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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Jan 1872, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JANUARY ,5 1872. ===========~==================-==============================i=============--~========~===-;===========I======~ Time How Swift. While w1th cea-seless course the SlU\ IIast~d through the fotmer :"i'Co.1· ~1any souls th.,,i1 Ia.(..e rnn, l'{~vcr more to meet us h~te Fi.x'd in an eteina.l state, They ha· e done with nll below J We a httlo lonJe:r 'vo.1t, But ho'\ httle-none can M the winged art'O" fhes, Speedily the intnk to find, As the hghtulng f101n the skies DQ,1 t.s, and l eB\ es no trace behu1d , lftly t hus 0111 :fleeting <la.ys Be:~r us do\\ n h-fe's rapid st1ea.1n, Upwards, Lo1d, our flp1r1ts rnase, All lJdow lS but f\ drea.m ened with a little butte, and Bour, mto tlie oy· ster sauce ; let lt just boil up, and whiten vath a httle boiling Clearo ; pou1· this sauce over the 1:1teamed turkey, and send to the table hot. Of course, while the turkey i3 stcnm1ng, you will ha.\e the oysters a.ll rea.dy for the. gravy fron1 the d15h} and the ctea.m also boiled, that the1e may c"' a.s httle del~y as pos"iblc after the tur· key 18 cooked Tiel)l)i)P le I I fJ i:.. O 1, L' ash r: 0 '" Os It-' '-iawa J.fJ Coffee f Coi!ee! of the very best lund ! Forty-Second ear. I(!' llODEY S LAUY'D BOO FOR 1872. ·---o--- Fall and Winter, 1871 and 1872. Large Supplies New Sea.sona.ble Goods. and TEA JUST as GOOD, and chcnp M at any store m Canada, or out of it, at THE FARM. FENCES. (]'1'01n the Canada Farme1 } MILLINER Yo --o--In thU!I dep:utment a gran d d1spl iy 1s Rhowll of t he mm1t beautiful design ong1na.tini; in Pans. Lon<lon, and New York, under the able Inana.gement of Mrs. M. J, REDlIAN, (late 1'rf1ss Thomas) SUBSCRIBE JOHN MCMURTRY'S SIGN OF TILE COLIJE'N LION King Street, Ilo\\'1nanv1lle s,, The cheapest of Lad1es' :Wia a.z1nes, because it 1S the best l For the p'lSt hi ty- two;·ear~ the Book has been c11ns1deted the ·u1de o women in everything that is enlcnlatc to~ t:levate the tJti.x. 'l1h~ old fam1h~1· v.ntc s, whose stouee have la1gely contubuted to th s end, have all been retauwd. I I\.farion Fia.rland, Ino Churchill, Lo111se S Dorr, Metta Victoria Victor, S ·· .<\.nine li1ost, lYirs C. A Hopkinson, Sue CLe:stnutwood, ltfrs. Denison. etc , have n. 1epntnbo11 for excellence in thei1 wutings.fa.r o.b ve any othe1s in the Maaz1n0 hne. Ont Uolored Ji'<J.sh1on·Plates re the inost cm rect of any pnbhE.ihed m the co ntry the La.<ly's Book gives fourteen each year. 01·1y111al Musw.-Godey's 1s the only 1n0-ga z no u1 wluch Jnus1c prttpared expressly for it tippeare. .lllodel Cottrtgea - The only agaz1ne iu tl11s country that gives tlicsc des10 s ls the L8.d.> 's Boole. DHiwrng [;e$SOns - -In this' e are a.lso o.lonc. \Ve have 1',\:,JJ .i Children's 1 l-Io1 t1cultura.l, and a ll ealU1 de1rn.rt1utrnt. Gurley'~ lnviiluablc R~e1pl:J ~rin e' e1y irnb· ject, fo1 the Bondon·, N ur:,;e1y, J{1tcheu, House, a.nd La.undr.) 1'inted .Er1.rp o vi11{/s -This is a. aer1t.·s of eng1av 1ngs that no one has i:tLternpteU but ou1si:hc8 Ladies' l!1ancy IV 01 k Depa1 trnc.~t - S111ne of he <les1~111s in tbis department a1 e printed 111 color!!, 111 a stylu unequalled. In arld1l.1011 to all the a bo\ c , tti actions, the1 e w·il1 be pubh:;hed, IDlH)thly, a, doubfo page engraving, the genei.:.ul title of "h ch vv1ll be "1\-Irs. L!,hpop's l>nrty" \Ye p1on11 e the"e sketches (outline in their cha1actt:r) to J e superior to .lny ( of t11e kind hcretuf111e pubhijht: l. 'l'E~iMS BAPTIZED IN FIRE I JJEAU1'IFUL St'EEL PL 11'8- Ol\11ese · Tha11ksfo1 u1erc1es pnst iecene, Pardon of ou1 sins 1enc,.. , us, hrncefoi th, hov. to JH c, \\'1th lhnnt:,. ill \icw, )1less 'l hy \\ 01 <l to Joung and old, FHJ 11s '\lth a Saviour's 1ov~, A1Hl when hfl!'s 8h0l L talc is told, 1fay " e d\\ t-11 \\ ith Thee abo' e 1 If 've shnuld atte1npt to gatbe1 together, and condense in an ed1toria] a.rt1cle, an account of the 'arious n.r.d fashions upon "t\h1 ch Canadian fences have been, >ve should leave little space for Q_th~r matter Vl e, however, v. ould call the attention of our readers, at this appropriate se11.snn, to the lmtnenl'5e ad\· tago of bnv1ng sectue and lasting fences, mHl "e write