THE POETRY. .MERCHANT - ducting the cxt1 a. cost of hat vesting, tlueshing, better, but I happen to oe witho1.1t. a_p.y,- and I and ma.rk1ng, '"onld net me at JO -doll~ra can't go out after them, so you 15ee I do the So tho.t the estimate of 14 dollars and 09 cents, next best thing. A p1ece of string or a na.1To,., Chr1stn:as Morn. of the vm-y Lest kind! a' the val11e of the ma11u10 from a ton oI bran, stnp from the 1:1elvedge of cambric, which I Antl if this i5 cor prefer to 15tnng, run in through the eye of each Chustma.s mm n l 'vhat shouts of pleasure 1s not far out of the "'ay. rect, then the other :figures 111 the table is cor· button, on the \\:rong side of the ga1inent, s~rveg Usher in the dawning light ; to hold them ve1y fi.11nly, if the needle nnd rect also. What n. store of hidden ti ensure threa.d are also pn.ssed through o. fe\v tunes. Tl11.s estimate of the effect of the mauu1 e on Bursts upon the 1aptured sight In making button holes, the end passing a1ound and chenp as at n.ny r:ito1 c in Canada, or Oltt of the fitt:;t crop 13 based on the suppo~1tion that the oye ~f th~ button shoulJ. be made 0val in All the au pulsates with gladness , i:; Wheie this is not don~. the garment the am1non1a is nea.rly nll a·rulable the first Uh1ldren's voices, full of glee, 1S npt to look drinvn between the buttons afte1 AT THE )'ear ; but t hen 'vould be o.n exceSt! of other 1t ts fastened together. Ring out joyful , cat e and sadnetj5 plant food left fo1· the followmg crop of clo\·er. F101n each h.'.'!.pJ1y hea.1 t}1 stone fk·e lhe land, too, whole the heavy .,,heat crop has Enrth, \\1th 6'1.ateful exultat1on 1 SIGN 01" THE GOLDEN LION Live for Something. f,rrown woulJ pro!:mbly be cleaner, and it \Yould G1o::i::ts tlus l1lest'ftnd ha.Hawed <lny, produce a g1ti:!\ter growth of clov:tr, and tb1s in DY RLY. F. S. C.<SS!D.'.Y, And throughout each Chnstrn.n nation /turn \\ould make the land (01 the farm) richer, l{ing Street, Bowrno.nvill\. Earnest men 1eJ01ce n.ntl. pray, and so the t>ffect o! the iuanure would Pe felt Live for sometlnng ! Life is lhe d1vinest A.h ! "hat meinoues1 solemn a.nd tenr.ler, for many years of Hea\en's gtlts to rnrtn Put upuu the Cluster round the Saviour's brrth l FOR THE 'Vhere \\heat only brings ha.If the above price, nlodel of the d1v1ne, aud endow·cd wtth soch UTHERE DO YOU BUY YOUll · .\h ! what \1s10ns, full of sple1 1dor, the manure '\'oti.ld not be worth mo1 e than half God-like capab1ht1es and po,\ e1s, bo\v 111l'V GROCERIES? being the qnestron, J. l\t: Lifts our thoughts .~wi~y from. eru th"' the estimate .And it must uot be fo1gotten apprcc1ably graud are hfe'e })osa1b1hlle~ \Vould re!!pectfully give a. lunt to those iu per· j plex1ty, that ho koep is con13tantly on hand afust 1 Love n.ud li'.uth, selenely sn11llng, that the rnanutc is supposed to be drawn out 1n the \\'fl\' of uchie' ement for e.-\.rt.h nnd l clasis ~toc1c of j Beckon us from dU!tant..sk1cs, a1.<l spread on the la.u<l It \\'6uld cost as n1uch heaven ! ~ In the order of Prov1tlence1 life's iuinistry llea' Oll>\a.1 d uur souhi begu1h11g to \1tcnv the manure in the one case as 1n is indeed lufty and sublin1i<·. '"E ' \·ery inan I f"! · '\Nl1e1e the angels' an then1s 1ise. the other, wlul~ the incr~ased pro<lnce obtained aud every "'otnan has h1s or bf'r part1cula1 Hopes dn ine oi.u I ::ithway brighten, fiom its a.pphcat1on is v,:01th only half as Inuch a;:.s1gnrnent u1 the du~1es ol iespons1bil1t1es Sca.t tc1 cln ud~ of ~,n and woe, This would make a. serious deduction from. the ot daily hfe. \V c are 1n the world to and tho.t:e \vbo buy fro1n hrm will ncvC'l togret E"ery h i <t>J bu1den lighten, c1:1t11nate va.lue of the bran £01 manure, but it the wo1ld he.tter; to lift it up to h1gbe1 that they are able to a.ns,~er, S ,1 eet coutent and peace bestov.'. \\Oul<l ma.ko a. still g-:ienter reduction f101n the !:!un11111ts of ha.ppin ~ s nnd progress; to make estimated \aluc ot the ah~\\' On the '\·hole, its he1n ts a11d hvn1i:s bt 1ghter nnd liapµ1cr, "I buy from John Mc:Murtry,' Let 11'l, then \\:1th 1ncrry voices, tb cr<.:fm c, I believe that the t:ihlc of \: nlues is by (JC\Ot1ng to ou1· l'ullowers vur her.t C..:i., :,r.1 '-' t!1 e ~:0.><.:· 1 d .