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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Jan 1872, p. 1

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THE ~1El\CHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER G1rcula.tes 1a.rgely m the To,vns1nps of Da.rling ton Clarke and Ca.rtWI'lght. It lS a. common platf0rm o_Pen to the freed scw:is on of all ques tions in wh ch the g-eneral pubhc at(' concerned.. TERMS WEST DURHAM Steam Job :Elrinting O:ffi.oe, Kem STREET BowMANVILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and ' Obser ver $2 00 RATES OF ADV.-.BTISING AND GENERAL ADVERTISEf{ VOLUME III RR LOSCOMBE $36 per n.nnum. 19 Quarter du 10 Tra.ns Elnt advert sements l.i cts per 1 ne first in sertion and 2c per line subseautint one One column Half do BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JANUARY 12 1872 NUMBER X1 I _: POSTERS PAl\fPilLETS CIRCUL ~HS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES I HA~DBILLS LABELS TICKEl S CARDS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STVL~. · B illRISTER AT L 4W SOLIOlTOR JN OH i CHANGE OP TIME Stat on Bo..-- <Ml GOING WEST i\ OH:Rl J.c FULL SUPPLY. SPLENDID SELECTIOJ\S of POETRY Look on the Sunny Side N eve1 look sad in the ro01 rung of youtl l"hough misfortune shoulU sta. d at you door But stick to your honor ~nd st ck to the trutl And believe me ~ou ll w1ll 1 e'ier gro poor Ever look cheenly all s for tl e best And theres room 1n ti e 'vorld for lt e v1 le Ever look ha.1 py tl nc er d st1CMe l ~1 1th k th res a unnv i.l le lumps of rock lay scutterc l 1n \; lld coufu "ards 1 Ton1 asked 'vcarily H s con1 s1on upon its surface seem n 0lv ns thQu;::ih pan10111arel.) talkc<l., and thu long silence in eo re long bJ 0 ona nge g a 1t s had flung "ias not a little 1rke.ome stones a one on other and ti cy l ad tested Its redder tl,:ll us lal and the1e ei df'al I I l l I 1n not the sort to put 1t fine'\ ord:s but there I lovi ll at.) uuri 0 g 11of1n t c better than ID) y s - hctt 1 than n Y h.f a d I ~1 al t arc L:ilf as I am capable i OFFICE - Over McCh ug s Store same flat as J 1f Brimacomb s D entnl Room" Bo roan·...-1lle Oct 27th 1868 ly Tra rs lea Bowmnnv1ll v1lle time n.s 0llows GOl~G- .EAST JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl;,,z1er Paper Hanger &c &c AJl k1nds of 011 Jrom1tly a.ttended to and sat sfact on guaranteed Ree dence- Next door of the l31ble Cl lS :!\-Il'l.11 9 30 a m Pas~enger 3 3v pm Mail ' 30 p in Stage leavj!is Brod cs Hotel £01 eye rain Local 7 30 a. m I PnRi:ienger 3 J p m I Mail 7 35 pm \ Local 9 00 p m I Mo.ii 7 30 a m :Fall and Winter G-oods, AT t1·n Church IYRONE Tyrone March 8th 1869 02 tf For Sale, Or To Rant D W lIOLEOD S, f PltIME fit MEATS. oo the spot; vhere ti ey had fallen their \;eight eml:Jec!d > g them lil the earl! La1g errocks\\e1egroupedbere and tl<:1e 1 to~er11g1nasst>s and manJ of these bore fant13t1c shapos as of human forms strani;e ly hstorte l gt nn nn heatlc (U uec1 castles and broken bi ugcs Fot tho gh the clou ls threa.te believe me the But nowhere w11s ther n tree to 1 e seen storm - not a bush-nc.t a shrub :Nor could they ~fay but sprinkle your coat or 'ou I at du1cover a1 Vs gns off1esl water Intl e And vhen it 115 over the su ill sh n \\ arin co lSe of Lhe r dreary p lgr age they came An 1 ) 11 feel t all the bette for tl at Ne et loo.: sad then v;] le jO thsskJ 18 oei upon one or t vo sn1all poole iorn1ed ir CU.\l ties ot the rock by the collected rain and you ti ey lo ncl a sort oi cave-a hold 81!.: feet broal at moot wb1eh eotne freak of nature had faslnoneci-and, dead beat the) l iddled closolv together a id fell aoleep to vake agam und agam auc1 start and tre1nble I sten1ng to the toll l ng \\ind · Sckfor,vallt of food they next dai; b1e lkf.-1,Stcd pan i cleacl fish tl e sea hail cast npon tl c shore o.i l the sun dr ed This miserable rei ast ,vasbed d~ vn by a fe\\ mo thfils of ·troug omellmg mm water at one of these tile\ l As n ght closed m \'V YOU REALLY WANTagoodiomt of I Fmeat to place before your fr ends call a.t Id sta d BtaJI No 1 Markst Build ngs Bo vma.nv lle 1'-Iarch 10th 70 HE HOU SE Outb ild lll' an l 0 chard. T with or thout Seven and a half Ae1 s and at I eaent occup e 1 by Dr D .,, <lao1 pply on the Pr~m GENERAL STORE, r.xceed ngly cl eap see or to But remcn ber in gladness au<l -pr de That the esma yahappydaylyng-befote ou And look on the sunny s1 le Never looks.a 1 th1ougl theres rna y ::t.round do \1 and chank Mrs B. Cawker's n23ly DR DAVIDSON Bo v1nauville Jul) 14th 1870 yo i Eugme Woolen Mills HE SUBSCRIBEH begs to rnform the p l T he of 'Ve!:it D rham that he p:reparcdto do all descnption of VY oolen !t'Ia ufactnnng &c I:! FOR CASH, B. PEA.TE, 'IAIJOR Gentlemen s & Boy's Garments UADE IN THE ~EWEST STYLES Cash paul, or Cloth given m exchange for Wool WILLIAM TUER Dttrlington ~fay 2 tl 18"1 n the best style a1 d at lowest iatea All