this nrticle inore w1th a -y,·ish to c~tll forlih the op1n1ons of the fauning co1nmuuity upon \ a.r1nus fence~ that 1nay have conie und~r thell' obE::enahon, tba.Ii with the h op e of vancing anything new u1 this ]rue. Rnil tin1bcr and lun1ber a1e beco1n1ng SC(l.l cc, ttnd it has long been lnnted that " e must t'µrn to so1ne other 1na.te1 ial. "\Ye have no pra(..11cal experience of \\ ne our seh·es; we wish some one would l{lndly give us thetr experience in this 1natc11al for fencing purposes, L1ve fencus are a puzzle to Canadian hortiqul~ turi.sts Our clifllartt! seen1s to, f1·om one roa!!on or another, the u3e of nearly all bedgl:es ' \7 e ha\e had the benefit of ma.ny }lra.<:t1cal anc1 excellent lt!tters upon tbrn p01nt , but tho ~nb Ject seems to ha\e made little 1n1piess1on upon the agricultural public, 11nd \Ye haidly th1nk that this style of feucing ,,.,111 be generally en()_UU"ed into unt1l the supply of wood be vel) much more exhausted. Rail Fences - The old fashioned snake fence, with sla.nting stakt:ls n.nd ndcrs, is, we tlnnk, p1elty generally disused in th.., more ciYihzed sect1ons. Its great fault is wl\Bte of land, next to it comef!- the Straight r~1l fence held by upright stakes di1ven in the g1ound, and dra\vn togethe1 by a wire at the top--a. good fence, but ca~ily moved by the \\ind, its any force exerted horizontally on the upper part of a pauel has an imn1ense leveroge upon the stakes, wln ch are in consequence very apt to brea.k off a. few inches from the ground. 'Vcwou1d suggest a:i improve1uent; \\e do not kno\v tb:at 1t is patented; at any iate 've ha\ e used it without the payment for a iight. Paf!s short slanting stakes aoross one another under the second rail, and restin.; upon the th1rd, and SJnk them iu the ground. These pre ~eiit the plough paaa1ng quite a.a close to the fence as it otherwise would, but they .a1 o bcne· ficial in two 'vaya , they b1 ace the f~nl e agnmst lateral pl essure, such ns eJi erted by the l\ ind, and tl1ey relieve the '\tres of some of the weight Qf the riders At this moment we obser\ ed a horse w1th his head tluough a feuoe endE-avoring to ieach our cabba.gee. Our boy thro\\s a. stone, the head IR withdrawn rapidly, and on!) the ti1ov1dentin.l fact that the rail was s1nooth prevented n. la.rge piece of -i::kin being knQCkP<l dff the an1mnl's head 'l'h1s 1s one of the great troubles in rail fences, mo.k1ng the gaps at the top so s1nall tha.t o.1nmals cn.nnot insert tht-ir heuds It 1~ 13a1d that if a man can insert hiB hetttl l1ls whole body1nay be: squeezed thr(1ugh any aper · ture, a.nd upon the strength of th1s statement (n sta.tement we don't undertake to prove) may be founded anotlu.~· , that if o.n animal, from a pig tc a bull, can put lns head bet\\ een the uulij of a. fenct", be >vill find inca11s to get the remain· dcr uf his body through. 'l'here are other nul fc11ces, inostly pateutiJd, but we doilot th-u1.k n1uch of them geneially. A. friend of ours 1 1cs1d1ng nt Ancaster, ha::s one round l11s whole fa.rm, '"luuh \t:e we1e .\.t fi1et inchnedto think 111 of, but nhich hns nowstoo<l the test of "1nd and weather securely fo1 eight years, and appears to ho.\e an equal numbe1 of yetus before it. It is patented hy one Ja1nes l!"'lcm1ng, of To1onto. It is a st1aiJht nulcd fence, with upnght sta.kes 'l'l1eso stake3 H.1 e rounded a.t the botton1, and each lS let iuLo an auger hole iu a block of cedar about six inches tludc and two fl:let long, whn.:h fa, l"°t a fe\v inches into the ground tra.:iu~ve1sely of the fence, the stakes a.1e belU together by a. bolt passing through both at the tl)P and tluough two 2 X 4 e:c.mt11nbra, which overlapping one another at the ends, and thus being secured by this bolt, fonn each th6 rider of .-i panel. \\'e have aeen several panels of th1:; fcnca blo\' n tl0\\11 1 but it was by the san1c wind that scattered 1nany n1iles of ci1d1nnry fencing lll the sn,mc section, and it "'lll:l placed upon its leet (we use the\\ urtfa .~dv1r:icdly) bodily, beu1g un· b1oken. It is p1gMp1oof but it ha.s one f11..ult, the 1a1ls a1e n:ptto settle and great gaps bet\\ecn the upper ia1l and the scanthng, but tb1s gap is not so obJect1on,\blt1 as in othe1 fence.:!, becaP~e, supposing an anunal to put lus hea.d through, he cannot throw off the ride1, as it is securely bolted to the stakes. 