THE SOALE OF ADVERTISEMENTS l'Olt J. Tll.AlMtt MERCH tN'I I HIDAY, JANUARY 5 Th dr ver 1S72 Thirty seven Twins 111 One Family ~===========-==-=-=--= ~~~~~~~~~~===========~F=:=~===-=======:====l".'.===============~=:=======;;=:==:==:'=::===.:=;==========l======================= ..A eolu.m.n 40 ha.lf column 20 ·' ~ .-......, $1 O small c&rd· '4 lOR 8 X MORTHI fou.r..a A. .., $20 half colum· SU ne fO'(lrth <ti · ool mn 6 FOA '!flllEI 11.0N'TR! ..l eolnmn 12 hs1! · column i7 one l -th f~tt0lmnu OOOAll ONAL .lDVf'!D.TIBBl0!2'T! Four cents per l ne fo first insert on &n two oents per hn· for each subsequent insert on w~nts s tu1ot OD!I Vacant etc w 11 be Ill trttJd for 20 cents £rat nsert on and 10 centa itAOh eubseC\.uent ono Those who advert se a. whole column or half ..,olnmn ca.n I the t a.dvert l!lements ch&na-ed eee eTH'J s x month· if they de1U'e it New Ad_vertisefiients Robert 'Young-Veternary Surg-eon Inso1vent Act-Morgan" ood \Vanted- A.n<leraon & Oo Cert ficate-R & H Q Hara Stray P g- 'I Peate House to Jet-Mrs Fletcl e :Bowma.nv He Im'?lement Agenc To the Fublic 1 Sm th A New }Ian H Horwood 'Ie~tl extracted 25 cents-J M Br macom~ ~t :i ed J }1ayna.rd ] 'e Cups EH Uryderma.n Twe t.} five dollars lk Yard Poultry wanted-r E S mson & S mso Bro!l Not ce R W ndu,tt Nev Shop-W ~forr son Immene S F H ll Strayed Alex Thompson A New P ctu e GaJ.lery- S W Sexton Fura Markus l\faye a New Gooda-~Iurdoch Brothers Hard te bel eve-H Ell ott Dr Carso s ?tiled crnes Sto es-E Ho sey Ironmongery J ~IcI eod ~ CM:J-L Quck Spectacles- Aaron B ckler Photo0 rapha-E J F etcl er Inman Steamsl J Co -Yellov;lees & Q ckEug ne VV oolen M lls- \V I ut:r Gener~l book store C B,p.:d er Doors and Bl nd1:1 -H L FArley Corn for Sale - J McDougaJ] lll ·dvert sements" II be rn·erted n l Str·,Y Steer J Geddea latent Sheep Mari.,.' Social taken oi them vhcn worked Th11 Social held at the hou·e of Mr J ohu \\ e ha e n ch 1 leas n auno uc ng Flem ng near Haydon fer the mo nten ti e preparatory to the "eek of p ·)er ance ol Supe1anunted Preachers ou Wed the ro m·tcrs ha\c ag1ecd lo the follow ng ne day e en o the 27th lt wao a grand excl ange ol ptlp ts o i Sab\J th next 7tl s ccc"S ove one hundred and twenty five nstant '11 c Rev M1 <:>pencer mil ex par We patod rn the even ng s enJOJ ment change with Rev Mr Bo) le at 10 30 a m The Re ds llle Sl'S. Lund of Orono and Rev Mcssr· Smit] and Re1kie v ll ex Demke of Enmsk lien were present The former gentleman spoke of the duties and a1 d Pascoe " ll ex "'pons b ht es devol mg upo1 tie r srng generation a so tl e importance and neces s tJ ef prepanng for the future The latter gentlcn a i r q ested the bOJ s to g c I 1m their und v1ded attent o an l ·a d f any desucd to ue la 1 ched mto a stale of mat r mon\ le ' as tl e pe1son ti at coul<l ac co1pJshit At ntenuls, nlSc """ Jur msheu by the lad e· who were present Tl e proceeds of the Soc al amo ntcd to someth ng over $25 An l at a e1e hble hour tl e Jr ends separated for the r several plac s of abode eacl and all more ti an atisfied wit! the enterta 1 men! of tl e e en THE WEEK OF PRAY.ER