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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 22 Dec 1871, p. 3

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· THE MERCHANT, FlUDA Y, DECEMBER 22, 1871. DissJlution of Partnership. .1' il,hip Jate ly m1bsi!!:l lw.t-,,veen ,Tobu Mattin and Th()1na.s Brl1nacombe, )filh~rSI, both of tbe 1\.T OTICE i.'i here:by given, thnt the Partner'J.'owtrnhip of D~idington , in the Couuty of Dnrham, uudtr the fi110 t if i\11l rtin & El'itnacombe, R E was cl!ssnlved, on the · T wenty-fourth day of :N o\·e1ul o ·, in.- taut, by mutual cc>n8ellt. A.11 d~lJt8 0~111Jg to th~ said Pal'tnt:TBhip, are to be M B r ..!C ~h· etl li · ,· 1:1aid ,J nbn :Th1<:~rtin; aud all d1;>nu1.nds on th e EaiJ) n. tn1;1::lhip al·e to bu present ed to h im f ol' paymuut. D <~ted at Boyiie t~li.-1 2.)tb. Nnv. , 1871. JOHN' )iARTIN. T, BRUfAOOMBE. '\iattir 1\-fills, Dar1i1ig ton, & Urim;µ,;ombe,w ill be carried on by Johu Mar· tin. Gri1-Jting pt·o111ptly attended to, and the h ig hest prictl pi:d<l fur when,t. N. B. ·-The business of the last firm ..,f ~fartin I !S T N l~ R B M E R REWARDS. -:0:- - MUI-lDOCH BROS. .I · We havo just opened one of the <in·n47·mD JOHN MARTIN. And rtll other STRAY SOW. A'fi.IE into the pec1niscs of the SubsCl·iber, abuut the rn idclle uf Xvvo ruber last,n. \Vbite Sow. Th e own-:r can have her by pro\·ing property and p:iying expCIJ..'ies. O FIRST·OLASS PICTURES Taken in A 1 Style, at wiU1. the l'>lo orl cm the simplest food. It i1tc1'N t ,qes ilw q1wntity of ~7\"'a,tt1"1·t3 's Oloti 1 ,-:italizln.y easily tUyesterl and ass;milatul ecl Solution of the 1 'l 'Oto.-cfrle of I1·on, is so combined as to ltavo the clu wctctei· of an aUinent, as The Pernvian Nwri~Jl.· a P'1·otect- Something long wanted by Everybody' Everybody his or her own PaL11ter. LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK have received and opened out a Sabbath School Libra1·ies and Re\vards ever ottered for sale in Bowman vilk, JOHN' MAYKART>, Dec, Gth, 1871. Lot '.!'. O, 6th Con. Darllngtnn. c1i1·es "cttltottsrt1iit ill:; ," si;nvty Ayent, I1·on in the biootl, anrl CJDOifJE FALL ~4-ND !SSOl'l~llEl\fT OF I · nlO-tf FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY, b11 ' n.il11,y ·u,7J,Irivir10·1·atirir; iin<t 1··i clierl n1t rl vital'izarl l>looll ]JCi'1iW<ttes cve..-y ptt1't of'thc body, ·re1Ja.i , 1·i1ig da11iayes a'Jt(l 'lv a.-;te, sea.rchi'il.{I 011,t <J1io·1°bi rl sccretion,s, 0:·1ld lc(l/ 1iotlii,n!! [01· disease to f eerl 'l.t.JJou,. Th,is is t l;r~ secret of" tltc 1ut. n i- Vit<tUziny the S 1 1stem. 'l'lte en- HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Parties wishing to replenish their School Libraries, or to purcha,5e Boward~, will please to remem her two things : Prepared for imediate use, and nothing but the purest materials · used, First, Our Stock of School Books is no old stuft: picked up 1tt Auction and reqniring no fnrt.her n1ixture of Sales, nor has it been on our Shelves for years. ·we have sold out and Oils, 'l'mpenfoie, and Dryers. refilled our shelves, h:tlf-a-dozcn times during the post year, and have now