\V, FLOT.IR, relatively coueet. It is Wf r .hy the cart>ful thou~hts and nct1v1l1ea It IS the motto of ~Pture, too, V11th us r<Ji·Ices, OA1.';1fE.AL, study of every far1ncr. In the '~hole range of u\iet' true hentt, und the gen1ns of every ..\11 the \' orld is b11ght nnd gay CORNJlIEAL, AND ag1 i cultural hterat111-e, 1 knovr oF notlnng thu.t nohl e life, tha.t 'no n1a11 liveth to h1mselt,' ..-\nrl the o.n gds d1oirs are singing-, By a hae done and rn st1ll dmng so inuch good, and 1 ll\·es chu·fl.y lur lns own se}hi:;b good CRACKED WHEAT Far beycud our n1orta] ken, tlunk I have n right to feel proud of the fact law of ou1 and Dloral being, \\e \Vlnle the Cliristmas chnne::s a10 nng1ng, p10111ote our on·n happiness in the exact pro· th,~t I was the first to call attention to its real, Fresh a11ivalB of C1 ock ery n,ncl purtion ~e cOntnbute tlJ ilie cnjoyn1ent ot " Peace on ea.rth 1 good ,, ill to n1en · pract1co..l 'alue, aud to pubhBh it t"o yeo.a1 in others Notb1ng 'vorthy oJ tbe n<tnie of AdiV'a~'iiser. Glasswaie advo...nce of its appearance 1n the Journal of the hl-lpp1ness is poss1 l1le in t11e. expeiience of RoJal Agru.mltural Society of Eng~ud. The ibo;-ie n bo live un l y for tbetnselve!:l all oh~ 1 Goods sent to a.ll pat te oi tho To\\ n n101e the tahle is .studied, and tbe better it is Jn ions of the welfare of tbc:1r f"llows That AS NOW OPENED out a large po1tion of his Sprrng Stock of Dry 11ndenstood, the more \\ 111 ittj value and import onl \ i., the true ph1 losophy wluch recogThe Commercial Element m Farming arn e be appreciated Good,, of which he w0uld call special attention to the following 111zes ,tn<l ,-,,01ks out the principle in daily . lines : ,,-e " a.nt a g1 cat tfoal of tins element Ill f.tnn actll)n, t l1(tt hfti in all pu1ts of lhe country The fact is, - - -'Life ,;,;na lent THE ~"'or noble dut 1e~ , not for selfishness, the great maJ!H ity of on1 fMmers arc bendmg Not to br.: wiled away for aimless <, An assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Feathern, &c, not to be excelled in tbe all then cue1 g ies t o the p1:-idnction of un1mals But to impro\ e ourselves, and ser"ci iuank1nd 1 READ THE FOLLOWING. Letter from a Housekeeper. OKLY and c1 Clps w1th h::wdly n thoue\ht besto\' ed 1.1I)OJ1 But to hve for son11~th1ng, lll\olve8 the Dominion, for Style, Quality and Price. the econonucal salti ~faJJy of thetn H\H1e so (From the Amer~a~ !.gncnltunst ) necc8~1ty of an int~lligent and definite plan A Pint C'lctss 11filliner always 'Zn attend;:1,nce. h~tlo beyond tho11 o;\ n immt!d1ato \\ ~nts, that ~ A popubr weekly pa pe1 fo1 the of ai;tlon !!,fore than splend1d dienn11ng,or LOWEST PRlOES. Weekly anivals of NEW UOODS, (\\ o;5t of the OnLa.110 Bn.nk ) they 11 a\ e httlo occr.s1on to soll Sonu;1 O\'inurs SAUCES A.1'lt;> GAllNISru:s. I times, embracing tho leading fmt<!\en inaguificent resolves, ia 11cceesa1y to of two i1undred o.cre far1ns,fauly stocked,do no~ had b1$iled chicl~ens a. few days a.go for succe8S in the objects an l ambitions of hfe tuies of those journals destroyed by Bownmnv1lle, Api il 13th, 1871. handle th1eo hundrl·d dollaie 10 the cottr1!e of an cight·o'clook supper, at ,\lnch our fnend l\i~' ll corne to the best results in ever ydepartthe terrible contlagration, and com<Jnc yenr The plan is to ra.1ae a.ll they can fui 1virs S. \\'as a guest Wu all said "How deh- ment of eflo1t, only as they thoughtfully King Street, Bowman ville. bining just such a 001 ps of' writer s the suppott of the fanJJ IJ and to 1JH1curc the cious' n but I ·wa.B almof';t te1npte<l to feel an· p1au, and earnestly to1l 1n givh1g (]Jrect1ons as will give the public >ill the news Those \"ho ha\ e ruoney, acquirt d rest by ba.rter flo1n the couPtJ Y store to the noyed at :Mis S. beuau1>e tihe helped hcraelf to of the week, in a condensed compinearest village n1.1irket If he keeps the f<\nn tolnato ca.tsup, and I knew she <hd not enJoy Jcnrning, \\On iurne, or w1eldt::d powe1 1u thP. 1 "orld, have al ways, tn every age 1 und an1ong lation of the leading jomn>ils of tlie from running tlown, snppm ts his fan:nly and the delicate flavor of the chicken as we did saves a hund1t\d 01 t\vo dollms to put 1n the When will people hiatn that deltcac1c:s like all people, tlone so by e111 bodyu1g a \VCI1-delllttion, and the world. [i11~d pulpOSl;l in earnest, hv1ng act ion Thf' Bto,v1n~ bank, or tv 1nH:ist in ra1hond stock, bt> broiled chicken do not require the aid of strong 1 A 'l'RUTHFUL RECQI\D, renf:;on that thouRanJs fail in thc1r \\'OJ k tn lVagons, Buggies, and C'ultei·s, t lunks he JS doing 111 etty \\ell. If he cuts fifty sauces and pic.klNi to make them palatable? 