McC UNG BROS will sell Crockery Ohma, Glassware and Lamps for the next 30 days AT COST prior to mak Ing a change in the Grocery Department On Th trsdav la·t a colt dr \en by S Vansto e E'q Reeve of Dru:J ngto took fr 0 1 t some distance East of Ne castle a d Jan a\\ av tl row ng ? \ 1.1.n1to1 e violently aga st a fe c post sevc e y froct r ng b s H p The nJ red n an aa come ed to tl e res de ce ot h s brotl er iu Jaw Mr J 01 Oas paid for a.ny quantity of Turkeys Gee e Ducks and Chickens at McOLUNG BROS \1' dear sa d a husband to I s w f Christmas Tree " c had tl e pleasure of \tend ng tl e Chr sin as t ce held on Fr day evemng last a~ St J ol 1 s church The attendance was The tree presented a beautiful ·I pearance and was decorated in a n a1 ne1 s::i pc or to any we bad l efore 1een Too much cred t cannot be given to the lad es 1 ch.rged fo1 verhaer rnt I ordered othern 130 bv a l ~It t I n go ng to start a c !Tee plantat on How 11 )OU get tl · la d 1 Oh heres not ot l le about that I alwav, have plen ty o! coffee grnunds n my ct p RATHER EXTE,.SIVE -The t" o pl ys c nns ' ho attend l the cholera pa.t1enb5 at ChP.zzet cook No n Scot a lave l an led n the r b 11 to the Board of Healtu 0 e of he 1 fo the a no nt of $2 000 an l the other charged $20 per da) - -+- - - - - - -- - -- - --- BOWMANVILLE JAN o 1872 1871 mue d with the past Tl c vcar I "" not been so cve1 tful as some ol it. N verthelo s t I as been suf 0 D la 11 con mei cc vl o undertook tl a at the best lat orio s tosk n e g ft· co mtrng ch1el!y of books {To be cont t uod e e I st ibuted to the ch ldreu by the Rev NoTo-We d d at ece '°the Allan McNabb of Ohnst a ch trch Hamil the l roceed1ngs of the above cl 30 ton sm of the Rector of t1 s PallSh enougl to p bl h tl e Sons Tea 11 e Aunt al J! '8tn al of the 1lon-m·n111Je D ision Sons of Tempera ce held m tl1' To n Hall 01 Nev Years Dav was ·de c <led ccc s We are rnfo med that tl c Tea was all that co Id l c de· red The follo v g gentlemen add teased the meeting Rev 1\I \\ IJ am., Me" s C I Los ombe a d C Bo rsall Over 600 I ckets were aud abo t ~67 real zed ii:is f: BY TELEGRAPH DOBLU! AL ge Stock of NEW FRUITS for Ohrl tma.s and New Years a.t Low 1 Prices will be found a.t McCLUNG BROB TEACHERS EXAMINATION Tl e ex m 1 at10n of cand d tes !or Pl b I c School Teacbe1 s 1 a· led n He Un on School on tl e 18th ult and fo r followrng Tl it) fl c ca 1d dates preseute I days tl cmscl ve!i! t er ty fi e of Yi horn vere s c cessf I Tl e folio g ' a 1 at of 11 e sue v II sell Ly P bl c Aue t on oi Lot No 3o m the 6th Con of Dar l ngto on 1\Jo dav tho luth mat a lot of uluable Farm Stock Implcmenle &c the p10pe1 ty of the lnte Mr J Thomp·on A q a t ty of root· and seed Barley w II also 1 e offered for ale Th s " JJ be 01 e of tl c School) 0 Hoar (Un o la McK El l SI: COND CL ASR I iDE TI B ghan Young ts no\ 1n safe keeping He was ariested o 1 o charge of m irder on tJ c n orn ng of Tues Jay last and I as put n un nppea :nnce before the mag Btrntc An ·! 1 J cation for ba l was nade ):>y ti e Pr son ers counsel wh ch""" reftsed and Br g 1a s nova pr so ier tu h s o :vn l ouse r Da' d \~ alsl kno~ ~--~~- W.A.