purchased so hn-gely, t hat we hrwe not room to exhibit them. Please Theil' composition consists solely of Plu 'e Colol', P111·e Whi fo L eacl, Piwe come and take them away. White Zi;w, U nseal Oil, SpfrSecond, We have not nuwked om books 11t high figLll'OB, with the view it8 o,t' 1 1.t·1'2_JeH tine, cl· D1·yc1·s, of taking off a large discount. They arc m11rked low for general sale, and ccanJ uli y nucl scien tifically com- a discou nt of TEN l'ER CEliT. will be allowed on purchases rnngiug from I Liuud. Sl. to $50.; over tlmt amount FIFTEEN. PEI\ CENT. will be allowed, 'I'he co1lGu1n er can :in:r de. 'vV c respectfully invite an inspection of our sirerl sb :ide of color n eatly put u1in Cauf:, ttml td l he requires to bu~· AND VARIED STOCK wi lli tlw l'riint j, a Brush, as il1e EXTENSIVE whol e ctt11 bo cl one liy himself, or by any rn eu1uor of-hi8 ho us ehold. 1 TO BUILDERS. Biblo Chl'il-iti nn Chardi. on the South lialf of Lot No. 11 , in t h ~ :{t ·d Con. Mariposa.. P J1ins a.ud flrl t:c itic11.tiuna c..: a.n be seen u.t nny timl-'. T~nd.:1· for duiu:; the work only. Thi: Cnmn1ittee '~·ill not Lind tht-ui~~J\'l.;S t0 accept the lowe!)t ~--m1lel'. ~VS:ITL OCK, Ltttle H1·1ti~1n P. 0. SIGN OF 1'HE RED FLAG, fl T E"NDJ~RS will be received 1.intil the ]st day of .TANUAI:,Y, 1872, for building Brick IE · ~· E' t _ )..1ng f...;trcet, 'HS · 4i-tf. ~ Uowmn.nville, N"ov. 28th, 1871. -~fk~rt'f:ll:l .Nf ~t.. .T. BHO.\D 1 0 1· Br.v. J. f · 1iy order of thl· Com1nitte~ , 'I '. BROAD, Sec.'·l'('la l'p. .T. \'\Tlll'l'!...OCK, .ra~[.Q)' 1 NoJv. 2.Sth,1871 . 5iuo17-1n'J. ( 1 . dc 1 ·f'ul ou.cccss o ftlt-'ls 1· in, c'ni·hig I >y s1>e1>slri, f.,iver CouiJ)lai1:.t, D·,.011sy, (,'l! : Pon i c Dlar'l'lt rea., Boll.~ , ... ·.,.le'J>~:ona_.dffecf ions, C hills a'Jt<l l!...,eve1·s., Ht !uio Ps~ l~uss .WINTER GOODS. 1 1 TO THE PUBLIC. a. rrwnlit of Cu~to1n Sfl..~vi ng , at lti~ l\Iill, 1,f Lot 1\"o. lf-1,Gth Con. Darlinuton. ]l:-i,te~ -Pinc $ 2 )Jt:)l' t housand ; l{en1lock, 11nd BMs· wood, 82.:lO; Ila.r<lwoocl, $ 4. He wiH ulsu p ay the hight::\t 1 wice jit tn~h . for :::ionnd IIartlwood nn<l Basswood log:J 1 deli n:recl at the ~iill. , THOS. SMIT ff. 'l\nVJ1!5!'i ip of Darlingt on 1 TJe0, 7th 1871 . 10--:Jm r:.::,i1· I !f1HE UN D El-tS if' .-N l~D is prep:tred to do -~-~ny 8tit·;it·ton. Bladrle1· . l' 1~·;~ itil~ Co1n1.1la lnts, a:n<l all <ll8eGHC"i o·i·ia inatin,.g in a. ba<l sta,tc. of' lhe blDod, or ac ... cuJnpa1iic<l Dy (f t:Uilit11 or <t low state oft!te .:::1sten1. Bci'ny ii·co J·ro 1n . .A.l<:ehol. t'n. a n y f'<1»n(, , i t.<J (~ 1tc1·vl;;lN,ff r'JJ'~'cf .~ r( rc ·not 1~ol lou)e<t by co;·1·c.~1>01 Hl i n,g 1·ca,ct ion. ~ but at1'<J 1 > e P JJ t.r;. ;~r.nt, iri/ 1.t· sitty st;·c1 ~g t!:, v i.a:;r, a. nll 1ieio liJ'c_ a:fl JJr~ rls v{ ifte l;yoteni_, an,<l b·u·itdi.~ !.tf NJ" > aN- Kc·o-;?..i ( fon,- ot" Cor!-stitu,tional l "iyor, D iB<'ascs of tlw Ei<lneys o.ntl DIRECT IMPORTATl.ONSm o·--- OF Pocket .Books, i-llbu1ns, P.ttent Ivory and Lignum Vitro T. DARLINGTON, f HAVE Just received a Choice l ot of EYE-CUPS. n.'