1tte, is the '\\·ant ot a spcc1 c pl.ia 111 laying I -The PHENIX will be the most co~'(b of wood. it ia not sold for cash, in the best C«wters are now generally banished from the out their energies ; they 'vo1 k hur<l for Uothof every desn11)t1on, at sho1 t uot1ce, n.udon trnthful and reliable iecorder of' :nrulable ill{UkP.ti at the best time of the yea1, upper table \.Vhcn tnustard, pepper, oil, and 1ng, because there is no actual resu lt posstTClU!OUable terms but l t is barte1ed at the stole for w}w.t the Dllll" catsup are req_uircd, they are placed upoD the ble to their n1ode ol action. The n1earis are incidents and facts concerning the FACT No. 1. chu.nt pleases tv ghc in stme pay on which be tahle 1n convenient places, and m Jal"s and bot- not adjusted to the end ; hence,fa1lure 1s the great fire, ever published. maltes hif'I p1 ofits I-Im gr,un, c1:1ittle, fnuts, ancl t les .ndapted fo1 the purpose \Vhen a J<unt of tui.::-vltnble result. AGCOUKTS OF' THE FIRE FACT No 2, Ll'f. for son1ething 1lefin1tc n11U. pracllcal. Carriages Painted and Trimmed. nearly everything he hns to rell is disposed of cold meat is put upon the table, pickles, cat· j It will contain only such accounts 1n ba1t~1'. He ha.<o no special crops uito which sups, and sa-uces should {lccompany rt. Years Take bold ot tlnngs wtth n tn etho<l n.nd a Ruys ~ells his as are vouched for by reliable withe puts the p~odl.ct1ve force of his fa.i tn and his ago, pickles, cheese, spiced meats, anti e"en pie, \\il l, and tbey tnnst ytelcl to jOn, a11d b~ FACT No 3 eurplus capital, with a \1ew to sell Ja1gely for ""ere rntrqducedat tea or supper. but now we cotni;: the Ulln1ster!'t of your 0\\\11 happtneso nes~es, and will con ect the erroneous 1noney. Ily this hflbitua.1 ba1 te1 he gets into do not do so A plate of biscuit, one kind of ,;1.ud that Of others. Not l11Pg ,vnlnu tht: cl and fabricated stateme11ts of sensar<;!<d 1 n of the po::;sible can withstand the nian vt:ry sleepy habits of doing- husuiess He has, a dish of delicate p1eserves, and perhaps tio1rnl writere. 01 wo1nun \\ liu 1s intelligently and detcris no occasion to take agtH'..:ultnrtll 01 horhcultur.~l a fe\\' slices of meo.t, are 1111 tbat 1s requ1rcd on the preinu1es , \\ eie ts_rcc1<1il att ent1011 Ill gtYcn 1n1ncd ly bent on success A great action IS CII!CAGO AND THE NEWS. to ·ll pnpers, fo1 his farming lf> fo1e 01dained. Ile Hut of course judgment must be e:xercrned m tt.h\ays pr~ccded by agreat puipose. H istory makes 1101nquu1osfor new Clops or new ..:ane· tlns as ln everything. If o. friend or fntinds awl Ll<tllY hie are full of cxnr11ples tt~ show It will, for a time, ' be devoted Cnrriage work, and General ties of stouk or seud He <loes not a.dverti!!e,for frcn 1 11 lhstance are of the party, the grac10 us us t l1al t~1c n1easure of human ach1even1ent e>pecially to the past, pre,ent and '"lrn. t he bari to sell 1s «poken for at the store at hostess ,.,111 pro"i1de Bometh1ug substant 1u.l and bus al \Yll} s been piupoi t1ont>d to the amount future of Chicago, besides being the Jobbing. t11e n1er( lrn. nt's pnce He sells Ins products appet1z1ug for tbell' refreshment N othrng more of ln11nno dn11ng and clo1ng lf11otal\.\n)s, most complete weekly ne1vspaper in \vl1e11 most convenient to hln1self, \\ hicb li:; gen du:iplays the good Ureed1ng of a. lady than con yet .-1.t l e::a st olten, the world · erally " htn the c1ops are first gathe1ed anrl the ::!lderatlou for thti actual wants of he1 guests ' - - - The atttimpt All 7Wrlc clone at this 3/ciblishmen Is all the wedge that spli ts its knotty way markets are glutted. He has no a1Tangement Vile used to lau.1:1,h o.t a. cou~in of unne b~caust: FIUESIDE COMl'AKiON & .KEWSPAPER for ~tor mg crops. The g1 a.111 hes 111 the !-:itack he 1 nsrnted upon e(l.t1n,g mufltatd \I ith mutton. .Ht>tw1xt the 11npo!)s1ble i~nd possible ' Its columns are devoted to News, ua1·ninied. Be pract1eal. Deal w ith the questions until the horse t h1cshe:1 conies along, and ii:i and vinegar v.ith io.