar· t 1dt:o go to n1a.kc up a. lacly's toilet E, e1y \'Oma.n c:\.n fully a.pprcc1at~ thes! remt..ll~s ADVERTISE S"c lrno' s, aud 1 oays, that ",\ma'" the Umtc<l then i5t.cles All tlm \\US <lone bv tlie ORGANS AJ\TJ) l\1LEODEONS THE CORNER plague of her life ' Vlhat "oulcl she not glve, 1f she hn.d the :;1ft tu he~tow, to possylis the power to d1ess 11cl1J:r, elaborately, e:XQUIBl tivel;:;, u.nd all C'..01nb1ned w:1th comfort' Butth1s1sn.po111ttha.tuevc1ca.nhereached. It tievcrhns becu, :.ind ,t neve1 ,.,.-,n be, an t!q.ty tbnig to " dri;; . .s in the fashion " 1-frh\ccn it and comfairt 1:; a. g1eolt gulf fix(jd 'I here 18 uo hea\ en fo1 those who dres~ n la mode If ladies wtlltl.o the one they 1ian) ,,cem w1lhng t<> 1naflt forego the ot her make tl1e i,;..cnfice, prnct1 s1n~ iJel! imn1olation da.Jy They dehberately b1d l{oo<l b,Je to cotn I I;e!:ll d e·, fort, s1Jffe1 untold .i..nnoyances, au<, un<le11u1ne then 'l'bnH they bf'~tn the <lay, and thus theycloll~ it A.t the en of 1 fe the) laid ~\\ iy ui the casket, and the;i only thcu poor hotly kno\\S \\hat test and comfftt are' 'Those poor aching heads are only t~cn qu1etcd, those stra-11nngeycs ate still, at l ~st , 1n then \Hw.ry eoekets the tortured h<>rly ii:1 pein11tted to lay itf!:elf do .... n to :iiluep the slia.t te1ed net,ous system excla1m1ng, "0, how 8 1 cet to be clehvered r" d l \Ve subnnt an epitaph to be chis~led (in let- ters of gold) upon the 111 ontnnent of tha.t la.dy who "hall de·otc 1Hn hfe to reforming the " rl.ress abtu;es" of her sex Here slnmberetb the p1ce1ou1J dust of one t\ho deserves the gt a.t1tude of Ev.t:n.f MoTlfEn,Husn \.ND,I~'Al'HER,Lovn:n She pou1ted out, by he1 charming, m11deat, 1·ntni.n.11r:ekd rannent, and with he1 p~ n 1 THt: FOLLY 1s no good i 11 1t fhere 1s a ~tu11u!L1s, I g1a11t) on ' but thnt w1l1 not hcn~ht your clnld L\tl\ pnJs1c1tu1 \\Ill tell you that n. n nrl1clc \\ ln1.,;hnutj be used a::. a 1netlic1ne to re1no' ea J.1sease, \'ill a lw&) s produce d1 sem~c 1J 1t 1~ gtv<::n to l healthy p t> l'SO ll The st1n1ulus lJeCO llH'S a fusc1uat1ou , to a nr.1\ous young n1an it 1.s dr.lighttnl fhc1c is co11cent11c 1nfh1en.:!e on the Lrutn, il. tl111ll1ng ol the nerve, a sending of the blooJ. to the terJ t1;is of the huger:s, tt hccon1es a last inatlon, an!l the fasmti.ttlon becon1es d pasis1on, an<l the passion l>ecorncs n d1 ~easc , t1 ll t h e n1 an b ecorues inten1p l:! r,\ t~, au d you then fiu<l it a rather chtfic1ilt 1nattc1 to cute ln~u to 1t \\ilS Jike dropplnti a rcbble u1tu tJ1e or.:ean-thl.:l upvle not <tcc1easn1g, unul 1t. tL.lsl1etl \\Jth 1111glit autl puwur ou 'Late Unrhart. & N cell htun,) lh c oppos1te 5hure, nud bco.ung upnn Jts boson1 n1e11 and 1vomen, ea\ ed by then· 111 stru1nen tahtv Thi,, shu\1rS t!Jat lad 1es ha\ e powe1, and we a~1:·. tlu.:n1 to put it Jo1lb, in bcliall o1 these who a1e ex_µo--e<l to the C\Ils ESTABLISHED lN 1846, ot the drinking cu sto1us of soc iety VVe tn unl.l:un th flt tho::;e custom,,, nrc pns1tiv(·1y useless L the pre:ientntion ot wine Originators R.nd Sole Manufa,ctu1ers as u l\~ \e1age, 1t 1s s1n1ply a f1sl11on, ther~ pO\,Cl , ladies sctt111g theu 1.weH .iga1n:::1t the <.11 nk Ing custo1n:1 ot SOCll:!ty 'lhcy put fotth E. :J?. Needham & Son, Milne, II AVING a su1nec1 the business htely cauicd 011 unde1 the name and "tyJe of' Consotnl c"c Co," ttnJ h,nrng hMl neaily 0 AHEAD, IN THE T\'VE -· TY YEARS EXPEl-tIENCE IN THE TRADE, A SUIT OF of the CELETIR 1.'l'ED SIL VER 'l'ONGUE JYIERCJ-IANT Purchase of Merch~mdise in the Cheapest Markets, Organs EP and Melodeons, SON he Jfotte1~ himself th"t he ran offe1 Good T\veed For $10.50. -0-GET YOUR NEEDHAM & Il~D U CE"NIEl'YTS than nny otk1 House lll o:r l'As1noNAB r 1: A .PP uun. She was the mt,ther of i:;onH and daughters all of " hom inherited health;r lninds F.IJ!d b llchi::i,i-securcd to them by her steady adherence to f:lonnd common sense H I TI1ess " JV1sdom is J uBt1Jied of Jur chilclrcn. " GB W ~fEDICAL l\f:EN IN Rusr;r.A - 'l'ht::ro ta about one medical man to each 71182 of the population T l e gre:.1.t difficulty '\\Ith all novices is to pre of RusS-la Among- t he lower classe~, the value TCl t the stalks from heating and spo1hni;{ '"hen of rational p1ofcs~nona.l ass1sta.nce is quite nntackedo1 heaped b~getbei Fot this reason iecogn1sed, and hence ce1tnn1 forn1s of disenee they flhould ne \ f'l be placed 111 Juice masses comuiit fnghtful ra.vage1; and n:iorta.lity among \\le haveknu\\n staoks to becotne r uined cluldien 1agreate1thau111 an)' of the connh1ea ni three days after the t>tocks had d11ed for sc1r etal weeks in shock in the .field, fl.nd \\hon the ownet aupi:iosed them to be petfoctly cwed Tlnckly grown foddur 18 soft and fine, t1.nd ltee: cmnpactly together' th1.: amouJtt of J u1cc I e maining in th~ atock is sufficient to ori,,,1nate powe1fi1l fermentatwn. It m:.i.; be pr<nonted by mak1ng la1gl) and erect shocks in the field, to re1na1n the1e till dra\\ n for winter use , or by building smnll stacks, and placing three or four e1ect taJ.l.s in the c~ntre, around wlnch the vs built. thus lea.., 1ng a.n opening or cl11mne\ thro\1gh which the \'apor escapes, or by sca.tter in~ them to dry, over the top ~ of the bays of h'.\y in the barn nnd she&, to a. tbickn!ltir> of some th1ee feet 'Ihe fodde1 ma.y bo C1Ut in th1ec ~ ays If the ground is en100 1h- h) nieans of a reaping 1na eh1ne, the stalk~ after dJ:y111g n.few daya on tie ~round to be 1aked togeth er '\\1th a ho1sc rake and then d1awn off n.nd eithr,r sprc o.d O\ er hay 111 oivsa.nd in sh ed lofts, 01 pl'1t 1n sml\ll stacks "1th veutila.tois or ch1mncv 1n thP. centre, a'J )ust Jesci 1bed Or the st.~lks n1at be cut with a comrr on "Ythe, a little prnct1cc one! slnll er· of 'Ve;:;tern Euiope Curmg Corn Fodder ! '!he Pall ftlall (;cqette considers it aOOululely nece~a.ry t o hang an apotheca,ry ere long, so mmiy peop le k1 llefl now a days by mistakes in prescnption ~ """"'""'""'""'""'""'""""" The Hermit's Quarrel Two old inen h vc<l in the san1e coll, mul had never rh::iflgi e(.!d S.nd one to the otl1 ~1, 'Let Uo ha\ e Just one quart cl, hke other men 1 Quoth the other I do not know "hat a quar1cl is hke Quoth the fi~at Het'e I put a. Urick bet\veen us, und suy thot [ lt 1 ~ nnne, and you ~y 1t 1s nvt m1ne J and over thut Jet us Ji\\ ea ( ontent1011 and squn.bble B 1t \V}ien the~ pnt the bnck betn:el!n them, the f:lne said, It IS n11ne, the othe1 sn1d, l ho pe it lb rntn!.!. And "'hen the first snd, ft is unnr., 1t ls not yo11-rs, he t1nswc1ed, If Jt l F.l yonrs, tttkc it So they could uot find ont h:)W to ha~e a quarrel -The Ilut I h.lve hcatd, 111du:-;, tbc1i.:: l~ a ~ood Pt"BLISH d ea l ot CllJOJlneut n1 llllt1ng a glass of \\Ine with a f11l11<l 1 So tbe1e i~ in t.1.k 111r-!' a gb.Rs of \H1.te1, ru1d it is fo1 l 1J1r:!R to say wLethe1 1t sh ull be w1·1e ut \\.ltl.' 1 II the ladJt'd ol Loudon \\Onld u111tc ln s<ty1ng, i I will glvc nu iuore w1ue,I \'l't ll J1sco tu tenance the use of it lll 01u svv1:.1l r.:ut: le::., tbe tl1111g \\ould bcco1ne d1~rep 1tu.ble .uid u11 !