POETRY l'he Ulo.. e 0.1. \..u.I:) Tht: Lord, on1 sa \at1on n.111J hglit, The guide llnd strength of our dn) s, Ha.a brou.;ht u s to0 t.thei to night A now Bbenezer to l :: 1i1se The year " e bri ve now p~sse<l th1 on.,,h His .,,oodues" '"It h blcss1ng ha.s CL Ovi 'd Ea. h tno1n1n.., Ins 111erc1c>i were n evr. Then li;:t, our thank-. 0 ~\1ngs abounii 1 nu:ide that t nhappy cuuntiy the i:;cene of nllsl ! } aud woe .Hut it tuuy uot btj 8u \\ell \nown ancl llint1nUt1t'tl Lhat the evil c:-.ttn1>le ot th e Fri.::nuh Rti1n11Jlic <l1J. lJOt cuu n n~ it.sell to their C1\Vta 1U11d, hut spic id its e \JI ltJftltenccs la.rand w1dt:', st1etcht!d o\el tb~ \\u:)t~ ()i wat11::1 wh 1 vh separates the Old i unr1 ihe NcYi \.Vorhl, autl cna.nJed peace t 11 bo1nes lnd 1an !511Hl111g cuu1ttllt'S into the 1tl1odcs of un trch\ 1 dloordl'J;1 a.11Ll.. death ... \In tho<::e t1uuhlt':so111e tuues "'Winch i:.nc. powe1 le'9 to tonch her, and the father's voLce is 1 hoke<l w1th emut1uu and guei lu vain th~v coax, lU \U-lli try to lutnu1dall:l, and dtssnade 'I ho shado\\ s of mg ht, which fall rapidly in trup1cul clnnate .. , beg1n to }under the l 1ew, and will pre1:>ently obst1uwt the a1n1 of the wr~tcbcs, n ho, but for this httlt angt:!l look tug aud uuexpt'cted VHittant1 \\ otild iy.re 1871 AT THE I Coff ee? Cotiee! " · of the very best kind ' and 'l'EA JUST as GOOD, '"';.'.;1,:ded tl1e E uoom pas:s d with da ugerQ and s ln.1 1.:s 'lcmptit1ons H t l feats, n.ud com p ln.1nt s H is c 1.l h1;; incun d to our plaJ rs, :fI1s ha:-i d op en 1 \Vlile to our wa11ts t'I c never bc sou~ ht hun in vaii1, V.lhen Uurc end \\!1th sor o\\- 01 em, H'e hdp <l t s a.')a1n an l a..,a1n 1 Or \\ hete be'oieno\ h e.<l we been ? Hrn goopel thro 1._ h t 1 t the Ion,; Jiila.r, Fiorn Sa.bbn.th to S abba.~h he gu.' c , l[ow ott} a.s he met with 13 h r.nu, An ~l sh1..:1 ll I Hl!~ t>l f lllleoll t \ t) srt\ e ? JTis C:lno\~rt ck n ts lrnen rem0v d F1 n1 1:;h u101~~on i;e 1n1v11t'0 ed tln s .Bit tlw l h Wt,i u u ~o t h y 11 ~" t p OH; (l It B ll i ~ u int ni ~ l to U t'! ]01 ot tt:tLot 1n Fra1we th-=: ·u1ut1lul 1~la11d ut ~t Dounngo (111 "'U1ti Vest Jud1ti:·) was the ~~c:Dt:l3 vl bur101~ t>lUll ar to tllo:se \\ btt.:h lad takt::n p l.tee c.lur1n6 1 ltJgn r ile Frtlu . . h Revulu.t on A re\ ott ha<l. takt:n place, and cruel, tlll v 11nc1 pl1:d Juen, n1owed hj Jeal ous) and nV\, ha d J~tlrJlWil tog~th c r to it: Vel all U 1 ~ ~ ti _ct o~ ,. ,.,uuu:d bj 111i:n ut sup~11u.r tal~ 1t8, J.HJg\, (l! ll \\-Ullli, Ot wlJO"'~ HI\)U ~Uj liall ualJltd Lht:nJ to ,u11a"':> a l1tilt": p1op~1L,,a111l dl ~l ch \H:lu 111a1kt d out for w1ro;~oa lt: aud llh:lbi.:lllllllHJ.te tlltl.b<llJ( IC iiuw lune t:n1UrueJ the1r bauds ) et rlee;ier 1u the blood ut th~u lcllo\\ c1eatures rrhe chi ld IS-, l\ij lt W~l~, endowed \Vlth ~up1::1hu1uun StJeJJgtb. 1 1:11ie clulga to ht:J lather, 1;1Je 1asttlUS still clo!:«!l to his su.le, \\1th J1er little ur1us 1.1.bout Jus nel'.lr, anJ. her sht-Jht 101 ln pressed ug11.1nst and cov~r111Jr,:' h1~ heart, ns if to 1;h1elll h1111 frocn those n11utlerous \\ eapous , 01, Jf nut _!:i.ble tu .sa'l.'e NEW- SPRING GOODS GOL D E N and chea p a.q n.t any store l n CMiada 1 or out of 1t 1 at SUBSCRIBE ' JOHN MCMURTRY'S SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION BAPTIZED IJ FIRE runll t 11c t lCt thllt \1l~ Ou c c u11Jot but shnJ.de1 " 1Lh \_!01ror to 011 tills OCC!lSH111, so e:lg( l n1 t: tr.:Les to .. rnell 0 ( he1 i~eh t'S uu th use who lwLl h1t1ft:1tu k1 I' li e 1 u Ill ch t:vk, t~ 1111,...l i-;l 11 tu; ,u ul l t\.\ Jl\' lfJ neu1 1 1 l a1 0 t 111a s~cr:; u11d Lhe11 fi1u.1 Uj u11 h 111 th l!"t: lav.1~ !3~ him, eXpi::t:t1110 uutlung, hoping nothinq Lut to t1H: tvith 01 /01 hira At leH 0 th i.\t.l Leroy found "ord!ll lnd st rt!ngth Lo speak'"'"'tit. i 011, 111j lJtdt: di1nghti::11 <lear cluld ' Lo' 1J lmagc oJ tuv 1.i.1it.her, lilt.I suoa to btf a v.1dow, nnd ) t::t all uncuusc1ous o-1 her lop;; bo [JO away, I ueooech · j OU' I &ommahd you Corulte .l:::h1t ( urah~ app~a 1ed defl.f to nll outwa1d t:i\ uud::i i::llie clu11~ still ftl.'!lti:1 t1J her iather, ull l.) l:! J..)lllr}bO ltlj, OVt;l a 1 1d ()\t:f, ag1;1.111 Uil, p1.1.pu, llllJJU t let 1nP. die 1vith you' lhu ~11un1u11u1;1 ui th~ iebela \1,oa:sd1acon Clftt'1 L 11) thl,j uu1uukt:<.l 1ur i11c1tleut J-lt', t.uo, ,~ a:s U! father , he huJ se\ ei al stutU}, l ~' HERl'l V DO YOU BUY YOUR GROCJ"RIES 'be1niz the question J M I I I ; FOR THE ---o- -- \\ ould i l':S pectfully gn: e a h int t() t hose in pe1 pl ex1ty, that he ke.- ps con.:.tat'itly on ha.nd afi.r&t 'class ~tock of The I and those '\ho bu}\f~m lum w]l.._ ne\ er regret t hat th ey ....illll.r 1oFlJ1.ve. . 