\rdinesi, and I know a gentle CoJil)merce, Science, Litcrnture, A1 t, dUd j,u:ts ul hfp as thcv reallv are. \Vhal then put 111 bags and sent to tnarkct 'l'bt: rnan Vrho ea.ti> mint riauce with beef. Ma11y A call i s iespectfuJ\y ~ohc1ted Lan be done, a11d 1e wc:rtb dol1ig 1 do "tth Drn1wt, Music, Humor, Pastime, pota.tocs arc sold '"hen they dug, though peiscns eat sanhnes \Hth vinegiu, but 1t cle ,r MORRIS des p.1tch ; what cannot b~ tlone, a11d \VOlii<l Tm~ OBSER YER, (the Oi gan of Poetry, Fashion, Society News, and they arc almost aJwa:ys the cheapest then ~~ 1 ny~ th e d~hea,te flavor of th.., fish Hnudsotne be 'vu1thles::i 1l 1l could, l1;>uve tu the drcan1the Bible Clnistittn Denomination, enough of Romance to make ita most In looking over the fiumers of our acquaint" Jellies ·, an acceptable o.dd1t1Q .n to a table Of t ts au<l 1dlt-'Nl ulo11 t{ the w.t lks oJ lttc Dis$.._ one of the best Family Papers reliable and complet.1 new811,iper for ance, \Ye have noticed, '\'1th hmdly au ex- couise you \\OUld not use Jelly on fish, but it 1s 1.:ar<l the 1Jea that httle things arc un1u1~ piiu tecl in the Dominio11 ) clubbed the business men in the counting. ception the tr ading men do the most bu~J ness good ,~ 1 th beef, mutton, 01 lamb, antl esvecrn.l· po1t,uit, uuU that great occas1 o nl"l only a1e Dowmanville, Oct Jst , 1800 ly nl and arti inost prosperous They study their ly appropnate for turkey, poultry, and ga1ne. wc with the MERCHANT, for Two room nthy ul jl!Ul bestthougl1ts-aa4:lendeavors. bus1ncss closely and kno" very nearly \vhat it ]'ish, of most kind.:-, are rD>ther ms1pid with. It ts tlic li tt le th1nge u l htu that 111ake up Dollars per annum, i1 1 advance - - --· ···-~---·JJEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS COllh to g1o'v ai given Clop upon their fMms, out i:~uce 01 ca.tsup A fe\'\1' since n. fr1end tts happ1ne~s or n.1::;crv, 1t::; joy 01 its sor"'w , und e111elj 11utlinig 1s 111v1nl that bt:ars and ho" much gr:ii:!:i, grain, and hn.y it takes W (\\ho "'as constltut1onaUy deficient in all mat It will he illustrated with engrnvstyle, make n three yea.r old beef If the sheep or ters perta1n1ng to the appetite) 1n.., 1ted me to uu qu t::.Sllo11s su \Ital ~u1<l }Je1 8un al ns th1;>sc ings taken fr om Photographs of the cattle cn.n be bought tn the la1ge ma.rketscheap dmner Shti ht~d c,\trot:s broiigbt to table with A. ku1d look J::; a lntle t lnng,btlt 1t 1111:1.y tttll Chicago ltuins, instead of sk et.ches hkc u su11\ica1n 011 a sad heatt, auJ chase er than they can HH S<;! th<;!W, they buy 1 and t he fish It seemed very odd to n1e, though " By Our Specil Artist " who was away its sacha:s_s A pleasant \\'01J. 1s a feed out p1odnets to tho n111mals that \\Ill the othei gue 8 ts piobably thiiu~ ht nothing of s111all tlnng, bnt 1t n.UJ bnghteu the sp111ts, not " on the spot ; " and thu s gives pay the1n the most profit If their fat cattle it. and re\ 1ve the hupeil o1 so1ne }Joor despond" se1 ies of Pllm'ECT VIEIYS, not obnre better sold to the \Jllage butcher than in A few hints 111 rega1 cl to garubhes for Jl)e:J.t; e11t so11l about to ghe up in despa1rJ lJefore tainable elsewhere, and the first tho c1ty,tl1e butchet gets them by Meer 1orce of Horse radish sciaped u 1 to aha, 1ngs fot ioast the confhr.ts aniJ t11ah1 of life. A cno ol Tyron.e, NoY 2nd, 1871. greenbr.cks. They do not believe mucl 1 in sell beef Put a pinch as large ns an egg hgl1tly on \VO.ter gt\'Cll to one athirst is a sniall t.hing; 11umbe1 will contain the only cm:rect lflg' hay, but if it i8 sold at all 1t is when it n1ll the Joint, and an tqual q,uant1ty in even spaces .<~tl map of the humed city. bung 25 dollars un<l t1})Wa1d a ton. It does not atound the drnh. Leaves or tender sprigs of 'Yet its d1 o.ught --0HAPPY HOUUS pa1n them to bave a f t:lw tons ]jl;;) ( ver unsold u1 ~pear unnt Mound mutton or lamb. Pa.rsley Of cool 1 cfrc-sbment, <lt a1ncd by fP.vered hp2', the b.: l ln 01 RtNck 'J11ey arc ti :oc hng n1cn, and for clucken, veal, anc1 fii:;h, to the latter two, May give a shock of pleasnre"to th e ftarne The beautiful literary JUUrnal, More llxq 1ns1te tban \\h en nccta1ea11 J u1ce hk0 t11 hrt.