.13 t1~::is ita proper sh apo, size, !'l.nd brilliancy i ·ll:l"""'d ac,io u is ·r.rested and cured Thcfr 0 c:ithc:r in yu n n~ or old, is nt oncB supplied wi th th<t t btj,;t and iudispensiblu a.nhn...1.l st1m~· fa.nt-..41teriaf. B '1>Jd. The nerves resuuie thmr t )n:J. th~ n:1s:::ieis recover their power : the globe B y tht!ir use, the shrunken and enfeebled eye, 'i lctt-e io ylva -it a t1c1 ·cs, to sf,J·u1;,y, healthy, rJ..nd ht.t]J JJY n beti a.u,tl 1 0011·1,cn~i f_1,n,<-l i-rivali ds can,1iot ·1·erison.abty ltest1·ial ~ T h. ousttu,:ds htt vc iJeeu, clt(zn ge<l by the 1tsa of' this 1"?,mc<ly, j'rom uJealc, sickly, :_;u,f/erl1141 c1·ea- PURE WHITE Lt.AD, Raisins, Currants, Figs, NEW FRUITS~ See that "ach bottle Turn PERUVlAN SYRUP blown in the ulctss. Pu n ~ 1>1il e A large stock just recr,i ved, for aut... · umn painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers,including James' Genuine, and the Celebrated Jf' ... t .s to Ur111 ,: thu a1ght ton. nn.tnral focus, by l ' O> l'i.:o1tu 1 i 11 ~ t he dtmJl.1Emed convexity or flatness l"!l of thti <..:m uea olthe li:ye, which ts gradually "'1-iiil W · _.. 8 raised to it· origma\ oouvexity,~·u·i~~ th· r.y· NUT"' IN GR"'AT VARIETY of l1"ht t0 c unvt"1g e on .,the rtituw. w ithout · t~tl ~.J · l.!J · aid of con\ l:X ll' n·,cs or i;lnt::~cs; thus a spec1a.l 1t' tn dy fvr tht-Be wh(lse si~ht i~ beginnin~ to ( , Also Barrels mul Boxes of ft'om aA~· The::y add vitality and strengtn to thtt <"YC thus aecurln,t u. propt:t' sec:retion,a.nd. removi:1g .,he cause of all organic di15ea.,;ea. ·['his won· with an n~eortmen~ o( dti i ful dfi: ct is . produced without pain or the I ltl:1.1;t pos:ii l.iility vf injury tu the eye. ~I ~ ny of our 1n::is t 1.>minent physicians, occul· i~t3. Bti.l.l:int;; a.nJ di1·iiH·s, hu.\·~ b'ld their siglit · Darlington lrns received another lot of p~ ru.l'l.nently i:e:,itl ·red for life, and ctu·cd of the th')<'Mll cWebrat~d f1lllo win;.t < 1 isea:ses: 7 l Impiiir~J. \ rnion; 2. or Presbyopia, or Fu.l' Si ~ htt!r'!llSf:!i, Ol' Dimne~~ of v-ii;;ion, co1n1nonly Ci~ll eJ lJlL.ll't"ing; Anthenopin-,or "\Veak J~~.Vt:fl, QHality is the Te;t of Cheap,,css. 4. gpiphon~, Hu nnin .{ or \Va.Wry Eyes; 5. Sorti ]~ y c.:i -.·pe.;ia,.lly t1·eatc 1 -L with the }:ye OUJJS1112-tf Ilowmnn\·illc, Dec. 22nd, 1870. curu g11:iri.i.uw~ ·.I T 0. \Vcakues!! of lilt:: l\etina-, f>l' tlptic: N til'\'E: ; 7. Optha.lmia, 01· Inflammation uf the l!:yti tt ttd its ai.op~. udage8, or irnper. fee ~ \'ision f11·tr· tl1c lltfi::cts of Inflannnation; 8. l'hotiJp!Job;a, or I tnolern.nce of Light; 9. Ovet" \-Vol'k1:d l~ytl~; 10. J\'{yclt:$'!'1pia-moving sp ecks or floating bo dies before the eyes; Ama.urosis, ni· Olisc..: :1 rit.y of Vj~irJn; 12. Oata.racts, Partial ; th e loss of sigh t . . · A.ny one can u~tl thti Ivor) Eye Cups "-·ithout th:: ai l of Doc~or or J\fcdici nc , so a~ to receive lu 1 m~ lia.t e benefi ci'*l results a.nd never weal· rt1HE SUBSCRIBER bogs w info1..n the in· · :,lfi.;1.:t tc:li.:oi; or, if uf.!ln;,r nnw, to la.y thc1n at:dde l. b~1bitanta of Bo·.Hnanvllle and !;UL'ro111Hling f11r1. -..