11 1t ll l ~tt td ul HJ lll 8 lllg Lht:ll C ljJll\ 1:':5 ell Ill I.Ml ot tlrcH cuHutr\, tbc\ :-. cl li.:te· \\Jlh t1:i so rnn ny me re es recel\ cl \ 1a r \\!] '.1~ r t 1~ li ~ ve e 1 u~de? l-l ~ :-:ip1 Jt \ e o t t:.u h L u ,,.nc· t _,,\n 1 1.n 11 101 0 oud ha\ e 1 cpa1d How I II 1 t u ~co m~ s lltl to c1y Oh 1 \ 11 H a G 1d hke to thee ':Vl ) V i;; :o1 >i l;~ll11J 1.,1n ri luad t:d \\Ith shot 0 111.p"' ,...__..,..._ , , ,.~ "I buy from John IV!C!Vlurtry,' 0..d. T JJ(E AL, " 'MERCHANT, I . \. 11 u I 1t1e8 b~, . li.. ri J i.;lnn est the m ( 1:ep i n t he sea r ' l'o Je" s \\ t {)«l it; on th u L'1o 1e 0 11 bt:st h illeluJ!th s n c bi in.,. , To thee t 13 o \In ~ lone lhat" e t:11 e 1' 11n tted to sin .Ai:! 1:-it u~ we p i tty tu larnent 'l bes1u:i f th1: y tiat thnt 1 s past, A nU h i:u1t t hat th~ 1 1:: xt IU i.LY be s t cnt Ft. tn ire to th v p i :;J., 1 f.>e th Ul tilt.: la.st Uuk hue~ Lo~s,a1 1~ liut a. icw ~dajt> 1 11 A; L..:!:! JiaJ lkeu ciillt:U to J~uve tur a le\\ ... ii ~ 11 u l .,ollE tu \1"1~ ,_lH 1 E uglio ~ buiut:: (1111,1.1~ lns ho111U e1t1ployu11:nt tu wait 11aJ \Jt!J Ii r i11tu1t "'011 a11d 111s 1 ui:-.e) ~~- ~ t l · ~fti.:t~... Ly the iJi!at.h-beU u1111s vllly <laugh l Oil tlJt.: \ t' l 11 d th ~l llUUIHill g llt1"' ll ldU Lu, a clu!J. ul eiglJL i:;uu1u1t:rt1, uuJ Just thti !U l t, \\ l 1l; b, as 18 ll"'ll Hl Ill thnt c lll ht lt:, W ,Jl,; c \ge u! IJt~r..d 1 e · .. Ul l t 111 011 il.11 t:Ullltt:lll;e co ll lllU ll d li\J a : Pe i hav~ 111 s ht.'art \V&s n little softl..!r 111 jJ u dtd VJe\" ul tin l'>l<1 l yu11Ht"l!Ut!Hcc uJ htt! loss, pt1hnps he \\UR iu Bt'lnud tlJ~ 11 1u . . 1,: ,uid con1111l:>ll~ 118..It. \. d a u1t'ct,.,UJI! su.l1att1l n JtL lu~t, tt:Vl!ngt', u.11d on w lt \~ luvelj cveuil g 111 ~'& Rllll1 ::ita.-..\HI that a r..:rt'u\e bt' llllt111 tn· (\\lio e I FLO UR CORNMEAL, AND CR ACKED WHEA1 Fred1 a1nvals of C1ockery and l"' g111t111tb Ju 11uexlt>ll><l\t' \\t1ol1~ 1:1lop~, c Jtliui I l 1 tcc, \lillh .l Jtu.1.t \ u1etj of ~ uln th!t: ~IH: h U8 llltdlOnUIJ\' t;t'u ll, llollll!ll ant.I 11a1.uy olht'l-, "' llldl Lcll{g ctt~ a THE HOUSEHOLD. ~---=-= -=-============-= ht' ut ta.kl! 0 l\ lni.;li d1 ,...let' ut vul'f.-..h, u11d 11 h.oh n::.cll JU vi.Ill 1..:t wotl.. , Wvle ;( tluU C<" v i m 1t1l to th .. UW'll:'l St 1t:1ch 1n g t.ir u\\a) tu lbe lett weze ! 111tnt1u11~ ul "'ll,.,UI cutt1:e, 1t11d CULlUlJ Oil tlu.:! 11t:ru1c t..l~nng of th~ (au lia111:d child k1ndltd 111 h11:1 l.Jle(:l~t a lit "' le "!Juik u allt1Llldlto 11, ul lJltJ, oi lt:lUUlti~, \lu\\C\tlr t!Jut u1ay bl!, he 11neut~d u sp~l-"laj prt'ttxt to have thf"' 1atb~r, \VJ th llllli clu lJ 1't11l cl1ug-111g a1uun<l las 11c1.:k, retno'\Cr! to tht::: ri:ar, .u'l:tl \\1th h1R ur1ns n11bou11d, and 111~ eYc:. 1111banuagcd, Lew.ts plact!d in pr1sun, ai.:i.:01npau1ed hy bis httlt: ~'1r1 (1Ju0Urihctl, u1 lY t.' ·W NOW OPENED out a large portt011 of Ins HAS Goods, of lfe ""uld 'llall special attent10n to wh1Ch Sp11 ig Stock of Dry G:.l:i,~$W,are Goods sent to all parts of the To,vn ~lld j 'L Ge:a.era.l ~{ewspape r . tbe followmg lmes' .. CAR RIAGE · SHOP. · ONLY --o---- DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, PARASOLS, Millinery. An assortment of Hats, Bonn ets, Fen,thers, &c, not to be excelled m t he A F·rst Glcts~ 1lf1lline1 alvJay!!, ,n attcnc\aMe LOWEST PRlCES Weekly muvals of NEW UOODS Bowmamnlle, Ap111 13th, 1871 Selected CL EANJ.i'I G 1Hi\~ ,\.:RE Au ex.pcn~nced huu c\. eepei r,ay~ the bel'lt t1un 0 fo 1 dt;!arnn~ tn\\ar1.: 18 c 1m uou "Oda She g1vi.:~ the fullo VlllJ dn ec ~wns .t:-uiy Da.ni pi.:n :i. \\Ult cloth a.ui..l dip 11 i: ! O da. tn I luh t h e iaie b skly, aft~t 1\h1t.:n \\ll ~ dr' ct1.n th 15 be in ridu to look .FROZE. 1 ci. bb.... k i::1ed g (lod 1A.S ne1.\! POL \.[DE :S sayethc Slent~1 P 1e.;8 if n t pe1m1tted to ~h .i.w beforo b e1n,; covk1.:d, can be Uuked so as tc. bt as good as t bou<;l h ni.:\e1 f. o z ~n lhey c::i.11 1n >t be bod" { ho" ( ve , 01 e1 "'n baked 1f sub Jrutt.eJ to tht! u ..,uu.l c1e~us1ng- p1oce~s of v i:v:il1 n~ I CORN S I BOH CAl{E One C:.l pful of bu ~ ter two of sug a1 , bent to a foam, ndJ f1 u e.,.,s, bcu,tcu quite stitI onti cupf ii ( f C1fn st rch, one cu pf ll of null\ two cupful s of p ep Jlld fl nu nu<l ffo.\OI v;1th Qlle tt' 1.Spoonfnl uf b1ttt:1l uln1onds If JiOt havt' no prupa1erl fl u1 sift one t 1:1ai:;poon1ul of c1ea111 of tctirt u w1th th e tlot 1 ~nd add ha.If t teaspoonft1l of soda d rnsol vt:d 111 a t e ..S}JOonfttl whit~ of milk the la.c;t thm.; , beat tho1ou 0 hly afte1 the sod t l~ ul lt>d , nnd bo..