· · THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER '11rculates ]a.rgely lil the Townsh ps of Darling 11ons m vh ch the general p ubl c att concerned TERMS WEST DURHAM ton Clarke and Cartwright It is a common pla.tform open to the free cli5cuas on of au ques Stea.m Job :E'ri:n.ting Office, Krna STREET BOWMAN\ ILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 '.RATES OF ADV.l!.RTISING I One column Half do $35 per annum 19 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER VOLUME III R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER AT LAW SOLWITOR IN CHANrWRY l:c Qua.rtcr. do 10 Transient nd'i ext aements 5 eta per line first in isertion ru d 2c pe1 line each ~ubsequent one BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JANUARY 19 1872 NUMBER n1eet v th d1<:iappo1ntn1ent 1n the end So Jong u. t1 i e elapsed at last that the hope d1etl ' ti n her b1east He '"as al ways a lazy d1 unken ne er d" well 11er f1ier d. sad in l er henrlDJ Hes 1nost hl ely dPad long ago After a. t n1e, sl e ca1 e to t} lnk }nm dead She could !lot tbmk that he could be alive a 1d yet tl us cruelly desert her She \tse<l to thmk he bad beeu drn" ned Shene' e· tho 1ght ol l 1m as he t1 as-mg ged 1 a.If fttir sled creature clinging to a desperate hfe upon a t.1ny scrap of barren ei rth surrounded bv a "Mte of water The most wakeful of h s ne ghbors hoard Elwa rd Ua1row call out 3.$ though in ter ror in l 1s slumbers and sometimes a fe'\\ incoheient 'Yiords \\ould reach ti em which frightened them not a httlc 1 " sh the; d left the fello" "here he "as sa1<l one testy old gentleman Theres no gettmg a "mk of sleep for h1 n B lt on n gl t the ne\V pa11sengcr was even more restless than usual and lns rest les 1 es:> b egan at an cnrly hour Little moie than half an honr after he bad gone H to hrn cal rn he began to knock the tbrngs abo t It eeemed to the te·t~ old gentleman that he "as changing the pos lion of e\ ery thing the cabm contamcd At length he ratSed a great shont and uproar and the stc\\ ard can1e running to k1Hn\ \Vhat was the inat ter I have been robbed I be cried Who h., been Ill ID) cab n ! I ha e been r obbed I am rurncd All I barn in the world is gone He was \v1ld with 1age n1 d grief and it w;is irnposs1ble to chc1t fro111 l nu any reas ona\ le explanat10n b t the captatn a long l ended man in bis \\ aJ s ma<le tins ren1aik Y 0\1 told us v. ben yo cane on bo ircl if I re nember i1ghth that )01 had no prop ert) of any kt d to I e tabbed of Upon th1· Ned Carro v was sl ghtly con fused and after sot e sta1 nner ng and coi tiau1ct10n 1 e o v 1ed ti at ti at locket he I ud gone back to fetch 'vas n o c 'aluable than he I ad at fitst adlll tted Then said the. cnpta n If tl eLe is a tL cf on l card th re sl o 1]d l:ie a search to hn<l ot t ·d o l e 1s One of tl e pas~cngers ind1gn1ntly de mai ~ed that Ll scur I slto 11 l e at once comn1t::nced an l tlus prop ~1t1on otl Pis sec on lt: 1 b 1t s range to say Ed ard C111ro protested loudl \ aga nst Sl ch a col rse In tl e end l ov. ever the s 1trch ao:i n ade h1 t no locket was tu nd A~ el llt:'t axd~ the good sh p Fa.r E, deavor reacl o l London D cks a d the µa 8eng rs se p rat ed and went the r d1ffe1cnt v LJS ~ed Cuiow al<io 'vent l s :\ay-tl at 1s he 1 alked l mkly awaJ unttl l was out of !;11gh t ro lnd a corner nn 1 tl c1 he c ~r e to ..a etandst1ll to co11sider what on earth \\as t~ bcco1 le of I 1 and \\here I c sl o Id tl at mght lay Ins bead He ha l told them a st flic1cnth good sto" to induce th nl to allo 1'J l 11n to depa1t w1th out 1nakn g anv paj ment He '\\as to call and settle next da'i Tl rn arrangement <l d not trouble hJni much I lt J u1 present ne cess1 tles "ere u 'gent He landed \\1th empty nockels-w tbont a fnen l or n. sh11l1 1r.1 111 ti c "orld So far the dian 01 d necklace had done him hut little good CH..lPTER II SHOV.S llO\V 'IIIE N:U:CKLA.CE 1VAS STOLE~ AND \VH\1' \\AS DO:"l:S: WI'.I:H THE MONEY X"'\I POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL H EADS CIRCULARS CHEQUES NOTE S I HANDBILLS L !