THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JANUARY STRAY SOW. ,5 1872. 1 ==========================:===========================:===============================~====:=T"==================== -- = --=== AlrIE into th e pre mi.Bea of the Subsc1·ibcr, a.bout the mid dle of November,a. '\Vhitc Sow. The 01Yner ca.n have h er by proving property and paying expenses. JOH N MAYNARTJ, Lot 20, 6th Con. Dadington.. nlO-tf D ec. 6th, 1871. C IRON IN THE BLOOD The .Subsc~1.ber having purchased the AT BUS.INESS AND STOCK of the late R ichard ::\fartin, will be µleasPd to !ee IR THE y SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND . R Q N M N E BEAUTIFUL TEETH J , M. BRIMACOMBE, L; D. S 'Teeth Ext r a cted at 1;' ..venty-five C:enta. - 0 OLD CUSSTOl\IIERS AND NEW ONES A full Stock of REvVARDS. --:0:-- ·j ! I Groceries and Confectionary kept on hand. Rooms over lvicClung Bros. Store!J, 'Bowman ville, Oct. 1st, 18~0. 1 'D r. J. Ba.Ill & Co' s Patent Ivory- and Lignum Vitre N.B.--It is my intention to supply the COUNT .RY TRADE with EYE-CU PS. B either in yonng or old, is at once supplied y theix nse, the shru nken and enfeebled eyo '"itb tht\t and indlliRensible a.nhnal stimulant -A1 tc1"ial Blood . 'l he nerves resum e their toni;i; the vt:s~els recover their power: the globe n.ssumes its proper shape, size. and br illiancy ; nlldiscascd nction is arrested and cured. 'fheir objE>ct is to bring t he sight to a. natnra.l focus, by restoring the diminished convexity or flatness of the Cornea of the Eye, which is gradually i·aised to it~ original con vexity,ca.using the raylil of light to converB"e on the retina witbout the aid of convex lenses Gr glasses; thus a. speaia1 remdy for these 1vhose ~ight ia beginning to fail f~·om age. They add vitality a.nd ~trenJ:,>1.h to the eye thuB securing- a p1·oper secret1on,and re1nO\'· ing ~he cause of all organic dir:ica);e$, This wondet{ul effect is produced without pain or the least possibility of injury to the eye. M~tny of our inost e1ninent physicians, occul· ist*, etudentr:i and divines, have bti.d their sight pcrA naucntly l·estored for life, aud cured of the following discnses : 1. Impaired Vision; 2. 0 1· Presbyopia, 01· Far Sightednes~, or Dimness of Vision, commonly ca,lled Blurring ; 3. Asthenepi~,or 'Veak Eyes, 4, Epiphora., H.unniug or VV nttiry E.r_es ; 5. Sore Eyes-specially treated with the Eye CuI?scure guar<'tn teed ; G. \~akuess of th e lt.ct1na, or Optic N crvc; 7. Opthalmia., or Intlrunmation of the Eye and its appendages, or imperfect vision from the effects of Inflammation ; 8. · Photopbobia., or Intolerance of LighL; U. OverWorked Eyes ; 10. :Th-Iydesopi.a-moving speckH or floating bodies before t he eyes; .A.maurosis, or Obscurity of V ision; 12. Cati:i.racts, P artial Blindneae ; the loas of sight. Any one can use the Ivor,- Eye Cups 'vithout the aid of Doctor or )..f1;:dic1nc, so as to recei v-c immed.ia.te benefici:;.l re3ults an1l ne\·er wear spectacles; or, if using no\\' 1 to lar them a.side forever. We guarante~ a cure in every case where the directions are follo\ved, or we w:ill re· fund the money. CONFECTIONARY, as was formerly don e by Mr. Bowmanville, Df'c. 7th,, 1871. ~Iartin. H HORWOOD 10-tf T. DARLINGTON, ·HA VE Just received a Choice lot of NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, 2309 Certiftc~tes of Cure, From honest Farmers, Mechn.nic3 and Merch· n.nts, aom!'l of them the most eminent leading pro-Ftissiona.l and business men and women of ed. uca.tion and retinement, in our country, may be seen a.t our office. Under date of March 29, Hon. Horace Gree· ley, of the New York Tribune, writes: "J. Ball, of our city, is a. conscientious and respontible ma.n, who is incapable of int,ention:.W. decep· rsion or iinposition. , Prof. W. ]rferrick, of LexinF;::ton, Ky., wrote _.