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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 19 Jan 1872, p. 2

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· · THE MERCHANT ilOALE OF ADVERTis'EMENTB 101. ..4. T:Sil FRIDAY JANUARY 19 1872 Fisk and the Confederate Bonds ITEMS A column 40 half colUJUll 20 of · column $l.O om·ll e..rn. 34. FOlt l!IX HOllTltS one f~urth A e<>lumn $?0 of a column G oolulWl 51~ ono fourth FOB 'l'HJ.ED MONTH8 \. column 12 half n. column $1 one (ou -th facolmn5 GCCA.e:IONAL .4.DV!RTI81.MENT8 Fo r cents I er 1 e for :6. at mse1t o an two cents -pe 1 ne for each subsequent sert on Wants S tuat ons ft.Cant tc w 1l be n erted (o 20 cents first sertlon and 10 centa e:.ioh subsequent one Those who advert ae a whole col unn or l alf column cn.n ha...,e the r advert sementsohani,.ed 9nee ev1:tt.y ax ltlOnths f they uell re t 'r New Advertisements Change of B s ness-'V }!c)furtrJ S lver Tongue ce & Barke Change of Bus ness ):t:rs E Cawker Sheep St a) ·d J obn Elford bert Yo g-V cternnr~ Surgeo1 Stray Steer J Geddes Inso vent Act Morgan '\Vood !-'at nt Sh~1.1p !\.{arks Wa ted-Anderson & Co Cert -ficate- R & H 0 Hara J[ to J et-M -s Fletcher Ro :v nanv lle In ~lement A.gen 'I To tho Public-I Smitb A Nev lt'Ia.n H Horwood Tel"th ext acted 25 cents-J M Dr ma.combe Stray ed-J M·yne.rd llye Cups-EB Grydenna 1 r.>ent) five dollars Revard Poultry wa ted-T E Srmson & S mson Bros Not ce R W ndatt Nev Sl op-W Morr son Immense S} H 11 Strayed-Alex Thompson ANew P ctur11 Galle 'Y-S W Sexton Fu a Ma.rkus Mayers Nev Goods Murdoch Brothe 3 Ha.rd to bel eve-H Ell ott Stoves-E Horsey Ironmongery- J McLeod A Ca.rd-L Qu ck Specta.clea-Aa.ron Buel ler Photogrn,phe-E J Fletcher Tnma.n Steamship Go -Yellov. lees & Q ck Eug ne 'Voolen M lla-W Tue General book store -C Barker Aa.!3h Doors and Blinds - H L Farley Corn for S·le -J McDougall lll advert sements will be msertcu and eh·1ged for nttl ordered otherwJSe by ad \elt SfI n Not ce-'lhos Bnmacombe S R BrR-lsha v Dr Careon e Med c nea ~lttthnut. BOWMAN"\ ILLE JAN 19 1872 PREPAYMENT It is l oped that all our patrons w 11 see the propr ety of I re1 avrng for tbe MER CHANT tl e Jo v pr ce (75 cents) at b1ch we render it does not admit of any other thai a cash S) stem 0 ir Camer Boys are a tl o sed to rPce1ve eubscr1pt1ons and 'v11l furn sl rece pts the folio v ng "eek Par t es "ho 1ece ve tie MERCHANT by mo l will greatly ob! ge I y forward ng the t st b scr pttons tb s week SEHNTY Fn E Cirnw Look at it So ar as 'e k ow t is the cl eapeot L cal paper 1 the Dom o We respectfully ask all our fi eu ls to epay fo1 the ~lERCHANT rhe se eral ------·· half of the Co mcil The motton wae lost on the followmg vote Yea· Messrs Los combe aud Cowie Nays JlfoDou goll Bradsha~ Fare veil Br rk 'lhompson Porter Con.a il All n a1 d ti e I.favor Dr Patterson"' a~ exc sed from voh g Mo ed b) Mr Co saul seconded by Mr Cowie -WI ereas at two pi bhc meet ngs of the Ratepayers of th mtu c1pal ty held d nng the last Jear the que ton of grant ng aid to the proposed Bowmanville Lmd say and Bobca) geon Rm! ay 1 as favorably cous1derel by the sad iate payers Tl eiefore be it '8ofoed that 1ll the opm 101 of this Council a d to the extent of $100 0()1) should be.granted by the M n c pal ty of the To n of Bo vmam ille to ' nrds tie conatr ct on of the rn1d