or lera for llowmanv11ls J ul0 27 1869 ly 34 Who called yo i their f e l u1 prospe11t) s hour In the days of adversity sligl ted and shunned yot A d left vo 1 n.l~ne in your c editor s po e Hold up your hea.d man for all fl for the best And remember the Sa·no J died l hat th"' poor ina.y be r ol n that bnght land of rest That smiles on the s uny side CHARLES TOD, Never 1ook through thv lo1;sks PROMPTLY EXECUTED B:REA:O AN:O :SISC'C'IT BA.KBR. 1V EAR PIJS T Imperial Fire Insurance Oo OF H~AD LONDON and St r> A ll!lo. ~gent !01 the vell known OFFICE BOWMANVILLE Orders: Punctually Attended 'lo (Esl·bl ,hsd 1803 OFFICES - 1 Old Broad St ~GENCY FOR Pall Mall London GE~ER \L CAN lDA -"4 FIRST-PRIZE WANZER SEWING MACHINE, at lasted theni ~ntil thee\en1ng Late 111 the day one of the men fortnuate ng ly killed a bull \ ith a sta 11e and collect ' ' ith the dark lays of a tumn to cold Wlll 111 g n q ant tity of dry grass 1 t n fire after ter s sno'r\ Though no more 111 th) boson youth s n.rdor is some trouble by strilnng together broKen pieces of 10ck by the aid of which thev burn1ng Oh still n thy breast let a. apa.rkof hope glow hall cooke] half scorched tie r food Tl cu And like the bn!:ll t s n v.: hen the etorm l ug tbej ute grted lJ and c1eep r 0 back lI to a1 e fMt turn doth fly 1 hrs compamon ! JOU there Speak f 1oure there Subscnbed and invested Capital and Resen: ed MANUFACTURES PRICES Fund £1 9il5 000 Sterling Ooly say a ol'll Ito so lo~rely ly n;; here Fund.a mve~ted 1n Ca.n ada.- 105 000 sick in tn s p tel y darknees u8 tf Enn1sk ll<n Nov "4th 1870 GENERAL GROCER, LITERATURE Insurances Ai:,"1Llll8t loss by Fll'e effected on But 1 erhaps :N'e<l Cu1ro v: slept 1noi e the most fai; orable term! and lo sea pa. d w th so ndly that night tba1 vas bis '"01 t fo1 out refercncr. to the Bo:.'lird l.Il LonAon DRUGS AND MEDICINES KING STREET BOWilfA}; VILLE (.1 EXT dour vest of Dunstan a Fancy Sto e J DODSWORTH lese he 11a:le no res1 Dnse and the s ff er ng n1a1 HINTOUL BROS .Ar 1'1IE 11 lf you rec.uue good and cheap goo& S' ve In.,pector Gen Agente l\:fontreal Dur ng tl 1s tin1e h :i.d they not found a 'vore t he hou1s a lY p:nnfullj tha iking t hem a. cnll OR 'IHE R :R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent Bowma.nv1lle Oct loth 1869 n3 fe,\ ml scles to appe .... se tl e g awing pangs h nlen \.tth fcr\OI tvl ~11 Ll l:l flt st faint STORY OF A NECKLACE for Bowmanville and V1cm1ty ofb\1 u 0 er they nlu::it ba\e star\cd Ihe stleak::. of daylight c ept 11 ut the 1nt>uU of Bowman'iillo June 14tl 186& 36 min too penetrat~d into their ca'e a id t1 e cave coklt1 than nlaits but tbeu he ha<l. no around the vl i te stone un 0 clf:: a 1 l maJe OHAPI&R I lll 0 43 39 4\V llTOULD most respect£ Uy tender lus s n and it" as f',Q bit Fron1 tlus n ocrl t \Vestlake e ill ness as gloss at h n1d to VClLfy the d1fte1ence He the1n s~el 1 stern aud gi and l' l cere thankfl to his numcrous fr ends and 'WHICH SHO'\\S WHO,\Ae THE ll'IR8T OWNEn 'O·kecl ti Cl i to ti c o],ir1 ~~ Co1 the '1 ownsh~p ot Da lington c stomers and to the pt bl c generally for the OFTHE NECKLACE AND uo" TBlll MA~ terlv co]d datdurngtl ]on 6 n1ghtstley s1p:;.edan a1am n ns1 ect He 'vuo for iuru;1setlup@1tonofthechan1naro gh Still the so n Il e s very l bmal support he has rece1 ed s nee bis wno O)VED HIM HIS LIFE LEFT HIM TO \Vere often con1pclled to r1~e o.Nd pac~ to some du.) slight btnded nr d talkc l 'v l<llj ly fash oned clay pot thej u~Pd Joi dz nk surged on\ ard commencmg in busmess and lopes by cont1 Life Assurance Society Jlllutal T PHILLIPS, H nued stncl-t=porsonal attention to busmess and and tro 11 the na1ro\v hm ts of the rprison often arousing hts cornpan1 n froin !:.l tmb r 1ng and the stoues glittered as bi gbtlj as DIE ON A. Db.SERT I::lLAND offering nothmg but the pu -est a tio1es at the HAMPTON to try to keep then 1 s~l vus Wfl.ll l by lns lo tl a id ncol e1ent cuts bt:fore ln tLe 'i ater \\h ch J I ad henr l nost reasonable pnoes to ensu1e a continuance ESTABLTSHED 1840 Prom'[)t a.ttent on g ven to ao.lcs &c on reason Ho" olten have yo of a \V nter s night, H e Ila d ~ot a notion t 1 of publ c patronage But this wet ~e!ason was s tcccf'!de l by o e 1a.t h ~ treusuie was as a t es t ol t rue Jrn.n on d ~ able terms Ib e JS t ou~s vere se t OJ aq 1 a 1cl t l u.t J I-I wo ld call spec al a.t1..e1 t 01 to h s very when lyrng \\atmly t eked up m I ed 118 of 13 uch drj ness tl at the small supply of n Ja ge1 u1 a v t h one ] an db I(l ! en l I11~ CAH4.D \ CKIEF OFFICES super101 stock of tened to the a1 cr y north \\ ln<l 1oa11no ro n I l k t · ·' f t O l 0 Ba:r~on, a tcr b tl erto lo be fo ud a noug the rocks r~ast ep Jea.i.ous guaru o i uce... 1e P 1zz l ~ d I 1 u oth er ise h e l [ 0 I t I1c re 1'1 sr J.AMESSTREEr llfONillEAL Pl) '· d ti Ill a s ua 11 fla 1e s Ji as a. ENli fSKILLE~ , the house a11cl \\Onde1ed wl tt sort of \Ve L was pmpletcly lr ell up An l