\.pril 24th, ld09; Vlithout my Spectacles I Ren Y'lU this note, a.fter u sing the Patent l \~ory Eye Cups thirteen da ys, and thi s morning perused th~ entire contents 01 a. Daily N eY1·spapei·, and nil with the unassisted Eye. Tr~!Y am I grateful to your noble invention, may Htiaven ble6S ~nd prea~rve you. I have been ueing spec~ n.cles twenty years ; I am sev· enty-oue years old. 11ruly yours, Prgf. W. Mer1ick. REV. JosrePH SM1TH, Malden, Ma.e.s., cured of Partial .Ulindnesa, of 18 years' standing, in one minute, bl~ the Patent Ivory Eye Cups . E. 0. ELLIS, latt> \!ayor of Dayton, Ohio1 wrote us: Nov. 15th,1869: I have tested the Patent Ivory Eye Cups,n.nd I am satisfied they are goiJd. I a.m plciast:d with them; they are the greatest invention of the age. :Oa.tes, ::C..emon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron l'eels, NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY. Also Barrels and Boxee of sing . st1'ength, vigo1', and new life inw all 1><wts of the systmn, and biiil1Uny "1' an Iron Constitution. Thousands have been chanued by the use of this 1·cmedy, fr01n weak, siclcly, sujferinu creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men ana women · and inv<ilttls cannot ·re<isonably hesitcite to give it a t1'ial, .See tlwt each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in tlteglass. Pamphlets Free .. tio1i, bttt a ,r e 11e1·ni au.en,t, infu ... The Pm·tWian Syrup, a Protected Solution of the Prowxide of · Iron, is so coinbined as to have the cha1·acter of an aNment, as easily d'i(Jesteil and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increcises the quantity of Ncitur'e's Own Vitalizing A.yent, I1'on in the blood, and cu1~es "a thousa1id i, l ls," siniply by Toniny up,Invigot·<itinu <ind Vitalizing the Systmn. The 'enHOUSE & VILLA PAINTS ,.fohed mul vitalized blood pm·meates every pctrt of the body, Prepared for imediate use, a.n d noth..epa'iring ~lamayes and waste, setwchiny out m01·bid secre- · ing but the pure8t materials used, tions, and leaviny nothing for and requiring no further mixture of disease to fe erl upon. Oils, 'l'urpeutine, and Dryers. This 'is the secret of the wondm·ful succe.~s of this 1·emcdy in Their composition colIBiBts solely of curing Dyspepsia, Live" Complaint, Dropsy, Clwonic D ·i m·Pun Colo1-, Pitre White Lead, Pure 1"liwa,Boils1 Nm'Vous A.ffections, White Zinc, Lin seed Oil, SpirCliills ana F evers, Hit1tio·rs, i ts of Tmpen6ine, &: Dryers, Loss of Constitutional Vigo,., Diseases of the Kidnc11s and ccarefullv and scientifically comBladde1·, .Female Complaints, bined. · and <ill di.<ea·cs orirtlnatinu in ci batl state of the blood, or acThe consumer can have any decompanied b1f debilU11 01' a low sired shade of color neatly put U} state of the system. Beinfl free i, n Cans, and all he requires to buy from A.lcoh oll. in any fo1'm, its ene1'gizing cuccts <t1'e not folwith the Paint is a Brush, ns the lowed by c01·respontltng 1'eacwhole can be done by himself, or by Something long wanted by Everybody-Everybody his or her own Painter. 