' THE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM Stea.ll\ Job Printing Oiace, Krna STREET Bo\HHN\II i.. E AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C re at ton L .,. k.e and CartWT1ght It is a. common platform ope1 to the free dIScuss on of all qucs t o s n vl.: ch the genoral pubhc a e concerned 'IEilliS lar0 ely in the To vnsh ps of Darling Seventy five cents per annum m ad v a.uce The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 '.RATES OF ADV .l!.RTtSI::\G One column H:i.lf do AND GENERAL ADVERTISER VOLUME III R R LOSCOMBE BARRIS1'ER AT L 1W SOLIOI1 OR JN OJI 1 HJ-PRY tf.c POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS 'I IOKE'l S CARDS &c &c & c BOWMANVILLE O~TARIO FRIDAY JANUARY a 1872 01 t of a po1 ulatwn of one hun Ired thou sand on tl e 1slu.n l &l!Ventee1 hl r 1-c l lost ti~ I live~ ani.l tl e l1v~ng bes les ull tl e1 other horrors \Vere th:reatene l " th ian c for nearly evo1 \ tlnng m ti e of loo I had l een <lestro\ ed Of cor t from the fiel Is I 011eier there we1e fuu <l ueap' \\here t had been collected by ti c 11 t d and this kept ofi sta1 vat on t 1l pro\ s onr:> could be sent from the ne10 hbo 1 g l~lunds En 0 land "be-n sbe heard of o I g eat ~or row~ quickly ra1sed and sent us ah 1nclr~d thousand po n h~ ~terhnn Thr c mo ti s luter the l ouse.s e ery wl ere had b~en rt.b 1t n v \ cnctall bad taken the place of the o]J and the en tu-e tslat d looked s bright at d p a elt I l eltire It } ad been ll aJ.~ U }aud of 1L10Ufll II g o.nd a ho vhng waste NUMBER XII EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE . FULL SUPPLY. SPLENDID SELEUTIONS of POETRY Row old art Thou? uount not tl e days tha.t hn vc dly !:lo n I ne years that \Vere vainly sptmt Nor sp a.k of the hou 'S thou in st blusli too When thy sp rit stn.nds before tl e tl o e To account for the tntenta: lei t CHANGE OF TIME Bo "'an GOING WES'!' ~ -Over ~IcClung s Store samo fln.t J b-1 BnmacoIJ L ~ De1 tal Rt o~ Bowmanville Oct 27th 1868 ly OFFICE "·J JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl~ier PAA enger :-.;: I L al Mal 7 30 a n 9 0 am 3 ~op m Paper Hanger &c &c Fa.11 a.nd Winter G-oods, AT But numbe tho U.1J 30pin ra, o e'Vc v All kiuds oi vo k prom1 tly attended to and eat sfact on guaranteed Res dence- Next dooi east of the Bible Ohr s tan fh rch TYROI\E Tyrone M""ch 8th 18G9 22 tf For Sale, Or To Rent D vV ~ICLEOD S, l'RIMl!i 'M:li.lA TS. I HE HO'USE O tb l<l "' a I 0 cl ard T Jtl or v1thout Sev n an~ a hnrlf Acrt!s and at present oocup b;:,; D Dav dson ed MISS RAYl\'lONDS TRIAL f GENERAL STORE, l'IXceti<l i1gly cl eap F YOU REA.LLY WANTogoodJont of n eat fit to place befo e lour ft e id.a call at 11 ly on the P enuse~ or to Id stand Sta.U No 1 ~Ia ket Btuld n'='s Bo VIDD.Jl\: llc ?rlarch 10th 0 n2-!ly Mt;·s E. Va"W"ker's DR DAVIDSO~ Bow nanv lle J ly 14th 1870 IL As they fe s n1ng hours 1 ko the syl l s pai;e Eugine Woolen Mills SU13SCRU ER begs mform the p th THE 1 c of \\ co:t I urhf;lm that he s prepare 1to t FOR CASH lessen in value se l Oh rouse thee an l l e nor deem that mnn s Stands iil the le 0 th of his 1 .,, maQe But n du.:,; 3 that are tr ly wise F. -oni t c lV l s W,rcath Oil M1 R 'Y on<l vas dead a cl L 1r ed and the v.; orl<l. had got tlrt=d ot 1..mnva:.