Railway a1 d a By la v for that p rpose should be sul m tted to the Electoro A d furtl e tl at Messrs Thomr son McDougall Farewell the Mayo an I the ltceve be appo nted a Co nm1tec to draft a By la11 for th it purpose " l 1 nstr c tion!"I to s bin t the same to tl a not TJCll n.t the eaihest day on vh cl the oame can he la vfull; s bm1tted to the Electors Car t ed unnn1mously Mo' ed l J R R Loscom s conded bv Tohn Allen -That the Clerk of th s Uouu c1l be and s I ereby d reeled tog ve to all part1es interested notice of ti e 1ntent on of th s Counc l to pass a By law for tbe open g of the or g nal rood ollo vunce on the Western ho ndary of the Town of Bo v manville ftom Krng Str ct to the Second Concession and to put I sh I i one of the local pnpers for the To· n a 1 ot ce of the rntended 1 trod ct on of sa d By law and to take all oteps and do all such acta as tl e la\ in such casr- requ1res Moved by R R Loscom le seconded b' F Y Co le -rhat the Cleik ofth1s Co 11 I do ad verl se for ten de s for the pr nt ng req u red by this Co ncil for tl e j ear 1872 Ca med Moveu by "\\ Thompson seconded by M Porter-Tlat vhereas Sect on No 161 of the Mume pal Act make· it the duty of all Mnmcipal Councils tofenq ire each year rnto the vohd1ty of the Treasurers Bond· Tl erefore he it resolved that the Mayor and Messrs McDo gall an l Burk boa cnmm ttee to enqune rnto the val d1ty of the Treasmer · Bond of tl s Mtn c pal tv an l report to ti s Co ncil at its next ses s on Carried Mo' ed by R R Loscomoe seconded by F Y Co· le -That Mrs Beer be allo ved the Sim of 01 · dollar per week for the purpose of ass st ng 1n n a1nta1n1ng her tn hl f 1rther 01de" Can ed MoHd by \\ Thompson seconded by J McDo gall -'.I I at the s 1 of $50 be paid to M Poiter Cha r nan of ti e Road and Street Comn ttee as a pa1t1al rein nera t1on fer h s 'aluahle nnd nt ng serv ces rn that capac t} for the 'Oar 1871-Carr ed o· very relresl ine The la t' tool an ore active nterest n the several ineet 0 8 than tl ey ha\ e been ace JStomed to do S 1ch gall er Darlington Agricultural Society iugs canr ot L l of l ro<l c. nn n ucl good Tl e nnn al meeting of the Du I 1gto 11 e exeha i 0 e of p Ip ts on tl e 7tl rnst Agr c ltural Soc ety as 1 eld m the Coun vas fulh " I ! rnth SC I v Lh b) ti c several c I Cl amber Bown anv1lle on rr esday cot gregations \Ve veu.t e to ~ gge t to 9th nst Tl e PieSilent Wm W ndatt the several pastois tl at ve1e tl ej to rep ut tl e act ea) once 1n three n o tbs the 1 te1 Esq n the cl a 1 o 11 be p1omot I The report of tie Dmctor, cl a d ests of tr e rel go l a 101 le 1 ti ere! ' 'I he follow 1 g pe1'0113 vero elected of Bel old l ow good and. lovrl~snta ficer. of the Society for the ens g yea th g it IS fo1 I reth e to ell togctl e1 n " P eSident-\\ m Clemens Esq V ce Pre <l t-Wm Leask Accident Secretary and Ire., 1rer-R. Wrndatt A rnelanchol; a o dent occ ured o D rectors- Geo S Shaw T T Colen a1 Tho· Ward It D Foley W H Elford dtn last t ti e Ca t l :)l t g1 $t 1 Wu Wery John Stamtou H.obt Beith which Mr Joh i Stacy tic n 1ller deal! Neal :Mac Kay A d tors-1' 11 W ilatt and Henry Elliott Jr A 'ote of thanks was l ussed to tl · re tr ng Pre· de it and smtal !J aekno 11 !edged Meooro Wm Wrndatt Geo Sha r a R chard f olcy were appo nted a dep i. t on to ·wait I pon the Cou1 ty Sqciety t~ Acotoners endeavor to