· Jr. V{ (;\ i:.n 1u.ra.11tee o. cure in every ca.::;c_ country, that h<; has the whe t·~ the directiJDS aro followed, or we will rcBEST SELECTION .OF flTOVES f..tnd th';: tnout>y. Dates Lemon O:i.·anrre I '?Id l'tl"t'l"O"' 'l!leel"' lli1' I IBa utifal Candi.e s, CHOICE BISCUITS. __,._ ts 1,.rce. ROOSTER ALSO BRAND, 'Vritiug Desks, Ladies' Con1panions, ·B lotters, Ink.stands, Note Pa1ler, Envelopes, ' open to-day. J · .P.DINSJfOR:J:J, Prop1·l etor, !fo. 06 DEY ST., Sold by [Jl.laranteed pure. NllW Y ORK. g-o:ier:::i.lly. :n·.:..· : ~~gi~t~ all standard colors, oils varnishes, and painters' mater.ials. U: ·.11 and see how chcup a house can be painted and decorated ; for all these goods will be sold atRedv,ced GROCERY DEP ARTJVIEN1, &c., &c. will be found, ns usuul, wdl supplied. I , figii1·es. 2000 G,tl!ons of W' Remem her the Store, next to the West Durham Steam P1-intiug and Publishing House, King Street, Bowman ville. a. PtrltE LEAF TEAS, MACHINE OlL c. BARKER, MANAGER. A large imported Stock of FRESH FIELD, AND GARDBN SEEDS Just received. Bowmanville, Sept. 21st, 1871. 1 ly STOVES! STOVES!! of different kinds. Tines hers and all parties requiring such oil. are speci11lly invited to inspect tbe various qualities, th e prices being far below anything ever offered in this market. Jacob Neads MAKES THE BEST l l :---,_: l ·~ 600 Cook, :Parlor, Ha.ll, a.nd :aox Stoves, arriving, and now un ex hibition, the htrgest and cheapest Rtock of MOWER THE IlEAPER· WOOD'S -~ = 1 2303 Cartillc:.tes of Cnre, F rom hones t P1u1111.:i·~. u,;1t:;i, sn :n~ of tlie 1n thti 111o;St eu1inent li:a.rling ruvf~'>~iunu.t ti.nd bn:oincsoi n1cn and won1en of eiu ~ _tti l,1 L"n.l ni li nc:neDt, in o nr country, may be ~-;:c 1 u.t 0 :1r 1·ttice. Mcchair1ic.i and Merch· e\·ur f.tffcrcd in the Town , compriisiug GENERAL ~-1/l.R DWARE, CARR!f\Gt GoiJllS, Atm TINWARE 1 · ti JL..: ruJ..n, who i~ in c~~p:i.ble of int,entic)n:tl deceplli(Jn o: imOJ::litiun . 1'r11f. V./. 2.ltirr.ic~~. of L ex ini:::ton, Ky., wrote A»til ~1th, 100\l: \Vitho-..1t my Spectacles I pen Y"> 1 th ;s n1.1t<:j, ~tft~r u~fn·.; tht..! P~ttent l\·01·y Eye C "1p .. thirteen da.yf\, aud t hi !l morniug pt!rused th~ ti:-itire content!1 nc a Daily )l'ewsp::q1er, and nil with the un a~~ · c.-U Ey(;,I. 'l'rn ly u.m I e;:rnt~fnl to your nl'lhle inl-·ention, n:i:Ly l{e<t ven bl~~~ -~~1U pre~ e rv~ you, I ha.~·e beu n usin.; 8pec~ac:l e.:1 t wenty yearB i 1 ~tn toe\'· uutJ"Jll~ ye<.1.1·s oltl. Truly your<i , Prof. \V. Mu n k:k. !{&:\'. Josr.:ra Slrn·;r, l\.1a.ldi:n, ~1:11.. <G., cured of l::;artia.l lili , of 18 ytlars' standing, in oue I"lil~Utt:, _l~y the P :-1.i,,;;:n t lvnry Ey~ Cups . , ~. 0. h.LLJ S, lntl' \fayor of Da-ston, Olno, \Vr,Yt.o us Nov. li'i~h,1869: I ht1.vo tested the P:tt~ ent ivory J~,Ye Cups,an<l I a1n s a.tisfied they are good. I 1uu pkasc<l wit.h them; t.h ey are thu gr;) .~test in vcntion of lhe 1 ley, uf the· N,,;w " York T?·ibune, \Vrites; "J. }).~u . 