'Vetb1nk it an expensne rail fence, but 1t lS 'ery lasting, and no f1ost ~an influence it \\" e arc at the end of our t eyievo>: of l ail fences, and l'llha.ll take 11p in ou1 ne.:c.t- board , ph::ket, and the va.rJous ways. of fencing with lumbei. w1tl1 or without poo.ts sot in the g ronnd. In the meantnne,we ca1neatly sohClt opinions upon the various forms of ft!nc1ng by p1 n.etical farmers, as now is o. time a portion 0f which can be devoted with ac.h.uitage to fenc1no purp~es. MANTLES ! MANTLES ! got up expressly for our own t1ade Oustmners can rtily on gett1i.1g a. i;ood fit, elegant style, an<l Lt:.tut1fully tllnuued - - .<>:- - D RESS GOODS DEPAHTMENT. A large stock of the most styhah :md sernce,1ble goods unported. Iu this connection is sho\\ 11 a full variety ('f t11rnm1ng~, h11tton111 1 &u , to match, 111 all colo1s --o-- would 1cspectfullygneab1nttothosc 1u ~er J ' plcXIty, that he k~eps constantly on hand ittir!lt I class stock of UHERJc no You BUY YOUII .,, GROCERIES' being the question 1 J Iv!. I ~'OR THE -o- Groceries and. frovisions a11ll those >d10 buy flon1 him \\ill ne~er 1egu.:t that they a1e able to aJlS"\Vel 1 hd- D1·ess-mctking done to ol'cler in j11-.1t-clnss styir THE HOUSEHOLD. r 'l\if'ERCHANrl., ]_ ', The Chicago :Phenix. DRY GOODS. "I buy from John McMurtry.' lt'LOUlt, ) OA1 11 1fl!.'AL, CORNlllEAL, AN]) CRACICE]) WllEA1' fFl·o1n \Yood's I-Iousehold :l\Ligaz1ue) A la<ly, a pe1sonal fuend of ·~Our ]fon!'leke!::pu ," ru11.l a.n ext.:vllent cook, as ,,e and other1; C().n testily, contubntes the follo" 1ng clrnicc reeipes to the "HouAt:hold " Cl E \J{ P!F The J(1lks of tluee cwgs, orie qtta1t cf u11lk, ste::i:r.1 the lattet, .lnd when it co1nes to li boll add the eggs n1e,iously beaten with tlu~o tublespoons of flour, and ouc cup of suga1 , i1a.vo1 , bnke the c1 nst, and then poni in the CU1<1ta;i:d 1 but do not b11ke the latter, take the "hites of the eggs beaten to a st1.ff froth with ono cup of angar, fl.a.var, lemon is preferable, epu:a.d it ovei the top n.nd browu it Jll the oven F1shk1ll ou tbe-liu,lson !\Ins. J P OORN Il Rl::AD Heuuy English Wool Becwers, and Pancy Ove1·Joahngs, 'l'weeds, Shirts, Drawe1'S, Hats and Gaps, Gollnrs, and Findings 1'cipesl1'y, Wool, Union, Ilemp . Ga1vpeting,Ploor Cloths,R1igs &a, Curtains 1Ja1no,sk:s, 'Jlre.Dle Lini11fJ, 'J.'owelin-[J, Blankets, ]{0 rse Coi·e1·s, ]J[ain, and Fancy Flannels. Fat,cy Woolens, Shawls, Nubias, Sontags, L<ttlies' aad Children's Wool Under-clothing Infantile Clothing, beautiful designs, richly Embioidered Complete Stocks in 1 Fresh arrivals of Crockery and Glass warn. fioode: ~ellt a.nd. G-eneral Ad:vertiser. to all pa1 ts of the 'l'o" n GROCERIES AND BOOTS AND SHOES. W None but ftrst-claBs hands employed in each department, and all work guaranteed JvfO'l"l.'0,-Best Goods, Low P1·ices, Liberal 1'e1'111s, Large Business, cmd prompt pay. s. TREW~N, CARRIAGE SHOP. OKLY Comer King and Simcoe 8t$ One pint of wheat flour ; one pint o{ corn meal ; two eggs , t-wo tablespoons of augar , t.,.,o of melted butter , one tea8poonful 0£ aoda. nnd two of e»eam tt~rtai. }:l1x '\1th s'vect milk, inak1ng lt asth1ck <\S com1noneugar cake Bake in a. quick o~cn Jv'[ns J P. DELICIOCS COCOA~U'I (west of the Bank.) Oshawa, vet. 18th, 1871. ly King Street, Bowmanville. CAKE. Napoleon is Defe~tetl, Note tl1ese Facts, FACTNo. l. 011e coffee cnp lif butter ; tvto nn<l 'mo-half cups of sugar ; foul and O'H:-hn.lf cups of !\our ; oue cup of milk ; 011e email teaspoon of Hoda, t'vo of crean1 to.rta1 ; wlutes of :seven eggH 1 a.ud twn grated cocoa.nuts, rtis~1 ving a la.rge hn.11dful of the latter for icing ~f.ns. J r SNOW FLt\KE CAhE rrHE p:i..u· eubsonber is pre1Ja.ied to b1.uld and 11:;· CENTS per ANNTJM, in ADVANCE Wauons, Bv,ggies, and Gutters, of every deSC.1ipt1on, at short notice, andon reasonable tertne:. J AS. ELLIOTT, ~elects his J AS. ELLIOTT, One cup of butter, three cups of wlute !JUgarj three and one-half cups nf flour , one h11.lf cup uf sweet m1lk, wb1teis of ten egg~, one h teaspoonful of balnug Stu 1n tho flour quickly Dake 1n three hnf:I lfot the iciniz take the whites of three eggs .uul one pound of po" dere<l su,;ar , spread the icing: .loud sp1 mkle gr.