obta1 a grant tow r ls the 1n h1m death be n i stantnnf':o ts r111quest "a:> 1 eld and a ve d ct i l acccrd lei led1 ess 01 tl e Sho11 Ground Mcssr M Joness and Wm Wmdatt were ance with tl e fa ts of the cnRP rcturne 1 for fixrng his Mlary Orde a 'vere granted on the Treasu1e1 o..s follows -Darlmgton Agricultural Soc ety appropuated m Apr l last $25 R W n datt account fo1 postage ·tat10ncry r g · tr.tion of b i tho n arr ages aud lea ti s &c $19 52 Poor $28 62 Cou1 cl UUJOUrned to Tl urs lav !st Fcl ruar' at 10 nm 1t "INDA1T 'Ip Ckrk THE WEEK OF PRAYER The series of prayer meet ngs m the Bible Chnstmn Congreg&t1onal Prim1t ve ]\[eth od10t Canada Presbyterian a 1 I 1' e·leyan Metho l ·ts churcl., 1 g ti e several ch better t McCLUNG BROS will sell CrQekery · Chma Glassware and Lamps for the next 30 days AT COST prior to 111ak mg a change m the Grocery Department '""e Cash paid for any quantity of Tm keys Geese Ducks and Chickens at :McCLUNG BROS a1 lo nted a co1nm1ttcc to examine the .Agr1 c ltural Act and suegest an endmei ts to the ii em be I for tl a R d n 0 On motio t wa ordere l that the Fall Sho ' I e ti ro rn open to the P onnce and that pcrt;ons who'E!e .su bscr pt ons are not pave! b) tl e 1st of June n>av compete by payrng $2 A n1ot on was aliso paeeed appro\ ing of the rr ethod of obtn1mng Judges from neigh bo1 ni; Societies The mcehng then adjourned A Treat \\c are 1lease1 to a no 1 ce tl at ti c g eat Lvr c Sta Ro a DE na E ms I I ma Don1 a uten ls v s t ng o to vn sl ortly fo1 the pm[ o c of g mg one of! er repertoires of Mlls cf on mu iv Lands The A t Jo al speaks of her as folio s Mdlle Rosa D Er na 1s a. cha11111ng yot lg a lisle of unquestwnal le talent her p re and beautif 11 vo ce a1 d the perfect · SJm pl c ty and nat ralne s of her style p1cser t el a. cl a1n1 1il ch wa$ ros t vel'! 1rres1~t ble CHANGE Ol' TIME 'J;ra ns Jea Do '!Vmanv1ll lle t me as "lllO\l s GOI~G MEETING OF THE HORTICUL TURAL SOCIETY They are Commg I Stat OY! Bo :VES1 an Who l Any Lio d s Set sat1011 and Clar The A.nn al n eel ng for the elect on of ley Garde1 eI s 01 o Tl s eleb uted t o pc v1U g ve one of the1 \Vorld reno vne 1 en officers &c wos held n the Council Cham ber on Fr day afternoon last tertam nents rn 01 r To n Hall 01 \\ ed M P Colemau read the follo vrng nesday even 11g next The a1 ray of talent REPORT is form dable and' a1 ed and vherever they The e to f! Ill sub1u ttn g the r 1\IlD al have exh bite 1 have rece ved high et:o11u ns report ot ti e proceed 1g· and pre·ent from tl e press EAST \ Mxed Pu. senger 835am 4J01m 7 35 p m Mail ~ 30 J m Stage leaves B odie s IIotel f<'l 430pro ll25pn eve y tm n 7 So a.. n 11 05 a. m a MARRIED :lrlA.RT!l-1-HOOlER-At b s res de ce n Bow ma.nv lle on tic 17th nst by the R~ E Ilobe ts !\.fr John B Martyn to !fl ~ El z a beth Hooper both of Bowman v Ue SJtVER-:\f'\."INIBD-At the residence of the b des father Bowman Ile on the 17tl st by the Rev Dr Macnab JYtr Cl!! H S lv- r G ocer to M~ry Jmie tildest <la i 0 hte of Mr Joseph 1':Iayna. d ~----reports lll tl lS 1S$UC l~avea Mo>ed by S B Bradshaw secondei 1 J lo 1001n for ed1tonal comment W K B rke - That the follo1 rng gentle men be a Com mtt e- to revrne the by laws of th · To vn R R Loscombe the Mayor Ree\e aud J E Fa e ell -Carr ed I herebv g ve ot1c· that I ' II l& tie text meeting f tl 3 Cot i