\.EELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &e EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. FULL SUPPLY. SPLENDID SELECTIONS of POETRY The Angel of Patience To wea1y bea1ts ar d inourn ng homes God a meeke!:lt i\.ngel gently comef.1 1\o power has he to ban sh pain Or give us back our lost a.gu.m And ~ct n tenJ.erest love o r dea Our Heavenly Father s nds Ii. l 1 e1'( There s q \ n et in th t Angel 6 gl a ce 'fhp,re s rest n b s i:;t 11 co ntenance He mocks no gr ef ' th idlti cl ee1 Nor \ounds v1th 'vord!:I the mo \V hat 11 and ;voes h~ may not c e He k ndly tro.ms UM to endure Angel of 1 at nee sci t to calm Ou f ve1 sh bro s v. th cooling balm To lay the sto1ms of hope an l fe~r And 1 econc1lc 1 fe s sn1 le and tear 'lhe thro'bsof woun ed pr de to !:i t 11 An l make o r o n o ir Fathers w 11 0 thou vbo mou1nest on ti y 'va.y \V1th longrn:;s fo1 the close of day He walks v th thee tl at A..ngel k nd And gentlJ wl urpe1s Be res gt ed Bear up bea1 on the end shall tell 'Ihc dear Lotd ordcreth all things velL CHANGE OP TIME Tra us lea' B0wman"'1ll ' ille time a.s llo ~ s GOINO E.A.Sl Or.F CE -Over l\:fcClung s Store 1mwe fl31t as J J\II Bnmacomb e D nta.l Roo1lll5 _ B _ o_ wm _ an _ vill _ e_o _c _t_ 2_ 1t __ h_ 1s _ 6_8_ __ Stat on Bo "\An GOING WES'!' , Z- JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier, Paper Hanger &c, &c All kinds of work promptly attended to and Residence- Next doo1 east of the Dible Ch1 $ t1·n Ohurch 1 :il{O.N E :DJ rone Ma.rch 8th 1869 22 tf .eat $fact on g ara.nteed :\:fa 1 7 SO a..m I PMflenger 7 30 am L ocal q J; p tn ! l\iail 9 30 a m r~ ~e n 0 e r 7 35 p In. Local ~ 3.J p Ill 'Iatl 9 00 p m. )fail ' 30 p m St a.ge lea.~es Brocb e s Hotel for eve ra.1n Fa.ll and Winter Goods, AT For Sale, Or To Rent ROBERT YOUNG, VETEJ.lNARY G-RADU \.T.E OP' ONTARIO DW MOLEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, P.xocOOu gly cheap SURQEO~ 'ET ERIN :\.RY COLLEG:ti.: HE HOUSE Outbu ldiuga and Orel a d T with or witho t Seven and a half of ai d at present occupied by D1 Df\vl(lson Acrt:~ pply o the Pre-m sel! EGS tu form the ui.hab tants of BoWJnan B le d eurrou1 lug country that he has comn enced the p1act ce of ha p ofesa a d u ~ 01 to DR DAVIDSON Bowmanv lle July 14th 1870 01 c~n be consulted as to the diseases of }lorses and Cattle at Glo\.er a Livery Office IGng St Dov.mar.ville Jan 4th 1872 14 lm Eugme Woolen Mills HE SUBSCRIBER l egs to mform the p b lie of~ est Durhnm tho..t he is p1epa1edto do all descnption of\\ oolen !\1anufactur ng &o, tn the best style and at lowest rates FOR CASH BEAUIIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE, L D S 'Teeth Extracted at Twenty f V6 Cente Raoms O\ er lv!cClung Bros Stores Bowman' 111 e Oct 1st 1870 1 - T Cash paid or Cloth given m exchange for Wool WILLIAM TUER Daillngto~ All -0n1&r11 for LITERATURE May 25th 1871 ly 34 TailorU.g PROMPTLY EXECUTED The Fatal Gitt, OR THE STORY OF .A NECKLACE CHAPTER I (Continued.) 'M:EA'l'S. :B.ELIANC:E Muta! Life Assurance Society EST.ABLISHED !840 Also Agent !01 I the well known I YOU REALLY WANT ·good iomt of meat fit to place before youi friend.!! call a.t WHIOH SHO,VS WHO '1-i AS THE FIRST O\VNER OF '.J:BE NECKLACE A 'SD HOW THE MAN C.A.~.a.na CHIEF 0Frrcxs ld stand Stall No 1 Market Bu1ldn gs. Bo' manv1lle Ma ch 10th 70 n231y 131 S'l J.A.MESSTREETMONTREAL PQ Mrs E. Cm:wker's PEA.TE, TAILOR ltUD E IK TH E FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SEWING MA£HINE, .MANUFACTURES PRICES E11n1skillen Nov 21th 1870 n8 tf 1Vll0 O\'i ED HIM HIS LIFE LEFT HI::\! TO DIE QN A Dl!.SERT ISL \.JSD n. Du:r;cA.N MAJOR w ALTER SHANLY T F. DIRECTORS Esq Gentlemen s & Boys Garments MAcnO:i"ALD ~sct C.A)IPBELL B St liil!i HONOB.ABLE JOHN HA.MILTON Jli p Chamnan Hila.r e Hav.;ke GRANT l'I EWE ST Bo"V1:manv1lle Jul~ STYLES 27 1869 burg Out RESIDENT SECRETARY -JAMES DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE SPECIAL FEATURES. THE ENI!RE PROFITS belong to a.nd are div CHARLES TOD, d Bowmanv1lle Drug Store ed amongst the Policyholders LIVES DJ:CLlll'l::D DY Ol'HER COMl".ANIEE! :BREAD AN:O :BISC'tJ'I'l' BAK.EB. NEAR POST OFFICE BOWMANVILLE U1der.s Punctually Attended lo or OU OUI D moat esl,)ectfullv tender his sin which an extra Premiu n would be required can cer~ thn.nks to h a nu erous fl lends a.nd be assured at the ordinwry rotes of this Society customers and to the ~blu.: generally for the vei y 1 beral I! tpport he has received mnce lus u dcr a special arra.nge-rne t coruruonci g in buSJncss and 1 opes 1 y co1 ti nued ab ck f.e 8oual attention to busmcss and SPECIAL NoN FoRl".EIT\.BLE PoLICES issued unde1 "h ch only 10 15 or 20 Annua.l Pa.y offer1ng notb)ng b t the purest articles at the roost reasonable p 1ces to ensure tl. contmua.nctt ments rue reqt re 1 each payrue t !le lll'lllg a vf publ c Eationage Pohcy for a aum assured proport onate to the J H wo ld call speCJal attention to hLS very uurnber of premiums pa1 l andfrecj o-n. ft tu c suJ er or stock of payment of prC1n. ums Mor J::ltAIE PREMIUMS and IDO!lt libe1al con hicl are sure to gn e the best s.i.tisfaetwn W J HIGGINBOTHAM, · Oct 1st 18 0 