\c imn1c ui.td} A il VAI 'J O T EAAl'\ 0 COFFEE. I en " ll l coff1ve fl.I ll tln eate lH~LI with a Bra.zit tn.n 11' aL ca.lll"c! g u<1.1 a,11a. Guaran \. con::;JS+s of the st::cds of a. trt:~ k no wn tu bula.n1>it3 as th e Pa11.l11uismU t il~ '~h ch 11' \e1y :;.'uudant Jhe tu~e p1oduci.:.!) t ftuu abou t tb ~:s 1z.e of a\ alnut conta1n1110 fi.10 or t11x E!Le fa 'l he .oeedf! itt 10 tstetl nn.... ecl \ ith \\ o.tt'r a id d ued Bef 11e be1n.; 1115-ed tbuy H q u11e r1nd1u,; wlwn tht.J.} fall Ult > a. kind < ·f powdc1 lhc nctn c pun c1ple is an alkaloid ic.lcnt1cal n 1th that found 1 tea and Cl ffee l.:u t there is t'\\ n1..: 1H:1 m ucu of 1t. 1n guara11u. tl l: ! th eit:: I:> in ten. 'Ihe (;'ffi::cts ;t.Je s1ruilar to thu~e u f tea. a nd coffee 0 FHEI\OH )JODE OF FR!.l: II\G l'OT~TOCS Cut th t.J lll lll \~ hat cvm shap"' you 111 ~b nbovf' a bowl of cold w ~ter, so th.. y will drop into i t 'lhen clta.1n and \11pe them d1y llus n1ust b t done qutekl) so as n1t t' allow the pt tat .; to bec( nH:1 rec.ld1~lJ ll !M e ac(lar sc tO\\ C l i e::i.cly U e-n tu111 t Le pot11toes 1ntu a col 1111.:ler ~priu klt' salt on them ancl s rvc h ot If) (lU Wl"'-h ti1eni light or swelled, h : t te the p ot itoes in the col .andor onlv abon t ll alf a. min u+-e t h1::n pnt theni ba. kin the \ClY h t fl.ti f >r about a min lt1:1 aii<l put thetn ltJtl lllth e t; ] an de tt:Jy ot \ 1 l en a roi µe tl iuto it fo t 1w St!cri id tirnt:i tht.iy \ ill !'. \iell Ill \V 10 E" Jn e r (; )f" .... CE l>i h I ft.lief 3 t- pa1 er says - I f cf'ff1.:t.1 afte1 roastmJ WC"10 m ad~ \" fine as fl lUr hy I (1Und1n tn 11 mo1t:l1 t cnul 1 b( t\Xt1w~H 3 0 tnnch bet A ElCl-'n t rfic tcr JJ. R t ) rlqu ire n o ll1 l e th an t \ ofifths ll-'" 1nuch ns 1f 1t W<.ne nn ly c ia rselv grou nd .A.n eq rn.lly stron-=- ~ xt 1 ct c ui Lien l] A hy tllowiu w tter to :stanLl on tll Hi:;i i:run Is as by !;l\In.;- IL "bod or by filto ng thi cn h 1t ~lhe la-ttei met I 11)(t JA the t r ue on e fo- reto,1n1ng all the a1oma "h~n c -fia L u1n ~ a c ron tcd an em )y1tt1n: atc 1l 1s Jn ducecl, '~ 1nd1 bmng very 1.0lat1lt is 1 xp elled 1f t hti coffuc extinct be boil e<l It 1~ httt ~t to mctku t11e ..,1ouncl:s as fine a" f101 1 un<l t J 1..: :-.:1.o wt I) filtrat on i and neve1 t boll T r lE3 ... l' rr pr.cc ED BOOTS ~ND SHOE::. 'l lie Scic tJ ' PicJ:> says - ' It u said that 1£ I ( ggt:d hD ots :rt o occ as1 01ntlly drel!sed " ith petrr l et m bE"t\\ e1:: 11 tht: soil s and uppe" len.ther the\: will not rip If the sole::s of boots and shoes a1 e d1esst>d with i1ctri.1fou1n they 1nll re s1st 11 et and "LR.I \:ell 'l'ho })egs rt i::; said a.it uot aff..,ctf:.'d by d1yU1.!!i\l;I filter be1n,, ¥.bl eatu111tet.1 \\1th th e hqu1 l l{OW '.l'O COi.JC HAMS Bt":to1t tJJy 1urthl:'r steps \Vere taken aff:.1.1ui ch.u1gt:d 1-rzght tnuruphed o\ er rnight, orde1 :\Vtt::i restored i.d L!jroy, with st:1v~r tl o~h~r prr:::;o11tlrs of note, wa::i released, an'1 \\al c,illi::d to take u. pto1u1nent pa1t in the I 1ncllo\I\ atr Wltli tlit'H frun111111.:t overn1ui:ut. uJ the islaud I11 111 nt ot tlib 111 tn.-,IulJ Ii\~ ft gnnlen But IJtdute luIJg h~ "as cn~blcd to 1et1re p la 11tuJ wi t h tlo\\tl ti uf t1 >plcdl SJJ k11dor~ uill \\lll1 i-h1uU.!)ul rne ~t-tiu 1u e, "'hll l: puce 111or~ to bis LM.::jlut1hli ei<tate on tht: 1lUlllllllHg 111 1 31 1 ~ l hi~ 1ii~~ gaily flitt~d 1111iu11L11n1s, aud tht:rc,)yr 1uai.y ;yeaJa at 1 10111 Hou er to ftuu t 1, \\ lalc e \ l'I <1ud a) 1u u 11:1,-wlic 11 St'aL~U in tLe 1u1d::ot ot his Lappv the scarlet 1la rn111go w ht, h <l lt!'i fl 1,... ht ar.:10:-.-· le \JTJI CS'd Jannl) c1ri..;lt: :- b~ would telL .:) llS it !11u1 tl1e n1:1ghU0111JJ .."nod, u..!,ul .. JOUJt'd ~uuuger clullll~t'll aud Ju~ ,!;1.Ut:10ts (it any 1ts i:;h11ll c1 v wnh the liiirifh 1-1..:H1.Hu..i ul Lb tvt'rt: p11::&11l) 111a\u1c1:1ulteun~ \Vltb e111u t1ou; t!Je stu1.) o! non, unce upuu a t1 uie, 0 a1Iv Jt:a L~!cd p u rots, or th J l' c11tni-{ tw1t tel ol the 111 Ulj l1rds of lnrl11 \11t p!u1111r.t' ~'Iii.: 11 111<u111uu. und 1Jruthe1 H. ent 1 we t t' a111..l elcnant h11 in \\ lLh \\Inch tliiti luvt'l.) u.\\ n upon tht:J St:!t\-he was i~ecucd, aa lt l ::i} llld alJOUI d ~ I \\l'.ft:, hu111 the Vt'ry JttW;;; ut death Uy b1::i The g l n 1 uinu laid rn1cle Lleltei 111 wl111,,;l1 lov1u;::: l1ttH:~ daUJhlt'I lJ01aile he !Jal been reading wuli . . 0111e tlun11, ut tli\ / At U 111att1UJi:l.t:i e.)e!:i \\UUL-d till \\:Jt'h tea1~ 11uu1<:1ou13,inU ba1ba1ou:-. out 11geti \\h1d1 ol gtalelul 1 Jy, Uruth't:!rs H1.;:1111, Ula.udl!, uut.1 hi\d tal\t ll pl,1cc u1 une o f tht' pu 1 c 1prtl AllcliJt"lt \\ould look up ' with ud111111ug t o\\llH of tlitl 1::slull'I, n1d \\ a-1 about tu le ~I uH.:t', nnd wln1'1 t'! tu 0111:: anotntr, \Vao ... uter t.lle huu:.e whe 1 hlrj dtlt llLI Ill \\ ~::! a1 { ·o~ uu1 sbtt:l Uo1a.!1{!.""a U1av~g1rl 1 ~ Gutist::i e:.t ed by a :, ligl1t little ll,..u1e a1 rayeJ lt1 \\!uuld Utihln to apj.