~'I'ED!/RE BOWMANVILLE PULPITS SUND \.Y J.l:::iOA.RY He ee s pe1fectly cool a 1 u 1concerned An Upset 0 i We lncsda.y C\: c ng Glovers l us in ret rn ng from the n ght express sp lled ts conte t~ conSJst g uf !everal passengers .For l utcl v 110 ser us DJ nes w~re s e tan l Templar s Socia.I A ;,oc u.1 n connect on a· held rn the Temperance Hal day 11 ght last Ihe I ro0 ramme eons ·ted of Speecheo Hec1tallons ai I S ngrng D r ng the even ng M ss Noble tie o g at of the Ten pie wn prese ted tJ a bea llful "nt ng leak by the Wort!) Cb ef Ternplar on beLalf of the .Men bers Jollow ng is ll e ad hess nd replv 7 H soo M EN I M N To Miss Ma 'Y Noble - H affo1ds mea \elY great amou t of pleas nre to be asked to convey to ) on a n all token of ti e e teen m "I h vou are hcl l by the members of tl s Tem1 le Ii lour PARLIAMElifTARY ELEC poSit10n as Organ st of our rem1 Jc nee 1t. TIONS organ zat on yot have felt no do l t that S x o( tl e e gbt constttuenc es not repr<> you were o ly do ng you 1 t) Tl e u e bers of this lcmple lave apprec ated Jo r sented m \] e lato 8lti ng of the House have ktndness and in nsk ng yo r acceptan e of electe 1 tl e r representattves five of \Vhom tbs "ntmg Case and co 1ten ts bel c c e are opposed to the e1v Government It 10 tl at it only com ei s to yo a t the of the · Pl o;o<l ti at Mr Blake will be returned respect e1 tert une l fo1 l c l y ts men 1 er· 1y acclamat1on West Toronto and the In conclus on allo v me rn hel alf of the c ty ot Otta a offer no oppos1ho to the members of the Temple to exp eos the e elect on of Messrs Crooks and Scott hope that yon may long be spared to as. st in tl e glouo s vo1k in Vi h ch you Be n: c e ~ DARLINGTON FARMERS CLUB hnve ner ted th s n1ark of respect THE C~Rl!: OP' HORSl!lS-DY MR SMITH Mr r Ycllo vlees as asked on lJ I, fof Mn I JtESIDENr ""D GENT EMEN - I feel sorry that a subJect of so much importance ns the Management and Oare of Horeea was not placed n more al lo hand1 tl an m ne b 1t feehng the eed of· Fa me ' Cl b I feel as a fanner mtercoted m trJ g to ad anco the Dari gton Fai rner1 Clul I ca uot lay lown a rule of man age en\ tl at Hll su t JI claseeo of I orses but will endeavo1 to coufine myself to tJ e co 15e I th 1 k ·I o ld Le pure e I by ti e 0 nad. an f111 nl:!r w1t1 fa n1 l orl5t:a n c ho se ~bovc di otl er ·mm·l· 'ti e U~ITl!:D ST ....TES SAN lnANCISCO Dec 31 - 'lhe o\orm 11 Cahforn a Oregon and Nevada is nahnt ed It a ra mng aln o t ncesoantly au l tl e i1ve 'S are e' e1yw her o e fio v Dg D s pies - o\t 1 30 a n and 6 30 p n E der J Cle ic1 r ai Ca o<la Presbyterian -At 11 an Re1 Mr Sm ~h an I at 6 30 l 1 Rev Mr Heike .K rl -At l 0 30 a Rev l\Ir Boy le Ep scopl -At 11 am a l at 7 p u Rev A Macnab of Cb st s Cl Ham lto Congregat o al - At 10 30 am Hev Mr Re k e and at 6 30 I n Re Mi Sn tb B ble Ob t ans -At 10 30 an Rev W S Pascoe a d at 6 30 p n Rei Mr D ckson Wesle) an Mell ocl t - ,\t 10 30 a m Rev Mr D ckson an l at 6 30 p m Rev W S Pascoe Pr m t ve Mell odISt - At 10 30 am Re M Spence1 and at 6 30 I m Rev R Baile to purchaae B MENS STOG BOO s AT $2 25 A R M B E R A A.N:OEB.SON & co e the cheapertt place tn Town T IS N T S! And n,ll other !