no v tie st1 nti I l into an ipnn [HI os t 1e an <l \ lt1l u1emueic DIREOTOl H S L es i;norrq tl:i; attende l to on reasonable termoi th~r 1t1n1 0 ltbcjtst th en ftrout n.tsea1 suffer1 gs of the poor capti1,:es trout h I.:l t !;I r ]II au eu ti Inr u ·' th ""t Iic laJ l o htdt a 1)1 & cc e a1e1 seen ti roug htb el facets o t 1 h h :tl'C su1 e to c:.ive ti e best sat sf act en W AL'.l'.ER SrrANLY Esq_ M. P Oball"l'Uan Onem1g:htalu1otfanc' atsu..:h a tnne \V~retetrtll~ Ueeorobbed- thltthefort ne he so lo1g cll:tnu d gaveasi1gle1.uage Outevl!n ot DUNOAN MACDONALD Esq A ell selr-cted stock of that a fa nt echo is borne to us upon th e MA.JOB T E C.!.MPDELL B St Hrla.l'le He wl a had been strongeet 'vhen tbey h ad h dd en a\\a' an d sucare t u II j preser\ ed ti us h e \\iL~ no t qtu te ccrtu1nlne ~o aoon THE Ho~ODABLE JOHN HA.lluro IIav;ks DRUGS shrill blast of the wail of dro ~n1ng sou)sfl.1st la.nded s1cke1 ed \\ ith a iever :tnd la' son1e "\retch. ha l tuk.en front b1n1 Ne l targets s 1eh k1 unledg('! fut \V nt of prac burg Ont. KING S'I .BOWMAN VILLE GHllfI GALS be' ·' ' tlh gc tie t1ce RESIDF.N'.I SECHEIARY -JJ.lrnl Gful..~T " ond all help and hope let chn 0 mg to belplt:SS n the cn.'\:c dependent on Ins cp1n C arro \ c:t ne to h10 ., s,. ...,,(;) ar u EGS to annqunce to the p ibhc that she s J.,J MDlGihS the list to the doorued sl 1p slowly s1n k111g paniou s k.1 <ler n1erc1es d s t1 ed t u soo tile ,. f Alt e1 uII J e vas obl ige<l to F'vn to Inn1 no \ open ng a c1 o ce selection of \VOr u ::. SPECIAL FEATURES. I t seen1~ to me one of the most teir1ble h e sai(1 I v.: II t ak c care i:.e [f t l nt ]lti \Vas no JU lge of i 1ec1ous slune~ BOJY.NETS JIATS BRUSHES These tenU.e1 inerc1es "e1e not reliable Give tt to inc ENilRE PROFITS belong to llnd n.redi."\1d RIBBOJY.DS FLOWERS Sor..i e can c \Vlt h bloo "'r y of deaths to be drowt ed in a storm at rhere ~ere tunes "hen Jt seemed n10I~ t.ha.n of it f 01 'o t I t \\ ll b e qtn \ e sa f o \Vl th a1 I k ne v n L n 001l1BS 0 bo t the s ii ~ect \\Th .tt faces \\} oc::l! c11~s P1iATIIERS VELVBT8 ed amongst tJ a PolAcyh-Oldet t ere 11 uu1 0 11 at o u U mght To ho there utterly h.lj !O's an I probable that tie' ck ma~ s fr en l ' oultl me were the I obab litres in tho c ,, 1 Ll\ ES DECLDl'ltD DY or nu COMPANIES or Oll siJ.ouLDER BR:Aos o u1 MILLTNEBY !:IOLne bc1e L Lt r gr efs i\ia 1 o g po" e1les::; at the mercy of w1nd and 'vave ha.\ e left lun1 to <::}11ft for h11nself hacl there Toiu \\est lake s tai ed l'ltup ill) at the \Va~ lt 1 kely tins n1an '\ ut L<l ca11j ..J G ner M which :\' 11 bt1 sold at the lo vest pQS vh ch an (looi a P em."um would be ' cqutred can -.. SUPPORTER') Etc \es red Jui l do 'n card lly Io dJ r, ol Etc -to be choked ai d suffocated n a hole been any cl a.nee of escape I at fi rt see1nect no t no cor1pre auo ' t ti e nee I Iac~ f 01 two yeafs and ru o i e fl bl puce be assured at the ordinat y 'ates of this Soc etv :rtlany long speal e1 a. c Tl ese 1e1e tl ey lose idols La! ke1 t con t111 t~ on hand like a mt- when bad !ale willed it other hours to ethcr the latter lay stretched out h e.nd lus n1ean11 g B ut t h et a c 1n ng s1ntJ e \Vt [1ou t fi d ingot t t b a.t t b e d arno ds, c1e asl e undtt a special cwrange-ment 0 l ~en brol e and bt:a t1f 1sl ('8 c1 l bled OILS PAIJli T wise '\;on nn0 rrht hrn:e been safe sound and .1 b f I h ti SPECL\.L NON Fo:a.FEI raBLE FoJ 1000 11.mued " llatlessl~ n tl e snn illy plnv ng )Vlth tl e cios::ieu s ace s 1am 0 nes \ ere sue ie case 11 d s... st ll ti cy t:/ttl e e t thl! Bl!ll to ~ fk \telvet or Stra\V lil.nnets eleaned &e under which only 10 15 01 20 Annual Pay COLORS Y :ARNIHSES sheltered upon shore and co rid ha\ e l rngl H ow ]m l h e ]Jccome posse secL of It is b etter ' Ime i t r 1 ie sa d - b ette1 pebl Jes of the shore or w1th h s eyes fixed as usual tbe r 1 earts ngrun tu d' cnt a .) r ouru mcnts are rtq ured ea{:h payment Bevu1 ni; a , 'D e<l in the teeth of th e fiercest hurr1cane that I 11 k t h I I 1 \"'I I ti 111 an d lvHITE LE.r.r earnestly upou the su kmg sun ho watched with me Yous a not ta e r w re tr ·ast 1e ,., ro cou d say 1 e ha l :BoWlil:inv lie Oct 1st 1~9 ing An ol l n n tottered lo g u1 <ll'..l the Pohoy for t1i sum ttssured p ~po1t 01 ate to the e'er lashed tl e bu stero 1s seas to ftn v l b a.1 J b a bl y stoenit 1 attl eveylovestprccs itattleclose of tlc do.v slowly snkug hnethestrengt) Ietto1a1se1nJ a1 l le 1n1glt lave hal e1~ht of ~I tge ba 0 f o i vl ch a 3 1lo l 1mber of prero1Ulll2 prud :md f cef 01t fut Me Horses and Cattle Jllled1cmes Grve me dry land an oil fasl 10ncd down as it secme l u to the sea I ta! e it from JOU 1 retorted Oanow r reasons for belte\iugtl al tho ieck lace wae ish dist \las siJte<l as he 1 ill ed \\1 h pay nent of p ein'loums ISSUED DL N B -Co n try Storeheepers supplied on the ho1se etoutlyl It a softfeatberbedw1tb Wl1lethl s occup1td I::; knttecl lro\S a.toneofd1snust l\..