~H 0 the snd c1rcun1stances oE b s Ja1lurt> and death So we all pass nirnv aa<l a e B. Gentlemen s & Boys Garments ll!\.DB IN THE d all descnpt on of 11 E W E ST S T Y LE S Bowma. ville July 27 1869 Cash paid or Cloth given m exchange for Wool WILLIAM TUER Da.rl ngton ]flay 25th 1871 \~ ooleu Manufacturing &c u the b1:1st style a l at lo vest rat s LITERATURE .All orders for BY A~ OLD BARBAD A:-; ly 34 Tailoring PROMPTLY BXEOUTRD CHARLES TOD, ;BREA:O AND :BISCUIT BAK.EB. J. EAR 01uer~ BELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance Society EST rnLISHED 1840 Also Attent for ti e \veil known l ( POST OJ.Ji'IOE BOWMANVILLE Punctually Attended 1o. c ~N \DJ. FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SEWINC MACHINE, at CHIEF 0FFIC.ES Oct l·t 18 o ] \ nl 131 ST J lMESSTREEr MONTREAL Pv J. Fletcher, GENERAL GROCER, Kl'W STREET BOIVJfAHVILLE \I ~KI doo vp, t f Du istan.11 lancy Store ..,, [f you re u I goo<l nd cl ap goods gi e tben1:1ocal Jlo n· 0ct loth lSGO 1> DIRECTORS \VALTEn SHANLY Esq '-..,.MP DUNCAN 1\-!ACDON \.LD l!iSQ MANUFACTURES PRICES Enrnsk lien Nov 24th 18 O n8 If / Hi~o.ne Ha' ks Chauman MAJOR 'l E Ca rPDEI L B St. bul'l 0 t ... RESIDE!'> l SEORETARY -J\MES GnA>r lHl:: HO)l"ODABLB JOHN i-IAMu1os DRUGS AND MEDICINES \.T ?HE Fra 2 SP E(}I A L FEAT U RES · THE EN'l IRE PROFITS Lelong to and aro d v d ed amongst tl e Po y o aer LIVl!.S DECLI~ED BY OTHER COMPANIES or OD Bowmanville Drug Store OUJ D mos r espectfully tender hLS sin ce ~ than} s to l 18 11uu eroua_fneuds and custoroe ,, o.nd to the p bl c ge1 erally for ti e AUCTIONEERS Fo ttie To w i s1 ti]J ot Da lingto i H T PHILLIPti, II.AMP IO~ i: r omr t uttc t on g-i en to 1>al~a &c on rl'!ason able ter 0 J:1 '\V!'n.. Ba'l·ton, E~ ~ISKILLEli SrECI u NoN FonFEITAnLE POLIO.Ea issued offenng noth1ng but the purest rut olea :i.t ti e under :vh ch only 10 15 or 20 Annua.l Pay most reaso able 111ces to ensu ea._ continuance ments a e Ei!q ued each paymet t !!Cuunng a of publ c pattonage J IT wo 1 l call spec al attentlou to h1s \iery Polle:,; for zi.. suin assu ed pro1 01t ona.te to the superior stock of nuinber of pre n1unis paid andf eeft on f ture pa'Jtl et ojprel MOOEI 1 h c} an ext a P em u n uould be requ red can be asau e 1 a.t t e ordi iar-y rat CB of this Soc etJ very liberal support he h!Ls iece ved since his t:omme c g u bus nesA and hopes 15y cont un ier a iipecial a ranueme t nued str ck personal attent on to bus1ness and W J HIGGINBOTHAM, ms DYESTUFFS, .... Juel rue sure tog v~ TE PREMJUMS and mo1:1t liberal con the best sat s.fn.ct o :fi.trs. C. :BOUNSALL, d tions :eroBpcctusqa PropOl'lal.Eo ml$ &c au:r1l ed on a~plicat o at tl e Head ufficc or nny of A" ell sclooted stocl of B KING ST 130"MANVILLE J GS to nnnotu ce to the p bl c that she s no v 01 en1ng :i. cho cc s lect. o of VO NliETS HA1 S RIBB ONDS 1 LOT! LRS FEA1'1IER 0 VELV.l!MS a d MILLrliEBY ng-<j eJ.l hich vill be sold at the lo :\'est pos R ble Ir ce tl c AgcnCJca TAMES GRANT Res Secretary lGilN'I FOR BOWMAI'>\ ILLE U BAHKER Ob e1ve Office I{ ng St Bo 1870 39 DRUGS CH1 1fl GALS 1 _, lrfDICillS BRUSHES COMBS SHOULDER BRAGS SUPPORTERS Efc COLORS V AR1' IHSES and WHITE LEAD ) I constantly on hand Imperial Fire Insurance Co ke"J)t OILS PAIN"T OF LONDON S lk Velvet &c ti nl H· Pall Mall London GENERA.L '° 1803 J Onrou - 1 Old ll<oad St 6-.GENC.Y (E~labliahed Gd at tie '\e ylo est pnce1:1 Ma::i~i~i a..!l!':e Licenses, FOil CA'NADA -24 .l. St Sa.c ame t Montre.