£ yo want a good pa. r of oot1 or Shoes &'O to ANDERSO & CO FIRSTCL~S PICTURES Taken m A 1 Style at The very best Stock a ways on ha.nd made to order In the I test style by .MR FLETCHER S PICTURE GALLERY Malls, teh;:;raph and tn el a re nl r upted LATER-The sto1m 13 abat ng anl the valley and country are genern ly Jloodcd NEW YonK Jan 2 -Ex Controller Oon nolly who 1 as no bee1 m Ludlo v str et Jail Since November 29th vas \esterday ieleaeed un bail n one tho tsa n l dollaro on each of the er u nal ind ct nente fo nd ga n·t b1 n COMMERCIAL BOWMANVIT LE BowMAlmLLR Jan 4 1872 Op rccted by Tl ompson & Burns J GLYNIV 01 SIGN OF THE RED FLAG King Warranted to fit 25 l 17 to117 OWtoOW 055to0o7 1 no Sale Street East 47 tf J zat on at the mcet1 g of the Leg slatnre n December togetl er 1 1th the formation f a Reform Gove me t Ul der the Pre· dency of Hon E Blake are all of too re cent date lo 1e l 1e no c than a ptt~~ ng Fall Wheat Sp,ngWheat Baley ~e ·o to l Give us a Trial. ANDERSO & · Bowmanv Jle Nov 28th 1871 co THE BEST PERIODICALS OF TlfE DAY: PeM note In e te1 ng po 18 2 A Terrible Outrage Oat. e start v th the l)ressed Hogs ~~ Butter note of progre'8 an<l "l !st gratefill) ac knowledgrng tl e D vme goodness m the past et us lope by heavens contmucd blesi ng upon the houest 1 lustry of our people peace and prospeuty U u 01 k the cour e of tl e yeat upon '1'h ch we have so aus1 c o sly ente ed We s ncerely ·nsh for all o rrealers not only a HAPPY NEW 1' E ~ H b 1t ha1 p ess through t1 e yea Clover Seed. Egg· Pota.toes :Bo,,manville Sept 13th 1871 ~O 0 60 to 0 00 0 35 to 0 40 0 16 to 0 16 D 00 to ~ 25 0 00 to O 00 ll persons who eontem la.te mak ng eon OWtoOO tracts with newspaper! for the nsert on of O 12 to 0 14 0 3o to 0 40 .Advert sements should send to TO A:OVEB~ISEE.S ! Geo P Row I & Co A ROBERT YOUNG, VETERT~ARY G ADU.ATE OF ONTARIO SVRGEO~ 'ETERINARY COLLEG.U PS SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISERS rho firm are propruitora ef thf:I Ame :ican Newl!lpap r fpr a. C r~la,r ot 111nclose~2:S unts for tho ONE lllJNDRED PA E P AMPRLET conta,ming L st~ of 3 000 N wl!lpape 11 and est mates sho-w1ng the co111t of advert i:ung alit0 many uaef 1 b nts to ad ert sers and some a.c count ()f tl e ~xpenences of men who kn11wn Al ert s ng A~ency Compkny 110 Fulton StNet I\e v York at about o e th rd the pr ce of thlJ or gi. aa. ls The Edinburgh Re iev; The London Q arterly Review 'I he Westm nster Re e The Bn~ Bl\ Qu.,rterly Rev ew p blU1he.d Q~nrtcrfy ~e.n · 'Y ~pr 1 ;f ly O~toqer-.Aii<I Black voo lo Edinb rah M·gaz nc. { \ fo.c sim le ol the o g nal ) P ibl shed Monthly The Great English Quarterlies and Blackwood s Edmburgh Magazme Reprinted by t1 e Leo a.n1 Scott Pub! sh °' TERMS OF SUBSCR!PlION Fora.ny one ReVle v For a.ny two Review· For any three Rev ews Fo all four Eev e~s For Blackwood a Magaz ne l?or :Blackwood an lone Rev el¥' Fo Blackwoo l an<l two R·v1ew1 For Black vood