lv nl J. Fletcher, GENERAL GROCER, STREET BOJVJIANVILLE \\. l EXr door west of Dun:)tan s Fa.ncy Store If you req ::re good and cheap goods gtve them a call llo vmanv llo Oct 15th 1869 n3 DYE STU:B'J3'S, A well S!.!lel:ted stock of He stood for a rnoment 1rresolute and treitbimg But he cot Id not remarn any longer m si spense and laid hts band upon 1ns con1pan1on s breast upon hte heart wb; cb throbbed verv famtli beneath the bug that held the chanonds It seemed as tl ough son1etlung stronge than his w1 II held I I! 1 ind upou the spot, a-.nd h s fingers tlghtened i pou the treas tre How eas lJ be could take it He ~ ent to his corner and thre v bin1 down wtth a s gh upon the graos But thot gh l e clotied lns ej es resolut~l} la~ could not sl eep and p1esentlv rJs1ngagain wandered out and np tie rocks He sot do\\n near to the place \\he1e le bad been s1tt111g b efore nnd ogn1n g ze 1 out across tl e pla id sea on \Ii b ch the fiood of moonh 0 l t rippled "' He l nd 1 een ga:r. ng tl us n o er t "he11 a:i it seemed to l n1 at lillli:. mor~ ti an a ··If .l" KIJ'.G dittons P1ospeotuses PropOfillil .Form~ &c !! _pplied on npphca.tibn a.t tho Head Ulfice or xny of the Agencies JA~illSGRol.NT Res Sec etary AGEN J.' FOR BOWMA;'i v ILLE C Bol.RKB-:Q Obo:.er~er Offi.co K 1 g S Eowm9"'\Vllle Tune 24th 1870 AUCTIONEERS [i or the Township ot Dar lvngton · 39 H T PHILLIPS, HAMP ION Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF :r;ONDON and (Est·hlmhed 1803. HEAD OFFICES -1 Old Brood St Pall Mall London GENERAL Proin pt a.ttent1on given to sales &c m1 reasou able te1 ms Wllft. Barton, E,, ~ISKILLE"lr <\.G~CY .ltQH C.aNADA Sacrament Montre.tl -24 St Sales ~ om tly atten led to on reR.sonable tcrins Mrs. C. :BO'tJ'NSALL, K ING ST BOWM.ANVILLE 11 B EGS to an 10 nee t o the p bite that Sh() I ow 01 ell g 11 cho ce selection of Subscnbed and invested Capital and &served } und £1 965 000 Sterling Fun&:! in"l'ested JI Canada- lOo 000 Insurances ...ga1nst loss by Fire a.? o effected or the most favorable terms and los~ea pa.id vith out reference to the BoMd Ul Lon Hon J DODSWOJUH Inspector RINTOUL BROS Gen Agents ~fonheal lJONNETS HATS RIBBO!WS .PLOWERS FE1THERS VlLVIl.TS a d MILLTNERY n g~n e: .U vb ch Vlli be sold at the lo est po~ tnble prtce R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent for Bowmanville and Vlcmity Bo,vmarnville Juue 14th 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w PAPER BAGS Silk ' Velvet or Stra.v. Bonnets clea.ned aB usual tf nl BowmanYille Oct 1st 18e9 AT MONIREAL PIUCES ! Ma.r1~iase Licenses, ISSUED BY ROBERT Bo vmnn",_lle Dec 10 1869 Montrea Pncel'l Tl e paper ts f the best g a.I itr and we guarantee that no e of the lJagf!> l'lhck together The follo VIng is the HAVE .NOW A COMPLETEMso1t WE ment of Paper Bags v. h ch 've will 1:1ell at PRICE LIST PER lOOC No 1 Size 5 b:l' 7 :rvlti.rull9J U5 NOTICE. '\..11 pel ons trespass ng on the property known ui 11 oulden Mills v11l be proeec ted ! Brown 90 JOHN ~1cDOUGl!.LL Bo vmanv1lle J t ne 5th 1871 tf 36 A NEW PAINT SHOP HE SUBSCRlBER h"" r·uted the Pant Shop over Mr G H aines Sbo v Room 'vhcre he '\ 111 be pre1 a. ed to execute a.rr1a.ge 'P \. nt1 ig in a.ll 1ts brauchos 1n a. atyle and at charges to suit all You patro1 A(.:e s respect fully requested B o vma.nv1lle Oct Otb 1871 io 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 12 14 20 25 T 8! 9 1D Sf ll Sf 1 121 10 13! 10 15 11 lo 11 17 12 ~ 17 13 18 14 19 14 21 5i 7 8! 130 2 00 230 2 80 3 30 3 55 42~ D W D 80 J 20 1 bO 2 20 2 00 3 00 3 30 3 73 4 35 4 95 5 60 6 60 8 55 10 00 30 6 60 740 9 80 11 90 14 23 14 00 WHITE fEA BAGS Su!;O 1150 " MORRISON No 3m ~ ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. L i e pool Lo ndon an cl Gla$9ow i 2 6f by St 7 9 St 10 8~ $1 70 2 30 2 751 3 25 11 Sole :Agent between Port Hope a.nd I oronto N B Flou:r Sacks n Stoek C BARKER F OR 'I ckets o inft.rmation apply to W .A. .N.EADS. Agtnt J3o vmau I e Jt\ue ~th 1871 tf 30 :Et.IIYME- AND LIME. A little Rhyme en.me JUSt in time And all about the best of L me L me fron1 the \'Vest. f the very best Not beat n n,ny quarter rime that Vill o.l ~a.ya stand the test ildly wav ng h s a.TmR. in the a r 'fhe el ip had paBSed bJ rnto the darknes· and be saw lt no n101e but yet he cont1uued to shout until h e was 1 oarse Tl en 1n !ra.nt1c haste he scra1nbled do :vn the rocks to the cme undgttberrng up the ke1 t <:Ol f.ltant~n hand grass off Ins b< d ruel1ed back with it and ht a fire on the, rocks OILS PAINT. He watched by the fire for ho irs. He COLORS V ARi'fIIISES ancl WHIPE LE.AD dragged off b1 sh 1t and wa; ed 1t too an l fro At rntcrvals he sl outed till at length at the very lo\vest pncos. \Vith tl e exertion be lost Lis voice nn<l Horses and Cattle Medicmes N B -Country Storebeepers supplied on tho could speal only in a hoarse b1oken "\Vl is most ad..,: antageous terms per A cho ce selection of LAJ\CTS for sale chea.p .A.ga1n he "ent do vn to the ca\ c and Bo 'lD.Rll"\ Ile Dec 9 1868 6m fetched alvay !