\ e t1, e.Ull JJle of u"iery t 1 1ey p 1 ~hces of lemon may be Ddded Rod beet root, R1;;11e" s the hfc of JO;\" lll happiest houls' " HAPPY Eouits," whose publisher duce ou Lg.nd to ee!l at t be1r 1n1c s In some boilul and "-heed, .ind boiled c:i.rrot slicod , Ill <tk o was tho fu st to issue a pape1 t o L1v..! for :jo1 11eth1ng, th en, read et , n1 a ke c )mm11111L1es the Lu111e1 s c.ttch tho cnmn1e1c1al 11 -..e 1 y p1etty garn 1ah fol boiled beef. F 11ed e\ e1 y J.iy ~uu11t :;) to the\\ odd, bemeet the public demand, after tlie sp1nt fru1n one anutbe1, n.ri d k eep n. little spare sa usages m· bnlls. of forccmeat 1uo11nd t u t key cause JOU ,uc 111 it,\\ 1th kind iet::llngs,plea.d:- 1 aw±nl fire, hM been me1ged into t he cnp1tal .ah1,11.y on band for 111\:estment Jn stock and 1 oast ch1cl,ens Parsley a1ound boiled ant words, (lnd nub\£! oil1ces. \Vute your literary department of the PJJF:Nrx, or foddr.:r '\-Ve tha t sucli com1nun1ties tlnckcns. Playbo ga1n 1shed with Jelly. 11(\1ue up0n the heart~ and ineu1or1es of which will embrace the conti:ibutiollB are invm tab!y th11ft y. The ho\1 scs are pa1nted ·' ou1 fel10,v·h1:::1ngs by doing thtru nil thr. A OHRISill.:l.S GOO~E and ha·e !:!'lcen bhnda 'll'e churC.hes and gooJ .} ou c,10. Lile 1s s1101t, but short as it of more than sixty of the most \Ve always haven. goose for di.n ncl 011 Clll'iat 1s, you mnJ rlo glouous \\'Olk wnh1n 1tsuar~ school·hou!':eS yards abo1.t thtrn are popula1 writers Qf the gene1ally planted Vllth ttees The only thing mas, and do not attcinpt so f la.borate Q..ll affair ruw l11HlLi$ It the sculptoe's clusel can A SPECIAL 1"EATURJ!, Ml on Tha.nkEgJ.V1ng. We used to tlnnk a goose Irrir11ess1ons on marbl~ witlnn a fe,v hours, look1n,.; 1 usty is tho town pound, w111cl1 lacks in· n1a.tes bccau~e none s'1fi'ur th~1r cD..ttle to l nu 111 must be boiJecl before it is roasted 01 it \H1uld wlni;h di stunt ages sha ll iead aud a.drnne, it '.i'he PHENIX will contain, as au nan of genius cun c1eutc wo1lc in life the tnn.ds 'lhc nnut!s of the people are qu1ck· not be good, but ha' e Eilnce lea1ned better It the 1 A VINO assumed the business lately carried on under the name and especicil feature, a moie complete Take the body of that shall speak the 111u1nphs of 1nuid a ene<l by the \cntu rer; thcv a10 constantly mak· should of Cf)Urse be t ende1 lN THE ieco1d of incidents and 10sults of _j_ style of " Consaul & Co," ancl having had nearly thousand yea1d hence, then m,iy the true the goose ·;nth onl;;l hand, and with the otl1er ing, and thtiir in t el igence and J:!k1ll ate b&cn in the h1te teirible fire, than can Le 111nn, nhve to the dut1es u.utl obligations of the fleltlE th ey Ct lt iv.ite. In uther places the grasp the leg. Bend the knee JOlnt fl"Otn the e xtt-;lence, du 111fin1tcJy 1nore. \Vo1k1ng on found in any hook, paper or other 1.J'1cly If it cracks a11d snaps you may knov 1t Tl~ADE, commc1l1tt.l S} 11 ,~ t 11ns hw gdy to E!pec1ahties . hui.'14an hev.rts aud dest1ntcs, 1t is }ns prero· publication in the country. So grain, g1anng, tobacco, pick les or onions. Moie is young. If the skm w1ll break unde1 th e gat1ve to do nuperiahahle work, to build with ampl_ e facilities for the numerous and in>Lccurato have been money rn often m ade frc:1n srx or elgbt acres \\ tng close to tbA body 1t n; also yo ·ng. "[) nless wilhu1 life'~ :fleetuig Lours, inouume-nt~ that the accounts sent forth, that ,omchigliJy inanuiccl, well tilled. and the crop well _a gooi~e is vc1y fat 1t will not b;; good Not that shall lll$t fore\ er. 1 t such grancl po::.sibiht1es sold,1 hnn ft om a large fnrm handled by a. sleep) any of the fat is 1equ1recl fo1 the table, but it he w1th1n the reach of onr pcraoTial action 1 thing reliahl? ai;td readable is eagerly indicates good feedn1g und contlit1011, EverJ H1 the world, huw HO]JOrt.ant, rendel', tl1at cP1t1v""'t01 - Hearth and }Jome. so;ight at tin~ t1me,ancl The PHM IX part of the lea.£ fat shonld be removed fron1 the we h\.·e for sonJeth1ng e\eiy hour of our ex-1 " will fill the hill iua1Cle before prtl'p.aling 1t for the oven 'fhe istence, anJ fo1 tiotueth111g, too, harmonious Waiks and Talks on the Farm. Il"'Ck and apron incisions should be secur~ly u1tb th e c11gn1ty ot our present being, and he tlatters himself that he can offer A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLll !ewed up after the force meat has been put 111, tlic grandi,;nr of our iuture dest1ny.