and thr·e R v ews For Black ood and four Rev e vs OLUB8 THE ELECTIONS '1 he '1 o n Elections on l\I01 day passed off' 1th 'ery I tnc excitement confess e arc urpuscd ti at the electors of tie Soutl Warl sa v fit to return a ma who from onr v ew of what a C tv Father ol ght to he s entirely nnqnahfied for the pos1t10n and n doubte lly JS the mong man i 1 the wrong place Tl e pubhc are mchncd to tre t these matters too I ghtly They arc apt to be led astray by mdcr currents s de iss cs a1 1 ~ bee:.Is and are possessed of unequa d fnCll t es e>r 1e cunng the inaext en of a rt ements n aU Newspa.per1 And Ptmodica.l a.t lewest rates No ember 9th 1871 41 Park Row N w York 4..00 pc an 7 00 10 00 12 00 4 00 7 00 10 00 13 00 lo 00 LOOK the prem SN! of tl e Subsc :iber O Lot Nonto 12 n th'"' .Jrd Con Cartwr ght a Steer corn n 0 t o yeara o l Ille o v er can 1 ave b n on p o ng property nd pay ng expenses A~IE THIS! Cart vr ght Jan 3r l 18 J GEDDES 9 14 tf Insolvent Act of 1869 St1 aw Gutte? s from to $50 Fan ning Mllls n-0t thei1 equals 1n this Root Gut e1 s Becond to County none in the Domini n and G1 ain G1"vnde? s that will '1, nd 30 to 40 bush pe1 Ad coutJ.t of twenty per cent w 11 be allow e<l to clubs offu~ormorererso s. Th U'l four cop es of Blackw od or o one Rev ew v. U b" sent to one add ~ f r 12 80 ~ fo r co:p1es of thQ fo r Rev e e. an vooQ for 48 a,nd iw ou To club~ often or more m addit on to the above d 1oouJ,i.t a. copy grat s II be allowed to the gett.r p of the cit b PJtElUUM ' w tb1n vhe·le Ruch tl g· ought not tole r! e poe t on of a Co nc h an e an important one: on t1 c1n depen 1~ in a 0 eat n casu e the pro per Ly a1 I velfate of the town and it is the d lt' (an l p Jege) of th s o any mt n c pal t) to cnde" 01 to place l 1e11 at tbe Counc 1 Boar 1 l o arc m e ery "ay vortl y of the ho or confer ed pon them The folio ng "as the s ale of the J olls \fr Cubit! as el ned for Mayor M YI ]1_ Bu 1' "' e c led Deputy Reeve F o C un c ors ').'.OE.IR l'i ItD ror or 80 B ·asna Bo msall 43 SOUJ'l:l 80 Patterev , 72 VAilD su l s · I he colt sl ot I be weane l u Sep te ube If the ma1e nus\ be v01ked oth J 1 better se1 a10ted ti an allo ·ed to the object ol ) o r rL~arl I n il}0 eLI er at. t !s ~~nson I I e first win Once I ore k nd f ends on let If of tc the olt sho Id have extrn care as the Mias Noble accept 11 y thanks fo1 the pr · fi st t n gro vth often makes ti e beat ent" th "h1ch yo 1 have presented hei to hor c Yo mg bo~ses of any age should n gbt and I have no hesitancy m &ay ha> e a stable large enougb. to allow the 11 ing that m the future as n the past her to stand a, they l ke and not be tie.a When ·er\ ces w 11 be cheerfully g ven on be] all t reakrng com n enc ti ey should be band of the cause which hM banded us togethe1 led " Lh g -eat care and q et1 ess and not be vI pped orab sed for c>ery I ttle fault ·t· I Come and see for yourselves at the Ca na.da Prov nee of <Jn }Intl e Co ty Oou t tp;r o t] e Un ted Coun of the Un ted Coull Bowma.nville Farm Implement Forward t es c:;if No thumberland t cs of N0 thumber mg Agenpy and