=:On1e of the stra\\ fro1n under the sick man wl o und1st111bed by the no1so and motton laJ still rn much the same at t1tude n "hrnh Ke I Can ow had found him for dead CAUTION '¥1tho 1t trvu g to arouse b1n1 to con 0 ciousness scarcely heeding b1m the othe1 l a m sole agent for LAZARUS & MOR went 'Lack to his fire and tbre\v on moretuel RIS pe1fected Spe tacles and Eve Glas The m 0 ht wore away and he was still ses They ne>e1 s 'Pl ly or emplov any V{atch1ng but an hour before dny l 0 ht he others Ho i. ever spec1ous the pretence henl'd a gun filed ac1oss the sea and his made by tl em that they have them do not behe\e it Y On v;illbe sw1ndlel if you do heart boanded v10lently at the sound Hl3 !'I gnals had 1 een seen AARON' BUCKLER, agent for Bo"man He kept the fire burn111g 'v1th infinite ville and v1c1nity labor and as soon as da) brolte he saw at a distance a great ship riding at ancl 01 They lo vere I a boat wl ich ro ve<l rap1dlJ ll persona who eontemp]ate mak ng co1 towards him but oot ra1 Jelly enough for t acts with 'nev. spa.pers for the 1nsert10 of his impattence for sobb ng with J6Y le '.\di, ert sementl5 should send to plungea into the ~en and "aded towa.r1ls Geo & for a Ouc ila.1 or. enclose 25 cet t!I for the1 them tossing up !us arnts ONB HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET But they Signed 1 n to go back and conta1nmg L sts of 3 000 Newspapt: s: and estt presently six. Enghsh !a1lo1s landed anct mates show.1 g the cost of advert1s1ng also many aeful hints to ndvert1sers and ilo1ne ac cro vde<l. iound hnu \ 1th a score of enger cot nt of the expenences of rr en who a.re k1 own questions as SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISERS The Ho\\ drd yoa come here 1 Are there at y firm are proprietors of the A1aen'"8.Il Ne vl'lpa.per .Advertising Agency moreol you l What ts there on the i·land I 41 Park Row New York and a.re possessed of uneq ta.led I cil t es or ae IEI there any Vi ater 1 cunng the inscxt en of advert 1:1ement3 in all He \\as as eager to talk ns ti cy 'vere and Newspapers and I tlrIOclicals ri.t 19" e.;it 1 ates \Vas upon the point of telling thezn all tl e No, ember Otb 1871 histoty of the wreck 1n an 1 npetuous flood ot words but a sudden thou ..,l t occ ured to lum a.nU fo1 a n1oine1 t l e \\as d 1 u b Here \Va.a: the chance of escape and the HE St bscr ber H return ng thanks to the O\VI er of tbe d1amouds la\ there upon the nh o,b tants of We~t Durluwn for the hbe:ral po nt of death if no 1 elp came to him s pport v. h1 h they hu.vc g ve h m begs to 1n I n:as \Vrecked here ti rec 'veeks ago I orm all tho e ho ate in want of a. and nn ther onl) escaped The othB is t: DRVGS CJJgMICALS PATENT N~EDICIN"ES 1 BRUSHES COMBS :JiO ULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS Etc Etc miles distance thr.1 c passed acros.s the streak of ligl t ti< sl adow of ' slwp In a in n1ent he-Was l pon hrn f et sl out lng 'v1th all the po,ver of his l 111 gs a1 d TO .ADVE:a.'J.·ISE:EtS ! p Rowell Co A A OARD. T FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN N \IA::i LI::>.'E of Royal \Iail Steamers satl I from :N ew Y ork e\ery Satw da.y a.n<l v er y Ib 1rsda.y I ck ct s sold and from ing tl"I En~la.nd FIRST CLASS STOVE dead ra.tes M I reland and the Continent at M low by any ntht r hne IE LLO1' LEE;:, & QU ICK Agent Bowman ville John G Dale 15 l3road"ay New York Bo" man He June 9th 1871 CORN FOR SALE! ' VHOLE OR CRACKED John McDougall Bowmanville Veterinary Surgery / A J MARTIN RM p S GB ffice on King Street ea.st of Henderson s Hotel Res1dende L1be1 't.y Sheet near the Ra.11 vay Station Bo vma.uvillo Call.