-Zwn's (Frcn1 the American ) THE PHENIX is the ch eapest pnpci and then the fat f1om the suifMe of the body Herald 1.: I i Glovc1·, of IlhnOJs, "WllteF: · "I ~houltl be "rll 1011 off a~ it mdts \\1thout affecting the America, being an eight l'agc, forty glad if you woul d shO\\ how the mnnure f101u a lean m;;;i..t TROUBLES. column weekly, at only two dollarn Every pa.1t1ele of this fat should ton of bran 1s \\OltJ1 more tbnn the bran at 14 be iemuved from tbe p<r..11 hefore tho gravy j~ a year , in fact it shall he t he pape1 l::lome good Chr1stt<urs l1a"te a gt eat deal clollat:i. u I am gl Ld to have tln.s quei:it10n ask· made. )fany pe1so11s. du not tlunk of th1~. and for t he people and the times 'l'he reason of it than any"' House in the trarle, west of the City of ~fontreal, and ecl, although it HJ noL an easy matter to answer they mn,ke sad 'vo1 k of the gra~ y. A neighbor ol trouble in tlns world. THE FIRST NU)JllER. it Some th1ngs n1ust be taken on tt ubt JYlr of mine once came lnto possee;e;1on of four young io, that God is preparing thern for very he h0pPs t.hat by La.wes' ceh:b1n.ted table show1ug the compos1· ducks She kept then1 until they became very happiness 111 heaven. The fii st number will be is.nee! ou Lust eun1ruer, when in the city of An1st.on of thirty d1:ffeient art1clt!S of food, and fat, "hen r:;he ga'e one a'vay, and as ahe bad a Saturday, Nov. 11th, and will be terc1a.n1, lll llolland, I wae ve1y 1uuch interthe value of the m anure m:ide by annnnls con la.-g e family the other thrt:e wtne k1llml for he1 ested lU a v1s1t \'re 1natle to a plw..:e the1e the pa]Jel wanted hy eve1ybocly, as s11m1ug: them, is the result of yen.ts of careful table. A fe\V days afte1, one of her sous call· faruous 101 pohsh111g d1atlJonds 'Ve e;aw a reco1 d worth preserving or to send he may merit a fair shm e of public pa ti onage. invest1ga.t1011 and experiments in the field, the cd, and hav\ng notlung dse to say, I asked thetn ns they were engaged in tlus \\'Olk away, and for 1ts accnrntc illust rafeedmg "-beds, and the labo.ratorJ . I cannot ho\\' they cnJO)'ed the eating of the ducl~s \.Vhen n ch111nond IS fir:l.t found, it has a BownHmv,IJe, March 17, 1871. n2'1 -l) tions, give all the details, an<l fe,v fa.nncrs would nmU 1 · \'\'ell not much," lie said. "1hey "tile so <latk outa1de 1 nnd loul\s JUSt like a co1n1non -01 tlH n11f I did. Suffice it to E:!B>Y th<it the ev1 pebble. rrue out81de un1st be ground off: J IT' BASI S. ndt we could hrndly eat then1 1 and mothi.:1 has dence comes as ni.::ui denmnstrat1nn as the nature two tu1eenfuls of guwy left. She don t know and the <l1,n11ou<l pol1~1i~d ~t1ole lt is fit Jot GET YOUR I It ' " a con solid,ttion of oth e1· u se lt take::; a loug t1u1e to Jo thu;, und 1L of the suLjet will udm1 t It 8honld be under wh~\t to do '"1th it" ·'Did you ace yotu moLh journals, and therefore on " solid stood, ho\\e\er, ns stated in ' Ha1TH; on the er 1nake the gi:ruvy 'l )' I sa1d, sui,pect1ng \\here 1s Vt::rv liu1J wtnk, Tue du1n1ond ha~ tc..t lie fixed veIJ tir111ly iu end of a piece ot foundation, contmuing thei1 formei Pig," that the eatnnate of \&lue ia " 1ela.tne, " the trouble , ··ts 11 Yes ' " And did she '!'hen it i::; held close circulation not o.bE:!olute. 'l' he \:alu~ Lf the n1anu1e pour o:fI the fu.t?" 11 No, not any of it, and hard \\ uc1u 01 1111::t,1l to the su1tace (Jf o. lu.rge 1netal \\heel, which 0 Oct. from a ton of wl1cat ritraw 18 placed at 2 dollMs she thickened it " ith tlGur. It l8 a horrid lS kept gou1g rouud. Fine d1,unond dust is ~ EW SU JJSCRJllER S 1tnd GS co..:nts , that from ,t ton of clovc1 h.