~ted lOCoanut between each layc1, and over own FA.C'r No 2. goods. own One copy, 911c yr:.flJ.· $3 00 rr\\ o copies, one yea.1 .5 liO 'l' copies, OJH: year 7.50 Folll"' copies, one yeu.r ... 10.00 Five cop1es 1 oue year, and an xtra cupy to the person getting 11 the club, 1nak1ng s1X-.Copic:":t ~ ~ , l 4 00 E1.;ht copies, oue year. and au ext1a copy to the person gett111g 1u1 the club, makiug nm"° copies . 21. 00 Elc\ en c9p1es,one y1Car,a.nd an extra copy to th!! vurson getting up the club> makllig twelve copiet[!, 27 50 To acc.:on1odatt:i our 1:mb:inbers, we will club WJth . A:rthur's Hon1e I\fa.gazine and Ch1ldren'e I-lour at the follV\\lll'"' pnces. The receipt of $4 00 will pay for Grldey's Lady's BQoh and Arthur's Ho e· Migaz1ne for one yt1a1. The leceipt of $3 50 \nll par_fo1 Gode) 's Lady's Book and the Chtld1 e 'a: Hour for one year Five Dollars will :eay for Gode) 's Ladv's BoQk, A.rt hut '!i Hume Maga.z1 e, and Children a Ho1ir for one year 'I hE: money mu~t e.11 be sen at one tune for any of the ch1 Ls, and n.dd1t1on may be inadc to ciuha a.t club rates Canada 1:1nbscribe1s mur.t se (121 cents additHinal for e\Cry subsc1J1it1 1 to the Lad}'s Book, and 12 Ct!lltS tor c1tht l f the Ot.ller ll13Ja· .z1ne:s, to pay the Amencnn p( tage. How 'IO Rc:urr -In 1eml Ling by m tiil , a. POfit Office 01 der on Pl.ula<ldJJhia, 01 a Draft nn Ph1ladelpl11a. or ~cw Y 01k 1 pa.yable to the order of J__. A Godey, is p1efera.hle to bauk notes If a Dru.ft or a Post Of:hce Order can not be procured, send United States 01 National BBnk notes ~Addi oss A Universal :Newspaper. -o--- READ THE FOLLOWING. A populnr weekly pape1 for the times, emlnacing the leading featmes of those jomnals uPsb oyed by tbe ternble conflagiation, and combining just such a corps of writers as will give the public all the news of the week, in a condensed compilat1?n of the lead;11g journals of the nation, and the world. A TRUTHFUL RECORD, Buys and :;ells them in his ]fACT No 3. name. Carriages Painted and Trimmed. L. A GODEY, N. E . Cor. Sixth k her,tnnt Sts Phi adelphia, U.S. The PHENIX 1.ill be the most tru thfu I and relia Lie ·recorder of mcidents ttnd facts c0ncerning the great fire, ever pu bhshed ACCOUKfS OF TITE FIRE JAS. ELLIOT':!:', Don't do business on Commi~ion, and is not to be undersold. ()JI A Blacksmith's Shop tho p1em1ses, 'vere special attilntion is given It will con tarn only such accounts as are vouched for by reliable w1tnesses,and will correct. the er1oueous MONTREAL WI'l'NESS. and fabrwn ted sL"&tement$ of sensa'iou,d writers. PltOSPECTUS F R 1872 During t\'enty-fh v, he circulation of the W1tnee:s bus 1ncaea~:n:d (; m 800 to about 20.000. l'L,\1FOl\M.-W··tandwhc e\·calwaysstoocl and look for Hut.:uess to that ad which haij hitb crto helped ua tho top ·ud etdes IlTCi PUDDING )~Es ,T P. to all CHICAGO AND TilE NEWS. One qt1J.rt of J.ich nnlk; one· cup of nee; <me·half cup of suga1, and a. little salt Bake 111 a slow oven, antl keep stlr11ng occasion&l1y, unhl you "'l~h the c.itl)t to form 11'1.ivoi· \\ ith 11utm1:1g , alid ra.isuB if you choose. 'l'lnH 1nakes n srna.ll pudding ~:ln.s. J. P. For the Uest and cheapest c~:·ri~go wotk; and General JQh_bing DRY GOODS, Gl{OCERIES, CROCKERY, All 1vo1·k done cit this stabiith?11rn vxwhinted. A call u; In mnlnng hul"lk\\heat takes 1 use one·{ourth pa.rt G1aham floul, and you \\ill find it l dec1d e:d imprg; e1ncIJt So says b1r. Jolin Plnce,anU he 1s =~ 1nan of lus word, rt.a you .-i.11 know , he warns you 11ot to rnakt: the unst.~l~e so1nu one did, i\nd uae oat meal in.,too.di or you '\\1ll 1rnso the tn1sch1ef w1Ui) Ol1· batto1 !Jots 1'1.i:. ORUS I respectfully sohc1tcd. . ,T, MORIU~. Tm: OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Chi istian Denomiuatiun, one of the best Family Pape1 s p1inted 111 the Dominion) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollars per annum, in advance. BOOTS-,,._& SHOES, and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go to > Bowm.n,n'\i11le, Oct J f'.t, 1809. l y nl rr}uee qua:telS Of :1. cup Of. la.rd v.ell }He!!Sed clown tu every two teacups of flou1 , n. little, a.nd only water sufficient to hold the ingiedlt·nts together TJ1fa roari:es enough crust for one medium sized pie J).Iix quickly aud ca.relessly, not kuca.d1ng at o.11. This ruk never fails to ma.ku a good, crisp pie crust CRULLERS. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, Tyrone, Nov 2nd, l 871 AS ·usUAL --0-- - q, ·.,.o~s - He D 1 ly W1 nc.,., wtlie1 to is· suf:'d at noon, all 2, 4 and 6 o'clock, !J n) 1 \\ill d1111u~ the 1:1e.':'.l:!rnu L 1 t ·ti Dominion 11 urhament, .ind po~s1bly thcret1.1te1 , appcar uiso u,t 6 111 thl" monuncr, all othc1 edit1ouK cont1nu1u1-;" aehen..:to fo1e l'ncc, 1'li 1 pct aunmn n a<lvance. J ri 'Veekly \ Vitness - St bsc11bt:rs to the Se1n1 Vv"'~ekly Witness will, ter 1st Januui v, be supplied with a '!'11-\V eek ·of the shnptl aud size ot the pre~ent D.: 1.1ly \V tncss, "hH.:h will Poetiy·, F ashion, Societi.... Ne~YS, a.n d be found to (ont ~1n n.bout inudt inatter as J the pn:1aent Semi Weekly, t llS ma.kn1g- fill adM enougl1 of Ron1ance to ffiit.}{e itu. most Chtion of filty pet C~nt, to t C Itadin:; rriattcr bl d j t C '\1thout a1ld1t1on of P ce 'l'n \.Yeeklv re ia e a.n co1np e ~ neYvspaper ior \V1tness, ~2 per annurn 111H.d a.nce · the business n1en in the counting}fonticnl (\\reekly) \'il1ti e!ils.-Thi!! paper 1'00111. will continue cif the an1ne shn e as hitherto. but w1U be la.1 hy the breadtll of a column each DEAJJIIF UL 1LLuSTllATlONS \\ ay (ID every p~igC>, thu~ m<1ok111g an add1tm;;i pf It will be 1llust1ated with engiavfifty per cent to tht: read1n~ iuattm, '\V i..:ttklv \\', $l 1n a.d.\ auce " ings taken f1orn Photcgiaphs of the H will, for a time, be de\·oted eojJeci.tlly to the ]Jnsi. p1c,ent and future of Chicago, besid<'S being thi; rnost complete weekly ne wspapcr in the world 1 FIRESIDE COlrlPANiON & NE\VSPAPEil , Its columns devoted to News, C ' · L' on1me1ce> ;,cJencc, 1te1ntu1e, . .l\..1 t, Th ~tm~t, ].,ius1c} Jltunor, l')astin1e, ' r 1 1 TYRONE One pint of nnlk, two cups of sug-a..1 1 one cup of butter, th1ee eggR, one teaspoonful of soda, two of cream truta.r, nutmeg 01 cirrnamon 1 or both for fh1.\·on11g 1 and a ht tlu >ialt. F1 y in hot lard. COJ<'l I D Cl.!8'l'ARD I\I1x onl:l egg" ith a cup of fr('8l1 gi cund coffee, and pour on it a pint of boilm~ water, boil fi\f" In1nutes, pour Jn a cup of cold wate1 and let it 8tand tc11 u11nutes. l'ou1 1t ~)ff clear lnto n. sauccpnn, add n. p.nt vf c1ean1 nnd boil Beat from fi, e to c-1ght cggf; "ith one nnd ,l h.ilf cnps of sugar, rm({ pou1 the Lo1lo1g 1:uxtu1e ovei th11$, st1rr1ng 1t \\u11 Set the \\holt~ in .L pot of boilM lllg \\O.ter und :,.\tll till it t1110>Pl1"" Sen'ti in rnps t ) eat C()lll 110(1\ 0\ST.t: l IB The Promised News Mr. J. Milne, I:-1~ AVII:\ G ADV FRTISE THE AHEAD, LN THE A.. dJ th1 oe e&95 to tb1 e~ gr:.ted pa1 snips , olle tc.ic11p ;:.weet C1'bn1, lniltt!t, haJ.f the size of an egg j one teaspoon a.ilt, tlnetitrthlespoous flout. F ry a« c;riddle cake-.. TO ~KND assumed the business lately ca11ied on under the name and style of " Consaul & Co.," o,nd having had nearly \Ve have ne\Cr been able tf offer any i11duce- Clucago Ruins,_instead of sketches 1ncnt wb1ch bas bornt'I fnut e \.la l to the a&'-1st "By Our 8pccil Artrnt" who was ance of tho "-e \\hose enncet e uendt1lup for the u11terpn~e has prompted the to exe1hon on not " on t.he spot," and thus gives our behalf. a series of PJ;HFJW< VIEWS, not obIn all cd1t1ons wh~re one poison Jcmits (en one year in advance for e1g t persons, he will titinablc elsewhere, and t he first L~ entitled to one (';Opy add1 ion.~l for L1111self number will contain the only correct 01 any peison iemitt1n~ $8 fr our pubhcat101i<i map of the bnrned mty. \Vlll be entitled to one dollar' worth n.dd1t10nal Auv,\NTAGES.-We here nnounce che.~pe1 IIAPPY IlOCH.S P:l.pera than can be got an where ch:m, and cheaper advert1su1g-. we thm in p1oporhon to 'I1hc bcaut1ful 11ter::ny journal, cuculation, than is offered 1n Cn.nada V\rhether " H I-I OURS,'1 '\V pu bl"lS lier tl1e pape1i! il1e good, u.~ well s cbt>ap, t11e pnb - APPY he are the Lest Jud~es. All he dep ....1tments ( i f vvas the firtit to issue a. paper io ieachng matter will be kept up a~ lunetofo1e incct the pilbhc demand after the "\.Ve at e g1Vlng iucreased atte tion to the: c:on1 ' l a.wiul fire, has l)een inergec1111to the 1nerc1al depa1tment. It is our 1nt"'nt10n 1n futuu:i to 11a\'e ::1.t least 1 literarv depurtn1ent of the PHEKIX one s~r1(l.l Rtory l unll!Dg lll ea,ch eU1Won of the . .! · · · ' "\.Vitness, and gene1a.lly more 1n tha Daily, and 'vl11c}1,v1lle1nbrace the cont11but1ons we h opo ::Wso to present tj) ieaders one or of lUOJ e t11an f_,1xty of the ino~t two wood u 11gT.tVlll"'~ per >ve k. · i Co:\ S'l.T!'lJENc1.