~ep jO r rubli8h to co1nposccl0frealdarnonds bcanse 1t h ad g1eat effort I e reached th e b e1 m o1 most ad"Vanta.geous terms. th a 11oD.ER.A.TE PREMIUM~ and 11ost- liberal COll co rueJrunaq uzLer where l was llely A cl o ee select on of LMIPS for :.ale oheap cirta1nstokecpoffthe drau~ht and soft and tlghtlydta\\n lps showed that lns jO i selJ o.11d1nnchgo d1 ay 1tdoyou ROBERT ARMOUR dit1ons. e gb 11 eel on tue 1 a I i:;L ll clulcbing t11e 0 Bo\'.ma.n'\1llc Dec 9 1808 (hn fleecy blankets to drag abo t n J eats \vh en brn 1 \Vas b :;,V , th fa.r off ~cenes and ac The othl!t 1:iee1necl to un lersta 11 Hi cont that rea.l d an1onds should be ou nd ills Dec 10 1860 ProspectuscE! Propol!nl .Fo1mH &c BUI plie 1 130'\ lll d st ti at all I rs long hfo I el al alle I \teas on applic~tion a.t the Head Uffice o an) of I hear the 'v1nd.s 1Hs1ug uons and perha1 she indulged too 1n \\ 1 d pa111011 s reproach an l he la1d lns 1 nnd ""1th "-' 11 le he '\\ ns yet pon<le1 1 upo 1 these PA.PED BA.GS Ute :But as le tune a\\ay 1 e t gger(,!l theAgenc1~ Then let them rise and roar and bluster hopes of a. future never to be real zed It a conciliatory gesture opon Car10 ~ s n.rrn quest1one, the s ck nui.n stre cl ed ....ou his and fell a nd wl e~ the) J fted l u i pan I J o\.MES GRAN'I AT MONTREAL PinCES t - they do not scale n1e he1e, as when thej lvas ve1y certain that he preferred thus I am afra 1 I sbant l o.lit much longe i be t ren1bhn 0 baud and regaining I ossess1on of Ros Sem etruj 'ill peroo1 s trespassing on the prope ty knc"\\-"ll bru>:hed tl e gold oust f om lus gl in 0 eve!.'! tear antl. rend at the c1caking tuubeis and to dreant a. a.y h s life uud to go hungry in a scarcely uut.hbli; tone You must lnsJev.els ieturnel tl ~n1 to bis biea';!t 1n :us ] oulden 1vI11ls will be prosec ted 1 e w s-dead Cl lche1 eager] tl 1e \ AGEN:r 'FOR BOWMAN\ ILLE JOH.:-! McDOUGALL E HAYE NOW A CO'liPLETE assort strained cordage through sheer iclle1 ess than to de\ ote hun take cute of it for me-for mj ch1]c.l \\ ill ner~ ous } a te H rn in end sat silent anU C HARKER dol\n then Lrol el toyB a1 l felt 1o1 n-=,c.:1 n cnt f Paper b1ch we will sell at tf :IB Bo vn 11.nville J ne 5th 1671 Obsetver Office King St I 11 keep asho,e, \\1th your good lea\ e self seuously to an1ehorat1ng his condition you prom1QP. 1 thoughtful After a long pause he asked Montrea. Pnces lbepaper1s fthebestq al 1ng sad1 ess for the sl ro1 J U figure ?1Ia1 y ity and we guarantee that 1101 e of the :Ba.g till a.. better season I p1ay you gentle Tl ings will do t'\cll tnough as t hey axe Yes -ves oJ cou1se I B t there is no o Are yo i any worse th s evenilg 1 a ) e 1th b1 o ight iesoll t ans and d>'a 1 a1n A NEW PAINT SHOP stick together rhe fo1Jo mg IS the Bowm nville T ue 24th 18,..,.D 3;) ieader do you ltkcw1se and for tboee who he Emld I was not born to die here h1\.e cos1on for you to gl\ c it to Ine \V tho it yot A good deal \Vorce I th nk b ton and I H ng l rgh Ins ngl t bard uacle PRICE LIST PER lOOC HE SU BSCRIBER'h.s routed tho Pa nt No cl 00 e 0 ie th1n 0 1s certt1.111 You need A good deal a Brown ha\e no choice but must een tra,el fan a dog II this o 1L ol the \\ay hole sol emu \ o s to red cent the Jl tu1e The Shop over Mr G Haines Show Room ~M:m. Nu 91) 90 " enther or foul-God send those 11eare15t no Ned Carro ' has a. better fate in ~tore not be I shall run \ery far a \a) Ned Carrow chd not he J~,-.n to sleep where he will be to execute nuddle aged Ja1 l down many an 1:lle ' sb J 20 130 A little Rhyme j in thne ::Pa.\ntu <r n all it,., br:i.nches in a 1t}le and at Ile las 1 ad b1::; turn of ill ~ext dri.) YVesllake feehng l ns l[ e en upon hi bed of dry grass at as eal1y an 2 00 100 a1 d dearel!lt to u::i sa.fc borne again as soon for lnni yet 2 or hol) ting and called them foll) 0 e And all about the beet of Lune ha1 ge:5i:oW su tall Your patronage 15 respeot 2 30 2 20 as nay be lucl but theres a goo i time connng- vorse produced the preClous object that l aU hour ae be ueually did It \\ IRID a beauhful 3 Lime from tl e 'sir est of the Ver) b6st :ifully 1equasted 5\1ong llai 'enry and heav J, lade I nelt 2 80 4 W MORRISON Not beat m ttUj quartcl ~Qg ~ * * ~ * *" present!