0 We have just opened one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF I · I... Sabbath School Libraries and Rewards ever oflered for sal" in Bowmanville. Parties wishing to replenish their School Libraries, or to purchase RewardlJ, will please to rnmember two things : First, Our Stock of School Books is no old stufl; picked ·up at Auction Sales, nor ha$ it been on our Shelves for years. We have sold out and refilled our shelves, half-a-dozen times during the p·st year, and now purchased so largely, that we have not room to exhibit them: Please come and take them away. Second, We have not marked our books at high figures, with the view of taking oft' a lnrge discount. 'l'hey are marked low for general sale, and a discount of TEN PER CENT. will be allowed on purchases ranging from $L to $50.; over that amount FIFTEEN PER CENT. will be allowed. We respectfully invite an inspection of our l\icLEOD'S w. ~{Cl\fU RT R Y w1~1rEi"=S~~oK AT EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK ·OF any member of his household. Pocket Books, Albums, Writing Desks, Ladies' Companions, . Blotters, Ink.stands, Note Paper, Envelopes, &c., &c. SIGN PURE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just rec~ived, for aut, · umn painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers,including James' Genuine, and the Celebrated GIVEN. p:F THE GOLDEN LION. Bowmanville, 4-pril lUith, 1871. J', P. DINSMOBE, Proprietor, No. 86 DEY ST., NEW YOJIX. Sold by Druggists gcner~y. - · ROOSTER BRAND, guaranteed pu1·e. ALSO MURj)OOH BR,OS. opened out a Beaui:ifu.1 Candies, with an assortment of CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlingtoll has a.gain received another lot of thoaa celebrated all standard colors, oils v&rniohes, a,nd painters' materials. (Jall and see how cheap a house can be painted and decorated ; for all these goods will be sole! atJled,,ced filiT' Remember the Store, next to the West Durham Steam Printing figiwes. · and Publishing House, King Street, Bowmanville. P'C':B.::E'.l ::C..EAF 'l'EAS, Quality is the Test of Cheapness. Bowmanville, Dec. 22nd, 1870. n12-tf :woo Gallons of K.A.CBINE OIL of different kinds. Threshers and all parties requiring such oil. are specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being far below anything ever offered in this market. C. BARKER, (JHOJ(J~ ASSOBTJ11ENT OF / ,~!AN.AGER. srrOVES 1 · '· STOVES!! STOVES! T HE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform the inhabitants of Dowmandlle·and surrounding country, that he hn.<i the Jacob Neads MAKEB THE BEST N EA R-SIGHTEDN ESd. For the v.torst cases iif .~Iuopia,, or Nea1'·8ighttilness, u~e our N ew Patent b-Iyopic - Attach· menta, a.pplie~ to the lv?RY .EYE-Curs, has µroved a. ctirta1n curo for th1!'1 d 1a~a.s e . SOO Cook, Parlor, Ha.ll, a.nd :Box Stoves, BEST SELECTION OF STOVES ever...... ffered in the-Towu, eomp1iai-nfi' arriving, and now un exhibition, t he larges! and cheapest ~ tock of MOWER THE REAPER WOOD'S FALL A .ND WINTER GOODS. DIRECt IMPO-RTATIONS. :Or. J. :Ball & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. 115 recommended hy thousands, for Inflamed Eyer;, and Eye-lids, nlso \Veak Eyes 1 Watery ];y~, Over-work~d }~ye~, I utoJerancc of Light, Ama.urosis, or Obscurity of V ieion, or Specks on movin"" Bodie$ betore the Eyes, Weakness Qf ll.etina: aud many other disease~ of the Ey~. All persons w iahing for full particulars, certi6cate8 of cures, prices, &c., ":ill please send your address to our Agent, who will send our Tteatise on ~he E ;ye, of fQrty-four pagea, free, by r etw·n mn.11. All oonrurtation 11.1ith 1Mf1·ee. . Coolcing, Pcirlor, Box, ancl C,,al Stoves , of the latest patterns, cmd of the Best Workmanship, \vhich ho will sell as cheap as in any 1'.farkct in the Doin1nion. GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGf GOODS, AND TINWARE m the County of Durham. JOHN McLEOD, . Wellington Buildings. Bowmanville, Aug. 8th, 1871. Self - Rake. BUCKEYE. Plows, Stra\v Cutters, Churns, and all kind1c1 of ---o--- Ahw ....