-7r11e \V 1tu1e s~ U1 the ,\ 01 king-· popular \Vi itcrs of tne daJ. ma.n'spaper, the maruli~nt' paper; the fu.1111 A SPECIAL EEA'l'LTilE cr's paper, the clergyma.'1's papin , the ladies' pape'r. t he childt.:.!n's ; the teetotalers 'rhe PHENIX will contain, as a11 paper; the Chu?;tian's pape ' l ~ JOHN DOUUAL & SON, especia ·eature, a more comp1ete CLUBS. l tall TvVEYl'Y YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, with ample facilities for the CUINA .. 'l'akc :i \ ('Y y thick aolution of gun1 a.r.tbic, and stu into it 11laster of Pcn"l.S until the mix· ture 16 of u. p1oper consistency. Apply it 'nth NO. U. ah. ush to the frl\ctur ed edges of the China, and r:!Lck th~m together In n. f.::w days it will be 'Vo now con1e to a col'ls1deui.ho11 of all sorts l'll[.>0s~1ble to break tho art10le 1n the same of fencmg made of lumbe1, a.nLl we \'iould here pla~ The "lutene!OS of the cement render.:s it sta.te generally that \\hen rails or lumber ha\e <lonbly valua.ble. _,,, to be rer:ipectn ely bought, v..e cur1s1der tl1a.t a.1 u.·TLDOTB FOR POISON, most any kind of lu:111ber fence, tak10,; into con A poison of 1nost any descr1pl!on and degree sideration du1aUil1ty and nea.tnes1 1 is fa.r chea.pof potency, ·,.. h1ch has been 1n\ allowed intention· er than ,w:1y rail fence, and we know of none 1:10 a.Uy 01 by "ac..:11..lent, ruay be rendered almoot lU· expei1~1ve now-a.·days a.'!. the old~make rn1l fence. rstantaneously haunles~ by swallow1ng two gills We would here tho costs of thei.e of sweet 011 An inchv1d1tal v.1th a.' ery ~trong '~r1ous feacee, co11stltul.ion should take twice the qunnt1ty. If we take a fence made of eight Js.ils twelve 'l'he oil w1ll neutrahze eve1 v form of \ egetab1e feet long, with a P.nake of four feet, it will or mine1al !J0!$0ll w1th \.\htch physicians .ire ac- n. rfl,11 to e. foot of length of fence, nnd \\ 111 cover .1 breadth of £,c £1.:ct more ground than a qu~1nted. stt n.1gl1t fence .~PP LE DU3!1'LING-~ 12 unls at 25 dollars per thousand.. . 30 re11ts 1 lb1ee fou1ths of a. ponn<l of beef suet, chop Ground covered by feni::e a11d stakes, 60 fine, n.dd a httle salt, and flout enough to inaltti f~"l!t--;-anU5!Y-cIOllars per o.cre .. 68 " a. pa1ote. 'lhl·u lrn.. v1ng i~ionfSly pa1ed a"i';d 2 Oak st~kes a.t 2 ct:ute a pi<"cc . 4 " coreU your apples, roll out tht:i pagte for each dumpling, fiH\v1th apples, and ioll up in clot]is, 31 02 aftwiu~ each cloth to keep it tight. Have the I\-lak1n.; th11s !~nee 'vo1 th Sl.12 per 12 feet. '\\a.ter boiling, <lnd ]et the dumphn~s boil stead· No\\ a strati{ht nul fence. Twelve feet w1ll Ily for one hour. tal.. e . 8 Rn.tis at 25 <lolle1s per thousand .20t:cnts APPLE DUMPLl?i:G (NO. 2 ) 2 Oak atakee 4 " !\lake a crnst of one quart of flour, two table- V\'ue 4 " .spoonfuls uf c1eam to.rtar, one teaspoonful of 28 Ct1Utt1. soda, a tablt.spoonful ot butter 1 a )Jttle salt,a.n(l )fak1nt-: this fence \\Olth 28 cents pe1 12 f~~t. milk enough to a dol16h tha.t can be rollNext hit us estimate the cost r..·f .1. bor11<l fence, ed out Cut this dough in e1ght pieces, rull thent thin, put slices of f:lour apple upon the1n, four ~e1:.:t six Jn he1ght 1 >v1th ccdru posts six fett fuld tht;nl up tight and ::tean1 or ba.ko Eakins apart, and \\1th four boitrda reepcctne1y six will 1equue about twent.) rmnutcs, steaming an 1ncher.!, SLX inches, 11u1e inches,a.n<l t'H.:lve inches wiue : also, a cope1ug bo,trd and vertical b t>t.t.1 ds hour. Serve \\1th solid 01 litlutd sauce co~er1ng the J01nts of thuse nailed horizontally O:\IJO El" .U:: SOUFFLE 'l'wo posts a.t 5 cents apiece 10 cent! One cup floui, 0110 pint of milk, unc Jopounful 54 r.:et of inch lumber, at 10 pet 1000 !i.f 'r ' ·of i;tign.r, buttei size of ,.nlnut. Scald m1lk, 10 " flour, and butte1 togethe1 ·.\.fter the batter 1s Nails cold st.J.r n1 th!j yolks of five eggs Stir in the 75 cents. froths of the w}ntes, JUSt bofore baking Bake }Jak1ng tb1s fence '\Orth 74 cent.'