<1sl11uJJahle u1 AN]) Bl:< 1nontb~ ~o.\, I con!:.1dc1 thut t·1k1ng \VllH~ \\1th a friend i s the ntost .1bsnrd tlung on the tace ol the ea1th \Vben on bo:.ud a st ea1ner fron1 Bostor1 to Ilald \X: !:iOme tuue OlWANlSTS REl'ER1URY, A 1fl\t'1'£HLI: 11 \.GIZINI~, a~o, I re1ven1L<!1 a n1an whou1 they nn ned \lr 8tllp1d1t,, ancl he \\as ccrtu1nlj the rnost stupid l ook111~ tna11 I e' e1 ~!\ \\ 1n O\} Fo1 01gan playe1s .u1d t he u1us1c lov1nglife , bu \va;, 1oncl of talking with eve1y ato1y rea.d.1ng ·p ubhc genc11l.lly br<ly, but 1uo1e especially\\ 1th the captu1u I He was very stont, and his 1ntel lectual ta. cultte15 w ele vcrj hea\v , lf they had their seat. u1 Ins be,L-d, for h1s head seemed to. be Only 50 Cents per Year puehecl on to lns shonlllers, so that he had scarce anv 11eck,D11u be htclnot lHL!f a.s rnuch Only 50 Cents per Year! expreso1un as tl1et8 IS 11 a good English Only 50 Cents per Year plurn pudding \\hen Lhl' kru!e touches it He '\ould t.'{kc w111e c xuctly und by rule, Si\~IPr.E Cory MAirED :F'Rl!:E ro ANY he \vould u:u1t till the captain had filled hl$ ADDRESS gla~s then look round, then s~e that the captun \\a~ ieady, and then arrnle and bo\\~ th.~n dunk his w1ue, and srnile and Uow again, ancl the thing wu.s doue, and ce1tu1n ly to a l ook~ r on the wlJo l0-- th111g scc n1 ed Send to the office of J P RICE Brown St, Bowmanville, Sole very ah~urd Now, suppose I "ere to say to a triend opposite, ' \Vi ll you ta1\e a little Agent, or to the 1nece of bread and butter?' and Lh en I bow I and smde, 11ud then bltl! a piece oi brr.ail 1 and butt\ r, and eat i~ , and swallo'v 1t, nnd 1 smile nnd bow again, and 1th ,111 th1ou6h 1 Now that ts very absurJ. But '\by sh on Id OF 1t be n1 ore absurd to tnke a piece oJ lnead and butter \Vtth a fneud than to t ake a glass of" ine 1 S1n1ply becau::;c oue 18 ta~h~ tho tJ,tde, west of the City of :lifontreal, and he h 01ws t h.1 L by and he nuv me11t a fa11 shaie of public l""ti onage Bownrnnv,lle ~Lnch l'i, 1811 n24-ly " THE t\ILVER TONGUE" }JATINGeH A spienditl lot of N e~v Layer and Val· CORNWALL BLANKETS PRINTING THE GREAT FAVORITES AT l'RE SUBSCRIPTION, eve1· sold b efore. The Choicest Variety, I I NE\4/ SCOTCH AND ENGLISH JYIEROHAN11 OFFICE, GRANITE WARE. "SILVER TONGUE " FACTORY GLASS\VARE, LA1Y1PS, &a., ~0. GOODS IN TOWN. I 1 1 1onablo and the other 1s not. (To b' Continued.) E. P. Needham and Son, 143, 145 & 147 EAST 23d st, THE CHEAPEST JN BOW111ANVJLLE AT Ta E. SiMSON'S. F. Y. T C SBbON Bo" nnm S!M::,ON BBO'l, Q,li twa, G 111..:1 il G10..::t'J('l 1110,} C0,7\TLE. I I E,esist not the Sp int \Then your heait i.s J ' Sund"V Lib1ary, fart II 1 p H3 tender and your though 8 tuin in you lift themselves up to\\ard God, and NEW YORK. Bowmanv1lle, August ll)th, 1871 Bowm~uville, Sept 187U tf-52 All wo1k executed m the Late·t Styles, with N eatnass and Despatch and :tt Lowest R:1tes, ·