$ punc ually a.tte leUto V tlte11n~rJ med c nes alwaj s on I n.nd ly bp mn29 onS O I RADU AI E of the Royal Colle~c of phy sc ans f E igl 1.Dd :u d Uruvers1ty of V c tor n. Uollege Cobou g U ndergra luate and ,P.!lZt!man of t he Uni e ~ ty of To 01 to a ,1d Un ets ty of Queeu s CCJllegc K ngston Mem ber of ti e College of P hysic ans and Surgeons f 01 tar 0 Surge y aJ I Res1dencP. Oll K ns Street second door cast of Mr Maynard Hotel G DR DAVIDSON, thn.t they can be a pplied by him as cl cap as In ans,\er to the other q!lest1ons he toll any other house in the trade thc1n that there was no water to be fol ud He has a.lao fo1 sale the 1.!el1;Jb1 ated that the sn1all store of rain 'vater "as ex 'Vhen making into mortar " RUTTAN" HOT AIR STOVE, hot sled all but a p nt or t\ o Then the I w 11 try and keep a good supply For lt is always ~ante l h1ch 1s no v in use at all the pr nc pal ra I way offic~r in con1mand of tbe party 01 len~d That 'vhen you all come m to b 1) stat ons in Canada It lfl JUSt the th1np; fo l 1s men lack to the boat and n' ted Car You U n t btl d1sappo1nted Ch 1rches Halls and public buildings Yo t will aJ.waJ s find t d y and fred row to con e with tl e rn He is also manufactur n:;r the And that is aomi.:tl ug bonI c I ha' e a tr tle over thete an ong the So come a.long and try tl a. L1me But don t forget the money rocks-a little old wotll less locket-of Houraofdehve ;tf omN1nea..m toFourpm m Canada g1eat value to me ho~ C\ er }.fav I fetc11 Corner of Qneen and Ontario Stre(1t 1t 1 I wtll not be gone a moment THOS BOWDEN He was gone scarcely longer than he ba<l no24 tf Bowmrun ill· MMch 11th 1871 Agent for the '\Vheele1 & Wilson the Ho,\e prom1ded and he carr ed a smnll ba 0 in his a.n I the Osborne Sewing Mach nes hand when he returned The boat w;J.s wa1tin 0 for him and at once the sailors rowed l11n1 to the ship Bo vmanvillc Aug 3 1871 n44 Vi hat makes )OU look back ·o wistfully W THE GREATESr PVBLIC BENE>IT OF at the slJOre 1 One "ould thmk you want THE AGE for );hich nGt1oetho3 many restimon1als cd to return or had left somethrng behmd {a. fe v of them oncluoed 1n, ia.ppe1~ around the captam who spoke lll Jest en ch bottle ) ,vitlLar numerous hst of respectable BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS but he to wl1om he ha<l spoke turnetl dead persons 1 ames. \iho testif) to the supel1or q la.I. it1es of bis vanous Oomi)ounds 'LZ Solicitors Conveya..'l.cers N otanes Pubhc ly pale and would have fallen had he not L mg Syiup cl mg to the gumrnle for support Constipation :Bitters 01'110 1:: AT BO\\M.A...i.'fVILLE O\er M1 McMur L i tir C01n1 o l d Fo1 so nc reason the steam "as not put I try s Store Cough Drops,._ on In mediate!, and tl e sl 1 p \'i as for soi e 0Fl!CE I:N OSHA :VA-First door no1tl of th Worn Srecfic Po·t Office Pru.n Roh ver &c houro Jn s ght of the l.?iland Dt un 0 the Money to loan $.1.. low rates of interest W I he above ~fedic ncs can be obta11ed from E l ARE\ ELL I L B R MoGi:E B A. whole ol thut t me m spite of all entreaty D Stott :Bo,~ man illc lt Foth erg 11 :N '-' v the rescued man persisted in remain ng on J A~ M RUTLEDClE J3 A castle I A. Gan1sby Ou.1110 m4,,. Jy Bowmanvtlle Dec 17th 1869 m&o deck but when at len 0 h the lmnt speck l1a1k1ng the 1 lace wbe1e the island existed taded ulto~ether awav he drew a long breath-a SJgh of rehef-'1 d 1utt g h s baud rnto 1 ta brea·t felt there the necl lace he 1 ad stolen Tbe la1r Endeavour steau1ed onv;arl on its ho.-e \arJ ce rse Tl e passf':ngeti; feast ed an<\ Jra k d need sang and n ade rnc1 ry But \l lea l ol n 0 ! t when other· slept the rescued man t<issed eleeples.:ily 11 his 1 e1 ti for at thnt silent hour c·Jl\C back tl e vision of tie 01lent fig no "1th the pal 1 d fnce as he had seen it tor a n101nent ti e 1 1ght before Was he dead y.et 1 H·J. he ¥!:.rt Hv rcc.ru e1e~n 'is ed his' treo.sure7 Had be maw led forth 111\h tremblrn 0 hmb., a1 d \Vas le no\ senrch1ng w1ldJy ors gnal lmg hopele.sly for help from the ship so fllr out o{ l 1s ieacl 1 As the davs pasoed swiftly away some of the recollecbono of h1s Ua.ee treachery pro bably faded from hlS nund at 11; rate he ' ns nt all l u1cs the best of C[}Inpan,-a JOV1al merrv fello'\\ and handsome too \\"hen he ..,:as I 101 erly sbuv~n and shornc and had cb<11 ged h s "et rags for a smt of clothes He was 1 deed the hero .of the 'oyage and though he came on ooard '\1tbout moneJ or vali aliles of an' kind hJS prnm1'e that it" ould be all right when he landed \\nQ st ffic cnt to procure him the ·best of e' ery tlnng at the saloon cabin t a'Lle for there \\ flS an air about him all ag1ced "h ch betokened the real genth:n1an II e was bowev er a real gentleman "ho sl ept bad1y of a n1('!ht nnd 1no1e than once arouset.l the sleep rs in the adJotrun~ C.ab111s bv his std ]en <itarts and uneao:.iness At those sill! and lonely l1ours 1 e was per! aps ne\ c1 wholly free from tho dread phantom of a forlo1n wretcl 'v1tn a haggard face aud emaciate l form clrngmg to tho 10cks and 0 az1nK o t to Qen "1th \\Islfl l eyes fhlS wa· the man 1 e had l elt to diew1 )ID he hu.d consign ed to a Ji,1ng: to1nb -whon he 1 ad <lcstroved t~ n "iiti l e 