~y at mr:<ss. I ncvc1 \Vant fl.tiy nwre duel~ to eat," 1871. put on th1s 'vheeJ, becan<:;e uoth111g el se 1871. To any person who gets us three 9 dolhus nud 6! ce11t e , and that from a ton of I 8hould fnncy not. Just think of the quan lid bard enough to polish the d1a.1nond n ew o,ubscnbe1s, we will send The "Good morning, Mike, shure and its early out, ye tue. Might I bra.n at l·1 dollrua and 5\J cents. But I do not tty of grease thri.t must flo,v f1om tluee fat An<J this wo1k is kept on tor daya uurl TIM clann that the mnn1rre froin a ton uf '"heat duckfl, and then thicl1.en tlns "1th flour, and \\eek!:, and nHJ11Lhe-, and i:;on1ct.1111es 101 se\· PHENIX for one year free , 01 one of he bould to ax0 wh,it sta1 t<'d yces tins morning" straw 13 ah\ nys, on n.11 aml~ and fot all crops, expect her fa1n1ly to eat and enJoy i:mch a d1!ih ! eral )'cars bt:lorc 1t is tin 1sh ed , And J1 n MIKE-" Jist he aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. our beautiful prize, steel pbte enYe see, I was "\io:rth 2 dollars n.nd GS cents, but whe1 e ~uch is I suspect that if \\ e could go into the kitchens d1.tH'J.ontl is inteudt:d to be used in the gravings worth $2 JO. tonld, yiste1day, that Misther Grny, av Ty1one, had got home t he case, the man u te frotn a ton uf cloVt'r ba.y fa of some fum1hes and see the 2tnp1d \Vtty 1n clO\\ n of a ki11 g, then longer tuue and t-reatan illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man; and its PRE:ll!U MS. certa.mly worth 9 dolla1s und 64 cents, and that v. lnch the cooking 18 done \Ve should be Mton er pains are !'flt:JJJt upon 1t, r=.o as to 111,lke lt meself could hardly slape a wink, a.II night, thinking av the THE GREAT FAVORITES. from "'ton of bran 14 dolla1 s and 59 cents If rnhed. \V~ shall have with our goose loo!\ a::; bnlhunt a11d heuntdul as c,1n bt! For tl1e pnrpose of rapidly incrensNow Jesus culls Ins people h1s JCWtds the ch ape goods. And shurc enutt; its the full store he hasthe manure ft om a ton of stru.\Y u; only " orth Appl(· sauce n1ct"ly made 1n a <'uveitid JUI 111 the rng our subscription list before the He 111tends tlletu to slnne h ke jewels ln the p1les aud piles av tho natest patterns; he'd give ye the J dollar and 34 cents, that from ,\ ton of clover O\:en 1 to which sugar 1s added, ma,king it rather el ose of lhe p1 esent year, we will crown he will wear in hea\·tHl. To tit the1 n \\Oultl onJy be · w orth 4 dollars and 82 cents. If ~wcct : thtin on1on sauce, the onions rto thor· makins 11v an illigant new gown for Biddy, for 8iventy-fivo give !01 tluFI, the) u1ust be pohehed like the Lhato every person ~vho subscribes 1n llbnou1, on )fr Glover's farm 1 the rr1anure Cints , Tay for most rn1thin, and the Baccy for a trifle less" oughly boiled th.'l.t t:.c1r int.\ct rel~t1ons would llH:lnd AT fH ~ for the PHEJSIX durin" the month Cll.oice~t fron1 a ton of st1 (1..\\ ,dl'awn anr.l ~read,1s only not know then1. A11d God n1akcs use of the t1ouLle he TIM.- " An shmP its funning me ye aie, Mike, wouldn't the man l·e of .N ovcmber, a beautiful steel plate \vnrth 67 cents, that hom a ton of clovet \\ ould seutls oo bis people rn this world to polish aftlier breakmg dow1,," MAKING SlilRTS. engraving, worth $2 50, half a dolbe wot th 2 dollarA and 46 <.:en ts, and that from his Jewels Aud when we get to heaven MIKE-" Breaking down, rs i~. Shme he knows a th rick wuith two av It ls 'ery eflseut1al that t]1e cloth f1 om '"'h1cb and see how beuuttl 11 l they look wtt .!:!hall a ton of bran 3 dollars and 65 centa lar more than th e price of snhscrip1 that l'lljist tell yon what it is, Tim, if you want to git a To dete1mine the act ual \alne of a maT1 ltre is shirts are to be made should be v;eJl ah1uuk be· sec that 1t \t'.<'t.S 1nde1.::d goud 1or tlw1n tlJ ,it 1 ti on No such opportuni tv wa.s e' er grate name. when yonre decl, and be call~cl a fiilantrofized, filos1111t an easy tnatter. In Ilhnoi~, for ordin:'lry fo1 e tho garmentK are cut out. I oiJce mu.oc they were troubled. It has fitted them for ' before given, and p1ohifbly never a dozen ~h1rts fur my brother, which fitted lnm gr~att:r happiness there.-Christiv..n fVorlcl. farnl cro}lS > tt is not worth as much :ta 1t is l ifer, and a public bimfacthor, jist tell all youre nahoms,and the I will he again Avail yourself of it, perft>i.;tly beforo they w e1e "e.shed, but after· 'VesteJ.n 1'·e"'York, not m1nely because the iist av mankmn, about Gray's chapo store, and you'll do more waids each one shra.Jlk uea,rly tv.'o mcbes j Engrnvings will promptly and land is ncher, but because p1-od11ce is lower. Lived it DOWii. for the good av you connthry, than 1ver St. Patrick did for ould around the neck, and the ·wristbands one mcb safely sent by mail . or delivered 11t On my farm, if I ha' ca field propelly prepared Ireland, when he hanished _ all the toads and snakes out av it .i\n honest blat.ksmith ,vns once gross1y this office, as su hsciihers may wish, for wh~at, I should pioba.bly get, 1..1.lthout ml\· Of cour13e new bands had to be put on, but the that niver was\in it." uure, 20 bushels per a.ere. 1',.o·v, Judging from shoulder pieces bad also shrunk, and it was 1nsulted, and his character infa1nonsly JeSUBSCRIBE ~OW. F1iends advised hin1 tri seek re- TIM.- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't deI ~ Mr. Lav.; es' long continued a.utl n.ccura.te exveri imposs1ble to make them fit well. I \Va.5 morti· famed. iied about it at the hme,a' they we1e made Just dress hy 1neau:; of the la\y but to one and , Send in your names and subsorlp7 tain ye; theie'll shuraly he a grate run, and mayhee I'd mfos ments, I should have reason to expect that the 1 t10ns ii.t once, and sustain this great, manure from a ton of bran, the lrquid and solid before he ?las married, and tl:ie mistake not all he ~p l ied,' No ; I will go to n1y forge. some bmgains. Th e top :w th e morning to ~'e"-I'm off to be1ng drncovered until afterwards, his new ani;l thd1e in six months! shall have worked newspaper enterprise. Price ofsuh. e:tCJ'emente being all carefully s:i.ved, a.nd thor· · Gray's "ife had to alter the1n,and I fancied eh e tbought ont sui::h a character and earned s nch a ougl1Iy decompos~d without loss, so tbat the scription only $2,00 pei y efLl'. Single I did not know muc1;i. about shn ts. It u a great 1 as all tht> Judges, lttw courts, and la.1vammonia. woulrl ~ HDm1;1d1at ely available, 1f copies ;) ce!l ts. Agents wanted deal better to abrip_k the cloth fi l'st t b an to hl· 1 yc1s in th~ \\'OrlU coulJ never give iue. 1 applied to an ac1e of thl8 wheat, would gn e 30 evcrywhe1c. low fot shunkage, ns m .i.ny do, b ecause theic 1 ~ He \Yn s light. It 1s by honest labor, 1n- ' bu!!hels pct a.ere In other words, the manure a diffe:-ence in cloth in this iespect. dust11ons !~Jil, manly courage, and a. con- ' PHENIX PUBLISHING CO, All "ork executed tl1c Ltttcst would £1Ve me 10 bushels of wheat Good sc1ence "01d ot offi::nce 1 that \\'e assert on1 Til:'l"IONS Diehl \\ hea,t is \Yort11 1 dollar and 70 cents pet Styles, with .N eatncss ~na Despatch t1ue d1grn~), anrl pi·ove om truth, ))o ne~tv, :> 2 \Yest Madison St , Of course, button unge or Hlides would be and respectability. · bushel Aud the ton extra bushels, nfter de· Bowmanville, 8ept 1870 tf-52 and at Lowest Rat,f,s, I ~-~°"""""""""""""""""'""'""~'~-·=·~=:::=:.:=;:========;==:::=::=::=;::::::==::::::::=::;::=:::====::=::=::=====;=======================::::=-:========"";:::'::=======================================::::;=::======================:=======ir=====================================;=:::=:=::""':;;::=:=;:,,:=:::;:,::=====·:::.=.:;.;:...=~===:::::==:=::=:::;:=:=~o;::;r--;~r . DECEMBER 22,- 1871. ' FRIDAY, 1871 · Coffee t Cof:J!eef A COMPETE and TEA JUST as GOOD, NEW SPRING GOODS GOLDEN JOHN ~,ca~URTRY'S I ! SUBSCRIBE IBAP'-l1IZED IN FIRE I I 0 I - -o-- .. I wrocer1es an d'f'I ...-rov1s:i.ons I The Chica.go :Phenix. 0 THE FARM 0 H W. MCMURTRY A Universal Newspaper. --o-- HOUSEHOLD. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, PARASOLS, Millinery. CARRIAGE SHOP. w-e 'j Na1toleon is Defeated, Note tliese Facts, and them in own 75 CENTS I J AS. ELLIOTT, Selects his own go?ds. J AS. ELLIOTT, per ANNU:NI, in ADVANCE J AS. ELLIOTT, Don't do business on Commission, an not to be undersold. A Blacksmith's Shop For the best and cheapest DRY GOODS, and Clothing made to order in first-class I I GROCEI-lIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES ' go to Jm ElLIOT~S t - --- -- - -- Cheap Store, AS ·u·s1JAL TYRONE. ·0- 1 The Promised News I_:]" Mr& J. Milne, TIIE COl-tNER AH E A -D, day, TWEYfY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE Purchase of Merchandise in the Cheapest Markets, A SUIT OF ;fE RCH'AN'r l\'..l I GREATER INDUCE1\1EJ\~'rS Good Tweetl }"'or $10.50. 1lttentio:n, Pron11)titudc and Coi1rtesy, I ?----~- I I CHIT CHAT. [Ti:m. J3:rady and Mike Flynn] CORN\VALL BLANKETS · I 'l'he Vo.riety, the cl1eapest MERCHANr l1 OFFICE, I _be GOODS TOW. l I J@ Gll!f, Ty1~one. F. Y. COWLE. k Noted for {)bca1> Goods. I Chwago, Ill , U .S, ·