\ beenthesubJectoftle1r con,er.::.at101 It n1oouhghtnght,andheaat~boutfo1 so1ne on the cold 11001 clasp 1 g the sl ro id m d 3 30 5 I me that will always stn.nd the test ]:?.o,vn n.1ville 0"1t Dth 1871 3m :.I 3 30 Upu1 'Lbe n1ght of the 12th o[ April ex Thu; Ned Carro\\ as he called b1niselfwas a. 1 ecklace \Vlth an old Jasluoned set hou1s a1nong the rocks en tL sen shore' 3 5fi 6 '\Vhen making into 1110 tar prave<l \.Vhen be arose a l 0 ht n101e than 4 25 7 I ~ill try and keep a goo 1 a ipplv ~ ~ actly a qua1te1 of a century ogo at tl e or SI ifty Ned as some others called hrm- tmg dmolored by a e and d rt. Tl e scene a10 rnd ""' awfully s\lll , io eartl l; broke over bis face and le went on 8 For lt s Mwa')il wanted ll.tlAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. ~ 90 other side of the "orld · Spam·h merchant h"d had ii hts me several strokes of good He p 1a,cJ it with a trei bl ng J and to Tl ere was lot a breath of a shrrmg and 5 80 10 '!hat \vhsn '\OU all cou e iu to bu) \ u1d v. th the music of a ne\Y onb 1n 111s 0 60 12 You 11 not bt1 d sappo ntad ~ ~i ship went do\vn ui a galr and all hands fortt ne and as tnan; 1e er.sea His enetg1es 11..!l friend and :N'ed Carro v held 1t up to the \\ate1 stretched out ath1& feet seemed as soul · London and Glasgow 7 40 14 You ;>.Yill al"' tlo;Y!:I :6nd 1t.dry n.nd f1et;1h Liver£oOo s 55 save tw·o 'vere lost ha l lieen at a very 1;arly age d evoted. to the the l ght and h rned it ovei curiously smooth as the surfnce of a l a e 9 80 20 And. that lS eometl nit bonn e Wh le ) et the) we1e r 1gi 1g 1 i w th ti en 1190 25 Sa .come along and tr) tlus Lime i~ fhese two sa\ed ·Hre Engl sh men-one mystcn s ol monev gru l:Jbrng It ,oemed to l ui at fil,t sight tbat the How much more of my hie am I to \\aste 14 00 30 'But don t forget the money vo celcs~ Tl ea11nes.:i a 1 ell con1menced toll a !l!D. lor th~ other a pa.ssenge1 They we1 e He begu i lite without a ~lulling and necklace waa co nposcd of t'wcnty ro 011 y here 1 be i;a.1d ijlo id Shall I ever e::.cape Hours of delive:.r from Nine a. m to Four p in WHITE rEA. BA.GS pait a! ~ bo~t s crew that had been put oft by a lucky stroke maole a small fortune -a1 d what the1 I WI a1 thei1 "rthout 1ng 1n a :vful tones that "oke echoes l l the (J,arner of (.lnoon ftlld Ontario Streot. ct t pieces of glass clumsily set rn a meta1 JSo S zo corridor~ en l lf'nt the 'cstn ent of inc ense THOS HO" DEN from the srnkrng shrp aud afte1 fot r days He bad lo·t this fortune by an unluck) 11 h ch rad it not gooe black almo.t eut re fnends 'lttbout molley 1 An I to begm FOR LIVERPOOL & QJJ'EENB'TOWN t 5~ by Sj $170 rt en the I bar Bo' 'Jllonvillo :rvr.rob ~~t)J l871 .no21 tf ex:posure on the sea were U e only SL rvi titroke L a speck which aeemed t\ Jee as afresh th e old \ eiuy " ork- he old hate that ·hrouded the an~e s ' 7 9 2 30 }\ hem 0 bt Lave fancied \\as s1 1\:er 1 tt NMAN L lNE of HoyaJ Mo 1 Stea.m·~'a1~ ton s hfted ana bo1e the li::ad year throu 0 h 1 g~ 10 2 "5 \Of;:, who reached t} e Jand likcl) ltu del aga n upon a eeriee of rna.lly was 0 ore inchuetl to look t pan as] ad A tul hfe-thc hes the tr1cks, he iu bblea 2 8j/ 11 3 2o 1ng from Nev York every Satu.1d~y ...~ Ar l tie -..;ety lh rsda.y I1ckets sold to a.n.d from When at last the frail craft duftec\ on hazardous venture· and lo't all upon a dead and evas ons 1 Ah if I had tl at b rnond the poitals of T rnc s cath_edrul Sole Agent hEtt veen Port Hope and Toronto cl lWSV p1ece of \Vorkn1anelnp altogether England 11-eland and the Cont nent at .a.g !ow n ult1tt de follo·wed \1th the1 bi 1<len:3 N B J;'loui Saeks 111 Stock ll t0 the shingle one lay at the bottom <f the certa ntv tnd ea on I-le had been luckier neck! tce-rates as l y at y other 1 ne The "reek 6f so ne 0 a vd) b t of JC dhy C ARKEll Eze long thej reached a stream scclg ar d YELLO\\ LI] 8 & boat so v;eak he could not unaided crawl than ever dnr1ag the last year and "as on wt ivh in ght 111 Jts t rne 1 f.l.Vl' a doien Tht:11noon rose l Ighc1 In the hea\tins lack \V1~1e for1nless boatt en \\a1ted to !Hll IH\.2ATEST P!,!BLIC BE!'IEFir or on shore .A returnn1g W<l\ e \VO ld have bis way ho11e to the land of lus Lnth (Eng casting a long 1:treak of soft~ ellO\V 11ppha 0 sl ilhn g:" in a dear iu atket- ,, bear tLe de i l to tb.e oceun 15 :Br (la ' As I <::tootl THZ 4GE washed the boat back aga1n had not the Iaad was thus d1st1ugt11shed) lvhcn a storn1 ltght across the sea Thera ;i, ere Ho cloud:; June 9th 1871 nd for wh eh netu:e the l}l~Y Testunon a.Is a rO g~_ two castu.way~ exerting a10"' and Ned Oavvow was cast ou the B t as he t e<l ti e tl ng over and 0 ' ei to be seen and the deep blui of tho firnra mo rntullJ g z11g Iremenibe1el rayo:\n (a. few of them dnclosed in wrappers lj-r.ound \\. ti l:'t~d gailan 1 a hope: ar U dream l t' o 1 } 8 l aqds he fq. icie 1 that { 1 r:.1 ite of tl e u1ent \as stu<ldecl w1th co n less f'.tai what Stre·ngth~ to httn ,..d.r.ngged t shore upo tlni:i cl,..