>lautl auc.l w111.pliu1tlut , \\ h1tC, wn o c u11 e sld11p1nri u.c1uss tht: law11 , \11\L ColdlJt--, nuw g1un11 to a Leautiiul gal h er gulJe11 cn1 !" HJ11 t111go\1 l be::I s l u1nld~r, ut 11iu1t~t:u 01 lille1.;:11 )t!lll"- 1 \\olllLt tur11 pult h~t \..ifUt:. 1!\t:S f>J irJ,,,l111g \.'.llh t->Xt:lti.:111tll 1t the 1e11H:1t1b1tt111 e, and ~l1d111~ iound Lo :i.ud ph ai-;u11.:, as olle l:'t:1p1td h1:1 dl:'lll i) lo\ cd l1t.:1 uld plac~ bl hc1 hll.bt'.t'8 i:;tde, \vuuld t Ltli e r, u1d 1:<!JI ll ~ l1~htl y on }11~ I\ l1tJ u \ hide her lucc 011 h1ti ::ohou IU~r, a11 J wh1,;pt::l, d 1 1ugl1 1t \\ 1:::1 lilt ~\l'.co,.,to111t:U a11d JIHh" \JJ u S\\ eet, lo\Y \ ulce, D\ ar p 1va 1 It i1:111uth [ llluhl ~ pl tet', 1111J. t;hc \\ h"> i:;u1e uf u. wel lug at all tu hut~t 1)1, l could uut helv <lu11ig t l) ITI C l 1 ct.lid l only did it becau..c;e 1 :w l/;ved you, Ah! d u:u l?fLLn, ~:11J ::.li e, I kne\\ I o:hould AuLl JJ lpu. \\ vuld sa.y a~ lie kJ1'1i;i.:J he1 f1ud Jou ll ert 1i1e yo, , to 1 [( l l\11 J ou1 11uii., 11ut, <lcar Curahe 1 ty_ you 1t was on ihe Ol'.1:.tl1 Ju1 tile g 1l "'il'I> \\ J11d1 "linl l l\.tH t<J p1ove }OUI8 t·> 1,i:: a l'.Jve tllut con lntn r:{ 1 id.. to u" II an E11Jhu d 1uaruuu1 u1 H ue1~over tle(ith, aud a perjr,ct luve V.'!nck cast 11J 1l~a1 little 1 1l1y I 1olht;I 7 ~ th o.ut Jear , _N l) , C( 11tlll, leplJ l"!d h t: l p:ifJ:l, iu tlutlJ I " [ wu.-, ti111il 11 1 '"' Jll t LIH: n Iµ_"' I 1 1uld IJl.:-l How to· Dress for , Church l' Jll\ t: \ d, lctt~J ul rlJt ~;:;Ur{l tu n1tmn11 tlJ ! 1,,.l,,, lu:l ti.Lprulonrj ht'r \ 1:-;lt, n11 I not rc tt111 1 to bt D u1111111;1,11t u1n1I rtti(.\ i .. all.: a .!lg k r"" Iii (l.rorA t'l<j, New Yv1Jripµu..) r"' 11< He i:;et t l ~ U, whll;h 1 u 11:1 t t hc) soon \\il l ltc\ LuH.i ::S1c.l.1H!V GuJ.ulpluu O.sborue ltJ -:!, 'VlJl: vl tt1,.u-.t: \~l,10 l.:u1Upl>Ulltl 1{.lt S!JIS ~ CJ.ll;V A1!3 th1n~81 nRct t h::tl, I 'It ?:-.a1tl Ou1uhe, u1e 111tu 1111:, p1uu;:, l:h1trnh Lurd1s curi· t: \t:J,th111i{ luuk ;:, t' O J>*-' 'll;t: iu! u.nU h l!Jll \I JU S J~ t.;Ull>l.t:rVllll\~ ut d_Uch !>UUlp~ tl.Bll \hlll .llud lung 111u.\ ~ou t;Ollllnne JU lil1tis:iul Litt> ul Lile \\ul ltl a~ tlle JIUj1lleU 111 a lltlt? vi l 1....,1111u1i1.;c, lll) , h1 l, il<tl l h1..:r t .1.tllt:1, a:i 1 11v!Jlllt.Y auu a ioug1 au:,Lul;!.Lll(; IHtllle lt I ll ltt:'d ah-' ! v 111t l.. 1,.:3 OlJ tht! Ill J\\: ul 111~ lit r::i lll)l.. plulktliJt:- lhaL IJll:I LuH.l.::!lllp \\ uuld 11.: · t e qne 8 tionei !lllllf_Lll:)H 01 Ut-=-gul,,tJ elLllcl l.h:t:<!llStlt't.IUculi E\t:ll .t~ ht: rjµ uke the ra p d ~onnLI ot u f ll 1;1.11y ot 1u~ U11:tl1tll1 ut couuuou clu.) " Yet , 1"0.: o: li uuf . . \\ lt>h tI I tt'ul L1 ~up tlic 0;ht'll fu utl i::l l'o 1up ~ UlHJ vu111tl~::i ul tlie \.,.urid }J ... \ i u vt: d Ur-cent whH.i il Jt'd i1uu1 t h"' \11: 1c11 1 11' Kt:t:-lllj tic11~1uve, l·Jl ~:\U lup lc, tu tli~ r 1<:: h o u ~e ln a 1110 1uc11t (1r L1\ t), tu 31 111 lll.J! uf ~plet1t.lltl ~lpp;.H:cl aull th~ v..u11ty uf l t ll)j ::; i:.l t'ilt 11:::tou1-.llt111;:ut a ntl t.l u 111 a1 o ' l) tLtIH, \\lJicll Ji ~ u gt:i:l the peuple t.J put Id LClJ a111 tance ap1 l:'tlr d lll \ Iew , h UJll ~!-( 1l,.,liJe, 011 :::>u111.HlY uL- l1:a::1t ht: wonu.l Ju 1 ) 11:1 l11n "e l U buc h a i-;Le u\ l! f t he low li u ii t ovu1 e lll U1g u101e tll c\U urge Hl! woui11 l tuc~ \'ih lc.:ll gu !I t'd thl:l Uu \\t:t Mt r It 11, } 11d 1 uH1Kt: chu1 J1 Lu1ltttc \ i. su t ~cct ot c1:clc"1i::iL t't:ll l:loul t!Jed.t111,..,~ ctll ~td b) iil Ii ll LlJ..: l1 1.: co1UtUt:UtlU.llul-WlJJd1 tu thcw t=ll h1uptu1uc\ e ol1::u e 1Ul:t,pn1::o t: d11,.1 t u11 tl l 1 r-;tllll let.lu.1ll JUjdl E115h~1J uuuJ wou1u 1,; 1ann~d 111 ~ l llltlll ;.: j, t u ~ 11 1g t ~1: d duoi:ltu1y t1111ui:;t t.he Jvt ce ol a pt:!Ut:t.l 1:>t.<ltl1tl! 1 } tl l ~ d H ul th 11ll >< l 11 ~\.al\li 0 tile lui.;u110~0Lt: JH.. ~ "lllch lJelnJlt::; . My i1u;n il, ~U] l tilt; \ 1"llOl', fl)' ,_ th t) ir.. Loul' bllllltj Gullu lplllll u~uurllc tu Iuc.lulgu :-.tdllt.- 01 j oti'"t1. re los t I l lie tut>Ur~ent::i It L\ t 'lU he VU.tJltj uJ ru11h. l1y prn1t1ug ill:; uauit: lll ~ uut lHtlU e o 1 tht'll IJ,..t fo1 \ t llg enrn ,} alld t utl uu Lilt: LILlt: l:J:ll.0 l: 1..ll t!Je buuk 111 w tuch tit: e\~11110\\ 111 nd1111,.., \ 1\ tbe Ln~I, lvdl tu ue t\e11uU 11'Ce~ the \.a111t.y ot d11.::~, It IULit "'t:Cllle )Ulll 1ll:l.:-llll I O\t'l ht':J.111 tllt:ll Ut: t,;UUct:tll;).U tlhtL tht.!Xt: llS a good deal of Wleketl Vla11", llld h11i:;Le!H:'<l. hj tlLb sea tlt:li::lt anLl IJUlllt 111 till! wurl1.. lie UHSI:sts, lit"at:h pa.th,\\ lill h JS tht' HhurLtr,yr I t> liOL~ld 1u1 u.i<:>LalH:t', tllut It l~ U1:s1rubll! to _l.lllt U1e ·ut t!Ve n tliu..i tur ll1t\ie got tile i:;tu1L ol pi ut 1uuu ur. t:U~\j <lunug tllVUle se1w1~, t.hern uutl that uutlilU~ lUclkt.S tiuch a llHtll nlurc bo s:. n 1n (·1 hv >1.tlnck spu1 s into the sal t s uucu1u1u1Lublt: Llh!U thi; su11er1or c l~"auce i:-i r I°' ii his IHH~t: ,1;1.ud de1.