c] ntrood ice a By la' for tbe ·PI orntme t of tie To n officer1:> for t1 e c 111e1 t Jea1 " l HOMPSOY II e Counc 1 to tl s n gl t t ·o week at 7 30 pm R WJNDA~T RAILWAY MEETING A lelegat on composed of tie ~fo}or C t F tl el8 ai d eeverol 1 us1 ess 1eu of our to"' attended a p bl c 1 eetmg of ti e ratcp·) eIS of ti c Io rn of Lrndsay o rue· lo) e>eo ug last and spoke oj w] at had been dote wl at was to be do1 e an<l bat the pro~pects were of the proposed l ne of ra I :i.: a~ r lnn ng north from Bo v mam lie bv vav of L nday to Bobeo.1 geon Mi La lla~ of the N pp ,. ng R R un will n~ U at e sho 1ld ha·e the fold to Q N:.el\es put non appearance b t fa led to t ke an op] res' on 1'he ge e al feel 1ng at tl cm cl ng as 1 fa.\ or of tl e pro 1 osed 1 ne and Jead1ng i Jen i i L ndsuy ga e tie "arn est utterance· of s 1pport to thr delegation We are ncl ed to tic op n on ti t our rail vav pro·pect· are brightemng a d tJ at at no d stant clay work v 11 be com n nee l on ti e propoeed 10 1te It " 11 bo seen that o To n Counc 11 ave tak n atcps rn ti e n l otllei um c paht1eo r ght d rect on the s pport of the nortll\\ ar] re n t ng p OJCCt Tow 1 Ole J ----·----TOWNSHIP COUNCIL '.! o "~ H <LL HA>"\IPTON Jan lutb Tl c Cou c l for the To ush p of Dari g ton 1 et at noon nn abote nan ed da) 1 accoida ce wit\ tl e Stat te Messrs W Bro"n and H W n rk De] u y Rec es a d Mesm W Windatt ar. l C V Sn ti Co ncillor. made ti e 1eclatat10ns of qua! flea 1on anG. of office and took tl e r seats In the ab·ence of the Rec e who s confin ed to hIS hon e 1 y an accident Mr Brown \\as asked to pres1uc The mrn tes of last meet g of Co nc1l of last year "ere read ai d c01 firn ed A By law was passed rn aJ pomti n Me srs " H Rogers and 1\ Williams as Au htor~ A petition was presented f101 Benpm n Po" ell at d other.for dlVls on of Road beat -Referred to Counc1llor Sru1tb A comm nicat on 'vas prestlnLed f1on1 R chard Bairett den and ng $6 dama 0 eo fo nJmy to b ggy and harness Mo ed b; M1 Wrndatt 'econ led bJ M Burk That m regard to a b1ll pe· nted bi R1cha d Banett for damages to B gg) an l haTnei:. sustained on account of a dcfectt e b~ dge on the Town Lrne the matte1 bo ln1d over tJJl next meet g ot Cou c I fo1 tie p upose of ehc t ng further rnforn at10 -Carr ed Mr \\ Cryderman made a '°i bal ap1 h cat1on for re appo111tu1ent as Assessor A By law to OJ en1ng certa n :!!trcets n ti eY llage of H I ton no mt oduced a1 l read a first tin e Moved ly Mr S LI ·eeo ded hi Mr Vi mdatt - I I at tic colloctoi s hereby authorized to cont o e tbe collect o i of all unpaid taxes up to U e first Jay of Felr ory next Carried Moved by M Sm ti sec01 dod by III r Burk - rhat Ole k--<\o oommm cat~ " th Mi Hann ng request ng I rn to furm,[ a copy of the 1 scr pt on of ti e st n ·) an I plao of oad bet Hen l ts 32 and 33 rn tbc 7tl con Cu r d Moved bv MI Wrn latt secon led by ~fr Smith -Tl at tie Clerk be and u; l erel>v 1 stricted to a 1vcrt sc Jor te1 deia Jo tl c To :\'. nsh1p pr ntin 0 and a]\ e tis g ior tl e present yea1 Uarr1e] Move l by J\Ir B rk seconded by Mr Sm th -That the Clerk s hereby rnstruct ed to put a not ce 1 i the St<. tesr in news paper that the Toll G te on ti e Seu og road Hll be lot l) pu11 e auct o on tl e let lay of Fcbrunrv next at one o clock 11 the ro"' Hall Hamptou Carr ed Moved bi Mr Bu1k secondel b) M Wrn