11 1nurdcrer l So1net1mes too the h eacherous \1ll1nn s tho lghts would wandei to Enghu d "I ere the 1 ttle gJrl whom Tom Westlake Jo,.d so dea1 ly ' as wait 1 g for l 11n D d sl e kno'iv that the d1u1 01 ds wet'e con ng to} er 1 Vil she th 1k they ,\ere ou the road 1 lher· ha I been so httle t ime to talk aft'"'r " ~stlak e lC\cnled h R sec~t nnd Car row haa. leen so e 0 t'f p oue s ibJ ct alo1 e tbA.t e Lid sked no q 1 ei-;t1ons ie ii.peot1ng tht:: cl J l 1or l ut the 1rec1ous etunes "ern cl est 1::.1 B ·t he I d 1 lei t) of I s re to pon<l er 11ow pou tl s rnatte1 -DO\\ indeed mo1e than he car I tu1 u 1 sometin es I e also <lrPn ed oi 1t at n1ght Nov he vo Id lr<'a n of a l!ttlc !adv lt:!irel tenrlerl) \\th ever\ care and kind nees fie J ctl ie 1 h 1 in a lu:xunously fur n1sl ed home He see1ne l to see a fire bl;t.z ng ou the hea1tl c ltta1ns clo.!lely lrawn a v111teiJs landscape .,, itho1 t- tl l:.! !:'\llOW fulllng hea·1lv She 1ass1tt1ng by ti e fire 1 er J.lrctty 1 ltle face rest r g on l e1 hand B the ruddy glo ' of tbe l ve coal lath ng her fa y ng h ad She wns s tt1ng ' a1t11 g Tlien she hud statteJ. up A sound h 1il cat ght her ear-a fovtfall..an...the ioad with o t Son el o :v he "as the1c too by her s1dc 01ead11 g the corutng stev tr\1ng to peri:;uade the child thnt it wns her fanci-tl at she hatl heard no sound trying to ind ice hr to allo v h1m to put np the cha t and bolt the door for the mght for it m lSt now be too late for 1 er father to come Bl t she \Ii ould not hri.ten to } n1 She ha.d gone to the door l he steps grev; near er He dare not '\\'Ent where he "'~ but must follo\V her-wait close to I er-gnze shu IderJngly out rnto t11e darkness-listen ·nth a greedy ear for the dread sound But no Tha1 k l ~aveu no one 'vas there She had been mistaken All was ~ lent t:a.i: e the fa111t murin r of th.c coming wind-the \\incl r1sn1g af r off rustling an ong the trees new 111wclhng 1nto a roar ar und the house He wtEbed the "rnd "ould cease that he nugbt hslc1 Jor be fauctcd that he co lid henr sqmeth ng l kc tbe ·ound of a human voice The girl was hsten i g too bnt she chd not seem to hcn.1 wl a he hei'lrd Now she did l owever Now thev both hea1 l d1'trnctly It "as the voice of" despairing 111au- a voice t11at cried for sue cur in a 'P teo s tone I Take me off 1t said-take me off 1 ave been robbed nnd left here to d e. Vi ti! no bod) save me-nobody come to my rescue 1 Atanotbe1 t nle u1 Lis unl appv dren n!) be \VO lld picture her n poor ra,..,ged cl Id watclung outs1Cle the dock gate'l gazing wl8tfullv rnto the faceo of the passers b' a ld be 0 ging for nA\VS of l er f tl er ,.,. slie ex1 ectetl to arrn e He tho 10 ht that "I en be 1 t d d 1 e found I n aitu ~ and that sl e p1cl e 1 11 n out n 1n on~ the <:10 ~d He sa\v 1 er "1 tr \ nn fa e looking at grat.Ific 1 ht'r ti te and f re ~s v t i a la, sl hand It '\V s no g1eat \\or J... c that her JIJ nd g1own n 01 1d ti ro i;h i 1<lt lge ce ·ho 1ld at 1ast l tu kt-1 after unntta nnble t1 1 0 ci. So1ne good t 1 at was not to be bougl t son1 pleas: ire bi...:101 g 0 to another 'vas 1n\ar t.bl J the pus..;:t!~~1ou wb cl sl o i 1ost covet d Card casea n1 I oth r toys her lather nouid ba,e bought I et by tie dozen \n t ti ese vould have l:.11 l no value in l e1 e\es N o one \\ ould ha\ e nuesed tben no one would have ::.earcl c 1 fo1 tl em grieving - 111 a word the sense and ,sor1ow of loss rn anoth er \VM \\hat J leas4d her and not the gain to l erscll 1 ll'l's' strange selfishness- this cruel greed rn 1 er aoul-was 'ti e ftmt at all tho e J ears of blmd rndulge ce during "h1ch her father had grahfied her evon sell a1 l not llki 1g Mt s ~f 11on att I e tro iblc l 1 u scU 1 cry ltttlc to I e c I t hel TJ S \ aS tJic a8fCt Of ff I tl e F'"' E dea~o1 dJS nl ar k I I gers at the port of Loi 101 Papa wl ropercd M s \t w, n l Calv1:;rley tn corue a 'vh1n1 1 There "'ns one per801 on l oard the Fai Endeator \vbo \\ a.tcbed N E!d Carro\\ depart 'v1th an anxious co lntenance-one pe1.son "lo as he walked bnskl) awav felt her he trt tl e lighter for every step 110 took '1 bis wa Miss Manon Vi y~tt-a yo mg lady uossess1ng a handsome but 1a her heavy face, a. s1ngul Ily quiet step an obsei"\ 1 Jg manner and a ready hand Did any one n ala' a. Look M es .i\Iar1on \V vatt al ways knew where It was and her shm fingers seemed ever 011 the alert to fetch it forth from some forgotten nook Did anv lady passenger lo::.e l er worl her sc ssors her tlumble Miss Wyatt was usually appealed to with Sl ccess l er ol servant eye had seen the nt1s::.1ng article or her n1 nble l an d had i11cked it