Durham ln.nd and Durham R. W j JAMES Agent Io WrT Bewmanville pee 14 18 1 nll ly I the matter of ~IORG il'< WOOD ·n In solvent. On FRIDAY tho l'i IN rH day of Febr "'Y next the nder1ngned v 11 apply to the Jud~e Qf the srud Court fo a. d s barge under the sa. d HESE MARKS ARE HE CHEAPEST Act the most ]Mt ng the le~t trouble otne and mo5t complete t:ve,r nvcnt d 'I hey are [l;ed UORG4l'i "OOD Da:il n.ton 6th Jan 18 2 14 3 and ecommended by many f the best Breeder! lll the ted States and a ch as G B Loring Salem Mass Pre dent l: ew En 0 land Wool Gr0wers Soc ety Jo n S Ross Heijne p n lit Profe'6o M Mil s of the State Ag N'lO the S beer be s prem sea Lo S~ 10th noultural College I,ia,n11mg, ~I fh Hon Geo Con f Clarke on V</e lnesday 27th ult a E :own roronto Ont Joh SneU Edmont@n ay 1-Iarc E!upposcd t be~bout 8 yen. s old 0 t. On each Mark l! st roped the o vu~ s the o vne a requested top ove p operty pay name and the Sheep s num r They v. 11 ho cha.rgea and take her a vay sent free l y lna. l or expres!l for only fo r at ts Af F.X THOMPWN eac a.nd :nll last for T YEN TY YEARS Oct Qth 18 1 ti l tm Cash must accompany all @rde 'S. Dana's Patent S eep Marks T Un Ciada., New Subsc hers for the y~ i::.1872 may w thout charge the numbers for the qun.r tcr of 1871 of such per1od1cals as they rnay sub scr be for Or nstead. of the a ove nev,; subset bera to any t vo three or fo r of the a.boi.:e per gd al1o1 may as rir·m um one of the } our Re vie va for 1871 Ne the p em ms tn aubscnbers nor d scount to clubs ca.n be al owed u1e~e the money s re m tted duect to the publ she l!l ~o prem urns can beg en to club$. To secure prem ums t w 11 be ece~ary to make ea Iy application as the s~k 1a.b1e for tJiat purp .!lo l"l l ~ ted C rculars v th furthe part cul({.}'! m&y be hacl on appl catJon Leona,rd Scott Pub Co 110 Jiulto i St N<w York The Leonard Scott Pub Co also pnbl lh the FARll ER s Gu DE to Scent fie a.nd Pra.ct cal Agri ultur,. By Heney Stcven13 FR S Edinbur0 b and the late J P No ton P ofosso of Sc entific Agr c It ro u Yale Col lege r.ic:vHa en rwo ols Royal 0 ta. o 1600 pa e an 11 lllerous eng a.v ngs Fr ce 7 dul a by n a l post paid 8 dollars STRAY PIG. fl WJ ARCHIBALD SP.IlYF.U YOU~G Jc Sarma, Ont Al! G ES 55 c oJten nakes tben1 tnore v cots and w nu No Tl e l)pOS ot this estal 1 sl n nt L dcr d Tl ey sl oul l be mated w ti th e r thank to de n chnrJ for the flue ot al> l orse and loaded I ght at fi lot ol apples left at ti 1 offi e la t eel ti lo sc 1n tie front lo n p May I R shadow e'\'cr gro :v le s the onlv beast of toil great care sl v a good st Ao a.ln ost o Id be nto t]J prem scs of the Subs r be on OAI\-1E lay n It a la :ge So l' 11 e er ha,ye h r fl fl operty ll.l').d Mo~ ~Il ·~t (Jll ll ~ la~ u~ · p·I se~ UIQS PEATE Bo mo Ile Doe 20th 1871 n12 tf Or<lera ad lressed to the 1ElWH.a.NT and On Office for an) q_uan: ty w 11 be filled at tl e above m~nt o od p ce fl"S q.u okly as the Ma ks can b na<le and sen C BARKER Bo vmanv Ile Dec 28th 18 1 ly m13 ol TO G HOUSE o D "'o St A D\\ ELLUi A1pl yt0Mrs A. FLEI CHFR Bo manville Dec 7 1871 nll tf