\1 Horses and Cattle Medicmes N B -Cou t y Storehcepers sup1 hed on the most advantageous terms A cho ce Relect on of I Ai\1PS for so.le cl e.aip :Bowman 11lle Dec 9 1868 6m I SS UE D DY ROBERT ARMOUR Bo le Dec 10 1869 Subscnbed and nve1Jt;ed Cap ta.l and Reser ed F nd £1 005 000 Sterling I1 $U Funds: vested 1 Canada.-- 106 000 ances..aga nst loss by F re ale effected on t} e most favorable terms an I losses pa. d with o it referenca_to the Boal\l ~n L.ondon l I~10UL BROS All pe o !'I t e pa.sR g on the p opert3 kno u J DODSWOil'IH Inspector Gen Agents Montreal .Kl Fouldon Y. 1 s ill b prosec ted l,\tOTICE. Tutsey Nene Wawwany Me cannis Ca Qu Ocomba JOHN McDOUGALL R R LOSCOMB'.E Barrister Agent ti 3G for BowmanVl)le and Vicm1ty NEW PA·NT SHOP BoWlJlrulVllle June 14th 1860 3G tu o 43 39 4w R ltYM:El AND IM E. B SEWING MACHINE Mn W :lfORRISON ma ville Ool 0th 18 1 3m 2 A 1 ttle JU ;:,; n e .ca.me iust n t1uie And all ,,a.bou~ 'the best of L tne I 1me from the \Vest uf 'tho very ber.t be seen y calling at the 8hoe Stnre oft. · ALLAM LINE STEAMSHIPS · Live1 pool Lo ido · on d Glasgow POR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN For t1i:sa.l a.> s wa te 1 That when you nll c me ln to buy You 11 n t bed nppo nted Yu w II alway· iii d t d y and f eah And that u; so neth g ho n1e So come along and try tlus L me But don t for0 et tho money Ho rs f del ve~ from N ne a m to Four p m. Corner of.."l~een and Ontario Stre t Not b~at n any q uartev J n 1;:1 tl at vill al aye E;tand the test \.Vhen making 1nto_m rtar I :v 11 try. and keep: a g otl uupr; lv the n proved UNIVERSAL SHUTTL'.E MACHINE tlui Ma1 ufa<iti ers challenge the World for 3000 dollsirs to p1'tXluce & 'IHOS BOWDEN Bowm.i lie ::\farch 11th 1871 no9 4 tf SEWING MACHINE that\ ill accon 1 l sh what tl e DR l J l l ~ THE GllE-<).TEST CARSO N'S :MED:CC:CNES. PUBLIC BENEFIT OF THE> AG~ 1 UN"JVE~SALNACfIINE WILL ~canst ucte 1 on a now 1 r nc pHJ wl 1ch ie diJts 1t I~ far the best Mncl ne ever offc -ed It CORN FOR SALE I · WHOLE OR CRACKED ----~hn , McDougall Bowma.nv1lle Veter mary Surgery A J MARTIN RMPSGB ce on King OffiHot 1 Re Street ca..<it of. Henderson s donde L berty Street near th Rail ·Y Sti't 01 Bo ma v llt1 Callli p nc .n.lly 11.tten led to V titer na. y med c nes al v11.ys o h ti J.Y bp mn29 nS h Ch not ce th~ T' many restimon1als 1i. (a fe '/./of them ..in~losed-itL w1a.ppers around each bottle ) \\o"ltb a.11 .nue o $ l at of t~S}Jt:Ctable persons names who :testify to the s1,1peno q al it es of bus va.r1ous Compounds viz Lung Syru1 Const patlon 'B tters Liver ( umpound Co gh D1ops '\\ orm Spemfic Pain ReliP\ er &c W ] l o abo e Me] c nes can be obtnmed from D St ti B mun lie R Fothorg1JJ, ~ e v " castle L A Gamsby Orono A na fot to the P bl five years n.nd Ch ap it s S m1 le R l able Durable Each Ala.ch ne lS war ented for S B BRADSlIAW Agent. BOOTS AND SHOES 1f every de er pt on u ade to orde Sewed and PoQged wari;a.nted to fit or no sale tl e best of worl~me 1 I ei t ALSO lfe s and ' ' o