~l1cJ 111 Ld l~ d JWU 1:1 i:;tetp ul 1J1::i Ut'l 0 lJliur ~ 1uakb up OtsUu1ne 1urthno u1U11n pttll, \\lllt.h lt:U to a M~l.J. ~l~oLt:Io.;:d t:l ::sayo Ll1at exLravaguncc in d11::::is li:l d0-1ug pH.rt of th!:! s1 a ... 1101t',11J liove ul tiu 1 11J~ l'i Olln: 1c1ig1u11 1uore htt1111 t lu1u uve11utttmpt:I"d.ll~t:,' O,;i1111g S IU ti.:k or tilllull huat,tha.t 1111ght CUii IJt:<..;lill~C 'the dlU IL!iUl LlS doll t COillt: to 1 ei., !J11uoelt at leat't 1 tu a placu oi ::iu iet\ chUll;h d1nuk, bnL 'tllti lire!!~ a1d:s do co111e' Uu1al11::, \\liO \\US 11atnruJ ly a S\: ll,.,lllVt tu 'the iutUx.1cu.Liuu u1 at.t1re'--wblch is aud 8 Utu~what lHn1<l cln ld , Ii 1U, u11 Lbc <tp ncvt:!I iuotc ulJ~tructne than on God's da,, p1w1ch ot tilt: 1SLtilllJt:I, ::;lipped \Jtl lie1 fa th- iu l.i-uJ IS J1onse lhc cxtra\ilJautly d1csseci t: ! c 11..llet', UlJd r1 tucrt out ol ~lollt 1 to th LL peJ::j ,n, U:::;borne holJs, wh1 ll v1ay1n~ Jll pal t ot the }JlH.ZZtl wh1d1 overJ0(1kt:d tht la luuuablt: cu~Lu111e, · co111b1ues tlle act of. 1'1 ~11tallu11 s aod the h1~li tLJit I, ~111cl, with \.Lt:Volluu v.ah the n1ust 1ladrunt cxhtLJttun u1uute dehvao..:j, plitced ""i1t:r:,1;l1 bt>Vullcl i.:at .Jul vault) au ti ·Lhe prufes::i1v11 ot a n11::se1aUJe shut ol the tu Lb el ltli J Ins };llt'i'it ,:,illlUer' \\Jth lL gruss uvpet1te iur I outwatU :Unt sll~ w l ~ 11at111ally l:'X.cltt'd untl a1allu a uu1u111g ut Ll1c LUoy' · i., lu ng lit au uivli ud, filled with trt:1:1s Ut:a1 n1g Jn then vauuu" 1>ea...,otJS ]U:-;l;l1Jl1i; hu1ts, uch a s u1atr/.('t:ti lt't11n11~ 1 h1nes, coc1 H, Cit ro J 11c1n J po1ucg1111..,,111 ; \\ \J1le btnt:'.a l{ htlni, u-:iu the g1uu11d, \\tJ~ t1a1u~<l plllb aµplt:i::! UHi tuelurJ..i, wh ich at t.h1s t1111e la\ 11pt-u ~ 111g 111 the gloWlll-{ ::;U11s!iun, Olld hlunn the J A mo-nient. of dtlu.y L 1118 i.:. sometiuies 'liC1 y pre- Doimmon, fo:r Style, Quality and Price READ '!HE F.OLWWHW cious, althut1 0 li there is a proverb \Vluch af~u tlie cu11tl-a1y Kmg S1reet, Bowman ville. f Napoleon is Defeated, I Note tliese Facts, , I ~- 11. [ n1r-IE subucubet 1 1 p~ Gparcu to build :ind ro p as A popular. wecldy p:iper ±or th e tunes, emLrnc1ng the lcadil1g fcatm es of t hoso J om i;rnJ.s desti O) ed by l the t en1ble cari:fl.tgrafion, and comb1omg Just 'uch .i co. ps of w11te1 s as wul !l"' c- fh c public ,1,ll t he news ol the " eek, n 1, a co.ideiised compilation cf the leaclmg JOUma's of the nat1011 , and the wotld !I. Tilt TJ;!FT[L llECOIW TV ugons, Buggies, and Gutters, of c\ ery d4'l H C1 11Jtion, at snort notice, andon J ~ uF;iuna blo tenr.s t.uth ful J J AS. ELLIOTT, ~ Select~ F<l:C'l' No J. h1R F .A C'P No 2 own goods · Carriages P11,mt ed and Trimmed and ielmLI~ 1acmde1 of rn c1dents and facts c0nce1m!>g the The l'HENIX will Le great :i1 e, e'er ruU1,licd t,w most _ JlA'S. ELLIOTT, ':Rnys,.ancl ~t<lls FAC~ them m lus ow i1 na.:ne per ANNUM, in ADVANCE No 3 J AS. ELLIOTT, Don't ,do busmess on Comrii1ss1011, and I undersold. " 1s not to be I 1 A Blacksnuth's Shop nn the vreml.Ses ' "ere special a ttention is gn en to I I It will contMn on~ ~t>ch ~cGounts .rs .are \ Ou ch ec.lfo1 by" re h~l.Jl e w it nesses,and will couect the eiro11 eov s .rnd fob1ica ted statem®t~'gf ie 11sal1on tl Wt }i er.;i ~ · CHIUAGO AND TI:l_JC NE\IS Accou;t;rs of' _;rrrn FirLE ·ll 0fl1r1a,ge \' ork and Ger.ernl I ·GR@CEllIES, CI-tOCKEllY, ' BOQTS ~ Jobbmg Mll n ork done cit th?S stablish m e11 ua1 ranted li. call ta respt"ctfullv sohc1terl t r __ T MORRIS THE 1 SlIOEB,. ;} _J "' ly n1 OBSERVER, (the Oigan of the Bible Clmsti.tn Deuommatwn one of the Le;'i; Family ~eis pn11t~d in the Donfiiiion) Glubbed with the MERCHANT, fo1 Two J.QQl{l Dollars per annum, in- advance ,. It w ill, fo1 i:i t\nJe, be, devoted e·pecl!dly t o the pr st, pl'eoent :ind rntui e o± Chicago, Lesi d~$ bemg t h_, " 'ost compJet~ weeklv n ~1vspapet 'm the WQ Jld " FIRESIDE CO>! PA. !O)i & ;,mvsPAPEn Its columns arr. clevoiecl tdJ<el'. s, Co111n1eicc 1 ;jc1cnce, L1te1:rt:-ure._,_ -1<\~, Diam \ 1 Music, U umo1, E itAll, Poett y, F~~ _<>l's anrl enou gli of R omance to m,ake 1t a most 1ehable and cou1pleti! ne1't)oape1 for· the busmess men 111 the ~op,i1jmg: ;,;= . :;;:;: To;; IF;;Ur;.L:<:;IL ~t';::l::.;CS'J'::;:;Th::~~ $ ~N~ .!. - · .. and Clothing made to order m first-class style, go to 1 ELt;;iOT'S Cheap Store, Tyion<', N ov 2nd, l 871 A_s I USUAL - -0 - - TYRON-E 1 I It .