up and stored it nway m safety People gre" exceedingly gratetul to her for theoe httle attent10ns 1' I at a I ead you have s:ucl t11e ladies adnuungl) as they pocl eted the restured rroperty Upon rr y \\ord you a1e very obi g-11 g obr.:er\ ed the gentlemen as o:.o ne old faded glove <iome battered c gar cnse sotn; v. orth less pen.holder "as nm ably rc~torted to then by watchful MISS Wiatt Of course there ' as ocoas ors v.: hen tl l S JOUug !adv· wa1y O)e and ready hand "ere both at faull occal::ltons w l en thi ~gs v.tre ietre,ri.llvlost nnl all Ier"ilhng readiness to a1d m the1r search I ro\ ed un ava1l 1 gThis ' a.;;;; the cnse onee \Vhen a gold th1mhle was n 1sla :1 at d rirra n ' hen a car' ed i 01 J card case n y!'.ter ous ly dis a1 peared On eacl of Lhetie o{;cai:s o s, ~11 s V\:) att bud not seen t1 cart des u quest on and la l l een unfortu1ately 1ea<l1n 0 o v.: rt 1ng und therefore n1 s eel these opportu1 I ties of sl o 1ng a l 1n lncs~ to her fellow I aissengers ~h dear Mtss IVJatt if JOU have 10\ seen n) tl 1m\ I I ,.,1ve it ip dtngetl r re a1a1kc>d the ladJ \\ho h1:1.<l lo.st 1t tor T t 1n ~ure tl ere 1s no one el:.e '\vho "ould 1 ive the sen(:le an 1 k 1 dness to notice Jn 'Lat careless place l lelt it I bni;c searcl1ed Jor it evervwheie 1e sponded ~11ss \:\ yntt \VJtl 11nmense e nnest neSR and I am 1u1te cert.:i.1n I ~hould ha'e found it had it been here It ts my oprn10n one of those rnisch1evo :ta cluldren hai throw· it overboat cl Tbs caused the Id maid to "horn she spoke to regard the children.for n1any a day with a malignant C\e but it also ca\tsed her to cease all search fu1 the n p=s1ns- pro pertJ as useles<;( Meanwhile tie th n ble tl e crud case and man) otl er th ngs ol \ah e rcpos d j t etly lll M ss Wya tt' tn 1 k She l al a inan a or p lfer g srnall things and bc1ng r cl and apparer tlv above SU :iJ!lC er \\'18 aJle to indulge 1 er proper sit) ,.,1th "e1y little risk The on!) cluld of a wealth' mone' lender who alo1cc.1 l er; anll who Set a thtef to catch a thtef says 'p1overb That mennA there IS an affinity in evil a d a coveto 1s eye "Wtll recogn1.se a k ndrcd spn t with half a glance Thus Mis, Mai ion"\~ i:att watchlng NeU Carro' soon perceived an unea,s1ness ID the man-a false (lo\\ of sptrtts and a forced tranqmhty "h1ch to her acute JlllDd betokened the po 0 >:iese1on of nnlnwful goods It ann1sed ber to not1ce 1 ow often his eyes turned to his cab.111 door l ow quick his steps gre\v as he ne&.red it and l: ow ne:i:vous and eager his hand a1 I eared as he closed it nga1nst the world 'I hen agarn th1s clo<rng of the dot)r was al" ays followed to her stra ntd ear bJ a suUdued and sb1 fl! ng noise-a sound 111 "Inch such a sense as here recog nlzed caution an<l fear I sho 1ld like to know what I e loo! s at e'er) time he shuts hi nselft: o in lus ca.bin "'lid 1'1t6" Wyatt to hcrsell And w th , ery ren1ar.kable rat1ence she ' a1ted. for an op portumty to grahfy ti is cur oSJty It came at last It was the capta 1 s b rthday and an exceechngl} gooa dinner "as f llo \ ed bv a con,1\:1al me~ting a1n ong tl e gentle men w} o sat up la e a1 d toaBted each other and bep1a1sed ench other aod slap pc l each otl er on tie uack w th a great deal of tlo1se a 1 L larger an10 nt el I quor Du1 ng tb10 I me Mt <s I\ yatt lJ rng asleep on one of the i;ofn;; sa \ Mi E 1 a l Oar ro v 'vi le f nil ling 11 Ju::. pocket for o l · no11ecl c 0 a1 l ~t foll o the 11001 a srr al k ei: "\"\hen te "as got e ~1 e yo ncei it <:i1]entl} as n cut and :v} le the fun a nor.Jg tJ e gen t}etne I gre t :::it al d Ur O ~ Ahe er J t into I 1s al in at J look l r nd I er \'11 t h Alv 1 h k1 g eJea for some lox or cnse tu fit th e J v Si e fut 11 t ve-r' ·oon-a J ttle c t l r rnn ng crosl'I. the r - a eou t1 \ a11ce ar l econot v of srriee often Jqun I on l rir I sl 11 q-- On OJ el g ti s -rtf ci Wyattsd1sappon t<>d g ze fell on an old pan al sl Pl r'{ l 1 ur br HI~ nnd n ntPerscl a m and 8he "as il out to close the d@or '" th a \e:xed a 1 l e a curious spatkle in one of the carac o ci i:iltppera caugh t her eJe She snatcbe 1 lt t p nnd to lnd the d1a no1 d necklace Tl e settu K \ as black Rlid tat mshed aud the stones so dulled by th s means that ~hu \\:.t.S far frotn g lessing tl e1r real val e l lt she> none the less n1ade 11 1 e1 n111 d to take possess on of it at the ear] est oppo1 ttn 1ty She \Vas too c1 n ng to steal lt no~ because Ne 1 Ca11ow had seen be1 sleeping o!l. the sofa when le dropped the key Acco1drn 0 h sl e re placed the ol 1 sl ppe1 w th tts-eostl1 lrnrn g rn tic box and after lockrng it 'he crept oack softly to tl e