0f ·iur city, is a uquscientious and reis[Jon- l T11 Jet· d?.t . . of Maroh 20, lion. H orace Gn;e· Cooking, Prt<"lo<', Box, ancl Coal Stoves, of tlw latest p attM·ns, cm d of the Best lYorkmcinship, k · which h(l wil I si::1las c 1 1cav '~~in 11ny 'I ~~ r\e et 111 the. Donunion . in the County of Durham. JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. B'o wmanville, Aug. 8th, 1871. BUCICJ~YE. Self - Rake. LZU~~~· 1 -t~(~~ l')lows, Straw Cutters, Churns, and all kinds of I . HARD TO· NEVEI~THELESS .Also .Agent for t h o C. BO UN SALL: Celebrated American BASE BURNER AND IIEATER Call t-L.Hll cxan1ine S'roves a.nd pricus befortl purch1'.Sing chiew]1~1'!), I ! . MP0 11,'l'ER I DE.A. AGRICUL TU RAL BowMANVILLll, June 13th, 1871. IMPLEMENTS. LJ~r~ 111 1 MA NU FACTURER, nu all fl.le varieties of ! - --'--o- ,-- Italian & American Marble. A 11n·:.,;·1J ,i-.ul choice JSl:\leut:ion of fJfACHlNERY AND CASTINGS OF l<:VERY D,ESORIP1'ION. G·roceries Ve1·y Checi11. Hr.r~ware I · of ailidnds. Paints, Oils, P11tty, Glass, &c·, &c. ------· MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES, alva"Lys on bn.nd, of superi or 'vorkma.nship, !\lld at lowest p1·icos. / I ,..-:r }' N -'\V '-/(' T · _[ V -- R E ..1-3.._ \. T_ElJ] PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & nurr1 ~ 1·oua Cu~to1nerg, · W" i·o ught or Cast hon Fences foi.· enclo~iag N E A R -S I G HT ED 1Y ES a,. Ji'or th:: worat cas~-s ,,f .Mynpin, oi· Near-oi9Jit ct11:$H, u1~ uur :4ew Patent !\:(yopic AttH-ch· n1J,1ts, 0.1Jpliod t o th(~ IVORY liYE·C Ol'S , ba-s \J:o1·.,J o. (:,:irt.W.n cure for this diS.:'a$t!. An A.~sorbn e11t of T·in'wase. llu.i;sia and Gom.mion lron Stove I;ipes, Gallow~ Pipes, lhi11ib Strlves, &:c., <(.·(:., kept on hand burying lots. ' ' SON, · la.tely favor Box. Good Cooking Raisens only 5 cen~ a pound, nnd still cheaper by the , I Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., :O:o. J. Dall & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. I ·1 recomu1entltid Ly t11ousandA_ 1 for Inflruned ~ /U"J, l\flJ ~ye-li<li! , \V t!ak Eyl?'s, Watery ~ re;, t)\·~··1V(1r!.;:~ .1 E y-.+s, Intolerance of Light, l)b:.curity of V i,. iou, or Specks 111 1 m1):i,1; Ur ) lit: ~ l>.dcwe the Eyes. Weaknesa oI ltJtiu:t., a11 I 1n:~·1y n~her diseases of the ~ye. A1n.:&.~1!-c1sh, r1r Hot Air Dru ms made to order. H ot Air Furnaces fitted up on the most improved pla.i.1s. lVoi·kmcmship second to none the Dominion. and at r·easonablc prices. ·in . .4.11 killrls of J 'obbing <lone on the Shortest ~ T otice, EDWIN HORSEY· Bo\vmanville, 16thAugust , 1871. 40-ly z o 0 r kept on h!l.lltl, t.r \vrought to :.r<ler. t espectfully requested :it tho workr,, A call is N rctu111in·"' tnanks to their runl the Public generally, for }H\-St favors, I y,rould resP'cctfully iBvite t.hcii· nttention to our present stock of l!"'urniture, as wo havo i-tdflerl that we inay ther;,iby be enabled supply a.ll p::vrties n1ay please to us thereto to \\Tho . SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. ·~ l October, 1st, 1869. l(in[I Stn:ct, Bowinan?:iUc chased a 1-tf '"ith 11- call. (heat induce.mcuts held out to those p urchasing a.t oui· Establishinent. I>icturea. Looking Glasse~, &c., fnunodto order, l'.n<l in every sytle. San~vlef of thcdi:ffcre!it ~iuds of Mouldings C.."\ll 'be St!e.n a t lhe W :1..rc-1·oo m. 