latt -That !he Clerk is he>cby '" s&ructed to adHrttse for tenders to fur1 sl on or beto e the 1st June next 20 000 fe t of 3 mch prne plank three fourth of ti e quantity to be 16 feet long and one fo 1th to be 12 feotloi g deln e1ed at the follow1n~ places v z -C W Sm th · lot 29 7th cou 2 000 H W Burks lot 20 !st con 2 000 Wm BIOwn · lot 14 6th cor 3 500 Wm Wmdatt s lot 13 3rJ con 2 oOO S ' an·tone s 'J1y1one 4 000 Shorts Co nclS lot 29 2nd oon 6 000 Said teode1 to be put n on orb fore the next m e n0 of tl a Coune 1 ' h ch w ll take place !st February at 10 am Mr 'J{ nda t gave 1 ot cc tl at he II at next meet1n<s of Cot nc l in trod ce a l j law for the 1ppornt1 e t of an Assessor and 0 TOWN COUNCIL Co~NCIL CnA~!BER Jan 15tl 1872 The Co nc I ele t !or tie To"n of Bo v [) un 1 Cl au uer at noon th s daJ pm oua t to stat te and the folio VI g niem bets 1 a r g subscrtl ed to the declarat ons of l al ficat 01 and of office took the s at ' z F Ct l 1tt Mayor Wm Tl omp ' 1 Ree>e " h. B rk Dept ty Reeve a J ~Iessrs John McDor gall J E Fare II M Porte1 Dr Patterson John Allen S B Brru:1'Mw P " Consanl and R R Loscombe The Ma) 01 briefly addre·scd ti e Co mcil M 1 utes of Inst meet ng of Counc I for 1871 read an 1 conf rmed M ved by Mr Farewell secondeu by Mr B rk -That a Comn 1ttee conSIStmg ol Messrs fl ompson Consaul McDougall r rter ai d tl e Ma or be a Comm ttco to s tr ke tic standmg Committee for the year Can ed Counc l adJO tn·d till 7 30 p m COUNCIL CIIAMDER, ~ finances of this Soc etv beg to say that· nee our la111t a1 nl al n1eehng "e have had t~ o ery success( l exh b t ons of tl s Soc etv tie s m e an 1 f·ll tl e last be 1g a 'n on exh lnt on w ti ti e ro n sh ] of Dat! ngton Agr c ltuml Soc etJ '11 ch was a great su ess all tes lte l 1 1 n1utunl ben efit to both Soc ct es a1 u waH con lucted in tl e most fr e idly anc harmon ous 1 nnner Well! now ng tl e great object ofboth is the snn e v z to proc re and dccnn nntc ti roughout o r far cot ntrv the' eiy best k 1 d of f1mt root· and tield ar l gar !en vf'getables ~c of c e y var ety a 1J l6 adorn an l Uea tify our l on1es and countr' wit! e en th ng ti at s lovely 11 nature A d to eflect this ol~e t \ e arc happy to say tu at se' e1 al me1nbers of tl ie soc1ety are actively engaged rn procurmg seeds of most if not all the neweet and best var et es to be fo n lo the Olobe 1' e find the effect of honc~t n ble con pet hon JS surpr s ng encl tl) ug to excel And t · n fact that many ol o t gardens lave more than lo 1r led tie p1od ce ai 1 profi s lur ng tl e last th1ce 'ears Tl e f nds of the Soc etv I ow n the Treas 1 s I aids i. $45 88 an 1 no mdebt edness The d iectors now nge all our members a d f ends to take courage an i t n1 te and sol c tall their fnends and neighbor~ at once to becon10 n1embe1 and exert all their po ve s of m u<l a1 d l odJ to the procur ng ard c lt vat on of the cl o ce"'t f1[1ts vegc tal les an l flow erei l: icb o tr 1 ch soil l.S capable of producu g Officers ;o;eie elected as follo !! Pr s Je ·t -P Cole1 lan i; "' Preside t -H Draper See ewry - W R Clume Treasure -M Po ter D recto s -Messrs Fishel Cub tt Jo! n McClung H gg n botban H Beith J Mc Leod J Murdoch R. J Sha v an! T T Coleman Persona' We arc please 1 lo a stone Esq s rn llv JDJ 1r1es wl ich l e ago an accou1 t of l ch np1 cured 1n col inns He ns con