\gent for the Celebrated American BASE BURNER AND HEATER CLtJll and exan1ine Stoves and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 0. BOUNSALL, AGRICULTURAL ,._ BOWMANVILLE, IMPLEMENTS. Our sole and exclusive Agent for the County of Durham; is E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. Hardware of all kinds. Paints, Oils, who has on lumd an assortment of Putty, Glass, &c., &c. Eye-Cups, &c. Nov. 24th, 1871. UJ. ... MANUFAC'l'URE R, I MPORTER, DEALER in a.U the varieties of ~~~-o~~~- H Italian & .American Marble . A large a.ud choice selection of Jo.fACRINERY AND CASTINGS OF EVERY DESORIPTION. June 13th, 1871. open to-d1ty. EXCELSIOR. No War with Iiussia., e. successful raid is da.ily looked for BUT th· on TINVVARE An t!ssortmcnt of finv.' Russia and Oo1nmon Iron Stove 11ipes, Gallows Pipes, Dnmb StoveJ, d':c :, d!:c., kept on hand p MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, alwn.ys on h11.nd, of euperior 'vorlonanship, a.nd ·t lowe:i;t pricee:, TO T_HE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & to Rot Air Drums made to orde>-. Hot Air Furnaces fitted up on the most improved plans. Workmanship second to none in the Dominion. All kinda of Jobbing done on the Shorte11t K otice, and at reasonllble prices. WATCH MAKING, ~ z 0 0 Wrought o·r Cast Iron Fences for enclosiag burying lots. ' ' SON, · rui Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on hand, or wrought to i'.>rder. respectfully requested at the V.'orke, Ociobei-, 1st, 1869. 1 returning thanks their numQfou$ Customers, and the Public generally, I N\Vould respectfully inTite their attention to our present stock of Furniture, A call is King, Bo"Ioma.nvitle for favore:, we have lately added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to i:supply a;ll p atties who m!"y please to f~vor us "·ith.a. call Great inducements held out t.o those pu1·cba.a1ng at our Esta.blish~ent. P1.cturea, Looking Glas.see, &c., framed to order, a.nd in every aytlc. Sa,fJ!-plef of tbcd1fferent l_unds of Mouldings can be seen ti.t lhe W &re-room. We '\\'ould also beg to inform you, that, ha.\·rng purcha-aed a SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, we aha.11 be ready a.t all times, to attend Funerals, on short notice, &nd re:M!lonu.ble terms. N, B. Coffin!! kept on hand, und made to order, a.t the GROCE~Y 'DEP ARTMENr:r will'"' for, u EDWIN HORSEY. Bo\vinanYille, 16th...\.ugust, 1871. 4t3-ly JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, Eatablishments for which the Subacriber ha. miide exLens1ve preparation, and ia prepared t o show the best near the end of Wellington Street. A young ma.n wa.n1;ed to loarn the businee:e. Dowmanville, May 18th, 1871. 33-tf, :Doors, a.nd. :Blinds, biH· L. Farleyi on the prinFURNISHED ciple of LIVE and LET Ll VE. Shop $25. B.E'WA:R:O. o·W>l, ..n =p~iod, NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNI1 URE WARE-ROOJL King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J, W. Fowke's Store. Oehw·, Aug. 26th, 1870. 