\V1~l be 1llust1 aced. w1t h.engmv. mgs tallen fiom,' Photcgr-a}'.llts ·ot tlie Clncag o R~1ps, in;tca-c1· iit,:'ikdr.hes ' By 0 1 t1 Hpec I .A1tio;t" wJ,io \"as not " on the spof7" a>ic1 t us g1Yell ·a ,eu es of t r£,l\FECT "l'!Ei"~, rnn ob"tarnabl e else" lrere, and the fh st numl:e, v. ill con tarn the only coneot map of the bli'.rucd city , lL\PPI' IlOL'llS '-.J.,. t;I- The Promised News Mr. J. lvri~ne, H AVING assumed the busme,;s lately earned on under the name and sty le of " Consrml & Co," and havmg had neaily c ' T h e hea nt1ful litera13· Journal, HAP PY HoCI\S,' who~c [ ubl sher was t he firnt.ro is~ue · . p?i'.par to meet the pn bhc <lcmr,mcl afte1 the .1wful fire, has 11een me.gcd mto i;he 1>tern1y depai tment.01 the Prrnmx, wluch" ill embrace r he cont1 i bu t10ns of n101 e ,thau sixty of the .m ost popular w u tern ot the day A SPECIAL FEA71Jl\B ADVERTISE I TIIE CORNER AHEAD lN TH:ll: ( e<;pecwl fe ature, ,, moie Th e Pri,ENIX ' w1Jl contam, as an ~omplete TWE-·TY YEARS EXPERIEN"CE IN THE TEADE, w1Lh amp!e facilitnes for the · Purchase of :Merchandise in the Cheapest Markets, he flattern himself that he cau offer , A SUIT DF MERCHAN'l record of m clflents and results of the.lat e te1nble foe, tlrnrr cn,n ho found m any hook, p1ip91 oi othei pubhcat10n m the counti y So numeious arnhuaccmate lnwe bee,1 the accou nts :;Gut fQ1 th, that J>Orn~ tbmg reliable and rea dable 1s.Cazetly at' thts tune, and The PH L ~IX 1 sought will !ill t he 'bill A P4 Pi;:R F em urn PEOJlLE TB E PHENIX , I' tht! ul")1tullJ louk:-i of huth !Jllltl~ ,u111l 1n~uuctnch h Lt tliut y ouie <luug~r 111cnuccd 11e1 lil:llui.t:J !other ed ll1e ulJn.,e l;Ort1pla111eJ-0f lu En~lanti pfe\<1. 11:::; .tti \\ ItJ.t:Jy 1u tt11~ 1.:uuulry ol tlicorct1&i.l Here lS J II0,v~1d 11c H e1ll) ~ ruc1pe Thu meat afte1 being cut ont, must bti rubbed piece by piece li th 'c1y finely pnw dc1ed saltpet e on tbt flef>h side and where the leg 11:1 .... ut off, a tea.<>pnm1ful (not heaped} to cttCb h~m a. de sert spn(lnfnl t.1 en~ h shi nlder, an<l about half that quantity t l ea.cl1 nnddhn ; and Jowl~ this inus::t bt.:o rubbed n rrhen salt it by pacl..1n; a tlnn coating o r salt (In t h e flesh s de of eavh p iece ay on ~ h tlf inv 1 tl-i ck p:.tuk the p1t' CCa on ~1 1:1cnffokhn.; 01 on t fl ;01 'v1th strips of p11l.nk laid a. few 1nche:r-apa.1t all ov e1 1t (tha t is 11nrle1 the m e-at ) the pieces must be place d skm sid e dov.n in the follow1n g nrdt-1 - li11iJ:t lu.ver .hams se o.id, sho11lle1, tlurJ JO\\Ll\I fou1tb n11dd lnrga- take the >o.pG1.. tC ribs out of the nnd dhn 0rs The n1 eat n.1u ~t lie in tin " 1i.1se -Six wed >i 1f th .. wci.ithe1 is m1ld m,.,ht if' ety coli the b1111e bcin.:. n.lln\ed to iun off fit.: ly G \LL SO.AP Gall snap tor the \\ a.<o.h1n 0 of £ne s ll~on cloth o.nd nobons i:s- 1 repa1 t:d 1u tllti fullo\1 JD.g man ner -Jn a "";essel of copper one po and of uocoa nut 01111; ht! ~tel to 00-0 l«' th, whtlf Cl.lflf'll ha.If L pound (Jf cau ,,hc s< d i is added w1t?t constitnl ~tuuug In 1nothllr vessl:!l half a po1.1n d nt wlute Vcnt:tlan t u1penhne 18 lJl;latc<l, and \\hen c 1uile hot, st1rr( d uito the coppeL kPttl~ lh1~ Hl.!t hltlc he:.lrt heat w1 ldl j t\ t th turo1 is a sudtl1: n bond on the iu td d1-..c.lu"~d tv lH 1 \ Je\Y u. L~nal ol rou6h 11..:v1l luuk111~ 1ucu, \\ho, llioug\J h e: an1~g "ith t.llcu1 .~ 11nu111t:-1 of Ynltn.ppy J ll~OJH·n~, yet al pt: irt:d to he ha>!t~n1-ug 111 a din cc l11H fu1 lier f itht1'.. huueo ~01 amu111e'ltt<r1orroule·l her tu the spo t-~u1<l 1t. \Hl.i \\t-ll anu Wl"t'lj u1dt-1 cd tliat it o::.buLtlll h~ o-t ir sUadld a:. 8!Je 1.1 as h~ .t b eautdul t1ee wnu:sl! g1 u;1.:tltl I JI iag~ ahuosts,verJt th~ 0 101111U, t.heoe 1u1s 1.;rtlattts pass~d lle1 by unJHJltc.;.eJ llt:1 ta.th,.tt \\11$\ 11u1ned1u.tt:l\ sunonnJc(T" aud cJZl d'"" dlHoL1t1ct:U its uu 1.:1ic111j to tilt! .i; ep11 h l1c, dlltl tn111h::J u!f t.o a1i i::1111ne11c.t Ut n. l11tlt: d1:)t Lile~, \\.lit lt:, pl tveU f >lclHU::IL lltH 11r. u. nt 111lJ1::1 1:)1 v1uL1111t11 c lUJJO,.,t:Ll i_ f LIJ e JUu::.t luj .1.l .uiJ luH1e1 ilil~ c 1 L 1 z~11::; uJ the cotll111u111tj, with o ut la\\, 01Jt:r1 u1 .JLU:1 uct>, lJ~ wa8 cu1111e11nicd tu 11 :stui1t Lil aLh ~1 Leof\ 11 ~u Jll"t tllnc to (;ust u11H,,111 S cU 0 1 lli..:e u1uuu J, 111 i:;ui1cli µt lna d ul1111""l, \' ho ho\1t"\ 1.: 1, to ills juy lit1tl U1.s<.1.p1.1t'aJt"ti t ied \\hen,lns <::y es wc1~la1J11<1gcd1audlu1jh~11J,, betnnd Ali1:.atly tlit tirtLt:lhtcs ul rllatl1 had ~v~lle d tbt'H 111l11de1uus uriu ~ llt thl l1end ··1J the n11! Jlltlllllte llw.u, Jtpll'\ed u j1npe, ui l ft.::"lor t:d tu lns ltdt-> \\ilw.t \ uttiu:s kellJJn:'\ uJ Jv~, ol bouur, ut u11 0 ~ 1, hba111 e , aull LJ1Lj, ,a..;1tutcd th l>rea~ts ut tbe \:J.uouis SLJ\:a;Lut..