~ert 1sl tn l a begJiai eaoh bottle ) v th a numerous l st of reap ctable When tic sb1p "as t11 I ng he \\Onl cl glooin e::.s o[ tl e cave tl e ;:, la 3 ghttcrel Ti1cre" ill Le no ia1n foi a 10LI ei: iuonth t \ 1 el 111 tl e I 1 gbt I .) s l er the j <;rtl' v.ersons names who testify to the supenor qnal HE Subsc 1ber ln roturn1ng tl anks to the w1tl rts rnmate to· place of s·lety am on~ it es of his \ arious Compounds VlZ 1nhab tanta of 'Vest Durbaro .for the .Jiberal the rock~ \vhere presently the rIS1ng wa vcs ha ego1e l>acklorhs money but tbeJe v1t..h a 1et1url aLlc l strepel)aps Wecanfindno,prrng Weshall "as j ou1 g butt \.V <lead a ld wu1 tl l t:~ so s ppo 1; which they have g1ve1 1 m b gs to in Lung Syrup 1 wedgcG it fast. wns no time for th >i and it was only at the I shot ldnt von le he s 1 to Ji ns lf if go Hlad for want of , at r I erh< or I I Lhrc v 1t th1nk1 g it n ght. rest on t} c orm all thoiie vho a. e H\ vn.nt of a Corutlpat on Bitters 'II e b at moved slo ,Jy of! nJ my Ln: er Compo I id Then 1aunng l 1s con1pan1on lll l 1S a.rn1s very l rst momenb be got a place rn Lhc lo t tl e fool loes not f It C) h I as got hold of ·lrnll go rna l fo le 11111 he dead I supr ose bie1 CRACKED Co gh Drop· WHO LT the stro g sa1lo1 I alt le I half camed bm In le::;cen hug front the sh l s side l c h 1<l 50 l e 1eal chani.onds and p1 esen LI Y "Len 1n a <lay or t'i\ o He "'ill be de \ l and then ffU\\-ers su.1 l n the botto t less \ rtteis for VVo m ~pee fie the no.n c of the 11ver 18 L et l e tl at tl ey can be supphe l by hun ns cheap as up the tocks nor gllltted l i . I old until shpp l his toot and la.lien It vas the othe1 b s co1np::u ion ga\e nttt!u11 e io t1 at idea the d1an101 <ls-Pain rteli~ver &c 16"" 'I he abo c ~Ied c nes c~n be obtained from any other hou~e l tl e trad As, \\Jtl sadJe1 eel hearts \V e lookea aft r they reached a pateb!ot \Ordure l igh ·nd s1rvivo1 vho had tben stietchel 101tl .L leco1ldscucely rci1 t nho11 la1gh ig 11 He rose frqn lns seat a l sc1aublnn He l ~ f!ofso fo sn e the celebrated D Stott :Bo n at V)lle R Fotherg 11 ~ e ~ the sl ado .vy thing that g1'"' v lfl st1e1 11 1l e dry beyond bi gt water rnatk help ng hand as \Ve hatu seen l c ... so d1cl I ';!fa e do\\D the .r:oc l~<: entered the ca e then caU CMtle L ~ Gamsby Orono " RUTTAN" HOT AIR STOVE, House up u1 on a su bse 1uei t occas on Yon ore safe np,w, be i·I l Ye l l ave uart le l 1t a 101 o w Y said e<l to his con pan1on l y ua11 I J ere "as d1sto1 ce "e heard the sound ot mus c ctnd h ch is no v in ufle a.t all the pnnc pal rail :vay n1an How do you feel T\ oe ln a very sl ort pe:r1od ha<l Ton1 To1n \V"estlake and h tve I ;issed through 110 an!3 ver He c 1Ued and theu 1au 0 bte1 tn d tl1rnu g salv hat the ~ell; stations in Ca n.da It IS J st the thing for The Most dead the otl er an3 ered snrl ly I We·lh kc Sa\ ed EI vard Carro vs Irle I t man) oar gers and l ct k pt t Sidcly I ·tnk ng a lr 0 ht held up a " iap ofbm n ng Year 1 l couie golden an i g101 f ll'J A J MARTINRJllIPSG.B .A GREAT OFFER Ch rchcs I-Ialll! a.11 l p bl c bu ldinga ffice on IGng Street east of IIenclerson s l U\ e been ·wre .u..ed and lost on the w111cs nra~Q child1cn sl o tel !or JO' and tire ) outh wish I "eie dead! \\ hy d l you not v; e have yet tu o;;ee ho the J ttter He s 1 o m inuf i.Ct n'ln~ the NLY lh1ee Dollars for Eleven DollarE! n I-Iot.eL Res dende L berty Sti ect near leave n1e \\here I "as 1 \\bat business bis k 1ndness pressed fo1\lard to gn:et l 1n Even eomc 1 vc been in tl e 1 an ls of savaga:; and fallen We tluxe \Vestlakc , al e Or for ] our Dollare E11hte"'n the Ra 1 vay Station Bo vmanv1ll'o Calls putt: Or for F1 e Dollars J'wen ually n.ttenlcdto Veter nary medic ne~a.lway8 Doll:trs m value was it of) o us vhat becatne of n1e I i.;e haJ. I ca.11 t tell \.OU T he man Jay t 1 ere wit Ir ns pa11 d face of the sad 01 cs vho hnd s1 0 ned so fot tl e N nd CarlO\\ haU been a passcn,.,.e1 ou an ng pirates ty r.iix Dollars in 1'alue on h:-tn<l ly bp mn29 on8 ~n Canada.. Thats en~v euo 1'"'h ierne 1 ed fnen l re boardtlelostsb1} Tun-1.V{estlakcv.a:-ione l O\\i t1anJ narrow squeaks fo1 life '\Jth rpturnel The breast of l~1s shirt was a dead yea.1 hftec.1 tl e1r he~ds a1 d sr led as Ihe l ear t ful and arhst1c Cl iomo Isn t She Pretty '1 h g} ly :6n shed mounted and t rte I tbc Jisappomte l benefactor with ol the ciew West! tko was a had hand R it I turned those JC vcls ly r o by my heart an\] I'" J tile oper affordrng a glunrse of tlle bag he sc 1tte1 cd his tleasuie va.rn shed S ze 13x17 (afte1 L1lhe M Spencer ) 1 1 fron1 t1 eac thu1n~ I had seen so often a[ d so1ne ex.n 1 saUl~ auz.e1 Thro'v vo :i.t:oelt etroog sLRip a id active b ii unrehable a go t them sale sq \qi you see-to~ at end contm1 mg the necklace Thrs much Oar retail pnce E1 0 ht llolla s v1ll be sent by m.a.11 RADUAIE of the Royal College of phy securely done up, Eost free as a premium to Age t for the ' ' hee1e1 & Wilson the Ho 'i e back mto the ~ea if ) o 1 don t prefer stopp drunken no1sy kllow more Ins O\\ n encnJv fro1u the R11d Jead 'ear and "'Oon forgot in Tl e ~ck n1.,n sighed lee pl) here tu d ro v a\\ and then the light" ent out nn I t1 e Oabor e SeVI Lng Mach ne!l s1c1ru s of England and Uruvera ty of\71c evtiry Tbl;'ee Dollar ye lolly s b~cr,1bur to Demor mg wl ere yon are Its fo1 Jou to choose not than any one clses a goodnatured l\Orth I assed h1s la d ac1oss his CJCS Hts com n1y d1ea1us tbnt al '\:ea 8 fre1bbted " th to11a. Collc,.,.e Cobourg U ndergradua.te and est aMonthly acknowledged the inost beaut1 (To h e Continued ) pr zeman of tl e Unrvers1ty cf Ioronto and ful and usef 1 Pallor }'.