eyed to l on Thursdav of I st eel A Large Stock of NEW FRUITS for Christmas and New Years at Low Pnees will be found at McCLUNG BROS Presentation Rev .Mr Reik e of the 001 gregnt onal Cl el I as bee i the l appy rec p1eHt of a Cl 1 stmas present in the Fhape of a Dmy for 18 2 onta ng $00 D a es of ti s k nd are not to be n et w ti e eiy da SILVER TONGUE ORGAN LATEST rJ e 0 taro Pa hament re asse1 ble l leg slate for thJS Prov nee iesterda) Ma) or Hall h uga n rett 1 e I dtt e of b s offico The Goll Feve is rn 0 g n Ma Jetter from Eun o to1 ··) s that early all tl e inn 1ng tnw1 s on t1 e N ~au ar nca ly lepor ulated to tl e rusl to tl e nc " Eldora lo Purt s ahead) tl ere are mak Jng fton1 01 e to t o tbouoan l doll a a a day Old Cahforn ans assert that ti e d gg gs a e s per1or tOl l osc i Cal forn a A Telegra n f om Ut ca N Y n fo1 u s us L1 at yesterday a" on at 1 ame l McA1tv d e v a revolver rn a str et a a l fir l at The subsc ibms 1espectfdl3 c;i,11 the atte.nt on of the lo' ern of good m is1c to the fact thut th.ev me the BOWMANVILLE PUL;t'ITS ~ ·Nurn1 2ls D s iplcs -A.I JO 30 am an l 6 30 pm 1: b S I d O e uppl f' Can da Presb) te1 an -At 11 au 6 30 p 11 Rev ~fr Smith Knk - At 10 30 a l l Rev MI EI scopal -At 11 a Ill and at Rev Dr 1vlacnab Congregat10nal - At 10 30 an an l 6 30 p n Rev ' r R 1k e B blc Ch 1strnns -At JO 30 a m Mr J G a d all d at 6 30 P m R ev R Ba k er Wesleyan Method st -At 10 30 am an l 6 30 l n Re A11 Ferguson Pr n t vc :bfetl odist -At 10 30 a n1 an 1 6 30 p m 1 FIE BEST PERIODICALS OF THE DAY The Great English Quarterlies and Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazme Rei led by th· Leon d Scott Pub sh Coznp ...ny 140 Jlult n ;street New Yor.K at about 01 e th rd the pr ce of the 011 0 anl;:i: Tl e Ed nburgh Rev ew '.Ihe I ondon Qua t ly Rc;ie lheWestnnste Ile e lleB t sh Qua te ly Rev ew pub! shed Qu.rterly J an a v ~pnl July October- il J. Bla kwoorl s b J'gh I\faga.z ne (A fac s m le of the ong nal P bl she l Monthly rERMS OE SUllSCH.Il rro N For any one Re ie 4 00 per n Foi any t ~o_Rey1e ' 7 00 For any three H.e e s 10 00 ~Fo all fo r He e s 12 00 For Ehtel ood s ~1:a0 nz ne 4 00 ~or Bl:wl vood n lone Re v ew 7 00 For Black ood a <l t vo R<v c Ya 10 00 For Black.wood and thiee R v e rs 13 00 'For Black vood and fou Rev ews lo 00 Genera) Agents for the whole of th tt sect10n of Ontano Lo the West and N 01 th of Belleville fo1 the sale of the deser vedly far famed Ea Silver Tongue ORGAN, maAuiactm ed b) as a m·n name l Tbomso The ball passed througl I s check and o e an l e 1te1ed the hea1 t vf another man s ttln 0 11 tbe car The latter sprang fro 1 h s seat and foll dead The T ch borne trial was resun ed on tl e 15th rnst Attorney opened for the defence n ony they ptopoo;::ecl to that the cla mant was a c nsp rotor perJ u er au l fo1ger rnd 1 fact a com no 1Dpostor a '1 v Ila n and that Ba gent and Ca ter h s accom11 cee weie scr pl lo s ro0 ues n1'..d conctlCt'11~ of th1s stupendous mpos1tlo a d read letters !'