!! per 12 feet in a.qnick oven. Eat w1th sauce. \Ve Lake it that thl;! \Vork put upon the board fence Ht mote expen15ive than that upon the rails, WHITE POUND C..\.K.E. foi although it is greater 1n thl;! erection, yet it 'l'be whites of ten eggs, one cup of liutter,two haanot ta be l~UtJ\~o tl like th,~t put upun n of sugar, one of cream, t}u-Be and a half of fioui. fence. Fla.\.·or \'rlth \0tn1lla, bn1ut 11.lro.ond, or lemon. Lo.1'tly, for tbc co~t of a pic:k£t fence fout feet Use ou~ spoon of sod;:i, and two of cre~m tart&r. six inches in height, 'vith two scanthnitS two by Bake 1' 1th three, pickets three inches w1<le,and spa~s four ro S1'EA!)[ .A TU:UKI!.l inches, cedar Posts 1>ix feet ap.'.l.rt, aucl a botto111 Rub pepper and in1nde the turkey 1 after boa.rd a foot '"'ldtl. it has been \Vell·dressed Mld v.·~shcd, then fill 2 Posts . 10 cen'tt, tht1 body with oystel'S ) sew 1t up care· 20 Picket. [3 feet 6 m. by 3 m. l m·k· 17 feet oflnmber at 12 doJ1nrs per fully; lay the tu1key in o. la1ge dish, o.ncl set 11000 . . · . :io it on a stf!amtn, pL'lced O\ler boiling wa.ter; cover 2 Scanting [2 in x 31n, x 12 feet], 12 cIJsely, and sttlam from t\vO hours to two hours feet of lumber at 10 dollars per d 1,000 . . . . . 12 a1d n. half, 01 till, py l'tuirung :i. fork into tile Iuch bottom board [12 ll. l leotl. lQ " br ~as.t you find it lS \\'ell done. Then take it Na1L, and s1)ike~ 12 ' 1 up , strt.IJJ. the gravy 'vh1ch will he found n1 64 cents the (li~h; have au oyste1 ~auue ieady 1 prepared )faJnng th1s fence .... oith 64 cents pei 12 feet llke ste>ved~oyflt~rs, :tnd po1n thia f:l :i.vy, th1c'Li: Purchase of Merchandise m the Cheapest Markets, he flatters himself that he ra~1 offer A SUIT OF J\f ER.CJIAN rr record of incidents and results of the late tenible fire, than can be found in any book, paper or other NEW DOMII'UON MONTHLY publication in the counky. So PROSPU:, CTUS tron. 1872 numerous and inaccurate h"ve been This magazine lS the olde t and h11.H the ln.rg· the accciunts sent forth, thttt somecsciJc1I!a.t1on of any hterar inagaz1ne in CanM thing 1oliab!t· and readttble is Mgetly ado. It aims t~t being a. anadam }!agaz1ne sought at this time, and The P1u:N IX both in the character of 1Ls niatter. and 111 op~n ing th~ way tu Caoadmn vh1te1s. In the lat will fill the bill ter field it has up to th'3 pr~sent been<· fa1lu1e, PnorRrnro.,. so far as re1nuncra.t1ntt itfli .::ontnbutors and it~ is concerned, but, l\S its c1rcula.t1011 1s fair, we are m hopts that a ~ood act' ertJs1ng patronage ma.y ytlt rut it n a pa.y1ng bnst!'l Vie do uot think our Canu.di n homes c<in fir. d elst.iwhere 1t pubhcatto11 at o c ~ 1:1n \\ hole-01ntl, !;l) interesting, and 130 Canad a.n, and '\\ie all C.1nad1a11s to e;u;;tain 1t. It ~ t.:11culat1on I:s 3,000. New D orr11r11011 t\f nthly One Dulhn and fifty uentil per ru1num ln advance. Old ~ending tl e naT11 of a new suLscrilJ I subsc1ib1;:rs e 1 with their O\'\'Il, '\lll ge tut:1 two fnr 'l\\o Dolla.t'ft Ad\e1tu11ng 1nNe Domin ion M0nth· ly pt:r pq,ge E 11-;ht DollarsJ A PAPER FOP. THE PEOPLE GREJ\_TER INDUCEiVIEl'~TS Good Twee<l than ahy otl· zr Hon~e in the t.rade, west of the City of Mf1ntreal, and he hopAs that by Tim Pmrn1x is the chenpest paper ,age, fo1 ty Ameri ca, berng an eight 1 column weekly, at only two dollarn a year; in fact it shalt be tbe papei for the people and t'1e tiurnst THE FIRST NlTMBU:R. Attention, P1·omptitude and Courtesy, he may merit a fair shme of public 1,atronage Bow:manv;lle, March 17, 1871. n24-ly For $10.50. -0GET YOUR JOHN :PO:UGA L & SON, P.HOPEIETQR'j, The first number will be issued on Satm(J..y, Nov. 11th, and will be the pa)Jer wanted by everybody, as ti reco1 d ""'rth presei ving or to send away, actd foi its nccurnto illu,ti,itioirn ITS DASIS. - =----- ) CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady and. Mike :fflynn] The 64th Voh1me ,_ FOR 18721 CORNWALL Oct. BLANKETS 1'HE 1LLUSfRA1'ED J It is ti consolichttion of other journ tt!s, and therefore' un a solid foundation, continuing their former cD:culation. NEW SU!lSCP.IDERS 1871. TIM - 1871. Phrenologic::i,l Journa.l, "Good mon1ing, !Hike, shure and its e~rly out, ye are. Might I be bould to axP, what started yees this morning" MIKE.