48-tf. SELECTION OF GOODS, Suell as Watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry-, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands.1. Spoons, and Forks, uutler.v direct fl-om tho Celebro.ted A OARD. Subscriber, in returning· to the TH-E inhabitants of Wei:st for the liberal Durh~, thank~ FRESH FIELD, AND l A large imported Stock oC GARD~N ... SEEDS 1 ly support which they baTe given him, begs to in· orm all thm1e who ate in want of a. FIRST CLASS STOVE that they can be supplied by him as cheap a.:5 any ot.he:r houi:se in the trad e. He bas also for imle, the i.:elebrated ~ · ha.ving come to our knowledge, thn.t certain I TPtidlan t:1elling Spectacles s.nd Eye GlaM· purporting to be of our and to bea.r eg mak~, POULTRY WANTED. MESSRS. RODGERS ANJJ SOX'S, SHEFFIELD, of the greate ot rna,gnitutle, Tills stock is the n10$t cvmplete in quality, and variety, and ia aUo\V C J. by the 11est of anthority, t.> surpass all oth er R ouses between Montrtial and Toronto. a good assortment of - " RUTTAN" HOT AIR STOVE, which is now in iu:1ti at ;ill the pdncipal raihvay stations in Canada . It hr just the thin~ for Churches, IIalls 1 and public buildings . He i~ also manu!acturinu the ~ · our names sto.mped thereon, we her"by cautian the public againet all such imposters, as )fa. AARON BUCKLER h1 our only Agent in West Durham ; and & &ward oI $~15. is hereby offer· e<l for the apprehension and conviction of all s\lch impesters as try to defraud the public by offering their t:raSh as our make. LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO, n7-tf Montreal, Nov. Sth, 1871. IM1\1ENSE l 'l'ry it for Yourselves Those that have tried, are convinced that- S. F. HJLL sells his Goods as low or lower than than any one else m Town! A large stock of'O'S MAYERS, Cloths, Di'ess Goods,Sfriped, Checked rateful to n. generous public, for }'Mt Jibcral pa.tronage, begs most respectfully to anand plain Shawls, Winceys, not1 nco th.a.t on account of incrcasini bueinc!?s, Flannels, Blanlcets,LinMUJ, he no1v occupies Wool Goo<Zs, Hoise·ry, THE WHOLE OF HIS OLD S 1'A1'W, Gloves,and Trimmings. ·nd ha. filled j Just received. Bowmitnville, Sept. 21st, 1871 . CERTIFICATE OF AGECY FOR THE G BEST HOT AIR DRUM in Canada. Sl ~ V E :a. S 1' 0 0 N S, also a beautiful Stock of Osborne Sewing Ka.ohine. \Ve give this renewal of the Agency, a.a,since we finst received the appointment,. there have been ()tht1re themselves~ Agenta, in W eat Durham :GURLPll, Dec. 4th, 1871. Messrs. R. & H. O'Hara. Bowma.nville. Th~se arc to certify that yo11 are duly ap· pninted our authorised Agent for the \Vest Rid· ing of Durhaw ~and North and South Ontario, and the South l~idingof Victoria.. We will not reoogniae the actions of any other party cla..in1· ing- to be our Agent, the Machine pass through your hands, selling in the above territory, from and after this date. 'Ve do not 'bind oUiseh·es to warrant any Machine sold, of our manufactureii_n said territory, unle9s going din: ct from the .11 actory to your order, or to that of .any of your sub Agents. R espectfully yours, G uBLPH S:tWING MA OHI NE Co. Sewing Ma.chines. A gent for the Wheeler & Wilson, tho Howe, a.nd the 0$borne Sewing Ii,.!n.chines, HARiD~=T= o==B=E=I-'=IE = V = E~ 'I,]:-(, Wedding Rings, Etc., AARON BUCKLF.R , Bowmanville, I\ ov. ZSth, 1870. n6-t.f L. QUICK. Bowmanvtlle, . A:11g. . 3, lts71. n44 an bought before the advance in prices. every Shelf, Hole and Corner, with an lJ:E.t NEVEI~THELES S ! A few only of those splendid TWEED SHIRTS at S. l!'. IllLL'S. INSURANCE. Andes first to pay Chicago lmsses. Chicago, Oct. 11, 1871. A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent Exceedingly choice assortment of Goods lower tha111ast year comprising 11·oceries Very Oliea11. .. DON'T TO CALL AT A lot last Season's Tweeds at For . Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Bells, &c., which for style, durability and cheap· ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity rro those: i u ...