\bow ng that tl e real S t Ilogcr vm1 a refined gentle ncn the 'e1y opposite of the cla mant a d an no 1 ced tliat he would call among w1tuesses for the defence a tattoed nobleman wl o I ad tattoed Sr Roger aucl he would! also pro duco the eor sm of Sr Roger Mad no Rad cl ff who wo Id swoar that the da n a t ne'er I ad ill cit ntercour·e v ti her He con cl dei, h s speecl wl h was co n nenc ed on Mondav last to lay wl en ti e ex am nat on of w1tne se for tl e clefe ce 111 commence Needham & Son, New York, They will always have a stock on exh1b1twn at the Sabbath School Depot and Bible Clmstiau Book Room TORONTO 18 1872 J25tol 9 8 118tol20 068to070 043to044 068to069 068to070 bag950to100 OOOtoOOO 540to57o Ol7to020 020to022 55to580 6 50 to 6 75 5c to M 00 to 00 1500102250 14 00 to 14 00 0 37 to 40 CLUBS SABBATH SCHOOL CONFERENCE rJ e Conference of the 'l eachers of the Sabbath Schools m the Bo' man ville Hamp ton a d Osh"' a Cuen ts w11! (D v ) be I eld 1 tbe B C Chm cl Bowmam 11le on Thursday 2oth rnst,at!IO o clock AM A ft 11 and l unctual attendance of Teachers is earncstl; reque1ted After the routme b 10mess the follo"mg sul~ects Y1ll he mtrod ced and d .cus seu Isl. What 11 ea ' can be employed to s· c re a s table st pply of S S Teacl ers Introd ced by l\!r W W ndatt 2nd S S Lessons WI at topics shou I be er biaced tl erei 1-and what "011 · are w th n ti c reach of the Teachers to a d ti e n 1 their work Introd ICed by Mr C Burke 3rd " l at can be done to ere.le on the pail o[ ti e Chmch a greater 11 te1est m the Sabl atl School Introd ce l by Mr W Ho<l cit P-U DLIC MEETING ~ng St., Elowma.nville, where they ;i ill take great pleasure m s ippl) mg theu - triends For quality o± tone general get up and p1 ces nsked the S1h er Tongue Organs am without a s 1ccessful rnal As some pai ties h '" e bt(sred them seh es m en culatmg untruthful ie ports relativ.e to the 0pm1011 of certam persons who ha\ e added to theu homes pleasu1 es by purchasmg one of the choice ll18t1 mnents we select the followmg testimon11Js Ad count oft enty pe cent w ll 1 o a.llo cd to clubs of four or more pe :"Sons fh s f ur cop es of Black vood or of one R ev1e v v 11 be sent to o e ad l et8 for 12 80 fo r cor es of the fo r Rev e s n.nd Bl:l.Cl ood for 48 nnd so o 'lo cl b often or no e on to the e d sco nt a copy gra.t s v ll be n.llo ed to the gett~1 p of the ch: b PRElHUMS J P. RICE C. BARKER. 30 I m I I c rJounc l met pursuant to adJoUrn n ent HJS Vi orsb1p the llfM 01 m tho Mer hers ull p1esei t Mr Co vie cha one of the n embers for the ma the t declarat o s and took l a s at A c 1 cular \ as p1esc1 ted from V C S cor l me Pre· dent of the Do n m on Benevolent Assoc at1on ask ng aid for the Canad an s ffer·r· by the Cl icago fl re Re ce1 ved and fil d A n 1mher of accounts we1e presented nnd referred to the F nance Con tn ttee Mr Thon pson presented a repo1t from ti e special comm ttee appomted to strike the stand n 0 comm ttee as follows } na1 ce-~Ics.~ 'S Tl ompson Losco nbe Conaa 11 Brad ha· McDo gall Co vie and Burke Roads and Street,-Messrs Poiter Allen a1 cl Burk Pnbhc PropcrtJ-MeBSro McDougall Farewell Pa.ttt:rson and Conc::aul Poor Rel cf-Messrs Patter.on Allen Bradsh·w and Farewell Com t of RevJS on-Messrs McDougall Thompson Loscombe Goneaul and the Mayor The Report '""adopted By la s 1\ere passed for nppo ut nent of A td tors un I School Trustees Mr Looeo be s I rmttcd the draft of a pet t on of tl e Leg slature as! 1 g for po" e1 to 1 s e de bent res to tl e nuunt of lii3 000 to ass t Munufactunng Compan 1es &c an I mo\ ed seconded 1 y Mr Cowle - Tl at ti e Mavor do s 0 n the ame m be ON THE EDITORS TABLE DEMORESI s YouNG AMERICA