(H~, act >rs, auJ \ Jl;tltur:; 111 tli1 s le Lliul t1aotdy d::s, JU t a l the !Jlt":Sl"'e UIUlllCllt whcu t he \\u [ d \\IS hi lil\l! Uet:U l"'l\t:II lu1 thu d1~d11Tg c ot th e at u llt 1\, l l1Lll~ \\Ii! t iul,eu til"'u113, \\ it!J lh:: r gJ llli.:11 1u111 ~t11::au11110 Ill wild J1::0 J1Jt!1 t:qualLLy Uuc luuk:s to the chu1chi;:s fur jJ. 1 H,_,pJu.i. ul 'LUt" 11.1.te:.tistylt:s 1 a:> lllllch ad to v Liie up1:1u Jiuu::.t, uud the reth~c·tllll of · upt::ll· 11 1g Oil) 1.s 8ecu tu tbt: pc-!-\ J..t.lld aloud Lbc ~han any othzr Hd'~e m the trade, west of the City of M(,ntieal, and u1,,J~ 11u lctiti tlhlU lU thiJ park phal!t1011 u1 1d he h0pAs that by 0.1 Lll~ !J'YllJ~;.iw.l~ N 't- p1 udl!nt \.\ 01uu11, Llluubh1.1ul ui ltt 1 isuc111 potilt1ou, wuulJ 0 o LuollUl<illllUll uutol·cnsonco.tumot.11y (1uu11.;: tliu11 she wuuld go to,,. a 11.:cept1uu Pl <1. u dl tu ~u: llll:?UJta.l1lc d1t:s~ .Nor 11' th~ ' '1:>¥1-cll 1 ut tht:- }Jt:llod l t:tiis scrupuluu1:1 than he inay lner1t a ia1r ~h..:"tl e of public p.J. tJ onage Lhc gal ul tbe sa.u:i~ llie ~11ol1by )UUIJ~ Bo\vmanv1lle Maich 17, 1871 ?I.. n24-1y ~c--!!. \\ lIQ st~u_µ ~!!.'!. iz,~aty }.U, churc.b...l1JJ.tl.i1t:a,. "-,.. ::.1::t:nli1 rl\ u1,~yon1:>1:1ou>-1 tbat. they ale 11ut es :,1.;:11uall) ab 1\1:; Lht cullJt:l luai1::1, "uu'<l iJl u"li to 111 ~t:bn tht're \\tu11nga11ytl1111g- Uut t~ 1.:ual of tht:t 111Ui:lt rt:ut:Ut lt<Blll ' Nut ll> iut1uc.lt! upon the }JIOV111i.:f oJ the 1e hn10U:ijvu1;11alN w~ clioo"'e to iegan.l tlll::i 1:-:; a u1 utL1:::1 ol tl:st.c raLht::t chau uf 1ehn1011 Oct 0 Aud ci:rtaady 1 Jruu1 a pulely oo~t heLic view tullt:Lt(j e:-t.l'.t:::St) \,j ll1H\l1~1e cl:)t: l:iU 1nco11 0 1u uuis ao Jll l,;il~uch D1s1u1s~JUJ the qth!"lh.Jll rl'IM"Good mornmg, J\11ke shme and i ts eatly out, ye a1 e ul ::.1 iiul11e~~ to tht cOIJ1'l<lt rut1v11 of R ~v GREATER INDUCE:NIEl'ITS 'Goocl T\veed For $10.50. -0G:Ji:T YOUR 1s the cheipest )J!lj)liil .4.n1e11 c.-1l being dll e16hi 1 ctgc, fo 1 ty coturnn weekly, at only- two dollars a yea1 , m fact it shat& be the papei for the people and t he tun es THE F!l\Sl NU'\fBED I ilttentioll ' Pron1ptitucle anti Court,esy, · · ===============================::;: ='==== CHIT~' OORNWAL:L :BLANKETS I rT, BASIS It is " cousonc]ac10n ot other rn1 als, and t h erefo1 e on a so!td IJ01 foundation, contJ~nung then f.onne1 cnculat,on NEW SU!lSCPIBE!tS The fast numbet will be is,uecl on Satmcl,i; ,l'\o" J ltli -:ind " ill Lo the p.tpe1 wan.ted by cveiybody, M a i eco1 d wo1 th preoerv mg 01 t o send a\vay, :virl for l L.S ncCu1 ..tto 1l1u~t .. r. t10ns - - -- - 1H71 [Tim :Brady and Mike Flynn] 1871 L11d:S1d1u:::y GuJu lpluu O"Lulu(j and the 1ellg1uu::1 p1et'S,wc sub1111t that the ofb~ 1 it11Vt:· uc ,,::; ul Llit:: 111cvn,.n u1ty UL1,6ht t\J bt: cu11clu- MIKE - ' J1st be a1sey Tnn, and I'll tell' em a pffy be bould to axH \\hat sta1 t< d yees thi$ mo1 mng" kettle is then cuv i: red and left fo1 f(lu~, hou1 ~ be1n.; ;:{eutly h eat"'d a.tter \\h ch th e fi~ li: ! Ill creasl:'d l ntil t b u rn nttnts rue pe1fectl:; clea~ " hert'npon one pound of ox gall IS addeJ Afttlr thu·, enouc-h good, pcurect. 1y dry Ca<;t1lc se3.p is 13t11 red nito the nuxture to c.:i1u1c the whole to yield Lut lit.tle i1cd1::11 the pres8ure of t b e fi11 0e1 for \\ h1ch purpos e f1om one tu two pounds of snap are requued fo1 the above q11alt1ty Afte1 collinc the !ioap is cut into pieces It b excel Jent, and \\Ill n ot inJure the fiui::st colors - [En gineenny c.nd .llftnw1.g Juto nal HO"i\1' ro 6\'i EEP \. R \.0 CARPET In 1nveep1ng a. Httr ca.rpet be careful to b1ush flotu \Vldth I ha\e often been oomphmented foi the sn1ooth11eo.-, of my carpets \\!hen i n!al 1ty they v;ere n o smoother tba,n many othel1' Ihe sec1et la:r in thE rnnnner of being swept the chape goods And shure enuff its the iull stm e he haspiles and piles av the natest patterns, and he'd inve ye the makins av an ilbgn,nt new gown for Bide!), fo1 01venty five C,nts, Tn,v fo1 m,1st nuthm, n,nd the Baccy !01 a trifle less" TIM.- ' An shm,:1ts fuurnng ine ye aie, i\11ke, "ouldn't the man he aftLer lneakmg do\\L" dl1uost Juw11 lu ILcJ \\<Lil"il- lu::1 li1oaJ lduc MIKE-' l:lreakrng down, is i~ Shure he knows a tlmck wu1th two av r1lil ou:i tlutt~11 11 ._, ui the \\111t.l, lar lip" that I'll Jist tell yoa what it is, Tun, if you want to git u \lllLt: with JH:ud, a1 d hl'.t lur,..,t: blulj 1:!}1;;'"' di:;lt!U<lt:d \\llh liuJJor, h1::1 l1ttle ::i hj')Jt:lttl grate name wl1 en you1e decl, and be ca!Ld a fiil antrntized, filoslt i:t, sJ..:a'"te c1u:::;bJJ1d tlie hlua.