<\.l t.REARS, he woulU ~ay MASON'S 'l'o ANDES !Ns un~\NCE Co. ,-Andes lo~ ses will 20 'Per cent. bel~w Cost. Good Cooking i aillens only 5 cents ,,, pound, still cheaper by the Hats, Caps, Fm·s, Buffalo Robes Box. Paper Collars, Neck Ties, --Gent's Furnishings, &;c, The '\'.·hole of the Stock having been .,.,·ell bought not exceed $:300,000. , E . E, ltYAN. Agent. The ANDES is solvent and ··ry strong, and has already' commenced paying its Ch~ca~o losses. C:{.nrr.o:s,' Oct, 9, 10:30 p.m. I have to-night carefully exa.mined a.U Chicago insura.nces in the Ande3 Insurance Company of Uincinnatti. Vt e !!hall authorise our a.djusters to draw upon us at Eight for every correct ~ rapidly as a!:!certa.ined. Our !oases by this great calamity are a. considerable figure 1but nothing t9 cripple u~. The hour of duty ia upon ua, and we sha.ll meet it in the lion-heartNc\·er· ed manner that the oconsion req.uiree-· t beless, I fully ex pect, in addition to Blu·mount· ing t his serious: obstacle_, to pa.y the stockholders of the ...'\..ndes Iusurri.nce Compu.ny a. com~ fort .,,ble dividend uext J uly , :Respectfully, A NEVV E'ICT'C':RE CtA::C..::C..EB.YI P. S.- -Each of our AgeIJ.ts will ha"·e a \\·ritten certificate uf A:;ency-from ue, which pt1rcha!iers should insist on seeing. · R. & H. O'HARA.. 13owmn.nville, Dec. 21st. 1871. m n12·o41 Gent's i:;uits made by the beet '\VOtkmcn. .E very Garment made to fit. T HE Subscriber respectfully informs the pub· lie, that, having fitted a N ew Picture Gallery, with al the uy MODERN IMPROVEJl.fENTS, CAUTION lam sole agent for LAZARUS & MOR· RIS' l'erfected Spectacles and Eye Glao-· They neyer s·;pply or employ any se.. others. However specious the pretence If you want a nice sett of Furs, for your lady, call on M. Mayers. Butte1', Eggs, Mittens, Socks, and Y m·n taken as CcUJh fo1· Goods. All kinds of Furs alte1wl and 1·eS; F. HILL· " pairecl. :Rowman· ville, Oet. 5th, 1871. The best Black Teas in Town. The best Green Teas in Town. BARGAINS WILL RE GIVEN SUrMER DRY GOODS AT COST. he is prepa red to take Highest price paid for Raw Furs Cotton and WJ len Goods are liott's for a short time, at the old pricee. you need.. advm~ing, I . -. ·__ but you ea,n buy them nt ElNow i1 the time to secure wh1tt Life-like Likenesses, in every style of th e PJ1otog 1:aphi1~ Art. TO THE PUBLIC. UNDERSIGNED is · ptepared .to do THE .:my amount of Custom Sawi11g, at his Mill, rear of Lot No. 19,6th Con. D a rlington. lto.tes ~"Pine $ 2 per t housn.1 1d ; Hemlock, and·wood, $2.50; R a.r<lwootl, $4. He will u.l so pay the higliest pri ce in· cash, for sound Hanhvood and B as1nyood log~J, delivered a t the 1\'lill. THOS. SMIT ff. Bowmanville, Sept,28t.h, 1871. MARKUS MAYERS· · YOU MUST PAY UP! Thofle \\'-ho h avo c.lready settled, will ~ltiv,i:e ~ccept our hearty t bn.nkfl. CLO'l'HlNG.-Gentlemen in want of a, good Atting ~uit should ealJ early at Elliott's rashionablo Tailorin~Establishment. SatiJfaetion guarnnteed in all reasonable cases. J · HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. Hampton, A r1gust 2nu, 1871. bp-023-mH An inspection of specimenB isinvjted J~n tranc e S. MASON. nlO I I J. B. BENNETT, Pres. R· & H. O'HARA, Agents, Bowman ville. Hall. oppo3itti t he entrance to the 'l'own n1ade lJy tbern that they have thetn, do not believe it, yon will be awindle.i if you do L. Eoww:;i.nville D ec 3rd. 1869. BownHUl.'\.-ille, Oct. 19th, 1871 . a-tf. w. SEXTON. :Bowman,,.ille, Sep ~. 27t h, 1871. AARON BUCKLER, agent for Bowman--Villc and vicinity. Empire Straw-Cutters. Jacob Nea.ds, IRON FOUNDER. _,