fo1 F ebru WJthout cha ,,e the numbers for th e last<] a te of 1871 of such per od als as t i y may s b sor be fo Or instead of the [l,,hove ne subsc be s to a.ny two three or fo of tl e a.ho\ e l e od cals ma.y ha e as p em m o e of the l ou Re '\it!SfOJ:181 Ne tbei p em ums to s bsc l ers o isco nt to clubs can be allowed unless the money s re m tted d ect to the publ sl efl5 Nol em ms BOWMANVIT I E can be g ven to clubs Bo 'i'lIAKflLLE Jan JS:- 187'> 'lo sec rep em urns t v ll be neces~ a. y to Co ecte l by Tho101 $OU & Bur s make ea ly licat on ii.$ the stock a a lablo 9 for that purpose IB 1 m ted Fall Wbeat 1 2o to 1 8 C culn .s v;1th furthe part cuhws may be 1 a d Sprmg Wheal l 1~ to 1 20 Rye 0 68 to 0 60 on a1 phcaL on Baley 0Mto0o7 Leonard Scott Pub Co :Pe.., 0 o3 to 0 tiO 140 F Ito' St iVew-Yo k Oat. O 40 I<> O 40 Bt\er 015to016 J) e::ised Hogs 0 00 to ti ~ Clo er Seed o 50 to 6 00 also I ublish the FAR?. ER S GUI DE to Scent fie Potato· O 40 to O 40 and P ct cal !\.gr cult re By ff e ·y Ste ens Eggs 0 15 to 0 18 F R S Ed l gb aud tho lato J P No to w~ owtoo· Prof1.1ssor of Sc e t fie Agr c ltu e u Yale C lg Ne Have I'"'o vole Royal Octa o 1600 a nd n ero se gra frS P cts 7 dolla s by a. 1 post pa d 8 dolla s T ENDERS vill be recei ed by the und·r. g t s pln, c<l ed until the UWH o( F.l!:BRUAHY to ch nl end of bu ld a ne "N" School House nen the V lla.,.,e of A GREA 'l. O FFER Ne S bsc b e .s fo the J ear 187" n.'.l.y h ave The Leonard Scott Pub Co Tenders Wa.ntecl.. T Haydon Yo st ly N H BUCKNER Hav<lo JOHN ] LEl\IlNG Seo '11el!! 9 n lu Jan !Gth 18 2 v At 7 p 1 a Pub! c Mee rng" II be held vbcn addresses may be e pecte I o tic fol lo" g e I ~ects !st Tl e t se on I Jo er of 1ll JStrat10ns i i connect10n \\llh S " Teach ng by Mr E Hober ' 2nd What lS enfraced m the correct edu cat on of the ) o 1D 0 an 1 ho v far s tl e S S from its aturc calc l ted to effect l 3 ] fl e enco mgcments to S S Jabot by Mr J Kenne1 ~~~~:a:~ NOTICE ROACH Da liuglo Jan 17th Mrs. E. Cawker, I DEMOnEBI s MoNrnLY ~Lw;zrnE fo Februarv conta ns ts usual abt nd nt and va1 ed amot nt of gcod th r 0 s for a fan ly ma0 az n "e i ent on n J a t c 1lar ew mu'1c the Higblai d Laucets Poe r1 W n tn W nds Mam og for Money ,\. Wo mans Poem Motl er anu ch ld et Excelleut Storv T 1e Proi sso , W1fo m t l'll gfrom bus Deft" bel:ls to ret trn hc1 s n cerc thank1:1 to l er n moro s pat ons fo the l bera.l suppo t 1 u ng the t me l e haa been n At the same tune al o be s to Ml b smcss noun c tha.t she ha.s ret ed n favor of her two Sone hom sh tr st by O 'I esday next a p ibl c rea Hll take 1 l cc 1th B C Church m th s 'lown artei "h h a Lecture w 11 be dchvere I b\ the Rev J Kenner of Oshawa SubJOCt _ Ma 1 s Phys cal Structure Tntellectt al Pov eIS Moral Relatwnsh1ps and EesponSJble Character T ckets for Tea and I ect re 35cts Don t fail to attend S1'RI01 ATTE N'TIOY TO BUhIN'ESS and sup1 ly nl:I & FIRST CLASS ARTICLE, to i:;till me1 t that pa.t oua<:>e sol berally bosto v cd upoll her Stall No 1 Market Bmldmgs 1G tf tendance us it 1s n matter n wl cl eve1y one sl ould be tntereste I The ow e ca tl cm by I roVln 0 property nd p y1n., expenses CAME abo t to the p ~m e~ uf t1 e S s ber the lat I>ec last rw) El\ ES 3 lu JOHN ELFOBD Lot ?2 oth Con Dnrlingto1 r HO MPSON tfl

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