[agaz1ne in An er ca less ra.<>cal ,vho ha<l takeu a. sort of fancy for pan1on wa::; 1n no 11 oo l for sent1n ent iu h 111 an hopes and sor10\ s m tst pafie f1om me On1 ers ty of Q ecn s CoUege K1ngston ~{em Isn t She Pretty ' 1s a. beautiful Chrorno Time through Oblt11on to tl e ocean of What are we letter off 1 ere 1 the other the flashy s~ec llator "hen on boarrl i:t.nd deed be seldo11 \Vas ex.cept t pon the sub be1 of the Oollege of Phj s c ans and S ll'geons and eple1 d d Parlor l? cture and a valuable THE OLD Dowma.nv11le A :ig 3 1871 n4"' asked ru !..he ear11e discontented tone Eternity f On tar o S lrgm y and lles1 lencn on Ku1g 'lork of art v.orth more thaudouble the o( I had tendered little c1V1itttes E !ward Oar Ject of hi' own umfort es St -eet second door east of Mr May na.rd St bi!! r1pt1on and togethe1 th Demores~ s suppose '"e shall star"Ve 01 be eaten by c::av It ~as tl10 laot nlght of ecember and raw repaid \VIth at ill natu1ed sarcasm' hen You call these lira 1on l uon t) OU 1 ~ionthly a:ffords an opportun ty £01 th0 mveEst Jiotel e clock \\ere ment of Three Dollwr" e cb as m:;iy ne'i er oc ag..,s or " 1ld lie u.i le he felt in the humor or n.t o het t n1cs in Yes I I now they me Theie are ways slowly the hanos of 11 e lo' e that ha. naugh· but beauty t our a"'a.lll or 11 plac of Isn t Sho Prtitty' neanng the hour.,. of n11dn1g t The fire I havn t a notion \\ heu you ve rested ault1nglJ 1gno1e l uf ~11 ug real ones that nic eas\ enough for O~e Dollai a.dd ttonal :Et awat} a. s Woo keep 1t in good co11d1tion 1s short In. ed yourself, "e 11 get on a lrttle further 1 it you J.n~ (after Je1on e 'lhompson) p ze 15x25 Edward O&no11 "a· a well ma le hand Do you s ippose 1 d hove gone through light and shaded lamp cast antastrc figures pnce ]1ftaen Dollara ' ill be sent p "'t As the lu1u1nar1ea of hea' en reflect Jron1 hl e and then we shall see what "e shall some fellow of thirty 01 tl1e;eabou , The "hat I I ave to tn\ c care of so~~ethm 0 sham1 ove1 the furmture rn th dark corners & flee or both Chro"llo~ ::i.nd DElroorof,jt s CAUTION of the roon1, and ghr;tc1 after ghttei oue to another tl e1r 1 0ht and I eat c\ en so 1-Ionthly fo1 one year l 1v" Dollars Hi.a see other nu111 ~a::; O\ er hfty-a gum g11zzly .Not l kel.) I n11 ht Late tlrned then to BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS 0 wathas '\<Voomg is an equally splencl d 'vo1k An ho lt' or so l~ter the two sP11 rreeked man wJth a rague4 grey beard of n1at'\ elous frost p ctur!s grew upon it IS thnt one l t man heart 1 1 c::t r fleet I aur sole agent for LAZARUS & 1>10R gold Jong ogo if I hac\ cho en 01 t the mono) 1:1ollc1tors Conveyancers,NotanesPublic of art a la.rge an l bea1tt1f i.l Chromo and..,., oi:th i; 01 eo of the mght t pon the otl er the gemal gl ow of haDpr Ono evenu g di ring Tom Wi=stlake i3 ill was eas .r carried this w·V nnd tl e best the wrndo 1 panes fo r t1 1 a the 1 r e chnrgcd l-Iusbands Rfo pe1fseted Spectacles an<l Eve Glao tr[!.\ elle1s \ ere n1ak1n 0 a slo'ti ancl pR.infl l OF re& AT Tio V-ll.AN r rt-O ver M 1vicMur ] athers I31othc:rs and LoH!IS d() r c.t fu. l to ees fl ey never s ippl v 01 emploi all\ Journey across tbe eo~ntn They found ness he lay 11 I 111 l 1 eain cot ch of ary pla e to cl a ige it i harl caeh s I oo Ion \VU 1 ' ere i :ioa1nng and solJ 1ng atnong the ne5s and 1oy subscr @e fGr D~tnorest s Magazn e in 1 pre try 3 Store Ifp\l ~ve1 specious tl10 pretence that rt ' as an islan l rpon '1 cc thei had gross "I le N cd Ont o ~ 1 Ins favor teat Y\ 1 e c tl ey 1 no vl rtt a 1 g l r ze 1s wortl sent l ' i th a beautif 1 ( hi omo It ' 1ll make othern bra chcs Ul l H the ohuu '.) s und Ihe fll u of ge1 i is ~hou hl c 1ts 0 "11 Qwp CE I:N 0.SUA v.a.- First 1oor n<Kth of 1ih eves. s1 ark.le w th lelight and satisfachol.I. an 1 made by them that they have the u do not thus la1 ded about n1ue lnilc . . l road and t1 t ude "1th 1 s chu es ing i 1 Ji~ h<Ln<ls anti can pay the proper pn"o foe tl meats W tho it ti oug h I "" not I knew natme be loit) truly loft) abo' o r rean Po~t Office l ro e a roontl l) remmder of your good tn.ste :Afonej to low at low rates of interest wo.s g~ n0 01 t stf 11) ac )SS the r,ea &t I hi e ov:ec tl ere 1n E 1g n.n 1 fr1e1 1 a that .:-:iteo.t clr1fts of nolv \ eie \\b rhng and nci:::::i a cl ~elf 8hner.i and 1 lolence vc t r andl 11 d fee 1ng :\.du.res.