'Ve would afao beg t-o inform you, that, JW,v1ng pur. SPLENDID NE'\V HEARSE, , Doors, and. :Blinds, F near the East end of we shall ba i·eady at n.11 tbnes, to nttcnd Funerals, on shoxt notice, auU te1 tul!, URNISiiED by H. L. Jfarley, ou tl1e p1·inciplc of I~IVe and LE'l' LIVE. Shop N . Il. Coffins kept on hand, and made to order, at the . C?tton and W o~len Goods are ad:va,ncing, bu~ you can buy them at Elliott s for a short tune, at the old pnccs. Now is tbe time to secure what you need. · CLOTH lN G.-Gentlemen in want of a good fitting suit should .ca11 early at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring li;.stablishment. Satisfaction guaranteecl in nll reasonable cases. \Veiling-ton Street. J\. Y<'lung rna.n wn.nted tu learn the business. Bowm11.nvill:_, Ma.v 18th, 1871. 33·tf NEW DOMINION REl'.AIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa, Ang. 26th, 1870. Opposite J . W. Fowke's Store. 48-tf. .A.It pi.! · t:.<111s whihin g- for full particulars, cei·ti· fie ~t..:s ,1f c 1n:s, pi-i0u1:<. &c., will please send yoli.r n. I lr.:r.i to uur .-\.~t::nt,who w ill senrl nur Tr eatfae on th··>, of forty -fvur IJa;;cs, free, by return m .lil. Alf. c:,,isu.!t1t:on u<t.1 U3frcc. A OAI-lD. in retur11h1g to Tllli Subscribtir of Durham, for th ll h l.ieral given hin1, begs to in· j 1 DON'rr . l~or ~'AIL TO C:ALL AT Oar so'.e and excl ugive Agent for the County of Dllrhnm, i$ 11. n, 0RYD E:RM AN, Hampton P. 0. w:io h:u o:i h:i,nd an n.ssortment of E ye-Cups, &c. 1\uv. 24 1 ' 1, thanln~ the inlrn.bitanta West anpport whiuh they orn1 all tho!io who m·e in wo.nt of a. 1871. FIRST CLASS STOVE that they cn.n be supplied by him as cheap any utht.ll' hou~c in the tntde. lie lw.ll n.lE>o for iHtl~, the ceh.~bt·at~ d M 1 1 EXCEI_JSTOR. · · " RUTTAN " HOT AIR STOVE, whlch fa now in u~e at all the principal railway stations in Canada. lt iR jntit the thing- fo1· Churches, Hall~, and public 1Juildi11gs. He is also 1 nanu facluring the AIR DRUM Russia, BEST HOT in Canadu.. Harness, Sn.dd;es, Trunks, Valises, Those that have tr ied, are convinced Whips, that S. F. H 1 LL sells his Goods as low or lower than Bells, &c., rn.tefuJ to 0, g'C}l~l'O\la Illthlio, fol' past libel·nJ. than any one ehe in patron:ige, heg-s moi:>t reE>pectfully to :tn· which for style, durability and cheap· not·ncc t hat on acotlu nt of incrca~iui; bn6inesi':\, 'i'own ! he novt occupies ncss, cannot be excellecl in this vicinity A large stock of THE WHOLE Ofi' HIS OLD .STAND, 'l'o tho ~.:>. in AitRE.A.llS, he \VOuld stty Cloths, Dress Goods,Striped, Checked and hM fill etl YOU MUST PAY UP! ancl plain Shawls, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets,L1' nens, every Shelf, Hole and Corner, MAfSON'S ll\'.f (' I ENSE ! Try it fo:t' Yourtselves Hampton, August 2nd, 1871. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. bp-o23-mf4 1le·11iple 1~ I }1 asl11io1i, Osltaivci ·---o,--- G J?all ctnd 1Vintct\ 1871 and 1872. :Large Supplies New Seasonable Ooods. JHILLINERY. --o--In thf!j de1J:~rt1nent a grand disph~y is flhown of the 1n0st beauliful deai·ru origiuati.:ng in Pil..11fl, London, an cl N e\V York, undor tho &ble ma.n11-gon1~n t of l\lrs. M. J_ REDMAN, ( Miss 'l'ho1ru.a.) l'ho~n n who hr.No aJretuly sett.led, will _;.Jltl; ac· cept our hev.rty thanks. Wool Goods, Hoiser·y, Glo vespndTr·i m1nings. , with :lb UT' fl. SUCC-C;)Sflll raid is <ln.ily looked for OD tho Sewing Ma.chines. Agent for the \Vheelcr & \Vilson, the Iluwe 1 an<l the 0:3borne Sewing 1\-Iachines , S. MASON. · - - - - · - - - - - - - ··- - - -- Hnwn···nvilJe ))ec 3rrl. 18G_9. nlO" Exceedingly choice assortment ~f Goods MAKING, JEWELRY L. QUICKa I Bowmanvillc, Aug. 3, loll. n44 $25. ltEW ARD. n.~ain8t ail bolight before the adv~nce in prices. comprising j\/JA~TLES ! ..1\'IANTLES --o- --·o·- r come to qnr knowledge, that certain I TPlldla.111 nrc selling S pectacle:, and Eve Glassh:\vin~ and FANCY GOODS, es purµortin~ tn bQ of ou1·, nn<l to bear l ho public stn.niped thereon , we hereby c~tution :tll such impo~tf;! r8, aa 1\.fn. 1)1.U ' l JR.Ul L:'8 Ifats, c,ips, Furs, Bn./)(ilo Babes Paper Collars Neck T·ii·s A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent Gerit's J?v..1 nlshi.nIJB, <&c. lower than. rnRt year. 1 i goi: n p expre~sl_y· for out· owi1 tl«Hlc. CustomcJ·s ca.n rely Oh golting 11 good fit, dcgant style, au<l beautifully trim1n1Jd. DHESS GOODS DEPAH.TMENT. i!J... laq;e stock of tlw most sty ii~L :~nJ. 1>e1·vjoc-ahle .guods i1nporte<l. In t h ui conneotlon_ ls t;]1own a full .vn.riet y of trimmings, button191 &c., to tnatch, in all color8. Ef;t a.bli:illm en tti fot tvh ich th e Snbsm·ibe1· ha. m·1Jo extentn\'t: preparation, .:i.utl is prepared to ~how the l.irn:;t INSURANCE. OLicago, Oct. 11, 1871. l NSUP.ANCE Co.,-Andt::s losses will $300,000. l£. F. RYAN. Agent. SHEGTHlN OF GOODS. fourh 9,s 'l'vatchea, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, K lated do, Ge· do, B!eeto Plated t~·0Jrts1 'l'ea ~ets, Buscu1t Boxes, Andes first to pay Chicago Losses. 'l'o ~<\.NDEG not exceed A.tRO~· BucK.Lt n is our only Agent in '\-Y~E'!st Du h am ; and a Ilt'WaJ'd oi $25. is ht1reby offered fQr the apprehension n.11d conviction of all s11ch imposters ns t1·y to defraud the public by 1'he wholu of the Stock ha\·i11g been well buua;ht A lot last Season's Tweeds at BARG·AINS WILL RE GIVEN offorinri their at.l our make. . LAZARUS, 3iOflRIS, & CO. n7-tf 20 :per cent. bel~w Cost. l\'Iontrcnl , Nov. 8th, 1371. Gent's imits )1H1de by the . l; ei-;t wo;·kmeo. Nvery 1 to fit.. Uruet ForKs, Uutiery ~ta,n d s, ~peons, and direct from the CelcLratcJ Jl!ESSIIS. RODGERS AND The A NDES is solvent and very strong, a nd b~ rJready c:ouunenct!d payin.; its Chica-eo SOX'S, losses. 0J,IFT0~ 1 Oct, 91 10:30_p.u1. I h a.\'e to·night carefully examined all Chicago insuranceE! in t ho Andes Insurance Company of Uincinna-tti. \Ve shall nuthori~o our· A NEVV PICTURE GALLElt"f! rrIIE EubSC[,iber r espz:ctfully infnrrns U1e public, that , havin~'{ A few only of those splendid The best Black '.l:eas in Town. The !,>est Green Teas in Town· If you want a nice sett of Furs, for "yoUl' ln.ciy, oall on M. MayerK .All ki n..ds ~/Fun a/tend crncl npa.irecl. J Dre88-'li<<iking done to OJ'de?' in first-ctass ayle. I GOODS. TV/EE D SHIRTS at I S. F . H ILL'S, .SHEIJ'FIELD, of