sofa p tttrng the keT precl8cly on ti e same 'lat on the carpet where she found 1t She had not long to wait 1 efore Neel Canow '\1th a white face ' as bo.ck nga n ln the saloon Miss Wyatt a1e )Oll sleepu g ! he said I have lost a I t tl e kc) ha\e you seen it anywheie ! No returned Mt s Wyatt opening 1 er eyes in the sleepiest manner Ho\v sl ould I see it ""hen I l ave been fast neleep ~ .A:s she spoke Ned Carrow pounced on h1s 1 neea on the floor and found the key Ah heie it ro I must ha>e drolled it JllSt nou he said c.:.1reles ly · He forth" 1tl dieappeared rn the cab t an] M ,, >\ yatt !au~! el wl en he re ap peared "1th an as::.Hrcd countenance But he \von t kee1 tbe nccklacP ln the cupboar<l no" ·he said He 11 be afra d SJ e 'vas ught He lucl the <linmonds ln a place \vb ere 1t was i 1ucb eas er for her to get at them and whence her adroit finr-.er after a delay of a day or two ·afely a bstrncted tl en In all the uproar an l srnrch that follo v ed no one on bQard sn.spected the qu iet rwh Mrns W)att to be tie tl 1ef Netertl c l ess sale a~ Rl e felt herself to be there v. as sornet n1es a l'I} gbt t ghte n1ng of the nerves as sl e tho ght of the diamond necldace lying in l er tr nk tnd on lar ding it wns a grt!at rel ef to see th!;' reck1eas figure of Ned Curow d sappear for ever from her fiill'"!l t make t m fix a day fo1 l fhu s prorn1 le l 1111 \\ r v1tat1on ID ii e l pecuha 1 to } i I sl nll be del "I ted 1s 1 t 1 cJ the Ca.pta n ' 1th a !"'lance fl.L L ucy V\: I r doyo1 lang out! - 1\-1v town house s n E t\ tvu Oq an 1e spon lc<l M1 W) att I l cit 0 .A l our du ner hour s ~even Tl 01 I r n ex pcct yon on Thur;;da· 1 The Capta n 1mn atd both you g lauies v.; t1 a splend d sn1 1 aa l;ie ns vere l n tl e nffirrnat1' e I sh I I co mt the mrn ttes unhl T l rn du) he said to I lCY as be s l 1ce:zed 1 er bud Good \Jye Mtss \\ yatt 1t i ll re 1! ly sel:ltn au age until we ::r ect n ~/t n Hav1ui;{ th ts n ade himself ngrel!al le he departed in an airy 1nanner lnssn g Ins hand us h1s Hansom darted ro 11 i t he cclt ner after Ned Carrow a fal g foot~tc ps (To be Cont nued ) Ind1.,n Jugglmg BEST HOT AIR DRUM Sewing Ma.chines.· DR· 0 AR S 0 N 'S MEI>l:C:tNES. L. QUICK. And lFa:t"e'Well, XcGee, &: Butled.ge, It""' Inn tl T'O :-l the 11 ll bar~ of tl e gates Ile s: v l e1 t!yes folio vn a his every in oven ent Some ho¥ };> e kne v he 1nHt1n t 'elv .a d she seein e-1 to 11 ow h1m How v. as he to o.v~11 he1 1 Was there a ' escopc 1 A.nv \'\aV Qtlt bet; des ti IO 0 h the gates \Vhe~C she "\Va1ted 1 ~ o Then 1 e 11u s.t 1:::crew up his courage 0011 foco her He had reached the 0 ale ~· Jooked at hnn nnx ouslv I-Ie paesed in. s1 lence He had escaped But no A sound upon the paver.oent -a soft to11ch on h1s arn1 behind him Oh m, what message did he send uw 1 You have come from him ha. e yoll l!llot 1 When will be be here 1 Oh str 1 am so '\veary of \va ting So much for the fanetful creat10ns of :thJB 1ascal bnun No" for ieahty SI e \illS va ting for h1n ~Iany weary weel s ana n onths sl e b ld bee11 hopn1g fior his et 111 The last letter \\'l'Jtten fix~ d the I robn.ble <late ar 1 sl el ad 11 der.ecoretl it JO\O sl upon the al 10.1 nc Bt cam~ I.twas not alone the goods of others that :Li.far on covett:"d Sl e \lias ore f tl ose 1cnlo H~ n11t1 r("s tl at can ne\ er be co11tent with \Vl at is their o vn Thus a love offer el t l erse1f \as w 1thles wlili.! she,votl~ str ve with I eart 11n l soul to "ln a lo~e fio1n ano her l\Otnan Too often sne e c ce(;ded an l tl en the 1nn1 in l is turo wafl fo16Uke1 as I eartll!e 1y as l e l ad been won fo1 the old fa1l g ln I r soul n1ade l of 1 o value no\\ her 1lv pleasue be1ng n ha\1ng caused a. loss to nnother Hence lt can be in ag1ne<l with wha.t feeling she 1:::aw the onl) desirable man on boa1 l be;tow all his attention on her pretty CODJ} an on Lucy rt-la1nwa11ng SJ e had not troubled herself mucL al out h1n1 at fir~t hut o.s isoon as she percei'e 1 that Lucy Lad won l11ru ond Lucy loved him, she became passionately bent on v; n nmg him herself Day by day she ·et her self to the taek and the de,ire mcreasmg with the puromt she had the mtSen at last of percen 1!(t i nt she had fallen despe1atc ly 111 lo\ e "ttl o tt a 1 ope of r tun As for C ta n Cah e1leJ b1m<elf he ev d~ntlJ cono:. Uere l t a ~cry pro.per ar d natural tl in 0 tl :it tbe two hl\"11clson1est 'oung laches on board sl onld b e in love " tl h m 13t t being as much attacl ed to Lucy as he could be to any one except b1111 "ho lhc t me ha<l iassed b) "' d he Jet not 01 \\t!ary "Wenrv l fe for ti se live b 1t to "a t-' ho wart but to I