-,uu1,j 111 1111 tle1, and a pubhc bm1Jactho1, Jlst t ell all ynu1e n.1bomsand the t litli, ll:jhLly ll1L1. ~11e pit' ... 8 tht I:' u LIJ,a1 d rist av rnanl"nfl, about Gray's 1 hape store, all cl you ll do mm e LL Xlll;L dt:-.IUJ t llltt:!I vale, 'W t.th." pWJC ng CJY for the good av you counthty, than iver ::>t P.atr19k did for onlrl p1...-.t t:!ti11t11u1l .. , Rohl1e1t', guu:), t1.11 I, u11u sL Ireland, when he hamshed ull the, toads and Gnakes out av it Luu1,;b1u~ \\Ith ht:I ru\ic tile clun\ of th~ rtn:s sul>J~i.;t lilVuheS a lJrUCtJc,\l question teht I Jea<l1:r, ru-.hed (1 \.\tL:-; µ; 11nJ to s.iy \\lhch th ... adu11111tsltators oJ thtn ·s eccl~s1~ that mvm was m it " . into h~r lath~r·~ arn11:1, hnt, ii la.~ ' tht!v welt! a 15 tical tthould coril'i1der Ti.alf th: churches TI~i "I'm much obllt.ged to ye, for the bit av advice, apd won't dep1n101a·d h~h1ud lun1) ou tu lns br~"'t, and are rari:ly half fillj;!d, and n1Jss1oa chapel!! tam ye, there'll shnrely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss ~\lth ht:r httl~ handB clai<p~d iu a clust:! t:u1 tor the a1.:con11n·>dat1on ot the poor,uri.: con· some bargams The top av the mormrlg to ye "-I'm off to U.~ around hn; neck, auU filled thu l!\:en tinuallv lnuldu1g Thia involves a 'iV&P.te 1ug aifwnh-l~1tt·, "My father 1 Oh, of effort ru1d money It may wdl be eaid Gray's t:;(J ;:,l\.c "1th pl!l 0118 ut tlllt:1 Ieh11..:n1eut Ela lit t itt lll 1::,:i 18- well t:uuugh at u h'l-11 ( tl· tlivl1iflt it uuty C\t'JI thcte lapse iuto vul 0 a 1 1ty), bl c tu"i:: a drer:s chspJuy 1~ one of the l,;biel l u1pQ::.ea ui a I.Jail Sul;h a d1spl»y is !Jot th(.] ulije · t ui church St:l \J\.;es,and u. cou t-i lJICllOU:.:1 toilt:lle, hy tllVt:lLlllr{ .1ttent1on 1, 0111 th\!-r~al u!Ject, 11eutl:!~ d1~co1d \\l:t~Ie linriHouy ~bou Ill prt:va1t Just a~ thl! pl lY. 1ug ul ::;t.:c 1 1htra11~ 1111l1ttry ruircbt!S, and op 1 .1.llc cbu1utics liy th~ urg<1111~t J1:sturl1s tilt! hu1111Jllj ol plaw~ u.nd }JUlJJOoe, aucl !:ihock~ 1he ~t:lrnlt l \e 11i:-.t111ct, a~11Jt: l!otu ;i'uy ihoH 1bt uf "'lldll lll t-'SS Ihe extf)J.\1Jgantlvdrt-' ;d " n1a11a11d th£ stupul of~nu1i:;tH.l1ke Ultt!ll I U,..,i:UIJbL tlilj p1upr1i::li~S of tilt: ( Clif,l~IUD l1y th1 UISLlll~ lhetHSt!l \ es belo1e llJbttlatl of :.uhor<l111.lllng the1ue:1::lves to it Y c see, I was toulcl, y1sterday, that M1sth e1 G;ay, av 'lyrnne, had got home &n rlhgn,Ht nev., stock a;v Gooch chape as elm t man, and its rneself could ha1dly slape a \Hnk, all mght, tfirnkrng av the '!'HE GREAT FAYORUES PRINTING AT fl!E To auy pe1son who geLs us tbree new subscubets, we will send The PH E:llX foi one} ear free "' one of om b~aut1ful puze, steel pl.,te engravmgs wo1th S2 50. 11U J ~f f lJ~\:i'::o F o1 t be pm p oseJ{ 1ottp1<lly 'n ,ci cas mg our su bscn pt10>1 hst befo. e the 1 The Choicest Variety, tlie cbeapest j 1VIEROI-IANT1 0FFIUE, I close of the pteoeuc ; '~,~i. we \Ull give to Eveiy pe1 'gn w lio suhsc11hcs for the P nEJSIX durmg the month of ~\lovembe1, a bcal1tt±u l steel pl ate eugravmg wor th ~2 50, l>alf a dollar more than tb e ' pn~e of snbscu pt10n No su ch opp01 tu m~y w ao evei bef01 e g.ven, and p1ob<1t!y ' ne~er will he agam Avml ' onrnelf of rt Engrnvmgs will be l'romptl) aud safely sen t by mail 0 1 deh veied at ' this ofilc<" as su bscn l:.ers m,':~' wish ; SUilSCllIDE NO W ' GOODq IN TOW. lll tlit!Y\_k1il you, papa, I, too, wilt du, and. bf.:j bcl'.u.US1;: tht::J do not feel nt.. ens(f uudcr tbL~ The L.tt' e Herome of fit Domingo "1th }Oil, ,tutl bahj li ru t-he1 sha ll olty a11rl c ontl lst ol the1r po\l:!rty "·\vith tht: oppttS· 1 The: i t' 01 ( ie\\ ::>~ boy s 01 n 11 ]:s lin t co1ut41rt pour lllilIU.l 1 s1 vc g1 u1delu ot nch !ell ow "orsh1ppt-1e 1 11 n~ Jt'ml ,, Hit I< 11 r t \11.' t il t- s ii 1u~Jt,, In vaui tbe'i trlell to take het R.IXD.\ Jion1 1 be d1lfit:ulty n11r::ht_ le cnu1t.l ed lf the li<t.. tory ot th u JutlJt'r' It. is r) )011rJ1ttle <Turahe If tbaL the poor will not nttcnd the- churdlt-8 ni ir1t,,, u. ud 1 1 ud-. bt.::tl 1h t fo nu th ... J11,.. hl ~t French Rl·\olnt1011, .thcl I J. GR!Y, Tyro11e. Noted f'o1· Cheap Goods. F. Y. 00\VLE. '° " , _~ I I <lUIJgt" r, n1 \a.111 t.h o;:y Lhiclte111::c.l Tb~dea1 huuUe tlu.1.t ~ 7111ght 11 a \t:" r e Luoved hc1 a1i;: J t: . _l would l1::ar11 to dre~s qu1t:tly and taste .. Jltl~ Joy chUlcb All work executed m the Latest ~ , Styles, with ;.\ leatness and Despatch tf-52 a11ri~ Lowest Rates I ) Send m yom names and su hsc11 ptions at once, and smtam tin s great, j ne,rnpaper enterpnse Pnee ofsubscnption only '52 00 pei yem Smgle copws ; cents A.;cnts "~'1te d evo1 Jr\vne1c PHEN I X PUBLISHING ao 5 2 West 1fa· hooll Gt ) Ch1ca,go Ill , US, ' -