-" Jist be a1sey, Tim, and I'll tell ye m a jiffy. Ye see, I waB tould, yisterday, that Misther Gray, av Tyionc, had got home an ill1ga11t new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, aud its meself could hardly slape a wink, all mght, thinking av the the chape goods. And shure enuff; its the iull ~tore he has- THE GREAT FAVORITES. piles and piles av the ntttest pictterns, and he'd give ye tb e nmkms av an illigimt new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cmts, Tay for most nutliin, am! tlte Baccy for a tnflo less" The Choicest Variety, TIM.- "An shurr its funning me ye are, Mike, wot'tldn't the man he nfther breaking dow11." MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it Shuic he knows a thrick Wlll th two av I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if you vrnnt to git a that. grate name when youre ded, and be calbd a fillantiofized, filosifer, and a public binifl!.ctbor, jist tell till yome nabours,and the rist av manki1m, about Grny's chapc store, and y ou'll do more for the good av you connthry, than iver St Pat1ick di d for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it that niver was in it." 'l'IM.- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for tlig, bit av advice, and won't de- GOODS IN TOW. tain ye; there'll shurcly be ti gmte run, and mttybee I'd miss some bargains. The top o,v the morning to yo."-I'm off to Gray's. PRINTING AT l'HE Loc.~t10n of the Organs, >\I th duect1011s for cultu1c aud tu1.1mng 1 (~nd th llcla.t1011s of 1\-IinC. an<l Body dcscubcd i P11v~10GNO:UY, or the "figns of C11aracter >vith illustr,it101IB, .tnd how t> H.ea.d them," is !Jo feature. ETH~01.0GY, nr Tlte Nrttu a.l Bistm·y of M,1n, lllust1ated, · w ill be i;1ven t-hon~ sti uctutll and function~ of the huma.n body v.:1th the ~Q.VI s uf lif~ nnd bealth. Whn.t we should oat and dnnk, how clothed, and huw to exe1c1se, sleep and 11,,\"c, rn ,tcco1dancc \\1th l1yg1ernc..: p11uc:1plt:i1::. Po1t1·n.-1.:trs> eketches tu1d 1021 aplucs of lead. ing men and "omcn 1n all c <;pttrtu1ent~ of life, ara sp c ul feutu1 cs. P.\R EN TS TJ1;ACB:l!.Il8 AND THEHS.-.. <\..8 a r; u1de in educatu1g- an I traunng :nld1en, this hlngnz1ne has no suponot. YI:uch goDeral infmmnt on on the lcn.dmg top1ca of tht! tla~· is gnon, and no efiort~ ate spared to tna,ke tln~ the mol!;JJ intei eshng and 111st1 uct1ve fl.$ \\'e11 as the Bcj Pictorial Ft~mily M? ever pubhsht:dE8T.ABLisHED -'l'be Jou N,\t nas. reached it 54th Volu1ne It has stea J!y inc1 ea~cd 111 fav or dtn'ulg the tuany years it haa been pul>ltshec.l und wa.a 11e1lel' iuo1a pnpuln.: tha.n now 'l'ERMS -~ionthly, at $3 year, in a<lvance Single ntnnbera 1JO cants, Ju bis ol to 11 01 more A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAilAZlilE. P'HR'BNOLO(,y -· The :Br.~uro1cl itr; Fnnctio,1"-, To -auy poison who gets us three new subscribers, we will send The PHJcNIX for one yenr free, ui one of our beautiful pnzo, steel plate engrn.vings 'vorth $2 50. PJn}HUMo PHl'.SIOLOGl .\ND ANATO.MY.-'l'h~ O~ganiza.. the cheapest :MERCHANT OFFIUE, Foe tho pm pose of iap1c1Jy ;nc1 eas." ing our subsc1·iption I ist befo1 c t.he close of the present year, we will gi vc to every person who su bGcn bes for the Pm:Nrx. dming the month of .Novcmbei, Ji beautiful steel plate engraving, worth $2 50, hn,lf a dollar moie than tho price of subscrip· tion No such oppmtunity was ever befo1c g iven, ttnd j)I"Obr,bly never will be again Avail yomself of it. Engiavings will be pron'ptly and safely sent hy mail oi· delivc1ed ttt this office. as subscnb01s may wish, SU1l$CRIDE NO IV J~ GR!J, 'fyro11eo Noted :for Cbeap Good.s. F. Y. COvVLE. Bow11i11nyille, Sept 1870 82 ea(;h, and .in ext1a.copy to Agent, 'Ve ,nfl ofl'edng the n1o~t hLm.11 P11:nnhnns I I 1Ul work executed m tJ1e Latest with Ne,.tn618s and tf-52 1 I:i.nd ut Lowest Rate!!, Styli;~, D~~patch Inclofi..: 15 cents for. a sarnple numb::1, with new 1'1ctonal Poster and Prospectu.s, l1IlCi. ll.. i:.:0111plete l..Jst r;f P1{lnlJUn1s Adtlr·ess, Sencl in your names and subscrip. tions at once, and Sttst:tin thi> g1cat, newspape1 enterp11se. Price of subscription 911 ly $i 00 per year. Srngle copies J cents. Agent:< wanted everywhere PHEN'IX PuBL!BHING CO. S. R. WELLS, l'nhlishcr 389 Broadw y, New York 52 West Madison St Chicago, Ill, U .S.

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