-,; Jenr ings De boheye it yo1 will be swmllel if vou do sa'\ en 1n1les lon'll E Fam mm I LB H McGEE BA mo:ra9t 8i:IB Broa lwu. Ne v ~ odr Co u;is oc AARON BUCKLER agent for Bo\\ man Save for a mea~re crpp of weed) g1J.sEJ it the E:Gtt1ng st 1 bngl t eyed I tle lurlu 0 that I love v1 l pl ng n tl ~ J 1l ness i 1ng all to1 tLe acco1nrl ~1 mc1 t oi g eat re J Ali[Ei'i ltUTLEDGE B A the latest n rnber s of the Magazine 25 cant "ais Ltlinost Uest1tute of 'egetution Itl.!Zged ville and v1cm1t,r Is there anj tbrng o it of the como1or '"" all the love s ich a rough sh aped lello v as Dur1u 0 n.ll tl e \Yeary ho us n1 tl onghta s tlts in lh e tclne,en1e t ofre~l guod r_oaet free .Bowm<;j1 ville De-c l"'th 1~9 Oct l at 1870 ly nl Sacrnment Montreal J. :Fletcher, In the evening buu;t forth tn you1 pnde You sba.11 glad.den '\\1th JOY the bright v.:estern sky As you set on the s inny s de then hole fell asleep agam Next day they caught a fish in a shallo\v of gold- a deal of gold WI at' tho good of a golden ski 1 It WJll tl1ntocopper1nawh1le thentolead Aswellkeeponetsgol<l1nthe s v as on tlns accu1!ed isl u1d \¥hat go3d "ould 1t be to any one hc1e 1 Ve1y little nules~ \ e c\ er l.iave the luek to get p1ckeU. of! by :a pass ng sbrJ:> For n1y part I 1n not verj so:rry to have s0Lneth1ng toµ;arda a fresh start Carro\v hetened 111 .silence to tlns SJ e cl and seen1e<l. to think :it ovei So1ne tnne aftcr\vard~ howev e r .o.nd as tho gh in con t n ~1t1011 of tfe conve~satto'fl .._ he asked abrnptly 'I\ ha· have l on got to , ardo start m g afresh 1 A few shtlltl es- a pound 01 two 1 The '1Ck mau smrled forntli :More than tbat-at least the 'alue of more Its not1none) fhe other tt r 1ed hx:s 0) es inquiringly to watdshuH a::. h ughhe,euldhavea-:ikecl vhere this so1neth1ng \vhatevcr lL nught be was kept b t be changed 11~ n1ind it such we1e l 1!. intent on before the q lcst1on was put Indeel tl eother bad impatled tle requirecl inforn1at1on by an 1n"Volunta.rv gt:at L e for as Ned Car10 v looked towards h1n1 he carried his hand to bis heart and s emecl to feel for some bject lving b1d den tht:1 e, to 1s<:>ure h1n elf tlat t ~il:, safe Thatm,ht To n Westl ke s fo\et wao rath er wor<lc o.n] 11 th e 1ntense gloon1 of the cave be groaned and gasped for bieath and again aud u::,aln called ln a "eak voice to Uluch al o t h 10 in th s Jr tteft l place I I I c v tlr vour p10 n se yo 11 do what rs rgltwher Ia1ngo1e You'hontiel e lfeelcerta.111 Nono1echotlll iflcoull l utTu1.t o it this fe'Ve1 Tl ere 11 con1e 1 sb1p ass ne s I he here a d \'OU UiJ b t l ll co I too ln.te fur n e Perl nps i ot You ate 11 t u bud aa , ou fancy Yot 11 pull tl ro lgh nght eno 0 1 Yo n 1c a tot 0 h or JO l are )i ot tougl cno gl for th1s \"\O l f a1U 8ee h re-o l tlns b gin ,~h cl I ' e cnrucd the 11ec] lace ti ese \O year~ 1s rlt:k Bowmanv1lle Drug Stora The Fatal Gift, pool m which the sea had left 1t The day afterthevktllcdanotlmlJlrd cookmgtleir food ahrnys rn the same On the tou th dav of their captn1ty a heavy 1a1n began to fall which lasted for half a week and ieode red all atte npt at n1nlnn 0 n fire f nL ""J \\1 e1e' 1 w ll fi d her please Uo l 'he Jn es ot wrll take tho d amoncls fb,t to ad a no d mere! ant a1 d "ill sell them at theu f ill \ alue at d accept a I uu r d pounds of th e t yo r trouble ~ca Canow laugl ed o A. bnn 1re1 po nds manv hi.:n<l1ed1¢thecla t:St at al? ~t tlu::. rno r c t l owever av ol e1 t ftt of cou 0 h in prevented the s ck m n f om 1nnk n" any rcph aid :'-led Cano sat srler tly \\.lth tLe necklace 1n his 111d the saine a1nazed and half cuntern tnous smile t pan l 1s face But uf a sudden t ch<l.1 0 e c n1e o\el lus exprt:ss1on and he asked bun s lft\o ques tions Could ti ere be a1 y trutn m the othei s stot'\ 1 If the story were true "tat would the J elvels be worth ? j .1-Je looked at the necklace garn-mucb morecaresull\ th1sllme 8 r ly no glass ever sl one so bn 0 htly 1 ~ere the,e wl it are called Pars d1an1onds 1 No \Vest lake saJLl r1e I ad had the1n ID h s possession for n 01c tl an t\l o yuars and a te1 Eiome ex pas Ire Paris and au1orids bee 1ue as <l U the naine of tl e hou-:ie bald pave ncn t Blt soon tl e c10 cl n1ove l blower and I f!:a" o; e we1e ap11oa h 1ng a lJier \VI e1co l someth1u., lnJ ~ eare -and e "'tood 111 ite and brenthles::; fo1 l:e fa e us lyn g lo\'f an1ong fad ed f:lo SPre leaves wra.pue<l 1n his v n Ii ig !::l.l 1.:t AUCTIONEERS J HIGGINBOTHAM, v 'LI e Old Ye"' we ha! lo ed so ngtd and d ead fb e \Velnl t of 11 ::. last da' s I ad l ('<:1::.ccl l a ilv und I s lace l\flO f rro el and s l tn look upon Around 1 n 1n 11oc1 IJ upon tho somb1e pall \ ere scattete 1 ti e grits be had given All b1o ' e tltl oil ope and glo1y hatl pc11 l eel an l tl e earth ul gels gaze I do' n rnrd th pit) rng face e-.1 as contn1on glas~ 1nd a on snnooth1ng t l g1 t. thin locks He touched one of the :sto1 es \\ th lus for le wa:) .'>nc ot tl e1r cl ld1cn F1oi 1 ce to1gl and it seeu1etl vet\ cold-n1 ch 1 I IiELIA:NClil e l Wia. DYE STUFFS 0 Mrs. C. :BOUNSALL, B 0 NOTICE:. W t T BB:YME AND * '* . -- ig I DR. CARSO N'S MEDICINES. w FOR SALE OR A A CARD;- T FIRST CLASS STOVE John McDougall l Bowmanv1lla Veter mary Surg-.ary agl1n O O BEST HOT AIR DRUM 0 " G DR DAVIDSON, Sewing litaohines. L . QUICK. JFs.rewelll, McGee, Bu'tledge, a 'V =-.. ---

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