nen s Felt o Crr:i pla ru d }I ancy Al.so Shoe al ers ] ind ngs a complett..t Stock al n.yij o hand Bo mnnvillo No' 24th 1870 n8 tf li'I«n s Place m Nature lI .A GREA 'C OFFER lP a>\..PEB B ...l\.GS AT MONTHEAL PltICES 1 DR Farewrelll, McGee, & Butl.edge, BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS ,ol!c1tors Conveyancers N otnries Public OF~ E ' Do" ]l Os \ ::-t ILL~ OvEir 111 Mcltf of th tysSue 0FE o~ Ili'. AVA-11'1 Ht doo nortl I vst Office 1\{on y t.o los.i at o ~ rate of mte1 st 1' F AJtU Et t I LB R. Mc(lUE B ii. J A il HS Ru Lt:DG£ BA )Jo ma1mlle Dec. 17th 1869 ni&o me1 t f Paper Ba0 s "h ch e 't\o"lll ~ell at lhe bcantiful and art at c Chromo Isn t She Pretty" h1gbly £nL'lhed mollnted nn 1 ~Iontrea. Pr ccs 'I'ht> paper IB f the best 9.' al ity and we g tarantec that no1 e of the Hag arn1shed S z;e 13xJ7 (after L lhe ~1 Spe1 cer ) eta l pr ce Eighl. J)Ollars v ll be sent b:y n1[lJl st1c~ U 0 etl er I he folio mg li! the sec1 rely done 'QP 'P'?st free as a t em um to PRICE LIST PBR lOOC ve y 1 hree Dollar yearly subscr1b1::r to Den or :"lo Di"o'"-n e t !:I lifontl ly aCkl.lu ¥1 llged the 1nost beaut ~o f I and useful E'J.l lo.r Magazine 1u .Amer ca l 20 Isn t SJ e L retty 9 is n beaut ful 01 romo 2 100 a d splendid Pa.1"101 P Gture nn 1 n. valuable a 2 20 work of art WQrth, tµOt"tJ thando 1ble the cast llf 4 255 Su~npt1on and tog_etbc~ w th Demorest s 0 3 00 Monthly afford:J an opportunity for the luvest 6 3 30 ment of 'Ihret! Doll~ s Huch as m:i.y nevt;r oc 7 375 cur %:'.'.liln or ~n place of Isn t She Pr~ttv' 8 4 36 for O:ne Dollar n.dd1t on al '}'. H1a.v; e.tha s Woo 10 4 95 lDff (a.ft.er J orome 'Ihom_psnn) 11ze l.5x25 12 -s 60 :pnc6 F ftaen DOlfa.i ~ will be s.ent pnst 14 6 60 .tree. llr OOth Qhr2raos and Dtimorest s ?O 8 55 MQ1,.thl;:,; for one year F ve Dollars Hia 2~ 10 00 watl a. s "\\ 001ng lS an .equQ.ll;y_: ~pfend d work 30 1160 of t1r t a large IJ.l d be1.1,:u,t,ful Cl vmo and wortl fo r t nt:s tl fj Jr ~e char~ert Fru$bands l: atl tlrs Brothers and J:;ov0r1> d() not fa l to ;-,o s zo e bs r be for D morcst s lv!a.gaz ne a d pt e 54 by 8~ $170 sent it i h a. boa.ut f I ( 1 rorno It will make 9 2 oO e) es sparkle tl del 1 t n.11 l sat sf net o lLU l 1 St IO 2 7o po ea. monthly 1e n1n,der of your go0d taste Dollars n ya.lue Or for F1 ve Dollare J wen ty s .x: Dolla.rs i value Y 'I hrec Dollars fur Elc en Dolla.ra n 0 NL valua 0 for Four Dollrirs E1«hte n 9 WE HAv E NOW t \ CO:\lPLE'lE asson I I e l 1 d of r lrt.1y n1e11 re confuse 1 on ti q est1on 01 c reai:to for this is the iact thnt tl cy ~ta1t o ton iong p11nc1ples l be\ no on the st l pos1t1ou tl at 1 iu l JS s n,pl v ~ le\ eloped a1 In a} vhe1e9.e 1 f ict he i :t c1eat 0 l h ruan be ng Iu the C1rn1s1 A PRESEN1 \:eal al J. woe His J1J\: S vrocn -Ohmt · I-Is s1 .nro\'-i 'e e 1 9 rdkmd feel g Add 'Cs \V Jen ugf; De aura.st 838 Broadway :Ne v Y 01 k. Co11es oc mo late st n mber~ of the M"a.gazwe 2~ ce t the:posi,t free Sole Agent between Pot Hope and lo onto N B F ot S><k· m S ock 8t 11 3 25 C BARKER >I cl e l All Hts ofl1 es n1e Jot otl ers He i~ not n r:ne hat 1 o1 one 'A Re leeme1 ia for c 1 tn es a Sa i6t r is for s1nne1~ n Pt est 1:s 1or offo.1 d e1s and tre.apa"l crs a Prophet ia for the ~1n1ple antl -- l