the gt'e"ate' ma.;;nitndo . This st<ick is the nrn;.;t cumploto iu qun.lity, uud vadtity, g,ucl i:s allowed. by the hef:!t of a1~tliorit.y 1 t.i SUl'J.Jas ~ ~ill other Houses 1 . x:tween fitted up a N e\V Picture Gal11;;1ry, with a,U thr.i Buttei', Eggs, 1 lli ttens, Socks, (tnd }'arn taken as Gush for Goolls. s. p, HILL· Bow n~ ::i nvil1~, O r.. t . [Ith, 1871. Highest price paid for Raw Furs I.:owm:u:i ville, Sept 1 2-8th, J87J. MARKUS MAYERS· erS to dra'"v upo.n us at Eight for every col'rect as rapidly as ascer·taiued, Our losses by ldulltl'lJwi ttn U t his IJreat calan1ity arti a considerable tigul'c,but a.- good a~sort.ln~nt of , nothing to ·c.rip11lc us . 'l'he: hol!r of duty is npon us, and we shall meet it in the Hon -heart· ed tna.nner that tbti octn:> ion rcquirea· ~-- e\·er· · {'4 ""' f) ,, ~~ 51 ~h oles~ , I ft.illy expect, in addition t o f.;Ur:muunt~ e ')_..3 ;r ("~"; ~m hJ th ~ ~ ~ a. ~ ~;} i&i 1lc1 V J:i..~ ~, 1ng tlu~ i':\ 011uu!' obs tll..Cle, to pn.y the stockhold· <~rH of the An<le>i I11~u nu1r:e Uou1pri..t1y n con1~ fo11iable dh-idend next J l11y. r.!!;o a 1.J.:a-:1 tifi.1l Stoel;: of R~r>pectfully, . ,f. 13. BE~~.ET'l\ l'l'd;. NO DERN lllfPBOVEJfENTS, 110 is p r epared to tuko :Et in evor:,r style of th.:i l'lwtog:ra.phic .Art. l 1 · PPLIC .. \TJON v.-·ill Q~ to th e Le::,'1s:· CAUTION . ul'e of the Provin ce ,,f Ont ario, nt its noxt Sei:;sion, fo1· an Act t o enaLle tl1e Cnrpor:iI am &o1e ugent for LAZARUS & MOR- tion of t hti 'l'u~vn of Bowmanvillc to S :ock RI~:F pBrfccr.ed Spt~etucles and Eye Gl1u1- in any one or more 1t-Ianuf~cturi!1.'{ Corr1pr.11y or ae:'-l. 'l'hey )16\'Gl' s11pply ur en1plos any Oomp.»ti os th·t ma1· bo l\ o~v o'tabli·i1e;t, or ma". h erettrtor b·i f',.;ti~b11J1hf;!:cl Ju the s: :n·l J own nt A ·--- - - - NOTICE. --..,. - Empire Straw·Cutters. ' -Jacob Neads~ I R 0 N F 0 UN O,E R. I I B.c.'.Vtfltt-nYillo. Nol'. 23, An inspection of i:;pccln1ens is invited other.,:, E Ltra.ncc Ol)TJOJJte the entrance to tJ ~C rown :H. :t.11. · ' , r -t'/edding Rings, Et c., AA.RO~ BUOKLRR, 1870 . 11 G· t f I R · & H. O'HARA, Agents, I . .· . . Bowmanvllle. Bow1nn-11ville, Oct. l 9tb i 1871. 3-- tf. 1 L. '\V. SEXTON· I'owm~nville, S<. pt. 27thi 1871. Do·;ni.:nnvlEe, Nov. 23th, Howe'.·er specious the p-retence BowmarlYill~. tO sncl1 an :unount as the J - . C(JJ'pO nlt.iou 8h:i.ll det-LH }~eut,, JH'<lvide.d that i:n A... ~ , P1~~~r.1'~., . t~ P~Y. t he lng-l~~i;t. 1nn.rk 'lt 1Y1 J.J'2 h\· ti1e1n t.!i1tt: l11cy have tlien1J do n ot tho whol t1, tl1c ~Hl!l) c f J!.>0,f)OQ ol11:ll 11ot be ex1111.;:e fu :.Wl kin L of L)Qnltry! dr~.~:::1.e(i, . l' 1 ' f' 1 Ucl10..:\'C 1t, you \VI'll \·ii;; · S\Yil)C te ~ l · you ( o. eae.d<el, . l · . ,, , , 1 1'. Ji:, 'liIMc;ON' " I n. Wl>fI>A'fT, .TO'W,! (.'ic.rk. ' 81!\i .... o~ BR03. , f I,. Bow1nanv1Jlo. A_ .\RON BUCKLER, ~zon t for !lowrna11 · " \ o "' h 187 ! o· Oshawu. o4!1-tf l l O\\"tl'L !\llYll l': ·ct, :.-,t , · in-n·l Tiow mn,1n·illc1 Nov. 14'th, 1871. ville and vi('.inity, . II .:}j POULTRY WANTE Q··· . ---- ---·- tf-n8. Oslrnwa, vet. 18th , 1871.

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